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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Post  Hole Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:55 pm

    Time to clean the Balticum from Nazi vermin.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:17 am

    It might be a good idea for Russian people to consider leaving these shithole countries with Nazi ideologies before it's too late. Saint Petersburg isn't far away.

    Did the person who filmed that go and kick their arses?

    I doubt the authorities would do anything about it considering they are nazis too.

    Those baltic countries are trying to kick their Russian speakers out of the country... Russia should offer citizenship to any who want to leave and pensions for those old enough to receive them.


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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 26, 2023 4:32 am

    The UK is trying hard to make Orwell's dystopian reality come true.

    BTW, Brand has not been charged and the accusers never filed police reports.   But we have the UK government acting as if he is convicted
    or as if there is an active trial.

    Ignore the BS commentary about Cuba. Cuba was a banana republic dictatorship before Castro. It was oppressed and that is why it had
    revolution. Americans have a tenuous grip on the facts pertaining to everything outside the US. This is one of the reasons why they are
    progressing into a one party state toilet. They think that they are the zenith of humanity with exceptional democracy and rights. In reality,
    they are an oligarch toilet police state.

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    Post  Hole Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:53 am

    Like Max Kaiser used to say: Casino Gulag.

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:39 pm

    Barzen Orwellianism.   Down to the inverted meaning of words.   "Safety" as in "War is Peace". The claims about child safety are
    ludicrous. The UK does not protect children from genital mutilation in the name of trans depravity. Putting children on hormone
    blockers proves that there is no medical intervention involved since gender dysphoria resolves during puberty. If they cared
    about children they would never put them on hormone blockers but help them transition into a mentally healthy state. This
    "child safety" for the internet is a fig leaf for total censorship and exactly the Great Firewall of the UK.

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:14 pm

    Sprut-B wrote:It might be a good idea for Russian people to consider leaving these shithole countries with Nazi ideologies before it's too late. Saint Petersburg isn't far away.

    These sound more like Ukrainian kids, at any rate they have no issues speaking Russian.
    Estonians are a lot calmer and low-key.

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    Post  Sprut-B Wed Sep 27, 2023 5:30 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    These sound more like Ukrainian kids, at any rate they have no issues speaking Russian.
    Estonians are a lot calmer and low-key.

    It would still bee a good idea to leave those Nazistani countries. Estonia is no Germany, Austria, or Switzerland where the living is good enough to put up with all that hate and discrimination.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:30 am

    The problem is that they are immersed in bullshit propaganda and probably think they would be worse off in Russia because their economy is falling apart and Putin is all consumed with creating a trillion dollar empire for himself and his holiday homes and gives nothing to the Russian people who live like dogs in the street...

    If only the west was as good at delivering the easy life it promised as it was good at delivering propaganda about itself and alternatives.

    Ironically the best they can do with third world countries is warning them that Russia and China are trying to trap them in debt spirals they will never recover from and will make them their slaves for life... you know... the way the west did and does.

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:18 pm

    I do not think that elderly Russians living in these Baltic racist shitholes are deluded by NATzO propaganda. It is traumatic to move
    to a new location even in the same country. But importantly, they likely do not have the money to move and are scraping by
    like many elderly.

    Anyway it is getting to the kristallnacht stage in these toilets so local ethnic Russians have to choose the lesser trauma.

    Interesting how U-ropeans can get into an ethnic hate frenzy against Russians supposedly on behalf of Ukrainians, the closest
    Slavs to Russians. It indicates that they are just looking for a pretext and would have found one or anther regardless of the
    war in Ukria.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:46 am

    The west was going to escalate to super sanctions no matter what Russia or China did, both countries have realised there is nothing they could do to make the west happy except complete capitulation and that is not acceptable to people with a spine.

    So of course Europe and the west is happy to bend over to the US.... no spine.

    Ethnic cleansing is fine but it has to be the correct ethnic group on each side of the action.

    It will be interesting to see what these baltic states do with their elderly people who can't speak the local language and can only speak Russian, because for instance a Lithuanian that can't speak Lithuanian and can only speak Russian... you can't take away their citizenship and make them Russian if they don't have Russian citizenship...

    A good way to judge a people is to look at how they treat those with power and those with no power... how do you treat prisoners, how do you treat your elderly citizens and how do the people treat their pets and animals in general.

    It is interesting that liberals think hunters hate animals and are cruel to animals... liberals that dress their pets in human like clothes and make them perform to get likes on TikTok...

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    Post  kvs Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:53 pm

    US laws are some grade A kangaroo shite. You can be arrested for DUI while sleeping in your vehicle parked somewhere. Then
    these clowns spew smug sanctimony to the rest of the world about their "exceptional" "democracy" and "freedom". The US is
    a lawyer toilet police state. In order to get your "freedom" you need enough money for lawyers. If you don't then you are SOL.

