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    Russian population and demographics #2


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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  kvs Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:10 pm

    A reply to Rodion_Romanovic in another thread where it is OT.

    Russia should only adopt incentives for families with stipulations for 3 children (2 is marginal) or more. There should be no programs where money
    is handed over without children resulting from it. It has been demonstrated that incentive programs do not generate more births and are
    a waste of time. Raising up the financial level of females is causally inversely correlated with the birth rate. The stupid phrase "barefoot
    and pregnant" is an attempt to smear any recognition of the nature of females. In modern society they only get baby rabies when their
    eggs have dried up by their mid-thirties and later. They spend the most fertile period of their lives (late teens and twenties) screwing around
    and trying to get "high value" males who pump and dump them. They have no commitment to family until they start hitting the wall when
    it is too late. Demographics crashes on the rocks of this idiocy.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  GarryB Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:53 pm

    But at least the west has not made you cynical.

    It is a bit ironic that in the 1950s most families were single income families because bringing up children was a full time job.

    Skip to today and the only single income families are solo parents...

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:27 am

    GarryB wrote:But at least the west has not made you cynical.

    It is a bit ironic that in the 1950s most families were single income families because bringing up children was a full time job.

    Skip to today and the only single income families are solo parents...

    Yeah, but you need the double income because otherwise you cannot pay your bills.
    Furthermore you still have less than what single income families had in the past but you have less time for your kids.

    It is just like a comment I saw yesterday.

    In Italy in the 1980s the average monthly salary was around 1600000 Lire (the average exchange rate in 1980 was 1 US dollar was equal to about 856 lire), so something like 1870 US dollars of the same year.

    In those years you could buy an ice cream for about 1000 lire, so with the average monthly salary you could buy 1600 ice creams.

    Now in Italy the average monthly salary is 1600 euro (when euro was introduced the official change was 1 euro= 1936.27 lire). You can buy a (small) ice cream for 2.5 euro. That means that with an average monthly salary you can buy 640 (small) ice creams.

    Basically the average Italian lost 60% of his purchasing power. Of course it is not possible anymore to live in a single income family.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  MMBR Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:07 pm


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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:46 pm

    MMBR wrote:Inflation

    Yes but in theory the salaries should also be adjusted for inflation, otherwise you only make people poorer.

    Basically a working class family where both husband and wife have a full time job has lower purchasing power than a single income family from 40 years ago.

    And they do not have time to spend with their kids.

    By the way. I have a colleague with a good job here in Germany who is leaving the company and the country to go back to Russia.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:33 am

    By the way. I have a colleague with a good job here in Germany who is leaving the company and the country to go back to Russia.

    And that is the amusing thing... I think it was RTN that said Russia was losing its best and its brightest, but there are jobs in Russia and the infrastructure is being built new and there is low unemployment and conservative social views.

    The west became powerful and rich partly because it could sample the bestest and the brightest from the entire world... teach them English or the local language and bring them to a country with money and infrastructure many other countries have never had.

    In the 70s and 80s all the documentaries on western TV were about the rest of the world... some of them still are but fewer people are interested in watching them...

    Most westerners get a shock going to Russia or China or many other countries.... even apparently poor countries because even relatively poor countries have cities that don't look like the slums you see on TV depicting the third world... not that the west has ever done anything to help in that regard.

    The point is that the west does not have the education system to create smart people, they are more interested in making sure they don't get your gender pronouns wrong or they might get fired.

    Russia and China can contribute to that because the west had the advanced education for people from around the world so you went to tertiary education in the west and you met the children of the rich and powerful, who because of the nature of the west will also mostly be rich and powerful when they grow up unless they make some seriously bad life choices, but even then if your dad is president you can do as you please.

    The point is that the best and the brightest eventually go home and spread the western way of doing things and promote western values and ethics etc etc.

    Russia and China and indeed India could turn their education systems into service industries to train and educate the world, because that gives a lot of soft power to you.

    And those people thinking skin colour makes you dumb, culture and the environment you grow up in has more to do with achievement than genetics.

    Two smart people having a baby there is no certainty that the child will be smart no matter how clever their parents are at manipulating and teaching them are.

    Equally two people who never went to high school let alone finished might give birth to a genius... but because the child as born in a tiny village in a poor country they might spend their time solving problems in the village like improving the water or other access, instead of curing cancer or ending poverty.

