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    Post  Kiko Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:16 pm

    The conspiracy theorists were right: the deep state has emerged from the shadows, by Vladimir Kornilov for RiaNovosti. 06.04.2024.

    In the coming days, the Netherlands, considered “the most liberal country in the world,” will have a new prime minister. This brings to an end a more than six-month saga in which the winners of the November elections tried to form a government based on their results. The most striking thing in this story is the fact that the prime minister will eventually become a person who has nothing to do with these elections at all! Simply put, the choice of millions of Dutch voters was simply ignored. And now they are urgently trying to portray universal approval of this idea.

    Over the course of many decades, the Netherlands developed a rather complicated multi-party system, which nevertheless was held up as an example to the whole world. There has long been no party that claims an absolute majority. But a certain consensus emerged: the prime minister, as a rule, became the leader of the party that received a relative majority and, during long negotiations, could form a coalition based on the election results. That is, it was theoretically possible to take first place, but not get into the government, if the second party managed to get the support of the majority of deputies in parliament. The last time the second-place party formed a government was in the 1982 elections. But let us repeat: the leader of the party that had more mandates in the ruling coalition always became prime minister - thus, the choice of voters was always taken into account.

    As you know, in November last year the European establishment was shocked to its core due to the fact that the non-systemic anti-Islamic and anti-migrant Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders took a confident first place in this liberal country . Western media then simply went crazy, talking about “Putin’s victory” in the Netherlands.

    But the mainstream quickly rallied. At first, the liberal parties, who agreed to a coalition with their sworn enemy, made it a condition that Wilders himself would not be in the government. And now the coalition has announced that 67-year-old official Dick Schoof will become prime minister. And not an ordinary official! Since the 90s, Schoof has climbed the entire hierarchical ladder in the depths of the Dutch intelligence services and government agencies involved in security. In the 2000s, he headed the National Service for Combating Terrorism, the General Intelligence and Security Service (the country's all-powerful secret service AIVD), and became the highest civil servant in the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands.

    Having reached all possible heights for a government official, Schoof was planning to retire this spring. Suddenly, an unelected bureaucrat who spent his entire career in the shadows is thrust to the top of Dutch politics, almost certainly occupying a position that has until now been reserved for opinion leaders. Dutch commentators in this regard rightly note: “For the first time we will have a prime minister who knows more about each of us than we do about him.”

    Moreover, many note that Schoof has a dossier on all the leaders of political parties in the Netherlands. At one time, his intelligence service was accused of spying on citizens using fake accounts on social networks. The NRC newspaper recalls that Schoof's services were responsible, on the one hand, for the protection of Wilders, on the other hand, they monitored him, suspecting, in particular, of cooperation with Russia.

    That is, the new prime minister will know more about the leader of the largest party in the coalition than anyone else. As, in fact, about other leaders. University of Amsterdam sociologist Lorenz Beis analyzed body language during Schoof's meetings with faction leaders and concluded: "They are afraid of him. What an unreal situation we find ourselves in." “Before, the government controlled the intelligence services, now the intelligence services control the government. You have to get used to this,” writes Jan Hommel, a popular blogger in the Netherlands.

    Indeed, everything that conspiracy theorists of all stripes wrote about the Deep State in the West suddenly turned out to be not conspiracy theories at all. The famous writer David Icke, a classic among modern Western conspiracy theorists and the author of incredible Deep State theories, now seems quite reasonable when he says: “The Netherlands is a new template for every country: an unelected spymaster as prime minister and persecution of elected politicians for their revelations. Technocratic tyranny manifested in false "liberal democracy." Icke and other Western conspiracy theorists now point to The Hague and ask: "Where did we go wrong?"

    Surveys conducted by EenVandaag show that only 39 percent of Dutch people know anything about Schoof. Moreover, the largest percentage (61) of those who had never heard anything about him were precisely among voters of Wilders’ party, who celebrated their victory in November.

    But you should have seen how the mainstream media and politicians rushed to portray a universal “I approve!” the decision to appoint the “gray eminence of the secret services”! In the best traditions of Soviet agitprop, the Dutch are assured that Schoof is the best choice imaginable. “The right person in the right place,” shout the commentators there.

    The liberal newspaper De Volkskrant immediately organized a survey of voters who praised the choice of the new prime minister, even without knowing anything about him. The main argument is “You can’t pluck the feathers of a bald frog” - a Dutch proverb, which is more closely matched by the Russian analogue “To chase a naked frog, there’s nothing to take.” A good argument for choosing the prime minister of a European state! Still, it’s better than what the country’s largest circulation newspaper, De Telegraaf , quoted : “At least Dick Schoof won’t put a helmet with a dildo on his head.” Is this not enough for the appointment (precisely the appointment, not the choice!) of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands?

