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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:03 pm

    The European NATO members, old & new, were just supporting the US military in all those wars. W/o it, NATO in E. Europe is no real mil. threat to Russia.
    So far the US troops & hardware deployments there were rather limited, with the aim of reassuring those new members that they won't be abandoned.
    But Putin's regime uses that to exaggerate their capabilities & intensions, making it into a perceived threat.
    By the same token, the US could portray the Russian intervention in Syria as a threat Turkey which is now surrounded from both sides+Iran, & Russia-China mil. exercises & bomber patrols in the Far East as a threat to Japan, SK & US bases there.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:52 am

    don't put = between them & the new NATO members.

    The US prefers to fund Syrian Kurds and Turkish Kurds over supporting HATO member Turkey... it was the leader of Turkey they tried to overthrow... not the leaders of the Kurdish terrorists...

    it would be even easier to kill/destroy NATO troops/bases in Ukraine with Iskanders & CMs from Russia & the BS.

    From Russian territory and the territory of Belarus (including Kaliningrad) they can create a fairly huge no fly zone over HATO territory if they wanted.

    ask the Russian, Chinese & NK emigrants/defectors how much they care for those regimes that pushed them to leave.

    Most of them are criminals running away from prosecution... like the drugs cheat who made all sorts of false claims after running to the west...

    Such people gave the west such critical information like Saddams nuclear and biological and chemical weapons programmes... how many trillions did that cost the western economies?

    with a CVN, nukes & better economy, her weakness vs. NATO/US is besides the point & not relevant in the Russian reality context.

    She does not make the west stronger, because she is unreliable and relatively weak on her own against Russia or China... against third world colonies she is amazingly powerful even if sometimes she helps the terrorists more than she helps what she calls allies... because war is good for her...

    that includes the Russian people themselves, & that's why it's called autocracy/oligarchy.

    No. An autocracy/oligarchy would be where it does not matter which party you vote for you always get the same people in power and in control.... where the very rich control everything no matter which party gets into power so endless wars that mean nothing to your countries security but rich people getting richer over these meaningless conflicts...

    Autocracy/oligarchy is exactly what the US has... the 1% control the media so there is no real criticism of anything except the political opposition but each party fights the same wars and wastes the same money and ends up reducing tax on the rich and printing more money to pay for it all...

    There are only two sides to vote for and neither will get you any escape from these rich people because one set of rich people own one party and another set of rich people own the other and some own both, so it really does not make much difference at all how gets into office or congress or the senate.

    It is funny, but years ago the Simpsons had a cartoon where aliens took the place of both the Republican and the Democrat candidates for an election and the deception was exposed and the aliens both said... what are you going to do... throw your vote away on an independent? And of course one of the aliens won the election because Americans are so stupid... they don't realise the only way to break the current duopoly on political power is to all vote for independent candidates that are not democrat or republican to take away their power...

    But Americans don't know what democracy is anyway... the only time they talk about free speech is defending nazis, which is hilarious because you can get arrested for using the wrong gender label there these days... hilarious the descent into madness...

    These EU Politicians live in an completely different reality, and whatever happens next. Europe absolutely deserves the consequences.
    I guess it will take Russia in case of conflict 36 hours at most to defeat NATO.

    The problem is that it was probably those higher up EU politicians that had the great idea of privatising transport and logistics to save money, and all that extra ammo lying around could be sent to the terrorist forces we support in Syria or Libya, or just put it in buildings in Afghanistan ready for the Taliban to use when we run away in a hurry and have to choose between bringing back soldiers and staff or ammo... it was probably a tough call... Twisted Evil

    If NATO is so weak, then indeed it's a defense alliance & Putin's concerns on its expansion r not warranted & not called for.

    Endless unnecessary wars and budget cuts and general lack of funding and stupidity in procurement is what makes it actually weak.

    The only countries ready for real war would be the UK, France, and the US and I have doubts about the first one because they lack essentials for real conflict to act on their own.

    When HATO goes to war every HATO nation involved will likely bring fighter aircraft but maybe only two or three countries will bring AWACS or inflight refuelling aircraft and those same two or three will bring transport aircraft... the rest will want to borrow or lease...

    What HATO should really do is collapse, and the EU can build its own military where it pledges components to a joint EU force to operate in the interests of the EU on or near EU territory. Each country could provide specific services or capabilities.... instead of 20 different fighter components one country might provide AWACS aircraft and another might provide inflight refuelling aircraft and another might provide fighters and another might provide dedicated strike aircraft or attack helicopters or actual CAS aircraft... but the core of the problem is lack of trust... the French wont trust the British to cover their ground troops properly with their aircraft and vice versa... they will want their own fighters to be present because Europe has shit air defence capability so fighter and AWACS are it which makes them rather more important for the west than they would be for a Russian operation where ground forces are well protected from enemy air threats... these days including serious threats from drones.

    How many MANPADS to HATO forces get issued... I would suspect not a huge number and against an electric powered drone flying at 4-5km altitude how effective are most western MANPADS going to be?

