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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:28 am

    China has banned the BBC. A good start and Russia should start thinking about penalizing NATzO hate propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:24 am

    kvs wrote:

    China has banned the BBC.   A good start and Russia should start thinking about penalizing NATzO hate propaganda

    I actually think quite the opposite is needed. Instead of banning Western media, make it easier to access.

    What I'm suggesting is that they should completely repeal all forms of law enforcement concerning filesharing. Let Russia be the hub of filesharing, and punish Western media corporations by having them lose tens of billions per year with Russia being the filesharing Stalingrad.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  elconquistador Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:39 am

    Interesting video. Intersectional feminism is gnawing at the core foundations of Islam. They use the usual powerful linguistic tools at their disposals: redefining what things mean by using their power to construct institutional narratives

    Interesting to see where this will go. 5 years ago I was sure that Islam would conquer the Left (in their provisional alliance) but now I am starting to doubt.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:20 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    China has banned the BBC.   A good start and Russia should start thinking about penalizing NATzO hate propaganda

    I actually think quite the opposite is needed. Instead of banning Western media, make it easier to access.

    What I'm suggesting is that they should completely repeal all forms of law enforcement concerning filesharing. Let Russia be the hub of filesharing, and punish Western media corporations by having them lose tens of billions per year with Russia being the filesharing Stalingrad.


    Russia could really put a massive nail in the western coffin by allowing people to share the western software for free. This would cause billions in losses and Russia loses nothing. Instead, if they word it correctly, they can be viewed as saviors in the open source community

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:06 pm

    An example of straight talk from Lavrov being twisted by the western fake stream media into "threats". So
    the idea that Russian can get its message out to the west is a non starter. Westerners are going to have
    to take the initiative to read English Russian sources and not consume the excrement from their own
    "free and unbiased" media. That is not going to happen especially in this day and age of safe space
    adult babies who are afraid of facts that make them uncomfortable.

    They say that truth is the first casualty of war. But that is not the whole story. Rational thinking dies
    before war can get started. People enter a spasm of hysteria and they can't absorb the truth in this

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:57 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    LMFS wrote:A candid admission by Michael Kofman of Russia Military Analysis, credit to him for speaking the truth  thumbsup

    Western propaganda - Page 23 Es0rxwPXAAIKoij?format=png&name=large
    For those of us who have started studying military technology without an engineering background.

    (Limited to the air domain for practical reasons)
    Western propaganda - Page 23 Es5MoW-XIAcbBv1?format=jpg&name=large

    Western propaganda - Page 23 EuDfrPHXMAw-jHH?format=jpg&name=large

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:52 pm

    So the EU fake stream media is spazzing over Borrell's visit to Russia. Lavrov pointed out the brazen
    double standards of the self-anointed human rights arbiters. For example, Spain's repression of Catalan independence
    activists and suppression of mass protests after the annulling of the legal referendum on independence.
    So the EU has no case against Russia for dealing with the illegal demonstration scamming by 5th column Navalny
    who together with his associates has never ever conformed to protest permit stipulations and always went
    for the street blocking theater. Lavrov not taking BS from EU-slimes has deeply offended the EU media lie
    factory which is trying to paint the actions of Lavrov as "humiliation of Borrell and the EU". In other words,
    "How dare anyone go against our claims and not bend the knee to our dictates."

    In typical hate propaganda fashion, the EU lie factory hacks yap about how Russia went on a power trip
    with its "humiliation". They even try to make Borrell a fall guy for failing to "stand up to the Russians".
    You fucking mutts should stay on your paws and not to try to walk on your hind legs. You haven't evolved

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:26 pm

    Comment from Patrick Armstrong: I am sick and tired of EU flunkeys posturing about “European values”; if it weren’t for the USSR – 80% – and the Anglosphere – 20% – they’d all be goose-stepping around in leather giving each other Hitler salutes: Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and the rest of them were all Europeans).

