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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  JohninMK Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:38 am

    Just listen to this from FoxNews. First the Colonel says what is happening and it ain't what they wanted, then the spitting blood of the 'authorised' version.

    Col Douglas Macgregor Has a Slightly Different Take on Russia-Ukraine Conflict
    February 27, 2022 | Sundance | 302 Comments
    Macgregor Makes Sense!

    My spidey senses tell me that Col Douglas Macgregor will not be welcomed back on Fox News after he gave a rather different take on what is happening amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict that does not toe the common media line. Jennifer Griffin was furious.

    The first presentation was during a segment with Fox Host Dan Bongino (below). The second presentation of essentially the same analysis was with Trey Gowdy [SEGMENT HERE]. In both discussions Macgregor’s perspective reconciles the disparity between what the U.S. government, State Dept, and corporate media are saying -vs- what is visible.

    Essentially, Macgregor is saying that Russia does not want to engage a civilian population and is making every effort to avoid civilian conflict in those population centers. In part this is because Putin knows the Western approach is a propaganda war that would be fueled by what it would look like if population carnage took place. However, if Ukraine President Zelenskyy does not acquiesce to terms, Putin could easily crush those centers with artillery and rockets. WATCH:

    What Macgregor outlines would explain why these skirmishes always seem ‘off in the distance’.

    The western government and media perspective is to make it seem like Volodymyr Zelenski and the rebellious civilian misfits are beating the Russian army because that frames a better story. However, what Macgregor outlines is Putin not wanting to fuel the United Nations, NATO and State Dept narrative engineering, thus the absence of visible fighting.

    Fox News Pentagon war seller Jennifer Griffin, aka the female version of Mark Milley, was having fits.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #2

    Post  Autodestruct Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:41 am

    Ukraine did not have many S-300s.

    They don't have that many operational ones. They certainly have a lot of unmaintained garbage left over from the USSR. And they will be hard to tell apart from satellite photos.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  JohninMK Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:58 am

    You want to know why all this started to blow up at the end of last year and why the Russian leadership, not just Putin, was forced to press the go button? My highlight.

    Former Russian Ambassador and Current CIA Director, Bill Burns, Knew Exactly What Would Trigger Vladimir Putin to Enter Ukraine
    February 28, 2022 | Sundance | 97 Comments

    A fantastic piece by Peter Beinart on substack {} puts excellent clarity on the people around Joe Biden baiting Russian President Vladimir Putin to enter Ukraine.

    Current CIA Director William “Bill” Burns was the former ambassador to Russia and Jordan. Bill Burns had a 33-year career at the State Department under both Republican and Democratic presidents and speaks fluent Russian. If the people in the background of Joe Biden wanted an intelligence operative to trigger a specific result from Russia, there’s no one more strategically perfect for the job than CIA Director Bill Burns.

    The article by Beinart is mainly focused on pointing out the irreconcilable nature of Joe Biden implying Ukraine could join NATO, while his own CIA Director has a history of giving serious warnings emphasizing the “brightest of all red lines” about that specific point.

    […] “Two years ago, Burns wrote a memoir entitled, The Back Channel. It directly contradicts the argument being proffered by the administration he now serves. In his book, Burns says over and over that Russians of all ideological stripes—not just Putin—loathed and feared NATO expansion. He quotes a memo he wrote while serving as counselor for political affairs at the US embassy in Moscow in 1995. ‘Hostility to early NATO expansion,” it declares, “is almost universally felt across the domestic political spectrum here.”

    On the question of extending NATO membership to Ukraine, Burns’ warnings about the breadth of Russian opposition are even more emphatic. “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin),” he wrote in a 2008 memo to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.” (read more)

    Against this backdrop of Bill Burns, the details about the lead up to the Russia-Ukraine crisis gain quite a bit of clarity.

    The CIA Director is crystal clear that Russia would be seriously triggered about any prospect of Ukraine entering NATO.

    Yet in December of 2021, the exact same time when U.S. backchannel intelligence was being shared with China about Russian troop movements on the border with Ukraine, Joe Biden was telling Ukraine that membership in NATO was in their hands.