    The recent video released by Russia showing a drone take out a drone helicopter shows the Kornet-EM is an effective weapon against aerial drones from air or ground launchers... and it is a relatively cheap missile already in mass production... and Bulat is on the way which is smaller and lighter with less penetration which is not important for HE equipped anti drone missile versions... it can be carried in much greater numbers and should be useful to 6-7km range too.

    Rather, it's the weakness of Russian economy that couldn't bear the EU's expansion into Ukraine, which in 2014 started the whole mess they r in today.

    The EU is not interested in absorbing the Ukraine... they want it for HATO... just like Turkey... no for the EU but OK for cannon fodder against Russia... whups I mean OK for HATO.

    By the same token, the US could portray the Russian intervention in Syria as a threat Turkey which is now surrounded from both sides+Iran, & Russia-China mil. exercises & bomber patrols in the Far East as a threat to Japan, SK & US bases there.

    The US is a greater threat to Turkey than Russia ever was... The Russian intervention there was purely to stop it being overrun by US supported terrorists.

    The US has been exercising with Japan and South Korea rather longer than Russia has been exercising with China... the latter is a direct response to the former... suggesting the reverse of that is clearly demonstratively false.... Japan and South Korea are occupied by US soldiers... there are no Russian occupying forces in North Korea or China.

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    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:00 am

    don't put = between them & the new NATO members.
    The US prefers to fund Syrian Kurds and Turkish Kurds over supporting HATO member Turkey... it was the leader of Turkey they tried to overthrow... not the leaders of the Kurdish terrorists...
    a good exception that proves the rule! Most of Turkey lies in Asia, not Europe, & it's mostly Muslim.
    it would be even easier to kill/destroy NATO troops/bases in Ukraine with Iskanders & CMs from Russia & the BS.
    From Russian territory and the territory of Belarus (including Kaliningrad) they can create a fairly huge no fly zone over HATO territory if they wanted.
    ask the Russian, Chinese & NK emigrants/defectors how much they care for those regimes that pushed them to leave.
    Most of them are criminals running away from prosecution...
    no, they r just like most migrants from L. America & the ME/Africa r seeking better & life In US & Europe.
    with a CVN, nukes & better economy, her weakness vs. NATO/US is besides the point & not relevant in the Russian reality context.
    She does not make the west stronger, because she is unreliable and relatively weak on her own against Russia or China...
    she'll never "get in bed" with Russia & China- at least she can help patrol the seas around Eurasia, along with other European navies.
    that includes the Russian people themselves, & that's why it's called autocracy/oligarchy.
    No. An autocracy/oligarchy would be where it does not matter which party you vote for you always get the same people in power and in control....
    autocratic & oligarchic regimes have only semblance of parties & free/fair elections, if at all. Putin & his cronies  wrap themselves in the flag but keep $Bs they loot in their overseas accounts; they also stash $Ts from collected taxes & unpaid pensions in the Central Bank for some future crises to ensure the regime's survival.
    If NATO is so weak, then indeed it's a defense alliance & Putin's concerns on its expansion r not warranted & not called for.
    Endless unnecessary wars and budget cuts and general lack of funding and stupidity in procurement is what makes it actually weak. ..The EU is not interested in absorbing the Ukraine... they want it for HATO... just like Turkey... no for the EU but OK for cannon fodder against Russia...
    they r not about to start a war with Russia via proxies that could escalate; she defeated all previous Western invasions. They can get oil & gas from the ME, Africa, L. America & USA, no need to fight Russia for her resources that need huge ongoing investments to exploit & bring out to the EU. If u don't bother a self contained Russian bear in his forest, he won't bother u.  
    The US is a greater threat to Turkey than Russia ever was...
    but the US may still use that argument if it suits them.
    The Russian intervention there was purely to stop it being overrun by US supported terrorists.
    Putin thought that it was in the RF's interests to get in- only time will tell if it was worth it.
    The US has been exercising with Japan and South Korea rather longer than Russia has been exercising with China... the latter is a direct response to the former... suggesting the reverse of that is clearly demonstratively false....
    I repeat: the US may still use that argument if it suits them. Recall that they justified supporting rebels in Afghanistan by saying that the USSR was going to invade Pakistan next to get to warm Arabian Sea & cut off the West from the PG oil. At the same time, the Soviet Politburo & Army believed that their mission there was to prevent the West from coming to Afghanistan & their C. Asia. Both were brainwashing their own population into supporting a useless war that killed a few 100Ks & produced Ms of refugees.
    The same thing repeated after Iraq took Kuwait- then, the US was falsely claiming that the KSA was in danger of invasion & had to be protected. Not to mention the alleged Iraqi WMD & 2003 invasion & occupation fiasco.

