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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:53 pm

    But when corruption is so rampant, it doesn't matter what you have given in the past, it is what you will give me now... Kiev got 60 billion from the US and a few days later wanted more...

    The American way of dealing with corruption in its MIC is to throw more money at them than they can steal.... and it doesn't work if the goal is to eliminate corruption.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:25 pm

    The UK is a clown state.

    It's a common theme with Russia's enemies.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  nomadski Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:22 am

    The law is broken in the UK . The courts are broken in the UK . The " law , " allows itself to facilitate a crime by an individual , who otherwise would have no opportunity or knowledge to commit a crime , in order to convict them . E.g. : Planting physical  evidence , sending internet feeds regarding " self- defence , " DIY weapons that an individual will click on and they will register in court , or even appointing ( illegally ) Jury duty to individual who is in legal battle regarding compensation for disability , thereby disproving their case themselves ( by being proven not disabled or injured ) . Two of these cases experienced . Appointment of juror most serious . The question is where did Mr . Gray go wrong ? Not bribing the local authorities or the crime boss or being Irish of the wrong type ?

    Rolling Eyes

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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:48 pm

    YouCrap is an Orwellian toilet outfit. All of NATzO is full steam ahead for Orwell's dystopia. "You will own nothing and be happy". "We will decide what you think and do".

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:40 am

    So Israel has killed 186,000 Palestinians since last October. We are not dealing with a conventional war here but with a civilian slaughter.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:44 am

    Poland tries to punish Russia with a ban on various types of vehicles registered in Russia or Belarus.

    The Russian response seems to have upset them...

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:18 pm

    Those numbers, if correct, are catastrophic. Over two million unemployed (6.5% of total workforce) and 550 companies (I know many of them
    are small) going under is huge.

    But something does not add up. The losses are supposedly 8 billion euro. Two million workers at 25,000 euro would be 50 billion euro. I doubt that
    Polish truck drivers and associated workers are making 4,000 euro a year.

    The Polish workforce is about 15 million people. So 6.5% amounts to about 1 million and not over 2 million. The number being claimed as related to
    trucking is total BS. It could be 13% total unemployment for all sectors. I think a more realistic number for trucking would be under 200,000 unemployed.
    That is still a very large number but I think we need to see some references since the video's claims cannot be taken at face value.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:58 am

    NATO's Obsession Boosts Russia's Role as Global Leader - Former US Army Lieutenant Colonel, 07.12.2024.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The latest NATO joint declaration condemning Russia appears to be backfiring and instead establishing Moscow more than ever as the leader of the global resistance against US hegemony, retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and political consultant Earl Rasmussen, told Sputnik.

    "If anything Russia is acting more of a leader here and thus it may strengthen Russia’s hand," former vice president of the Eurasia Foundation Rasmussen said.

    Russia was the central focus of the 32-nation Alliance declaration that was issued on Wednesday.

    The declaration stated that Russia remains the most significant and direct threat to the Allies' security, and expressed profound concern over the deepening strategic partnership between Russia and China, which aims to undermine and reshape the rules-based international order.

    However, despite its hostile tone towards Russia and China, Rasmussen said he doubted the NATO summit had achieved any concrete results.

    "I think in general the summit will accomplish very little. It will act as a cheerleader/pep-talk. Very little seems to have been accomplished thus far, with few exceptions." he said.

    The declaration document itself showed a provocative mood towards Russia and China, Rasmussen observed.

    "It discusses expansion in Europe as well as stronger coordination in Asia and the Middle East in addition to funding contributions and weapon system modernization," he added.

    NATO leaders in their declaration also displayed a clearly stated objective to increase the number of joint military exercises and to establish a security presence along their eastern borders with Russia, Rasmussen noted.

    The growing tensions expressed at the summit looked likely to endure, Rasmussen said, adding that China and Russia should react with patience but determination against the growing hostility they faced from the West.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:48 pm

    Russia must admit itself as an enemy of the West, by Dmitry Orekhov, writer, for VZGLYAD. 07.18.2024.

