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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread


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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:17 pm

    George1 wrote:
    franco wrote:

    To what extent are you looking for in regards to ORBAT?

    thanks friend! to Divisions / Brigades level

    The Troops of the Interior Divisions are being changed to Brigades so there is not much difference in sizes or organizations, in fact some Brigades are larger then Divisions. Have read that this change over has been completed in all Regions except the Central. The Divisions and Brigades other then the mobile ON ones are really just Regional Command and Support organizations for the various regiments and battalions scattered throughout their Area of Responsibility.

    Central Region - Moscow

    1st ON division - Balashikha (under national command as reaction force. Includes 3 full regiments of ON and 1 regiment size SN unit)
    12th VV division - Tula (mostly SM and SN units outside of the Moscow Oblast, may include a couple of VG units also)
    21st ON brigade - Sofrino (mobile ON brigade)
    55th VV division - Moscow (SM and SN units in Moscow and Moscow Oblast, may also command the SM units north of the Oblast)
    95th VV division - Moscow (commands most of the VG units in the Region)  

    NorthWest Region - St Petersburg

    33rd ON brigade - Lomonosov (mobile ON brigade)
    63rd VV brigade - St Petersburg (commands VG units in region)
    110th VV brigade - St Petersburg (commands SM and SN units in region)

    Southern Region - Rostov Don

    22nd ON brigade - Kalach-na-Don (mobile ON brigade)
    46th ON brigade - Groznyy (commands ON,SN and SM units in Chechnya)
    47th ON brigade - Krasnodar (commands ON,SN and SM units in Krasnodar / Adygeya regions)
    49th ON brigade - Vladikavkaz (commands ON and SM units in North Ossetia, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria regions)
    50th ON brigade - Novocherkassk (commands SM, VG and SN units in Rostov and Volgagrad regions)
    56th ON brigade - Pyatigorsk (commands ON, SN and SM units in Stavropol and Karachai- Cherkess regions)
    102nd ON brigade - Makhackala (commands ON and SM units in Dagestan, Kalmykia and Astrakhan regions)

    112th ON brigade - Simferopol (commands ON, SN and SM units in Crimea)

    Volga Region - Nizhny Novogorod

    34th ON brigade - Shumilovo (mobile ON brigade)
    35th VV brigade - Samara (commands SM, VG and SN units in the southern regions)
    79th VV brigade - Kirov (commands SM, VG and SN units in the northeast regions)
    94th VV division - Sarov (commands SM and VG units in the northwest regions)

    Ural Region - Ekaterinburg

    93rd VV division - Ozersk (commands SM, VG and SN units in Chelyabinsk region)
    96th VV division - Kalinovka (commands SM, VG and SN units in Sverdlovsk region)

    Siberian Region - Novosibirsk

    42nd VV brigade - Angarsk (commands ON, SM and VG units in the eastern regions)
    82nd VV brigade - Barnual (commands ON, SN, SM and VG units in the southwestern regions)
    91st VV brigade - Krasnoyarsk (commands VG and SM units in the central regions)
    98th VV division - Seversk (commands VG, SM and SN units in the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions)

    Far Eastern Region - Kharbarovsk

    107th VV brigade - Vladivostok (commands SM units in Primorski)
    111th VV brigade - Kharbarovsk (commands SM, VG and SN units north of Primorski region)

    - 46th brigade has 2 units of Chechen volunteers which apparently have been seconded to the Chechen MVD, which also have 5 units (regiment size) of VV type paramilitary forces
    - 56th brigade was the 48th brigade and then the 98th regiment. Was rumored to be merged with both the 49th and 47th brigades. Not sure of present status.

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    Post  George1 Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:01 pm

    Armored vehicle "Ural-BB" in the Russian Interior Ministry in the Crimea

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    Is this a new MRAP Vechile?

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  TR1 Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:31 am

    Yes, a cheap one.

    Info here.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  TheArmenian Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:16 am

    After completing tests, BULAT is approved by MVD

    Hopefully we will se orders.
    I think TR1 will be pleased as he has a soft spot for the modern day BTR-152 Smile

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  TR1 Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:08 pm

    Ugh. I hate both that thing and the Vystrel it came from.