    Putin's true goal in confrontation with the US and NATO a revealing quote: Igor Vitkin
    As a resident of a large Russian city on which a nuclear strike will definitely be inflicted, there are strategic enterprises nearby, more precisely, all that is left of them - absolutely do not care how long the rocket will fly - 5 minutes or 5 hours. Neither I, nor my relatives, nor my acquaintances DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE BOMB SHELTER IS AND WHETHER IT IS AT ALL. Our fate is a foregone conclusion in this case. The only one for whom minutes play a role is Putin, who has a bunker. And not alone. He doesn't care about the Russians. And we don't care about Putin. Let him go and fight with his brothers and children for his "red lines". He drank our blood. And we will not shed the blood of Ukrainians for him.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:13 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : add a quote)

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:43 am

    a good exception that proves the rule! Most of Turkey lies in Asia, not Europe, & it's mostly Muslim.

    Eastern Europe is designated the Second world, which is white but Soviet aligned countries, and despite the propaganda not all hate the Russians like the western europeans want them to.


    The most critical mistake in WWII was for defending countries to rush their forces to the border to meet the German attack... Blitzkreig was not a marching wall of forces that dug in when they met the enemy forces and shelled each other from trenches for 3-4 years and then one side economically collapses and loses. The mobility of the tank forces and their airpower support which moved with them like flying artillery allowed the Germans to find multiple weak points in the enemy line for them to break through and savage their support and rear and command components while the following infantry and mostly horse drawn artillery reduced the hard points the tank forces bypassed and rounded up the surrendering enemy troops who probably didn't really know what happened.

    Modern warfare allows rear area units to be engaged without moving any forces at all.... and the range and performance of modern long range SAMs means air denial can be achieved without a single aircraft in the air.... though fighters and AWACS would certainly make the defence stronger from enemy standoff weapon attacks.

    no, they r just like most migrants from L. America & the ME/Africa r seeking better & life In US & Europe.

    The migrants from the Middle east are escaping poverty and no job prospects because of 80% unemployment, or an inability to get a job because of a criminal record. Migrants in the EU are not being arrested for stealing food or j walking... most are being arrested for rape or murder or other very serious crimes... not the sort of thing you do unless you already did that at home...

    autocratic & oligarchic regimes have only semblance of parties & free/fair elections, if at all.

    Don't you get it... they can have all sorts of apparent mechanisms to make it look fair, but when the media outlets are owned by parties or the owners favour a party and broadcast political propaganda 24/7 what chance does any independent have... how democratic is it for the airways and debates to include only two parties?

    The US doesn't have free and fair elections... they just give you the appearance of free and fair elections.... you can have red fruit or you can have blue fruit... what if you want green fruit? Well you can vote for that but you will have to find out where they are speaking and go and see them to hear what they are talking about because your local media wont tell you anything about them... that is not democracy...

    The Democrats and Republicans openly say a vote for the independents is just throwing your vote away... Hillary Clinton complained that the votes that went to Jill Stein could have helped her beat Trump.... what a bitch... she just assumed that if the people who voted for Stein would vote for her if they couldn't vote the way they did... what an arrogant bitch... so glad she lost.

    Putin & his cronies wrap themselves in the flag but keep $Bs they loot in their overseas accounts;

    Hahaha... you keep claiming this but without any evidence at all to back that up... the funny thing is you are speaking from a country that destroys other countries to steal their resources and money... the death toll is normally at genocide levels... hundreds of thousands of people... but you don't care so why should anyone care what you and your pro west nutters think?

    they also stash $Ts from collected taxes & unpaid pensions in the Central Bank for some future crises to ensure the regime's survival.

    They are saving money for the country and you think that is criminal... western countries spend money they don't have and borrow from countries like China who they claim to hate... saving money is a good thing... for the average person... for the super rich spending and borrowing makes banks and bankers very rich...

    If u don't bother a self contained Russian bear in his forest, he won't bother u.

    You are assuming the west is rational and logical but you are clearly wrong. Poland took Gazprom to court and won because the way their gas prices were indexed to the price of oil they thought they were paying too much for their gas. Like I said... they won the court case in a european court... surprise surprise and so Gazprom changed the pricing to be the way Poland wanted... but then the price of oil went up and suddenly that forced the price of gas up and then they were paying much more under the new system they demanded compared with the way the price was previously calculated so they wanted to go back to the old way of calculating gas prices.

    Even now the EU has banked on using a combination of gas storage and gas auctions... spot prices... so they can buy gas when it is super cheap and store it in large volumes so when it is more expensive they can use the cheap stored gas, but they forgot two serious things... first in an auction the person selling can have a reserve price... below which they do not agree to sell, and second uncertainty in any market drives prices up... not down.

    The EU was getting gas cheaper than the US could supply it... cheaper than any other supplier could supply it and they still tried to force Russia to sell it even cheaper and they screwed themselves and now they are blaming Russia. It is not expensive for Russia to extract gas... so they will likely be making good money no matter what the price is, and they prefer very long term contracts because that creates stability in the market which is good for market prices but also for supply and demand... they also have to supply Russian customers too so sudden demand for large amounts of gas all at once might become a problem. so long term gas contracts are their preferred choice.

    The EU burned itself by trying to get super cheap energy and they have ended up getting expensive energy that they are not even buying at the moment.