    Kanada is the same joke also. The laws here are not restrained by a serious constitution like in the US. So you cannot
    even defend yourself if you have the money for lawyers. Also, Kanada imposes steep court fees which you have to pay whether
    you win or not. In the US all of your legal costs can be recovered if you win. This last advantage is of course watered
    down by the rotten nature of the laws.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:57 am

    Which basically boils down to don't talk to the police, they are your enemy and will put you in jail if you give them any opportunity to do so.

    That is quite sad, and will make the job of the police even harder, but then they treat everyone as guilty till they are sure you are not and then expect you to cooperate to help them do their job.

    I was going to join the police when I was young but then I realised I would be dealing with scumbags all the time and everyone would be lying to you all the time...

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    Post  kvs Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:19 pm

    Clowns in the Washington demand that Russia remove its military bases from its own Arctic territory.

    Chutzpah monkey losers!

    The US should remove all of its extra-territorial bases.

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    Post  Hole Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:33 pm

    It´s time for Russia to demand that the US gives back Alaska. Cool

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    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:24 am

    The US and EU ignored Russias security concerns related to US bases on Russias actual border... regarding most of the Arctic Russian bases there is actually a country (Canada) between them and most of America...

    It is interesting that the US thinks it can still order Russia around... it is that sort of behaviour that shows Russia it is better off without the US and the west in general... the US is a bully in its actions and its words and the rest of the west are pussies for doing what the US tells them to do.. unlike China and Russia and the other evil countries the west complains about all the time.

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    Post  andalusia Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:58 am

    GarryB wrote:The US and EU ignored Russias security concerns related to US bases on Russias actual border... regarding most of the Arctic Russian bases there is actually a country (Canada) between them and most of America...

    It is interesting that the US thinks it can still order Russia around... it is that sort of behaviour that shows Russia it is better off without the US and the west in general... the US is a bully in its actions and its words and the rest of the west are pussies for doing what the US tells them to do.. unlike China and Russia and the other evil countries the west complains about all the time.

    Hey Garry B: Do many Russians now understand that the United States is a deadly enemy to Russia that can't be reasoned with?

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    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 06, 2024 12:56 pm

    Hey Garry B: Do many Russians now understand that the United States is a deadly enemy to Russia that can't be reasoned with?

    As a kiwi living in the southern hemisphere I can't really speak for Russians and Russia but I think they realise what is happening... the mask has slipped and the true nature of the west has been revealed to a lot of Russians and the rest of the world.

    Putin has spent the better part of the last 20 years trying to accommodate and integrate Russia with the western world, but he wants that integration and cooperation to be of equals, and that is not on the table... the west won so Russia should be on the floor below all the eastern european countries and even former Soviet states that turned lap dog.

    The west will cooperate with Russia when Russia has something the west needs like space technology or energy, but even then they will use that to force and bully Russia to do things that are not in their interests and suit only the US.

    Russia is not interested in that sort of relationship and things are now clearly over... the west will continue to try to bully the rest of the world and do what it does, not understanding their model is broken... the US should be the richest country on the planet and instead it is the most heavily in debt and on a destructive path of creating never ending wars against countries who are not interested in fighting them, but they seem to want to make it a school yard fight over everything... because they are experts at taking what they want with violence. Negotiations take too long and they never get everything they want so they would prefer war.

    Which is why Russia and China and BRICS is so appealing to the rest of the world who knows the west now.

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    Post  kvs Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:52 pm

    So Putin's historical discussion in the interview with Tucker triggered all sort of retarded snickering and meming in the NATzO west. In particular
    how 840 was some ancient date. Funny that, but these same witty clowns have nothing to say about Israel. Israel's claim on the land goes back
    2000 years. According to these clowns that is shortly after the Earth cooled from its molten state.

    If I was Putin, I would consult about the actual mental level of the typical NATzO prole. These sheeple have no concept of history. They can
    bleat out what has been drilled into their heads at school about their own history, but giggle and laugh when others bring up theirs. So Putin
    should have focused on how "Ukraine" was a creation of the Bolsheviks. How most of Ukraine's territory (from Odessa to Kharkov) was stitched
    onto an artificial state. He also should have brought up Kosovo. If local Albanian majorities are enough reason to have secession, then local
    Russian majorities are equally valid.

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    Post  kvs Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:30 am

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    Post  PhSt Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:29 am

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    Yep, Ukraine's NATzO handlers are getting desperate with each passing day and will resort to any means in a pathetic attempt to smear Russia.

    The puppet President of France already publicly admitted that NATzO troops are operating in Ukraine, Russia needs to start KILLING more of these vermins attack attack attack

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    Post  Kiko Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:59 pm

    Ukrainian defeats drove Macron crazy, by Valeria Verbinina for VZGLYAD. 02.27.2024.

