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    Ryanair Flight 4978


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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  nero Sun May 23, 2021 3:19 pm

    I am not quite sure where to post this, so here goes:

    The Ryanair plane was en route to Vilnius when it was diverted to Minsk. The opposition says the move was a bid to arrest a journalist on board who is critical of Lukashenko's government. [...] The opposition Telegram channel Nexta also reported that the plane was searched and that authorities detained the outlet's former editor, Roman Protasevich.

    The same guy running Nexta and inciting the revolt in Belarus. I guess the KGB is going to have a nice long chat with him, followed by a >20 year jail sentence for terrorism.

    Edit: The squealing of Western media whilst completely ignoring the arrest of Medvedchuk, Assange, Meng Wanzhou, Andrei Yakovlev, Andrei Solopenko, Alla Berezovskay. The entire non-citizens thing that Latvia has.

    Last edited by nero on Sun May 23, 2021 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  miketheterrible Sun May 23, 2021 3:39 pm

    good. foreign sponsored instigators should get the rope.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  nero Sun May 23, 2021 4:36 pm

    Rumored pilots of the Ryanair flight...

    Ryanair Flight 4978 E2Eu3mRXMAI68mh?format=jpg&name=medium

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  franco Sun May 23, 2021 5:28 pm

    nero wrote:Rumored pilots of the Ryanair flight...

    Ryanair Flight 4978 E2Eu3mRXMAI68mh?format=jpg&name=medium

    Those guys are busy... Suspect

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  Backman Sun May 23, 2021 5:50 pm

    Wow this is gonna be a big incident. Luka apparently used a fake bomb threat to divert the plane.

    Luka never sleeps.

    This is good if Luka can consolidate his power. Because he just shot his diplomatic relations with the west completely. There wont be one diplomat from a non CIS country left in Belarus after the dust settles.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  LMFS Sun May 23, 2021 5:52 pm

    "Choral Singing": Demands from Lithuania and Poland to Minsk to Release Ex-Editor-in-Chief of Nexta

    “Choral singing” is heard from countries that actively supported anti-state performances and actions of the Belarusian opposition. This is due to today's events in Minsk, at the airport of which, as Voennoye Obozreniye reported earlier, a plane landed on its way from the capital of Greece to Vilnius.

    On board, as initially reported, there could be an explosive device. When the airliner entered the Belarusian airspace, a fighter was raised to escort it, according to the regulations. We are talking about the MiG-29 of the Belarusian Air Force.

    After the plane landed in the Minsk air harbor, the board was checked. No explosive device was found. But Roman Protasevich, the former editor-in-chief of the opposition Telegram-channel NEXTA, who coordinated the Belarusian protests and clashes with law enforcement officers, was “discovered” there. Protasevich was on the Belarusian wanted list.

    Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who is in Vilnius, where Protasevich was flying, was one of the first to react to this "national leader of Belarus" (she calls herself that way). According to her, “the regime endangered passengers and all civil Aviation". After that, Tikhanovskaya called for the exclusion of RB from ICAO.

    Then the President of Vilnius took the floor, providing the fugitive Tikhanovskaya with "living space". Gintaras Nauseda demanded that Minsk release Protasevich, who could face capital punishment. It should be noted that Protasevich in Belarus is being held under the articles on terrorism and incitement to a coup.


    We are waiting for the immediate release of passenger Protasevich so that he can continue his flight to Vilnius.

    The Lithuanian President appealed to his partners in the EU and NATO with the aim that they "also react."

    The council of Nauseda was heeded in Warsaw, from where statements about “illegal actions of Minsk” are also heard. It is strange that when, for example, the United States forcibly land planes and arrests wanted persons, no one from the “powerful democratic handful” proposes to exclude the United States from ICAO, nor does they send angry messages to Washington demanding the release of the detainees.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  nero Sun May 23, 2021 5:55 pm

    Backman wrote:Wow this is gonna be a big incident.

    Not really, unless you are talking about media over-hyping the situation.

