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    Russia - USA Relations


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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  Kiko Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:47 am

    Smart piece:

    Trump's election would be bad news for Russia, by Kirill Strelnikov for RiaNovosti. 01.25.2024..

    The election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States in 2016 was remembered for the genuine jubilation of a certain part of the Russian establishment and the popping of champagne corks. Many respected people seriously believed that now relations with the United States would return to the time of bouquets and candy, friendly pats on the back, safe studies for their offspring at Yale and other attributes of the “well-fed noughties.”

    Four Trump years flew by unnoticed and somehow indistinctly, and after them came grandfather Dementiy, but now there is a very high probability that Trump will return to the White House again.

    Producers of elite champagne have perked up: fun is coming again in serious establishments. How can you not be happy?

    The eternal and powerful enemy of Russia, through the mouth of the US President, in clear English, declares that he respects Putin, that Putin is smart and “he always got along with him,” and in general, Russians are not inherently bad guys, you can live and get along with them and make good money.

    Moreover, Trump promised to end the conflict in Ukraine in 24 hours: “I want people to stop dying. Both Russians and Ukrainians are dying there.” Again: who doesn’t want to end the largest conflict since the Great Patriotic War so that the soldiers can finally return home?

    Trump, a fan of Russia, went even further - he promised to withdraw America from NATO , stop sponsoring the armed forces of Europe and leave them to be devoured by the Russians: “NATO is dead,” “if Europe is attacked, the United States will not come to its aid.” Isn't this wonderful?

    This is fueled by the impatient excitement and open hysteria of Europeans. Once you look at the headlines of the local newspapers, it immediately becomes clear that with the arrival of Trump, the evil Russians will immediately win, and the fluffy Europeans will be driven under the bench with a broom: “Does the European Union need to be afraid of Trump’s return to the White House?” (TV channel Euronews); “Europe prepares to go it alone as Trump heads for the White House” (European version of Politico); "Politicians are worried after Trump's victory in the primary elections" (German TV channel ZDF).

    Against such a benign background, the statements of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov , which he made in an interview with CBS, were a clear dissonance with numerous opinions of respected experts who are confident that Trump’s return will be an unambiguous benefit for Russia (or at least will definitely be significantly better than Biden’s re-election).

    And Lavrov said this: “I don’t believe that there will be any difference (between Trump and Biden).”

    Previously, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov spoke in a similar vein , saying that “Russia has no understanding of how former US President Donald Trump’s election promises to quickly resolve the conflict in Ukraine can be realized.”

    And here two options arise in their heads: either Lavrov and Peskov have not read Trump’s declarations of love for Russia in general and Putin in particular, or they know something that the frantically buying champagne supporters of a strong and sincere friendship with the United States do not know.

    And this is what they know.

    Despite Trump's similar statements on Russia before his first term, he has done nothing during his presidency to improve relations with Russia. Moreover, the US anti-Russian policy has become tougher. A few typical examples: it was under Trump that a record number of “eternal” sanctions were introduced, massive deliveries of lethal weapons like the “Holy Javelina” began to Ukraine (which were slowed down by the most democratic Democrat Obama), the promise to recognize Crimea as Russian was withdrawn, and the Republicans led by Trump did their best to supported with their feet a bipartisan bill to simplify the procedure for confiscation of assets of Russians, proposed in the Senate.

    If you look at Trump’s promise to end the conflict in Ukraine in one day a little more closely than at the cheerful headlines, it also becomes clear that it is too early to rejoice. The fact is that Trump did not say a word about how exactly he wants to end the conflict and what terms of the “deal” to offer Russia. And something suggests that these conditions will completely suit the United States, and no one will even think to ask Russia’s opinion in advance.

    Trump, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, said literally the following: “I would say to Putin: if you don’t make a deal, we will give Zelensky a lot, we will give them more than they ever got if we have to.”

    This means that any “deal” proposed by Trump to Russia will obviously be an ultimatum. For the United States, for many reasons, the result of the SVO in the form in which it was formulated by the leadership of our country is categorically unacceptable. The maximum that they can offer us with a broad gesture is to freeze the conflict so that the Kiev regime, with the help of the West, can recover, strengthen, rearm and begin military operations with redoubled force.

    We wasted four years waiting for positive change during Trump's first presidency while Ukraine rapidly armed itself and trained to kill Russians. And there is no reason to think that in this case everything will be different.

    In addition, Trump is known to have a negative fixation on China . This means that with 100 percent probability, part of the “deal” will be Russia’s obligation to betray its partner.