    “U.S. President Joe Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that Kyiv’s bid to join the NATO military alliance was in its own hands, Zelenskiy’s chief of staff said after the two leaders spoke on Thursday. (link)

    Joe Biden was publicly saying something his CIA Director knew to a certainty would trigger Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    This is not a mistake.

    This is not a strategic blunder, or internal messaging error.

    This level of provocation now seems completely purposeful.

    As noted by ABC during the announcement of Bill Burns as a nominee for CIA Director:

    Burns called intelligence the first line of defense for the country and the basis for making sound policy decisions. He also said he would deliver the intelligence to Biden and policymakers “without a hint of partisanship.”

    Burns is perhaps an unconventional choice for the CIA job that many thought would go to a career intelligence officer.

    However, he is also deeply experienced in the kind of cloak-and-dagger secret contacts that is a hallmark of the agency and won plaudits for his analysis and reporting abilities while he served as an American diplomat overseas. Burns was the author of some of the most insightful State Department cables that were published by Wikileaks in 2010 and is widely respected throughout the national security community. (read more)

    If the U.S. was simultaneously influencing Ukraine military to keep targeting the breakaway regions in Eastern Ukraine, well, put it all together and a picture emerges of the people in/around the White House setting up a scenario for months that led up to Russia finally taking the bait and going into Ukraine.

    The New York Times expose’ of U.S. intelligence contacting China should be reviewed from the perspective that U.S. intelligence and State Dept operatives were planting information into China, knowing it would be shared with Russia. The U.S. intelligence apparatus, with CIA Director Bill Burns in place, was seeding information into Russia via China for three months prior to the triggering point. Bill Burns would know exactly what type of intelligence would be needed to create maximum anxiety for Vladimir Putin.


    The Biden team were getting pummeled for negative economic outcomes, massive inflation, skyrocketing energy costs and gas prices set to double. Support for the administration was/is collapsing as the policy outcomes of the administration were felt.

    Within the book of instructions for the ideological crew, the Alinsky people behind Biden, there are chapters on how to create off-ramps to cloud their agenda.

    If they need a bigger cloud, they create a crisis. The crisis then becomes the cover, the justification to explain the outcomes of their agenda.

    As we have witnessed, the White House is shifting blame for the collapsing economy, surging oil prices, massive gas price increases and overall U.S. inflation.

    The manufactured crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle.

    The rate of inflation, rising oil and gas prices, are now being blamed on Russia-Ukraine.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Airbornewolf Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:58 am

    JohninMK wrote:Poles and Ukrainians playing a dangerous game. Especially if they operate the Migs directly out of Poland.

    Imagine if a Russian jet is chasing a Ukrainian MiG back to Poland and they get shot down around Polish air space.

    Gerjon | חריון@Gerjon_ · 2h

    Part of the 🇺🇦Ukraine Air Force cargo fleet spotted on 🛰️Sentinel-2 imagery of 🇵🇱Dęblin Air Base, Poland, today 28 Feb.

    We know at least 4 Il-76s flew there. Russian planes registers show they operate 7. At ±40 m long/wide, some seem a little small. No aircraft there on 13 Feb.…

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 FMtbvWVX0AALUxc?format=jpg&name=large

    I am not telling you what to do John, but perhaps it is better to stop with Twitter sources..
    no offense of course, as i made the same blunder biting on an twitter post earler.

    my general response on this subject:

    Russians have CAP (Combat Air Patrol) overhead over ukraine. Patrolling at over 30.000 feet waiting to dive down and engage in air combat?.
    They work with about the same alert system as we in NATO use.

    (value is minutes)

    Alert 30, aircraft out of storage. prepared for service.
    Alert 15, pre-flight check. fuel and arm aircraft.
    alert 5, remove safety's from weapons. 5 minute deadline for combat deployment.