    I was going to say end child poverty because the cynical west are bastards aren't they?

    If you have a charity working to end poverty in your own country most people wont donate because they think poor people in their own country... the adults... are lazy or stupid or both. They will only donate if you say it is for children but obviously children can't control their financial situation, so giving them a nice house and a good job really isn't practical.

    The real problem with the west is that our governments listen to the rich and powerful and when there is a problem with the economy they throw billions of dollars in subsidies to the rich and powerful, like the banks and the big businesses in the hope they will pass the money on to the customers and workers respectively... but they never do... they pocket it and give themselves big bonuses.

    What the government should do is give $10,000 to everyone on the unemployment benefit... they wont save it.... they will spend it... they will pay bills and get their cars fixed or their fridges or ovens fixed.... some might even go on holiday, but the vast majority will spend money which would boost the economy vastly more than any payout to banks et al.

    I saw a video that explained perfectly why the west and most other countries are broken... the guy states where ever you go in the world, get into a taxi and ask the driver to take you to where the working people live and they will almost always take you to a slum... ask yourself why it is the workers who live in some of the poorest areas of a country... they can't live too far from work but they can't afford mansions or to live in nice places.... urban slums.... for the people who do the work.

    There is something to be said for a company town where a company will build cheap but safe modern housing for its workers and put its workers through education and look after their health needs... western companies don't do that and that is why they were so efficient... because they are heartless bastards.

    That is what changed from the 1950s America to now... the companies made profits but they invested the profits in decent wages for their workers and not just management and shareholders.

    Shareholders get too much money considering they don't contribute anything to the company other than an initial cash injection. Something they end up getting a continuous return on year after year after year... but they don't keep contributing more and more money, just one purchase of shares and they they keep extracting wealth from the company they otherwise do nothing to help. Like a bank loan... except bank loans get paid off so once it is paid off you don't have to keep paying them a percentage of the profits.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:51 pm

    Russia reestablished a medal of Mat Geroinya - Hero Mother.
    It was presented in Soviet times to mothers who gave birth to 10 or more children.

    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Photo269

    A presidential decree of 2022 granted its return, and some has been already provided. Nov 26th is a ritual date of promotion, as it is a Mothers Day in Russia.
    A medal is assisted by a 1 000 000 rubles financial grant (EUR10+k).

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Hole Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:49 pm

    Is there some reward for a man who "creates" 10+ children? Very Happy

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:52 pm

    Asking in the interest of your friend? Laughing Laughing

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  franco Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:25 pm

    There will soon be plenty of Ukrainian concubines available censored Twisted Evil

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:08 pm

    There are tons of them already, however nobody sane mates with them.
    It is a boobtrap, you know Laughing
    The case of Ukro females looking for a male partner to sort their shit out was serious enough to make some of the local catholic church big fishes to make a stand.
    They were seriously afraid that they will be ... ekhm ... active ... with all the privileges they have ... ekhm ... to do ... khm khm ... the things local male population will hmmm hmmm ... applaud.
    Is it offensive enough? Laughing

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:53 am

    Actually perhaps talking about conscription for women was a ploy to boost the fertility of Ukrainian women... won't help now but in about 18 years you will have plenty of meat for the meat grinder...

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  ALAMO Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:32 am

    As we have seen already, pregnancy is not a cause of not sending females into the battle.
    Most of the materials provided cover the work of medical personnel, and I wouldn't make much noise about that.
    Russian medical teams are women heavy either, and I am quite sure that some of them died in combat operations.
    We had a widely known episode in Syria, when a field hospital was targeted and some female personnel died.
    There was a case of high decoration of some field nurse early in the war.
    So that is not as much a point as the fact, that Ukro propaganda is really actively pushing a narrative of female frontline soldiering. They are trying to address patriotism and flexibility of women in general, but in a wider view it is disgusting. A clear goal is to push females into the meatgrinder, and sadly the female part of Ukro population is structured much more equally rather than male. They haven't fled the country after 240222. Before that, female draining was affecting older population mostly, with young girls staying at home.
    It means that they have a waste reservoir of young, 18+ population to bleed white.  

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:36 am

    And so easy to round up... just follow the house music to the nightclubs and there they are....