    The West has been kidnapping Russian and Chinese citizens all over. They're the ones that created the precedent of forcing planes to land (the media seems to have forgotten Evo Morales & Snowden for some reason).

    Спецслужбы Белоруссии задержали бывшего главного редактора ТГ-канала Nexta Романа Протасевича.
    Персонаж летел обычным рейсом авиакомпании Ryanair из Афин в Вильнюс. Когда борт пролетал над территорией Белоруссии, поступило сообщение о минировании лайнера, в результате чего самолет приземлился на территории Белоруссии в сопровождении истребителя ВВС Белоруссии, где Протасевича уже ждали чуткие и вежливые сотрудники КГБ Белоруссии.

    Протасевичу грозит огромный срок за сотрудничество с польскими спецслужбами, призывы к убийству сотрудников силовых структур Белоруссии, призывы к массовым беспорядкам, свержению действующей власти и т.д. и т.п. При большом желании, там могут и до смертного приговора натянуть, но лет на 20 персонаж вполне может отъехать. Есть мнение, что подельник Протасевича Путило рейсами над территорией Белоруссии летать не будет. Хуанита Тихановская уже призвала запретить полеты над Белоруссией (надо было требовать от НАТО "введения бесполетной зоны"). В целом, польско-литовской оппозиции теперь следует более тщательно выбирать рейсы в Прибалтику.

    Насчет криков, как же так, они обманом посадили самолет. Напоминаю, именно таким путем должен был состояться захват ЧВКшников, которые должны были вылететь обычным рейсом из Минска, а затем под каким-то предлогом посажен в Киеве, где их бы всех и повязали. Здесь мы по сути видим, как ту же самую операцию разыграли белорусские спецслужбы. И в отличие от Украины, где агент ФСБ в окружении Зеленского слил всю операцию (что привело к отставке главы ГУР МОУ и председателя КГБ Белоруссии), в данном случае у КГБ с секретностью проблем не возникло. Помогали ли белорусским коллегам российские спецслужбы, пока не ясно.

    В целом, белорусским спецслужбам зачет, красиво все обставили.
    После прошлогодних косяков и залетов, такая замечательная операция вдогонку к недавно раскрытому заговору.
    В принципе, не удивлюсь, если в ближайшую неделю мы увидим признательные показания Протасевича, где он начнет сдавать своих подельников по польско-литовской оппозиции.

    Забавно, как белорусская оппозиция в изгнании и примкнувшая к ней российская оппозиция ищут аргументы в пользу того, что захват основателя Нехты был подстроен изначально.

    Ну конечно был. Качественно проведенная спецоперация, в ходе которой был задержан носитель огромного массива информации. Сейчас он запоет, «как обгонял, как подрезал». Дудь локти будет кусать.

    Именно поэтому мне кажется, что это не договорняк с Западом. Западу меньше всего нужно, чтобы всплыли пикантные подробности отношений Нехты с их кураторами. А, что-то мне подсказывает, они всплывут в любом случае. Хотя о достоверности деталей наверняка будут споры. Впрочем, всегда ведь можно все свалить на то, что показания даны под пытками.

    Мне Протасевича абсолютно не жаль. Кажется совершенно справедливым, что провокатор, отправлявший людей на незаконные акции, игравший ими через Телеграм, управлявший ими, как в игре-стратегии, пользовавшийся ими, как одноразовым материалом, сам присядет к ним в одну камеру.

    Что до воя о «государственном терроризме», который, как по методичке, подняла оппозиция (Тихановская, требующая исключить Белоруссию из ICAO, уверен, только сегодня узнала, что это такое), то где вы все, морализаторы, были, когда я опубликовал данные о том, что точно также Украина собиралась похитить не одного, а 33 человека. Да вы бы стоя аплодировали СБУ, если бы у них получилось. Обвините США в похищении людей по всему миру. Но вы не обвините, потому что ЭТО ДРУГОЕ.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  LMFS Sun May 23, 2021 6:31 pm

    With the difference that Belarus did not intervene outside of their borders unlike US...

