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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:45 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Backman wrote:Head of the village of Velykyi Burluk in Kharkov oblast was assassinated with a car bomb; he had cooperated with the Russian military. Another assassination like that was prevented in Kherson the other day.

    Now Russia should answer with an assassination of Ukraine regime politician.

    You answer by blowing up a power plant somewhere in West Ukraine

    Politicians are easily replaceable, infrastructure not so easy and right people will be feeling the heat

    Something like this has occurred just now, not a PowerPlant

    But missile forces went after targets all over Ukraine, and hit barracks and bases of Ukrainians

    Lot of casualties and dead

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:50 am

    Why are russian military tactics always reactive, waiting for a fuckup to happen and then fixing it?

    Because only an idiot would waste time and energy and resources trying to counter things the enemy might consider doing... what you are suggesting is that instead of waiting for a part of your body to get an itch for you to scratch that you get a wire brush and scrub your entire body red raw so that the itch is never a problem.

    First of all it is massively over compensating for something that is just an itch, and it will effect your ability to react in real time to the actions of the enemy because you are busy scratching in places where there is no itch.

    Firemen would not be popular breaking into peoples houses at 3am and hosing everything down so it is soaking wet... just to make fires less likely...

    They had a month of forewarning that himars were coming.

    Yeah, so they should have destroyed them a week before they arrived? Rolling Eyes

    Who here thinks such tactics should be used? Or if not *should*, what about *could* with some success?

    I suspect they wont apply such tactics because they are not bastards like the US.

    If the rest of the world thinks Russia is just a new version of the west there is not going to be much commitment to shifting to the new world order... better the devil you know as they say.

    As Russia finds new customers for its products and resources then less Russian products and resources are going to be sold to hostile countries... the EU wont care that they can't buy Russian cars or TVs any more but Russian gas and oil and coal was bought because it was cheap and made their industry and home life more comfortable and more efficient compared with the rest of the world.

    Trading in currencies that are not euros or US dollars alone would seriously damage and weaken the west to the point where the US dollar collapses and countries the US owes money to will no longer accept US dollars for... they can't bribe any more and their military will struggle because they will need spending cuts and start to pretend they are balancing their budgets without obviously sticking it to the poor.

    Blacks will suffer so the solution will be targeted priviledges to help them become house owners and in to better paying jobs, which will cause tension... which means gun violence... their elections are getting worse and worse... everyone is blaming Russia and China and Climate change and the Iranians and North Koreans... everyone but themselves... where could that possibly be headed?

    The US basically drove Europe to cut cheap energy from Russia and Europe will be suffering for that... how is that going to be working out when things turn tits up and they are neck deep in poo... the can't blame themselves obviously so they will try to blame Putin, but the US will likely get a bit of blame too.

    The west has large military forces at their disposal and as they rush towards the brick wall with their eyes closed odds are they might end up using that military to solve their problems, so it will be important for Russia and other countries to stay out of their way and let them turn on each other rather than pick up the rugby ball and have the entire opposition team pile on.

    Then the 13 aircraft carriers will turn into rusting hulks in a matter of month.

    They might struggle to have 6-8 operational at any one time...

    Legitimniy explains what is going on with Ukraine and the HIMARS/M270.

    1) It's good marketing for US weapons sales
    2) Targets have generally been LDPR militia because they have less air defense
    3) Air defenses are being beefed up which will limit HIMARS effectiveness in future

    Also explains what is going on here... all of a sudden there is a huge propaganda push to promote HIMARS just like early pushes to promote Javelin and Stinger and Brimstone and M777 and Caesar and now German guns, but for people interested in facts the main effects of such systems has been on the internet and message boards bragging about how amazing they are and why hasn't the Russians dealt to them yet...

    Hundreds of military targets hit every day and hundreds of Ukrainian military personel killed every day by artillery and precision guided air power... their claims that civilians are being killed prove to be made up when investigated, and the western propaganda machine want to equate that to shots taken at towns in the Donbass with no military value and therefore no serious air defence systems making them soft targets but also making the use of these western wonderwaffle war crimes... deliberately targeting civilians is a war crime.