    We have long been standing in the way of the so-called civilized nations, have long been the West's worst enemies. And it would be the greatest naivety to think that the same Anglo-Saxons should forgive us only because Vasily Livanov played Sherlock Holmes well, and Boris Zakhoder subtly translated Winnie the Pooh.

    In Russia, it is common to be indignant at the fact that the West has consistently designated our country as an enemy: in tsarist times, in the Soviet era, and in the post-Soviet era. Here, they say, is what an injustice, the West oppresses us all the time, but we are “not its enemies at all, not its enemies.” And why, actually, are we not enemies?

    In the 17th century, we thwarted the plans of the Poles and the Holy See to convert Russia to Catholicism. In the 17th century, we defeated the Swedish king Charles XII, the very one in whom Europe saw the hope of civilizing the “Russian barbarians.” In the next century, we stood in the way of Napoleon, who really wanted to spread the conquests of the French Revolution across our lands. Our ancestors did not even give the cannons with the inscriptions “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” which were fired on the Borodino field and abandoned during the retreat from Moscow, to the French. Having trampled the French dream, we then kicked the English one for a long time. Yes, the English also had a dream: to colonize all the countries that were possible, to populate Africa, the Middle East, South America, the Pacific islands, the Indonesian archipelago and the coastline of China and Japan with their colonists. This is what such idols of the English nation as Kipling and Cecil Rhodes dreamed of; their plans included turning the entire world into countries subject to London, building a global order in which any conflicts and wars would become impossible. These gentlemen sincerely believed that one day all the problems of civilized nations would be solved by a world parliament in which deputies from the white English colonies would sit. A beautiful dream? Beautiful. But tsarist Russia prevented England from building this empire, and even built its own, where instead of a hierarchical ladder of higher and lower races, there was a very strange order in which representatives of the most diverse peoples, from Poles to Aleuts, became equal citizens of a huge empire.

    The height of "indecency" was our behavior during the Crimean War: we stopped the Anglo-French-Turkish invasion, did not allow Russia to be dismembered, destroyed the cream of the British aristocracy on the battlefield... We are accustomed to thinking that we hopelessly lost that war; however, not everyone in the world thought so, and the British withdrawal from Crimea made many hearts beat joyfully. Soon, the Sepoy Rebellion began in India, and Burma, which Great Britain had already set its sights on, officially asked to join the Russian Empire. Do you think the British were pleased with this?

    After 1917, we again began to build something of our own, something strange, confusing others. And it would be fine if we limited ourselves to Mongolia. But our example turned out to be contagious even for Europe, where the communist movement began to grow stronger. Soon the “red danger” forced the leading countries of the West to invest in the promotion of fascism. It was an excellent plan: to feed the Nazi monster and set it on Russia. Everything went as planned, the world was already divided into spheres of influence, and the Teutonic races entered an era of prosperity, wisely dividing their responsibilities to humanity: the Americans had to manage their savages on the Mississippi, the English – on the Ganges, Indus and Niger, the Germans – on the Volga. However, Russia again confused all the cards. Having concluded a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939, it drove a wedge between friends and destroyed the Anglo-German partnership. A paradoxical situation arose: England found itself drawn into a war with its student and like-minded person! As a result, the Teutonic peoples began to sort things out among themselves – and this despite the fact that the English King Edward VIII had already taught his niece, the future Queen Elizabeth, to give the Nazi salute and shout “Heil Hitler!” In the Soviet Union, they loved to bitterly talk about how the workers of Russia and Germany fought on opposite sides of the front and shot at each other, but for some reason everyone forgot that the English and German Nazis also found themselves on opposite sides of the front. They also shot at each other and for many of them this was also a tragedy.

    Having set the Teutonic nations at odds, trampled the German dream of an eastern space, and confused all the English plans for dividing up the world, Russia did not stop there. After all, there was also a bloodless victory over Great Britain, when, thanks to the rapid capture of Berlin and brilliant military-tactical maneuvers, our command managed to disrupt Operation Unthinkable planned by Winston Churchill. Churchill, the embodiment of the best traits of English politicians, fought like a lion, trying to glue together the Western front against Russia again. Everything was thought out perfectly - England, the USA, German Nazis, Poles and Hungarians attack Russia in 1945, and together they do what Hitler failed to do. The plan allowed "to drive the Muscovites deep into the forests and steppes" and end the war according to the original scenario. And this plan failed again! It was not for nothing that the "greatest Englishman of all time" later went into hysterics and begged Truman's entourage to begin nuclear bombing of the cities of the USSR. Churchill sensed the coming catastrophe; he knew that Russia could not be left among the victors of the Second World War.

