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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  flamming_python Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:24 am

    RTN wrote:
    There are several such western weapon systems that Russia will have to face. To prevent such loses and embarrassment in the future, Russia needs to surrender and get out of Ukraine.

    To prevent annihilation, NATO advisers need to get out of the Ukraine, while telling their Ukrainian lackeys to surrender.
    Some chipped paint on a ship at harbor Russia can deal with. What else you got?

    From the video; you can see an attempt by Russian naval vessels & a helicopter engaging the boat with no success. That's very embarrassing. Seemed to be shooting everywhere around the drone but not at it.

    No AK-630s you might note though. They can be aimed manually but probably don't have optics optimized for that.

    And what's so embarrassing? Are NATO machine guns more accurate and would prevent embarrassment?
    There is such a thing as selection bias. Whereby the video you see is of the drone that succeeded and slipped through, while the videos from the drones that were engaged and destroyed were not shown.

    Again you can shelve your cheap panic mongering, this war will be prosecuted till either the end or the Anglo masters of the Ukraine finally allow their colony to resume the negotiations they cancelled back in April. Under worse terms this time no doubt, but that's life.

    No amount of toy boats acting as a cheap consolation stunt on the backdrop of failed Kherson offensives that have cost more thousands Ukrainian servicemen's lives to no gain - will change that.
    Russia reported another attempted landing at the Zaporozhye NPP yesterday which was checked and eliminated; another dumb stunt gone wrong.
    But you get all excited over some remote-controlled drones being fired at.

    If you can't intercept a USV that at best has a top speed of 50 miles/hr and powered by a Sea Doo engine do you realize you ain't got a chance against sea skimming subsonic AShM?

    You can pick up a missile on radar and engage it with anti-air missiles or CIWS. You can't do that against a half-submerged toy boat. You have to target it manually life it was done here. Main thing is that they were detected; that's actually the tricky part I would imagine. Promptly introducing some weapon systems to better intercept them shouldn't be difficult.

    Not that I had a chance but had it worked thousands of Russians would not have been dead. But then Kremlin and their supporters on this forum are sick people.

    You should have told your falsely elected president better to have gotten his vassals to implement Minsk as they signed on for.
    Or failing that to not load up the country with NATO bases, armaments and everything else. It was clear they were building up for a war with Russia.

    It's a shame about the dead on all sides and I want nothing more than for the war to end, but it was your government that did everything possible to foster an active military and political threat to Russia right on its border, and now that the worst case happened your leaders are acting as the moralising Samaritans.
    Again, if you care about people dying, so then tell old man Biden to agree to peace negotiations between Russia and the Ukraine. Putin is saying he's ready. Shoe is on the other foot.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  ALAMO Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:57 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    And what's so embarrassing? Are NATO machine guns more accurate and would prevent embarrassment?

    Someone forgot to tell that to the USS Cole a while ago Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  famschopman Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:02 am

    Read the Ukraine army is in desperate need of winter clothing. Would be awesome if we can setup something to provide them with polyester coats in 🇺🇦 colors. And persons who disagree and think that it should be in camouflage is simply called out for being a Ukraine flag hating Russian troll.

    Everything in bright yellow, maybe the sleeves in blue.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:39 am

    I don't really care about accusations about Lapin being incompetent, but I'm worried that its true that he threatened mobilized troops with a gun for retreating due to lack of any support. O group also implies the guy has a short temper. Also there are accusations that those mobilized who suffered heavy casaulties, after being threatened by lapin, were left without any orders, and wagnerites who were supposed to command them just started insulting them and calling them traitors.

    That is interesting because it sounds like your behaviour... when you hear some bullshit story from some pro Orc website you claim the fault is the military command and political leadership and they should get a bullet or be replaced for not doing their jobs... they are traitors...

    Interesting parallel really.

    BTW if russia shoots down that shitty US global hawk would that actually trigger Article 5? On what grounds would that cause the US to declare war on russia, despite it already being a party to the conflict by using these drones to control ukrainian suicide drones.

    Take a leaf out of the wests book and say they gave control to a DNR officer a Russian drone like an Orion that was equipped with Igla-S air to air missiles that flew up and found that US drone and shot it down... Russia thinks they are Russian, buy you guys think they are rebel Ukrainians being annexed by Russia so who are you going to blame?