    We emphasize: we are not talking about some “banana republic”, we are talking about a country that has been cited in the West for many decades as an example of democracy and liberal democracy. But as soon as the threat to the mainstream emerged, the deep state immediately took control. What about voters' choice? So the “free and democratic” media will explain why it is better for them to trust behind the scenes.

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    Post  Hole Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:38 pm

    considered “the most liberal country in the world,”
    By whom?  Suspect

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    Post  flamming_python Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:51 pm

    Hole wrote:
    considered “the most liberal country in the world,”
    By whom?  Suspect

    It's like in the late Soviet era, when all these socialist leaders were just awarding medals to each other Razz

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:50 am

    That is, it was theoretically possible to take first place, but not get into the government, if the second party managed to get the support of the majority of deputies in parliament. The last time the second-place party formed a government was in the 1982 elections. But let us repeat: the leader of the party that had more mandates in the ruling coalition always became prime minister - thus, the choice of voters was always taken into account.

    Not strictly true.

    In our old first past the post system you win a district you get a seat, most seats win.

    The problem is that some districts can have huge populations and some districts not so many so a party that is popular in rural areas could win more seats than a party that is popular in urban areas so you could actually get more seats with fewer votes.

    If you lived in a country with five seats and five districts, if three of those districts are rural and two are urban a country with a 500,000 population might have 400K people in the two urban districts and the remaining 100K people in the three rural districts. A party that is popular in the urban areas might win 75% of the vote... or 300,000 votes, while in the rural districts the other party might win 75 percent of the vote... which would be 75,000 votes.

    That means the party popular in the rural areas gets 175,000 votes and the urban party gets 325,000 votes, but the rural party gets three seats and the urban party gets two.

    Here in New Zealand we get two votes... one for the member in our region or district and one for a political party, so there is a party vote and a vote for the local members and you can chop and change. The politician you vote for does not need to be in the party you vote for.

    Each party has a party list which has an order so the more seats they win the more people on the list get into parliament.

    A list MP might win their own seat so an extra person on the list might get a seat. Equally if a high up on the list person does not get voted in by their electorate then they will generally get in on the party list.

    We essentially have two main parties that are really not that different... no matter what they claim, and lots of little parties that can join a bigger party to create a coalition government.

    It means one party can't dictate to the country without negotiations and discussions with their coalition party members... it slows down and makes drastic changes rather more difficult, which I think it is a good thing.

    Ironically the world does not end during the months of negotiation and BS when there is effectively no real government.

    The calm before the storm really.

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:03 am

    Hole wrote:
    considered “the most liberal country in the world,”
    By whom?  Suspect

    By fags.
    You can see a clear construct, where they attach "liberal" to homo adoration. From the point on, any traditional society can be labeled "unliberal". Works 100%.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:24 pm

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    Post  higurashihougi Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:57 am

    Next time anybody say that the West is liberal then please slap this into their face

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:34 pm

    The western schtick is to bleat about human rights and democracy while suppressing them abroad and domestically. It is a psychological trick. If a chorus of leaders and officials
    claims to value freedom and democracy, then surely they have such values. It is a species of Goebbels' Big Lie approach but also with ceremonial trappings. When things
    get real, then all of the sudden you have no rights. Such as the Canadian truckers who staged peaceful protests against a crime against humanity level of abuse of forced
    vaccination with a gene therapeutic that did more harm than the virus. The human rights and democracy loving Canadian regime imposed the War Measures Act (whitewashed
    with another name) and sent in goons to physically attack the protesters. Currently we have protesters against the mass murder in Gaza being attacked by goons at universities,
    etc. As a voter in the Kanadian utopia I know that my vote means f*ck all. It is a placebo where the same stooges of the shadow elites make decisions just like you would
    expect them to. There is full continuity from two main parties as if it was just one party.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:06 pm

    The Robinette/Kagan duet wishes to stir and heat up the seas for munching fried fish, as the Brazilian saying goes.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:21 am

    Switzerland can no longer be the host of a Russia/Yanquiland summit.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:27 am

    The Swiss pretend to be neutral but clearly don't understand what that means... a truly neutral country would not have sanctions on any country at all.

    They picked their side so they are not neutral.

