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    Space Flight Videos


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    Space Flight Videos Empty Space Flight Videos

    Post  Aramonik Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:15 am

    Каратэ на орбите

    Salyut 1 was the first DOS long duration orbital station. The 'civilian' DOS station was
    built on basis of the military Almaz stations with the mission of beating the American
    Skylab in the space station race and to determine the usefulness of manned observation of
    the earth by 1974. DOS-1 was launched as Salyut 1 on 19 April 1971. The triumph turned
    to tragedy when the Soyuz-11 crew died due to de-pressurization of their re-entry capsule
    during return to the earth. DOS was started only when the Soviet moon project failed,
    in order to beat the American Skylab to orbit. It was created using spaceframes from the
    Almaz military station program.

    Russian Orbital Station MIR - Руската орбитална станция - Мир
    Space Intelligence Station Almaz - Космическа разузнавателна станция - Алмаз

    those videos explain some of the aspects of the millitary and technological achievements
    of the two superpowers during the cold war. Video in Russian. Mir (Russian: Мир; lit.
    Peace or World) was a Soviet (and later Russian) space station. Mir was the world's first
    consistently inhabited long-term research station in space, and the first of the third
    generation type of space station, constructed from 1986 to 1996 with a modular design.
    The station was in operation for fifteen years until 23 March 2001, when it was deliberately
    de-orbited, breaking apart during atmospheric re-entry over the South Pacific Ocean
    The Almaz (Russian: Алмаз - "Diamond") program was a series of military space stations
    (or "Orbital Piloted Station" - OPS) launched by the Soviet Union under cover of the
    civilian Salyut DOS-17K (Orbital space station) program after 1971.

    Three Almaz stations were launched: Salyut 2, Salyut 3 and Salyut 5.

    Salyut 2 failed shortly after achieving orbit, but Salyut 3 and Salyut 5 both conducted
    successful manned testing. Following Salyut 5, the Soviet Ministry of Defense judged in
    1978 that the time consumed by station maintenance outweighed the benefits relative to
    automatic reconnaissance satellites.

    Please add a Video Comrades


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    Post  Aramonik Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:02 pm

    "Союз ТМА-М" новой серии запущен в космос

    26.05.2010 коррекция орбиты МКС

    Bulava, Topol, Sineva: successful launches

    Russian Army - Ready for WW3

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    Post  Aramonik Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:24 pm

    BrahMos - Finest Cruise Missile in the World

    Ракета с чистого листа. 1 часть. The Rocket Ab Ovo.

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    Post  Aramonik Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:59 am

    Пуск РКН Союз-ФГ с ТПК Союз ТМА-20

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    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:06 am

    Nice vids Aramonik.

    This is a short vid of a Proton launch.

    And this is a nice clear shot of another Proton launch where the camera follows the rocket and doesn't get knocked over from the blast:


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    Post  Aramonik Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:39 pm

    Wonderful Videos GarryB. The sources were a bit tardy in getting vid's out for this latest Proton launch.
    So thx a million for posting them. Cool
    A few new Vids for the stack.

    this guy's work is 2nd to none


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    Post  Aramonik Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:09 pm

    Пуск РКН Протон с КА КА-САТ

    27 декабря 2010 года в 00.51 мск с пусковой установки 39 площадки 200 космодрома Байконур
    стартовыми расчетами предприятий ракетно-космической отрасли России произведен успешный
    пуск ракеты космического назначения «Протон-М» с разгонным блоком «Бриз-М» и европейским
    телекоммуникационным космическим аппаратом «КА-САТ».

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    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:28 am

    this guy's work is 2nd to none

    It is a nice animation but such a shame the flying model has a Su-27 canopy instead of the side by side seating Su-34 canopy shown in the drawing used.

    BTW I have read about a proposed nuclear powered rocket that the Russians are developing to use as a sort of space tug that can take spacecraft from earth orbit to Mars and back or can be used to scoop up some of the space junk in orbit around the earth and deal with all the dead satellites and paint chips and booster rocket material.
    This is not even developed yet but have you seen any animations or mockups around the place. I don't speak or read Russian so my sources are very limited.

