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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?


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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  jhelb Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:01 pm

    Yesterday's football match between England and Bulgaria was marred by "racist chants" apparently directed towards England's colored players.

    I've read about similar incidents in other parts of eastern europe like Czech republic, Slovakia etc. Personally never witnessed it though.

    So are these hooligans/racist for real or are they being planted in various countries across Europe by countries like England to give those countries a bad name ?

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:14 pm

    Not really, it's just local hooligans being hooligans (AKA not the sharpest tools in the shed)

    This is usual behavior only difference being that sensitivity on racial issues in the west has skyrocketed

    Also we don't have history of slavery or colonialism here in Balkans so while people do freely use racial insults they do not carry the same meaning and weight for locals that they do for people in West Europe and especially USA

    It's ethnic and sometimes religious hatred that is the big deal here and serious issue, skin color is just for laughs (except in case of Gypsies but I would still classify that as ethnic hatred because their skin color is often white)

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:09 am

    Interesting really... before the match many of the English team said if there was racist calls from the crowd that they would walk off the pitch... which is really just asking for it really.

    I can understand the things these idiots are shouting are upsetting for these men, but you are basically handing over all the power to a few idiots.

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  jhelb Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:07 am

    PapaDragon wrote:so while people do freely use racial insults they do not carry the same meaning and weight for locals

    Hardly any people of color in the Balkans. Where is the need for racial insults.

    PapaDragon wrote: except in case of Gypsies but I would still classify that as ethnic hatred because their skin color is often white

    Gypsies are not White. They came as illegal migrants from Asia. Extremely dangerous too.

    GarryB wrote:I can understand the things these idiots are shouting are upsetting for these men, but you are basically handing over all the power to a few idiots.

    No matter how many times the Brits refuse to accept, fact is 90% of colored people living in UK are descendants of slaves brought by the Brits from Asia and India.

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:39 am

    I would say they got what they asked for.

    Before the match they said they would not tolerate anything racial... if you are going to abuse someone and they say don't you be racist... of course you are going to be racist... the point of abuse is to upset the target so if the target says don't call be a cabbage, you can do anything you like but don't call be a cabbage... and then shock horror they call you a cabbage... well DUH...

    It is amusing that some people think they can fix things by using laws... I mean murder has been illegal for some time now and because there are laws against it it almost never happens... or does it?

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  Regular Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:58 am

    Hools are British invention. Their clubs have dealt with them pretty well in 2000s so now whole hooligans culture only thrives in countries that have more important shit to take care off than some random football idiots. Also, hools in Russia are phased out as well. No more 200 vs 200 fights as you could see on YouTube. Not only FCs and Gov stepped in, but also young russians are generally millennial pussies pirat
    They have more things to do in their lives, more activities they could partake than what we had in 90s and 2000s, more disposable income and they generally much smarter than my generation.

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:27 am

    In dealing with their own hooligan problem I would suggest the western countries have a good knowledge of how it all works... so when playing an opposing team that might beat them on the field of play what harm is there in paying a few men to should racial slurs during the game... give me $10,000 and I will shout nigger... even if I get the shit kicked out of me, who can turn down that sort of cash?

    The real irony is that it is only when everyone gets offended that you give these words power, but more cynically the people getting most upset are generally white people who are offended for the people these slurs are directed at.

    When you are in an argument or a fight with someone you aren't giving them an honest critique to help them improve themselves or be better people... you are trying to hurt them emotionally so if they are going to say before a game don't call me racial names because I don't like it... of course you are going to come out with the most racist shit that has ever come out of your mouth... it might even offend you, but it will certainly push all the necessary buttons and upset them which is the whole point.

    People go on about white oppression and racism around the world, but hating things you don't understand or that are different seem to be pretty universal human rituals/culture... You don't think a black family wants their daughter to bring home some white guy and say she loves him and wants to marry him either do you?

    Sadly there is a them and us mentality that is universal, though there is no doubt it was blacks in the US that had to sit at the back of the bus... which I thought was quite ironic because when I was a teenager there were often fights over who got to sit right at the back... I liked to sit in the middle of the back seat... I liked the leg room.

    Going from current standard practise... western claims of Russian hacking are predated by a few years showing the western governments setting up their own counter groups... that weren't really counter groups because there was no threat to actually counter. In effect these western groups were countering Russian influence before there was Russian influence, so the west lived with organised anti russian propaganda in their own midst... some european politician says something nice about Putin and all of a sudden social media is flooded with negative comments about that politiican and his career is ruined... yah... the west is saved. Evidence of Russian troll farms turn out to be western funded troll farms testing to see of Russian troll farms could be successful... effectively the cure is worse than the disease.

