Walther von Oldenburg
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Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Firebird- Posts : 1852
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- Post n°901
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
PS Jacinda Arden is a POS who should be rotting in jail.
Maximmmm- Posts : 320
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
One funny thing about freedom is everybody instantly becomes happier.
People seem to be greeting each other more and smiling more (and of course now you can actually tell that they're smiling). Also the streets, shops and restaurants filled up like it's the height of summer.
People seem to be greeting each other more and smiling more (and of course now you can actually tell that they're smiling). Also the streets, shops and restaurants filled up like it's the height of summer.
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miketheterrible- Posts : 7377
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Mir wrote:Maximmmm wrote:
It was, but then I moved here. Life of a budding scientist, gotta go to where the labs you want to work in are.
Done any "Gain-of-Function" research lately?
He ran from Canada before he can be investigated.
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Mir- Posts : 4060
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Maximmmm wrote:One funny thing about freedom is everybody instantly becomes happier.
People seem to be greeting each other more and smiling more (and of course now you can actually tell that they're smiling). Also the streets, shops and restaurants filled up like it's the height of summer.
That was the sole purpose of the mask - to remove any expression from your face. To shut your mouth and follow the narrative without question. It worked.
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Vann7- Posts : 5385
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Mir wrote:Maximmmm wrote:One funny thing about freedom is everybody instantly becomes happier.
People seem to be greeting each other more and smiling more (and of course now you can actually tell that they're smiling). Also the streets, shops and restaurants filled up like it's the height of summer.
That was the sole purpose of the mask - to remove any expression from your face. To shut your mouth and follow the narrative without question. It worked.
I think the main goal of the mask ,was to significantly reduce the oxygen levels in your blood.
To reduce your health potential to deal with covid.
There are scientist that are in record saying that covid19 is an oxygenation of the cells illness.
The the virus kill by starving people from oxygen , and that any respiratory machine will not work
well if your blood no longer can retain oxygen..
there are anticovid treatments that combat covid , that directly deals with the low levels of oxygen
in people blood. there is also breathing exercises that are recommended too by doctors ,which links i posted weeks ago ,that shows how to strenghten your body system to deal better with covid if get it.
To prevent hospitalizations and only get very low symptoms in case of covid.
Also the face mask is very convenient not only to keep people distanced ,so no relations and no babies will born . but also it can be rigged with parasites or even with covid inside. in other words ,
the face mask can be used ,to pass you a virus of their choice ,if they are manipulated . they want to reduce population and anything that they force on you , that is mandatory to use , can be used for keeping the pandemic forever.
So they can pass you a virus with rigged face mask or with rigged test kits they give you for free.
so whatever thing the government offers you for free , to "help you" be skeptic about it.. and say no thanks.. or take it ,and drop it in the garbage can. there are some youtube that shows some face mask in contact with with saliva , become toxic. and others that are rigged with microscopic parasites dangerous for your health. which ever is the case ,trust no one in the government that offers you any "help" against covid.. and avoid covid test too .. there are now business offering vaccines for babies that never were a controversy , but they later swap vaccines , and by "mistake"
you end with a child vaccinated with a pfizer shot.
not a mistake bro.. not a mistake.. this is what this murderous crimnals elites , behind this plandemic will like you to belief..
not a mistake..
Japan suspends 1.6 mln doses of Moderna shot after contamination reports
The criminals behind this vaccines wants to kill billions in the world .
Glad japan had the balls to expose them.. otherwise people like Garryb will be calling us
"conspiration theorist.". if told nations are returning american "anti covid" shots both pfizer and moderna in the millions of shipments.
California Suspends Use Of Moderna Vaccine Batch After Allergic Reactions
All this reports of suspensions of vaccinations/returns of vaccines contaminated with metals, and major deaths reports are largely hidden by mainstream media . The will become more frequent with time ,when this pandemic planners increase the letality of their shots. one doctor estimated that about 5% of the vaccines shipments they send to each country are poisoned with metals that can potentially kills people. years later ,they can later increase the lethality to 75% whenever they convinced is the time for that.
Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mir- Posts : 4060
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Absolutely! The mask is there to deprive you of oxygen and not only that - you keep on breathing your own exhaust fumes whilst you wear the mask. Constantly breathing CO 2 is pretty bad and it will also be the cause of major lounge problems down the line - not too far in the future. That is why I am dead against small children wearing these masks - and over here they have to wear it for hours on end whilst in school.