    You are flying in an actual death trap. There is no escape.
    Russian pilots do not care if they run out of missiles, they will come at you in an dogfight, their DFRM pods screwing up your electronics.
    Russia's DFRM (Khibiny) works like an Piranha, not fatal at the first bite. but their sytem continues attacking bite per bite untill its in. It seeks constantly for the right piece of the puzzle.
    It catches NATO crypto nearby, and tries attacks untill it figures out the Crypto keys used in the aircraft or radio signal.
    As it sends signals in rapid succesion. it figures out it has the right piece of authenticion in an sequence of crypto because the NATO system delay's its deny response.

    It works, and it works amazing against NATO.
    On the polish border, they came into our Crypto secured company comms and messed with us by broadcasting south park's eric cartman.
    When command asked who the hell was pranking on battalion Net an russian accent in suprisingly good english just said.
    "just the neighbours to your east......comrade".
    While command stuck to an prank , EW confirmed in that meeting it was indeed an russian transmission from over the border.

    Our NATO aircraft experienced such effective EW effects, its like aproaching an aircraft that is infected with john carpenter's The Thing.
    Get too close, it will start eating trough your systems and turning your own weapon against you.
    It acts like an "fake" NATO system requesting info, when it gets an response it starts attacking.

    Not quite the friendly airspace to be in...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  zorobabel Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:02 am

    I feel like I'm starting to understand the events a little better, despite initial tactical blunders. So much noise on Telegram, even from Russian accounts. We'll see, but Russia's plan could work.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:08 am

    EU take care of the refugees we created   lol1

    Macron and Sholtz got fucked.

    @nicktolhurst · 12h


    UK govt currently tightening asylum criteria to deter those fleeing war.

    Legislation is today under consideration at the House of Lords report stage to make the process for those seeking asylum significantly harder

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  flamming_python Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:20 am

    LMFS wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:Support what

    Why the **** am I having to message a girl I know in Kiev on what to do and how to keep safe, and trying to keep her calm, that there won't be an all-out urban assault on the city?

    I am no coward but I have to know what I'm fighting for. Everybody does at the end of the day.

    I'm sorry none of this stuff was ever a good idea. And even if Russia caps the head Nazis and leaves - what then. You'll have a bunch of new ones.

    Russia has to keep its objectives realistic. Regime change and nation-building aren't realistic. Neither is anything that leads to any kind of campaign longer than a week.

    Yeah you are just proving him true.

    The road out of the plantation took Russia here, or did you expect the West would just ask you kindly whether you wanted to be enslaved and finished off? If you want to get out of the lethal trap the West has set for you, you will need to fight, confront challenges and do things you would prefer not doing ffs...

    Dunno dude this is like invading Afghanistan. Would you be for that too, to de-Islamize it?

    I don't know what the end game is, but it's shit either way.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  flamming_python Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:24 am

    Regular wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:

    Why the **** am I having to message a girl I know in Kiev on what to do and how to keep safe, and trying to keep her calm, that there won't be an all-out urban assault on the city?

    Sorry about that, it seems plenty of people has relatives on both sides. The humanitarian corridor is open in Kiev, can she go westwards or to Russia, is that true?

    Can't go anywhere I think with what's going on and her life depends on her staying put at home, in my view. There is mayhem in the streets.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:33 am

    EU screwed up with those mig-29. Russian are using their su-34 and they are obliterating ukrainians.

    It seems tonight they will do some SEAD for even more strikes tomorrow.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  limb Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:35 am

    And we never got the answer if the russians surrounded kharkov, and if they took nikolaev...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ucmvulcan Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:04 am

    limb wrote:And we never got the answer if the russians surrounded kharkov, and if they took nikolaev...

    I think right now the answer is no. I think the plan was to finish with Lugansk and Donetsk and then probe Ukrainian defenses. Take less defended cities and encircle and seal off more problematic zones. I think in the next day or two the Russians will be in control of most of the east Bank of the Dniepr and will have bridgeheads established on the west of the Dniepr. My fear for the Russians is most of the Bandernazis come from west of the Dniepr and that is going to be a very difficult and very bloody nut to crack. Anyone else know what the Russian Army is up to now? I ask because Wikipedia is more just interested in State Dept propaganda to minimize Russian succeesses. Just look at their maps and how editors are being told essentially the state department says the Russians only control roadways but not the wider country side.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:10 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Fmt-db10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:11 am