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Hole Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:30 pm

    flexibility of women

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:48 am

    The problem is that they seem more interested in throwing bodies into the line than to getting the damaged bodies out of the line and back to treatment so women might be told they are going to be nurses or radio operators or other such things but they get a rifle and end up in a trench on the front line anyway.

    The people making big money out of this war wont care... they didn't care about their sons, why care about their daughters, but most people wont be making money out of this for much longer on both sides of the fence.

    If you have a field full of worn out EV cars you are running out of time to get a contract with your government to supply some MRAPs that are next generation... they are electric... sell them at $300K per vehicle... but they do need new batteries is in the small print on page 402 of the contract...

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  PhSt Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:56 pm

    I wonder when Russia will hit the 250+ million population mark, I'm afraid it will not be in my lifetime, but a population of at least 250 - 300+ million will help propel Russia's economy to become the 4th or 5th largest in the world. the Soviet Union was the world's 2nd largest economy in 1985 and its population at that time was somewhere in the 250 to 300 million mark.


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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:41 pm

    PhSt wrote:I wonder when Russia will hit the 250+ million population mark, I'm afraid it will not be in my lifetime, but a population of at least 250 - 300+ million will help propel Russia's economy to become the 4th or 5th largest in the world. the Soviet Union was the world's 2nd largest economy in 1985 and its population at that time was somewhere in the 250 to 300 million mark.

    Russia and Bielorussia together are about 154 millions.
    From the inhabitants of Ukraine that will remain after the war it will be maybe something like 20 millions (the rest will go in the west or to Poland.

    This will be still below 180 millions.

    It would take several decades of peace and incentives for families to reach those numbers.

    They could get close to 250 only if they add also some of the central Asian states, like Kazakhstan (19 millions) and Uzbekistan (about 34 millions), but of those people, only considerably less than 5 millions will be made by ethnic Russians.
    Maybe also Turkmenistan (about 7 millions people) could also be considered. Very rich in natural, on the Caspian sea and part of the old silk road.
    Governed by a semi dictatorship, poor treatment of minorites (including uzbeks and russians).

    So the issue, you mean 250 millions with also some of the central Asian states or with only Russia+ Bielorussia + malorossia and novorossia?

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:50 pm

    There is no chance of raising the Russian population by natural growth as long as the current gyno-centric order is in place.
    No society in Europe, Asia and North America that is "developed" has a sustainable birth rate. None. Israel only has a sufficient
    birth rate because of the patriarchal Orthodox community. The rest of the Israeli population reproduces like all the other low
    fertility countries.

    As long as women do not settle down until it is essentially too late (their mid thirties) and have three children or more, there cannot
    be any demographic expansion. But the modern "advanced" culture has resulted in women who have ludicrous expectations and who
    have no interest in family and children in their 20s. Career and 10% of the male population are their priority. They may get the former
    but all of them obviously cannot get the latter outside of one night stands. All that f*cking around does not produce children.

    Giving women more money is not going to change their priorities. A culture change is required. No more pandering to female vanity
    and pushing "progressive" BS like affirmative action jobs. If a woman wants to pursue a career at the expense of family and children,
    then they can remain free to do so. But most of them won't do this if society does not incentivize them this way. They should, naturally,
    realize quickly that chad is not going to be their hubby.

    The other side of the equation is the abuse of male family rights. Men are subjected to indentured servitude because of grotesque divorce
    laws. Alimony only made sense over 100 years ago when women were not afforded absurd welfare and family courts did not exist. Alimony
    today is a total abuse of human rights of the man having to pay it out. The only support a man should have to pay is child support and that
    is with a 50/50 custody arrangement. Right now you have welfare queens collecting child support and alimony while their children seen almost
    zero of it, while the father has a tiny amount of access to his children. Men need fair incentives to marry and have children. Females are
    not the center of the universe.

    Russia is a little bit better in terms of divorce laws, but they are very similar to the western ones. So women "don't need no man" because
    they have the state as their husband.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:48 pm

    @kvs, as I have already replied about it (we discussed this in previous posts in this thread), I fully agree.

    I also believe that it makes no sense that men have to dedicate one years of their life to military service while women who are not interested in motherhood do not need to spend their time for the community.