    In France, the statements of the country's President Emmanuel Macron that “we cannot exclude” the sending of “Western troops” to Ukraine were called “madness.” These words are completely contrary to what other Western leaders say on this matter. Why is Macron proclaiming this now and what will the direct presence of NATO troops in Ukraine mean?

    French President Emmanuel Macron outlined the main strategic goal in foreign policy: “Russia must not win the conflict in Ukraine.” According to him , this is necessary not only for Ukraine itself, there is much more at stake: “Russia’s defeat is necessary for the security and stability of Europe.”

    To some extent, the toughening of rhetoric was a result of the failure of a much-publicized counter-offensive by Ukrainian forces in 2023. In recent weeks, Zelensky and his staff have been doing nothing but making excuses for failure and shifting responsibility onto everyone they can. Ukraine was given few shells - only 30% of the promised million, they were not given missiles, they were not given planes, instead of the latest weapons, they were given decommissioned junk by the teaspoon per hour. And the icing on the cake is that the counteroffensive plans allegedly appeared on the Russian table immediately after they were agreed upon.

    But after the question “who is to blame” the question “what to do” always arises, and it is over this issue that serious disagreements have already arisen in the West. The conflict in Ukraine suited the West from the very beginning, since it took place on third-party territory, Ukrainian citizens fought and died. And in general, all the costs were borne by Ukraine, which readily agreed to be a battering ram against Russia and cause damage to it in exchange for the fact that Europe, this Garden of Eden (in Borrell’s words), will someday accept it and provide milk rivers with jelly banks.

    Then it seemed to the West that it would be enough to help Ukraine without straining itself too much - with instructors, so-called volunteers, certain types of weapons, loans. TV presenters and journalists from Western media, as usual, repeated the same phrase to reassure ordinary people - that helping Ukraine does not make their countries parties to the conflict.

    However, the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and the recent surrender of Avdiivka, on which so much effort was spent strengthening, forced people to talk about what would happen if Ukraine did lose. And the point, of course, is not about Ukraine itself, but about the fact that this is a card on which the collective West has staked too much: from huge money to its own prestige, including the political future of the elites interested in the conflict.

    As Le Figaro writes , “in fact, in the future, the dispatch of Western troops to the territory of Ukraine, according to the president, “cannot be excluded.” However, Emmanuel Macron noted that at this stage there is no agreement for such an assumption. “Today there is no consensus to officially send Western troops to Ukraine... But in the dynamics nothing can be ruled out. We will do everything necessary to ensure that Russia cannot win,” Macron said.

    And he added: “Many (political figures) said just two years ago that they would never deliver tanks, planes, long-range missiles.” Apparently, Macron intends to seriously work on convincing his comrades in the anti-Russian coalition to take part in the conflict by directly sending troops.

    So far, Macron has announced the creation of a coalition of European states that will supply Ukraine with medium- and long-range missiles and bombs. Also, following the results of the Paris meeting of countries sponsoring Ukraine, a Czech proposal was adopted, which was to purchase shells for the Ukrainian army around the world, and not just in Europe.

    In fact, Macron, with his speech, indicated France’s readiness to escalate the conflict. In this, he shares the same point of view as his British colleague Rishi Sunak, who, in addition, calls for bolder action on the issue of confiscation of Russian assets.

    In his article under the characteristic title “We will always support Ukraine and make Putin pay for everything,” Sunak wrote that Western countries “must be bolder in seizing hundreds of billions of Russian assets,” and called for the confiscation of the interest that this money brings, first. and then resolve the issue of their complete confiscation. He also called for doing everything to harm the Russian “war economy” as much as possible.

    But German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who apparently has not forgotten how the last military clash with Russia ended for Germany, strongly objects to sending Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. “I'm amazed that some people don't even care, that they don't even think about the fact that it could... come to the point of participating in a war because of what we do. This is a weapon that can operate at a very long distance. And what is being done to control the flight [of missiles] and escort them to the target by the British and French cannot be done in Germany. And everyone who has encountered this system knows this,” Scholz said. Previously, he made it clear that he was against sending troops to Ukraine and creating a no-fly zone over its territory.

    If we talk about France, Macron’s initiatives there met with an extremely harsh reaction from politicians.

    The head of Unconquered France, left-wing politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said that “a war with Russia would be madness... Sending troops to Ukraine makes us a belligerent party. This bellicose verbal escalation by a representative of a nuclear-weapon State against another nuclear-weapon State is already an irresponsible action... Now more than ever, it is necessary to begin negotiations for peace with guarantees of mutual security.”