    08:00 01/25/2024(updated: 08:04 01/25/2024)
    Trump's election would be bad news for Russia
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a campaign event in Nashua - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/25/2024
    © AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign event in Nashua. Archive photo
    Read in
    Kirill Strelnikov
    Kirill Strelnikov
    all materials
    The election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States in 2016 was remembered for the genuine jubilation of a certain part of the Russian establishment and the popping of champagne corks. Many respected people seriously believed that now relations with the United States would return to the time of bouquets and candy, friendly pats on the back, safe studies for their offspring at Yale and other attributes of the “well-fed noughties.”
    Four Trump years flew by unnoticed and somehow indistinctly, and after them came grandfather Dementiy, but now there is a very high probability that Trump will return to the White House again.
    Unloading wheat - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/20/2024
    The US is preparing to destroy a key Russian industry
    January 20, 08:00
    Producers of elite champagne have perked up: fun is coming again in serious establishments. How can you not be happy?
    Откройте свой Crocus Fitness. Фитнес-клуб под ключ
    The eternal and powerful enemy of Russia, through the mouth of the US President, in clear English, declares that he respects Putin, that Putin is smart and “he always got along with him,” and in general, Russians are not inherently bad guys, you can live and get along with them and make good money.
    Moreover, Trump promised to end the conflict in Ukraine in 24 hours: “I want people to stop dying. Both Russians and Ukrainians are dying there.” Again: who doesn’t want to end the largest conflict since the Great Patriotic War so that the soldiers can finally return home?
    A nurse in an intensive care ward in the suburbs of Paris - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/19/2024
    The West will be terrorized in a proven way
    January 19, 08:00
    Trump, a fan of Russia, went even further - he promised to withdraw America from NATO , stop sponsoring the armed forces of Europe and leave them to be devoured by the Russians: “NATO is dead,” “if Europe is attacked, the United States will not come to its aid.” Isn't this wonderful?

    Когда российские космонавты отправятся на Луну?
    This is fueled by the impatient excitement and open hysteria of Europeans. Once you look at the headlines of the local newspapers, it immediately becomes clear that with the arrival of Trump, the evil Russians will immediately win, and the fluffy Europeans will be driven under the bench with a broom: “Does the European Union need to be afraid of Trump’s return to the White House?” (TV channel Euronews); “Europe prepares to go it alone as Trump heads for the White House” (European version of Politico); "Politicians are worried after Trump's victory in the primary elections" (German TV channel ZDF).
    Against such a benign background, the statements of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov , which he made in an interview with CBS, were a clear dissonance with numerous opinions of respected experts who are confident that Trump’s return will be an unambiguous benefit for Russia (or at least will definitely be significantly better than Biden’s re-election) .
    Assistant to the US President for National Security Jake Sullivan - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/18/2024
    The US recognized the inevitable
    January 18, 08:00
    And Lavrov said this: “I don’t believe that there will be any difference (between Trump and Biden).”
    Главный мясной ресторан с лучшими стейками
    Previously, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov spoke in a similar vein , saying that “Russia has no understanding of how former US President Donald Trump’s election promises to quickly resolve the conflict in Ukraine can be realized.”
    And here two options arise in their heads: either Lavrov and Peskov have not read Trump’s declarations of love for Russia in general and Putin in particular, or they know something that the frantically buying champagne supporters of a strong and sincere friendship with the United States do not know.
    Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Nevada - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/14/2024
    The Vice President will decide the fate of the United States
    January 14, 08:00
    And this is what they know.
    Получи паспорт Германии. Без виз в 177 стран! За €80 000
    Despite Trump's similar statements on Russia before his first term, he has done nothing during his presidency to improve relations with Russia. Moreover, the US anti-Russian policy has become tougher. A few typical examples: it was under Trump that a record number of “eternal” sanctions were introduced, massive deliveries of lethal weapons like the “Holy Javelina” began to Ukraine (which were slowed down by the most democratic Democrat Obama), the promise to recognize Crimea as Russian was withdrawn, and the Republicans led by Trump did their best to supported with their feet a bipartisan bill to simplify the procedure for confiscation of assets of Russians, proposed in the Senate.
    If you look at Trump’s promise to end the conflict in Ukraine in one day a little more closely than at the cheerful headlines, it also becomes clear that it is too early to rejoice. The fact is that Trump did not say a word about how exactly he wants to end the conflict and what terms of the “deal” to offer Russia. And something suggests that these conditions will completely suit the United States, and no one will even think to ask Russia’s opinion in advance.
    Russian flag - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/10/2024
    The US wants Gorbachev instead of Putin
    January 10, 08:00
    Trump, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, said literally the following: “I would say to Putin: if you don’t make a deal, we will give Zelensky a lot, we will give them more than they ever got if we have to.”
    Откройте свой Crocus Fitness. Фитнес-клуб под ключ
    This means that any “deal” proposed by Trump to Russia will obviously be an ultimatum. For the United States, for many reasons, the result of the SVO in the form in which it was formulated by the leadership of our country is categorically unacceptable. The maximum that they can offer us with a broad gesture is to freeze the conflict so that the Kiev regime, with the help of the West, can recover, strengthen, rearm and begin military operations with redoubled force.
    We wasted four years waiting for positive change during Trump's first presidency while Ukraine rapidly armed itself and trained to kill Russians. And there is no reason to think that in this case everything will be different.
    USA flag - RIA Novosti, 1920, 01/08/2024
    America began to save democracy from democrats
    January 8, 08:00
    In addition, Trump is known to have a negative fixation on China . This means that with 100 percent probability, part of the “deal” will be Russia’s obligation to betray its partner.

