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max steel
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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP

    max steel
    max steel

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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Russia's international performance in PSYOP

    Post  max steel Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:12 pm

    Thats why US paid media is doing yellow journalism on China . What i don't understand is why Chinese and Russians don't come up with strong media presence in World . Except RT even russians never had any global english channel .

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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Re: Russia's international performance in PSYOP

    Post  GarryB Sat May 02, 2015 7:29 am

    Thats why US paid media is doing yellow journalism on China . What i don't understand is why Chinese and Russians don't come up with strong media presence in World . Except RT even russians never had any global english channel .

    Ummm.... didn't you just answer your own question?

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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Re: Russia's international performance in PSYOP

    Post  macedonian Sat May 02, 2015 9:01 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Thats why US paid media is doing yellow journalism on China . What i don't understand is why Chinese and Russians don't come up with strong media presence in World . Except RT even russians never had any global english channel .

    Ummm.... didn't you just answer your own question?

    Not fully, I'd say.
    Let me clue you in on the media/propaganda situation here in the Balkans...
    There's  Al Jazeera's Balkan channel (operating from Croatia if I'm not mistaken) covering all ex-YU countries and employing journos from all these countries.
    Than there's a CNN Balkan channel (not sure of the name...think it's N1 or something) running a similar show...

    Both these are pushing the western narrative, and both are included in cable packages free of charge (since obviously no one would pay to watch them).

    Than there's BBC Macedonian, BBC Serbian, BBC Croatian (not sure of other BBC services). Some were closed due to budget cuts.
    Let's not forget VOA which also transmits in local languages. And the worse of all - the CIA's media and psyops channel: Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty which is the most active of all pushing the US propaganda drivel. There's also the German DW which is the same as RFE/RL really, but coming from Germany.
    To top it all, there's a plethora of local media financed by the Soros foundation. These are worse than all those mentioned above.
    They are constantly criticizing the Government for not joining in the sanctions against Russia, for joining Turkish Stream, and for taking part in the May 9th parade.

    On the Russian side, there's RT transmitting in English. As far as I'm aware they have no Serbian/Bulgarian/Macedonian/Croatian channel.
    They are also part of the free cable package, though strangely enough the channel is often off air (a blank screen appears)...which is NEVER the case with the western media outlets. All said about RT also applies to China's CCTV (also only transmitting in English).

    In local languages there's only Russia Beyond the Headlines (the Macedonian channel is named Руска Реч / Russian Word) but that's just an Internet portal, and it doesn't relay news per se, they offer analysis and report on bilateral events like...Macedonian Scientists to visit the Russian University in Pskov...LOL
    There are NO Russian NGOs similar to Soros' that buy local presstitutes to transmit the other side of the story. None!

    So as you can see, the situation with the media is pretty grim. No wonder people have no clue what's really going on in Ukraine...though this changes with forums (just like this one, but local) where 99% of the people support the Russian side. (I like to think I'm contributing to this effort, since I'm actively pushing the Russian view, and challenging the pro-American posters which are obvious paid trolls. No Russian paid trolls though, just people like me...)

    Sorry for the long answer, but had to explain this fully since it DOES bother me...


    GarryB do you reckon this subject merits a thread of its own?
    We could call it "Russia vs West Psyops" or something...or "The Reach of Russian vs Western Media"...
    max steel
    max steel

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    Post  max steel Sat May 02, 2015 4:21 pm

    Voice of America VOA transmits in local languages ?

    Wow! What the fcuk an american radio channel doing in europe !

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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Re: Russia's international performance in PSYOP

    Post  Werewolf Sat May 02, 2015 4:37 pm

    ZDF a state run propaganda of germany has one of its Headquarters in USA, which is a national "news agency" that only can be recieved in germany, austria, switzerland and i think luxembourg. The question is what the heck is one of the headquarters doing in US?

    Found it by accident on google maps when i was searching for something.

    ZDF German Television
    1077 31st St NW
    Washington, DC 20007
    Vereinigte Staaten

    Can someone from US tell me if they are recieving ZDF in german/english because i would probably know about that by now from the hard crticism here in germany against the biased reports from ZDF being all Pro US....

