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Hannibal Barca
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    Cypriot National Guard: News


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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:27 pm

    Israel eyes Cyprus for military air base

    ISRAEL will ask the Cyprus government for permission to station military jets at the Andreas Papandreou airbase in Paphos, creating the first Israeli military station outside the Jewish state.

    It is unknown if the plans include a permanent military presence on the island, with a full time deployment of airmen – but it is understood the matter will be discussed when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits later this month, becoming the country’s first premier to visit the island.

    According to the Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency, the prospect “is at the exploratory stage – it’s not clear if it will or won’t happen,” an Israeli official told the agency.

    The official, however, allowed that such a potential offshore airbase “is an existing option, and we’re investigating the possibility,” but again cautioned that such an agreement “isn’t totally sewn up.”

    Rumours that Israel had requested use of the base have been circulating for several months, and the request is understood to have been discussed at a recent meeting between the Cypriot Minister of defense and his Israeli counterpart.


    However, as ties with Cyprus strengthen, Tel Aviv is also slowly repairing its relationship with Ankara.

    Last month an air force coordination mechanism is installed in order to prevent misunderstandings and potential clashes between Turkish and Israeli military planes patrolling over the Mediterranean Sea was reactivated after it was suspended following the May 31, 2010 raid on the humanitarian aid ship Mavi Marmara.

    An unnamed senior official of the Israeli Air Force stated that this coordination mechanism was reactivated as part of the two countries’ efforts to “stabilize and improve ties.” In December, the Turkish military attache to Israel attended an Israeli Air Force briefing for foreign military officers at the Ovda Air Force Base on the sidelines of the Israeli joint maneuvers with the Italian Air Force.

    The official also stated that the Israeli Air Force would also likely invite Turkey to participate in a large-scale international aerial drill that it will be hosting in Israel in 2013. “There is nothing preventing Turkey from participating,” the official said.

    Last edited by George1 on Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:13 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:05 am

    I rather doubt Israeli ties with Turkey will improve much if they actually do ask to base fighter jet aircraft in Cyprus.

    It would be like China wanting to improve ties with Japan and at the same time asking Russia if it could base a few fighter jets on the Kurile Islands.

    Whether they get permission or not I rather suspect the fact they made the request in the first place will stick in the throat of Turkey and further worsen relations.

    ...unless Paphos is in the Turkish sector of Cyprus and not the Greek sector...

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  SOC Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:13 am

    GarryB wrote:...unless Paphos is in the Turkish sector of Cyprus and not the Greek sector...

    It's not. It's in the southwest, firmly in the Greek sector. I think this is the airfield that Cypriot National Guard HINDs operate out of.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:20 am

    Well then, asking for basing rights in the Greek sector of Cyprus while trying to makeup to the Turkish is going to be a very interesting exercise...

    The simple fact that they are trying to restore ties with Turkey will likely guarantee there will be no Israeli base in the Greek sector of Cyprus.

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:52 pm

    A great video about Cyprus T-80U/UK

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:29 pm

    It has to be noted that despite the huge support of Greek nation for our Orthodox brothers is so huge the USA tyranny that the corrupted governments remains strictly loyal to the zionist agenda. Of course the Greek electoral body is not less guilty...

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Russia military deal with Cyprus

    Post  Kyo Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:01 pm

    Russian navy ships will now have access to stop off at ports in Cyprus

    Russian warships allowed at ports of Cyprus for humanitarian reasons - president

    Russia secures military deal to use Cyprus' ports despite EU concerns

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty BREAKING: Nuland Instructs Cyprus To Cut Russian Ties and Accept Turkish Troops

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:20 am

    BREAKING: Nuland Instructs Cyprus To Cut Russian Ties and Accept Turkish Troops

    To keep Russia out, Nuland wants President Anastasiades to accept Turkish forces in Cyprus under the NATO flag

    The US is intensifying the pressure on Cyprus to accept a secret NATO plan to keep Turkish forces on the island.  

    Victoria Nuland, the State Department official in charge of regime change in Russia and Ukraine, met for talks last week with the President of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, and with Turkish Cypriot figures. The State Department and US Embassy in Nicosia have kept silent on what was said. A well-informed Cypriot source reports Nuland “was in Cyprus to pre-empt any likelihood of future deepening in relations with Russia.  Anastasiades may not want to, but he may have no other option.” A second Cypriot political source said: “[Nuland] will try to blackmail him. I’m not sure how he will react.”

