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    Talking bollocks thread #3


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:42 am

    The problem is that western propaganda is very strong...

    You killed half of your own population, it was definitely last laugh for quite a few folks, RIP

    The Germans killed more than Stalin ever came close to... it is the attempt to equate Nazism with Communism that creates the need to distort the truth.

    The west has exterminated most of the native cultures on the planet but that is ignored.

    I am proud to say I am a socialist too... communism didn't work, but then with better management it might end up the best system of all.

    Capitalism isn't working either... voting for the most popular candidate has become a farce made even more so by the fact that the rich are bribing both political parties to get laws that help them maintain their monopolies and increase their profits, and pay their workers less until they can't pay them any less and have to move production to the third world

    Consumerism is bubble and burst bubble and burst, with most governments getting into debt, which means they are controlled by the countries who lend money... which of course leads to small countries betraying their own people and opening them up to exploitation by the rich... which previously meant the west.

    The problem for the west is that China has realised what the game is and is now playing too and Russia will do the same, but China and Russia don't have the history of being total bastards like the west has... the west had no competition so they were total censored most of the time... but now there is competition... competition from countries that are often offering a better product for a much better price and with no strings attached except the fact that the west will become hostile if you buy their products. All China and Russia and anyone else who wants to play needs to be able to do is replace the west.

    Iran was isolated by the west so China saw the opportunity to buy their oil products and likely sell all sorts of stuff, and make all sorts of deals... it will help Iran but also make money for China and secure resources for China at a rate they wouldn't get with any other customer. They aren't screwing Iran... they are actually helping them.

    The great white west PD thinks is so damn wonderful spends a lot of time destroying countries... usually because they are getting in the way of American companies making money.

    Very simply what I believe is that there needs to be a balance... certain things can't be left to "big business" to control and run... most of the time they really don't have the customers interests at heart, and just want to create a monopoly for themselves and once they got that they will screw the customers for every penny they can because there are no alternatives left.

    You might suggest that is where capitalism shines because when private companies are charging too much then it is an opportunity for another company to come in and offer a better deal... saving the consumers money and being a real hero.... the problem is that those big companies will recognise the threat and will buy out the little company, or just squash them like a bug...

    Police forces, Prisons, Schools, Healthcare, all need to be publicly funded and publicly run because they are in the public interest.

    Everybody pays tax to contribute to roads and bridges... why wouldn't you pay for healthcare and education too?

    The US has the most expensive healthcare in the world which makes it inaccessable for a sizeable proportion of the population, but they will spend three quarters of a trillion dollars on "defence".

    More importantly most people don't give a shit about politics except stuff that directly effects them.

    Those black lives matters protesters don't care about the ozone layer, they have one problem they are focussed on and don't care about anything else.

    Here in New Zealand on our 10 dollar note we have a lady called Kate Sheppard... she was a suffragette... she wanted voting for women. Learned about her in school. Thought she was a hero. Turns out she wanted voting rights for women at a time when working people didn't get a vote... only male land owner got the vote at that time so she was demanding the vote for all women at a time when most people didn't get a vote anyway.

    I would have had more respect for her if she was demanding the vote for all adults over 18 years of age...

    The point is that western democracy doesn't work at all either... soviet communism could have worked... the way chinese communism is working, but not while trying to fight off the entire western world and her colonies.

    WW2 happened because Germans were given an open playing field, this would not have happened had commies not surrendered WW1

    World War 2 happened because Britain and France and the US decided to blame WWI squarely on the shoulders of Germany, and basically whipped and pilloried Germany for the next 40 years... even today WWII was a war against the German bad guys.

    Britain and France and the US are not trying to equate Nazism and Communism so they can blame Russia for everything.... which is weird because the west was happy to jump into bed with Stalin to get his help against Hitler and said lots of nice things about the Soviets at the time, but then they jumped straight in to bed with Nazi west germany and imperial japan when that war ended...

    If they don't have an enemy then they will realise how many problems they have of their own that need fixing...

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:05 pm

    GarryB wrote:The problem is that western propaganda is very strong...

    You killed half of your own population, it was definitely last laugh for quite a few folks, RIP

    The Germans killed more than Stalin ever came close to...

    Problem is that Western education system is not quite strong, history doesn't begin and end with Stalin


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:46 pm

    The west murders their enemies every day.... there are thousands of people in Africa and central and south America who want for their countries what the west currently enjoys and when they stick their heads up to make a change the CIA or the French or the British or the Belgians cut them off... the third world remaining poor is not an accident... the purpose of the three worlds is to make us distinct from our enemies... the second world, and where we feed... the third world.