    It is clear that we will never agree to either the first or the second, which means there will be no deal, and Trump, who has lost face, can in one second turn from a Russophile into the main Russophobe and surpass all the Bidens, Obamas and Clintons combined.

    We must understand that Trump 2.0, even if he verbally wants peace, friendship and chewing gum, will inevitably act in the interests of the American (Atlantic) elites and large transnational capital, since he will be completely paralyzed, as the first time, by an effective system of “checks” and counterbalances", the threat of impeachment, sabotage and pressure from the main sponsor of the Republican Party - the large oil and gas business, which is completely satisfied with the current status quo and squeezing Russia out of the European market. The United States will not leave any NATO; there will be no “reset” buttons.

    If we abstract away a little from the comedic aspect associated with Trump, the harsh reality remains:

    1) neither the United States nor Russia will change their initial assessments of the causes of the conflict in Ukraine, and therefore a compromise there is impossible in principle;

    2) Western financing of Ukraine will continue;

    3) the expenditure of economic and human resources by Russia in Ukraine plays into the hands of the Americans, and they will prolong the conflict to the maximum;

    4) Russia and the United States have radically opposing geostrategic interests, and there can be no peaceful coexistence, much less cooperation, in the current conditions.

    We did everything we could, including numerous steps forward and “gestures of goodwill.” But the West, according to Lavrov, “has a deepening complex of superiority and a complex of impunity,” that is, they do not want to negotiate in an amicable way, cannot and will not, but will only exploit our weaknesses.

    The supposedly “friendly” Trump, in fact, could become a Trojan horse to lull our vigilance, slow down the speed of our transformations and reverse the nationalization of the elites, which could ultimately lead to our heavy defeats and losses.

    And this means that we should not wave flags with Trump’s portrait, but do our job, grow stronger - and win.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:37 am

    While most of those points I fully agree with, Russia really has no control over who Americans do or do not vote for.

    I think Hillary would have been much worse than Trump and I think a second term of Biden would be worse than anything else... this is Bidens war... the Biden family make a lot of money in this conflict the corruption in that country suits Americans and the Biden family to the ground because they are milking it for everything they can and they realise when it is over that lots of mouths need to be permanently shut to keep the secrets safe or they are going to jail.

    Trump is not sharp and was easily manipulated when he was in office... they just had to mention putins puppet and he broke all his promises of better relations with Russia just to prove them wrong... he was a weak president, but not as corrupt as Biden or as evil as Hillary and the Clintons... there really is no good choice there... but then the system is not designed to allow change so it wouldn't matter who got in, as Lavrov said, there is very little actual change in policy to be expected...

    Of course the reality of the situation is that there is nothing Trump can send to Kiev that would help them win and he knows that the Ukraine war going on through his second term when he promised to end it in 24 hours... there is really only one side he could break in 24 hours and I think we know which side that is.

    Cutting funding and leaving HATO would probably do it because Kiev would have no big military org to run to to beg to join any more... removing US troops from Europe would save a lot of money... money they could use to better monitor their own borders... and there is a good chance he would start a war with Iran or China if they haven't already started one in the case of the former...

    Trump rips up treaties and hasn't really signed anything of note... maybe Putin can talk him in to a new security agreement with Europe that lets the US leave and save billions... he seems easy to sway...

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  JohninMK Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:29 pm

    From a German who has lived in Petersburg for about 17 years and has been to Donbass and other theaters of war. Has a connection to the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman in the Kremlin.