    I would say that putting one year of mandatory civil service, far away from home, ideally in small towns in Siberia (like assisting the elderly, cleaning the streets or helping as a Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) in an hospital, etc) for women above 25 unmarried and /or without Kids, could help.

    This of course should be also a good alternative for the rich young men that try to skip military service (but for them the alternative should be longer than normal military service).

    Concerning your other point, helps should be given first to families with kids, help from the state (or alimony from the future ex husband) should not be an incentive for women to divorce and become a "single" mother.

    I remember a (now already relatively old) Italian movie that described a similar situation. Due to financial problems a couple with child is thinking about divorcing because they cannot cope with all the expenses, as current Italian laws would give financial help to a single mother but not to a married family.

    Anyway, in order to allow large families, also higher income for men is needed (or at least financial help to families with kids). Being a mother of 3 or more children is already a full time job, it is not realistic to imagine that a woman can manage a 50 hours/week job on top of that.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Hole Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:12 pm

     Russia's economy to become the 4th or 5th largest in the world.
    Already No. 5, only slightly behind No. 4 (Japan).

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  kvs Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:21 am

    Based on PPP which is skewed towards consumer prices and is thus misleading. Russia has a substantially deeper GDP than Japan and Germany.

    Germany and Japan also have a well developed "financial industry" which is funny money recirculation that has little to do with the real economy.
    Russia is behind in this field.

    Regarding female empowerment: women can still get a high level education and go for a girl boss career even if they have several kids. The
    trick is that they need to get married at 16 and start their post-secondary education when they are 26. They still have plenty of time to
    move up in the corporate world and will have more than 3 children which will sustain the population and its growth.

    The reason why this optimal solution is not pursued is because females want to f*ck around in their teens and 20s, chasing chad dick. They
    want to settle down only when chad no longer pays them any attention in their 30s. So society is set for long term decline because of a
    female slut phase.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  franco Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:13 pm

    In May of this year, Western media reported that 40-45% of relocants who left the country in 2022 will return to Russia. In light of these estimates, the question of interest is what the overall migration results for Russia in 2023 will be, especially against the backdrop of the previous year 2022, in which it faced a massive outflow of relocants.

    This question is not easy due to the fact that migration itself is an extremely difficult object to study. People can move several times throughout the year and, as a result, come to the attention of various government bodies, which often count them in their statistics again. Different government institutions that record migration take into account different categories of migration, which is why their data does not converge and often even contradicts each other. Migration itself is very often not a “complete” process. Having once changed their place of residence, people can subsequently return to their homeland or even move to another place, which makes it difficult to assess the final results of relocation.

    Of the available sources that make it possible to estimate migration for the entire year 2023, today you can use the data of Rosstat, which records only “permanent” migration (that is, those who withdrew or were registered with migration authorities at their place of residence, as well as at their place of residence). stay for 9 months or more), as well as information from the FSB Border Service for border crossings. The first of these sources records only “long-term” migrants who have bothered to prepare the necessary documents, and the second records the number of border crossings, which can be multiple times during the year. There is also various “indirect” information - the number of resumes of applicants in the countries where the relocants went, data from cellular operators on the number of SIM cards, etc.

    In 2023, according to Rosstat, there was a decrease in the number of both those arriving from foreign countries in Russia (from 730.3 to 560.4 thousand) and those leaving abroad (from 668.4 to 450.4 thousand). The reduction in the volume of emigration by almost one and a half times is an indicator of the decline in the wave of relocants who were actively leaving the country after the start of the North American War, although it was observed on a reduced scale last year. As a result, the positive balance of migration exchange with foreign countries for Russia almost doubled compared to 2022 - from 61.9 thousand to 110.1 thousand people.

    Moreover, migration growth in Russia was observed both in the CIS countries, where it was positive in the previous year, and in non-CIS countries. In 2022, the migration decline in the Russian Federation due to the outflow of population to countries outside the CIS, according to Rosstat, amounted to 16.5 thousand, and in 2023 it was replaced by an increase of 10 thousand people.

    At the same time, the “country-specific” structure of migration flows between Russia and its neighboring countries still looks quite alarming. In 2022, there was an outflow of population from Russia to seven out of 10 CIS countries, and there was a positive balance of migration exchange with only three of them - Tajikistan (+87.3 thousand), Ukraine (+27.3 thousand) and Moldova ( +2.4 thousand). It was Tajikistan that in 2022 provided Russia with a migration increase in population at the expense of neighboring countries, more than blocking its outflow to the Transcaucasus and other countries of Central Asia. The result of this was the rapid growth of the Tajik diaspora in Russia, the consequences of which in recent years have become increasingly felt both in the outback and in large cities, where the formation of Central Asian enclaves has begun.