    BTW2 thanks for the vids.

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    Post  Aramonik Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:04 am

    Russian Federation launched our program to build a powerful, multi purpose
    airship that will certainly cause many people on the ground to take notice.


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    Post  Aramonik Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:59 pm

    Инфографика | Группа Меркатор

    Всероссийский инновационный форум "Россия, вперед!" начал работу в Подмосковье.
    На форуме дан символический старт практической работе инновационного центра
    "Сколково": будет объявлен список первых участников инноцентра, установлена
    реперная точка, от которой начнется отсчет системы координат будущих зданий
    центра. Инновационный центр "Сколково" - это научно-технологический комплекс,
    направленный на разработку и коммерциализацию новых технологий


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:36 am

    Interesting video of the saucer shaped airships.

    Airships are out of fashion mainly because of the vivid film footage of the Hnidenberg exploding.

    The thing is that today with modern materials a modern airship can be light and strong and non flammable.

    In fact a very large airship with lots of internal bags of helium would actually be a very difficult thing to bring down.

    Traditionally an airship could be brought down with a few incendiary bullets from an MG but they ignited the hydrogen and set the aluminium structure alight. (powdered aluminium is used to make the bright sparks in fireworks and is added to HE to make High Explosive Incendiary that burns hotter and longer than standard HE.

    With a modern carbon fibre helium airship you would need to repeatedly hit the airship with lots of missiles to deflate enough internal airbags to make the airship descend. Even then it wont burn well so it would actually be rather more resistant to battle damage than a conventional large aircraft.

    Transporting heavy material where there are no roads or rails is one use and at the other end you could fit a large airship with enormous radar antenna and fly it in the upper atmosphere... say 40,000m or higher. It could even carry 100s of AAMs it could use to defend itself. It could have onboard crew facilities that allow 24/7 operation for weeks... especially with solar panels providing station keeping energy.

    Regarding the PAK DA video... it is very nice but the flying wing model with the swing wings is the old T-4M design. This was one of the designs considered before the Tu-160 design was adopted so it has already lost to the Tu-160 design once. There must have been reasons not to use it before and it is a question as to whether those reasons still apply as to its chances now.

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    Post  Aramonik Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:00 pm

    01 08 11 kosmodrom plesetskvesti

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    Post  Aramonik Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:07 am


    Inside a Soviet Almaz Spy Station

    Space Flight Videos Almazcut
    Old Russian spy station "ALMAZ"


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    Post  Aramonik Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:52 am

    12 апреля 1961 года с космодрома Байконур впервые в мире стартовал космический корабль «Восток»,
    с пилотом-космонавтом Юрием Алексеевичем Гагариным на борту. За этот подвиг ему было присвоено
    звание Героя Советского Союза, а начиная с 12 апреля 1962 года день полёта Гагарина в космос был
    объявлен праздником — Днём космонавтики. 2011 - Год российской космонавтики.

    ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli talks to BBC World, live from the International
    Space Station, 13 January 2011. The host of the show, Tim Willcox, was joined
    in the studio by ESA's Director of Human Spaceflight, Simonetta Di Pippo, and
    one of Europe's six new astronauts, Tim Peake.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:53 am

    Nice Vids Aramonik, thanks for posting.

    I read in an article about Russian airships being sold to China with radars fitted to them that the Russian airships had diesel engines inside and they could be used to heat up the gas inside the airship to give it more lift. It also had a system of condensing water from the exhaust as the fuel is burnt.

    If you think about it all airships in flight weight the same as the air they are displacing which lets them float. They can fly up or down with engine thrust, but they can also rise or descend by gaining or losing weight, or gaining or losing lift.

    If you think about it losing weight is easy... burning diesel fuel to run engines will lose weight as the diesel is burned. Some of that weight can be recovered by condensing the water and storing it as ballast, but you can also make the lost weight worse by increasing lift by heating the lifting gasses.