    Excerpt on Putin's conditions.
    In this article I will list what Russia will demand in peace negotiations. I deliberately use the phrase “will demand” rather than “may demand” because I have learned a lot about this from sources and am therefore pretty sure that these are the demands that the Russian government will make. I'm not disseminating any secret information, because these things are discussed very openly in Moscow. The only reason I'm putting these things together here is because I haven't seen an article that does this.
    First of all, it should be said that the demands clearly show what I have reported again and again: Russia does not see itself at war with Ukraine, but rather it sees itself at war with the collective West. And since the West is dominated by the USA and the USA dictates policy to its satellites, practically all Russian demands are ultimately directed at the USA. There are no demands on Kiev or the EU because Moscow knows that the governments in Kiev and the EU states are not sovereign anyway and are largely just implementing instructions from Washington.
    Let's move on to the Russian demands.

    Reinstate treaties broken by the US

    The USA has terminated or even broken an enormous number of international treaties. The USA has terminated virtually all disarmament treaties with Russia over the last 20 years; you can find a compilation of the treaties here.

    But there are also treaties that the US-led West has broken, for example the NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997. In it, NATO made a binding commitment not to station any troops in the then newly added Eastern European NATO member states. As we know, NATO has long since violated the treaty, which is still in force, for example by the USA deploying its so-called “missile defenses” in Poland and Romania, or by deploying NATO troops in the Baltics.

    NATO justifies these deployments with the alleged “Russian threat” that has arisen, but that does not change the fact that this is a blatant breach of a valid international treaty. And this is far from the only international treaty that the US has broken alone or together with its satellites.

    During peace negotiations, Russia would demand the reinstatement or renegotiation of the disarmament treaties terminated by the USA (ABM, INF, NEW START Treaty and Open Skies Agreement). Russia would also demand the re-implementation of the NATO-Russia Founding Act. In general, Russia is likely to return to the demands it proposed to the US and NATO in the mutual security guarantees of December 2021. At that time, Russia called, among other things, for a Europe free of nuclear weapons, i.e. the withdrawal of US nuclear weapons in Europe, with Russia then moving its nuclear weapons behind the Urals.

    The demand for reinstatement of existing agreements would also apply to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which the USA is currently dismantling, largely unnoticed by the Western media. Since the USA no longer likes the rules of the WTO, they are violating them and because the WTO arbitration tribunal finds them guilty, they ignore its rulings and prevent the appointment of new judges, so that the arbitration tribunal has now de facto become unable to trade. I already reported on a very interesting example of this in 2022.

    Lifting of all the Western economic sanctions are also a violation of international law, because only the UN Security Council can impose legal economic sanctions. And of course sanctions lead to breaches of contract if companies are no longer allowed to fulfill their contractual obligations overnight because of new sanctions.

    Russia therefore demands that all illegally imposed sanctions be lifted.

    The fact that Russian athletes are excluded from international competitions is also at the instigation of the West, which is abusing its power in international sports federations to politicize sport. The ban on Russian athletes and the curtailment of the rights of the Russian Olympic Committee are not formally sanctions, but they amount to the same thing, which is why Russia is allowing Russian athletes to participate in international competitions under the Russian flag and the full restoration of the rights of the Russian Olympic Committee demands.

    Investigation into the shooting down of MH17 as the alleged MH17 investigation and trial in the Netherlands was a farce.
    “Nuremberg Tribunal 2.0”

    As seen, none of the previous demands had anything to do with Ukraine. And this also applies to the remaining claims. Even if they concern Ukraine, you will see that these are things that Russia would discuss with the West or the international community. It goes on and on, I repeat, the East-West conflict is not about Ukraine, it is just the theater of the conflict, but the real problems do not lie in Ukraine.

    Russia is calling for war crimes trials modeled on the Nuremberg Tribunal against those who promoted the state ideology of “Banderaism” in Ukraine, i.e. the worship of the Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera and his Nazi ideology. In the West it is often kept quiet, but today's Ukraine, which is supposedly fighting for democracy, reveres a number of people as national heroes who were convicted war criminals, Nazi collaborators and SS men.

    This is also the reason why the denazification of Ukraine is an absolutely serious demand from Russia. Russia is demanding, again following the denazification of Germany, the denazification of Ukraine under international control (for example by the UN Security Council) and a constitutional reform that restores the legal status of Ukraine as a neutral and actually democratic state, which Ukraine has achieved in its Independence written into its constitution.