    In 2023, Russia lost population in migration exchanges with only two CIS countries – Belarus (-258 people) and Ukraine (-29.6 thousand). Moreover, the outflow of migrants to Ukraine more than blocked their influx in the previous year. In all other CIS countries, the outflow of population was replaced by an influx. As before, the largest one was from Tajikistan (+81.7 thousand), which in terms of net emigration to the Russian Federation was several times ahead of all other CIS countries combined. Kazakhstan took second place in terms of population influx to the Russian Federation at the end of last year (+11.4 thousand), only slightly ahead of Armenia (+11.2 thousand). In terms of the scale of the net influx of population to the Russian Federation, Tajikistan is ahead of Kazakhstan seven (!) times, despite the fact that most of the Kazakh emigration is represented by ethnic Russians, while only the Tajik and Uzbek population travels from the Republic of Tajikistan to Russia.

    The reason for the mass Tajik immigration lies in the uncontrolled, and often illegal, distribution of Russian citizenship to immigrants from this republic, the conditions for which are created by the agreement on dual citizenship between Russia and Tajikistan in 1995. In 2022, Tajiks received 173.6 thousand Russian passports, which became an absolute record in the entire history of their naturalization in Russia, and in the first half of 2023 - 87 thousand. At the same time, the number of arrivals in the Russian Federation from this republic in 2022 (+186.5 thousand) practically coincided with the number of cases of granting them citizenship.

    In 2023, “permanent” immigration from Tajikistan to Russia remained at almost the same level (+171.2 thousand), and the number of passports issued to citizens of the republic in January-June was about half of this figure. If the same pace of naturalization of citizens of Tajikistan is maintained, its scale in 2023 may be the same as in 2022.

    Last year, Russia had a positive balance of migration exchange with the vast majority of non-CIS countries, where a year earlier there had been an outflow of population. At the end of 2022, the only country outside the CIS with which Russia had a positive migration balance was Abkhazia. In 2023, Rosstat recorded a small negative balance of migration exchange with only seven non-CIS countries – the USA, Serbia, Finland, Israel, Canada, North Korea and Afghanistan. The net migration loss of population in exchange with these countries amounted to 1.2 thousand people. With all other non-CIS countries represented in Rosstat data, the migration balance was positive. The leaders in this indicator were China (+3.9 thousand) and India (+3.1 thousand). At the same time, an influx of population was also observed from such typical countries of origin for Russian relocants as Germany, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Turkey.

    The reduction in emigration to most Western countries is also confirmed by the data of the FSB Border Service on the departure of Russian citizens abroad. In some EU countries, travel from Russia has stopped altogether. Thus, 9 thousand people left the Russian Federation for the Czech Republic in 2022, and not a single one in 2023. There were no recorded departures of Russian citizens to Slovakia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Canada. 17.1 thousand people left for Switzerland in 2022, and only two in 2023. In Germany, which is one of the main countries of attraction for relocants, departures decreased by more than 40 times (from 63.1 to 1.5 thousand).

    A similar situation is observed in most other Western countries. Thus, departures from Russia to the United States decreased by 45 times (from 18.1 to 0.4 thousand), to Spain - by 17 times (from 23.6 to 1.4 thousand), to France - by 16 times ( from 20.2 to 1.3 thousand), etc. The group of non-CIS countries where the departure of Russian citizens continued to grow included Israel, Poland, Norway, Serbia and Lithuania. It is curious that the most significant increase in the number of trips last year was to Serbia (by 41.3%, from 100 to 141.3 thousand) and Poland (by 29.6%, from 133.7 to 173.3 thousand). .

    Despite the outbreak of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, travel to Israel also increased last year (by 13.6%, from 100.4 to 114 thousand). At the same time, in the fourth quarter, the number of those who left Russia for this country, compared to the same period in 2022, decreased by more than one and a half times (from 33.8 to 20.3 thousand people), which indicated that a noticeable compression of the migration flow.

