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    Russian population and demographics #2


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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  flamming_python Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:44 pm

    but it is a fact that Tajiks killed mobilized people in Belgorod region and some islamist groups were sending fighters to Afghanistan.

    Well if that were to happen again then we could speak of a trend. As it is, it's just sour grapes.

    My original question to you was why the numbers of Tajiks getting passport quadrupled in a span of 5-6 years? Are there some business circles that are lobbying for that or what is the story?

    No idea, other than the presence of loopholes and such. And also that when the war began, the migrant population ebbed, before recovering again as demand for labour remained high.

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:48 pm

    Judging how youth can be, I doubt much of Belarus is exactly same as you ex girlfriend. She may be just the libtard group that exist everywhere including and especially Russia.

    Either that or you made her so damn angry that she became a Ukrainian Nazi just to spite you.

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:52 pm

    Either that or you made her so damn angry that she became a Ukrainian Nazi just to spite you.

    Can't be that, she became my ex only after my mind wrapped around what she had said, and about how this is just not going to work out. Think she realized that as well. But enough about me What a Face

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    Post  Werewolf Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:16 am

    Avoid libtards at all cost.
    Had my fair share with a russian girl from Moldova with same twisted history and revisionism as Ukrops.
    Kievan Rus' being some statehood by Ukrainians and Russians came later...
    America is not involved and is the good side...

    Yeah, Moldova is divided in ex-Soviets, Moldovan (pro-Romanian) and a youth all over the place from libtard, pro-ukro, pro-russia, pro-USA and so on. It is a cluster ****. Hell even the libtards hate their president despite she being anti-russian pro-romanian stooge.

    That place will go places of which none will be happy afterwards.

    Belarus, for most part is pro Russian, however, youth is indeed indoctrinated Anti-Belarus or Anti-Russian.
    The issue is we slavic people are garbage at propagating our own ideas and plans, let alone prevent enemies doing that to our populations.

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    Post  flamming_python Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:46 am

    Slavic peoples are naive political prostitutes. This applies in every case. This is why I ultimately do not begrudge Ukrainians, for we are they and they are us. Simply that they must be gone from the Donbass, from shelling our people, and that they should tell NATO to leave as well and forever more, if peace is to be reestablished.

    Reason we and the Serbs are together is not because of Orthodoxy, or history, or some sort of Slavic unity. You think that stuff means anything to the money'd elites in Moscow or Belgrade? Maybe Putin has some principles personally, but certainly our reigning oligarchs would have sold the Serbs and their own mother down the river in the 90s. In fact that's what they did.
    Really if Uncle Shitsam would have treated either Serbia or Russia with more magnanimity in the 90s then that one would have said sayonara to the other for good. Hell even after 2014, Putin and co. were still hoping for some sort of integration with the West, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Minsk agreement had been signed not in the expectation of a compromise or settlement, but that sanctions would crush Russia's economy and cause a colour revolution. All sorts of diplomacy with Macron, a loud proclamation to help the French carrier group in the Mediterranean after the terrorist attack in 2015 and the rest of this bullshit.

    We're together because misery loves company, nothing else, and we both have an axe to grind against the same set of people. Russia is being targeted for destruction, while Serbia was bombed, extensively demonized, heaped war-guilt on for everything that went wrong in the former Yugoslavia, had its population ethnically cleansed and part of its territory ripped away by the same Washington elites.

    It's true Russians were upset by the NATO bombing of the FRY in 1999 but then Greeks were upset, others were upset too. And people got over it even if it wasn't forgotten as such. Only because the US insisted on making an enemy of Russia as well, while never letting hold of their choke-hold on the Serbs, was it guaranteed that history would repeat and we would find ourselves on the same side of the barricades.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:40 am

    All I see is rampant infantilism. Intelligent people would take everything with a grain of salt since life teaches this to be appropriate.
    So this girlfriend and her koolaid lapping about poor Azov being tortured by its "captors" and the rest of her refined pro-Ukr propaganda
    parroting tells me that she is mentally inadequate. But this good guys vs bad guys reductionism is common since it does not stress
    the brains of the adult children that have such opinions.

    The Ukrs have a mass infantilism phenomenon going. They want the mythical easy life of the EU so they order their perception to
    extoll the EU. But they do this instead of making Ukraine better. This is the rabid welfare bum mentality that I noted in other threads
    before. It really is a display of child adult mentality. There is an iodine deficiency in the soil in Ukraine and iodine is critical for brain
    development (and other metabolism pathways). I thought that iodized salt was enough to offset this deficiency but clearly it is not
    since such large scale infantilism is hard to explain with propaganda and information control.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Tolstoy Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:38 pm

    Unbelievable domination by Russians/Slavs.  russia  in the 2022 Computer Science Olympiad.