    So the whiners can keep whining and supporting war crimes promoted by the west and slagging off the Russian military for getting the job done in their own good time.

    Yes, its true, LDPR are easy targets right now because of these systems. But this is where I believe Pantsir's will be wonderful - as the gun (not so much missiles) can be quite effective against smaller projectiles coming en mass.

    Hell no. The cannons fire 100s of shells in a burst against a small target.... you need a large area of empty ground for all the shells that miss to land in safely and near populated areas is not a good place for that.

    Those mini pantsir missiles would be better or TOR.

    LDPR received some Buk-M1 few days ago. That's a decent upgrade from OSA systems, they now use.

    No panic in the west that they might start shooting down civilian airliners.... Twisted Evil

    Is it difficult to intercept Himars missiles?

    HIMARS uses US 227mm rockets, which is basically their equivalent of Uragan a Soviet 220mm rocket. They are smaller and shorter ranged than Soviet 300mm Smerch rockets.

    The Russians have been shooting down Tochkas and Smerch and Uragan and Grad rockets every day and HIMARS would be fairly easy to shoot down too.... assumng it is launched at Russian forces who have air defence vehicles with them.

    The problem in this case is that the orcs are targeting their own civilian population which are not fully protected by air defence vehicles.

    the new deputy minister of social affairs in Ukraine. she has some previous experience in consulting of hairdressers and beauty parlors.
    Some need head to run government some need to give a head too.

    Like all Orcs she had the experience and know how for the job... Twisted Evil

    You can't suck US dick if Zelensky has not tested your abilities personally...

    Tor carry 8 missiles mostly (can be 16 for newest variant but still not widely adopted) so if himars fires 12 rocket 4 will always go through.

    I would say most TOR are the 16 tube variant these days.

    HIMARS is the truck mounted version and only carries one bin with 6 rockets per vehicle. The M270 system carries two bins and 12 rockets.

    This guy is not with the government, he sounds like a nobody

    If they send weapons destroy them

    If the send trainers kill them

    If global economy goes to shit even better

    Take your time and keep killing, killing is winning

    He has a point though... they keep escalating the weapon types they send so Russia should respond... cut off all gas supplies to hostile countries for instance. Target Ukraine grain stores and fields and drop anti personel mines in the fields and destroy fuel supplies for farmers so they can't do any crop growing or sowing etc etc...

    Hit western Ukraine harder and target the current Ukrainian government...

    The EU is inflicting immense damage on its own economy without Russia lifting a finger, it's embarrassing to be quite honest.

    Russia can certainly help if they think they can keep arming the Orcs with no response.

    This idiot still thinks there's going to be some kind of normalized relations with the west after this operation is over? I suspect a new iron curtain will form around the EU isolating themselves from Russia and the rest of the world at this rate. People will be shot dead trying to escape from the EUSSR.

    Yes, relations with the west are over as long as it is led by the US... there is simply nothing to talk about.

    The US & EU will suffer. The rest of the world will continue to trade with Russia, Banderastan be damned.

    The Orcs will suffer the most from a longer campaign which is why Russia should not be afraid of a longer campaign.

    If the west keeps escalating and arming and training the Orcs then direct responses to the west need to be applied.

    Ie keep arming and funding Kiev and no more gas supplies to hostile countries... as they threatened Lithuania... block Russian access to Kaliningrad and Russia will block all traffic to them from Asia and the rest of the world going through Russian territory.... see who hurts who.

    Why hasn't outdated Russia , developed artillery similar to HIMARS and ATACMS ,to have an edge in
    artillery.. Russia can't use cruise missiles ,as if it was artillery , is too expensive for that.

    Vann... the fact that you keep repeating the same old shit without listening is why you are ignore lists.

    The Soviets developed Tochka in the 1980s it entered service in 1989 and was called SS-21... Iskander has more than double the range and is much more advanced in that it manouvers as it comes down on its target to evade interception and it... Tochka was replaced in Russian service quite a number of years ago by Iskander.

    HIMARS is just a shit US rip off of Uragan that is inferior in many ways... HIMARS is truck mounted like Uragan but HIMARS carries 6 rockets while Uragan carries 16 rockets... HIMARS rockets are 227mm calibre and Uragans rockets are 220mm so bugger all difference in calibre.