    An alternative would be to declare a military exercise in the area where the US drone is operating and if it doesn't withdraw they can say they were practising shootdowns of aerial targets and perhaps accidently hit that US drone.

    We have the Russian mod outright state that the Anglo Nazis have committed an act of war against Russia, with regards to todays attack and the pipeline, yet zero response… all this will do is invite more and bigger attacks, as Russia remains passive.. Has anyone in Russia got any fucking balls left when it comes to dealing with the western scum? What is the point of even saying it, if you’re willing to take it up the ass, at least stfu about it

    I remember many members complaining about Putins red lines and about how the west essentially told him to **** off and that Russia has no balls and did absolutely nothing.

    This war is kinda something though isn't it?

    I am sure Russia will carefully mull its options in this situation too and make some practical and useful steps to punish the enemy.

    After claiming responsibility for the Crimean bridge attack the Orcs very quickly claimed the Russians did it themselves... and then the lights went out.

    The UK and US and the general west have been committing terrorist attacks against Russia for centuries...

    Why wait?

    It's coming anyway, do it now and don't waste time

    Timing is always important... and we don't know what else they have planned... getting the timing right to maximise the effects of their actions is the critical thing the west didn't do with their ill thought out sanctions... so not only did Russia not collapse, but became more independent and stronger in her own right.

    Two Western MD commanders were replaced already. It looks like problems are much deeper than that.

    Bullshit... they are rotating soldiers in the field, why wouldn't they rotate command... especially when changing to a different phase of the war using different tactics...

    Predictable. Many of us questioned this deal and knew Ukraine was gonna use it to their advantage to harm Russia. I guess Russia probably knew as well and wanted to show the world that Ukraine was gonna take advantage of the deal to do terror acts against Russia. This deal should've never been signed smh...Russia making a lot of rookie mistakes.

    Part of the deal was to free up trade for Russian grain and fertilisers which was not implimented which is another reason for them to end the deal.

    Russia had a lot to gain from this deal and the west screwed them as usual.

    That is not a good reason not to try though and now the UK and EU looks like the bad guys for screwing the third world countries that actually needed that food aide.

    The increase in prices this termination of the deal will create should help push up prices in the west even further... Twisted Evil

    There's no denying Russia has performed abysmally so far. The fact that they're still allowing attacks like this, in Sevastopol of all places, is embarrassing. Putin and Co. should be ashamed of themselves.

    The USS Cole was damaged by a small manned boat loaded with explosives... the wests defences against such targets are poor too, but lets wait to find out what actually happened... sounds like most of the sea surface drones were destroyed before doing any damage and the aerial drones shot down easily enough.

    They were morons to sign it in the first place

    It made good sense to sign it... the fact that no agreement is possible with the west without them trying to use it to launch a terrorist attack from behind tells us how the conflict in the Ukraine will have to end.

    The west will not be a party to the negotiations or agreements.

    Had Medvedev been in charge. Ukraine would have been done for in two months.


    BTW it should be reasonably obvious that Starlink has always been a military system, or at a minumum, a dual-use system designed for military use in time of conflict. The promotion as a civilian network is just a smoke screen.

    The same with Musks rockets that land under rocket thrust instead of parachutes.

    The Turks will be even more pissed with the West as the high-profile international deal they orchestrated is now wrecked due the actions of their "trusted partners" in HATOstan Razz

    All in all, I'd call it a good result

    I would call it a fantastic result...

    Sometimes these mercs or agents though will succeed in what they're there to do and that's just part of war.

    More importantly, the team running the show in Russia are their best... they don't have a smarter more capable group sitting in reserve just waiting for the A team to fail so they can go in and do everything right and win the game.

    If you fire your management every time the enemy sneaks a shot through... even a small shot... then you **** up your own business and help your enemy more than any pin prick attack he might achieve could manage on its own.

    There is another thing called experience too... replacing everyone every time something out of the ordinary happens, no only do you end up with a B grade less capable team to solve the problem... they wont be stupid... they will realise the enemy could do something unexpected and they will be gone too so they will invest resources and men and money and weapons into defending against things that might never happen again even if they happened in the first place.

    So many were insistent that the Moskva was sunk by a Ukrainian missile attack.