    Interesting I was watching an Alex Christiforu (spelling) video and he mention that the leader of Argentina, Milei who is best buddies with Zelensky apparently said something along the lines of "I can hate my neighbour, but if he doesn't buy my goods I will go bankrupt". Which sounds like good common sense... you don't need to love the people who buy your goods or whom you buy essential goods and services from... it is not the nature of business to only trade with those you like and not trade as a way of forcing them to conform to your idea of what they should be like is.

    I have a little more respect for Milei... he doesn't sound quite so stupid when he makes such sensible comments... a comment that should be directed to all of the west as well to be honest.... but they are not interested in taking advice from anyone... they give orders, they don't take advice... unless it confirms they were right all along.

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:41 am

    Switzerland is only neutral between the boys'

    The boys being the elite European club of countries. Which Russia was never invited to.

    Instead, as infidels they will be be given the initial reception as once afforded to Gaddafi, smiles and handshakes.. but in the end the same treatment afforded to Gaddafi too.
    They'd like nothing more than to dig the Russian leader out of a hole somewhere too, unkempt unshaven, and then hand him over to the courts of a puppet regime they'd have installed in Moscow by that time too.

    But VVP is still talking about negotiations and new agreements and whatever. Maintaining a fiction of cordiality that no longer exists. There's no-one listening on the other side of the line, to all these proposals.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:37 pm

    The US deep state bureaucracy is gaining more and more power.   Mercouris makes the key observation: bureaucracies do not act strategically.   I would
    say that they can't even properly function without leadership from outside.   You need some "dictator" to keep them going out of control.   In Russia
    the people can still vote for such a "dictator" but in the US they are already unable to do this no matter which party they vote for.   The swamp will have
    to be drained by revolution.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:46 pm

    The Yellen cow is typically what the French call a 'sâle gueule' (filthy yap).

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:47 pm

    Kiko wrote:The Yellen cow is typically what the French call a 'sâle gueule' (filthy yap).

    The US government is composed of such specimens.

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:23 pm

    A different map view of the West vs the Rest

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:27 pm

    Excerpt from the speech by Chinese venture capitalist and political scientist Eric Xun Li in the session 'Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World' at SPIEF 2024, June 10, 2024.

    "I'm in the technology business, and there is a term invented by the Americans that has to do with my business called 'small garden, tall walls.' It means that they want to keep the best technology in the small garden and erect very tall walls so the rest of us, or people they don't like, cannot access it.

    I borrowed that concept and took a look, asking, 'Who are in the small garden? Who are outside the walls?' It turned out that two groups of countries are in the small garden. 

    The first group is the British Empire and its four grandsons that had four genocides and established four states. Of course, you know who they are. 

    The second group consists of countries that, maybe 1,000 years ago during the first division of Christianity, were part of Western Christendom. Not you [Russia], but the Western Christians. These are Germany, France, and others. These countries form a small number of countries that, at the moment, account for about half of the world's GDP but maybe only a third of its growth.

    If you look at BRICS or the rest of the world, we're about half the world's GDP but 60% to 65% of growth. We now trade amongst ourselves more than we trade with them. Since last year, I think, the Global South trades more amongst ourselves than with the so-called Global North. I want to turn the idea upside down.

    I think the Americans first came up with the idea called 'the West and the Rest.' The reality is actually the world and the West. 

    We are the world, my friends. We are the world. They are the West, which is a small garden, and they want to erect high walls. That's great. Keep them inside."

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 17, 2024 4:24 pm

    The term "income" refers to GDP. So that map claiming that 73% of the GDP is in the US, EU, Canada and Australia is total BS.

    Advanced economies, aka the west, have 42% of the world PPP GDP. Not using PPP means engaging in pointless apples and orange comparisons.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:10 am

    But VVP is still talking about negotiations and new agreements and whatever. Maintaining a fiction of cordiality that no longer exists. There's no-one listening on the other side of the line, to all these proposals.

    Actually I disagree... I think there will be many in the Ukraine listening to what Putin is saying and screaming at Zelensky why isn't he taking the deal?

    Obviously Zelensky has painted himself into a corner and can't even consider it because his wish list is ridiculous... he might as well also demand to be made 21 years old again...