    The west doesn't need to steal gas from Russia... Russia does not want its gas to be $2K per unit of gas because if it is that expensive they wont sell very much of it even though their profit margin will be enormous a lot of potential customers will stop using it because it is too expensive.

    The west could just stop being dicks about this and start negotiating 10 or 15 or 20 year gas contracts and things could be sorted out, but they want to be smart arses... and Russia is now going to build a new gas pipeline through Mongolia to China that uses gas that normally goes to the EU market... think about that for a bit.... the EU loses cheap energy, and will suffer real shortages, and Mongolia will be the transit country for gas going to China in good large volumes... money for nothing for Mongolia... a brilliant result all round I say... Russian industry will be rather more competitive with German and EU production because they wont have blackouts and electricity shortages etc etc...

    Some of the industry in the EU might shift to Russia or the Ukraine to be supplied by Russian electricity to keep running...

    but the US may still use that argument if it suits them.

    Putin is actually more reasonable to deal with than the US... Putin has never tried to overthrow Erdogan... and he sticks to deals.

    Putin thought that it was in the RF's interests to get in- only time will tell if it was worth it.

    It is already proven to be worth it... there have been some loses of course, but their equipment has been tested and upgraded because of their experience, their land attack missiles have had their first real tests, their special forces are getting plenty of experience and practise, but more importantly they are getting experience they could not get in any other situation. Even the Kuznetsov got a chance to launch missions against real targets, so the entire system was tested from receiving target information to launching attacks and to evaluating the results etc etc. They found a weakness in the cable recovery system which cost them two planes, but the experience they got no other aircraft carrying Russian or Soviet vessel has ever had before... these experiences are valuable and include what happens when something goes wrong... I am sure now when operating near shore that perhaps inflight refuelling plane could be kept on standby so a fault in the aircraft recovery system could lead to inflight refuelling training and recovery to a land base instead of a dip in the water.

    These are the things you find out in real conflicts...

    Of course as well there all the terrorists they have killed including nutters from the west and east who went to take out Assad... if they had succeeded then how many million Syrians would have been brutally murdered and how many of those murderers would be coming back to Russia afterwards to perhaps try something similar at home?

    The problem is that those nutters are pro Saudi nutters which the west supports... funny they don't seem very keen to take them in as migrants though...

    I repeat: the US may still use that argument if it suits them.

    Does anyone care what the US says any more?

    Recall that they justified supporting rebels in Afghanistan by saying that the USSR was going to invade Pakistan next to get to warm Arabian Sea & cut off the West from the PG oil. At the same time, the Soviet Politburo & Army believed that their mission there was to prevent the West from coming to Afghanistan & their C. Asia. Both were brainwashing their own population into supporting a useless war that killed a few 100Ks & produced Ms of refugees.

    The difference is that the Soviets showed no activity or interest in also invading Pakistan, which would be needed for them to get warm water ports the west claimed they were after. Conversely the CIA was operating in Iran for the decade leading up to the conflict in Afghanistan and having just been kicked out of Iran they started increasing activities in Afghanistan... a country traditionally friendly to the Soviet Union up to that point.... but poisoned by the US because that is what the US does.

    Unlike the HATO forces that recently left the Soviets built roads and schools and were in the process of creating a real country, which the Saudis and Americans poured money and resources into destroying... the irony is that when the Soviets left the western money and support stopped too so the pro Soviet regime actually survived quite a few years on its own despite Soviet funding drying up too.

    The same thing repeated after Iraq took Kuwait- then, the US was falsely claiming that the KSA was in danger of invasion & had to be protected. Not to mention the alleged Iraqi WMD & 2003 invasion & occupation fiasco .

    Yep, western lies to justify invasions and attacks and wars... really makes me wonder why you support them... but then they might be monitoring this forum and it might cost you your pension like it did that soldier who said the US handling of the withdrawal from Kabul was obscene, so don't answer this... I am being serious... the US loves to impose sanctions and cut off pensions to save a little money so they can fight their next war... you ex soldiers are at the bottom of the pile for everything and get no respect from your government at all except when the cameras are on them... then it is token respect to not look bad.

    Putin's true goal in confrontation with the US and NATO a revealing quote: Igor Vitkin
    As a resident of a large Russian city on which a nuclear strike will definitely be inflicted, there are strategic enterprises nearby, more precisely, all that is left of them - absolutely do not care how long the rocket will fly - 5 minutes or 5 hours. Neither I, nor my relatives, nor my acquaintances DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE BOMB SHELTER IS AND WHETHER IT IS AT ALL. Our fate is a foregone conclusion in this case. The only one for whom minutes play a role is Putin, who has a bunker. And not alone. He doesn't care about the Russians. And we don't care about Putin. Let him go and fight with his brothers and children for his "red lines". He drank our blood. And we will not shed the blood of Ukrainians for him.

    It is the west that is pushing their weapons and equipment and missiles to Russian borders... not the other way around... Putin is responding... and for WWIII WTF use is a bomb shelter you idiot... it would be decades before the radiation clears and how can you think starving to death in a fall out shelter is a better life than dying above ground in the conflict itself?