    I think a good solution would be to have in the centre a large bag of Hydrogen gas with a fuel cell power source. As you burn diesel fuel and get lighter you can compensate by feeding the hydrogen into the fuel cell to create electricity and store the by product of water as ballast to compensate for the used diesel. The electricity generated by the fuel cell can be stored or used... if you store it then it can be used to convert the water back into hydrogen using the fuel cell to increase lift if you suddenly start needing lift like if you start to get covered in ice.

    The alternative is to release lifting gas and while hydrogen is cheap helium is not so this little hydrogen/fuel cell combination is an excellent solution to a serious problem.

    Obviously also having solar cells and using electric drives will also deal with the problem but all weather diesel engines are useful too.

    The balloons sold to China contained large radar antennas and the airships themselves could be tethered to the ground and operate at altitudes from 2000-4000m in height for periods of up to 25 days with power supplied through the tether rope.

    In addition to radar surveillance it could also operate as a radio relay station for up to 100,000 square kms and was much cheaper than a satellite and offered more time on station than any other aircraft.

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    Post  Aramonik Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:59 am

    these Buds for your Comrade GarryB Cool as I said, the Military and Corporate Aviation Oligarchs
    need to redress the issue of Airships from a clean start. Based on your comments alone.
    Инфографика | Группа Меркатор

    Locomoskyner: Mighty Russian UFO-style airship

    ISS Crew open 2011 spacewalk marathon with 27th Russian EVA
    January 21st, 2011 by Pete Harding
    The International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 26 crew have conducted the Russian EVA-27 on Friday, marking the first in what is currently
    planned to be a total of 10 Shuttle and ISS EVAs in 2011. Projected to be a six hour EVA, the spacewalk began with hatch opening at 2:29 PM GMT
    and ended well ahead of schedule at 7:52 PM GMT - after the duo completed all their tasks without any serious issues.

    Russian EVA Overview:

    The EVA was performed by Russian Cosmonauts Dimitri Kondratyev, who has been on the station since December last year, and Oleg Skripochka, who has
    been on the station since October. Kondratyev is EV-1, and was wearing the read-striped Orlan-MK spacesuit, while Skripochka is EV-2, was wearing
    the blue-striped suit equipped with a Wireless Video System (WVS) camera and helmet lights, both provided from NASA Extravehicular Mobility Unit
    (EMU) spacesuits.

    The spacewalk was Kondratyev’s first EVA, and Skripochka’s second, as he previously conducted Russian EVA-26 EVA in November 2010.

    Japanese Cargo Ship Heads for the International Space Station

    Launching [RKN] zenith -2[SB] with KA Electro-L/Пуск РКН Зенит-2СБ с КА Электро-Л

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    Space Flight Videos Empty Re: Space Flight Videos

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:47 am

    Arrgh... you are torturing me!!!

    Nephew is down to stay for the School holidays and he has been playing world of warcraft and I am down to dial up speed till the end of the month.

    I'll tell you what I think of the vids then... Mad

    Thanks for finding them and posting them BTW. Smile

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    Post  Aramonik Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:19 am

    Hey Comrade GerryB, more agony to endure for you. hope you are doing well Buddy
    Very Happy

    All Hail Discovery!!!!

    ESA's Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) 002 Johannes Kepler docked
    with the International Space Station today at 16:59 CET. ATV-2 was
    launched on 16 February at 22:50 CET by an Ariane 5 from Europe's
    Spaceport in French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket. The spacecraft
    is on a mission to supply the International Space Station (ISS)
    with propellant, water, air, and dry cargo.

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    Post  Aramonik Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:54 pm

    Спейс шаттл

    Robonaut 2 headed to ISS

    European Cargo Ship Docks to ISS

    The "Johannes Kepler" Automated Transfer Vehicle-2 docked to the
    International Space Station on Feb. 24, eight days after its
    launch from Courou, French Guiana. ATV-2 is delivering more than
    seven tons of experiments, fuel, water, food and other supplies
    to the space station.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:36 am

    Thanks Aramonik.