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:15 pm

    Hole wrote:Comment from Patrick Armstrong: I am sick and tired of EU flunkeys posturing about “European values”; if it weren’t for the USSR – 80% – and the Anglosphere – 20% – they’d all be goose-stepping around in leather giving each other Hitler salutes: Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and the rest of them were all Europeans).

    They would all be US-UK colonies. Hitler was a tool.

    In the video I posted above, some German analyst is ragging on Russia's "wrong doing" which includes Libya and Syria.
    So EU sanctions are meant to stop Russian "badness" in Libya. So Russia not supporting the ISIS clones is now bad.
    And remind me again who screwed Libya up? Oh that's right Killary and Obummer.

    Yes, indeed, the dementia in the EU is terminal.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  nomadski Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:07 am

    This message is for all Muslim and Middle Eastern people, regarding the recent news from Western sources about  " maltreatment" of Chinese Muslims, in education camps.

    Although any abuse can and does take place, when large numbers of people are concerned,  I can certainly say that  the policy  of China towards Muslims, is not discriminatory or result of ethnic discrimination. It simply is an effort to bring social harmony and unity to a large and diverse population.

    I can say this because, China recently also brought in rules for young Hong Kong students curriculum, allowing for a more China centric viewpoint. Again an attempt to bring harmony to a diverse population. Therefore there is no distinction by ethnicity.

    The Muslims in the world should support Chinese efforts to fight extremism and welcome the progressive measures by China, in teaching Chinese language and moderate practice of religion.

    They should ignore western propaganda, aimed at causing problems between Muslim nations and China.

    Long live China.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:48 pm

    After China banned BBC propaganda inside its borders, the NATzO west started bunching its panties and screeching.
    It turns out that the UK banned the Chinese national broadcaster on its soil first.   But you see that is not repression
    of free speech, it is "unrelated" to the same action by China.   The BBC used blue-green filters on the video it reported
    from China to make things look more gloomy and dour.

    When Russia penalizes Radio Free Europe for brazenly violating Russian laws about identification of foreign sponsored
    information agents, that is "Russia repressing free speech".   But it is OK for YouCrap and NATzO based social media
    to fully censor any dissenting voices through deplatforming and publication bans (*).   Again, because "that is totally
    unrelated" to the "real oppression" in Russia.

    (*) Dissident voices have zero access to the NATzO mainstream media, so this is not a boutique sideshow. This is
    core repression of free expression.

    Get fucked you bloody hypocrite trash.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:40 pm

    While we are talking about "free speech":

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:05 am

    Listen guys, Uncle Sham can penetrate/defeat Russian IAD whenever it wants, but they decided not to for whatever strange reason. clown  clown  clown

    Regarding point 1, the IADS isn't an impenetrable shield. US forces can and will penetrate it where and when needed. It raises costs, risks, and timelines but it's possible. Moreover, Henley doesn't make clear what US forces would do once the IADS is sufficiently degraded. 7/19

    They believe they can defeat IAD so self-assuredly, does that explain why they failed so miserably to expel Bashir Assad from Syria for the last ten years?!?! pwnd clown pwnd clown

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  LMFS Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:07 pm

    USAF IADS piercing plan looks similar to this I guess:

    Western propaganda - Page 23 Gnomes_plan

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:13 pm

    Hole wrote:While we are talking about "free speech":

    As I predicted. Going after the satellite receivers was the first step in establishing their Orwellian information control.

    Also, you can see the typical pattern in such control grabs. There is a chorus of "concern" about disinformation and
    meddling which is used as a pretext to engage censorship. Thick rich for meddlers and blood libel spewers to be
    "reacting" to "information threats". Gotta keep the slaves on the plantation.