    Not a single missile attack since... not even an attempt has been mentioned... now if it was successful and they never do it again doesn't that tell you it is a lie?

    Did they stop using HIMARS and M777 when they hit civilian targets and claimed victory?

    They keep using them because in their eyes murdering civilians is a success for them...

    The Polish government is preparing a springboard for the invasion and seizure of its "historical lands" in Western Ukraine, Modern Diplomacy writes.

    That is excellent... fantastic... because Russian historic lands are EXTENSIVE... if they wanted to choose a date perhaps 1945 and occupation of Europe might be a good time period? it was all a 4D chess move lol. You're the Eternal Optimist Wow, it's pretty sad that Putin/Russian leadership ass kissers, like you, will stoop to these levels to excuse Russia's incompetence

    You idiot... do you even understand what happened?

    The west claims there is no sanctions on Russian grain or fertiliser exports but ignores that the western ships that normally transport Russian grain and fertiliser exports have been banned from carrying Russian goods and western insurance companies refuse to provide insurance to Russia food and fertiliser exports.... THAT is why Russia agreed to the deal to export Orc grain because part of the deal was to remove the sanctions on Russian food and fertiliser exports too, but it didn't happen... another reason to sign the deal and with their duplicity and back stabbing a reason to stop the deal.

    Russia needs some cold hard reality now, people like you are the problem.

    Russia understands the west wants them dead, doesn't get colder or harder than that, but a nuclear war doesn't help Russia either... the Russian economy is good and their production capacity is excellent and their outlook is very very good.... it is the west that is broken and refuses to admit it and has much less to lose.

    Pretending like Russia is doing great and pulling one 4D chess move after another, meanwhile they're losing this war currently and it will take a miracle to turn things around.

    Russia is doing about as good as it could possibly do.

    Going hard core US Shock and Awe in the Ukraine would just kill more civilians and make Russia look to be no better than the west in the eyes of the rest of the world.

    This incident will be a wake up call to Turks when they realise that good thing they did negotiating for food to be exported from the Ukraine to feed the poor countries of the world was screwed up and used to attack Russia who was cooperating in good faith by the EU who ended up taking more of the food exported for pet food...

    It is also a wake up call to the rest of the world that western morals and ethics are just bullshit talk and mean nothing at all... but they already knew that, but now they see that Russia is getting screwed by them as well... Russia is now one of us... rest of the world victims of western colonialism...

    Constructive criticism makes NAFO shills now? So Russian leadership and actions are beyond criticism now? We all have to be good little lackeys and just nod our head in agreement to every dumb decision Russia makes and not point out the faults?

    The doomsayers are not delivering useful constructive criticism... it is just .... The Orcs are a third world country... how can they possibly carry out attacks on the Russian Navy and do any damage at all... well ask HATO about Afghanistan... 20 years and trillions of US dollars and their army has new rifles and helicopters and vehicles, but otherwise not much is better... in fact the Soviets had a much more positive effect on the country when they were there in the 1980s.

    That's the problem. Letting the current "professionals" "do their thing" has led to disaster for Russia so far. Those "professionals" are terrible at their jobs. Major changes are needed and fast.

    Obviously English is not your first language if you think anything that has happened in the Ukraine over the last year is a disaster.

    Screw cruise missiles across Ukraine, strike at their warships in Britain using 3rd parties just like what they are doing, strike at their bases around the world… arm their enemies.
    There are many who have felt the sting of Anglo Nazism and would love the chance to strike back with some help from Russia. No balls, end of discussion.

    So you are suggesting the psycho approach...

    I understand that, but I really don't agree... There is no point in Russia winning this conflict to then lose the peace afterwards because no one will trade with her because they think she is America with a different hat.

    Now that it has been established that the UK was involved they have plenty of time to work out a response... what they were already planning might be good enough as it is, but these provocations might lead to little twists of the knife just to make it hurt more and be a bit more personal.

    Do you guys think Boris avoided challenging for PM because he was involved in the planning (but not the timing) of this attack and he didn't like its chances of succeeding?

    Doesn't matter... western experts like to remind us how weak and vulnerable the Russians are, but ignore that western forces are actually worse off... those sea surface drones likely would have sunk quite a few western ships and all of those airborne drones likely would have made it to their targets just as they did in Saudi Arabia...