    Oh well, the MVD was never exactly trend-setting when it came to their equipment.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  Werewolf Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:12 pm

    TR1 wrote:Ugh. I hate both that thing and the Vystrel it came from.

    Oh well, the MVD was never exactly trend-setting when it came to their equipment.

    The Ansyr they have is sexy.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:12 pm

    I'm not going to lie, it looks like the 'station wagon' of lightly armored vehciles. BTW doesn't 'BULAT' sound similar to a Russian curse word?

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    Post  Regular Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:41 pm

    Well it's better than Vystrel anyway.

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    Post  George1 Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:14 am

    Russian Interior Ministry Τroops in the Crimea

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:43 am

    George1 wrote:Russian Interior Ministry Τroops in the Crimea

    So 4 SM, 1 SN and 1 ON sub-units. Seems to be slightly different unit make up then under Ukrainian but not by much. There are 6 units in both.

    PS; like that pretty blond standing in the center Very Happy

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    Post  George1 Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:33 am

    BTR-82 armored vehicles for the Russian Interior Ministry Troops

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  cracker Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:07 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:I'm not going to lie, it looks like the 'station wagon' of lightly armored vehciles. BTW doesn't 'BULAT' sound similar to a Russian curse word?

    булат is basically damascus steel. Commonly used in military names recently... as the T-64BM bulat.

    nothing to do with блять, blyat, basically, damn, fuck, etc...

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    Post  George1 Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:35 pm

    Russian interior troops exercise begins in 6 federal districts, including Crimea

    The exercise is aimed at drilling the use of troops in case of aggravation of the situation in Russian regions to cope with new threats to the state’s internal security, spokesman for the troops says

    MOSCOW, April 2. /TASS/. Large-scale strategic exercise of Russia’s Interior Troops codenamed Zaslon-2015 has been launched in 6 federal districts, including Crimea, spokesman for the troops Vasily Panchenkov told TASS on Thursday.

    He said that the exercise is conducted in the period from April 2 to 10 under the command of First Deputy Interior Minister — Commander of Interior Troops Colonel General Viktor Zolotov.

    "The exercise is aimed at drilling the use of troops (forces) in case of aggravation of the situation in Russian regions to cope with new threats to the state’s internal security that is in line with the federal law on interior troops," he said.

    According to the spokesman, the strategic exercise is underway in the North-Western, Central, Volga, North Caucasus, Southern and Crimean Federal Districts. The manoeuvres involve some 40,000 troops and about 1,500 military and special equipment units.

    He said that the interior troops have a number of tasks under the law, including participation in joint operations with the police in ensuring public law and order, combating terrorism, guarding of important state facilities and special cargoes and participation in the Russian territorial defence.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:19 pm

    George1 wrote:Spetnaz MVD (called OSNAZ by the MVD) includes 25 Internal Troops units, which are of good quality and intended for use to combat insurgency, border security and for counter-terrorism purposes. These units usually have a unique name and official OSN number.
    They are very well-trained and equipped, being far superior to the regular Russian infantry. Their missions may include reconnaissance missions and regular combat operations (mostly house-to-house close quarters battle assaults). They (especially "Vityaz") have sometimes served as the back-up team during the counter-terrorist operations by team "Alpha", much like how United States Army Rangers work with 1st SFOD-D (a.k.a. "Delta Force").

    Today the current spetsnaz formations under the internal troops are as follows:

       604 TsSN, VV, Vityaz, Balashikha
       7 OSN, VV, Rosich, Kadamovsky
       12 OSN, VV, Ural, Nizhny Tagil
       15 OSN, VV, Vyatich, Armavir
       17 OSN, VV, Edelweiss, Mineralny Vody
       19 OSN, VV, Ermak, Novosibirsk
       21 OSN, VV, Taiphoon, Khabarovsk
       23 OSN, VV, Mechel, Chelyabinsk
       25 OSN, VV, Mercury, Smolensk
       26 OSN, VV, Kazan
       27 OSN, VV, Kuzbass, Kemerovo
       28 OSN, VV, Arkhangelsk.
       29 OSN, VV, Ufa
       33 OSN, VV, Peresvet, Moscow
       34 OSN, VV, Grozny

    Believe there is also the 30th OSN in Stavropol and now the 35th OSN in Crimea.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:15 am

    George1 wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    MVD is the Russian ministry of internal affairs, so their special purpose troops will have missions like dealing with terrorists inside Russian territory. They would deal with things like hostage situations like Beslan.