    Slavic population globally is just about 15% of China's population. Yet look at this fantastic performance. Notice that hardly any coloured people made it to the list. Intelligence therefore as the Bible states is certainly related to race. Most people of colour have low intelligence.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:44 am

    Unbelievable domination by Russians/Slavs. russia in the 2022 Computer Science Olympiad.

    Slavic population globally is just about 15% of China's population. Yet look at this fantastic performance. Notice that hardly any coloured people made it to the list. Intelligence therefore as the Bible states is certainly related to race. Most people of colour have low intelligence.

    Are you being sarcastic?

    The top 8 appear to be ethically Chinese except for one Ukrainian in 7th place.

    In fact if you look right down the list Chinese and Asian names dominate the list even if the represent western countries...

    If the west represents the pinnacle of white intelligence then lets hope for a coloured future.

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    Post  Tolstoy Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:44 am

    Are you being sarcastic?
    What's there to be sarcastic about? I have mentioned that it takes 1.5 billion Chinese to achieve what less than 200 million Russians/ Slavs can.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:14 am

    Your evidence does not prove your claim... the top ranked winners are not slavs... most are asian... I rather suspect no Russian team competed based on those results with not a single Russian in the top 50.

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    caveat emptor
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    Post  caveat emptor Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:11 pm

    They did. Russians are ones without country affiliations. So 9th and 11th place were two best results for Russia.

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:30 pm

    What is really funny about that, is the fact that every single Anglosaxon position is being occupied by Chinese Laughing Laughing Laughing
    EVERY SINGLE ONE Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:20 am

    So 9th, 11th, 25th, and 45th... that is hardly what I would call dominating the event... perhaps I was right first time and he was being sarcastic...?

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:59 pm

    Not sure where to put this. Its the 5th column of Russians forming up in and out of Serbia. A post from MOA.

    I Want to Report Abort a New Development in Serbien
    In my faculty i ve Received an invitation for an Event Witz Tonic Russia and war in Ukraine
    The Russian Student Said there will be Special speakers and Lots of russian Refugiés
    I was wondering Maybe Serbien politicians

    That's why today I attended the event of the Russian refugees in Serbia.
    The venue was in the faculty of music close to hotel Hilton.
    To my surprise, the event was quite well attended.
    An estimated 200-250 visitors came.
    About 30-40 of them were Serbs.
    All others were young Russians.
    There is a relaxed atmosphere in which guests get something to eat from the delicious buffet or have a drink.
    The first speakers were Russians who railed against PUTIN and the Ukraine war in ENGLISH.
    Then finally the special guest speakers showed up.
    No Serbs but an American and a German
    The speaker from the USA was John Ginkel and the speaker from Germany was Mrs. Piplica Kristin
    Ginkel began his speech with the Makeievka event.
    He said that the Ukrainian army successfully destroyed an enemy training center.
    Enemy casualties are dramatic.
    He concluded with the appeal: Glory to Ukraine.
    This was followed by thunderous applause from the Russian guests and some shouted Glory to Ukraine.

    I was totally perplexed.
    I couldn't believe my eyes and ears.
    Russians cheering at a terrorist act by the enemy.
    The American Nazi Ginkel (sounds German name to me) continued his speech.
    The main points were:
    1) Refugees - Resistance:
    There are currently 200,000 Russian refugees living in Serbia.
    These refugees are a powerfull force against the regime in Moscow
    One must take advantage of the time they are in Serbia and prepare these people to sabotage and overthrow the regime when they return back to Russia.
    Every Russian refugee is a valuable resistance fighter against the regime
    The US and the EU will do everything in their power to support these potential resistance fighters.
    2. Company formations

    Since the outbreak of war, more than 2,000 new Russian companies have been established in Serbia.
    The US is monitoring this development very closely and will soon take appropriate actions.
    These companies are used exclusively to circumvent the sanctions.
    The bank accounts of these firms are standing under constant observation.
    Serbia will soon make it more difficult or prohibit the establishment of new companies by Russian citizens.
    3. Freedom to Travel

    He called on the visitors to encourage all "democratic" Russians who are still willing to leave the country to leave early for Serbia because it will soon no longer be possible.
    Everyone who wants to leave the country is a valuable resistance fighter.
    The regime thinks that it can get rid of critical citizens by leaving the country, but the opposite is the case, these Russian refugees are our future ones
    resistance fighter. They will come back and overthrow the regime.
    The German speaker merely confirmed Ginkel's statements and only added that Russian refugees in Serbia would be introduced a special visa procedure for the EU

    I learned what she meant by that special visa regime from a conversation with one of the Russian speakers after the event
    He showed me his Schengen visa, his visa for England and the USA
    All three visas were not stuck in his passport but on an extra piece of paper.
    He said that it is better not to have visas from Germany, GB or USA in your passport when entering Russia.
    I asked him how long it tooks him to get the Visa?
    He said: 3 working days........