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Vann7- Posts : 5385
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Mir wrote:Absolutely! The mask is there to deprive you of oxygen and not only that - you keep on breathing your own exhaust fumes whilst you wear the mask. Constantly breathing CO 2 is pretty bad and it will also be the cause of major lounge problems down the line - not too far in the future. That is why I am dead against small children wearing these masks - and over here they have to wear it for hours on end whilst in school.
this is why i laugh at the ignorant.. that say.. hey i took the vaccine and im perfectly fine..
They chose to ignore that the depopulation genocide project is not for 100% of the world population.
they want however to significantly reduce world population ,specially in some countries of their choice.
because they are racist .. likely countries or cities with more blacks and browns population will be very high the mortality rate. Also poors communities that depend of government social aid and food stamps will get the lower end.
So during first 2 years..of the vaccination start, they can poison only up to 2%-5% of their shots..
but the 3rd year , that number could be increased to 10% , then after 5 years , 15% of all shipments poisoned.. and after 10 years.. 20%-30% , and after 30 years 90%.
They can speed up ,the genocide of most world population or slower it ,their killing of people depending how aware population it is . if western pharma notice , the popularity of their vaccines going down , and too many people being killed , and being reported by doctors.. they can completely halt the poisoning , and give a pause to the genocide for up to 1 year until things calm down ,and then they "investigate " and find it was a machine during production of the vaccine that "mixed wrongly the ingredients ",that is to blame.. "but that now is fixed " .
Only those aware of how evil they are , and what they have been doing for a very long time ,will not fall for any of their tricks.. no matter which deceptive tactics they use.
this is why i tell @kvs.. that is totally useless any vaccine that Canada produce , they can put a label on any pfizer or moderna shot and claim is holy water from the jordan river ,that jesus blessed. will not be surprised if canada is poisoning any alternative medicine too , for those seeking to avoid trudeu vaccines. he should avoid even if told is sputnik.. for reasons that you cant trust in criminals offers to you, even with a bottle of water , should avoid it. vitamins can be poisoned too .so i rather avoid major big retail drugstores specially wallgreens ,who have been by "mistake" vaccinating children with pfizer shot in canada or anywhere .. and only buy in small shops , if there is a real need for it , attended by their own owners that buys by mail from abroad.
GarryB- Posts : 41004
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
We were once promised that the jab would stop the virus in it's tracks.
For fucks sake get over yourself... if your house caught fire the normal thing to do would be to try to put water on it to stop the fire... the people running with the buckets might not realise because of all the illegal chemicals you have in your house that throwing water around in the house might make things worse.
Nobody knew what to do and for the countries that did **** all like the US and UK they certainly paid a price.
By now we should know it's not true.
How exactly do we know what is true... remember all teh current statistics are being kept by immoral evil hospitals that get funding for Covid deaths so their numbers cannot be trusted... and famous peoples views are given the same or more weight than actual experts... and of course many of those experts work for companies that require access to drugs... are they really going to be 100% honest and shit where they eat?
The core problem is you have basically two sides not interested in the actual truth just all wanting to be right... but ignoring anything proving them to be wrong which means they can't be right.
Those that spread Omicron around the world were fully jabbed travelers and tourists.
Bullshit... the virus had already fully spread around the world to every country before omicron even existed... most of the different variants originated from different locations too and spread from there... so essentially lack of lockdowns is why it spreads... but lockdowns is communism and nazism all combined together and anyone suggesting that should be lynched... despite isolation and quarantine is standard procedure to prevent the spread of contagions...
The unvaxxed mortals are not allowed to travel the globe.
For the first 8 months of the pandemic there were no vaxxed people and that is when it spread to the corners of the globe.
We all know that none of the jabs will stop the spread of the virus, but thanks to Omicron we now have herd immunity.
Being unvaxinated will likely maximise the negative effects when you get the virus... and which one are you going to get... because not only are they all out there, but new ones will be brewing all the time...
Omicron seems to be mild but the next gen might be worse... Omicrons effects might not appear for years... the big rich pharma companies have had time to study the virus and could have weaponised it... make it seem weak and in 5 years you all become infertile... in five years time who is going to link and omicron infection with infertility.... it is so mild you might not even notice you got it.
Got to hand it to Bill... he really gets the job done doesn't he.
It is now fact that your own natural immune system is far better than any amount of jabs and boosters you may take in future.
What a stupid thing to say... honestly.
If natural immunity was better than vaccines then there would never have ever been a need for any vaccines at all.
Why do you think natural immunity would stop the transmission of the virus?
If Natural Immunity protected you from anything at all then how could anyone die from any virus.
If only people with weak immunities could die then why have so many other people died from this and other viruses.