    There is also the SOBR for counter-terrorism operations

    SOBR would be the equivalent of Police SWAT forces.

    OMON are the equivalent of reaction, riot or combat police in Germany, South Korea, Japan etc.

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    Post  George1 Tue May 26, 2015 1:09 pm

    Russian Spetsnaz: Are You Tough Enough?

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:58 pm

    Updated 2015 authorized manpower totals for the MVD;
    - 835,825 uniformed
    - 167,347 civilians

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    Post  George1 Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:01 pm

    franco wrote:Updated 2015 authorized manpower totals for the MVD;
    - 835,825 uniformed
    - 167,347 civilians

    Internal Troops soldiers are civil servants or servicemen?

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:15 pm

    George1 wrote:
    franco wrote:Updated 2015 authorized manpower totals for the MVD;
    - 835,825 uniformed
    - 167,347 civilians

    Internal Troops soldiers are civil servants or servicemen?

    Uniformed or serviceman along with police, FGUP, traffic control, FMS, etc. Would expect the Civil Servants to mainly be at National HQ.

    The last breakdown I had was;
    - 462,700 MVD
    - 186,300 VV
    - 270,000 FGUP
    - 174,400 civilians
    = 1,106,472 total

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:02 am

    George1 wrote:
    franco wrote:Updated 2015 authorized manpower totals for the MVD;
    - 835,825 uniformed
    - 167,347 civilians

    Internal Troops soldiers are civil servants or servicemen?

    They are police, not counted as part of the military AFAIK.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:34 am

    franco wrote:
    George1 wrote:
    franco wrote:Updated 2015 authorized manpower totals for the MVD;
    - 835,825 uniformed
    - 167,347 civilians

    Internal Troops soldiers are civil servants or servicemen?

    Uniformed or serviceman along with police, FGUP, traffic control, FMS, etc. Would expect the Civil Servants to mainly be at National HQ.

    The last breakdown I had was;
    - 462,700 MVD
    - 186,300 VV
    - 270,000 FGUP
    - 174,400 civilians
    = 1,106,472 total

    MVD would be police.
    VV are Troops of the Interior
    FGUP are private security run by the MVD protecting businesses and government operations alike. Probably most of the reductions would be from this group.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  sepheronx Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:34 am

    franco wrote:
    franco wrote:
    George1 wrote:
    franco wrote:Updated 2015 authorized manpower totals for the MVD;
    - 835,825 uniformed
    - 167,347 civilians

    Internal Troops soldiers are civil servants or servicemen?

    Uniformed or serviceman along with police, FGUP, traffic control, FMS, etc. Would expect the Civil Servants to mainly be at National HQ.

    The last breakdown I had was;
    - 462,700 MVD
    - 186,300 VV
    - 270,000 FGUP
    - 174,400 civilians
    = 1,106,472 total

    MVD would be police.
    VV are Troops of the Interior
    FGUP are private security run by the MVD protecting businesses and government operations alike. Probably most of the reductions would be from this group.

    Apparently, they are actually profitable as well, one of the few.  So cutting their budget down is considered a stupid move.  But the proposed 10% cuts is said to be mainly management and upper echelon:

    But yes, there is talk overall.  The 10% will be spread out so the damages are minimal or almost none existent. Apparently, Russia in 2013 was the country in #1 spot for most cops per 100,000 citizens in the world.

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    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  franco Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:18 pm

    An article on the latest MVD planned reductions. Appears the private security division will take the biggest hit;

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    Post  George1 Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:14 pm

    5 new innovations designed for Russia’s security forces

    Oct. 20-23 saw the 19th Interpolitech international exhibition of state security equipment, organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Security Service and the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation. The combat capabilities of state-of-the-art arms and equipment were also demonstrated at the range in the town of Krasnoarmeisk near Moscow. RBTH has chosen a selection of the most interesting innovations from the exhibition.

    1. The Vykhlop silent ‘exhaust’: a large-caliber sniper rifle

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    The 12.7-mm VKS anti-materiel sniper rifle, also known as the Vykhlop ("exhaust"), strikes different targets at a distance up to 650 yards (600 meters). Due to its large caliber, the weapon can penetrate even heavy body armor and soft-skinned vehicles.