    Ironically the third world contains some of the worlds greatest civilisations...

    Problem is that Western education system is not quite strong, history doesn't begin and end with Stalin

    You are quoting wiki at me? Have you seen the wiki pages on the conflicts in your neck of the woods?

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:20 pm

    GarryB wrote:...You are quoting wiki at me? Have you seen the wiki pages on the conflicts in your neck of the woods?

    Did my neck of the woods somehow retroactively alter the bodycount of Russian Civil War?


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:36 pm

    Do you think wiki is only accurate when talking about communist crimes, but its patchy nature in every other regard can be ignored?

    Isn't it funny that the article about the Crimea and what happened in 2014 is essentially presented as a war crime....

    In February 2014, following the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that ousted the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, Russia annexed Crimea after a military intervention by pro-Russian separatists and Russian Armed Forces.[7] A controversial Crimea-wide referendum, unconstitutional under the Ukrainian and Crimean constitutions,[8][9][10] was held on the issue of reunification with Russia; its official results showed majority support for reunification, however, the vote was boycotted by many loyal to Ukraine[11][12] and declared illegitimate by Western governments and the United Nations. Russia formally annexed Crimea on 18 March 2014, incorporating the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol as the 84th and 85th federal subjects of Russia.[13]

    Those poor innocent Ukrainians who just want to be left in peace by those evil violent bloodthirsty Russians...

    Yet the people of Diego Garcia seem to have no rights at all.. forced into labour from the age of 12, the people of that island were forced to work on farms... pensioners and the disabled were allowed to stay in return for light labour duties... well aren't their British and American overlords too soft on them?

    Have a read of its history, but then at least they escaped having their islands nuked like the people of the Marshall Islands...

    So according to Wiki... Russia bad and UK and US good... how about not using wiki as evidence of anything other than proof wiki is controlled by the west and promotes their narratives..

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:13 pm

    I do not trust any of the modern self-anointed communists. They are all neoliberal sock puppets serving interests of capitalist oligarch swine.
    This includes the current Russian Communist Party which thanks to the rotten leadership of Zyuganov has become infiltrated by posers.
    Rather like in the case of Lukashenko's Belorus. Belorus is on its way to becoming another Ukraine with full bore infiltration of western
    political agents at all levels including the mass media and government. Like Zyuganov, Lukashenko is a worthless red director who
    is a narcissistic pinhead easy to manipulate by western interests.

    The same pattern applies in the west. All the current Antifa and BLM "revolution" is funded by big business and the likes of Soros. How can
    anyone call these stooges leftists? They also believe in all the PC brain rot known as identity politics and "white lives don't matter" and have
    no link to the roots of leftism which is about workers' rights and other progressive ideas. Promotion of pedophilia as normal and lobbying
    for the age of consent to be reduced to less than 10 years of age is not leftism. It is sodomite degeneracy.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:50 am

    We have the same problem here in New Zealand... we used to have a left socialist party called Labour that was supposed to be for the people and a right leaning party called National for the rich and the land owners... the latter mostly farmers who were in debt to the banks most of the time, but still right wing... ie hand outs go to the rich and the trickle down will mean if the poor are good and work hard they might get some, if they are lazy they wont get any.

    Of course people don't choose to be poor, most people are stuck with the jobs they have because they can see no alternatives other than getting a second or third job to get ahead...

    These days both Labour and National essentially differ on a few minor issues but are basically the same... it really makes no difference as to which is in power.

    These days in the western world I find myself voting against certain parties rather than for one I think I would like... a serious failure of democracy right there.

    If leadership of a country is to work it needs to be for more than two terms... we have no term limits here in New Zealand, but eventually the opposition convinces voters it is time to get rid of the boring old incumbent if they have been there for a while... which is more than ironic because normally you will vote for someone because you have heard from them regularly doing their job for the term, while the opposition candidate only pops up when something goes wrong to say their party would do it differently and why is this government so bad. Occasionally you get the voting out of a good leader because New Zealand needs a change... and the replacement ends up being a dick head with no experience.

    The sad thing is that to be a politician all you need are good people skills and a bit of common sense... and of course no spine or integrity.... both of which will block you from any powerful position in any political party you do not start yourself.

    Promotion of pedophilia

    Sadly I have seen articles in the west about how a compulsion to see children as potential mates is a natural thing taken too far and that most males want younger females because they will be able to bear them more children.