    Soon the thunder really struck: inspired by the example of "non-European" and "racially inferior" Russia, yesterday's savages everywhere took up arms and drove the English out of the colonies. And our country actively helped them in this! In fact, we did what the British had always considered their exclusive right: intervened in conflicts and defeated the enemy with someone else's hands...

    And our confrontation with America? Together with China, we stopped the US invasion of Korea, supported Washington's enemies in Asia, Africa and Latin America, demonstratively helped Vietnam and Cuba... In front of everyone's eyes, the planet's tasty morsels were moving over to the socialist camp, creating a direct threat to US interests. And you think the Anglo-Saxons should forget all this? Pretend that none of this happened?!

    In our time, the greatness of America is under threat – as, by the way, the greatness of England once was. How much effort the Americans have put in to achieve global dominance! Year after year, they have been creating the Great Arc of Instability – from North Africa to China. How much effort, how much money, how much energy was invested in this undertaking, how many agents of influence had to be trained, how many conflicts were kindled! But Russia has ruined everything again. By sending its Aerospace Forces to help Assad, by supporting the legitimate Syrian government, we defended the most important Middle Eastern link in this belt – Syria. In fact, this was a new spit in the face of the United States and the collective West, made in front of the eyes of the entire world.

    There are other examples, but what has been said is quite enough. We have long been standing in the way of the so-called civilized nations, and have long been the West's worst enemies. And it would be the greatest naivety to think that the same Anglo-Saxons should forgive us only because Vasily Livanov played Sherlock Holmes well, and Boris Zakhoder subtly translated Winnie the Pooh.

    Let's not be naive. We are the enemies of the West, and we will always be.

    Let's finally stop being embarrassed about this.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:48 pm

    Six-day working week in Europe is already a reality, by Andrey Polonsky for VZGLYAD. 07.20.2024.

    There is no trace left of the former complacency of parasitic capitalism in the West. Green energy was the first to fall. Next in line is the beloved idea of ​​reduced working hours. What next?
    This summer, Greece announced the introduction of a six-day work week. Greece, summer, a six-day week – the combination of these concepts seems completely unnatural to anyone who knows the country of Plato and Aeschylus at least a little. Relaxed people, the sea, love, the Acropolis, Meteora – what does a work week have to do with it at all? And a six-day week even more so. However, a fact is a fact.

    Of course, the six-day work week was introduced not as a mandatory norm, but as a permissive one. But there is a nuance. The permissive nature is for business owners. They now have the right to force employees to work with one day off. It is unlikely that anyone will ask the employees themselves. They will be paid, and not bad, in the modern world everything is bought and sold, and then - if you don’t want to - quit, no one is holding you back in principle. Capitalism as it is. And the trade union will not say anything, it’s stupid, but it is the law. True, there are also state and municipal employees. According to the new law, they will definitely be required to work six days a week. Nothing can be done about it.

    According to Greek Interior Minister Niki Karameos, the six-day week will allow employers to more effectively meet “urgent needs” and workers to receive additional payments. The reform should encourage workers to earn more. And – I would like to add – to spend less time on their private lives. An ideal model for a “civilized free world.”

    Under video cameras, six days a week, the only thing left to do is to reduce paid holidays to a minimum, as Greek writer Dimitris Palazis noted.

    The most interesting thing is that talk about a six-day week is being held all over the European Union. And in some places in Asia. In Belgium, a law allowing working six days a week was adopted back in 2022. Similar “experimental” programs were launched in Britain, Germany and Japan. By the way, many corporations are introducing a six-day week for their employees without any extra government acts. For example, Samsung.