    Andros Kyprianou, head of AKEL, the Cyprus Communist Party running strongly against Anastasiades’s party in next month’s parliamentary election, issued an unusual warning against the Nuland plan. “For us”, Kyprianou (right) said, there is only one acceptable outcome to negotiations between the Greek and Turkish communities for the reunification of the island. This is a “solution that ends the occupation and colonization, restoring the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of the Republic, based on UN resolutions, the High Level Agreements, International and European Law. The solution is to demilitarize Cyprus and excludes any guarantee and intervention rights in the internal affairs of the country by foreign forces.”

    The day before Nuland’s arrival, Anastasiades hinted that he favours a military plan so long as it has European government backing. The Cyprus government, Anastasiades said of the communal settlement negotiations,  they are“ proceeding in some partnerships not excluding defense cooperation, and it is expected that [there will be a] positive contribution of Britain in resolving the Cyprus problem.”

    British forces already occupy extensive military bases on Cyprus. Over the years these have been used for signals intelligence and attack operations against Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.  The UK protectorate was one of the terms the Cypriots accepted for an end to their fight to liberate the island from British occupation during the 1950s. The 1960 “treaty of guarantee” preserved the British bases. It provided  for Greece and Turkey also to “guarantee the independence, territorial integrity, and security of the Republic of Cyprus.”

    After its attack and military occupation of the north in 1974, Turkey has insisted on keeping its forces on the island as a security “guarantee”, and refuses to comply with United Nations (UN) resolutions ordering their withdrawal.

    US military commanders and political leaders have never advocated Turkish withdrawal from the island, or compliance with the UN resolutions. Instead, they have recommended incorporating both parts of Cyprus into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  The political and military commands in Ankara have been reluctant to accept a NATO solution for Cyprus because they object to what they regard as “dilution” of their army on the island.  The Nuland plan is the latest attempt to give Ankara what it wants, and override Greek Cypriot objections. Nuland has also told Anastasiades she wants to accelerate agreement on the terms of settlement before the US presidential election in November.

    Anastasiades has already declared himself in favour of joining NATO by signing the preliminary Partnership for Peace programme, but AKEL has been able to block it. For the time being, Cyprus is not a NATO member, and cannot accept another NATO base on its territory. “How can Nuland now push through a Turkish base on the island”, a well-known Cypriot strategist asks – “that isn’t a Turkish base and isn’t a NATO base either, but meets Ankara’s demand for a military ‘guarantee’, and will be accepted by Anastasiades?”

    This, political sources in Nicosia say, is what Nuland (below, right) and Anastasiades (left) discussed last week.

    The US Embassy issued no press release after the talks, and neither did Anastasiades. The local newspaper supporting Anastasiades and his Democratic Rally(DISY) party, the Cyprus Mail, headlined a report on their meeting: “Nuland expresses US support for Cyprus peace process”. Promises of US Government cash and US investment  in Cyprus as the financial reward for Anastasiades’ agreement was highlighted,  the military plan downplayed. “’We also noted that US investment in Cyprus is up sevenfold over the last two years’”, the newspaper quoted Nuland as saying. “There was a lot of excitement in energy about what is happening here. Nuland said that they also talked about security relations and regional relations.” Other pro-American and pro-NATO newspapers in Cyprus declared that if Anastasiades  will agree to the deal Nuland has put on the table,  Cypriots are  “awaiting the dollars of the solution.”  

    The Turkish regime in the north says it  is counting on a parallel payoff.  At Nuland’s Turkish talks there was a UN representative, Lisa Buttenheim.  Buttenheim, an American, has served as a UN official in Jerusalem, Kosovo, and Belgrade.

    Buttenheim (below, left) is not the only UN official engaged in the Cyprus negotiations in favour of a NATO “guarantee” of Cyprus. A presidential-level Cypriot source says Espen Barth Eide (right), Buttenheim’s superior and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, “is working on NATO guarantee  through his party comrade and childhood friend,   the current Norwegian Secretary-General of NATO.” Barth Eide is a former Norwegian defence minister and foreign minister, whose career has been advanced by former party leader and former prime minister Jens Stoltenberg. Stoltenberg became NATO’s Secretary-General in October 2014.