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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Re: Russia's international performance in PSYOP

    Post  GarryB Sun May 03, 2015 12:20 am

    GarryB do you reckon this subject merits a thread of its own?
    We could call it "Russia vs West Psyops" or something...or "The Reach of Russian vs Western Media"...

    there is a good idea... which section will you put it in?

    So as you can see, the situation with the media is pretty grim. No wonder people have no clue what's really going on in Ukraine...though this changes with forums (just like this one, but local) where 99% of the people support the Russian side. (I like to think I'm contributing to this effort, since I'm actively pushing the Russian view, and challenging the pro-American posters which are obvious paid trolls. No Russian paid trolls though, just people like me...)

    To be honest I am glad there are no equivalents of Soros in Russia... well there is but they tend to buy British soccer teams... Soros and his equivalents don't support democracy and peace and freedom... they support the exact opposite and are doing America harm internationally... they just don't realise it.

    there is RT in spanish and arabic and english... give them time... as they grow they will start catering better to all the other languages of this planet, but you need to have the reporters and the money and resources to do it.

    Wow! What the fcuk an american radio channel doing in europe !

    Post WWII cold war tools to undermine communism in all of eastern europe... now it just tries to undermine democracy in Russia. affraid

    Found it by accident on google maps when i was searching for something.

    Finding target info for you new stealth drone? afro

    Can someone from US tell me if they are recieving ZDF in german/english because i would probably know about that by now from the hard crticism here in germany against the biased reports from ZDF being all Pro US...

    When all your media reports have to be cleared by Washington first it makes sense to have an HQ in Washington... lol!

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Russias international performance in psyops

    Post  macedonian Sun May 03, 2015 12:59 am

    GarryB wrote:
    GarryB do you reckon this subject merits a thread of its own?
    We could call it "Russia vs West Psyops" or something...or "The Reach of Russian vs Western Media"...
    there is a good idea... which section will you put it in?

    Can't say for sure...International politics perhaps?

    GarryB wrote:
    So as you can see, the situation with the media is pretty grim. No wonder people have no clue what's really going on in Ukraine...though this changes with forums (just like this one, but local) where 99% of the people support the Russian side. (I like to think I'm contributing to this effort, since I'm actively pushing the Russian view, and challenging the pro-American posters which are obvious paid trolls. No Russian paid trolls though, just people like me...)
    To be honest I am glad there are no equivalents of Soros in Russia... well there is but they tend to buy British soccer teams... Soros and his equivalents don't support democracy and peace and freedom... they support the exact opposite and are doing America harm internationally... they just don't realise it.

    Right...the oligarchs spend billions on footy teams to win hearts and minds IN ENGLAND, but the State of Russia can't spare a few thousand on relaying its point of view on International politics in the Balkans where people share a culture similar (if not same!) to Russian, and speak Slavic languages..."I'm not sure that I agree with you a hundred percent on your policework there, Lou."
    Sorry for borrowing a line from "Fargo" there.

    GarryB wrote:[there is RT in spanish and arabic and english... give them time... as they grow they will start catering better to all the other languages of this planet, but you need to have the reporters and the money and resources to do it.
    I'm sure that as they grow they'll reclaim Alaska, but before transmitting in "first nation" languages, could I bother them to transmit in Slavic languages first??? See, I don't want them to pay too much time, effort and money translating stuff! Sorry about the irony, but is it the US' media priority to cover Venezuelan or Canadian space? Are the majority of pro-Russians from the Balkans, or from South America and the Middle East?
    No, I think my point still stands - Russia isn't doing all it should. Not at all.

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    Post  GarryB Wed May 13, 2015 8:58 am

    Right...the oligarchs spend billions on footy teams to win hearts and minds IN ENGLAND,

    But that is the point... they have no agenda or ideology to push... those oligarchs buy soccer teams because they can afford it... They could care less about how the British public sees or perceives Russia.... it simply isn't their problem.

    Russia itself has lots of things on its mind... spreading peace and democracy is not at the top of the list.... they have other problems to deal with first.

    but the State of Russia can't spare a few thousand on relaying its point of view on International politics in the Balkans where people share a culture similar (if not same!) to Russian, and speak Slavic languages..