    With that in mind, I would say very much yes that western elements could be funding a supporting racism in opposition countries teams to help their own teams and countries beat teams they would otherwise be unable to beat. They probably also take drugs too... but as they control the administrations then they will be prescribed and safe drugs that enhance performance...

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:51 am

    jhelb wrote:...Gypsies are not White. They came as illegal migrants from Asia. Extremely dangerous too...

    Some are white some aren't, depends on pigment. Besides considering current trajectory soon they will be whiter than majority of "indigenous" population lol1

    They came here (and on rest of the continent) before most European nations even existed.

    And how are they "extremely dangerous"? This is first time I hear about this.

    Pussies might think that Gypsies are dangerous but then again they think anyone is dangerous.


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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  jhelb Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:10 am

    PapaDragon wrote:Some are white some aren't, depends on pigment.

    White refers to people of European decent. Gypsies are not Europeans. Migrants at best.

    PapaDragon wrote:And how are they "extremely dangerous"? This is first time I hear about this.

    They commit crimes. Here in Russia too, they commit a whole lot of crimes. Most of their victims are local Russians

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:42 am

    jhelb wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Some are white some aren't, depends on pigment.

    White refers to people of European decent. Gypsies are not Europeans. Migrants at best.

    Then neither are Russians, Hungarians, Portuguese and decent segment of Spanish.

    If you want to go with continent then use expression "European"

    It's either location or pigment, pick one

    jhelb wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:And how are they "extremely dangerous"? This is first time I hear about this.

    They commit crimes. Here in Russia too, they commit a whole lot of crimes. Most of their victims are local Russians...

    Unlike Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Chechens, Turkmen, Georgians and loads others who don't commit crimes?

    Or maybe they only target non-Russians?

    Just because Russian cops are corrupt pussies doesn't mean that Gypsies are different than others you got running around (a lot of which are nowhere near "white" or European, hell some of them make Gypsies look like Norwegians)

    Maybe your cops should doing their job? But I guess it's safer to say how Gypsies are big problem rather than risk trying to arrest some Chechen or Kazakh tough guy Razz


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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:35 am

    They commit crimes. Here in Russia too, they commit a whole lot of crimes. Most of their victims are local Russians

    The first link you posted is the Guardian and the second one is french... so clearly Russian media is really upset about the issues if you have to source British and French sources for the problem... we know how much the British care about Russians and their welfare and future... I see the british media has already accused Russia of being responsible for the death of that founder of the white helmets.

    Be really funny if they are right because the russians have been doing the best job of dealing with terrorists... this would just fit into that category too.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:37 am

    In Poland the football hooligans are a bunch of low lives. They are the main reason why normal people no longer go to football games in Poland,  or that was at least the case until recently. Compare the football games in Poland and Belgium; in the latter normal people go to watch the football games and they all behave properly, while in Poland it was (and still is?) dangerous for normal people to go to home league football matches.

    Guess which country recently was third at the World Cup, and which was eliminated already in the first round?

    Clearly the hooligans do not help the national team play better.

    I think it is a bit more safer and normal for the international matches in Poland because UEFA and FIFA are supervising these more strictly and there is better security provided and more normal people show up.

    As for the Gypsies it is common knowledge in Poland that they are heavily into criminality. They themselves do not really hide it. There is hardly anything constructive about them.

    When you have a majority of an ethnic community involved in crime, do not be surprised that others do not like it. It has nothing to do with race, and yes, they do look ugly.

    And I do not think Chechens are any better.

    And I am not trying to put down any nationalities, see what I wrote just above about the Polish behavior during domestic league football matches.


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    Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted  ? Empty Re: Are football hooligans in Eastern Europe being planted ?

    Post  jhelb Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:58 pm

    Regular wrote:Hools are British invention. Their clubs have dealt with them pretty well in 2000s so now whole hooligans culture only thrives in countries that have more important shit to take care off than some random football idiots.

    Hooligans are still a major part of English football supporters. They regularly attack supporters of rival clubs and countries. During Euro 2016, English supporters had targetted Russians as well. But eventually got a taste of their own medicine.

    Regular wrote:Also, hools in Russia are phased out as well.

    Neo Nazis, Fascist do turn out for football matches. They are involved in violence as well.

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