    A US Embassy cable from Oslo of 2008, published by Wikileaks, has reported Barth Eide as “a skilled and subtle interagency player who is largely pro-U.S…On several important issues Barth Eide has been helpful, such as missile defense (where he helped prevent a Norwegian veto of NATO plans)…[he] also takes pains to stress NATO as the cornerstone of GON [Government of Norway] security policy and the importance of the Norwegian-U.S. relationship.”.  

    The State Department has provided no clarification of Nuland’s talks with Anastasiades; it has repeated its endorsement of Turkey’s value to NATO.  On April 20, State’s spokesman said: “I would only say that – I’d only repeat what I said before, and that’s that we value our relationship with Turkey. We certainly value our alliance with them through NATO.”

    For weeks now in Moscow, there have been public hints that Nuland has resuscitated the scheme for withdrawing Turkish forces under the Turkish flag, then returning them under a NATO flag.  In Nicosia in December, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that such a scheme would be unacceptable to Russia. “The sides should reach agreements that would provide these security guarantees on a fundamentally new basis,” Lavrov said, “which will be acceptable to both Cypriot communities...This role should be primarily played by the UN Security Council.” For more details, read this.

    In February, Lavrov’s spokesman at the ministry in Moscow attacked statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his “calls on the Cypriot Turks to take a tough, uncompromising stance in the ongoing intercommunal talks in Cyprus, including on territorial delimitation, a very sensitive issue. This is in stark contrast to Ankara’s statements on its commitment to facilitating a peaceful settlement on the island in the near future. It is obvious that by addressing such calls to one of the parties to the inter-Cypriot dialogue, Turkey’s leaders are rudely interfering in the negotiation process with a view of promoting their own interests.”  

    On April 5, just before Nuland’s arrival in Nicosia, senior Russian and Cypriot officials, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov (below, left) and the Permanent Secretary of the Cyprus Foreign Ministry, Alexandros Zenon (right),  met in Moscow.  

    Their communique said that “during an exchange of views on the Cyprus settlement, the Russian side reiterated its commitment to the efforts made in the framework of the continuing intra-Cypriot talks under the UN aegis to promote a fair and lasting solution on the basis of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, a solution that would meet the interests of both Cypriot communities and stem from their voluntary consent.”

    As for the terms to be agreed, Moscow has added: “We oppose any attempts at imposing on the participants of the intra-Cypriot negotiations any formulas of settlement, artificial negotiating schedules, and arbitration.” That’s three strikes in a row -- one at NATO; one at Nuland; and one at Barth Eide.

    On April 15, the Foreign Ministry added an unusually explicit criticism of Turkish military deployments “ in Northern Cyprus while Washington does not object.”  

    In the Cyprus opinion polls ahead of the May 22 election, Anastasiades’ DISY party has been losing ground to AKEL,  and also to the small nationalist parties.

    The polls indicate that the top three issues for voters are the economic situation; unemployment; and the terms for the inter-communal settlement. A large majority of Cypriots is opposed to any form of security guarantee or the presence of Turkish troops on the island.

    Anastasiades has been forced into publicly defending himself and his associates from widely published, widely believed allegations of corruptly protecting their wealth when,  in return for the European Union’s bailout of the Cyprus banks,  Anastasiades agreed to the “haircut” – the confiscation of Cypriot depositors’  bank accounts on March 25, 2013.  Anastasiades has also been linked to extortion by a former deputy attorney-general now on trial for abuse of power; and to privatization scams.

    The president told a press conference   of selected reporters on April 18 that he and his government have had “zero tolerance” for official corruption.  

    He claimed his administration had been aiming particularly at  “politically exposed persons [PEPs] by giving control to approved auditors for disclosure of their property declarations.” For more details on the international rules for PEPs, read this.