Pity you screwed your own censored natural immune system by injecting these experimental drugs.
My natural immunity is fine.
Is that an attempted racial slur!?
Pot calling the Kettle Black is a normal common western saying.... the implication being you are the pot and I am the kettle and my response ... no, you (are) black, is clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black and the kettle (me) responding by saying no I am not, you are black.
Garry in fairness you need to calm TF down.
I am having a discussion, you are the one that thinks this is an argument.
Firstly I'm very sorry to hear if your family genuinely did get killed by drunk drivers.
Some were the drunk drivers... one was drunk in a pub and got into an argument and rather than go down there and shoot everyone he went half way and thought the better of it and just shot himself.
Not a fan of booze myself.
Secondly, I am actually a very sensible driver. And have been every day since not long after I passed my test. (Which is getting on 2 decades now). As an aside, for a very short while, when newly qualified, I was a pretty wild driver... on a few v rare occassions, when I was a kid. (Lots of kids have been unfortunately) I think driving fast in built up areas is a very cuntish thing to do, and would likely slap someone for doing it if I saw it. And I have no desire to take drugs or drink before driving (I actually hate driving and find it a pain in the neck btw).
Everyone makes mistakes and has to grow up... congratulations on surviving your mistakes. The way your phrased what you did seemed to be that you were proud of what you did.
My cousin was not a drink driver... he liked to drive fast and was in to street racing... till one night he as in a race and the other guy pulled in front of him and crossed into his lane... driving at high speed he changed lanes a few times to get in front but the other guy was in front and moved to block him each time... then a drunk woman stepped out in front of them all dressed in black leather waving to get their attention... the guy in front swerved and avoided her but my cousin had no chance... he wasn't drinking, she was. He spent the next 10 years in jail for manslaughter. I am sure he will tell you it wasn't worth it now but before that happened he wouldn't listen to you telling him it was dangerous... he was a great driver...
The point is, as I mentioned. U might not have died from the vax. BUt plenty of others have. Saying "its fine, because it hasn't killed me" is just like saying "drink driving is fine because it hasn't killed me".
When the only posts on this thread are about second cousins or neighbours whose arms have fallen off because they got vaccinated then it creates a slanted view, so I posted my own experience. I have told no one they have to get vaccinated. I just shared my experience. I have banned no one for their views of vaccination.
I gave Vann a temporary ban for accusing me of some how profiting from big pharma poisoning the world, and saying I like to see children die and other nonsense.
I have also banned Vann for telling people to commit suicide in the past, so this is not a new experience for him.
Some people act like children and don't understand rules or don't think they apply to them.
Drink driving is illegal... whether it kills you or anyone else, it is something that can get you put in jail or lose your licence and all sorts of other consequences that you are going to regret time and time again.
Doesn't matter how sorry you are afterwards... you can't undo it.
Obfuscating the truth about the risks and harms of the virus is bad. Harrassing people into taking the vax is bad. As bad as drink driving perhaps. Perhaps worse (We don't know the exact stats yet due to medium and long term factors). I'm not saying u have harrassed people or anything, of course not. But saying "it didn't kill me" is quite a flippant/dismissive way to look at it in the f ace of the evidence yes?
I stated the truth as it relates to me and my position... I live in a country with a population of 5 million with a very large portion of that population are vaccinated.... and officially 53 deaths.
People have been trickling in to the country over the last two to three years, they are the main source of any outbreaks we do have, but by and large we have kept it under control.
You think it is a bad thing... going back to drink driving... some people support prohibition on alcohol because so many people lose control and can't be trusted with it. Personally if I never drank alcohol again in my life I would not be upset but I recognise there are plenty of others who would not want to live in such a society.
The costs in terms of deaths and injuries, and also policing... part of the reason the cops are happy to arrest drunk drivers is because they go to the accidents with injured and dead people and they know what they just prevented by taking that selfish idiot off the road.
We have a anti speeding advert here where a guy has been pulled over for speeding and he tells the cop... its OK he knows the road so going fast is fine. The cop replies he knows this road quite well too and the view jumps to him visiting a woman to tell her a family member has been killed in an accident. When it goes back to the guy getting speeding ticket it is hard to take his side.
On most topics, you've actually been one of my favourite posters, prob alongside Auslander. But on this topic you are far wide of the mark. I'm not some "lizard people" conspiracy theorist. But I'm not actually sure how far the evil goes with Covid. Either way, something very sinister has occurred under the control of Big Pharma.
