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    Russia - USA Relations


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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  kvs Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:27 am

    I remember having an exchange many years ago with some NASA apologist who claimed that step-function transitions in focus (i.e. you
    could see the "Moon" dust at high res until there is an obvious wall in the background indicating a studio fake instead of going out to infinity
    as in reality) were due to nonlinear optics. Total fcuking inanity designed for products of the US educational system. No lens could produce
    a flat surface limiting the field of view, even if there was a sharp change in focus due to nonlinearity, it would be hemispherical with the radii
    converging to the camera. You would have to deliberately create spliced lenses to mimic the effect of a wall. Why the fcuk would Moon
    cameras be rigged this way?

    Here we have some moron claiming that Bidet's hand can totally overlap the damper-covered microphone because of cell phone camera
    distortion. Unless the cell phone camera is doing pattern recognition type temporally asynchronous video stitching no such effect is
    possible. Cell phone camera distortion is known to everyone, it never produces causally meaningless effects since it is limited by
    physics. You can't morph objects obscured by other objects into the foreground in a 2D image since the information is not there in
    the image. Cell phone cameras are not million dollar image recognition devices.

    "Reaching beyond the press microphone" has to be the most moronic thing I have heard in a long while. Did the camera distortion
    just happen to shrink the size the Bidet's hand and increase the size of the microphone even though supposedly Bidet's hand was
    closer to the camera?

    Given the foaming at the mouth support for the Democrap Party and Bidet by the US fake stream media, such staged interviews
    are never going to be questioned. This fake video is cheese but I am afraid that it is good enough to fool the average imbecile
    mass media consumer. In the era of deep-fake video editing we are going to have total fabrications on TV and on the web being
    passed of as the truth.

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    Post  Hole Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:51 am

    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 Ewweqr10

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    Post  PhSt Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:00 pm

    Americunts and its lemmings love to regurgitate the same shit every time they have the opportunity. I believe its time for both Russia and China to set up their own version of G7 and return the favor to these scums by periodically releasing similar statements condemning G7 cuntries for their gross violation of international norms and laws Twisted Evil

    G7 slams Russia annexation of Crimea, seven years on

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:10 pm

    Notice they don't have a comment section?

    Can you guess why?

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:25 pm

    The G7 could care less about what the overwhelming majority of Crimeans want (including both Ukrainian and Tatar residents).

    Bloody hypocrite posers trying to hoodwink people around the world with their cheesy propaganda.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:16 pm

    Brilliant move! Let the whole world know now if Crookie Joe has the cojones to repeat now in a live and online face-to-face chat with VVP what he said behind his back!:

    President Putin Says He's Ready to Speak With Biden on Friday or Monday

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    Post  Hole Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:54 pm

    Putins response looked polite on the surface but between the lines he called Biden childish and gave a hint about his real health conditions. Or the upcoming replacement of Biden with Camel Harris, the woman that got less then 1% in the primaries! Now this challenge. Bidens handlers know he doesn´t stand a chance against mighty VVP. They wont allow this to happen, but Biden will look weak in the eyes of the international community (the real one, outside of the western world).

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    Post  Hole Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:55 pm

    One more!
    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 Ewxmfa10

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    Post  PhSt Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:02 pm

    Hole wrote:Putins response looked polite on the surface but between the lines he called Biden childish and gave a hint about his real health conditions. Or the upcoming replacement of Biden with Camel Harris, the woman that got less then 1% in the primaries! Now this challenge. Bidens handlers know he doesn´t stand a chance against mighty VVP. They wont allow this to happen, but Biden will look weak in the eyes of the international community (the real one, outside of the western world).

    Problem is, NATzO controlled media will downplay Putin's challenge and not even talk about it at all, pretend it never happened, and then continue with their usual barrage of recycled malicious accusations against Russia, Putin's challenge for direct talks will be buried in no time.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:45 pm

    Hole wrote:One more!
    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 Ewxmfa10

    'Russian Murderers' has got Senile Joe all riled up, somebody quick get some adolescent children to fondle his nether regions....that should calm his fragile heart. Wink

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:03 pm

    Jimmy Dore did another great video on this.