    One of the leading investigative media in Cyprus, Second Reading  (Δέφτερη Ανάγνωση), has recently reported on the involvement of Anastasiades, his law partner Theofanis  Philippou, and their Imperium management group in transactions with a well-known PEP from Russia, Leonid Lebedev. He is now a fugitive from Russian charges of grand larceny and fraud.  In 2011 the Anastasiades law firm helped Lebedev obtain  Cyprus citizenship, which Philippou later concealed in a Cyprus court proceeding against Lebedev by a German bank. The Anastasiades law firm and Imperium have also set up offshore company schemes for Lebedev, and a Cyprus trust for moving untaxed cash out of Cyprus into US banks.

    Lebedev has introduced his offshore business record  into court cases in London and in New York, where he is claiming he is owed $2 billion for oil company shares from Victor Vekselberg and Len Blavatnik, former shareholders in the TNK-BP oil company. They say they bought Lebedev out for $600 million between 2005 and 2006.  Tracing that money is now crucial to the outcome of the New York Supreme Court case. For background on the court deliberations so far, read the backfile.

    Last week, lawyers for Vekselberg and Blavatnik asked Supreme Court judge Salliann Scarpulla to make an official request to the High Court of Ireland so that they can subpoena witnesses and obtain documents revealing --  they have told the court --  that Lebedev and his associates used a Dublin front company, Coral Petroleum,  to take, then hide the $600 million,  after the payoff from Vekselberg and Blavatnik.

    According to the publicly accessible court files, if the New York judge agrees to issue her request, and the Irish court accepts it, then the “owner, director, employee and/or agent” of Coral Petroleum and its accountant in Dublin, Roberts Nathan, will be ordered to reveal all “communications between Coral and Lebedev (and/or his agents and representatives.” Since 2011 the principal agents and representatives at Coral Petroleum have been Philippou, the Anastasiades law firm, and their Imperium Group.

    The only answer for this is Cyprus and Greece to hold referendums to leave the EU/NATO, declare debt moratoriums and end harsh austerity and ultimately to join the Russian Federation...there's literally no other options left to save Hellenistic civilization outside the ones that I mentioned.

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  Grazneyar Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:41 pm

    The whole point behind flooding Greece with muslims and 'refugees' is to get any result they want in a referendum. It is too late for Greece. These people have been voting for more and more free stuff paid for by the German and European tax payers. They have voted for parasitic politicians and big government, they have enjoyed the high life at the expense of European tax payers and they are reaping the rewards. They have huge debts owed to Germans which they don't want to pay. Why should they have free stuff from Germany or Europe ? Why cancel the debts they ran up ? If they voted for stronger, more self reliant leadership they wouldn't be where they are now. They simply rolled over and allowed massive numbers of migrants into their country instead of towing them back to Turkey. They have been weak and spineless and expect someone else to sort out Greece for them. Why don't they kick the Turks out themsleves ? Why dont they declare independence themselves ? Why should Russia save them ? The are in a mess of their own making like the Ukrainians.

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:16 am

    Videos from 70s in Cyprus with greek-cypriot children demonstrating for union with Greece


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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:56 am

    Cyprus received the first patrol ship of Israeli construction

    On September 12, 2017 in Haifa, Israel, the shipyard Israel Shipyards held the launching ceremony (in fact, launching into the launching dock) and at the same time the transfer to the Navy Command of the National Guard of Cyprus (Διοίκηση Ναυτικού) the first small patrol ship P 61 of the OPV 62 (Saar 62). The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Cyprus Christoforos Fokaides.

    Cypriot National Guard: News 4674418_original
    Cypriot National Guard: News 4673965_original


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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:25 pm

    Cyprus Military hardware

    Serbian artilliery presented for first time!


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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:08 am

    Cyprus received new weapons of Serbian production

    On October 1, 2019, a military parade was held in the capital of the Republic of Cyprus Nicosia to mark the 59th anniversary of the island's independence. During the parade, the newly-acquired 155-mm / 52 self-propelled howitzers NORA-B52K1 on a wheeled chassis (8x8) and wheeled armored vehicles BOV M16 Miloš (first acquired in Serbia) were first demonstrated during the parade. (4x4).