I don't know anyone with whom I agree with on everything.... I don't care if you don't trust big pharma... their actions and history... I don't trust them... they don't deserve trust. But the very idea they are trying to kill us all... their customers... is a bit of a stretch.
As I have said... given the opportunity I would have chosen the Chinese or Russian jabs because their focus was health and their people and not profit and control, but beggars can't be choosers and so far the track record here in New Zealand is not bad at all... despite the doomsayers.
This post regarding drink driving etc is rather more mature and sensible and restores some of my respect for you, your previous two posts seemed rather emotional and irrational.
I am impressed with those saying I am wrong and making fun of my decisions.... must be amazing being able to sift through all the shit available on the internet and actually be able to immediately know what is truth and what is lies, I must say I look at people arguing... and they are arguing rather than discussing, and I wonder if they even care what the real truth actually is.
They cherry pick things that support their view and totally ignore anything that contradicts that view.
PS Jacinda Arden is a POS who should be rotting in jail.
She is the virtue signalling leader of the free world... the pinnacle of the west... she isn't old, she isn't a man... she is white, but she is also an unmarried mother.... and anyone who thinks I like her needs to take in to account that she confiscated and destroyed a perfectly good AK and M4 carbine and FN FAL in my collection... that were no threat to anyone at all.
I hate the bitch with a passion, but that is not to say everything she does is wrong... I think up until now she has been quite good regarding the pandemic... but now we are vaccinated and boosted... well everyone is who wants to be... so I think they should open the borders and let the virus in... we are as prepared for it as we could ever be and if we cut ourselves off and the damn virus just keeps trickling in it just means we need more boosters and then next virus might be worse... who knows what combinations might result in... a new version that spreads like omnicron but is as lethal as delta...
One funny thing about freedom is everybody instantly becomes happier.
People seem to be greeting each other more and smiling more (and of course now you can actually tell that they're smiling). Also the streets, shops and restaurants filled up like it's the height of summer.
I haven't had to wear a mask until recently... when it first broke out there was a first lockdown for a month and then about a year later there was another outbreak, but otherwise things have been rather normal here for me.
That is why I am dead against small children wearing these masks - and over here they have to wear it for hours on end whilst in school.
I bet halloween sucks at your place....
hey can speed up ,the genocide of most world population or slower it ,their killing of people depending how aware population it is . if western pharma notice , the popularity of their vaccines going down , and too many people being killed , and being reported by doctors.. they can completely halt the poisoning , and give a pause to the genocide for up to 1 year until things calm down ,and then they "investigate " and find it was a machine during production of the vaccine that "mixed wrongly the ingredients ",that is to blame.. "but that now is fixed " .
Only those aware of how evil they are , and what they have been doing for a very long time ,will not fall for any of their tricks.. no matter which deceptive tactics they use.
Thanks for the entertainment Vann.
Can I ask... now considering these big pharma companies make the prescription drugs in pharmacies and supermarkets and that doctors prescribe to patients... if they want to decimate the worlds population why are they doing it through these vaccines... surely you want to kill off the weak and the elderly so you would poison the medication of the weak and elderly... but then if the real plan is to reduce the whole worlds population surely you would start knocking off the foreigners first so put the poison in the anti AIDS medicine and the anti malaria drugs... why would they make it so easy to escape their trap because you live in a poor country that can't afford those expensive vaccines?
When you look hard enough you will find conspiracies... but sometimes you have to ask yourself if they make any real sense.
Big Pharma and even western governments are a bunch of I totally agree with you on that, and I have fun winding some members up by not denying that the moon landing was a hoax... I think they are too incompetent to successfully fake that, just like I disagree with Atlasclub that the west is controlling the world... they couldn't organise an orgy in a whorehouse, but that does not mean I like or support them... they probably would have if they had the chance and the capacity... except in this case I don't think that.
Big Pharma is making huge profits selling their shit right now... why would they kill the golden goose by killing off even a percentage of the population... especially when there is competition from other countries and companies that might not be so lethal which is going to show down the track when the stats are in... when western shit killed 5% of those taking it and the Chinese and Russian and Indian and other vaccines didn't kill anyone that was not already going to die anyway then that is going to be a real hit for that company in financial terms.
Now obviously with news reporters being useless propaganda specialists CNN and BBC and Fox News are not going to notice, but Al jizz or RT or perhaps a Chinese news agency might notice and start reporting it.
Bad publicity is bad for income and existing and future contracts.
Mir- Posts : 4060
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- Post n°909
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
GarryB wrote:Bullshit... the virus had already fully spread around the world to every country before omicron even existed...