    The Soviets developed Grad (122mm) and Uragan (220mm) and Smerch (300mm) rocket vehicles.

    Soviet rockets piss all over US rockets and Iskander is vastly better than ATCMS.

    Russia has an enormous store of missiles of all types including lots of anti ship missiles approaching obsolescence against modern ships that are fantastic for fixed ground targets... this is an excellent chance to get rid of missiles that are obsolete and would have needed to have been disposed of in a couple of years anyway.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  caveat emptor Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:50 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    This is contradictory statement

    Either this war isn't protracted and Russia is stuck with Nazi insurgency that will be receiving infinite funding and weapons or they take as much time as needed and exterminate every single Ukrop stupid enough to take up arms against Russia thus solving many problems before they happen

    You can only pick one
    It's not. By pussyfooting you can make this war go on for years and still end up with half assed results. Let's just say that they have to be efficient. No back and forth bs.
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  caveat emptor Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:56 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Something like this has occurred just now, not a PowerPlant

    But missile forces went after targets all over Ukraine, and hit barracks and bases of Ukrainians

    Lot of casualties and dead
    They should be doing that round the clock, until Ukrainians start to reject going to the front. Regardless of that, everything west of Zhytomir should be bombed back to 19th century. So that no one wants to live anymore in "cradle of Ukrainian nation".

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  TMA1 Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:23 am

    Dunno the amount of time and effort vann7 puts into his posts here is strange. I dont think he is a troll. This kind of behavior can only be explained by a weird obsession he has (for example he might have been here years ago under another alias and got caught up in intense drama that he cannot let go. This is just one scenario as an example) or it could be that he is a legit paid shill. That doesnt seem likely though as this forum, awesome as it is, is not important enough to wage legit infowar.

    All I can say is this. I'm kinda an eccentric. Vann7 makes me look extremely well adjusted.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:25 am

    Some are saying the supposed Ukrainian offensive is a psychological operation

    To intimidate the poor civilians in Kherson

    I think the civilians should leave temporarily , to Russia, and wait it out, if they stay they will be subject to harsh fire

    Russia is going to increase the fire pressure on VSU, but the nazis will keep going after civilians

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  ATLASCUB Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:30 am

    The Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan has published a draft order banning the supply of goods to Russia and Belarus that fell under Western sanctions.

    Earlier, the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan published for public discussion a draft order regulating the implementation of sanctions on the supply of certain goods to Russia. Peskov was asked if the Kremlin was following the discussion of this initiative.

    “Our governments are in constant contact,” the spokesman replied. “Therefore, no decisions have been made yet. So far, on the contrary, an absolute intention is being declared to further develop our interaction,” he said, speaking about relations between Moscow and Nur-Sultan.

    Insult of epic proportions. The fact that they call this an initiative from Kazakhstan side is an even bigger insult. As if of their own volition they seek to comply with empire diktats against "brother" Russia. The optics...No No

    Combine that with Ashimbayev and others running their mouths earlier...

    Even if you were to look at these news in the most positive light, that is, the trade will be circumvented/hidden etc... the fact that your "brothers" and "staunch ally" have to go through back alleys to trade for fear of the empire's hammer says it all really. What's the definition of allies anyway? Or more like allies when convenient $$$?

    Russia's grip on Kazakhstan (the elite) is far, far from being strong, and a far cry from historical dominance. "Empire, look, we're independent and stand up to Russia".

    Gotta start demanding respect around them hoes....cause they sure do respect the empire (aka Russia's most ardent enemy)....... just saying!

    Then again, the way to do that is by making Kazakhstan pay an economic price that even a 2 year old in Kazakhstan would understand but Russia is in no position to do so at this time for fear of losing the few "allies" it has. So it must endure again? Vicious cycle. Sometimes... you gotta make a stand. Obviously now is not the most suitable time but soon enough Russia must draw the line with these hoes who flirt with everyone in the hood, Anglo's, Chinese and if the Persians or Ottomans were to rise tomorrow, them as well....

    One of many ways of dealing with non-comforming elites...