    Of course for many pedos it has nothing to do with reproductive urges and is actually more about power and control. Quite often these sickos also attack elderly women because they are easier to control and are less likely to fight back, but often turn to children victims eventually because they can "keep" them longer.

    That international case about that UK couple who left their kid Madeline in a rented house while they went out for a meal and she disappeared seems to be focussing on a german guy who previously attacked and killed an elderly woman... in 10 years time that might not be a crime... he is just sick and needs help... Rolling Eyes


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:09 am

    Flaming Python,

    Papa Dragon is right about WW I....most of the fighting was outside of Russian borders unlike WW2

    And to win WW II, the commies had to bring back the church, reinstate old heroes like Nevski, Suvorov, Bagration to inspire the people.

    That's because Marxism has no "soul"'re suppose to destroy all links to everything you were before and start out fresh with new artificial values.

    A society that cuts it's links to it's ancestors and traditions is doomed to fall apart sooner or later...

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Regular Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:44 am

    Brusilov offensive really showed that Russia was no slouch and to say that without Soviet Union it would have crumbled is overstatement.

    I am not sure if Tsar would have survived in power in a long run. It was already tried to have stronger government and it was question of time when he would loose the grips and become like rest of European/Asian monarchs. Industrialisation was global as well, it happened in other countries regards political systems they had.. almost like printing press it spread throughout the continents. Japan is great example.. from peasants to industrialists in a day.. Russia had many bright minds and innovation was welcomed so I see no reason why it would have stagnated, weren't Russia growing power back then anyway? Imagine Sikorsky, Ipatyev, Ponyatov, Prigozhin, Seversky, Yurkevitch still in Russia? USA wouldn't have helicopters, bombers, naval technology that they got for free from Russians. Not to mention chemists, physicists, engineers. Artists could have fucked off to US for all I care, but Russia lost loads of bright minds and some of them supported revolution, but became it's enemies too.

    No matter how imperfect Russian government is today, but if something like this existed after Tsar would have relegated his powers, then it would be more flexible to either influence Nazis to in Germany to either act in their favour or support different groups. Stalin did absolutely shittiest thing by betraying KPD and leaving Germany to it's devices. He was a political retard compared to Putin.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:55 pm

    Antifa are full bore sodomite degenerates.


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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:04 pm

    Regular wrote:Brusilov offensive really showed that Russia was no slouch and to say that without Soviet Union it would have crumbled is overstatement.

    I am not sure if Tsar would have survived in power in a long run. It was already tried to have stronger government and it was question of time when he would loose the grips and become like rest of European/Asian monarchs. Industrialisation was global as well, it happened in other countries regards political systems they had.. almost like printing press it spread throughout the continents. Japan is great example.. from peasants to industrialists in a day.. Russia had many bright minds and innovation was welcomed so I see no reason why it would have stagnated, weren't Russia growing power back then anyway? Imagine Sikorsky, Ipatyev, Ponyatov, Prigozhin, Seversky, Yurkevitch still in Russia? USA wouldn't have helicopters, bombers, naval technology that they got for free from Russians. Not to mention chemists, physicists, engineers. Artists could have fucked off to US for all I care, but Russia lost loads of bright minds and some of them supported revolution, but became it's enemies too.

    No matter how imperfect Russian government is today, but if something like this existed after Tsar would have relegated his powers, then it would be more flexible to either influence Nazis to in Germany to either act in their favour or support different groups. Stalin did absolutely shittiest thing by betraying KPD and leaving Germany to it's devices. He was a political retard compared to Putin.

    Claims about the failure of Russia during WWI are propaganda. It was actually holding out against the Germans. It is only thanks to the
    treachery of Trotsky and the Bolshies that it surrendered territory. The Bolshies served their purpose since they were installed in a regime
    change operation organized by Germany, UK and USA. They also gave the western meddlers a pretext to invade Russia and set up
    concentration camps for civilians. But the west lost control over its stooges after 1925. That is why Stalin is demonized so much. He
    made Russia (USSR) great again and made sure it survived WWII. If Trotsky and similar were in power, there would be no Russia today.

    As for the level of perfection of the Russian government and political system, one has to find examples on the planet of anything better.
    In Russia, the problems are not ignored and hidden as much as in the west. Most of the "Russia failing" drivel is pure propaganda bought
    and paid for by western powers. I really cannot think of any country that has a superior governance state and that includes Switzerland.
    The only difference is the material affluence level and small countries that have not been rolled over by war fronts can be better off. But
    Russia is catching up and fast.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:13 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Antifa are full bore sodomite degenerates.