    The head of the National Rally and right-wing leader Marine Le Pen expressed herself no less harshly: “I’m not sure that everyone now understands what we’re talking about in principle. Emmanuel Macron portrays himself as a great military leader, but he talks nonchalantly about the lives of our children. We are talking about peace or war in our country.”

    Olivier Faure of the Socialist Party takes a less emotional view of the issue, but also condemns Macron: “Yes – support for the Ukrainian resistance. Participating in a war with Russia, in which we will drag the entire continent into, is madness.”

    The Kremlin openly admitted that this would indeed be a direct war between Russia and NATO. In this case, a direct military clash between Russia and NATO will become inevitable, said Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov.

    Not only the French, but also his NATO allies disagree with Macron. It has already been stated that neither Poland nor Sweden intend to send their troops to Ukraine. And even NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg directly stated the absence of such plans.

    Apparently, Macron blurted out something that he would like to do, but cannot implement - at least right now. It is impossible to imagine French troops on Ukrainian territory acting on their own, outside of NATO. As, indeed, any other troops of other Western countries.

    As French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal explained , “Emmanuel Macron said that we will continue to support Kiev... Nothing can be ruled out in war. They once said that we would not send weapons, only what was necessary for defense. Now we are talking about the supply of long-range missiles... Nothing can be ruled out in the future.”

    But something is still excluded from this paradigm, namely peace. We are talking only and exclusively about the supply of weapons (more and more powerful), and at the moment, apparently, the bait is being cast for direct military intervention by the West, since the Ukrainians are clearly no longer up to the task of inflicting a military defeat on Russia. It remains to be seen why Macron is so confident that the French must cope with this.

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    Post  Hole Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:10 pm

    Olivier Faure of the Socialist Party takes a less emotional view of the issue, but also condemns Macron: “Yes – support for the Ukrainian resistance.
    A "Socialist" supporting Nazis.  No

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    Post  kvs Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:04 pm

    The NATzO west is clearly in pseudo-Orwellian bubble. Mass media narratives define reality. So Nazis become good since their sponsors
    want it that way. People may find the 1984 story cheesy and over the top, but the point is that some power wielders control what people
    can see and hear and thus control them almost absolutely. Conformity is clearly a central feature of the current western social reality.
    Cancel culture is obviously about the disappearing of dissidents. The current state is not absolute like in 1984, but it is going in that direction.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:10 pm

    A sole dispute about reincarnated pocket-sized Napoleone with Edyp syndrome seems pointless.
    European countries have been busy showing him a middle finger for the last 36h.
    Check the list, you might find it quite funny Laughing

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:40 am

    ‘Too many people watched’ – UK MP explains why RT was banned, 03.05.2024.

    Britain’s commitment to free speech is a farce, George Galloway has claimed.

    Fresh from his election to parliament to the British parliament, MP George Galloway spoke with RT on Tuesday about the state of media freedom in Britain and London’s disastrous policies in the Middle East and Ukraine.

    Galloway trounced both Tory and Labour candidates in last week’s Rochdale by-election, winning twice as many votes than both major parties combined. PM Rishi Sunak denounced the result as “beyond alarming” and a threat to “our democracy itself.”

    As Galloway pointed out, however, he has been elected to Parliament a total of seven times – far more than Sunak or Labour leader Keir Starmer.

    “These people are hypocrites. Things like democracy, human rights, rule of law, rules-based international order, it’s just lipstick on a pig. They wipe the lipstick off whenever they no longer feel the need to look prettier,” he claimed.

    “As Sunak’s speech outside Number 10 [Downing Street] on Friday about my election makes clear, it’s not beyond them even to cancel elections,” he added.

    British authorities have banned RT and the Iranian PressTV outright, refused to renew the license of China’s CGTN, and blocked outlets like Venezuela’s TeleSur.

    “The reason is pretty simple if you think about it: Too many people were watching these TV channels. Too many people were watching RT. Not just in Britain, but even more so in Germany. That is why RT was closed down. Because too many of the public were watching it. How’s that for freedom?” said Galloway.

    The best illustration of press freedom in the UK is that “a good friend of mine is lying in the dungeon of Belmarsh top security prison,” Galloway said.

    “His name is Julian Assange  He is convicted of no crime. And yet he is being held with mass murderers and terrorists in the worst prison for the worst people in England. And for what? For telling the truth as a publisher.”

    He admitted the government might retaliate against him for speaking to RT, but said, “I don’t care.”

    “I give interviews to everybody. I’m a free man, I’m an elected free man. I have the right to speak and I will go on speaking to whomsoever wants to hear me. Nothing is solved by covering things up. Nothing is solved by denying people access to a different point of view,” Galloway said, recalling RT’s long-time slogan, “Question More.”

    Galloway is no stranger to RT. He has written many op-eds for the outlet and hosted his own TV show called ‘Sputnik Orbiting the World’ during his hiatus from Parliament.

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