    Plenty of other groups in Ukraine looking at Putin being reasonable, when quite frankly he does not need to be, and Zelensky making demands from under the boot of the Russian Armed forces... He is like the Knight in the Monty Python sketch where after Arthur cuts off both his arms and both his legs and his head from his torso ...he says... OK... lets call it a draw.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:49 am

    What is the most ridiculous part of Cocainsky demands, is that even in the west sense of reality starts to prevail over the ideological mantra.
    Nobody talks seriously anymore about any sort of returning" Crimea.
    Even such Russkie eater as the Polish president speaks openly that Crimea case is a different story, and due to historical details it can't be considered in a way Donbas is.
    He was immediately gang banged for that by "free media" Laughing Laughing
    Well, that is already an opening point if we will keep in mind that no other Ukrainian territory was on Russkie radar for a whole decade. And even after 240222, Dobas case was open to negotiations, till 404 have not break the deal.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:44 am

    But VVP is still talking about negotiations and new agreements and whatever. Maintaining a fiction of cordiality that no longer exists. There's no-one listening on the other side of the line, to all these proposals.

    An agreement still needs to be reached over the future, but fortunately the west is stupid enough to not realise it is very much a case of the sooner the better and the deal is only going to be getting worse.

    Zelensky couldn't accept this offer as generous as it was but remember this is just the framework... who gets what territory... it does not mention the trials which are going to be taking place... Zelensky has mentioned them but I think he expects them to be held in Kiev with him still in charge... the reality is that the trials will likely take place in Russia or Belarus perhaps, or maybe the regions the offenses took place like the current trials are taking place.

    Most likely Zelensky is not going to be part of the peace deal.... opposition in the Ukraine will be looking at this offer from Putin and be realising that is the best deal they are going to get because the west does not care... this is going to be interesting to see how the opposition in Ukraine treat this because no doubt they still have delusions of a Ukraine after this conflict and I don't think that will even be possible.

    The west has already stated a value that the Ukraine represents to them and the investments so far will be tallied up against that value... as long as they think that wealth is still there and they can get their hands on it they will continue and keep account of what Kiev owes them and the interest owed too.

    Ukraines future with the west will be as a slave colony owned by Cocacola and Blackwater and the Clinton Foundation and the Biden institute for the criminally insane. There will be no investments that are not aimed at boosting how much can be extracted from this region.

    The future for the west is not much less bleak if they continue....

    All the while it is Putin that looks interested in peace but prepared to continue fighting as long as it takes.

    Well, that is already an opening point if we will keep in mind that no other Ukrainian territory was on Russkie radar for a whole decade. And even after 240222, Dobas case was open to negotiations, till 404 have not break the deal.

    Only Crimea saw itself as a Russian region... the other regions still wanted to remain part of the Ukraine even up until the Istanbul negotiations... and Ironically I think it was the Istanbul negotiations that made the people of these regions realise they would be stuck in the Ukraine as autonomous regions under Kiev if they didn't pull finger and decide to join the RF.

    Shelling them for 8 years wasn't enough, but the idea of being in the Ukraine camp washed away 30 years of indoctrination and made them realise they were Russian and that their future was as part of Russia.

    It is funny that Kiev was scared and wanted to join HATO to get security guarantees from Russia... the eastern half of the country is not part of HATO but is assured of getting Russian support when it needs it now because it is part of Russia.

    There was a cartoon of an office in the US and a guy said... maybe if we could get Putin to bomb us, then we could get clean water and unlimited funding too.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:03 am

    Russia was heavily investing in Ukraine for an entire period of its nezavisimost.
    We are talking about tens of billions $, sometimes called as high as 150bln.
    Those are not only direct transfers, but lower tariffs, custom privileges etc.
    Most of that money was simply stolen by the oligarchy.
    I hardly believe that an overall cost of upgrading the new territories to Russian standard will be higher Laughing

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    Post  Arrow Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:11 am

    There are also other advantages. Cutting off Ukraine from the Black Sea, increasing the Russian population. Many additional raw materials, many investments that will boost the Russian economy, a larger buffer from the West, etc

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:02 pm

    ALAMO wrote:Russia was heavily investing in Ukraine for an entire period of its nezavisimost.
    We are talking about tens of billions $, sometimes called as high as 150bln.
    Those are not only direct transfers, but lower tariffs, custom privileges etc.
    Most of that money was simply stolen by the oligarchy.
    I hardly believe that an overall cost of upgrading the new territories to Russian standard will be higher Laughing

    I thought someone in the past mentioned something about the equivalent of 15 billions USD each year since 1992.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:49 pm

    The estimate that I recall is about 200 billion USD before 2014 or about 9 billion per year. I think 15 billion may be closer to the truth since
    there was lots of unmonetized benefit for Ukraine.

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