    Not a single large scale offensive in months, no gains of any sort, massive loss of territory, on the back foot on almost every front. If you're happy with this results after 9 months I feel for your state of mind.

    This is the season of mud.... only a fucking idiot, or someone desperate (Zelensky) would try to attack in the current weather conditions.

    Zelensky has been promising a massive counter attack that would push Russian forces out of the Ukraine... including the Crimea...

    Russia has made no such promises and took those massive counter attacks and killed a lot of enemy troops... now it is massing up a large force of its own... it has taken from the start of the conflict till now for the Orcs to put together their massive counter attack force that might have been 100K strong if that.... the Russian force will take some time too but there is no urgency because even if they were ready right now they wont move till the ground freezes.

    Attacking the Crimean bridge and attacking the Black Sea fleet and sinking them in their port were supposed to be knockout blows that got putin kicked out of office and his replacement begging to talk to Zelensky to accept Russias surrender.

    Why you think there is anything wrong right now I don't actually understand... unless you are on the other side.

    Putin can make all the great speeches he wants, hold referendums , but if the enemy holds the ground its all for nothing, we can yell Kosovo is Serbia all day every day but at the end of the day its symbolic bullshit as long as the enemy hold the ground.

    At what point do you start smelling the roses.

    Quite a minor range of differences there... Russia has mobilised men for an attack and they are removing the Albanians in the Ukrainian populations... the nazis and bandera supporters... and trying to leave behind the moderate majority who don't hate Russians and just want this war to end... and who voted Zelensky in because that is essentially what he promised... peaceful solutions...

    Because US would be very happy to use that as excuse to attack any Russian interest or asset in international airspace or waters. Being a retarded dickhead is not one of the qualities that allowed Putin to bring Russia back on track.

    They could give the Donbass Region a MiG-29 with some R-73 AAMs onboard and shoot down any threats he might come across during his flights in the Black Sea area...

    But I'm surprised how this whole war been handled doesn't infuriate you.

    He understands Russia is in a delicate position and cannot just do as it pleases the way the US and EU does... there are consequences for actions so things need to be done carefully, and of course mistakes will be made, but giving the enemy the chance to do the right thing is not a mistake in my opinion.

    Minsk agreements made sense and giving them time to be implemented helped Kiev but also helped Moscow... going in guns blasing is never the answer except if you don't care about the locals and just want to steal land... like Kiev in the Donbass and Lugansk and Crimea and the west in Kosovo or Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan etc etc etc.

    As an example, Ukie dog-soldiers on the northern "Kharkov" front find themselves stuck between an upcoming Russian offensive and the Oskol river. I had thought the Oskol was going to be a defence line, but it isn't. Its a TRAP. I think the Russians permitted the Ukrops to cross in strength, then held them with prepared defenses. The Russian offensive will now take out the Ukropi river crossings, deny them a lne of retreat, and then CRUSH them as they break and run. I suspect that Russian forces will probably turn south and converge on Slavyansk and Kramatorsk but that just my prediction and I've been wrong on tactical minutae plenty of times before, just like everyone watching from their counches.

    More importantly... having to swim a decent sized river at this time of year in that area would be a death sentence on its own...

    Social media infighting between commanders is mega cringe and indicates something is wrong in the higher echelons of power.

    Indicates the insignificance of social media on the actual war.

    I understand your frustrations and agree completely. If the Russians do somehow fck this up I will just as savage in my criticism as anyone else. In all honesty, I just don't see that happening.

    But that is the doomsayers game... complaining that Putin might give everything away to Zelensky in some hasty peace agreement that Putin is desperate to sign so all of this can be over.

    Except Putin understands what is happening... relations with the west are over... there is no going back... once they send money and weapons and ammo to murder Russian soldiers, there can be no trade like nothing has happened... how cheap would you like your Russian gas supplies to be?

    Somehow the doomsayers think Putin is Yeltsin all of a sudden, but Putin is still shrewed careful calculating Putin who does not rush to conclusions or knee jerk reactions that would end up hurting Russia more than anyone else.

    The fact that Lapin had to be brought down by social media posts is cringe.

    Soldiers are being rotated in and out of combat, it makes sense that entering a different phase of the conflict the command structure will be adapted and changed too, which means some get moved in and some get moved out.