    In addition, Russia demands the initiation of criminal proceedings against perpetrators and war crimes committed by the so-called nationalist associations (e.g. Right Sector, Trisub), as well as against the “nationalist battalions” (“Azov”, “Aidar”, “Tornado”, etc.). the Ukrainian armed forces, the Ukrainian secret service SBU (which has maintained and maintains torture prisons in Ukraine, the torture has also been confirmed by the UNHCR) and the intelligence service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense for the period since 2004, when these things occurred in the course of the so-called “Orange Revolution” have begun.

    And last but not least, Russia also calls for the official condemnation of the coups in Ukraine carried out with the help of the USA and the EU, which destroyed Ukrainian statehood and turned Ukraine into an “anti-Russia”. The first coup was the “Orange Revolution” of 2004, in which, under pressure from the US-led West, a third round of presidential elections was held - which was not provided for in the Ukrainian constitution - so that the president wanted by the USA would ultimately win the election . The second coup that Russia has called for condemnation is the infamous Maidan of 2014.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:29 am

    They broke all the existing agreements before, Trump even admitted to breaking them so they can change them to get better conditions and better positions in the agreements.

    Essentially he wanted to renegotiate them in a way that favours the US more.

    In such a situation I wouldn't bother with new agreements, though I think Russia is not going to be so accommodating this time around because many of those agreements were signed at a time when Russia was not in a strong position.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  Hole Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:44 pm

    From Moon of Alabama:

    Shortly after his interview with Tucker Carlson Putin had another one with the Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin.

    The first is on Anthony Blinken:

    During the taped part of the [Carlson] interview, we should have discussed efforts to use inter-ethnic relations and the Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire as a way of denigrating and demonising Russia. One of the subjects we discussed when the cameras were turned off was what US Secretary of State, Mr Blinken, mentioned on several occasions. He said that his relatives, his great-grandfather, fled the Jewish pogroms and left Russia.
    This topic keeps surfacing across the world, in Europe and in the United States. Let me reiterate that it is being used to demonise and discredit Russia and to demonstrate that it is home to barbaric, cruel people and outlaws. However, we can clarify many issues if we try to understand what today’s US Secretary of State actually said and if we look beyond political slogans by focusing on the substance.
    All this information is in our archives. For example, Mr Blinken’s great-grandfather did leave the Russian Empire. I think that he was born somewhere in the Poltava Province, and then moved to Kiev before emigrating. This raises the following question: does Mr Blinken think that Kiev and the surrounding territories are historically Russian land? This is my first point here.
    Second, if he says that his great-grandfather left Russia to escape the Jewish pogroms, this, at least, means, and I would like to stress this point, that in 1904, since this is when Mr Blinken’s great-grandfather left Kiev for the United States, Ukraine did not exist – this is what he seems to believe. This way, Mr Blinken seems to share our views. That said, he should have refrained from saying so in public. This could undermine his cause.
    By the way, something has just occurred to me about these pogroms. They took place mainly in the south and southwest of the Russian Empire. In fact, this is where present-day Ukraine is, for example in Kiev, in 1905. If Mr Blinken’s ancestor left in 1904, the first pogrom in Kiev, I mean a big one, happened in 1905, which means that his great-grandfather, or his great-great-grandfather, could only find out what happened there from newspapers, or from those who were in Kiev at that time.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:42 am

    Hahaha... a bit like Hillary dodging sniper fire on her visit to the Balkans...

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  Hole Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:48 pm

    That explains his hatred for Russia. Over decades he heared how those evil Russkies
    treated his ancestors badly. The family had propably some property that they left behind,
    which means they lost a lot of money and also blamed it on evil Russkies. Blinken likely
    thinks that he is entitled for some land in Russia, so he wants regime change to get "his"
    property back.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  Kiko Wed Jul 17, 2024 1:50 pm

    This thread should bear the title of Russia - US Relations Under Trump:

    Stone in the bosom: Trump is not flirting with Russia for nothing, by Victoria Nikiforova for RiaNovosti. 07.17.2024.

    The rumors that Donald Trump wants to hold peace talks with Russia on Ukraine have been pouring in. It would seem that everything is going well for Moscow - the sniper's amazing miss, which practically ensured the ex-president's victory in the elections, and his choice of J.D. Vance as vice president, who is categorically against Ukraine in general and against Zelensky personally. And then there's the idea of ​​peace talks. But isn't everything too idyllic?

    First, we must understand that Donald Trump couldn't care less about Ukraine or Russia. It's not that he suddenly felt sorry for the children of Donetsk and Belgorod who died from American missiles. It's just that at this stage, many Republicans believe that the conflict in the Eastern European theater has stopped bringing the Americans the profits it used to bring, and it should be urgently dumped on the balance sheet of the Europeans, and they themselves should move on to war with China.