    In general, migration results in 2023 for Russia turned out to be more favorable than in 2022, when the country, due to a sharp escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine, faced a massive outflow of relocants for the first time in a long time. Last year, these processes mostly turned in the opposite direction, and the Russian Federation developed a positive migration balance with most CIS and non-CIS countries. According to Rosstat, this made it possible to compensate for the natural population decline by 41.3%, smoothing out the consequences of the demographic crisis.

    At the same time, the structure of the migration influx to the Russian Federation is still dominated by immigrants from Central Asian countries, and Tajikistan again took first place in the number of “permanent” migrants last year. This composition of immigrants leads to a change in the ethnic structure of the most “migrant-dependent” regions, the formation of ethnic enclaves and the aggravation of interethnic contradictions, which in recent years is noticeable to the naked eye.

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    par far

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  par far Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:16 pm

    franco wrote:In May of this year, Western media reported that 40-45% of relocants who left the country in 2022 will return to Russia. In light of these estimates, the question of interest is what the overall migration results for Russia in 2023 will be, especially against the backdrop of the previous year 2022, in which it faced a massive outflow of relocants.

    This question is not easy due to the fact that migration itself is an extremely difficult object to study. People can move several times throughout the year and, as a result, come to the attention of various government bodies, which often count them in their statistics again. Different government institutions that record migration take into account different categories of migration, which is why their data does not converge and often even contradicts each other. Migration itself is very often not a “complete” process. Having once changed their place of residence, people can subsequently return to their homeland or even move to another place, which makes it difficult to assess the final results of relocation.

    Of the available sources that make it possible to estimate migration for the entire year 2023, today you can use the data of Rosstat, which records only “permanent” migration (that is, those who withdrew or were registered with migration authorities at their place of residence, as well as at their place of residence). stay for 9 months or more), as well as information from the FSB Border Service for border crossings. The first of these sources records only “long-term” migrants who have bothered to prepare the necessary documents, and the second records the number of border crossings, which can be multiple times during the year. There is also various “indirect” information - the number of resumes of applicants in the countries where the relocants went, data from cellular operators on the number of SIM cards, etc.

    In 2023, according to Rosstat, there was a decrease in the number of both those arriving from foreign countries in Russia (from 730.3 to 560.4 thousand) and those leaving abroad (from 668.4 to 450.4 thousand). The reduction in the volume of emigration by almost one and a half times is an indicator of the decline in the wave of relocants who were actively leaving the country after the start of the North American War, although it was observed on a reduced scale last year. As a result, the positive balance of migration exchange with foreign countries for Russia almost doubled compared to 2022 - from 61.9 thousand to 110.1 thousand people.

    Moreover, migration growth in Russia was observed both in the CIS countries, where it was positive in the previous year, and in non-CIS countries. In 2022, the migration decline in the Russian Federation due to the outflow of population to countries outside the CIS, according to Rosstat, amounted to 16.5 thousand, and in 2023 it was replaced by an increase of 10 thousand people.

    At the same time, the “country-specific” structure of migration flows between Russia and its neighboring countries still looks quite alarming. In 2022, there was an outflow of population from Russia to seven out of 10 CIS countries, and there was a positive balance of migration exchange with only three of them - Tajikistan (+87.3 thousand), Ukraine (+27.3 thousand) and Moldova ( +2.4 thousand). It was Tajikistan that in 2022 provided Russia with a migration increase in population at the expense of neighboring countries, more than blocking its outflow to the Transcaucasus and other countries of Central Asia. The result of this was the rapid growth of the Tajik diaspora in Russia, the consequences of which in recent years have become increasingly felt both in the outback and in large cities, where the formation of Central Asian enclaves has begun.

    In 2023, Russia lost population in migration exchanges with only two CIS countries – Belarus (-258 people) and Ukraine (-29.6 thousand). Moreover, the outflow of migrants to Ukraine more than blocked their influx in the previous year. In all other CIS countries, the outflow of population was replaced by an influx. As before, the largest one was from Tajikistan (+81.7 thousand), which in terms of net emigration to the Russian Federation was several times ahead of all other CIS countries combined. Kazakhstan took second place in terms of population influx to the Russian Federation at the end of last year (+11.4 thousand), only slightly ahead of Armenia (+11.2 thousand). In terms of the scale of the net influx of population to the Russian Federation, Tajikistan is ahead of Kazakhstan seven (!) times, despite the fact that most of the Kazakh emigration is represented by ethnic Russians, while only the Tajik and Uzbek population travels from the Republic of Tajikistan to Russia.