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    Post  LMFS Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:29 am

    Vladmir Putin's live-broadcast discussion with Joe Biden.

    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 EwyhbezWEAMIdQR?format=jpg&name=900x900

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    Post  Kiko Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:28 pm

    After Biden’s ‘killer’ comments about Putin, time to make a break in Russia-US relations; further engagement is pointless for now
    By Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and research director of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

    Joe Biden’s ‘yes’ to an interviewer’s question about Vladimir Putin being a killer sounds outrageous even against the backdrop of the dreadful relations between Washington and Moscow, which have been in free fall for a long time.

    His answer was met with a wide range of reactions in Russia. Some say the American president isn’t quite capable of understanding the questions he is asked, while others suggest that this was Biden declaring war against Putin.

    The first theory doesn’t seem credible – just watch the video. Biden speaks confidently and coherently, recalling his previous meetings with Putin that took place a long time ago. His answer to the question about Putin being a killer is somewhat demonstrative, actually. He is obviously in full possession of his faculties.

    As for the second theory, we could make a conjecture and say that with his definitive statement, Biden gave a signal to the enemies of the Kremlin, telling them that the Russian president is officially an outcast and can be treated as such. But this would mean that Russia is an important issue on the US president’s agenda. However, judging by the interview and the political climate as a whole, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Biden was speaking about America’s domestic issues. Putin’s name came up in the context of the recently released intelligence report detailing foreign election interference in 2020. In terms of the seriousness of the allegations, this document doesn’t even come close to what intelligence agencies were saying after the 2016 election. The main message of the current report is that Russians tried to sow discord in the hearts and minds of the American people, and Trump’s allies boosted this process – knowingly or unknowingly.

    Another intelligence report, published on the day of the interview, further expounds this idea, saying that the stolen election statements made by Trump and his supporters incited domestic extremism in the United States. They are building a connection between external enemies and an internal ‘fifth column’ that is playing directly into the hands of this adversary. A classic move.

    There are two possible conclusions one could make based on Biden’s statements.

    First of all, it is obvious that domestic policy continues to be the top priority on the new administration’s agenda, just as it was during Trump’s presidency. Whoever hoped that a Democratic victory would put an end to all the internal conflicts tearing the country apart had hoped in vain. Democrats are eager to consolidate their success, and that’s where the good old ‘Russian interference’ tool comes in handy again. It is still a tool, not the goal.

    Of course, it is also true that the Biden administration’s rhetoric about America ‘reclaiming’ global leadership is, to a large extent, a show. It aims to make the departure from ‘Trumpism’ crystal clear, but in fact the US will just carry on with the tactics of gradually reducing the scope of its obligations on the international scene. Gradually, as opposed to how Trump handled it, but quite more decidedly compared to Barack Obama’s presidency. In other words, it’s just a smokescreen concealing what’s really going on.

    Secondly, and probably more importantly, Biden’s words are indicative of something trending in global politics, and that trend seems to be on the rise. Figuratively speaking, it’s something one might call a ‘loose tongue syndrome’ – which, in effect, means a growing gap between one’s words and actions.

    A while ago, calling a leader of another country, especially a superpower, a ‘killer’ would translate to being ready to sever relations and face the consequences, some of which could be really drastic. It obviously doesn’t work like that anymore. In the same interview, after naming and shaming Putin, Biden went on to say without blinking an eye that one could “walk and chew gum at the same time.” In other words, Washington plans to interact with Moscow whenever and insomuch as it suits it.

    This exaggerated sense of self-importance is rooted in the US leadership’s absolute confidence that they won’t have to face any real consequences for their behavior. In the 30 years since the end of the Cold War, America has become quite accustomed to being an all-powerful hegemon, and continues to view itself as such, despite the obvious issues it is facing.

    The political establishment in Washington believes that relations with the US are valuable in and of themselves, and that any country – including China and Russia, which are openly recognized as strategic rivals – is willing to show humility in order to preserve these relations (or at least to prevent them from spiraling to open hostility). In other words, relations with the United States are perceived as being more important for external partners than for the US itself. This type of attitude was articulated quite succinctly a quarter of a century ago by Madeleine Albright, who described the US as “the indispensable nation.”