    So it seems nobody is giving its mig-29. **** it must be a very good aircraft.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  rigoletto Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:12 am

    limb wrote:I think right now the answer is no.  I think the plan was to finish with Lugansk and Donetsk and then probe Ukrainian defenses.  Take less defended cities and encircle and seal off more problematic zones.  I think in the next day or two the Russians will be in control of most of the east Bank of the Dniepr and will have bridgeheads established on the west of the Dniepr.  My fear for the Russians is most of the Bandernazis come from west of the Dniepr and that is going to be a very difficult and very bloody nut to crack.  Anyone else know what the Russian Army is up to now?   I ask because Wikipedia is more just interested in State Dept propaganda to minimize Russian succeesses.  Just look at their maps and how editors are being told essentially the state department says the Russians only control roadways but not the wider country side.  

    Maybe this is exactly what the RF Army expect? Let the nazis gather, gather, and gather in a couple specific areas to deal with a large amount of them at once.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:24 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:

    You are flying in an actual death trap. There is no escape.
    Russian pilots do not care if they run out of missiles, they will come at you in an dogfight, their DFRM pods screwing up your electronics.
    Russia's DFRM (Khibiny) works like an Piranha, not fatal at the first bite. but their sytem continues attacking bite per bite untill its in. It seeks constantly for the right piece of the puzzle.
    It catches NATO crypto nearby, and tries attacks untill it figures out the Crypto keys used in the aircraft or radio signal.
    As it sends signals in rapid succesion. it figures out it has the right piece of authenticion in an sequence of crypto because the NATO system delay's its deny response.

    It works, and it works amazing against NATO.
    On the polish border, they came into our Crypto secured company comms and messed with us by broadcasting south park's eric cartman.
    When command asked who the hell was pranking on battalion Net an russian accent in suprisingly good english just said.
    "just the neighbours to your east......comrade".
    While command stuck to an prank , EW confirmed in that meeting it was indeed an russian transmission from over the border.

    Our NATO aircraft experienced such effective EW effects, its like aproaching an aircraft that is infected with john carpenter's The Thing.
    Get too close, it will start eating trough your systems and turning your own weapon against you.
    It acts like an "fake" NATO system requesting info, when it gets an response it starts attacking.

    Not quite the friendly airspace to be in...

    mmm.. what was all that story ? seems like taken from a movie?
    Russia hacking nato secure communications? when this happened? Suspect


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  mack8 Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:26 am

    First inkling of air combat losses? If this report is accurate, at least 3 Ukrs shot down with pilots killed, at least one a Su-27. But the Ukrs claim again an Il-76 for which we never saw any evidence, and claim another 2 russian planes shot down, highly questionable imo, though there is footage of a MiG-29 firing an AAM at "something", but can't vouch for veracity will all these Ukrs fakes around.

    Perhaps then first kills for Su-30SM/Su-35. Hell, maybe even Su-57 for all we know!

    So have you guys heard of the names mentioned there? Oksanchenko was apparently a Su-27 pilot.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  bitcointrader70 Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:28 am

    He made that shit up. The amount of bullshit on this forum from some of the pro Russia guys is worse than the ghost of Kiev or 5000 Russian soldiers dead

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  bitcointrader70 Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:34 am

    mack8 wrote:First inkling of air combat losses? If this report is accurate, at least 3 Ukrs shot down with pilots killed, at least one a Su-27. But the Ukrs claim again an Il-76 for which we never saw any evidence, and claim another 2 russian planes shot down, highly questionable imo, though there is footage of a MiG-29 firing an AAM at "something", but can't vouch for veracity will all these Ukrs fakes around.

    Perhaps then first kills for Su-30SM/Su-35. Hell, maybe even Su-57 for all we know!

    So have you guys heard of the names mentioned there? Oksanchenko was apparently a Su-27 pilot.

    Smells like a lot of horseshit to me they have claimed 4 transport planes shot down. Zero photos which is literally impossible.