Perhaps you should read my post more carefully as I was specifically referring to the spread of the Omicron variant...
Mir wrote:Those that spread Omicron around the world were fully jabbed travelers and tourists.
It reminds me of when I posted something way back on the Black Plague and the Spanish Flu...
Mir wrote:As far as real pandemics are concerned there were 2 of those. The Black Plague and The Spanish Flu.
...when you responded >>
GarryB wrote:Bullshit. They were both highly localised because to travel the world took weeks because it was mostly by ship and so it could not spread across the entire globe.
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higurashihougi- Posts : 3561
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
An article about coronavirus in June 2021.
The evolutionary genetics of SARS-CoV-2 and the murderous stupidity of the bourgeoisie
The evolutionary genetics of SARS-CoV-2 and the murderous stupidity of the bourgeoisie
How capitalists help pathogens evolve
It is probable that the policies employed by right-wing governments to allow premature reopening of the economy facilitated the fact that Delta is not particularly impacted by a single dose of vaccine. Countries like Britain and Canada adopted a “delayed second dose” strategy with the supposed aim to have partial immunity in the population to suppress spread sufficiently so corporations could get back to making profits. This was risky in a number of ways. It could have led to a reduced immune response, but thankfully that did not happen. But it did provide the ideal environment to allow the virus to out-evolve the vaccine.
This process is analogous to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics are a wondrous discovery that have improved human health immeasurably in the last century. Prior to the use of antibiotics people used to die from infections all the time. But of course capitalists are ruining this advance by using antibiotics in frivolous ways. Apart from over-prescribing them to people who do not need them (while boosting the bottom line of pharmaceutical giants), corporations also give antibiotics to cattle, to achieve five per cent better growth rates. This leads to a permanent low concentration of antibiotics in the environment. Such sub-lethal doses provide perfect conditions for bacteria to evolve immunity, and are increasingly making antibiotics useless. In the coming decades we could be back to 19th century death rates due to infection and resistance.
The delayed second dose strategy provides an environment to the virus of partially immunized individuals. These partially immunized individuals are sub-lethal to the virus which can infect them, adapt to the vaccine, and then go on to infect others. This is the lesson of every horror movie: don’t wound the monster—kill it dead or it will come back stronger! Again, the drive for profits before people is killing us.
Rich countries seem to be moving away from the delayed second dose strategy and are changing policy to get people fully vaccinated. But this is a case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Delta already exists and is running rampant.
Repeatedly politicians and corporations take a static strategy ignoring the evolution of the virus. Faced with the beginnings of a new rise in Delta we are informed that data shows vaccinated individuals have better outcomes and are less likely to be hospitalized than non-vaccinated. This may be true currently, but it is the equivalent of saying, “Don’t worry if you get sick—you probably won’t die!” These are very easy gambles for the rich to make with the lives of others. They are perfectly happy to play Russian roulette with working class people while they collect their profits in comfortable isolation.
Let’s assume that vaccines do prevent hospitalization with regard to the Delta strain. They are again forgetting evolution, and are providing perfect conditions for the evolution of a new strain that can overcome the vaccine. The “Red Queen” is running rings around their static backward-looking policy, and vaccine nationalism is allowing infection to run wild in poor countries.
Murderous stupidity of the capitalists
Scientists can sometimes be guilty of letting their fascination for inquiry cloud their appreciation for the social repercussion of the things they are studying. From an abstract viewpoint, one cannot help but be impressed by the adaptive speed and ingenuity of SARS-CoV-2. That is until one remembers that the virus is ruining the lives of millions of human beings. But one cannot fault the virus. It has no emotions, it has no intelligence, it has no consciousness. The coronavirus is merely 30,000 RNA bases blindly following the laws of evolution—variation, selection, and heredity—in order to most successfully adapt to the environment it finds itself in.
It is not the virus’s fault that we are ruled by a sociopathic oligarchy that does not care about the people they rule over. You can’t blame SARS-Cov-2 for the fact that our ruling class is doing everything in its power to give it an environment that assists it to evolve. You can and you must blame the bourgeoisie for their profit-driven system that has led society to this disaster. The parasites in suits are far more culpable than the parasites with spike proteins. And the parasites in suits are providing the ideal conditions for a new more infectious and potentially more virulent Omega variant in the months to come. But none of this is known. It is also possible that the coronavirus has evolved to maximum transmissibility and society will finally overcome the pandemic. But if this happens it will be no thanks to the rich and powerful. It will be despite them and not because of them. And it is vital that we understand and remember the murderous role of the bourgeoisie so we can eradicate the capitalist virus after we have eradicated the RNA virus.
sundoesntrise- Posts : 361
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- Post n°911
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Covid1984 is not about making profit. These archaic Marxist explanations of what is happening are so cringe worthy and totally off the mark. Painful to read how deeply stuck these people are in their completely outdated worldview.