    Ex-F1 chief Ecclestone charged with $475 million fraud 07/11/2022

    Speaking on the investigation, Simon York, director of HMRC's Fraud Investigation Service said that the charges are the result of a wide-ranging investigation into alleged financial irregularities involving Ecclestone, and added that the move was made on behalf of the UK's “honest taxpayers”.

    Bullets for Putin cost $475 million a pop!

    It works.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  ALAMO Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:43 am

    kvs wrote:
    During this war we have had total nonsense interpretations of its progression.   When the diversionary force sent to
    the Kiev region pulled out it was treated as a major defeat.   When the Donbass advance against entrenched regime
    forces in bunkers did not proceed at 200 km per day we had more of the same BS and Russia was claimed to be
    stalled by NATzO weapons in the hands of the Ukrainian army.
      NATzO's weapons are serving primarily to help the
    Kiev regime attack civilians.   They are not affecting their war fighting ability and the ongoing collapse of this ability
    in any measurable way.

    It is all bullshit created by a band of wankers, Twitter warriors, and armchair generals who never tried to run a mile.
    And with serious gaps in historical knowledge, ie. nonexisting knowledge.
    Operation Citadele would be the one closest to the situation on the ground. Two massive armed forces with close military and technical potential, one of them prepared for defense operations.
    Germans advanced at a rate of 3-4 km daily until finally stopped after 5 days. With huge material and human losses that meant a game over of the whole war.
    Russians now advance at a higher rate, against an enemy who has an advantage in manpower, with their own soldiers' deaths reduced to the minimum.

    Arkanghelsk wrote:Looks like Nikolayev was fucking leveled for the past hour
    Ukrainians are asking not to share photos
    Air strikes have gone on for over 1 hour
    Nikolayev got hit hard

    Not only Nikolayev, other places enjoyed a ground zero option, too.
    This is what I was talking about.
    One terrorist attack that hit a fertilizers warehouse and inflicted severe damage to the surrounding is all the Ukro can stage at the moment. Widely documented, presented, films&photos just flooded the Russian Internet.
    On the other hand, half of Ukraine was burning in the night, with several crucial targets with manpower concentration and arms storage shattered into pieces, but that was just another night out of 130 nights ... Russian Internet was flooded with materials again, even if one can face severe punishment for airing that. It is too many destroyed targets to control the leaks.
    Very optimistic scenarios state that Russians have about 10k of Tochka missiles in storage. Republican missile brigades will have a lot of fun.

    Just another fact of this war we are witnessing. The Soviet heritage arms proved again it's outstanding effectiveness, some of them being seriously beyond imagination.
    For me, the biggest surprise is a Ch-22 being so versatile and accurate when used against land targets. Sure, it was known that it can be used against radiocontrast targets, but what we are seeing now is using it against separate buildings, or just points on the ground of given coordinates. Russians have thousands of them in a storage - it was a main weapon for Tu-22M, while the Soviets had about 500 pcs of those, 3 missiles each ... do the math ... Laughing
    They still should have some KSR-5, as it was converted in mass to a target drone after Tu-16 was retired.
    The stockpile Russkies have in disposal is mindblowing, and what is more, we are watching live how the potential WarPac/NATO war back in the 80s would have look like. Well ... I guess that those thousands of Ch-22 striking from above would have been a nasty surprise.

    Last edited by ALAMO on Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:02 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:49 am

    Why no discussion about this anywhere?

    Russia building Space laser blinders.. (Kalina laser space gun)  Wondering how effective this could be , since it claims it can permanently blind sensors in satellite.. which imply physical damage.

    The future belongs to energy weapons ,laser but also electronic warfare and magnetic too , all this bullshit of rocket interceptors are already outdated , versus modern warfare , saturation attacks , using drones and or decoys that present false targets to overwhelm any air defenses.


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    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:46 am

    That image as the thumbnail for that video is from a US propaganda piece of shit from the 1980s and it is still horseshit.

    No discussion about anti satellite lasers because they are not relevant to this discussion.

    The 5km range anti drone lasers on the other hand would be relevant...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:00 am

    Backman wrote:Head of the village of Velykyi Burluk in Kharkov oblast was assassinated with a car bomb; he had cooperated with the Russian military. Another assassination like that was prevented in Kherson the other day.