    The Government of Cyprus acquired a total of 24 NORA-B52K1 self-propelled howitzers on Tatra armored wheeled chassis (8x8) and eight BOV M16 Miloš wheeled armored vehicles. All eight M16 vehicles were delivered to Cyprus in August 2019, and deliveries of self-propelled guns were launched in September. Both of these models of equipment are manufactured by the Borbeni Addition System (BSS) enterprise of the Serbian military-industrial association Kugoimport - SDPR in Velika Plana.

    Cyprus became the first foreign customer of a 14-ton BAP M16 Miloš MRAP armored vehicle with a 4x4 wheel arrangement, first introduced in 2017. To date, small batches of these machines have been delivered to the armed forces and gendarmerie of Serbia. Like the Serbian vehicles obtained by Cyprus, the BOV M16 Miloš is equipped with the developed “Kugoimport-SDPR” remotely controlled M15 combat module with a 12.7-mm machine gun.

    Cyprus has also become the fourth known foreign recipient of the 155 mm NORA-B family of self-propelled howitzers on a wheeled chassis - after Bangladesh, Myanmar and Kenya. From the 155 mm caliber artillery, the National Guard of Cyprus has 12 Slovak 155 mm / 45 self-propelled howitzers Zuzana 2000 on a wheeled chassis (8x8), 12 old French self-propelled howitzers Mk F3 on a tracked chassis and 12 French towed guns TRF1.

    The Republic of Cyprus has been a traditional recipient of Yugoslav and then Serbian weapons since the 1960s.


    BOV M16 Miloš
    Cypriot National Guard: News Milosh10

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    Post  George1 Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:04 am

    Cyprus ordered large quantities of missile weapons

    According to Cypriot sources, referring to the information of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Cyprus on February 7, 2020, the Government of Cyprus in December 2019 concluded with the European missile association MBDA contracts for a total amount of 240 million euros for the purchase of large batches of portable Mistral anti-aircraft missile systems and a mobile coastal battery anti-ship missile system with anti-ship missiles Exocet MM40 Block 3.

    Earlier on February 6, the French newspaper La Tribune reported these contracts to the French branch of MBDA. The contract for Mistrale MANPADS has a cost of about 150 million euros, and the contract for the mobile coastal battery RCC Exocet MM40 Block 3 - up to 90 million euros. The conclusion of these contracts is associated with the exacerbation of relations between Cyprus and Turkey on the issue of gas production in territorial waters and the economic zone of Cyprus.

    The National Guard of Cyprus already has the Mistral family of portable air defense systems (with single- and dual-charge launchers), which were purchased in several batches since 1988. The National Guard of Cyprus also has the Exocet anti-ship missile system received in 1994 with a mobile coastal battery with anti-ship missiles of the previous Exocet MM40 Block 2 modification (24 missiles were received). Previously, plans were announced by the National Guard of Cyprus in conjunction with the MBDA to extend the life of the purchased MM40 Block 2 missiles, but it is unclear whether this was carried out and whether the new contract provides for the replacement of these missiles with new MM40 Block 3 missiles.

    According to the publication "La Tribune", on January 27, 2020 France and Cyprus signed a new agreement on the development of military-technical cooperation (the previous one was concluded by the parties in 2007). It is reported that Cyprus has become one of the six European countries to join the EU BLOS joint program launched on the initiative of France in November 2018 to create the TAVD (Tir Au-delà de la Vue Directe) multi-purpose missile system based on the new French MMP ATGM. It is also reported that Cyprus is negotiating with the French shipbuilding company Kership (a joint venture between Naval Group and Piriou) to order two small patrol ships of the OPV 59 project, with a potential contract value of 75 million euros.

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Sat Dec 12, 2020 7:21 pm

    Rare footage of firing of Cypriot T-80U tanks with the 9K119M Reflex-M guided weapon system


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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:01 am

    According to Cypriot News Agency (ΚΥΠΕ) the Cypriot National Guard received its second battalion of Serbian-made NORA B52 155mm self propelled guns during the early morning hours of the 12th of December.
    Cypriot National Guard has ordered 24 NORA B52 howitzers in total.