    2. BS-103: an unmanned aircraft with vertical takeoff

    Meanwhile, the company Unmanned Systems showed off its vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drone BS-103.

    The drone has two flight modes: "airplane" (horizontal) mode and hover mode (similarly to a quadcopter). This means launching such a drone requires neither a catapult nor tossing into the air by hand.

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    The UAV (umanned aerial vehicle) is equipped with five brushless motors. In the hover, vertical takeoff and landing modes, four engines with vertical thrust operate, while a fifth, sustainer motor with a horizontal thrust also runs in horizontal flight. The drone can also be equipped with internal combustion engines, which significantly increases the time and distance of flight.

    As the BS-103's developer Sergei Alexandrov told RBTH, the drone can be used by oil and gas companies for monitoring oil and gas pipelines, by border guards for protecting and monitoring areas as well as by logistics companies to deliver small loads.

    3. Engineer: a menace to terrorists

    Visitors to Interpolitech 2015 were also shown a number of different dual-purpose robot systems; incidentally, the robot called Engineer was shown in action right in the exhibition hall.

    Produced by the company Servosila, Engineer is a small, all-weather robot for use both in civil applications (for cleaning up after technological disasters) and by the military, for example, to fight against terrorism or in urban combat.

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    Engineer can be sent to remote places; it is suitable both for complex terrain and urban environment. Due to its caterpillars, it easily overcomes obstacles such as sidewalks and even ladders.

    The robot, which looks like a miniature tank without a turret, has an arm-like manipulator and is equipped with a laser scanner, a stereo vision system, odometry sensors and a video camera, which it can raise to a height of 4.25 feet (130 cm), which increases its vision range.

    Due to its devices, the machine can not only send three-dimensional data to the operator, but also build digital maps of its route and move independently, if contact with the operator is lost for some reason.

    4. Field office: laptops for the military

    In its Interpolitech booth space, the Russian company TS demonstrated its toughened computer equipment.

    The laptops and tablets were poured with water and strewn with sand as well as beaten with hammers, but the equipment continued to work.

    According to the developers, the computers are designed for use in extreme conditions, such as in the Arctic, in the desert, on the deck of a ship in a storm, and so on. The equipment works at temperatures from -58 to +131 Fahrenheit (-50 to +55 degrees Celsius), in the pouring rain, and even in a sandstorm.

    5. New personnel carriers for police

    The automobile plant Ural displayed the new Ural VV three-axle all-terrain vehicle, created specifically for Interior Ministry troops.

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    Designed to transport personnel, the vehicle has a certain degree of protection from shrapnel, small-arms bullets and various kinds of improvised explosive devices and mines.

    If necessary, the crew can lock itself in and deliver fire from loopholes, as well as from two upper compartments.

    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread

    Post  Guest Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:00 pm

    "The Ural-VV armored combat vehicle has entered service with the Internal Force of the Russian Ministry of the Interior, a source in defense industry told journalists on Thursday. "The Ural-VV vehicle has entered the Internal Force’s inventory. The beginning of its delivery is due in 2016," the source said. He added that the decision to adopt the Ural-VV for use had been made following the type’s successful tests involving preproduction vehicles. The early Ural-VVs are reported to have been provided to the Internal Force as far back as 2014.

    Rosgvardia (National Guard of Russia) Thread - Page 2 Russian_Internal_Force_to_receive_Ural_VV_armored_combat_vehicle_troop_carrier_640_001

    The Ural-VV armored combat vehicle is designed for the Internal Force of the Russian Ministry of the Interior as troop carrier. It offers enhanced protection of its occupants, cargo and key units from small-arms fire and landmines. The vehicle is a derivative of the popular Ural-4320 6x6 truck. It has a total weight of 17,300 kg and carries cargo weighing up to 3,000 kg. The vehicle can tow an 11,500-kg trailer. Its maximum speed stands at 90 km/h and its crew is 17 troops, the driver included. The perimeter and roof of its armored module have Class 5 protection, its transparency and frontal side Class 6 protection and its engine compartment Class 3 protection. The vehicle’s bottom protects from the blast of 2 kg of high explosives."


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