    Russia is huge... if it bothers you... move to somewhere in the middle of Siberia.

    Perhaps a new Yeltsen would solve the problem... the Americans will love you and they steal your oil and minerals and rape you like they would an African country... because you will never be like them... you will never be a first world country... you are communist second world... half asian mongrel that they despise because you have all those resources... it will take them 50 years to make Russia look like the Ukraine.... but that is what they will do... so many resources.... but obviously also rivals too so OAK will be bought by Boeing and asset stripped because all of the obsolete tooling and equipment they have will have to be sold off at very cheap prices obviously...

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    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:33 am

    Eastern Europe is designated the Second world, which is white but Soviet aligned countries, and despite the propaganda not all hate the Russians like the western europeans want them to.
    they can't be aligned with a long dead USSR, & if they hate the Russians, its for holding a gun to their heads from 1945 to 1989 & telling them how to live. Before that well before 1948 & 1956, uprisings in Poland & interventions in Hungary caused a lot of death & destruction. I doubt that Western Europeans care either way if they hate any Russians' guts or not.
    The migrants from the Middle east are escaping poverty and no job prospects because of 80% unemployment, or an inability to get a job because of a criminal record.
    plus ongoing conflicts, dictatorships & water shortage.

    how democratic is it for the airways and debates to include only two parties? ..because your local media wont tell you anything about them that is not democracy...
    it's not, & it costs $Ms to get airtime in the US. Perhaps the Internet will change that. As long as the Americans keep their lifestyle & r left alone w/o any new ideology forced on them, they r going to go along with the present system, even with the Republicans being split by Trump & Democrats running the show.
    Putin & his cronies  wrap themselves in the flag but keep $Bs they loot in their overseas accounts;
    Hahaha... you keep claiming this but without any evidence at all to back that up...
    there is plenty of it-u don't want to see & accept it in the clips & articles I been posting for the whole year- many were imprisoned &/ executed with less circumstantial evidence then that.

    but you don't care so why should anyone care what you and your pro west nutters think?
    I do care, but no1 asks me to go to Washington or on Skype & advise how to conduct relations with others. There r plenty of journalists, experts, Congressmen, senators, former officials, mil. officers & protesters that do that w/o any input from me. I came here to enjoy life & be "out of sight & out of mind" while staying out of trouble.
    They are saving money for the country and you think that is criminal... saving money is a good thing...
    not if those Rubles r devaluated later as happened several times in the USSR. Then, they been printing money & spending it on their allies, arms race, interventions, & Western technology/know how, while importing grain & suppressing small private enterprise & free cultural expression.
    It is already proven to be worth it... there have been some loses of course, but their equipment has been tested and upgraded because of their experience, their land attack missiles have had their first real tests, their special forces are getting plenty of experience and practise, but more importantly they are getting experience they could not get in any other situation. Even the Kuznetsov got a chance to launch missions against real targets, so the entire system was tested from receiving target information to launching attacks and to evaluating the results etc etc.
    all that could be done w/o putting so many boots on the ground. They could send just advisors to evaluate Mi-28s/Ka-52/IL-20s supplied to Syrians w/o loosing any of their own pilots & crews.
    Of course as well there all the terrorists they have killed including nutters from the west and east who went to take out Assad...
    he & his dad have killed Ks of his citizens even before the civil war started there a decade ago; they r no better than the Shah of Iran, Saddam of Iraq & Mubarak of Egypt were.
    Does anyone care what the US says any more?
    the US is back, like it or not. Putin been begging Biden for talks, & it took him large troop movements & threats to get that recent virtual meeting. France got pissed for getting her submarine deal dumped by Australia & snubbed by the US. India, Indonesia & Japan need US support against China. US sanctions prevent arms trade with those they want to punish. US economy is getting hot & China still can't survive w/o trading with us.
    ..they started increasing activities in Afghanistan... a country traditionally friendly to the Soviet Union up to that point....
    The ruler there started leaning towards the US; being at the crossroads, that land been always fought over by many empires.

    Yep, western lies to justify invasions and attacks and wars... really makes me wonder why you support them...
    I don't!

    but then they might be monitoring this forum and it might cost you your pension like it did that soldier who said the US handling of the withdrawal from Kabul was obscene, so don't answer this...
    if they ID me, they got no jurisdiction over me & my opinions don't matter to them.
    I am being serious... the US loves to impose sanctions and cut off pensions to save a little money so they can fight their next war...
    besides, my income comes from the Veterans Affairs Dept., not the DOD that pays retirees. I heard a story of 1 retired USN SCPO who got married & moved to Australia- after denouncing his citizenship to avoid taxes, his entire retirement pay was cut off. he effectively betrayed his nation & wasn't entitled to it any more.
    Russia is huge... if it bothers you... move to somewhere in the middle of Siberia.
    a nuclear winter there would be even worse. His point is that no1 in their right mind believes Putin's spin about NATO getting ready to nuke Moscow & using Ukrainians as an invasion tool. Remember that Russian fail safe "Dead Hand System" they were boasting about, which will automatically launch ICBMs even after the C&C is destroyed & the leadership is killed? It's all a Putin's ploy to look a hero standing up to the evil West & defending the Mother Russia, so he'll have 98% of the vote in 2024 presidential election. His Rossguardia (NG), former Interior Ministry Troops, now has more soldiers than the entire regular RF Amy.
    Even the Roman Emperors' Praetorians, Mongolian Great Khans' guard corps (Tumens), Chinese Imperial Guards, Hitler's SS & Gestapo & Stalin's NKVD/MGB weren't larger than their regular armies.
    Did u get my meaning this time?