    But it was only recently that we heard other speeches. They talked about a four-day work week, reducing the working day to almost five hours, about ecology and humanization, increasing the share of leisure in the total time of life - as the most important achievement of modern times. In Spain, in 2021, they were seriously going to introduce a four-day week. Preparations were underway. It was claimed that in the era of artificial intelligence, "machines will finally produce useful things, and people will produce beautiful things," as Oscar Wilde once dreamed of.

    And here there is obvious confusion.

    The reasons are primarily demographic, of course – the aging and outflow of specialists, and all that. It is not for nothing that the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, called the demographic situation in the country a “ticking time bomb.”

    But the main thing is not demography, but history. In its return to real everyday life.

    The concept of global distribution of wealth and resources under the leadership of the "golden billion" is crumbling before our eyes, and this requires additional effort. It is easy to explain what is happening, like in a children's picture. A significant, if not the predominant part of Western entrepreneurship was recently built on Russian resources and relatively cheap Chinese and Indian hands and brains. Everything is clear with Russian resources. Since the beginning of the Ukrainian war, the West cannot count on them. They themselves imposed sanctions.

    What if tomorrow there is a conflict with China? Or with China and India? Or with China, India and the African world? It is no coincidence that the West is increasingly asking itself: who is really isolated? Russia, which they have proclaimed enemy number one? Or themselves – against the backdrop of BRICS, the SCO, the successes of Russian diplomacy and the Chinese economy in Africa and the Middle East?

    And of course, such challenges require a complete U-turn from our adversary. There is no trace left of the former complacency of their parasitic capitalism. Green energy was the first to fall. Next up is the beloved idea of ​​reduced working hours. What next?

    And the most interesting thing is that the Western left-centrists, all these endless greens, social democrats, socialists and other main haters of Russia do not say a word, not half a word, about the tightening of capitalist exploitation. It's like they've kept their mouths shut. Only the Greek ultra-left marginals are trying.

    “What worker, with our unemployment and poverty, would dare to say ‘no’ to uncontrolled employers, whom the government has allowed to treat workers as its slaves?” exclaims, for example, Greek trade union activist Nikos Fotopoulos, but his words remain a voice crying in the wilderness.

    Against this background, the most curious thing is that in most European countries, “old Europeans” and migrants, spoiled by various social benefits, are not at all ready for the new stress. In a certain part, they prefer to live on income from real estate, inheritance, other savings, and, if possible and sufficiently prepared, to work remotely. And this circumstance places an additional burden on their compatriots and contemporaries who work under traditional hiring.

    But there is another aspect to this problem, which is very significant in the long term. It is no secret that in most large transnational corporations, there has long been an unlimited internal totalitarianism. The six-day workweek finally takes the workers employed there away from civil society into the world of corporate ethics, where there is a very special, far from transparent, atmosphere. Millions of obedient corporate employees are an ideal object of manipulation, and the forces ready to manipulate them feel more in their right, the more the state allows them to “buy” the time of workers, essentially swallowing up human lives…

    ...In Russia, in turn, there are no plans for a six-day work week. The Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Anton Kotyakov announced this at the SPIEF this year, commenting, among other things, on the shocking changes in labor legislation in several European countries.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 32 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:36 pm

    A post from YouTube that sums up toilet Kanada:

    In 2018 I traveled from Japan to Canada for a visit, I'm a Canadian Citizen, and my flight took me through LAX (oh man what a $hit show that place was) then to Vancouver, and then to my hometown. At that point, I rented a car, a minivan, that had Ontario plates on it. I went to Oregon to visit friends, and got through the border to the US with just a few questions and a "Welcome to the USA". I was traveling with my adult daughter who is Canadian/Japanese. We visited friends and went back to my hometown. At the border entering Canada, we got detained.
    They could not read my "Japanese" driver's license, which is why I had an "International" driver's license, they wanted me to pay a $150 fee to have my Japanese driver's license translated... which I refused to do as my International driver's license was valid. The not-so-bright border agent said that my Japanese driver's license could be anything how did he know... I pointed out that the international driver's license listed the number on my Japanese driver's license. Then they wanted to know where I went and who I visited, I told them "Friends in the US" and they wanted names and addresses, which I refused to give them. Next, they questioned why I was driving a car from BC with Ontario license plates...? I told them it was a rental and they had the car's registration, my rental agreement, etc and maybe they should ask the rental car company, I just took the car they offered. They told me it was suspicious that I was from BC but driving a car with Ontario license plates. In the meantime they had taken everything out of the car and just threw our stuff on the ground like trash, they opened up our suitcases and tossed our clothes on the ground. My daughter started to record them doing this and they took her phone and told her she would not get it back.
    Next, they started with my daughter who had just graduated from UBC with an engineering degree (proud papa!) as she had both a Japanese and Canadian passport, they were concerned that she did not have a visa to be in Canada, this low IQ agent actually asked her where her visa was on her Japanese passport to be allowed to be in Canada while holding her Canadian Passport in the same hand. We were detained for about four hours until an older wiser agent finally showed up, he went over everything, and he went to hand me back all of our paperwork and said we could leave, I said that we should get an apology from the other agents who made such a mess, he withdrew the paperwork and said "Shall we strip search your daughter?" (there were only male agents in attendance). I said "no" and took our paperwork back, we spent maybe 30 minutes repacking our suitcases and other stuff into the rental car and returned to my hometown. My family was outraged at the whole deal, and my mum knew the local MLA she used to babysit him, he came and talked to us, I gave him all of the details the names, etc of the people who did this and... nothing happened. The MLA later explained that the border agents were Federal and BC the province could do nothing, in fact, the border agency said they had no record of the incident. We did nothing wrong or illegal, all of our paperwork was in order, and neither myself nor my daughter has ever been arrested, not even a traffic ticket in the last 30+ years but this is how we were treated by Federal thugs with badges.
    Sorry for the long rant, but it's good to tell these stories, I've not told this one publicly until now because my daughter was still living in Canada and I did not want her to get any blowback, she no longer lives in Canada.
    Thanks for reading my story, I hope that someone gets their chit straight and lets Casey drop off the off-road non-regulated electric bikes soon.
    Cheers from Tokyo!
    PS This was all pre-¢ovid

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    Post  kvs Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:38 am

    Remember all the wailing in the NATzO west about how Navalny and his lemmings were "oppressed" when they blocked roads in Moscow and elsewhere?
    None of them got hard time when the protestors in the UK did.

    The usual double standards from the self-anointed masters of the universe.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:59 am

    Anyone who thinks that the NATzO west is "normal" needs a brain transplant.  So you can't even verbally attack your rapist in Germany.
    I dare anyone to produce a case where some state extolled minority was subjected to hate crime prosecution even though they smear
    "non-minority" people (aka the indigenous whites) like there is no tomorrow.  

    Germans need to grow a brain, spine and testicles.   They then need to lynch every single regime and journalist f*ck that props up their
    Orwellian toilet wannabe system.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:28 pm

    Manipulation and individualism have turned the US into a dangerous idiot, by Timofey Bordachev, Programme Director of the Valdai Club, for VZGLYAD. 07.25.2024.

    To stay in power, American and British politicians must only fool their voters. The rest is up to the citizens themselves. This makes both countries dangerous adversaries, since the people there are accustomed to obeying their rulers even in the most insane undertakings.

    In the last few weeks, the media has been extremely persistent in helping us keep up with the events surrounding the show called "preparations for the US presidential election." The incumbent head of the administration's unsuccessful debate with his main opponent from the Republican Party, the latter's miraculous survival during an assassination attempt, Donald Trump's choice of his running mate, and, finally, the change of leader among the ruling Democrats. As a result, the vice president in Joe Biden's government, who has not yet distinguished herself, comes to the fore.

    All this confusion is accompanied by a huge amount of contradictory information and opinions that literally fall on the head of the average person, creating the effect of emotional swings. Partly, the risk of finding themselves on such swings arises for observers in other countries as well.

    In Russia, too, we are used to paying close attention to political battles in the West. This habit is part of our political culture – the Russian state arose, first and foremost, out of foreign policy necessity. However, we would like this habit to remain at the level of simple curiosity, and not to create expectations related to this or that result of the internal American fuss.