    There is another reason, though. The absence of a tangible military threat or, more precisely, the absolute belief in and reliance on the concept of ‘deterrence’ bestows on American policymakers (to quote Russian novelist Nikolay Gogol) a “marvelous flow of ideas,” and turns international relations into some sort of an online video game. The norms and customs of diplomacy start to resemble the style of communication one encounters on social media – courtesy of Donald Trump, social media has become not only the main tool for promoting political ideas, but also their source and the key political battleground.

    This has some advantages – similar to social media ‘s**tstorms’, the political fervor of senior government officials often remains limited to the verbal dimension, where it rattles for a time, and then expires. Still, even in a ‘gamified’ political environment, no one can guarantee that all actions, political or otherwise, will be contained by it. There is always a chance that you’ll have to take responsibility for your words – and the less wisely you pick those words, the riskier it will be once the matter breaks out in the ‘offline’ world.

    Biden’s statement cannot be left without a direct response – at the very least because this will only boost Washington’s sense of ‘total impunity’ and reaffirm to influencers and officials there that anything goes. Recalling Russia’s ambassador back to Moscow for consultations was a natural step – but that’s not enough.

    A more reasonable approach would be to freeze Russia-US relations with the exception of some essential ‘technical-level’ aspects. Most importantly, we must prove the US wrong in its conviction that it can act recklessly in all but every aspect of diplomacy while maintaining a useful level of interaction in areas that are important to American national interests. No, Mr. Biden, you cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.

    Traditionally, Russia’s approach has been the opposite. Moscow never ceases to stress it’s willing to be constructive to the extent that the US is ready do the same. It makes sense to assume that the current state of affairs is a result of this approach – which means it’s time to give it up.

    One would usually object by bringing up our common problems, arguing that it’s in the interests of both countries to solve them, and that some dialogue is better than no dialogue at all – even if we’re talking about potential future dialogue. One would also recall ‘the darkest pages of the Cold War’ as an example that our countries did manage to find common ground on critical issues such as security, and so on.

    If we are to resort to such logic, then one should remember that those ‘darkest pages’ were marked by highly-structured confrontation and close attention to words and actions. The two powers were taking each other seriously and considering long-term prospects, meaning that none of the sides would even assume the possibility of a fatal weakening or even collapse of its rival.

    Today, we don’t see any of that ‘serious’ or ‘long-term’ attitude. And we watch the pillars of strategic stability (which used to be the foundation of stability in general) undergoing erosion before our very eyes. The dialogue that has been expanding (or shrinking) over the last few years was not producing any new agenda – it was destroying the existing one.

    The system of international relations is undergoing a truly fundamental shift, the result of which remains unknown. Caution should be exercised – the main virtue of international politics, especially when a nation’s domestic problems outweigh any of its external issues. In this situation, it would only seem natural to want to reduce external interactions to the absolutely essential – or to those guaranteed to be fruitful. It is difficult, however, to see any value in relations that are based on conflict, yield little to no results, or are smeared by either party attempting to insult the other.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:33 pm

    LMFS wrote:Vladmir Putin's live-broadcast discussion with Joe Biden.

    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 EwyhbezWEAMIdQR?format=jpg&name=900x900

    #Biden mistakenly refers to VP as 'President #Harris' during #COVID address

    #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #USA

    #Putin and #Biden go to a restaurant.

    Waitress: what will you have?

    Putin: Steak, medium rare.

    Waitress: and for the vegetable?

    Putin: the vegetable will have steak as well.


    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 Ew2vOC_XIAE6ZlC?format=jpg&name=large
    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 1616173256_5

    Another one for posterity, and for Sleepy Joe's slumped over posterior. Have a nice trip! See you next fall!

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    Post  Kiko Sat Mar 20, 2021 12:57 am

    Biden and Blinken’s unprovoked attacks on Russia and China backfire...because if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones, by Scott Ritter for RT News.

    In attacking the moral character of Russia’s president and China’s human rights record, the Biden administration opened the door for a critical examination of America's own troubled history.