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  Backman Sun May 23, 2021 8:11 pm

    Yes but don't kid yourself. The US will see no irony in that. Of course the US can force planes down at gunpoint to arrest journalists. But it's a whole other thing when a country like Belarus does it. They will label it as state sponsored terrorism.

    This was a daring and well executed operation. Lukashenko and the KGB have to get some credit for this. Just imagine how it felt for the coup plotter scum as the plane landed in Belarus. He must have wetted himself.

    From zerohedge

    A bizarre and alarming incident which officials are calling unprecedented unfolded over the skies of Eastern Europe on Sunday. A Ryanair flight which had departed Athens and was en route to Vilnius - the capital of Lithuania - was forced to land in Belarus to allow state intelligence and security services to detain a journalist who's long been critical of President Alexander Lukashenko.

    Bloomberg has identified the detained journalist is Raman Pratasevich, described as "the former editor-in-chief of the most popular Telegram news channel in Belarus" who was "arrested in the Minsk airport after the plane landed, according to the Minsk-based human rights center Viasna, which is not officially registered by the country’s authorities."

    Neighboring Lithuania had earlier issued Pratasevich asylum after Belarusian authorities had put him on a "terror watch list" related to his journalistic activities, given the 26-year old blogger and activist helped spearhead last year's anti-Lukashenko demonstrations which at times shut down large parts of central Minsk following the disputed August 2020 election which resulted in prolonging the autocrat's rule to a sixth term (which will see him into three decades in power).

    The journalist has been dubbed an "extremist" for his role in covering and participating in protests which officials also alleged there was a "foreign hand" behind which had covert NATO support. Pratasevich now faces a severe sentence - if he even goes to trial at all, with some supporters going so far as to suggest a possible death penalty case.

    Astoundingly, Belarus' military had scrambled MiG fighter jets in order to divert the plane to Minsk. Bloomberg continues, "The plane, which was flying over Belarus en route to Lithuania, was escorted to Minsk by a MiG-29 fighter jet after a bomb threat, Belarusian state news agency Belta reported, citing the Minsk airport’s press service.

    The episode is quickly gaining international attention and raising alarm in NATO and the European Union, with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda issuing a statement on Twitter condemning the "unprecedented" and "abhorrent" action of Lukashenko's government.

    President Nauseda also said in a written statement released to international press agencies that: "I call on NATO and EU allies to immediately react to the threat posed to international civil aviation by the Belarus regime." He added, "The international community must take immediate steps that this does not repeat."

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  PhSt Sun May 23, 2021 9:47 pm

    So.. did Lukashenko folded and released the CIA sponsored Extremist??

    Ryanair flight lands in Vilnius after forced landing in Minsk

    VILNIUS, May 23. /TASS/. A Ryanair flight flying from Athens to Vilnius has finally landed at the Vilnius airport after a forced landing in Minsk, Gabrielius Landsbergis said on Sunday.

    "The plane has landed at the Lithuanian capital’s airport," he told journalists.

    There were some 170 passengers from 12 counties, including 90 Lithuanian nationals, onboard the plane.

    Romat Protasevich, a co-founder of the Nexta Telegram channel, which had been recognized as extremist in Belarus, was among the passengers. He is wanted in Belarus and is living in Lithuania. The man was detained after the plane’s landing.


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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  nero Sun May 23, 2021 10:46 pm

    PhSt wrote:So.. did Lukashenko folded and released the CIA sponsored Extremist?

    No, they did not release him.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  PapaDragon Sun May 23, 2021 10:56 pm

    France tried to pull the same thing with Snowden in Paris but problem was that he wasn't on the plane

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  Hole Sun May 23, 2021 11:24 pm

    The west forced down the aircraft of a sitting president as they tried to catch Snowden. This was the plane of a private company which has to follow the orders of the country it is flying trough.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon May 24, 2021 9:31 am

    PhSt wrote:So.. did Lukashenko folded and released the CIA sponsored Extremist??