    It seems that it is much more important for Russia and its interests to correctly perceive what is happening and to know who we are dealing with in principle on the global political arena. This means that we must, first of all, treat the entire American idea with a fair amount of humor. Regardless of who ends up at the head of the American state, Russia's interests are ensured by its military capabilities and position in the world economy. Only these will be taken into account by our opponents when it comes to a diplomatic settlement of the current aggravation in relations between Russia and the West.

    Secondly, it is necessary to understand that we are dealing with a unique political culture. A system in which the only content of political activity is the manipulation of ordinary citizens by the elite, who do this solely for the sake of achieving their own selfish desires. Therefore, the social order in Great Britain and the USA has remained static for centuries, and the population does not even think about changing the existing order by decisive measures.

    In other words, to stay in power, American or British politicians must do nothing more than fool their voters: the citizens must do everything else themselves. This makes both powers dangerous adversaries, since the people there are accustomed to obeying their rulers even in the most insane undertakings.

    An example of such an order was created over several centuries in Britain – a country where since the end of the 14th century there has not been a single truly mass social uprising against the existing order. For centuries, the English people have been slavishly submissive and have been carrying an incredible number of parasites on their shoulders: from the royal family to the major capitalists of our time. According to experts, comparative social benefits appeared in this country only in the second half of the last century, and now there is a rapid rollback to the more familiar harsh attitude towards ordinary people. And all these centuries, the English have been meekly going to fight where their own elite drives them. Without receiving anything special in return.

    We remember how joyless the life of veterans of colonial wars during the heyday of the British Empire was described by its main poet Rudyard Kipling. The Magna Carta of 1215, which is presented by propaganda as almost the first constitution, is in fact an agreement between the king and the aristocrats, which has nothing to do with the common people and their rights. And it was primarily the geographical location that allowed such a unique order to be created for centuries: life on the island itself contributes to the development of a feeling of hopelessness and forces one to come to terms with the wildest forms of social life.

    Beginning in the 17th century, the English and Scots fled their miserable situation to North America quite actively. But the political culture created over the centuries proved stronger. And when the United States appeared, the British order was reproduced there with some additions. At its core is the development of radical forms of individualism in citizens, which leads to the perception of others only as competitors. It is no coincidence that in the international arena, the United States sees all countries of the world as its potential or current opponents. This is their system of coordinates, in which there are no friends or allies, but only competitors or subordinates. There is no place for taking into account the interests and values ​​of others.

    In exact accordance with the definition of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in relation to people, Anglo-Saxon foreign policy is the behavior of “creatures that are tightly sealed on all sides, who are rushing forward because they are not capable of recognizing themselves in connection with any order of phenomena.”

    A society consisting of individualists is extremely easy to manage based on simple algorithms. It is enough to constantly assure the citizen of his uniqueness and ability to independently solve any problem.

    An individualist is easy to manipulate: he will not consult with his neighbors and must always make an independent decision. Therefore, the practical task of politicians in the US, as in Great Britain, is to constantly work to ensure that citizens do not even think that the state or society bears any responsibility to them.

    And if the state has no responsibility, then there can be no change of elites, who have been passing power and wealth to their descendants for centuries. And it would be extremely naive to think that the rise to power of new people could change anything in American big politics. Including, of course, the fundamental aspects of the relations of the USA and its closest ally with the outside world. In a system where everything is done only for the sake of maintaining power over the population, foreign policy is deeply secondary.

    Moreover, the US, like Great Britain, is a country whose geopolitical position dramatically limits the possibilities of social interaction with others. In Russia, for example, the situation is completely opposite – we have many neighbors, and foreign policy affairs inevitably occupy an important place in the list of state responsibilities.

    The combination of a unique position on the world map and the peculiarities of domestic political systems make Americans and their British relatives very special participants in international life: a weak adaptation to communication in a group forces them to behave marginally and seriously rely only on force. Which fully corresponds to the ancient meaning of the concept of "idiot", that is, a person living in isolation from society and not participating in the development of its rules.