    Just like the story of the 13 idiots saying **** you Russian warship. And it was all made up. The whole garrison surrendered to the Russian warship.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:45 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    mmm.. what was all that story ? seems like taken from a movie?
    Russia hacking nato secure communications? when this happened? Suspect

    Please, let's end this here.

    This forum is monitored by NATO intelligence and OSINT groups as well. There was a reason why it was ddos'ed during the heat of the conflict.

    Any mention of this type of information will warrant prompt investigation and will definitely lead to the questioning of an individual, so if you have any sensitive service information, for your own sake - keep it to yourself. Oath-taking is for a reason, it's a contract that if broken can lead to prosecution. Real or not real, it's very flexible now and I wouldn't be testing any of this during this time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  flamming_python Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:46 am

    mack8 wrote:First inkling of air combat losses? If this report is accurate, at least 3 Ukrs shot down with pilots killed, at least one a Su-27. But the Ukrs claim again an Il-76 for which we never saw any evidence, and claim another 2 russian planes shot down, highly questionable imo, though there is footage of a MiG-29 firing an AAM at "something", but can't vouch for veracity will all these Ukrs fakes around.

    Perhaps then first kills for Su-30SM/Su-35. Hell, maybe even Su-57 for all we know!

    So have you guys heard of the names mentioned there? Oksanchenko was apparently a Su-27 pilot.

    More DCS World kills, and more fake medals to fake heroes. Like the ones who were allegedly martyred on Snake island. But then turned out to all be alive and simply taken prisoner.

    Ukrainian air force isn't shooting anything down

    A different matter is that Russian air defense doesn't seem to be switched on at all. There were those Bayraktar strikes against the Buks, assuming they were not fake. Which they probably weren't as a Tor apparently shot one down
    There were missile attacks against Russian airbases in the Rostov region; at least one took out a bunch of aircraft.
    Are all Russian air defense specialists asleep at the wheel or what?
    And why weren't all the Bayraktars taken out on the first day?
    You even had some Ukrainian helicopters and Su-25s flying. Again, no excuse for this. If you don't want to kill the pilots - so then hit the equipment when its parked on the ground.

    I can excuse the ground forces loses. It's a very complicated operation and acting polite is imperative, even at the cost of killed, captured, or abandoned vehicles.
    But I can't explain the incompetence of Russian intel and air defense.

    Kherson city is under assault by Russian troops at the moment. That's the latest news.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Vann7 Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:49 am

    Regular wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:

    mmm.. what was all that story ? seems like taken from a movie?
    Russia hacking nato secure communications? when this happened? Suspect

    Please, let's end this here.

    This forum is monitored by NATO intelligence and OSINT groups as well. There was a reason why it was ddos'ed during the heat of the conflict.

    Any mention of this type of information will warrant prompt investigation and will definitely lead to the questioning of an individual, so if you have any sensitive service information, for your own sake - keep it to yourself. Oath-taking is for a reason, it's a contract that if broken can lead to prosecution. Real or not real, it's very flexible now and I wouldn't be testing any of this during this time.

    but it was you who posted that information.. Rolling Eyes
    sounds like the story of russian soviet planes hacking one nato warships , with their electronic warfare , it was reported by RT but sounded kind of made up story.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  ATLASCUB Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:54 am

    Clout chasing and grifter paradise.

    Never let a crisis go to waste.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  mack8 Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:54 am

    I'm not really interested in the Ukrs claimed kills (yes, they do live in lala land), only in their admitted losses.

    About those bleeding TB2s, i swear couple of days ago i saw close-up footage or photos of a wreckage one shot down, but it wasn't from Twitter, and it wasn't the video from afar showing a SAM hiting one posted earlier. Anyone know what i talk about?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  thegopnik Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:58 am

    Is TOS-2 in service?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 9 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Regular Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:01 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    but it was you who posted that information..  Rolling Eyes
    sounds like the story of russian soviet planes hacking one nato warships , with their electronic warfare , it was reported by RT but sounded kind of made up story.

    No, it wasn't me who posted it. I never served in some NATO airforce nor I was even let close to any sophisticated equipment for a reason geek

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