    The reason for the mass Tajik immigration lies in the uncontrolled, and often illegal, distribution of Russian citizenship to immigrants from this republic, the conditions for which are created by the agreement on dual citizenship between Russia and Tajikistan in 1995. In 2022, Tajiks received 173.6 thousand Russian passports, which became an absolute record in the entire history of their naturalization in Russia, and in the first half of 2023 - 87 thousand. At the same time, the number of arrivals in the Russian Federation from this republic in 2022 (+186.5 thousand) practically coincided with the number of cases of granting them citizenship.

    In 2023, “permanent” immigration from Tajikistan to Russia remained at almost the same level (+171.2 thousand), and the number of passports issued to citizens of the republic in January-June was about half of this figure. If the same pace of naturalization of citizens of Tajikistan is maintained, its scale in 2023 may be the same as in 2022.

    Last year, Russia had a positive balance of migration exchange with the vast majority of non-CIS countries, where a year earlier there had been an outflow of population. At the end of 2022, the only country outside the CIS with which Russia had a positive migration balance was Abkhazia. In 2023, Rosstat recorded a small negative balance of migration exchange with only seven non-CIS countries – the USA, Serbia, Finland, Israel, Canada, North Korea and Afghanistan. The net migration loss of population in exchange with these countries amounted to 1.2 thousand people. With all other non-CIS countries represented in Rosstat data, the migration balance was positive. The leaders in this indicator were China (+3.9 thousand) and India (+3.1 thousand). At the same time, an influx of population was also observed from such typical countries of origin for Russian relocants as Germany, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Turkey.

    The reduction in emigration to most Western countries is also confirmed by the data of the FSB Border Service on the departure of Russian citizens abroad. In some EU countries, travel from Russia has stopped altogether. Thus, 9 thousand people left the Russian Federation for the Czech Republic in 2022, and not a single one in 2023. There were no recorded departures of Russian citizens to Slovakia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Canada. 17.1 thousand people left for Switzerland in 2022, and only two in 2023. In Germany, which is one of the main countries of attraction for relocants, departures decreased by more than 40 times (from 63.1 to 1.5 thousand).

    A similar situation is observed in most other Western countries. Thus, departures from Russia to the United States decreased by 45 times (from 18.1 to 0.4 thousand), to Spain - by 17 times (from 23.6 to 1.4 thousand), to France - by 16 times ( from 20.2 to 1.3 thousand), etc. The group of non-CIS countries where the departure of Russian citizens continued to grow included Israel, Poland, Norway, Serbia and Lithuania. It is curious that the most significant increase in the number of trips last year was to Serbia (by 41.3%, from 100 to 141.3 thousand) and Poland (by 29.6%, from 133.7 to 173.3 thousand). .

    Despite the outbreak of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, travel to Israel also increased last year (by 13.6%, from 100.4 to 114 thousand). At the same time, in the fourth quarter, the number of those who left Russia for this country, compared to the same period in 2022, decreased by more than one and a half times (from 33.8 to 20.3 thousand people), which indicated that a noticeable compression of the migration flow.

    In general, migration results in 2023 for Russia turned out to be more favorable than in 2022, when the country, due to a sharp escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine, faced a massive outflow of relocants for the first time in a long time. Last year, these processes mostly turned in the opposite direction, and the Russian Federation developed a positive migration balance with most CIS and non-CIS countries. According to Rosstat, this made it possible to compensate for the natural population decline by 41.3%, smoothing out the consequences of the demographic crisis.

    At the same time, the structure of the migration influx to the Russian Federation is still dominated by immigrants from Central Asian countries, and Tajikistan again took first place in the number of “permanent” migrants last year. This composition of immigrants leads to a change in the ethnic structure of the most “migrant-dependent” regions, the formation of ethnic enclaves and the aggravation of interethnic contradictions, which in recent years is noticeable to the naked eye.