    Maybe it feels if it can sway western opinion bit by bit then it wont need to do it everywhere... the problem for Russia is not lack of support in the Balkans... it is lack of support or at least understanding in the west.

    No, I think my point still stands - Russia isn't doing all it should. Not at all.

    Hang on... why does Russia have to do this... Isn't Serbia or Croatia or Albania for that matter interested in the aspects the western media ignore?

    And if they aren't then what is the point?

    Can't you spot the pattern... Putin didn't intervene in Scotland... and despite western claims he has done rather little in the Ukraine... he probably did something regarding the Crimea but nothing like anything the US has done repeatedly in lots of places around the world in such circumstances.

    He didn't send troops to any of the 'stans when they were having problems either... he did intervene in South Ossetia after Russian Peacekeepers were attacked... Are you sensing a pattern?

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    Post  AirCargo Fri May 22, 2015 4:04 am

    Salutin' Putin: inside a Russian troll house

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    Post  PhSt Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:45 am

    Russia needs to continue and intensify its efforts to expose the double standards of NATO democratic values.

    at the same time, Russia needs to weed out the poisonous Liberat 5th columnists inside Russia. This Ustinov clown needs to be assassinated. It will send a powerful message to these NATO PlGs that Russia is willing to resort to extreme measures to safeguard its sovereignty.

    Detentions of protesters make US rhetoric of democracy look hypocritical - Moscow

    MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/. The United States and international rights organizations ignored the mid-September detentions of protesters in New York and Houston, demonstrating double standards to human rights issues in various countries, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

    In a statement released via Facebook, the ministry said that although US local and federal authorities had sufficient time to prepare official comments on those cases, they preferred to keep silent about them. Leading US-based human rights organizations also decided to stay aside and to ignore those arrests.

    "They simply paid no attention to these protests. For instance, Human Rights Watch, which is well known in Russia, supported unauthorised rallies in Moscow practically on a daily basis," the ministry said. "But they did not find the protests in the US to be such a concern. Their website or public statements by their activists do not contain even a sentence about the recent massive detentions in Houston and New York."

    The ministry went on to say that a statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dated September 15, 2019 "looks cynical against this backdrop." In the statement, timed to coincide with the International Day of Democracy, Pompeo emphasized his country’s "unwavering commitment to the unalienable rights" and expressed concern over "the global trend of shrinking civic space." He also assured that his country would "continue to be a leader in protecting civic space to bolster the foundations of democracy."

    "This is a graphic example of double standards. Posing as a global leader in protecting basic rights and freedoms, Washington does not stop at suppressing them when it finds this convenient - this time at home. Apparently, the main goal of US politicians and diplomats in this situation is to continue preaching their "universal" values to other countries," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    Protests in US
    On September 12, a group of Greenpeace activists suspended themselves from a bridge in Houston, unfurling banners related to environmental issues. As a result, traffic was blocked, and police arrested 11 participants of the campaign.

    On September 15, New York police arrested 76 participants of a sit-in, organized by the Close the Camps movement at a Microsoft store. The movement, campaigning for closure of camps for illegal migrants, demanded that the company refuse doing business with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

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    Russia's international performance in PSYOP Empty Russia needs to continue and intensify its efforts to expose the double standards of NATO democratic values.

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:04 pm

    The Russian MSM and RT need to stage extensive coverage of such domestic repression in the precious west. Having the
    Russian government comment on it is not good enough and can be easily fobbed off by saps as "Russian propaganda".

    Too many in Russia are not aware of the legal reality in the "free" west. Protestors are not allowed to break the law in the
    name of "freedom of expression" or some other such BS. All protests have to get approval and permits and the protest route
    is stipulated in the permit. The same due process is applied in Russia and none of the 5th column clowns brazenly breaking
    the law by blocking traffic (including ambulances) and creating other disruptions and violations of the freedoms of non-participants,
    are ever denied the right to protest. They do get permits to protest, but that is not what their interest is. Their interest
    is to serve the propaganda narratives of their NATO patrons and to create street theater and force the Russian police to round
    them up. Then, the fake stream NATO mass media claims that these poor dear protestors are being denied the right to protest.
    This is a total lie, of course. Abiding by the terms of a permit is not violation of rights, it is how civilized, intelligent
    people and not primitive shit flinging chimps act.

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