    I would want a more authoritative source than social media to work out what is actually going on.

    Normal part of every army, every war, every bureaucracy to have fk-ups. It's not exclusive to Russia.

    Would be highly suspicious of any side that does not have any problems at all, and of course the enemy will blow any minor problems into major fuckups as often as they can... especially if they control social media.

    The Fuckups the Doomsayers here complain about are just enemy actions, which is ridiculous to not expect an enemy to fight back...

    RU telegram channels:
    the recent attack on Sevastopol (with the alleged help of UK and probably US drones) will have severe consequences...
    Not only is the Grain Deal over - it is said RF will now target ANY NATO "HQ" in Ukraine - and perhaps even taking down US drones.

    Which suggests they have not been targeting HATO HQs in the Ukraine... perhaps near the international borders in the west... perhaps everywhere...

    This channel isn't always accurate. Nato doesn't even have nukes. But if anything close to this is true, its a good thing Russia has mobilized. They have a lot of work to do

    Obvious response would be to move Iskander missile brigades there and arm them with tactical nuclear warheads.

    Was bound to happen sooner or later. Wonder what Russia's next move will be

    When the ground freezes kill them...

    If you can't intercept a USV that at best has a top speed of 50 miles/hr and powered by a Sea Doo engine do you realize you ain't got a chance against sea skimming subsonic AShM?

    Hahahaha... and so the reason they didn't use Harpoon or Neptune missiles is because?

    There are several such western weapon systems that Russia will have to face. To prevent such loses and embarrassment in the future, Russia needs to surrender and get out of Ukraine.

    Learning how to deal with them will be valuable experience for Russia.

    The more Russia advances the less in Ukraine it will be.... Twisted Evil

    From the video; you can see an attempt by Russian naval vessels & a helicopter engaging the boat with no success. That's very embarrassing. Seemed to be shooting everywhere around the drone but not at it.

    The drone we see fired at we don't see hit anything... wonder why...

    Not that I had a chance but had it worked thousands of Russians would not have been dead. But then Kremlin and their supporters on this forum are sick people.

    If Russia didn't attack Kievs forces Kievs forces were going to attack the Donbass and Lugansk and Crimea and murder millions of Russians.

    Putin had very little choice and he took the best available option...

    No AK-630s you might note though. They can be aimed manually but probably don't have optics optimized for that.

    They do, but you have to be aware an attack is underway... in the middle of the night it gets quite dark and I dare say the drone is designed to be quiet...

    The AK-630s are used to destroy floating sea mines too...

    Everything in bright yellow, maybe the sleeves in blue.

    Lined with Cholera when the UN doesn't do anything about US and Kiev breaches of international law.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  nomadski Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:59 am

    Now you have all Cabbaged my poor Brain , with your war talk . Now about a question of  timing . Some said retaliation can be done by various ingenious ways against the you know who . But first the Orcs must be driven back , and also that winter is coming , both this and next winter will be hard , we have to let this tactic work . Let's forget about the Orcs for a second  and think about actual direct attacks by  NATO . Those that we know of , and could not possibly be done alone by the Orcs are : ( 1 ) The NS pipeline . ( 2 )  Attack on ship recently by sea drones . ( 3 ) Attack on land targets by missiles . From 1- 3 , all need technology unavailable to Ukraine side . I have here omitted to mention other attacks that Russia said were either accidents , or caused by terror acts by Ukraine , such as flag - Ship in Moskova fire or Crimea bridge .

    Even taking the minimal case that Russia accepts as direct attacks by NATO , and as I said forgetting about Ukraine for a moment , then what would be the response of Russia to such attacks ? I think without a Ukraine war , these attacks take on a complete different shape and picture . No way , we could talk about the " right time " or delay retaliation . Or say it was accident or terror act . So why does or should Ukraine war change our thinking so much ? At the end of Ukraine war , the West may abstain from further escalation , and this is good . But if they do not then what ? But more importantly now , they interfere . The war with The West , is not artillery war , but Nuclear war , anytime it happened .