They OWN the money presses and can create money out of thin air.
This is about power and how they want to see the world.
They OWN the money presses and can create money out of thin air.
This is about power and how they want to see the world.
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Mir- Posts : 4060
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
...but making a quick buck on the side is not going to hurt anyone
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
GarryB- Posts : 41004
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Perhaps you should read my post more carefully as I was specifically referring to the spread of the Omicron variant...
You said Omicron was spread by vaccinated people, with no evidence at all... outside of the west the rest of the world has a 2% vaccination rate or worse.... the idea that vaccinated people in the west are the problem is stupid... if most of the worlds population was vaccinated and boosted most politicians would say.... hey Omicron is not as dangerous and while it spreads the fastest it is not the most lethal... with out population... especially our most vulnerable, vaccinated we could probably stop worrying about lockdowns and other limits and just let this new mild version spread so everyone gets it... the vaccinations and boosters should have prepared peoples immunities to the point where it is not problem and deaths or hospitalisations are rare rather than the norm... but all the hostility to vaccinations means most countries can't do that or they are just giving up and letting it all take its course.
New Zealand was in a unique situation out on the end of the food chain with no land borders and easy control of our international flights in and out.
The vast majority of the cases we had here were people flying home and the vast majority of those were ethnic Indian citizens coming back to the safety of New Zealand after being in India visiting friends and family.
The ability to quarantine people was limited so people have been trickling in to the country the last two years where NZ citizens most of whom went over seas for big paying jobs who then lost their jobs due to covid and wanted to come home.... some of which brought the virus back with them.
Lots of mistakes were made... mixing people in quarantine who just arrived with people who had been in quarantine for 14 days are were about to be released was stupid... the new arrivals that were not symptomatic yet infecting people just given the all clear to leave... only for them to be called back 3 days later when the people they stayed a day with came down with the virus. Rookie mistakes.
But no one was 100% prepared and mistakes were made by everyone.
...when you responded >>
Must be wonderful to never be wrong or mistaken... the thing is that when you discuss something with some one and they have clearly taken a side and you bring up evidence of information that contradicts their position and they dismiss it out of hand and show you some dubious easily refuted information to further back their position... you realise they are not interested in the actual truth and just cementing the decision they already made.
When Big Pharma does that you end up with Thalidomide... an excellent anti depressant... brilliant in fact... but obviously don't prescribe it to women for anything except those proven unable to conceive children without a shadow of a doubt.
...but making a quick buck on the side is not going to hurt anyone
Big Pharma knows money is power and money is all they are interested in.
They don't care about shaping the future, they have no ideology to spread or share... they just want to keep earning money at a rate they could never actually spend even in several lifetimes.
Mir- Posts : 4060
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- Post n°915
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
GarryB wrote:
You said Omicron was spread by vaccinated people, with no evidence at all...
Those that were allowed to travel were fully jabbed - that's pretty good evidence don't you think?
Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus - despite the promise that it is the only way to stop the virus.
GarryB wrote:Must be wonderful to never be wrong or mistaken...
At least I can admit when I made a mistake.
GarryB wrote:...the thing is that when you discuss something with some one and they have clearly taken a side and you bring up evidence of information that contradicts their position and they dismiss it out of hand and show you some dubious easily refuted information to further back their position... you realise they are not interested in the actual truth and just cementing the decision they already made.
Yes I have seen it plenty of times in my "discussions" with you.
higurashihougi- Posts : 3561
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- Post n°916
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
GarryB wrote:...but making a quick buck on the side is not going to hurt anyone
Big Pharma knows money is power and money is all they are interested in.
They don't care about shaping the future, they have no ideology to spread or share... they just want to keep earning money at a rate they could never actually spend even in several lifetimes.
They care about money as capital, to be more accurate. The more capital they accumulate, the more powerful they become and the less rivals can destroy or outcompete them.
The humans who own these Big Pharma probably don't spend even a tiny bit of the surplus value they extracted from workingmen, but without that they are unable to maintain their domination over the society as capitalists.
They are tyrants who use power for world manipulation but at the same time also the slave of the power they are having.
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GarryB- Posts : 41004
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- Post n°917
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Those that were allowed to travel were fully jabbed - that's pretty good evidence don't you think?
Not at all.