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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  franco Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:01 pm

    Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal
    Max Blumenthal February 20, 2021

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:06 pm

    There needs to be another classification category for foreign media: enemy agents.     Reuters, BBC and their para-information
    stooges like Bell-end-cat are not merely foreign agents working on Russian soil, they are openly engaged in this activity as
    a war since their host countries have declared Russia to be an enemy and that sponsoring insurrection inside Russia is
    a legitimate activity.  

    Enemy agents should not get away with merely identifying as foreign agents.   Their physical presence has to be controlled.
    This means no free range blood libel "news".

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  nomadski Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:23 pm

    Propoganda needs a vehicle or platform. This used to be news agencies and Radio and later TV and sattelite TV. So one form of propaganda was countered by another, using these platforms.

    Now the platform is also Internet. With west having almost monopoly of some important world wide Internet platform, that they closely manipulate and control. Down to targeting of individuals, by recording or feeding videos to hook the unsuspecting.

    So the East needs own world wide platform on Internet. To match Facebook and YouTube. And these can be hosted in Russia and controlled. To counter the western propaganda. But also these services could soon be denied to us. So it is necessary to have own Internet media. Government funded.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:52 pm

    Russia responds to accusations of a "climate attack" on the United States

    Western propaganda - Page 23 V-rossii-otvetili-na-obvineniya-v-klimaticheskoi-atake-na-ssha-m9auqtjr-1613982661.t

    Russia responds to CIA suspicions of involvement in freezing temperatures in Texas

    Russia did not arrange abnormal frosts in the United States with the help of "climate weapons", the Council on foreign and defense policy said. Earlier it became known that against the background of severe frosts and domestic collapse in America, CIA specialists tried to find out if "hostile States" could arrange a snow storm and abnormal cold.

    Humans cannot change and control the climate, so Russia has nothing to do with abnormal frosts in the United States. This was stated by Alexander Losev, a member of the Presidium of the Council on foreign and defense policy, in response to the suspicions of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA).

    "To move billions of tons of air and ocean masses, we need more energy than all of Russia's nuclear ammunition and than all of the thermal and electrical energy generated by our power plants," he stressed.

    Losev reminded that one average hurricane has a capacity of 250 megatons of TNT equivalent.

    Earlier, the Daily Mail reported, citing Professor Alan Robock of Rutgers University in new Jersey, that the CIA was interested in whether "hostile States" can cause frosts, snowstorms and other weather disasters.

    The Russian expert added that the sharp abnormal cold snap in Russia, Europe and America this winter is due to the La niña effect. Last fall, easterly trade winds drove warm water from the coasts of Chile and Peru to Australia and Indonesia. Instead, very cold water rose from the depths of the ocean. Because of the huge "cold wedge" of water in the Pacific ocean, temperatures began to drop around the world, Losev added.

    The United States is extremely concerned about the emergency situation that has developed in Texas and a number of other States against the background of abnormal frosts-up to -18°C. Many cities were left without electricity and water, killing more than 30 people.

    This isn't the first time climate weapons have attracted media attention. In August 2020, Konstantin Sivkov, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences for information policy, doctor of military Sciences, spoke in the Military-industrial courier about the American HAARP system.

    This weapon is credited with the ability to change the climate in certain regions. The scientist said that HAARP was originally created as a missile defense system. The principle of its operation consists in powerful microwave radiation, which makes it possible to disable a warhead or aircraft located in a zone of high electromagnetic field strength.

    During testing, it was found that the emitter is able to influence the Geophysics of the planet and the weather over its large regions. According to Sivkov, this is due to the connection between the ionosphere and the troposphere.

    "There is an opportunity to influence the bowels of the planet," Sivkov said, noting that this is a serious problem, since today it is impossible to predict how and which region on Earth will be affected by HAARP if it is used.

    When forecasting methods are developed, HAARP will turn into a powerful geophysical and climatic weapon that can cause weather disasters, the expert warned.

    It is worth adding that last abnormally warm and snowless winter in the state Duma was associated with the use of American climate weapons. This assumption was made by state Duma Deputy Alexey Zhuravlev.