    So I think that thinking about confrontation with West , should not enter thinking about confrontation with Ukraine . Different war , using different weapons , different kind of threat , different time scale . Imagine there was no Ukraine war , after these western attacks , what do you imagine would have happened ? Cuba was an example . Just moving some missiles , caused a nuclear escalation . What is happening now is far worse by NATO directly attacking Russia . Not a mere threat of manoeuvre . Yet no such escalation ?

    Last edited by nomadski on Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Mir Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:05 pm

    RTN wrote:But then Kremlin and their supporters on this forum are sick people.

    I see those mind altering drugs you have been feeding on are doing a great job!

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Us-sic10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Serberus Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:42 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Another doomer who joined on the eve of the war? lol1

    And you guys are as if in a chorus now trying to convince us of coming defeat. Saying that either everyone should be sacked, or of the need for some drastic immediate action.
    When actually things are looking better for the Russian campaign every day and mobilization is yielding fruit.

    What's the matter, what are you afraid of? Because it can't be those toy boats with explosives the British and Ukrainians sent against the ships in Sevastopol.

    All this stuff about major cities and no large offensives has been explained many times before.
    I'll briefly summarize. Again.
    When you have Stoltenburg talking about how NATO 'cannot loose', Russia has to be cautious before advancing too deeply into the Ukraine too quickly. While Mariupol has showed that taking heavily defended cities is costly. Better to let them come to you; this solves both issues.

    I remember well your opposition to the SMO in the first place and dooming when there was no reason to doom in the early days. Now that there are clearly issues with how the SMO is going, you are throwing shade at anyone being critical of things that we should be critical of. You're nothing but a hypocrite.

    Nato  is precisely why Russia needs to go hard or go home, the lines have been drawn in the sand,  the Anglo Nazis have made it clear they want Ukraine to win, and they will do whatever it takes to help them. Russia needs to respond  in kind if it wants to have a chance of winning this thing or might as well pack up now. Being passive and cautious is not the way to go about it, you’re just inviting them to be more brazen.

    Last edited by Serberus on Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  franco Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:44 pm

    According to unofficial information, instead of General Lapin, the post of commander of the Central Military District was taken by General Andrei Mordvichev.
    For the first time, they started talking about Mordvichev at the end of March, when the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, arrived in Mariupol. There he hugged the general under the cameras, called him "the best commander."
    As they say, it was General Mordvichev who commanded the assault on Mariupol and Azovstal.

    NOTE: need some official confirmation

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Hole Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:56 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Fgqv3f10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Fgt2vi10
    Odessa, British Naval Operations Centre
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Fgtxfx10
    Mobilized getting checked, Leningrad region

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:13 pm

    famschopman wrote:Read the Ukraine army is in desperate need of winter clothing. Would be awesome if we can setup something to provide them with polyester coats in 🇺🇦 colors. And persons who disagree and think that it should be in camouflage is simply called out for being a Ukraine flag hating Russian troll.

    Everything in bright yellow, maybe the sleeves in blue.

    Seat of the pants will need to be in brown, especially for officers. Bad for morale and unit cohesion otherwise... Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:23 pm

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Fgqv3f10

    This pathology is engineered from the west. It dates back to the 1800s and the active construction of a fake Ukr nation and
    identity. This involves stealing Russian history and yapping about some "Ukraine" in 988 AD. The name is never once found
    in any historical reference and documents produced on birch bark ("beresty"). The 1990 initial conditions were squandered
    as Nazi collaborator swine from Kanada, USA and elsewhere moved in as "civil society" carpet-baggers during the 1990s.
    Ukraine was a dead country walking after these swine, succored during the Cold Was as a tool against the USSR, moved in.
    The current war was inevitable since these worms exist to attack Russia. They did not treat Ukraine as a country and invest
    in its future, they instead went for ethnic cleansing and "de-communization" through destruction of industry and science.
    They served their western patrons well.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  ALAMO Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:44 pm

    Serberus wrote:
    I remember well your opposition to the SMO in the first place

    His position didn't change much. He is terrified by the events the same way as any sane human being is and should be.
    So am I.
    The intemperance of the western world leads to the misery and death of tens of thousands, and the worst part of this story is blaming the victims.
    They have opened a Pandora's box, openly threatening civil societies in the whole of Europe.
    Anglosaxon thirst brought poverty to the people, but this time those are no Aborigines, Indians or Africans on the other side of the planet, but the Europeans. Led by the cynical rulers who forgot the very core of the so-called European values.
    We can call it karma, in a way. Just returning.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:47 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Img_2217

    🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Russian forces have entered Pavlovka and are cleaning it up.

    🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the offensive in the Ugledar direction.

    In the South-Donetsk direction, units of Russian troops in the course of offensive operations destroyed the enemy in the areas of settlements in the DPR, and also captured a number of strongholds and dominant heights. Assault detachments of Russian troops during the offensive advanced more than three kilometers deep into the enemy’s defenses and reached the southern outskirts of Pavlovka in the DPR. More than 100 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, three armored fighting vehicles and six pickup trucks were destroyed. Six Ukrainian servicemen surrendered, one Ukrainian tank was captured;

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:51 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Img_2218

    The fall of Pavlovka, with this, the Ugledar settlement is exposed

    From there, The Marinka- Ugledar highway is completely opened to Konstantinovka

    Would he good to attack Konstantinovka from south west highway and NovoMikhailovka

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:51 pm

    kvs wrote:They served their western patrons well.

    Paradoxically, they have inadevertently served Russia and her national interests. Without them, Ukraine would likely have been successful, and Russia would have had zero opportunity to recover Krim and the newly liberated oblasts. Instead they have ruined Ukraine from within, gutted its economy and its peoples standard of living, delegitimised themselves with rabid nazi ideology and ruthless repression of Russian speakers, and created the very conditions that Russia can now use to once and for all undo the treasonous Belovezh Accords that ceded the majority of the heartland of the Russian cultural world as the personal fiefdom of corrupt nomenklatura hacks and organised criminals. Razz

    Not only will most of Ukraine (the wealthy bits) return to Russian soverignty (Laughing) but the West will suffer a monumental geopolitical disaster and insufferable loss of face on the global scene... thumbsup

    This knowledge must REALLY be causing a pandemic of gastric ulcers in shitholes like Lvov and Western capitals....  Twisted Evil

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:59 pm

    nformation comes in about the advance of Russian troops north of Pesok. After massive artillery preparation, the enemy's defense line was broken through in the area of ​​​​Experimental and Vodyany. These settlements are part of the so-called Avdiivka fortified area of ​​the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which has been built by Ukrainian troops for eight years and is one of the largest in the Donbass.


    Nice gains, it seems without Lapin there is no problem advancing

    At the same time Ukros have lost 100 men in the Ugledar sector, and 50 in Starobilsk in failed offensives

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Img_2219

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  limb Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:21 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Img_2218

    The fall of Pavlovka, with this, the Ugledar settlement is exposed

    From there, The Marinka- Ugledar highway is completely opened to Konstantinovka

    Would he good to attack Konstantinovka from south west highway and NovoMikhailovka

    How fortified is that area? Аre there massive tunnel networks, minfields and concrete bunkers 2-3m thick?

    Did that USV hit the grigorovich frigate or no?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  owais.usmani Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:28 pm

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:34 pm

    limb wrote:

    How fortified is that area? Аre there massive tunnel networks, minfields and concrete bunkers 2-3m thick?

    Did that USV hit the grigorovich frigate or no?

    Apparently DPR took Pavlovka with Russian army, inflicting serious casualties on Ukros , about 100 dead, several vehicles destroyed and a general rout in that settlement

    The defenses were strong , but they made good progress

    The USV apparently created shrapnel damage to the hull, and some reports that the Radar was rendered inoperable -

    So could be that ak630 or deck guns blew up the USV, and sent splinters from shrapnel flying high and hit the Radar itself and got lodged into the Hull , from sounds of it damage was negligible

    The Ivan Gobulets was penetrated but remained afloat and went into dock

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:53 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Img_2217

    🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Russian forces have entered Pavlovka and are cleaning it up.

    🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the offensive in the Ugledar direction.