    And so the long-planned escalation with the PRC had to be shifted to the right many times, and all because all resources - financial, military and propaganda - were spent on servicing the Ukrainian front.

    Trump is feared in Europe precisely because they understand that he is capable of pushing the Old World into the Ukrainian meat grinder until its complete destruction in earnest. They are afraid not because he will abandon Ukraine, but because he will abandon it specifically to the Europeans. He will blackmail them with his nuclear umbrella, put pressure on them during negotiations, yell, bang his fist on the table - this is not the mumbling Biden or Blinken.

    As an experienced negotiator, Trump will come to the negotiations with Russia with this trump card - either make peace with Kiev , or I will hand over the conflict to the care of the Europeans and supply them with weapons against you. He has openly threatened to supply weapons, and this must be taken seriously.

    Secondly, Trump needs negotiations with Russia not for charitable reasons like "peace throughout the world", he is not Gorbachev, mind you, he has his own specific goal here. The Republicans promised their voters in advance to take up arms against China - under this it will be possible to promote the military-industrial complex, reindustrialize the "rust belt", strangle imports with tariffs and sponsor their own manufacturers, take away markets from the Chinese and take them for themselves. The profits are expected to be huge, but the risk is also great.

    It is absolutely impossible to enter into an open conflict with Beijing if Moscow is looming behind it, capable of providing its Chinese comrades with resources and logistics, and also providing considerable military assistance. This means that the Republicans must tear Moscow away from Beijing. Trump urgently needs to reduce the degree of confrontation with Russia, hence all these attractions of unheard-of generosity - promises to "end the war in 24 hours", criticism of Ukraine, attacks on Zelensky.

    This rhetoric sounds pleasant to us, let's be honest, but let's ask ourselves: why does an American politician, who is simply obsessed with restoring America's greatness, suddenly have such love for us ? It seems that Trump is simply crudely flattering, trying to secure Moscow's favor: he desperately needs, if not Russia's support, then at least its neutrality, when the Americans begin a full-scale offensive against China with a deployed front.

    And the clock is ticking, American strategists don't have much time, a few more years, and only a suicide would risk acting against China. On the other hand, this is the last attempt to somehow revive American industry and save its "rust belt" from extinction. The US will not have another chance: they have already bled Europe dry, and their "backyard" in Latin America even more so. China is the last fat piece of the world market, and if Washington does not seize it, the States will only be left to rot and fall apart.

    By the way, we are not necessarily talking about a big hot war with China. No, the Republicans want to try out the same scheme on this country that the Democrats tried on Russia: a limited military conflict in the Taiwan area , "hellish sanctions" with the aim of depriving the PRC of markets and sources of resources, an attempt to demoralize and ruin the population, stir it up to rebellion and thus weaken the country to the point that it will go under American control simply to stop this whole nightmare.

    But getting involved in this adventure without Russia is like death. Therefore, Trump does not have to present himself as a benefactor - he and his party need reconciliation with Moscow in order to get away with another neocolonialist adventure that can at least slightly improve the lives of the rapidly impoverished population of the United States. Because otherwise his country will simply fly to pieces - the very attempt on Trump's life shows that the States have frankly gone haywire.

    As much as we would like to think that the new old US president will be a little smarter than the old old one, this is not so. Both are financed by the same military-industrial corporations that benefit from starting wars all over the world. It is the interests of these corporations that all American politicians, regardless of their political orientation, diligently serve.

    Therefore, all ideas about "peace talks" will come down to Trump trying to trade improved relations between Russia and the US in exchange for a break in relations between Moscow and Beijing. Is this beneficial for us in the long term? The answer is obvious.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 17, 2024 2:57 pm

    It would seem that everything is going well for Moscow - the sniper's amazing miss,

    There was nothing amazing about missing a target... it happens all the time...

    Trump is unreliable and can flip flop overnight and claim he meant to say the opposite of what he actually said.

    He is great at ripping up existing agreements, but not so good at signing new replacement agreements in their place.

    Remember he imposed more sanctions on Russia than any president before him... which was something he was proud of.

    and it should be urgently dumped on the balance sheet of the Europeans, and they themselves should move on to war with China.

    Which is very good news, because an economic war with China will destroy the west.

    If the west thinks it can seize Chinese assets in the west, well China can seize western assets in China and there are trillions of dollars in assets and resources in China owned by western companies... playing that stupid game will end in the end of the west... and I really don't think Trump or Biden understand the games they are playing are going to lead to serious consequences.