    That guy seems to be speaking in some godless heathen tongue that no beast nor man can understand... lol1


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    Post  Regular Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:54 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    Antifa are full bore sodomite degenerates.  

    That guy seems to be speaking in some godless heathen tongue that no beast nor man can understand... lol1

    Cork is even worse.. My friends who have better English than me struggle to communicate with Southern Irish. Funny thing, immigrant youth there speak in British drill/gangsta accent.. oi bruv instead of top of the morning to ye

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    Post  Regular Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:10 am

    kvs wrote:

    Claims about the failure of Russia during WWI are propaganda.   It was actually holding out against the Germans.    It is only thanks to the
    treachery of Trotsky and the Bolshies that it surrendered territory.    The Bolshies served their purpose since they were installed in a regime
    change operation organized by Germany, UK and USA.    They also gave the western meddlers a pretext to invade Russia and set up
    concentration camps for civilians.    But the west lost control over its stooges after 1925.   That is why Stalin is demonized so much.   He
    made Russia (USSR) great again and made sure it survived WWII.    If Trotsky and similar were in power, there would be no Russia today.

    As for the level of perfection of the Russian government and political system, one has to find examples on the planet of anything better.
    In Russia, the problems are not ignored and hidden as much as in the west.   Most of the "Russia failing" drivel is pure propaganda bought
    and paid for by western powers.    I really cannot think of any country that has a superior governance state and that includes Switzerland.
    The only difference is the material affluence level and small countries that have not been rolled over by war fronts can be better off.   But
    Russia is catching up and fast.

    Russia is catching up fast because west is falling apart. Russia can do nothing and they will surpass west in this decade alone. Such is reality and west can't escape it.

    But I still think Russian government needs to be open to criticism, but not from 5th column. They love to pretend they own a monopoly of criticism, but most of the time it's irrational and doesn't address the issue. Their crying drowns legitimate people and they hijack and then diverge.
    Navalny- we need to stop the corruption in remote regions.. Ok, how, what do you propose to fight systematic corruption in semi-independent region? Silence... We also need to have gay rights!

    Government in the end has to serve the people and answer to them. Russians have a voice these days, shit like in 90s doesn't fly anymore. Look how fast Russian gov backtracked from tracking people with QR codes, liberals didn't even have to pitch in.

    Russian government could improve couple things(up to debate, my personal opinion):

    Tighter control over regions. I personally think there's too much freedom, Corona showed how disfuncional some of the local governments are and it would be better to have them under the foot. Make them answer more and have less freedom with funds if they can't deal with them in a first place.

    Enforce common infrastructure/housing plans. They need to stop these real property cowboys who build apartment blocks in the middle of fields, there's simply no control, just pure capitalist greed and insane speed without thinking of implications like traffic, ecology, education, medical facilities and etc. I think that these building companies are making a fortune out of it and that's the only thing they care. They somehow navigate through legalities and manage to build absolute shite and charge a fortune. Very little controls in place. Communists used to plan Mikrorayons so well, why not use same system of planning, but with modern housing?

    Education system - I know that this virus messed up plans and probably halted all reforms for very long time. I think education, teacher wages and school activity programs are much more important than pensions. Russia shouldn't follow western example and go with their own. Promote patriotism, traditional values and love for Russia and your people instead of LGBT like in west. Make colleges and technical schools great again. Too many people with uni degrees only invites cheap labour and emigration. People with college or prof school education stay in a country and do their job well.

    Why liberals cry about gayrights and are silent about any of this?


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    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:12 pm

    I read very recently that of the 70 odd countries where being gay is illegal... which does not include Russia by the way... 13 have the death penalty for acts of gay love... where is the western hate and outrage for them?

    Which is why I know all this BS about the new Russian constitution is anti Russia and has nothing to do with the details of what it is about.

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    Post  Regular Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:03 pm

    GarryB wrote:I read very recently that of the 70 odd countries where being gay is illegal... which does not include Russia by the way... 13 have the death penalty for acts of gay love... where is the western hate and outrage for them?

    Which is why I know all this BS about the new Russian constitution is anti Russia and has nothing to do with the details of what it is about.

    I personally think there shouldn't be death penalty, but Soviet Union had article 121 that either jailed or cured them. I am not sure why Russia removed this from their criminal code???