    Posted by: Tesla | Jan 3 2023 16:36 utc | 284

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  caveat emptor Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:25 am

    Judging by the number of people in the audience, it is a big nothingburger. Most people that escaped Russia to Serbia did it so for their personal reasons. They will not be in doing anything against the country and, I suspect, they are not even interested in that.
    I recently found out that my mom's Russian neighbor that lives in her building brought a nephew, her sister's only child, as they were scared that he will be mobilized. Most people are like that. Probably, 99 % of them. They moved m because it was in their personal interest and Serbia for them is not a "hostile society".

    Last edited by caveat emptor on Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Broski Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:45 am

    Every country has its sellouts and Russia no different, as long as these dimwits aren't able to get close to the rungs of power in their homeland nothing will come of it. Unfortunately for them , Drag Queen Story Time won't be happening in Russia.

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    Post  Krepost Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:12 pm

    Sounds like the majority of these people at that gathering were Ukrainians posing as Russians.

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    Post  lyle6 Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:06 am

    Well, you see Ukrainians are just Russians posing as not-Russians. Razz
    They are just accidentally returning to form.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:36 am

    Hard to believe they would be Russians, if this account reflects reality

    Even liberal and pro-European Russians disparage Ukrainian nationalists and the regime in Kiev. And they could well be anti-Kremlin at the same time, but it's hard to believe they would cheer for Ukrainian 'victories'

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:02 am

    And the validity of the article is....?

    Yeah, couple hundred people, wow. What a resistance.

    I hate people so much, and journalists especially. Since they are all really, really stupid.

    Age old joke was "fail at everything else in life, you can still become a journalist".

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    Post  Regular Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:36 am

    POC (People of colour) is such idiotic term. What are white people then, transparent?

    All those names below absolute Chinese dominance mean f all. Even USA results are high because of Chinese expat… All it matters which country has most robotics and supercomputers.

    At this time, Russia has 3 supercomputers. China - 173. USA - 118. Ukraine - none existent.

    That’s all.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Begome Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:04 am

    Just checked some statistics to see how much merit some arguments from the Western Christian right have about abortion and divorce in Russia...summary:


    • in 2021 it is estimated that about 400,000 abortions were conducted in to 1991 with ~4,100,000 abortions

    This number of abortions is still the highest in Europe but not in terms of per-capita rate: e.g. France has a slightly higher rate and Sweden a significantly higher rate...the USA also now has a slightly higher per-capita rate and much higher absolute abortion number, while the Russian trend has been decreasing abortions for about 15 consecutive years.


    • in 2022 923,553 (+16.5%) marriages and 644,207 (+12.4%) divorces occurred in the Russian Federation (69.8% ratio, which is lower (=better) than the 2020 numbers for Portugal, Spain and Luxembourg and only slightly higher than Italy and Sweden in terms of European countries according to Statista).

    Interestingly, according to the Russian government institute Rosstat the per-region data shows that the only regions with higher divorce number than marriage number in 2022 were Ingushetiya (~2.5x), Dagestan (~2x), Chechniya (~2x), Karachaevo-Cherkessia (~1.5x), North Ossetia (~1.4x), Kalmykiya (>1x), so across the board regions with very few Russians and very few Orthodox people (most listed are predominantly Muslim except North Ossetia - by far the most pagan region in Russia where about a third identify as pagan - and Kalmykiya - the only traditionally Buddhist region). Surprisingly, the big metropolises Moscow and St. Petersburg have below-average divorce rates.

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    Post  caveat emptor Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:33 pm

    Rosstat presents data on the natural changes of the population in December 2022
    In December 2022, 108 thousand 325 babies were born, 164 thousand 540 people died, 79 thousand 499 marriages and 57 thousand 642 divorces were registered. The natural decline amounted to 56,215 people, which is 42.4% less than in December 2021. Mortality in December 2022 decreased by 23.7% compared to December 2021, the birth rate decreased by 8.2%. Infant mortality decreased by 17.7% compared to December 2021.

    According to preliminary data, 1 million 306 thousand 162 babies were born in 2022, 1 million 905 thousand 778 people died, 1 million 53 thousand 884 marriages and 683 thousand 111 divorces were registered. The natural decline amounted to 599 thousand 616 people, which is 42.5% lower than the same indicator for 2021.

    Mortality in 2022 decreased by 22.1% compared to 2021, the birth rate decreased by 6.9%. The number of marriages in 2022 increased by 14.1% compared to 2021, the number of divorces increased by 6.0%.

    * Considering that Crimea is included in this statistics since 2014, this is one of the worst results in history. I expect next year to be even worse, due to the war. Hard, uphill battle will be before the government to try and raise natality numbers.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Feb 17, 2023 4:37 pm

    Besides incentive programs, there isn't anything thr government can do. It's up to the people unless they create an agency where they come to your house and force the man's penis into the woman.

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    Post  Broski Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:19 pm

    It's up to the people unless they create an agency where they come to your house and force the man's penis into the woman.
    That sentence painted a disturbingly vivid image in my imagination.

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