    Cooperation with Russia and China and things could be totally different, but a collision course they are taking will destroy the western economic models... the west is only 10-15% of the world... China does not need them... Russia didn't need them either.

    The western sanctions were supposed to destroy Russia and China, but in actual fact the relationship between Russia and the west and China and the west was parasitic... with the west being the parasite... thinking it was the cow and not the tick.

    Europe is now blaming China for supporting Russia and allowing the conflict in the Ukraine for continuing... ignoring the fact that they created the conflict in the first place and their delivery of weapons and ammo and money are the reason it continues.

    Blaming China is easier than taking the blame for themselves, but financially it is going to destroy them if they think they can do to China what they did and are doing to Russia.

    The amusing thing is that they thought they could get a war going between India and China, but Modi is not stupid and neither is Xi and while they are not best buddies they know a war would seriously damage both economies while becoming a dream come true for the US in particular and the west in general...

    It just isn't going to happen.

    So what will be their plan B?

    Who cares... they have screwed themselves...

    As an experienced negotiator, Trump will come to the negotiations with Russia with this trump card - either make peace with Kiev , or I will hand over the conflict to the care of the Europeans and supply them with weapons against you. He has openly threatened to supply weapons, and this must be taken seriously.

    His hand is very weak... he promised a quick end to the war and sending all the weapons the US military has wont allow Kiev to change the tide of combat... they need trained soldiers, not more weapons... especially more different weapons they are not already using...

    This means that the Republicans must tear Moscow away from Beijing. Trump urgently needs to reduce the degree of confrontation with Russia, hence all these attractions of unheard-of generosity - promises to "end the war in 24 hours", criticism of Ukraine, attacks on Zelensky.

    So Trump thinks he can turn Putin away from cooperation with Xi by dangling a few carrots... the irony is amusing because Putin offered this level of loyalty and cooperation to the west and they rejected him over and over. He is not going to turn on Xi and BRICS and think the west will suddenly be his friend.

    He is an educated man and has seen comments in the west that claim he is Hitler and Stalin all rolled in to one monster... what sort of cooperation is possible there?

    Besides the rail lines and pipelines to China are being built and are operating... there is no way Trump wants cheap energy going back to the EU because he wants industry to move to the US...

    With Russian energy and food supplies and a safe border at their backs China can weather all sorts of crap the US and EU can throw at them.... including all the sanctions they imposed on Russia and more.

    Chinese assets in the west seized, China can seize western factories and assets in China which means that shot in the dark missed its mark and backfired like a bastard...

    No, the Republicans want to try out the same scheme on this country that the Democrats tried on Russia: a limited military conflict in the Taiwan area , "hellish sanctions" with the aim of depriving the PRC of markets and sources of resources, an attempt to demoralize and ruin the population, stir it up to rebellion and thus weaken the country to the point that it will go under American control simply to stop this whole nightmare.

    Didn't work against Russia and is even less likely to work against China... this would just make BRICS essential and work on a new BRICS currency to eliminate the US dollar from international exchange and important goal. Shifting from existing commodity markets that are all in the west and under western control will also become a priority to replace for BRICS customers too, and the global south will enjoy the (self) destruction of the west.

    As much as we would like to think that the new old US president will be a little smarter than the old old one, this is not so. Both are financed by the same military-industrial corporations that benefit from starting wars all over the world. It is the interests of these corporations that all American politicians, regardless of their political orientation, diligently serve.

    Ironically Trump really needs to break the US MIC and that is not going to happen any time soon.
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:18 pm

    GarryB how would you go about breaking the US MIC? It's interesting since that's something nobody has ever tried since the 1950s.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:00 am

    You can't.

    Short of nationalising all companies that make weapons for the US government... essentially adopting the same MIC structure the Russians use, it wont happen.

    A US company like Boeing is going to hire military people from the pentagon to negotiate contracts.

    The people they hire will be people who made the decisions as to who gets the military contracts.

    Imagine you are a moderately paid Pentagon official whose job it is to decide who gets the contract to make artillery shells. Your former boss and the guy that trained you to do your current job and gave you that job comes to see you. He works for an artillery production company that wants the contract.

    He lays it out all honest and open. You know me. I gave you your job. I know all the people you work with above and below your position.

    I now work for company xyz and I am earning 2 million dollars a year plus expenses and I get a car and all sorts of perks. I maybe work 3 days a week. I go to power lunches... lets go to the most expensive place in town for lunch and I will put everything on my expense account... buy anything you want and I will do the same... we can eat like kings four times a month to talk work stuff.