    Now Russia should answer with an assassination of Ukraine regime politician.

    One for one. But not equals, hit them asymmetrically.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:45 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:

    The Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan has published a draft order banning the supply of goods to Russia and Belarus that fell under Western sanctions.

    Earlier, the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan published for public discussion a draft order regulating the implementation of sanctions on the supply of certain goods to Russia. Peskov was asked if the Kremlin was following the discussion of this initiative.

    “Our governments are in constant contact,” the spokesman replied. “Therefore, no decisions have been made yet. So far, on the contrary, an absolute intention is being declared to further develop our interaction,” he said, speaking about relations between Moscow and Nur-Sultan.

    Insult of epic proportions. The fact that they call this an initiative from Kazakhstan side is an even bigger insult. As if of their own volition they seek to comply with empire diktats against "brother" Russia. The optics...No No

    It is called tough negotiations between friends Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Also an interesting potential opportunity for 'off the books' trade, as there won't be many US inspectors on that border or payment by US$.

    By Tsvetana Paraskova of,

    A Russian court of appeals in Krasnodar overturned on Monday a lower court decision that had ordered the suspension of most of Kazakhstan’s crude oil exports from a Russian port on the Black Sea.

    Last week, a Russian court ordered the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), which operates the key export route for two-thirds of Kazakhstan’s crude oil, to suspend activities for 30 days, citing environmental violations.

    The exports take place from the Russian port of Novorossiysk on the Black Sea. While the port is in Russia, CPC exports consist of 90 percent crude from Kazakhstan and just 10 percent of Russian oil.

    The 1,500-km CPC pipeline from the giant Kazakh oilfields to Novorossiysk moves over two-thirds of all Kazakhstan export oil along with crude from Russian fields, including those in the Caspian region, CPC says. The consortium said in response to the court ruling last week that it “acts within the legal framework of the Russian Federation and is forced to execute the court Ruling.”

    The court in Krasnodar today overturned the suspension of CPC’s business activities for 30 days and fined the consortium $3,195 (200,000 Russian rubles) instead, the consortium said in a statement.

    For reference, CPC said that “immediate suspension of its activity may lead to irreversible consequences for the operation process, emergence and development of an adverse and uncontrollable process at a technical facility, including its destruction, since the process requirements for oil transportation do not allow the immediate and simultaneous shutdown of operation.”

    Last week’s ruling of the Russian court came days after Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev offered the EU to buy more oil from Kazakhstan instead of Russia.

    The Kazakh president “expressed concern about the risks to global energy security and emphasized Kazakhstan’s readiness to use its hydrocarbon potential to stabilize the situation in the world and European markets,” according to the website of the president, who had a telephone conversation with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, last week.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Belisarius Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:54 am

    According to residents of the Kherson region: “Now every minute Iskander missiles fly by and fighter jets. And we all know where."

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Belisarius Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:57 am

    Black Sea Su-30SM fighters used Kh-31P missiles.

    The @tass_agency agency, citing information from its sources, reported about the successful use of Kh-31P guided missiles by Su-30SM fighters of the Black Sea Fleet's naval aviation against Ukrainian air defense facilities.

    The X-31P air-to-ground tactical guided missile is used at a range of 15 to 110 km.

    🔹The Kh-31P modification is designed to destroy enemy radar stations.

    🔹X-31P is equipped with a modular passive homing head.

    The rocket has a length of 4700 mm and a mass of 600 kg.

    The mass of the warhead is 87 kg.

    Guided missiles X-31P showed high efficiency and accuracy in the course of their use against the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the framework of a special military operation.


    An authentic Russian channel.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arrow Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:17 pm

    Apparently, Russia is in talks with China and Iran about getting rid of a large number of drones.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  nomadski Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:31 pm

    So can we talk about the right speed here ? Apparently not . We can not say " too slow " , but can say " too fast ! " . What is going on ? In reality , there is a right speed for all things that move ! Here only military planners can say , what the right speed is , since only they have access to secret information about balance of forces . I think it is a matter of comparing the total numbers of available forces to each side during an operation and not necessarily the ground captured . Since captured ground can be lost at a later date , even by a stronger side , and fresh ground captured by a weaker side  , only for the weaker side to loose the war and crumble into dust . But a stronger side can regain lost territory , but a weaker side can not keep freshly captured territory .