    The political culture of the US and Britain leaves very little room for compromise with others. And this is a major problem for the world, the solution to which is only possible partially and exclusively by diplomatic methods. Building a common home (international order) with those who are not fully suited for it is a completely hopeless undertaking: any agreement will be temporary and will be revised by them in accordance with their inner impulses.

    The only way to plan a common future for Russia, China, India and a host of other countries on the planet is to contain these unique partners in various ways . And to hope that over time such containment will create more adequate ideas about themselves in this world for the two “special” participants in international communication.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:27 pm

    I think the use of the term "individualism" is grossly incorrect. Having immigrated to Kanada during the 1970s from the "collectivist" USSR, my family
    noticed how much more thought conformity there was in the "individualist" west. People did not talk about politics in social contexts. That is a
    culture of information exchange suppression. In the Soviet Union people would attack the system and talk politics at every chance. They were
    not cowering in fear of men in black sedans showing up to take them away for "thought crime".

    Western "individualism" is BS such as having no muffler in your jalopy, letting your mutt bark its head off for hours in the back yard to annoy the
    neigbours, etc. In the oppressive USSR the cops stopped you in traffic if your car was in a state of disrepair. This was such a crime...not.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:33 pm

    "Plant based diet", a WEF "you will own nothing and be a sick, castrated slave" agenda. CH4 from livestock is an utter non-issue for global warming.
    Livestock herds contribute less than landfills and unlike the landfills they are not increasing by large factors. By contrast, CO2 emissions are increasing
    together with the global GDP. All these anti-meat faggots are also anti nuclear power. If they had valid beliefs and honest agenda, they would ignore
    meat and push for nuclear power.

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    Post  kvs Yesterday at 12:44 pm

    The US is heading for war on Iran.  Russia cannot stand idly by and allow the same thing to happen as in Serbia and Iraq.   It needs to intervene on the side of Iran and
    f*ck over yanqui plans.   The argument will be made that America will attack Russia if Russia intervenes.   BS.   This means that America will be glassed.  The clowns running
    the US are not totally suicidal.   They are low IQ hubris-filled trash, but they are not infinitely brave.   The Ukria war has also served to demonstrate that their delusions
    cannot create reality even if Karl Rove thinks they can.   If Russia lets the yanquis do what they please with Iran, it will only worsen its own security.   There is no sidestepping
    a confrontation with clowns who want to have a confrontation.

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    Post  ALAMO Yesterday at 2:24 pm

    Murica can't afford a war with Iran, and that closes the whole case.
    They are busy now with stopping Bibi from going ballistic.
    Iran is an 80 mln nation with its own technology and industry, which was getting ready for a conflict since the Islamic revolution.
    Enjoying undisrupted supply chain in a case of war, and being surrounded by neutral or friendly states all around except of Persian and Omag Gulfs, which are the only direction that can be potentially used to attack them.
    Located at the narrow straits of a global economy, capable of cutting all the lanes as soon as they would decide that.
    They can bomb Israel back to the Massada times with one single blow.

    This saber rattling is meaningless.

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    Post  Arrow Yesterday at 2:40 pm

    They can bomb Israel back to the Massada times with one single blow. wrote:

    The West also has the ability to strike the Iranian economy through airstrikes and cruise missile strikes on key elements of the Iranian economy. Iran has a very weak air force and its AD is far from the Russians' to be able to stop a massive strike with Tomahowk and JASSM cruise missiles. Despite all this, the West still has quite a bit of striking potential.

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    Post  ALAMO Today at 10:25 am

    That is highly arguable.
    The west does not have the numbers needed to inflict strategic damage to an 80 mln nation and 1.65mln km2 area.
    A whole US arsenal of cruise missiles sums up with approx. 3.5k Tomahawks, half of them deployed.
    Plus maybe 1.5k AGM-129.
    That's it.
    Replacement rates are laughable - Tomahawks production is well below 100 a year (70 ordered in FY22).

    And now, put a 23kkm2 and 9.5mln population Israel on the equation.
    As an end receiver of 2000 pcs ballistic missiles, assisted by 2000 cruise missiles and 4000 drones.
    In a single salvo.

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