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:40 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add text)

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  franco Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:30 am

    Russia is huge... if it bothers you... move to somewhere in the middle of Siberia.

    a nuclear winter there would be even worse. His point is that no1 in their right mind believes Putin's spin about NATO getting ready to nuke Moscow & using Ukrainians as an invasion tool. Remember that Russian fail safe "Dead Hand System" they were boasting about, which will automatically launch ICBMs even after the C&C is destroyed & the leadership is killed? It's all a Putin's ploy to look a hero standing up to the evil West & defending the Mother Russia, so he'll have 98% of the vote in 2024 presidential election. His Rossguardia (NG), former Interior Ministry Troops, now has more soldiers than the entire regular RF Amy.
    Even the Roman Emperors' Praetorians, Mongolian Great Khans' guard corps (Tumens), Chinese Imperial Guards, Hitler's SS & Gestapo & Stalin's NKVD/MGB weren't larger than their regular armies.
    Did u get my meaning this time?

    I think you need to research this one again.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  TMA1 Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:57 am

    Who tf is this neocon's catamite?

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:15 am

    The only actual corruption ever proven was biden and his crackhead son stealing 40 million from Ukraine by employing nepotism at burisma.

    What is funny is that everything he is saying actually occurs in US. The national guard suppressed a demonstration on January 6 and killed a US protestor which has never happened in Russia.

    Not only did they kill and crack skulls during the peaceful demonstration, but they brought out the national guard and brought them to sleep with the regime and to keep dissention out, building a giant wall and barricade of concertina wire, and checking id of all who passed by.

    You would think this was Soviet Russia but , it was washington dc.

    Not only are they using repressive regime tactics to silence dissension, but the people truly hate their leadership and are chanting curse words towards the US leader which you would never see in Russia.

    I think it was a nascar race which popularized the famous expression let's go brandon, f joe biden.

    So everything he says occurs in the US at a much higher level.

    Democrats run nothing, there is no US leadership. Joe brandon gave up on COVID, and it seems that trump gains more influence and popularity from a deeply embittered population.

    Seems theyl have to keep accusing russia of interference

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:25 am

    For anyone who wants to know more about the theft of the biden family, you can read up on the firing of prosecutor general shokhin which investigated millions stolen from Ukraine and was being hidden offshore by joe biden and his son.

    This is just one aspect of real corruption and not putins "hidden billions "

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:40 am*1ppu0mt*_ga*a09XbUFNSE1pX19EaXJ1ZWtLS0s5SVNiVkpCekpmYlRRZzZVSmhwVGZVSThBRkFRU2pVUEFPWlRjWW9LUWhtWg..

    Meanwhile... america is back!

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:58 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:For anyone who wants to know more about the theft of the biden family, you can read up on the firing of prosecutor general shokhin which investigated millions stolen from Ukraine and was being hidden offshore by joe biden and his son.

    This is just one aspect of real corruption and not putins "hidden billions "

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 D2410

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:25 pm

    franco wrote:His Rossguardia (NG), former Interior Ministry Troops, now has more soldiers than the entire regular RF Amy.
    Even the Roman Emperors' Praetorians, Mongolian Great Khans' guard corps (Tumens), Chinese Imperial Guards, Hitler's SS & Gestapo & Stalin's NKVD/MGB weren't larger than their regular armies.
    Did u get my meaning this time?[/i]
    I think you need to research this one again.
    Russian National Guard Reaches 340,000 Men, while
    Russian Ground Forces had in 2020 280,000 on active duty. That's 60K less personnel. To compare the above figures, Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS): 165,000 personnel
    Russian Navy: 150,000-160,000 active duty
    Strategic Rocket Forces: 50,000 personnel
    Russian Airborne Forces 72,000+ paratroopers
    SOF: While official numbers are classified, analysts believe the size is around 2,000 to 2,500 total personnel.
    Russian Railway Troops: 28,500 (approx)

    In case u missed it:
    Putin's true goal in confrontation with the US and NATO

    "New Yalta?" Will the West agree to share the world with Putin?

    The Biden's alleged corruption doesn't cancel out Putin's corruption; Jan. 6th Insurrection wasn't a peaceful protest- several individuals lost their lives & more were injured.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:44 pm

    Jan 6 was a peaceful protest, without fire or weapons, which is more than you can say about opposition protests in Moscow which set police cars on fire and use molotov cocktails.