    We compare two curves , falling in value . The side that approaches zero , looses the war . The side that has higher value , when the other side approaches zero , wins ! But the side approaching zero faster , then can not be the Turtle in the race . It has to deliver the fatal blow faster , in a single blow . Expending all it's forces in a high risk operation . Russia is facing the entire might of western world .


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Hole Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:40 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:Some are saying the supposed Ukrainian offensive is a psychological operation

    To intimidate the poor civilians in Kherson

    I think the civilians should leave temporarily , to Russia, and wait it out, if they stay they will be subject to harsh fire

    Russia is going to increase the fire pressure on VSU, but the nazis will keep going after civilians
    The people of Kherson are already in Russia.  Wink

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    Post  Hole Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:45 pm

    Arrow wrote:Apparently, Russia is in talks with China and Iran about getting rid of a large number of drones.

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    Post  Hole Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:46 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Scree396
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Scree397
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Scree398
    Buk unit on the march

    Last edited by Hole on Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Hole Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:47 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Scree399
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Scree400

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  franco Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:51 pm

    Russian Ministry of Defence publishes data on the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine by country

    7107 arrived
    2347 eliminated
    2019 departed
    2741 left

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arrow Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:17 pm

    Fresh delivery Tochka.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:37 pm

    Mercouris, Lira and some clown blogger (Military Summary) are having a livestream. The drivel from the blogger is too much to take.
    He thinks HIMARS are majorly impacting Russian operations and that Ukraine can gather up its "million man" army to achieve major
    strategic objectives against Russia.

    As we see from the NATzO fake stream media, the main thing is to maintain narratives. Reality is not important. I fail to see what
    the deciders in the west and the lemmings under their thrall will achieve with this forced delusion. Jumping off a cliff and wishing not
    to splatter on the rocks below will not keep you safe.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:47 pm

    caveat emptor wrote:... It's not. By pussyfooting you can make this war go on for years and still end up with half assed results. Let's just say that they have to be efficient. No back and forth bs.

    I have made my opinion on pussyfooting know (and got banned for it) long ago

    What's important here is to not just exterminate current Ukrop manpower but to also make sure that war lasts as long as needed in order to allow Nazis to recruit maximum possible amount of cannon fodder and then to convert them all to fertilizer

    Allow this process to repeat until every last Nazi is dog meat

    We know that Ukrainians never objected to being sent to war or dying in one, they only objected to not being provided with optimal conditions for killing Russians

    This is why every single Ukrainian capable of holding a firearm has to be put into the ground and the best way to do it is to keep this war going as long as there are Ukrainians that need killing

    If West pussies out then Russia should get Chinese or Indians to start sending weapons to Kiev on the down low, this job needs to be done and procrastinating will just result in another 1946 fiasco only worse

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  ATLASCUB Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:26 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    ATLASCUB wrote:

    The Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan has published a draft order banning the supply of goods to Russia and Belarus that fell under Western sanctions.

    Earlier, the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan published for public discussion a draft order regulating the implementation of sanctions on the supply of certain goods to Russia. Peskov was asked if the Kremlin was following the discussion of this initiative.

    “Our governments are in constant contact,” the spokesman replied. “Therefore, no decisions have been made yet. So far, on the contrary, an absolute intention is being declared to further develop our interaction,” he said, speaking about relations between Moscow and Nur-Sultan.

    Insult of epic proportions. The fact that they call this an initiative from Kazakhstan side is an even bigger insult. As if of their own volition they seek to comply with empire diktats against "brother" Russia. The optics...No No

    It is called tough negotiations between friends Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Also an interesting potential opportunity for 'off the books' trade, as there won't be many US inspectors on that border or payment by US$.

    By Tsvetana Paraskova of,

    A Russian court of appeals in Krasnodar overturned on Monday a lower court decision that had ordered the suspension of most of Kazakhstan’s crude oil exports from a Russian port on the Black Sea.