    Russia needs to do something before it becomes Europe, people from Tajikistan will mess Russia up, Russia needs to stop this.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Kiko Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:33 pm

    How to help compatriots fleeing from the West to their homeland, by Tatiana Bondarchuk, Director of the Resettlement Assistance Centre "Compatriot" (Kaliningrad region), for VZGLYAD. 06.24.2024.

    To return to Russia under the program for the resettlement of compatriots, documents must be submitted to the Russian diplomatic office in the host country. But if this is allowed to be done in Russia, it will help return tens of thousands more people to their homeland.

    Eighteen years ago, in June 2006,  the Decree “On measures to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation” was issued. Since then, over a million people have returned home under this program.

    Including to the Kaliningrad region. Kaliningrad is Russia, with Russian laws, traditions, Russian people, Russian language, Russian culture. At the same time, the former Königsberg retained traces of German and pan-European heritage. For those who have just left Europe, this is important as an echo of their former life and facilitates the process of adaptation to a new place. Our region becomes for such people a bridge between their past and future.

    Over 18 years, the region has received almost 55 thousand program participants and members of their families. They work in schools, factories, and teach in universities. The specialists who came to the region, for example, largely solved the problem of the shortage of medical personnel.

    Compatriots who returned to their homeland are safely settling down and settling down. They find their new home, and in a completely literal sense. According to our statistics, almost 30% of those arriving during the year buy their own home in the region.

    The special operation turned a lot of things upside down, including the position of the Kaliningrad region as Russian land cut off by land. NATO member countries hostile to Russia have introduced a number of restrictions on border crossings. Special regimes for cross-border cooperation with Poland and the Baltic states are closed. The semi-blockade that our aggressive neighbors have imposed on our region has paradoxically affected the flow of compatriots who want to settle with us.

    Previously, the largest number of compatriots came to us from the CIS countries, mainly from the Central Asian republics. But after the start of the Northern Military District, the geography of those wishing to return to their homeland, and specifically to Kaliningrad, expanded sharply. The flow of migrants from Central Asia has dropped significantly, while from EU countries, on the contrary, it has increased. Nowadays, mostly residents of European countries, especially the Baltic countries, as well as the USA and Canada are moving to us. The number of immigrants from Germany alone increased 1.8 times at the end of 2023.

    Those coming from Europe openly talk about their motives for returning to the homeland of their ancestors. The main one is the desire to live in a society with traditional family values. People see in Russian reality a coincidence with their cultural code, conditions for development and security.

    Some leave the West because they do not understand how to take their child to a school where there are common toilets for boys, girls and those who consider themselves neither one nor the other. Others are shocked by Western Russophobia. Some have become real victims of persecution only for their pro-Russian beliefs, and they have no choice but to urgently leave for Russia under the threat of criminal punishment.

    But, unfortunately, anti-Russian sanctions also hinder the resettlement process. As you know, due to diplomatic moves in recent years, the number of foreign consulates of the Russian Federation has been significantly reduced. In Germany, instead of five consulates, there are two left. The staff of diplomatic missions has also undergone significant reductions. Those who remain are simply physically unable to cope with the enormous amount of work.

    But in order to return to Russia under the program for the resettlement of compatriots, documents must be submitted to the Russian diplomatic office in the host country. Only there - and nowhere else. These are the current rules. As a result, our consulates are inundated with applications. The queue to submit documents - and this is not an exaggeration - sometimes lasts for years.

    Simply having arrived in Russia from abroad as a tourist, it is impossible to apply for participation in the program for the resettlement of compatriots right here, on the spot, in Kaliningrad. Because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for this issue, and its consular offices are located abroad.

    In the Baltic countries, in Poland, in Germany, in all areas adjacent to Kaliningrad, there live a huge number of Russian people who once left our country. Now many of them want to return to their homeland, as soon as possible.

    Kaliningrad is the geographically closest place for them, which can be reached in just a few hours. Where one could stay, at least for the first time, while waiting for the documents to be reviewed under the program for the resettlement of compatriots. But for this it is necessary that program participants can submit these documents right here, at the representative offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the regions of the country.

    This is quite simple to implement. In our own country we are not limited by any foreign demands or sanctions. Technically, it is not difficult to review the documents of applicants for participation in the program for the resettlement of compatriots anywhere. If we allow this to be done locally – in Kaliningrad, for example – this will help bring back tens of thousands more of those who want to find their home in Russia again.

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