    "These developments are underway, although they are prohibited, but they are definitely being developed," Zhuravlev added. He also reminded the United States that if they use these weapons against Russia, they must remember that they are also using them against the whole world. "But we will suffer the most because of this," he concluded.

    Many scientists doubt the reality of climate weapons; some believe that this is a myth created to distract attention from industrial emissions and other factors that negatively affect the climate.

    Peter Nikolaev

    The shit-show won't stop lol?!?! clown clown clown clown   Also interesting fact: The think-tanks the support Bidet has proposed using Climate Change as reason to invade countries, so don't be surprised if they decide to invade Venezuela/Iran because they're hurting the 'climate' with their enormous hydrocarbon supplies.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:58 am

    So tin foil hat inanity becomes mainstream when the objective is to smear Russia.

    Next time some NATzO drone pulls the "conspiracy theory" fig leaf, I will cite this article.

    BTW, I have seen talks at conferences by US military affiliated researchers which involved the study of inverse methods
    within data assimilation to infer what sort of perturbation can shift weather evolution in a desired way. This is actually
    a rather sober scientific exercise but they did not determine any viable techniques for steering the weather. As usual
    the yanquis are showing their xenophobic paranoia and projecting their own agendas onto others.


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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:27 am

    franco wrote:Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal
    Max Blumenthal  February 20, 2021

    Makes looking through Wiki pages so much more informative... like this paragraph from the Wiki article on the Kornet ATGM...

    Reuters have found remains of used Kornet missiles in Ukraine in the context of the 2014–15 Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Since Ukraine is not a known operator of Kornet, Reuters quoted the International Institute for Strategic Studies that the missiles were most likely sent into Ukraine by Russia.[57][58][59]

    Well if Reuters says it is true that Russia is interfering in the Ukraine then it must be true because they are an independent media group with no agenda... ooops.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  flamming_python Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:54 am

    kvs wrote:So tin foil hat inanity becomes mainstream when the objective is to smear Russia.

    Always has been

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 26, 2021 7:18 pm

    Bear with me the above video is actually relevant for this thread. When one sees the intro for this TV series one is not
    triggered to say "look, it's BS". This is universal with any information that is not trivial and common knowledge. So you
    see this crap and think, nice graphics. It does not matter that this is some fantasy TV crap. Without additional context
    the brain of the average viewer cannot discern quickly, or at all, that the imagery is crap.

    Now consider complex political, scientific and economics problems and the ability of the average mass media consumer to
    properly evaluate any argument pertaining to them. When the MSM spews adulation at Navalny and claims he is the
    opposition leader in Russia and has Putin in a cold sweat, the average human will not be able to say, "hey, that's BS". If
    it sounds plausible, then it goes down nice and easy as "truth". Propaganda works because people have no context to
    correct their perceptions. And once they drink the koolaid, any counter-evidence triggers cognitive dissonance. Truly,
    the human brain is vastly overrated.

    The sad thing is that most humans just don't have the initiative for critical thinking. Instead of using the internet to validate
    the rubbish they are being fed by the fake stream media, they compartmentalize into self-affirmation, circle-jerk echo chambers.
    So we see idiocracy emerging through social media instead of information liberation and elevation of people's understanding.

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:03 pm

    A top state pseudo-"historian" who was hired by the government of EU/NATO member Poland to rewrite the history of World War II to turn the Soviet Union into the villains was exposed to be... you guessed it, a Nazi.

    Yet another example of NATO-backed Nazis.

    Tomasz Greniuch
    Western propaganda - Page 23 Hitler-salute

    Western propaganda - Page 23 Z26816661Q,Tomasz-Greniuch

    Polish historian resigns state position over 2007 photos of him performing Nazi salute

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    Western propaganda - Page 23 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:56 am

    But you can bet your ass his revisions become cannon and are not changed at all...

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