    Last week, a Russian court ordered the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), which operates the key export route for two-thirds of Kazakhstan’s crude oil, to suspend activities for 30 days, citing environmental violations.

    The exports take place from the Russian port of Novorossiysk on the Black Sea. While the port is in Russia, CPC exports consist of 90 percent crude from Kazakhstan and just 10 percent of Russian oil.

    The 1,500-km CPC pipeline from the giant Kazakh oilfields to Novorossiysk moves over two-thirds of all Kazakhstan export oil along with crude from Russian fields, including those in the Caspian region, CPC says. The consortium said in response to the court ruling last week that it “acts within the legal framework of the Russian Federation and is forced to execute the court Ruling.”

    The court in Krasnodar today overturned the suspension of CPC’s business activities for 30 days and fined the consortium $3,195 (200,000 Russian rubles) instead, the consortium said in a statement.  

    For reference, CPC said that “immediate suspension of its activity may lead to irreversible consequences for the operation process, emergence and development of an adverse and uncontrollable process at a technical facility, including its destruction, since the process requirements for oil transportation do not allow the immediate and simultaneous shutdown of operation.”

    Last week’s ruling of the Russian court came days after Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev offered the EU to buy more oil from Kazakhstan instead of Russia.

    The Kazakh president “expressed concern about the risks to global energy security and emphasized Kazakhstan’s readiness to use its hydrocarbon potential to stabilize the situation in the world and European markets,” according to the website of the president, who had a telephone conversation with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, last week.

    The worrying part is that, as you're doing, and as I did sarcastically referring to the current relationship as that of "friends" or "brothers".... it's clear it's anything BUT that. The Kazakh elite are doing what neither the Iranians nor the Venezuelans have even done, that is, to offer a helping hand to Russia's enemies (in their time of need) in an opportunistic manner, hurrying up to fill Russia's market void. At least both the Venezuelans and Iranians are, rightfully so, playing a tough card to get every concession imaginable from Empire/lackies. The Kazakh elite, supposed to be Russia's key ally in Central Asia, both under the CSTO and Eurasian Economic Union is instead whoring itself like a prostitute, with loud pronouncements at that. Members of the Kazakh political elite making highly inadequate comments regarding the SMO and the conflict with the West etc.... which says a lot (the lack of balanced measure)... specially when they mean to back it with deeds as the episode you portray shows.

    It's clear there are strong miscalculations going about... and I'm not sure if the Kazakh elite are the ones miscalculating and overplaying their hand on what they see as a desperate Russia in need of allies (thus "we can get away with murder") or Russia miscalculating the level of betrayal and Kazakh elite alliance and penetration by the West. Neither is good as both spell trouble for the current state of the relationship, despite the ideal appearance the Kremlin wishes to portray.

    As for "off the book" trade... There is no such thing as off-the-book trade when it comes to the eyes of the empire, specially in a country that's clearly penetrated deep down with both assets and sympathizers as is current Kazakhstan - both at the managerial and top elite level. If the empire tomorrow sees or sniffs "off the book" trade, if they have a feeling... just a feeling (substantiated or not) they can simply slap sanctions to any bank/entity/individuals, as they've done with all of their targets in the past. They don't need "inspectors" at a border checkpoint, that is not how it has ever worked. The empire merely calibrates these actions to take into consideration the level of damage it can do its enemies vs. itself (in position to its bilateral relation with Kazakhstan). There's no blindness, only tough geopolitical choices. Should I or shouldn't I sanction? If I do, to what level? What's the potential fallout to myself and my enemies? etc etc...

    Needless to say, with allies like that, who needs enemies?

    Russia should know by now that countries who easily and quickly fall into chaos as Kazakhstan did in such a short period of time during the recent color revolution attempt HAS to have a lot of elite buy-in were things to have turned in favor of those pushing for the putsch. It wasn't just a "few" bad apples.... more like a full rotten apple tree with a lot of "neutrals" in the wings waiting to see which side won. Case in point Ukraine. The empire doesn't achieve real power with a few idiots on the streets alone - it achieves power with elite buy in (treason and betrayal) who use those idiots on the streets to make their move and putsch. Color Revolution aka soft coup v.3 101.

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