    President Joe Biden has defined his administration with the mantra of “America is back,” hinting at a return to what he and his supporters believe to be the halcyon days of President Barack Obama’s two-term tenure as president, as well as a sharp departure from the policies and practices of the man who usurped Hillary Clinton’s bite at the presidential apple, Donald Trump.

    In an effort to “build back better,” as Biden is wont to exclaim, his administration has embraced an ambitious agenda that aggressively seeks to both promote and install America as the world’s indispensable nation. And yet, in the span of less than 24 hours, the president and his primary foreign policy advisor, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, managed to undermine the very policies they sought to promote through a combination of narcissistic posturing and plain diplomatic incompetence.

    By labeling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer,” Biden put US-Russian relations in their worst posture since the Cold War. And Blinken, during the Biden administration’s initial meeting between the US and China, managed to unleash the ire and rage of Beijing by forgoing any pretense at diplomatic norms and aggressively calling out China on a host of issues which touched upon its sovereignty.

    The collapse of what passed for a coordinated position of diplomatically confronting both Russia and China has left the US scrambling to navigate through the detritus of its own policy shipwreck. A controlled approach to dealing with Russia and China was supposed to serve as the anchor of Biden’s new national security policy formulation. Instead, the American ship of state has been cast adrift, unable to steer as a diplomatic storm of its own making bears down upon it.

    The White House recently published a document, entitled ‘Interim National Security Guidance’, which outlined its policy priorities to help shape and direct the work of the various US departments and agencies charged with implementing national security and foreign policy. This document is unprecedented in the 35-year history of implementation of the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act, which mandated that the White House produce a “national security strategy” document every four years to help streamline US defense spending.

    Normally, the National Security Strategy is produced through an interagency process that takes several months to complete. The Biden administration, in deciding to publish interim guidance while the primary document is still being written, is putting a marker down on the importance of separating its administration’s policies from those of its predecessor. The issuance of this interim guidance underscores the sense of urgency that exists within the Biden administration regarding the optics, vice reality, of change.

    While promoting the mantra of “America is Back,” the interim guidance goes out of its way to highlight the fact that while the heart of the Biden policy is centered on the notion of “build back better,” the America Biden inherited operates in a world that is very much different from the one that existed when Biden served as President Obama’s vice president.

    “We cannot pretend the world can simply be restored to the way it was 75, 30, or even four years ago,” Biden wrote. “We cannot just return to the way things were before. In foreign policy and national security, just as in domestic policy, we have to chart a new course.”

    This “new course,” as Biden described it, must “contend with the reality that the distribution of power across the world is changing, creating new threats.” For Biden, the major threats posed to the US came from two nations. “China,” Biden declared, “has rapidly become more assertive. It is the only competitor potentially capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system.”

    The identity of the second threat should come as no surprise to anyone tracking US foreign policy over the course of the past 20 years. “Russia remains determined to enhance its global influence and play a disruptive role on the world stage,” Biden stated. “Both Beijing and Moscow have invested heavily in efforts meant to check US strengths and prevent us from defending our interests and allies around the world.”

    The interim guidance set forth three major policy objectives for the Biden administration in confronting both Russia and China. The first is for the US to “Defend and nurture the underlying sources of American strength, including our people, our economy, our national defense, and our democracy at home.” The second is to “Promote a favorable distribution of power to deter and prevent adversaries from directly threatening the United States and our allies, inhibiting access to the global commons, or dominating key regions.” Last but not least, the US will seek to “Lead and sustain a stable and open international system, underwritten by strong democratic alliances, partnerships, multilateral institutions, and rules.”

    In the span of less than 48 hours, the Biden administration managed to undermine all three objectives.

    Biden’s interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos is a matter of the historical record. The American president, in answering a series of questions, described Vladimir Putin as a “soulless killer,” violating diplomatic norms which hold that heads of state project a modicum of discretion when talking about one another, if for no other reason than that eventually the two will need to meet and discuss matters in person. As Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan astutely observed, “Mr. Biden’s statements about Mr. Putin are not fitting of a president, and a president coming out and using such remarks against the president of a country like Russia is truly unacceptable, not something that can be stomached.”