    The US crushed the protest like czech and Hungarian repression style tactics of 1950s.

    I have never seen something of that scale since Tiananmen square.

    Besides these repressive actions, Biden and Us leadership corruption is corroborated by fact, Putins is a fantasy conjured up by hollywood

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    Post  Hole Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:51 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    franco wrote:His Rossguardia (NG), former Interior Ministry Troops, now has more soldiers than the entire regular RF Amy.
    Even the Roman Emperors' Praetorians, Mongolian Great Khans' guard corps (Tumens), Chinese Imperial Guards, Hitler's SS & Gestapo & Stalin's NKVD/MGB weren't larger than their regular armies.
    Did u get my meaning this time?[/i]
    I think you need to research this one again.
    Russian National Guard Reaches 340,000 Men
    , while
    Russian Ground Forces had in 2020 280,000 on active duty. That's 60K less personnel. To compare the above figures, Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS): 165,000 personnel
    Russian Navy: 150,000-160,000 active duty
    Strategic Rocket Forces: 50,000 personnel
    Russian Airborne Forces 72,000+ paratroopers
    SOF: While official numbers are classified, analysts believe the size is around 2,000 to 2,500 total personnel.
    Russian Railway Troops: 28,500 (approx)

    In case u missed it:
    Putin's true goal in confrontation with the US and NATO

    The Biden's alleged corruption doesn't cancel out Putin's corruption; Jan. 6th Insurrection wasn't a peaceful protest- several individuals lost their lives & more were injured.

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Stupid10

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    Post  Hole Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:55 pm

    By the way, every subway station in Russia can be used as a bunker. They´re specially build that way. So much to the "Only Putin got a bunker" BS.

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:29 pm

    As we’ve previously reported, rioters smashed windows, broke doors and ransacked offices. They chanted "Hang Mike Pence!" They caused the House and Senate to shut down for several hours.
    The Justice Department has charged more than 400 people in connection with the riot, according to the George Washington University Center on Extremism. The charges against the alleged rioters include violence with a deadly weapon, assault, disorderly conduct, and unlawful possession of firearms.
    Charging documents say that rioters grabbed a police officer, dragged him and struck him. One rioter used a metal flagpole to attack a police officer.

    The rioters brandished bats, crutches, flagpoles, skateboards, hockey sticks, knives, zip ties, chemical sprays, a fire extinguisher and other makeshift weapons, court documents show. They stole and wielded police batons and riot shields. Several had guns on them or stashed nearby.
    At least 190 people had been charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding police officers, including over 60 who were charged with using a weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer, the Justice Department said in October. More than 65 people have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon.

    I'm not more stupid than any1 else here, if at all.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  franco Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:03 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    franco wrote:His Rossguardia (NG), former Interior Ministry Troops, now has more soldiers than the entire regular RF Amy.
    Even the Roman Emperors' Praetorians, Mongolian Great Khans' guard corps (Tumens), Chinese Imperial Guards, Hitler's SS & Gestapo & Stalin's NKVD/MGB weren't larger than their regular armies.
    Did u get my meaning this time?[/i]
    I think you need to research this one again.
    Russian National Guard Reaches 340,000 Men, while
    Russian Ground Forces had in 2020 280,000 on active duty. That's 60K less personnel. To compare the above figures, Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS): 165,000 personnel
    Russian Navy: 150,000-160,000 active duty
    Strategic Rocket Forces: 50,000 personnel
    Russian Airborne Forces 72,000+ paratroopers
    SOF: While official numbers are classified, analysts believe the size is around 2,000 to 2,500 total personnel.
    Russian Railway Troops: 28,500 (approx)

    The Russian National Guard total of 340,000 includes 177,000 Troops of the Interior, 117,000 Private Security and 46,000 police members of which about 30,000 are OMON (Riot) and SOBR (SWAT). Your Moscow Times is not the most credible source (not in Moscow for starters and Western owned). But to be fair you are also not including the 52,000 security guards from various government owned Industries such as communications, energy, etc. which have been added to Russian National Guard control. And to add to all of that, it is not the National Guard that protects Putin and the Government but the FSO (Federal Protection Service). A force of around 20,000, most of which operate a nation wide government communication network.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:05 pm

    Lol politifact, cnn, nytimes... can you say... FAKE NEWS

    The fact this guy is using such establishment sources only proves the insincerity of the points he makes.

    He is backing the establishment which violently repressed peaceful protests,

    We know those news organizations supported the national guard and Democrats, in repressing the people from expressing their views peacefully.

    The people were protesting allegations that the elections had been stolen. Which was won under questionable circumstances including allegations of ballot stuffing, mail in ballots being duplicated, and deleting votes as well as using the votes of non US citizens to further push for a repression of the American Spring.

    Putin never did this in Democratic Russia, and it was proven that navalny received western funds, while trump after an investigation known as the mueller report was proven not guilty of collaborating with foreign governments.