    Ryanair flight lands in Vilnius after forced landing in Minsk

    VILNIUS, May 23. /TASS/. A Ryanair flight flying from Athens to Vilnius has finally landed at the Vilnius airport after a forced landing in Minsk, Gabrielius Landsbergis said on Sunday.

    "The plane has landed at the Lithuanian capital’s airport," he told journalists.

    There were some 170 passengers from 12 counties, including 90 Lithuanian nationals, onboard the plane.

    Romat Protasevich, a co-founder of the Nexta Telegram channel, which had been recognized as extremist in Belarus, was among the passengers. He is wanted in Belarus and is living in Lithuania. The man was detained after the plane’s landing.

    Ya know just because someone is in opposition to another doesn't mean they are a CIA assist.

    Maybe before you throw those accusations around you back it up with some facts, but I guess that is to hard.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 24, 2021 11:46 am

    Slick move here, I like it

    Russia is sending a message to the US

    If you want better ties, then don't try regime change against our allies.

    Let's see how the US responds.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 24, 2021 11:52 am

    Backman wrote:Because he just shot his diplomatic relations with the west completely. There wont be one diplomat from a non CIS country left in Belarus after the dust settles.

    Who the fk needs them?

    Those same Euro country diplomats were out on the rallies against him in the mass-protests their sponsored candidate incited

    Belarus can continue to be a pariah state for Europe as far as it cares. But I suspect that if the US wants to normalize relations with Russia, then Russia will put a condition of normalizing relations with its allies too.

    Russia knows it can set the conditions here. It's perfectly happy to be 'isolated' by the West further if that's what they wish. But they wish instead to improve relations and find common ground on international issues.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  Hole Mon May 24, 2021 12:17 pm

    Ryanair Flight 4978 E2g2xk10

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  LMFS Mon May 24, 2021 12:45 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Ya know just because someone is in opposition to another doesn't mean they are a CIA assist.

    Maybe before you throw those accusations around you back it up with some facts, but I guess that is to hard.

    You had the Vovan and Lexus prank few days ago where top NED people boasted about their involvement in the coup in Belarus (and Russia too BTW), were you not aware?

    Not even cynical "plausible deniability" applies these days of massive retardation among US officials and their assets  Laughing

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon May 24, 2021 1:55 pm

    literally, nothing you showed or said proved or showed me the guy arrested was a CIA stooge. What other people say or do has nothing to do with the actions of another

    I will say this again, just because someone opposes someone, that doesn't mean they are employed or used by the CIA.

    The logic "Oh he opposed Luka, he must be part of the CIA" is, to be frank, absolutely moronic. By that logic anyone in the US who opposes the government is employed by the kremlin.

    Don't respond to me with stupid comments like that, the bias on this forum is ridiculous.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  PhSt Mon May 24, 2021 2:21 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    Ya know just because someone is in opposition to another doesn't mean they are a CIA assist.

    Maybe before you throw those accusations around you back it up with some facts, but I guess that is to hard.

    First of all, this criminal is a NATzO asset, and that is why the US and its vassal countries are hysterically throwing a fit because of his arrest.
    Second, the US and its NATzO vassals don't bother with facts when they accuse Russia and China of any wrong doing, so I am simply  subscribing to the "Norms" of international diplomacy as described by Americans Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  PhSt Mon May 24, 2021 2:27 pm

    The logic "Oh he opposed Luka, he must be part of the CIA" is, to be frank, absolutely moronic. By that logic anyone in the US who opposes the government is employed by the kremlin.

    Majority of Americans practice this kind of behaviour, so according to you a big chunk of the American population is a bunch of morons Laughing Laughing Laughing
    but there is no need to point out the obvious russia

    Don't respond to me with stupid comments like that, the bias on this forum is ridiculous.

    We will respond to you in any manner that we please, American dictatorship does not extend to this forum. Besides, its not like Pro NATzO forums don't have bias towards anything Russian or Chinese.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  slasher Mon May 24, 2021 2:49 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:By that logic anyone in the US who opposes the government is employed by the kremlin.