The first omicron cases were in Africa weren't they... what is their vaccination rate exactly?
Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus - despite the promise that it is the only way to stop the virus.
Depends on what you expected stop the virus as meaning... if you thought it meant wipe the virus out... well that is one interpretation... all I was expecting the vaccine and boosters to do for me was stop me getting sick enough to need hospitalisation and serious damage to my health.
At least I can admit when I made a mistake.
When did that happen?
Yes I have seen it plenty of times in my "discussions" with you.
In that case can I suggest you take whatever blinders you are wearing off, you can see with out noticing just as you can listen without hearing.
They care about money as capital, to be more accurate. The more capital they accumulate, the more powerful they become and the less rivals can destroy or outcompete them.
I agree, their focus should be helping people, but they seem more focused on helping themselves to more money and are not interested in the truth... if they find evidence something they make has side effects worse than the problem they are treating they don't seem to do anything until it is discovered and they are forced to withdraw or change the product.... which shows they are snake oil sellers...
The humans who own these Big Pharma probably don't spend even a tiny bit of the surplus value they extracted from workingmen, but without that they are unable to maintain their domination over the society as capitalists.
Maybe that is it... maybe the lizard men alien stories are true and they truly think human kind is here to work as slaves so they can live in comfort... sadly the truth is likely they are just selfish bastards who isolate themselves from the suffering they create and pretend they are the good guys.
There have been these super rich people for a very very long time, they very rarely do anything to help anyone else... people living on the streets of Paris... who cares... some old church catches fire and promises of donations of enormous amounts of money come flooding in... how about that religion put its money where its mouth is and converted that old shack into small single person apartments for the homeless so they can get back on their feet.... but don't be silly... most of them are not even our religion...
Mir- Posts : 4060
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- Post n°918
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
GarryB wrote:
The first omicron cases were in Africa weren't they... what is their vaccination rate exactly?
Yes it was discovered in my native country. How do you think it got to the UK and the rest of the world so quickly? In an airplane with a full jabbed host that even had a (useless) negative PCR test.
Mir wrote:At least I can admit when I made a mistake.
GarryB wrote:When did that happen?
At least once in one of our interesting "discussions" on helicopters and other flying things where most of the "inconvenient" things ended up in the Talking Bollocks Thread.
https://www.russiadefence.net/t8410p800-future-russian-aircraft-carriers-and-deck-aviation-2 (post 816)
GarryB wrote:Mi-17s have doors on both sides and a rear ramp...
Mir wrote:Sorry yes you're quite right - most later versions of the Mi-8 has the sliding door on the right as well and the ramp at the rear. The evidence I was asking for is on how the Russians military use the Mi-8 helicopter - not the CIA
Which is quite a bit more than you could say
Vann7- Posts : 5385
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- Post n°919
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Garryb quote " You said Omicron was spread by vaccinated people, with no evidence at all.. "
My friend and his entire family was fully vaccinated with moderna , and one of their members visit a
musical concert , and got omicron there. and then he pass covid to all the members of his family.
this is not conspiracies theoriest.. this is true life story. true experiences.. so about 7 people got omicron including their 4 year old baby..that was the only one not vaccinated , and the only one
that handle omicron like a champion , that never got sick ,was guess what? the unvaccinated one,
their baby.. he never got sick , but we noticed he had a watered nose.. but he still keep playing with his toys.. basically the baby did not complained or cried by having covid ,all this was certified by hospital ,after checking an advanced covid test .
1) the ones that vaccinated got very ill ,and required hospital help..
2) the ones unvacinated handle covid very well , did not got sick at all.
3) i neither was vaccinated and i work all the time with them.. i didn't got any covid at all..
not sick , nothing , nada.. not even use face mask when working with them , only wash hands .
is not luck , is simply those pfizer and moderna vaccines are a scam. they are not for helping you against covid ,they are pushed on population for the long term project of mass scale genocide they have in mind. in 10 years from now , those that laugh at the idea that those western vaccines is for population reductions ,will think differently.
i was not lucky.. i simply did not fall for the scam of those western vaccines.
Not only don't work , but also make things worse for those that vaccinate. the facts of my observations show me , that those moderna and pfizer vaccines does not help at all in any way.. and actually make worse things , because weaken your body ability to deal with covid.. this is my experience. and this is in case you are luck.. and don't get a vaccine from cargo shipment like japan with metals poison inside.. the ones that kills very quick in just 2 hours after the shot.
i also know an entire family that was fully vaccinated with pfizer and everyone got covid and they though they were going to die and required weeks hospitalization.. so my conclusion , the extension of the plandemic is not caused by the virus , but by something else.. because the virus is very weak , but the vaccines are the ones that do the real damage. the fake vaccines , is what is extending this pandemic. those anglo pharma vaccines are helping the virus to spread faster and hit much harder people... by weakening their body defenses. and this is for the lucky ones ,that don't get the ones with bonuses inside ,to kill you faster.