    Russia’s response was immediate and decisive. In an unprecedented move, the Russian Foreign Ministry recalled its ambassador to the US for “consultations,” a clear sign that Russia was reconsidering its relationship – or lack thereof – with the US. Putin, in an appearance on Russian television, took a more diplomatic approach in responding to Biden’s insults, noting that he wished the American president “good health.” But the Russian president also used a child’s saying, roughly translated as “whatever you say about others is what you are yourself,” to underscore his view that Biden’s utterances were but a reflection on the US’ own inherent problems. Putin raised the US’ use of nuclear weapons against Japan and its history of slavery of blacks and genocide of Native Americans as examples of America’s own tortured history on injustice.

    Responding to Putin’s comments, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki countered by noting that the American president “believes that one of the greatest attributes of the United States is our honest self-reflection and our constant striving for progress, and there’s always more work to do.” She stated that Biden had nothing to apologize for, adding “the president gave a direct answer to a direct question.” She added that Biden and Putin have known each other for a long time and have worked through “many iterations of the [US-Russian] relationship.”

    If Biden and Psaki believed that US-Russian relations would return to square one following Biden’s undiplomatic insult, Putin quickly put that notion to bed.

    “The US authorities in general seek certain relations with us but only in areas the US is interested in, and on their own terms,” Putin said. “They think that we are just like them but we aren’t. Our genetic, cultural and moral codes are different. However, we know how to protect our interests. We will work with them [the US], but only in areas we are interested in and on terms we find favorable. They will have to take it into account, despite attempts to stop our development, sanctions and insults. We will be guided by our national interests when boosting relations with all countries, including the United States,” he concluded.

    If the US’ goal was to minimize Russia’s ability and desire to be less disruptive toward US policy objectives, then Biden cemented its failure.

    On China, the interim guidance indicated that it was the US’ goal to “prevail in strategic competition” by enabling America “to out-compete a more assertive and authoritarian China over the long-term.” A key element of this strategy hinged on the US investing “in our people, our economy, and our democracy.” By restoring US credibility, the Biden administration sought to “ensure that America, not China, sets the international agenda.”

    The idea of American democracy serving as the foundation of foreign and national security policy was not just a throw-away sentence, but a core part of the interim guidance. “Building back better,” the guidance document emphasized, “requires us to commit ourselves to revitalizing our own democracy. America’s ideals of democracy, equality, and diversity are a fundamental and enduring source of advantage – but they are not a given. Embracing that advantage means living up to the founding promises of our nation, strengthening and renewing our democratic processes and ideals, and demonstrating by our actions that democracy is essential to meeting the challenges of our time.”

    Biden’s “soulless killer” faux pas had already opened the door to a very public and credible refutation of the narrative of infallible US democracy by Russia’s President Putin. Less than a day later, Anthony Blinken paved the way for a similar take down by China. Blinken took on a confrontational posture during his opening remarks at high-level talks between the US and China in Anchorage, Alaska, chiding China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and state councilor Wang Yi on their country’s record regarding human rights.

    When his turn came to speak, Yang stated that the US was no longer able to “speak to China from a position of strength,” demanding that the US stop promoting as superior its own version of democracy at a time when the US was embroiled in racial and political discontent at home. Yang went on to lecture Blinken, noting that “there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights, which is admitted by the US itself.” These issues, Yang said, were “deep-seated…they did not just emerge over the past four years, such as Black Lives Matter.”

    If promoting the superiority of US democracy was seen as the salient sales pitch for Biden’s “America is back” policy, the diplomatic gaffes on the part of Biden and Blinken ensured that their first opportunity to promote this policy was instead spent on their back foot, counter-punching against barbs delivered by senior Russian and Chinese officials that, because of the actions of the US in prompting these attacks, gave their words greater emphasis. The main teaching from this 48-hour lesson in bad diplomacy on the part of the US goes beyond reining in the foot-in-mouth tendencies of both Biden and Blinken. The fact is that if the Biden administration wants to sell the narrative of the primacy of US democracy, then it had better get its own house in order before criticizing that of other nations. In short, if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones.

    America is a glass house.