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    Post  George1 Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:04 am

    Νora B 52 in military exercises
    Cypriot National Guard: News Nobra10
    Cypriot National Guard: News Nora10

    Nora B 52 in Cyprus military parade
    Cypriot National Guard: News Parela10

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:16 am

    This warms my heart love

    And that paintjob is sweet, I'm jealous, too bad we have to go with generic green over here

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  littlerabbit Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:30 am

    George1 wrote:According to Cypriot News Agency (ΚΥΠΕ) the Cypriot National Guard received its second battalion of Serbian-made NORA B52 155mm self propelled guns during the early morning hours of the 12th of December.
    Cypriot National Guard has ordered 24 NORA B52 howitzers in total.


    Nice Very Happy

    So, what does it mean, second battalion? 24 units, or maybe 16? Question Smile

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:15 pm

    First firings of new delivered Nora Alexander TGS howitzers

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:33 am

    Nice thumbsup

    Also, that last photo is appropriate AF

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  d_taddei2 Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:33 pm

    Firstly wouldn't it be better to have Cypriot national guard topic located in the general USA/NATO militaries section rather than buried inside the Greek country topic although they have links they are two different countries and militaries. Just a thought easier to find.

    Secondly with Cyprus selling Mi-35p to Serbia, and reasons stating needing better night time capabilities and parts problems due to sanctions on Russia. And allocating $300mn to replace the aircraft which suggests $25mn each for a helicopters presuming that they are looking for 12 heli's. I wonder what they will be looking at. Russia does have better night time capabilities on newer heli's but sanctions are an issue. And buying European helis are expensive and will they end up having to increase their budget? Or reduce the number of heli's purchased? or buy secondhand to achieve the 12 needed? I always thought the Mi-35 a great choice for Cyprus due to having a small air force having a versatile Heli like the Hind gives them a good all round attack heli with added bonus of transport capabilities, basically two helis for the price of one. And that's important when u have a tight budget and small force. And only having 3 heli's (AW139) that can carry a section of infantry or special forces, having the Hinds make more sense. Their other helis either get used for anti armour or can carry only 4 troops, which isn't ideal for medivac stretcher cases.

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:58 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:Firstly wouldn't it be better to have Cypriot national guard topic located in the general USA/NATO militaries section rather than buried inside the Greek country topic although they have links they are two different countries and militaries. Just a thought easier to find.

    Τhe head of Cyprus National Guard is always a senori greek military officer and he is appointed by the Greek Ministry of Defence Smile

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  George1 Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:15 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    Secondly with Cyprus selling Mi-35p to Serbia, and reasons stating needing better night time capabilities and parts problems due to sanctions on Russia. And allocating $300mn to replace the aircraft which suggests $25mn each for a helicopters presuming that they are looking for 12 heli's. I wonder what they will be looking at. Russia does have better night time capabilities on newer heli's but sanctions are an issue. And buying European helis are expensive and will they end up having to increase their budget? Or reduce the number of heli's purchased? or buy secondhand to achieve the 12 needed? I always thought the Mi-35 a great choice for Cyprus due to having a small air force having a versatile Heli like the Hind gives them a good all round attack heli with added bonus of transport capabilities, basically two helis for the price of one. And that's important when u have a tight budget and small force.

    The plan is to buy new helicopters in 2 phases (6+6). The first 6 until 2025 and the rest until the end of the decade. So these $300m propably is the amount of money for 6 helicopters.
    One of their options could be the French "Tiger". France is the only country that sold arms to Cyprus after 1974. Cyprus military is consisted of russian and french weapons besides those that have been transferred there by Greece

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    And only having 3 heli's (AW139) that can carry a section of infantry or special forces, having the Hinds make more sense. Their other helis either get used for anti armour or can carry only 4 troops, which isn't ideal for medivac stretcher cases.

    AW139s role is SAR and Cyprus Police also operate that type (2). From my ssources i know that even these 3 arent always in operation status.

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

    Post  d_taddei2 Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:35 pm

    George1 wrote:
    d_taddei2 wrote:Firstly wouldn't it be better to have Cypriot national guard topic located in the general USA/NATO militaries section rather than buried inside the Greek country topic although they have links they are two different countries and militaries. Just a thought easier to find.

    Τhe head of Cyprus National Guard is always a senori greek military officer and he is appointed by the Greek Ministry of Defence Smile

    Irrelevant to threads and topic

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    Cypriot National Guard: News Empty Re: Cypriot National Guard: News

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