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    Space Flight Videos Empty Re: Space Flight Videos

    Post  Aramonik Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:52 am

    STS-133 Flight Day 2 Highlights: Discovery Crew Inspects Orbiter

    Discovery's thermal protection system is surveyed with the shuttle robotic
    arm/orbiter boom sensor system (OBSS). The astronauts also check out rendezvous
    tools and the EVA mobility units or spacesuits, and install a Centerline camera.

    ISS Crew Observed Shuttle Launch After ATV Docking

    Cosmonauts of the International Space Station had an opportunity
    to watch launch of Discovery on Feb 25 live, Dmitry Kondratiev
    stated in his orbital blog in Roscosmos site. Dmitry posted a few
    photos showing ATV-2 approach to the ISS on Feb 24.
    Space Flight Videos Dimatv1
    ГЛОНАСС-К [b]


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    Post  Aramonik Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:33 am

    STS-133: ISS Docking

    Crashing into the Moon

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    Post  Aramonik Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:31 pm

    Робонавт R-2

    Robonaut 2

    STS-133 Flight Day 4 Highlights: Spacewalk One Preparations

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:42 am

    This is bad for my ego... but a while back on some space related thread I think I mentioned how useless dead weight legs are for people in space. When you are weightless your legs are useless.
    If out in the open space of the cabin of the ISS unable to reach anything to grab onto to pull yourself where you want to go the only thing you can do is use your hands to swim... kicking your legs would offer negligible propulsion and would be a waste of energy. When you are near a surface and you want to move to a specific place you use your hands to grab the surface and push yourself away in the direction you want to go so again your legs are useless.
    When moving around your legs simply make you longer and add mass to reduce acceleration and deceleration. Note in orbit of the earth there is gravity but you don't notice it because the ship and everything in it including crew are all falling at the same rate so it appears to be without gravity. Without gravity there is no such thing as weight because everything is weightless. There is still mass however.
    This robot has no legs because it has no use for legs in a weightless environment.
    If we fly a mission to Mars and all the crew are going down to the Mars surface then legs will be useful in getting around on the surface, but if there is a crewman that will stay in orbit and not land then it would make sense to choose that crewman from a group of candidates with no legs as they will not need them and it will benefit the mission for them to not have the encumbrance of legs on the mission.
    It sounds harsh, but I actually think a person who has lost their legs would absolutely love a zero gravity environment as it would suit them much more than the conditions on Earth where gravity reduces their mobility, the zero gravity of space will make them more mobile and agile than someone with legs.

    I hope when the decisions are made for crews to go to Mars are made that which ever agency is involved has the guts to make this sort of decision. I think it would be great to see someone with no legs go up to the ISS just to test this properly.

    I am sure they would get a lot of volunteers.

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    Post  Aramonik Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:55 am

    GarryB wrote:
    It sounds harsh, but I actually think a person who has lost their legs would absolutely love a zero gravity environment as it would suit them much more than the conditions on Earth where gravity reduces their mobility, the zero gravity of space will make them more mobile and agile than someone with legs.

    Harsh?Harsh? cheers

    Are you suggesting we amputate all of our Cosmonauts Legs?scratch

    I know you will like this one Comrade GerryB
    Unmanned aerial vehicle "Boomerang"

    At the V International Exhibition "Unmanned Multipurpose Vehicle," which opened
    at the Expo Centre in Moscow, 41 companies from Russia, France and Sweden
    submitted its development. Samples of unmanned aircraft and helicopter types
    differ not only by the method of takeoff and landing, but also on weight, range,
    intended use. One of the smallest UAVs "Boomerang" is presented by the Russian
    company "NELK. Aircraft weighing about one kilogram can keep photos, TV and
    thermal imaging reconnaissance from the air. According to designers, "Boomerang"
    can be useful to customs and the military. Two "Boomerang" is currently being
    tested in parts of the Russian army.

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