    You either literally live under a rock or you are incredibly blessed not to have any access at all to American media, but that's exactly what they push there!
    Heck, even their last President was (and will eternally be) labelled a Kremlin agent, and his supporters are illiterate redneck zombies brainwashed by the nefarious Putin's chef to do the Kremlin's bidding. Heads up friend, but literally anyone so much as mentioning anything that even remotely strays from the establishment narrative that Putin is the lord of evil Russia is immediately branded "employed by the kremlin". Not since Salem has there been a witch-hunt like this (well ok, at least not since McCarthyism and the Red Scare). Really, where have you been?

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  kvs Mon May 24, 2021 2:55 pm

    slasher wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:By that logic anyone in the US who opposes the government is employed by the kremlin.

    You either literally live under a rock or you are incredibly blessed not to have any access at all to American media, but that's exactly what they push there!
    Heck, even their last President was (and will eternally be) labelled a Kremlin agent, and his supporters are illiterate redneck zombies brainwashed by the nefarious Putin's chef to do the Kremlin's bidding. Heads up friend, but literally anyone so much as mentioning anything that  even remotely strays from the establishment narrative that Putin is the lord of evil Russia is immediately branded "employed by the kremlin". Not since Salem has there been a witch-hunt like this (well ok, at least not since McCarthyism and the Red Scare). Really, where have you been?

    SS is not ignorant, he is a malicious liar. His job on this forum is to troll the official narratives of his toilet oligarch state.

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 24, 2021 3:08 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:literally, nothing you showed or said proved or showed me the guy arrested was a CIA stooge. What other people say or do has nothing to do with the actions of another

    I will say this again, just because someone opposes someone, that doesn't mean they are employed or used by the CIA.

    The logic "Oh he opposed Luka, he must be part of the CIA" is, to be frank, absolutely moronic. By that logic anyone in the US who opposes the government is employed by the kremlin.

    Don't respond to me with stupid comments like that, the bias on this forum is ridiculous.

    If he was flying into Lithuania and was associated with the regime change attempt, he's clearly a CIA asset

    That's where half the revolutionaries are now located, and not only them, but Russian dissidents and so on.

    Lithuanian secret services, along with the Georgian ones, are among the most engaged in attempting to destabilize Russian allied governments and Russia itself

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    Ryanair Flight 4978 Empty Re: Ryanair Flight 4978

    Post  LMFS Mon May 24, 2021 3:13 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:literally, nothing you showed or said proved or showed me the guy arrested was a CIA stooge. What other people say or do has nothing to do with the actions of another

    I will say this again, just because someone opposes someone, that doesn't mean they are employed or used by the CIA.

    The logic "Oh he opposed Luka, he must be part of the CIA" is, to be frank, absolutely moronic. By that logic anyone in the US who opposes the government is employed by the kremlin.

    Don't respond to me with stupid comments like that, the bias on this forum is ridiculous.

    Speaking of moronic and stupid, that above takes the prize...

    1) Nobody gives a shit whether that scum is hired by CIA, NED or whatever other US agency or regime change organization. Fact is that US has admitted involvement in the coup in Belarus and the worm is one of the main culprits, using sophisticated methods and a level of focus and coordination with Western foreign policy that not even the worst retarded in this planet would confuse with some amateur or "grass roots" action
    2) Belarus has the proof and evidence they need, your opinion is not necessary and US' one is also uninteresting. All they gave you is a big fat middle finger, in case you did not notice it.
    3) Russia, unlike the other way around, has not admitted any type of meddling in US. Would seem logical not to admit guilt (unless you are a total retard like the guys of NED), but years of paranoid, illegal search by US has not managed to discover ANYTHING, while your guys are boasting how they meddle in Russia and call for regime change

    Again as per your customary MO, this is the convict, reoffending criminal falsely accusing other people of breaking the law. GTFO, really. What you do is an insult to basic decency.

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