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:25 pm

    I agree that there should be pluralistic debate in Russia and that no appartchick should be above the law. The tone of my posts
    is so bent against the west since we are dealing with western anti-Russian propaganda spew and a never ending cold war to destroy
    Russia. Much of the rabid criticism of Russia today comes from paid partisans and not common citizens.

    But even if the Russian government has failings, they are vastly less severe than for most of its history. Russians are living in
    the best period in their history. This is something that is systematically ignored both outside and inside Russia. The standards
    used to judge the state of Russia are subject to never ending moving of the goal posts.

    So I fix the metrics I use to evaluate life in Russia. Then I proceed from there.

    BTW, there have been arrests of high level regional officials for organized crime and corruption. So at least there is an effort
    to improve things. Some Yeltsin-like clown would just hide the rot.

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:10 am

    Regular wrote:Brusilov offensive really showed that Russia was no slouch and to say that without Soviet Union it would have crumbled is overstatement.

    I am not sure if Tsar would have survived in power in a long run. It was already tried to have stronger government and it was question of time when he would loose the grips and become like rest of European/Asian monarchs. Industrialisation was global as well, it happened in other countries regards political systems they had.. almost like printing press it spread throughout the continents. Japan is great example.. from peasants to industrialists in a day.. Russia had many bright minds and innovation was welcomed so I see no reason why it would have stagnated, weren't Russia growing power back then anyway? Imagine Sikorsky, Ipatyev, Ponyatov, Prigozhin, Seversky, Yurkevitch still in Russia? USA wouldn't have helicopters, bombers, naval technology that they got for free from Russians. Not to mention chemists, physicists, engineers. Artists could have fucked off to US for all I care, but Russia lost loads of bright minds and some of them supported revolution, but became it's enemies too.

    No matter how imperfect Russian government is today, but if something like this existed after Tsar would have relegated his powers, then it would be more flexible to either influence Nazis to in Germany to either act in their favour or support different groups. Stalin did absolutely shittiest thing by betraying KPD and leaving Germany to it's devices. He was a political retard compared to Putin.

    Czarist Russia simply crumbled in the end.

    Look at the vast resources the Russian Empire had at its disposal with manpower and land, and during the First World War the Central Powers defeated it. Even before that the Russian Empire lost to Japan. The Bolsheviks simply removed an already defeated and discredited regime from power.

    Even Brusilov himself ended up joining the Bolsheviks, despite being an aristocrat.

    For a so-called "failed" state the Soviet Union had some amazing achievements, including in the space exploration:

    And the list provided in the link above is clearly incomplete, as it does not include the first woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova) and the first animal in space (Laika).

    Czarist Russia would have never achieved that.

    I am not even going into the vast nuclear arsenal the Soviet Union produced, and the immense influence it had in the world, of which the Czarist Russia could only dream of.



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    Post  Cyberspec Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:30 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:Czarist Russia simply crumbled in the end....

    Another deluded Sovok...

    Read here how the CPSU *gave away* for FREE their empire not that long ago

    Chancellor Kohl Was Surprised: How Much Gorbachev Took for NATO Expansion

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    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:02 am

    Looks Like Japans is going in an odd direction.

    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:21 pm

    Does anyone know how to make Youtube comments visible again?

    I had written a single comment which was apparently flagged as spam and now when I write a comment, it is not visible. It is only visible when I'm logged in.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:33 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Does anyone know how to make Youtube comments visible again?

    I had written a single comment which was apparently flagged as spam and now when I write a comment, it is not visible. It is only visible when I'm logged in.

    They shadowban anyone who views material they disagree with. Youtube is in full censorship mode since 2017.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:21 pm

    I never use my account to view anything. I could write normal comments but once a wrote a joke comment using a meme from Chernobyl in an unrelated video. I think after that I was shadowbanned (?)

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:19 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I never use my account to view anything. I could write normal comments but once a wrote a joke comment using a meme from Chernobyl in an unrelated video. I think after that I was shadowbanned (?)

    They done you a favor, YouTube comment sections are cesspool and a waste of time

    And their new layout is trash resource hog, worst web design since Tumblr


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  flamming_python Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:01 am

    Isos wrote:Russian made vehicle for Tor M2 which will replace Belorussian made one.

    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 12 Egbwkj10

    Just in time, it seems

    Putin should let Luka go to be devoured by his own people. Belarus is not critical, and attempts to do something there will just spread pro-liberal uprising to Russia faster than it would come anyway.

    As it is, there's still time for Putin and the clan to start to make their way the fk out of power and allow opposition parties to assume some responsibilities legally

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