    In the South-Donetsk direction, units of Russian troops in the course of offensive operations destroyed the enemy in the areas of settlements in the DPR, and also captured a number of strongholds and dominant heights. Assault detachments of Russian troops during the offensive advanced more than three kilometers deep into the enemy’s defenses and reached the southern outskirts of Pavlovka in the DPR. More than 100 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, three armored fighting vehicles and six pickup trucks were destroyed. Six Ukrainian servicemen surrendered, one Ukrainian tank was captured;

    Finally something smart from Ukrop Arkhi..
    And to write to everyone; I am more concerned about the construction of project 22350 frigates than about SMO - a special military operation. Very Happy

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  ALAMO Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:08 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    And to write to everyone; I am more concerned about the construction of project 22350 frigates than about SMO - a special military operation. Very Happy

    You are to call for Med access for Serbia or something? Very Happy Very Happy

    Edit : an interesting marking, it was tactical aviation claimed to kaboom the Ochakov facility with fish&chips inside.

    Edit 2 : as I was suspecting, drones used to infiltrate the Sevastopol base were most probably released from one of the civilian ships chartered for the grain deal operation. Drones were sailing along the cleared&safe grain corridor. Navigation modules on the recovered wreckage turned out to be of Canadian origin.

    After the repulsion of a terrorist attack on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian vessels involved in the security of the "grain corridor" on October 29 this year, the wreckage of the sea drones used by the Kiev regime under the leadership of representatives of Great Britain was found and lifted to the surface.

    ◽ Specialists The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of other government agencies, conducted an examination of the Canadian navigation modules installed on the unmanned aerial vehicles. According to the results of reconstruction of the information read from the memory of the navigation receiver, it was established that the sea drones were launched from the coast near Odessa.

    ◽ The sea drones moved along the "grain corridor" security zone, after which they changed their route in the direction of the Russian ship base point in Sevastopol. At the same time, the coordinates of movement of one of the sea drones indicate the starting point in the sea area of the "grain corridor" security zone in the Black Sea.

    ◽ According to experts, this may indicate a preliminary launch of this vehicle from one of the civilian vessels chartered by Kiev or its Western patrons to export agricultural products from Ukrainian seaports.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:53 pm

    Grain ships were use to f*ck Russia over? No way!!!

    Who could have seen THIS coming? (Spoiler: everyone and their grandma)

    But Russians gotta pussyfoot

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  famschopman Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:11 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Grain ships were use to f*ck Russia over? No way!!!

    Who could have seen THIS coming? (Spoiler: everyone and their grandma)

    But Russians gotta pussyfoot

    My point of view on this, is that it was expected and functions as (geo)political ammunition. They knew the grain would not end up in 3rd world countries, they anticipated covert operations were inevitable under the disguise of cargo vessels. One of these sea drones was captured a while back so Russia was aware of their existence; and given they have some kind of communication device on top they were probably also aware that the RQ-4 in the air, besides surveilling the operation functions as a communications relay station for these devices.

    Now that this event happened the recklessness of US/UK/Ukraine and all involved covert organizations has been exposed. China, India, Iran, Turkey, Saudis' all have been informed and can't do anything than side with Russia's cancellation of the agreement because it is clear who is at fault here. These transports were a neutral zone in order to avoid food shortages. Well ... guess who fucked up.

    What I don't really understand is why it had to be a sailor ringing the alarm on unknown sea drones approaching ships and not the many radars and what else technology that is on board these vessels. I don't believe for one second these systems were inactive given what happened with the Moskva. Maybe current radar systems simply cannot detect these small objects directly on the water.  Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 1f615

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:47 pm

    famschopman wrote:Maybe current radar systems simply cannot detect these small objects directly on the water.  Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 1f615

    Just take a look at the film the Ukrs revealed.
    This thing does not stick out of the waves.
    How are you supposed to lock that with radar?
    Again, optical is the answer there, the only one.
    And it worked obviously, that is why you still have spotters on each ship.

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    Post  famschopman Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:11 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    famschopman wrote:Maybe current radar systems simply cannot detect these small objects directly on the water.  Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 36 1f615

    Just take a look at the film the Ukrs revealed.
    This thing does not stick out of the waves.
    How are you supposed to lock that with radar?
    Again, optical is the answer there, the only one.
    And it worked obviously, that is why you still have spotters on each ship.

    It's floating partially above the water line; let's say ~30cm / ~40cm. It is sticking out of the waves, but I am not an expert in radar technology as to why it doesn't bounce back signals. Maybe it is just below the required radar horizon. Not sure if you can use sonar systems just below the waterline either to detect it.

    If you are only relying on optical, in dark circumstance, you're absolutely at risk.

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