    Not only this, the first country to ban foreign media for misinformation, ahem censor, was the United States. Russia only reciprocated the actions that were established by the violent regime,

    Who the summer before the so called "insurrection" waged a hybrid war on the entire country by staging racial riots and destroying public property and threatening people in bolshevik style purges of 2020 summer riots

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:59 pm

    Cameras don't lie, & there is enough footage of Jan.6 events that shows how "peaceful" it was on Capitol grounds.
    Don't preach to me about "Democratic Russia" led by Putin that wanted xenophobic, racist & bigote Trump to be my President.
    The Russian National Guard is separate from the regular military, & it's tasked, among other things, with preserving the regime. In any case, it is very large, even at 177K Troops+46K policemen+52K security guards=275K, all of which could be used against their own people, only 5K less than the Ground Forces. Also, the FSB has about 4K special forces troops & 160K–200K border guards, some of whom could be repurposed for domestic security.
    A true democracy doesn't need that many security forces.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:13 pm

    The peaceful protestors of January 6 did not cause any violence at all. In fact Ashley Babbitt a poor young American woman, was killed for peacefully demonstrating in front of the capitol.

    This has not happened in modern russia, where peaceful protests are encouraged and not the violent kind that are similar to 2020 racial riots of USA.

    Democratic Russian government does not use national guard forces to ensure its regime, or to guard the Kremlin.

    Democratic Russia does not care who is your pathetic president.

    It only shows the quality of your own country and its citizens.

    In any case Russia had nothing to do with the election of Donald J Trump to president.

    But your own country voted for him overwhelmingly , above 80 millions.

    Joe biden never won that amount , it was done via fraud. And Trump very well may have been cheated.

    But we will see him back in 2024 where he will finish signing the surrender of pathetic DC to Russian Federation

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:13 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:xenophobic, racist & bigote Trump to be my President.

    Yet it was the establishment represented by their candidate Biden, that fired up all these racial riots against Trump, through their network of BLM organizations which have been bred for a decade now.

    Racial tensions are kept on the back-burner and periodically employed as a tool of internal politics in America.

    Trump's crime was to go against the establishment. He might have acted against immigration but he never started dividing and ruling between American citizens. You know, the people he was elected by and elected to represent the interests of. Not to represent the interests of future potential citizens and a global agenda.

    So stop being so ridiculously naive, it's painful to read.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:17 pm

    There was never an analogue of BLM in russia, except maybe during red terror.

    Never have I seen the state wield violent non state actors to remove a sitting president the way the American regime did.

    They were burning fires, destroying buildings, shooting at police officers, burning precincts.

    They justified this by saying that mr. Trump and his voters were racists.

    But when January 6 peaceful protests occurred and were so peaceful, that the 2020 summer riots looked like massive purges in comparison.

    The regime also is now saying COVID is not a federal issue, very convenient, they blamed mr. Trump for the covid pandemic.

    I think the backlash of 2022 and 2024 mr tsavo lion and his fellow establishment hacks will not like at all.

    In any case Russia continues to be a shining city on a hill

    Without national guard sleeping in the duma or Kremlin to force the opposition into submission.NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 600b1d11

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 14 Cnn-he10

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:27 pm

    'Fiery but mostly peaceful protests after police shooting', with a backdrop of hell on Earth

    Man we're living in 1984. Well certainly our American friends are.

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:32 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:In any case Russia continues to be a shining city on a hill

    Without national guard sleeping in the duma or Kremlin to force the opposition into submission.

    Russia's not a shining city on any hill

    Putin and pals simply continue to tighten the screws, that's all. Regional head of the Memorial NGO being sent to jail for pedophilia, prohibition on national republic leaders calling themselves presidents (even though it wasn't an issue just a few years ago), and now a law on granting citizenship to people in areas that have become Russian territory as a result of border changes. What, are we about to start annexing Ukrainian territory or what is going on here?
    The Duma rubber-stamps every decision that comes from the top

    But the more dirt you sweep under the rug, the more you'll eventually have to clean out

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:50 pm

    - the crackdown on NGO is expected, memorial is "foreign agent" under the law. Again this was not pioneered by duma or Putin, but by American partners who are expelling russian diplomats and censoring other points of view. Why should memorial spread their bs and propaganda for free while receiving nobel peace prize for it?

    -  the cancellation of regional presidents is because again, "American partners" have suggested that they should not recognize Putin as president, and they could recognize another president. Obviously it's better to avoid a constitutional crisis. In America we see the intransigence of regional governors and disobedience to federal powers. To certain degree it's okay, but if we use America as example imagine if governor of primorskye region told Putin that a protest was a summer of love ? Or what if US armed services committee declares Ramzan Kadyrov president of Russia? So it's better to counter these problems before hand.

    - and as far as recognizing citizens of another country as Russian citizens I dont think anyone has problem with this or intentions to annex other countries. Simply if Ukraine collapses , due to internal situation or "kalibration" then citizens could be brought in for asylum as top destination for migration , like a booming economy should be.

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