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    Post  LMFS Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:50 am

    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 0425c049a348ae4a167835b464fbd73d8cc9f9e5ecc3c5b3bc8dd280e37186ab

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:24 am

    LMFS wrote:Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 0425c049a348ae4a167835b464fbd73d8cc9f9e5ecc3c5b3bc8dd280e37186ab
    That MAD MAN, Sleepy Joe is right! Putin is a killer!!! Sad

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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:05 am

    Ironically the neocon maggots who have installed themselves back into power via the Democrap election fraud are going to fumble just
    like their meat puppet president. Their demented chutzpah will never create reality, no matter how much their autistic brains wish it
    to be so.


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    Post  LMFS Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:16 am

    Their last attempt has backfired monumentally and now Biden is going to spend the rest (however long or brief it is until they finally remove his stuffed body from the White House) of his mandate being the laughing stock of the whole world. Not one shot fired, not one insult called by Russia...simply brilliant

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    Post  elconquistador Sat Mar 20, 2021 5:10 am

    Air Force 1 will allegedly be upgraded to the needs of JoJo after today's incident.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:05 am

    Reminded me of the scene in Die Hard when the police attack the building with an armoured car... the pretend terrorists hit it with a rocket and it burns and the order from the pretend terrorist is "hit it again"...

    The fantastic thing is that the US has outlined its policy towards the Russians... we will cooperate with them in things where we clearly benefit and we wont where we don't... but they are too dumb to realise that the obvious result if this will be that the Russians adopt the same mentality... so if they don't think they benefit they are not going to cooperate either.

    Now to date there are a few things both sides cooperated in and often for different reasons, but there was usually some benefit for both sides, but these days with all the sanctions and abuse Russia gets from the US the list of things they will be interested in cooperating over is going to get smaller and smaller... like cooperation in space for instance.

    I can see the Russians building their own space station for when the ISS is over for instance...

    This is all very good news for Russia.

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    Post  franco Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:09 pm

    Kedmi called the deadline after which the United States will no longer be able to stop Russia and China

    The decision on the position of the American president in relation to Vladimir Putin was not made by the current head of the White House and not now. Joseph Biden is not an independent, but a controlled figure. This opinion was expressed by the Israeli political expert Yakov Kedmi in the YouTube broadcast Soloviev-live.

    According to Kedmi, the Americans are now focused on striking Russia in the plane of foreign policy and economy , while the most powerful of them may come in the coming years, since the United States does not have much time.

    They have 5 to 10 years to break Russia and China. Regarding Russia: 3 more years, and the situation will be irrevocable - the Israeli analyst is sure.

    Kedmi believes that in the next three years, the military forces of the Russian Federation will receive very powerful weapons, and the United States will physically be unable to do anything with Russia. Therefore, Washington is in a hurry. American elites fear that the United States will lose its role as the leading power on the world stage, as this could call into question the existence of the state as it is today.

    Earlier, Yakov Kedmi spoke about the possibility of imposing "eternal sanctions" on Russia, since the collective West will never accept the progressive development of the Russian Federation and is trying to slow down this process.

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    Post  Arrow Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:14 pm

    Nonsense The US can do absolutely nothing to Russia and China anymore.

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    Post  elconquistador Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:25 pm

    Stopped reading after the 'political expert' stated that the US has 5 to 10 years to break both Russia AND China

    This man is deluded and probably writing for his Have-to-feel-good Israeli audience. No worries, the US is fully in your pocket, but the amount of military and political weight they can put on the weighing scale is diminishing by the hour.

    When looking at the macro developments in the USA and the West as a whole one can only conclude that these actors are in steep decline and have insurmountable barriers ahead in terms of economy, demography, cultural decay and self destructive political tendencies.

    The next decade as such will be characterised by widespread civil unrest, continued economic warfare on the younger generation + middle class, the implementation of a technocratic post - democracy system and most probably hyperinflation.

    Break China, LOL. Where do they find these airheads?

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:12 pm

    elconquistador wrote:Air Force 1 will allegedly be upgraded to the needs of JoJo after today's incident.

    Russia - USA Relations - Page 16 16161810

    Too bad their isn't a wheelchair for his Senile, Alzheimer's, and demented addled brain.

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