My friend and his entire family was fully vaccinated with moderna , and one of their members visit a
musical concert , and got omicron there. and then he pass covid to all the members of his family.
this is not conspiracies theoriest.. this is true life story. true experiences.. so about 7 people got omicron including their 4 year old baby..that was the only one not vaccinated , and the only one
that handle omicron like a champion , that never got sick ,was guess what? the unvaccinated one,
their baby.. he never got sick , but we noticed he had a watered nose.. but he still keep playing with his toys.. basically the baby did not complained or cried by having covid ,all this was certified by hospital ,after checking an advanced covid test .
1) the ones that vaccinated got very ill ,and required hospital help..
2) the ones unvacinated handle covid very well , did not got sick at all.
3) i neither was vaccinated and i work all the time with them.. i didn't got any covid at all..
not sick , nothing , nada.. not even use face mask when working with them , only wash hands .
is not luck , is simply those pfizer and moderna vaccines are a scam. they are not for helping you against covid ,they are pushed on population for the long term project of mass scale genocide they have in mind. in 10 years from now , those that laugh at the idea that those western vaccines is for population reductions ,will think differently.
i was not lucky.. i simply did not fall for the scam of those western vaccines.
Not only don't work , but also make things worse for those that vaccinate. the facts of my observations show me , that those moderna and pfizer vaccines does not help at all in any way.. and actually make worse things , because weaken your body ability to deal with covid.. this is my experience. and this is in case you are luck.. and don't get a vaccine from cargo shipment like japan with metals poison inside.. the ones that kills very quick in just 2 hours after the shot.
i also know an entire family that was fully vaccinated with pfizer and everyone got covid and they though they were going to die and required weeks hospitalization.. so my conclusion , the extension of the plandemic is not caused by the virus , but by something else.. because the virus is very weak , but the vaccines are the ones that do the real damage. the fake vaccines , is what is extending this pandemic. those anglo pharma vaccines are helping the virus to spread faster and hit much harder people... by weakening their body defenses. and this is for the lucky ones ,that don't get the ones with bonuses inside ,to kill you faster.
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sundoesntrise- Posts : 361
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- Post n°920
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Is GarryB still running this game?
kvs- Posts : 16064
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- Post n°921
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Shows you the power of the western fake stream media. Even people like Garry still trust it for their information.
At least in Canada the mass media did report that 73% of hospitalizations in Quebec in January of 2022 were double vaxxed.
Maybe New Zealand is especially isolated from reality.
At least in Canada the mass media did report that 73% of hospitalizations in Quebec in January of 2022 were double vaxxed.
Maybe New Zealand is especially isolated from reality.
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Vann7- Posts : 5385
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- Post n°922
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
check this.. a new report says.. the american company Moderna created the virus of the pandemic.. they found patents that proof this , developed before the pandemic began.
Smoking Gun: Covid-19 Engineered in Lab with Moderna Patents
video inside with full details..
Smoking Gun: Covid-19 Engineered in Lab with Moderna Patents
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contains a DNA sequence identical to a genetic code patented by pharmaceutical company Moderna three years before the COVID pandemic emerged, according to researchers.
video inside with full details..
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lancelot- Posts : 3190
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- Post n°923
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Yeah that patent is public knowledge. Seems kind of fishy right? And Moderna has close ties to US MIC.
Kids don't need the COVID vaccine since they seem to have less symptoms than adults and rarely get hospitalized in the first place.
Kids don't need the COVID vaccine since they seem to have less symptoms than adults and rarely get hospitalized in the first place.
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GarryB- Posts : 41004
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- Post n°924
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
My friend and his entire family was fully vaccinated with moderna ,
All dead are they?
Is GarryB still running this game?
I am distracting you in the hopes you will take the tin foil hats off so we can put the chips back into your heads and control you properly again.
Believe what you want, I don't care any more.
Kids don't need the COVID vaccine since they seem to have less symptoms than adults and rarely get hospitalized in the first place.
Except the ones that die from it of course...
sundoesntrise- Posts : 361
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- Post n°925
Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4
Read the thread bozo.
YOU are the conspiracy theorist now.
YOU are the conspiracy theorist now.