    You talk about the upcoming contracts and my competition, if there is any and you give me the contract... which might be worth 5 billion dollars... so I am really earning my 2 million a year salary here. If you give me the contract or information that enables me to win the contract "fair and square" then in 5 or 10 years when I retire I will recommend the company I work for hires you in my place and you can stuff your nest and set up a comfortable retirement for yourself.

    If you don't want to play ball I know some people in the pentagon in the anti corruption unit and I will suggest to them you offered to give me the contract for 1 million dollars and you will lose your job because I will put 1 million dollars in your wifes personal bank account tonight.

    So if this is exposed... all the MIC companies do this to one extent or another because the amount of money being spent will make them rich, so they can hand out million dollar salaries to former military officers who can use their insider knowledge of Army protocols and procedures and knowledge of who does what to get contracts you might not otherwise get.

    That is how the company that makes M1 Abrams tanks can get away with a tank that needs its engine filters cleaned out every 6 hours.

    It was mentioned on this forum by one of the members from Egypt that the Egyptians created a filter that solved the problem and that the Americans were interested in it. Well you can bet your arse the American military was interested because cleaning the filters every 6 hours likely involves the replacement of filters like in a vacuum cleaner or something and is expensive, but the company that makes the tanks does not want that little side earner to be fixed.

    The T-80 has a vibration based filter cleaner that eliminated the problems 50 years ago.

    The problem is... where do you start... everyone in the Pentagon wants this to continue so they can get high paying jobs in the civil sector when they retire at about 45 or 50 years old... they get their military pension and they get 2 million a year for 10 years and they are set up for life...

    The companies are spending peanuts to get contracts worth billions... they profit from the way things are now...

    Value for money is a concept they hate, because obviously the more expensive something is the better it is able to do its job... as we see in the war in the Ukraine where US drones costing $30K are useless and are being jammed because they were never designed to be used against an enemy that can fight back.

    Russian $500 drones on the other hand display video footage of taking out Abrams tanks and Bradleys and HIMARS and M777s... and are running rampant.

    Of course the soldier on the front line does not care what they cost, but he wont get as many if they are expensive.

    That is why Russian ATGMs are intended to be cheap because it doesn't matter how good they are if they are too expensive to make in large numbers and deploy to the front line for use.

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  kvs Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:48 am

    The US is not is not in a situation where command economy measures would boost its military output. It is suffering from DEI rot as
    we see at Boeing. The smarmies who decided to launch the woke makeover missed the detail that idiocracies are non-functional.
    Dumbing down every citizen and flushing meritocracy down the toilet does not produce "strength". It produces terminal weakness.

    The US attempt to transplant Taiwanese chip manufacturing to its home soil has been an epic flop because it can't find the qualified
    workers needed. It can buy the precious ASML lithography machines, but that is not enough to establish a viable production line.
    Chimps pushing buttons is not enough.

    I have seen the smug attitude of Kanadian deciders about the elasticity of highly qualified personnel (HQP) first hand. These dipshits
    assume you can unemploy such human resources and pick up where you left off years later as if they are something you can acquire
    at an Office Depot like stationary supplies. Well, in the real world that is not how it works. Westinghouse has been living this harsh
    reality for years now. No magic HQP flood arriving on the horizon. It will never arrive as long as DEI is the paramount priority of the

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    Russia - USA Relations - Page 38 Empty Re: Russia - USA Relations

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:37 am

    And that is important because accountability does not exist.

    No one gets fired when tanks and vehicles that were supposed to cut through Russian forces like a hot knife through butter get destroyed by things they called Russian and Soviet tanks junk for being disabled with.

    When the F-35 fails a test they don't fix it, they say that feature is for the next block upgrade and ignore the failure.

    Pretty soon equipment and weapons get selected because they won a medal during development.

    The obvious problem now is that all products and equipment and weapons get participation medals...

    It means you can diversify your command structure and your military and your production MIC and claim that makes you stronger, but when women with purple hair get the job previously a very smart white guy who is a trained and experienced engineer then you can have problems when that woman wants to juje up the design because it is boring and plain... the F-35 is pretty, but it needs more glitter...

    The US and the west has considered the Soviet Union to be defeated and Russia to be a tiny broken fragment of the beast, so their goals and level of attention to detail has shifted down to make it easier... but not cheaper.

    The French describe the Rafale as an omnirole fighter... even on an intercept mission or a strike mission, its sensors and equipment should allow it to detect threats and perform jamming roles and defend itself from attack, and defeat air and ground threats.

    It can perform recon and SEAD and strike and air defence and interception and jamming roles all in one mission.

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