Cowboy's daughter Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:16 am
sepheronx wrote: Cowboy's daughter wrote:Lord, y'all are living in the world of labs; I'm living in the world of ranchers, cows, and farmers. I truly live on the back 40.
There's 3 kinds of ppl here: the ones who think Fox news is gospel, the ones who think NYTs is gospel, and the people who think all of them are government or big business bought, sold, paid for whores, and can't believe any of them.
And yet Texas is doing the smart thing, something that no other states seem to get it through their thick skulls, is real industry investments. Texas is one of the few states left with real manufacturing, real agriculture not heavily subsidized, real energy production and real technological development (I think there are a few Fabless R&D facilities in Texas now).
I met some very smart semiconductor engineers from Texas. They were also very humble people whom were very open to all types of ideas. Not arrogant pricks. Then again, I also had a Texan call me a snow N*gger.
Maximmmm wrote: sepheronx wrote:
Its the mess of the 90's and it will never recover. Hence why the government handed over all those institutions to another organization and all those scientists started to protest.
But Russian scientific universities can be top notch. Look at Tomsk. Majority of technological prowess is coming from there.
Clearly Universities in Russia are good since they win so many competitions, even against the Indian students whom are representing US universities.
Oh hell yeah. Some of the science coming out of the country is very very very impressive. Especially in the fields we're traditionally strong in. Now that scientists are more comfortable publishing in western journals the stuff is at least being seen. (A lot of the best stuff is born from cooperation with other labs, and greater exposure allows that to happen) Language barrier was a big problem for a while, now it's been improved a lot.
Russia impressed most in the recent months with Baikal electronics and MCST. They generate quite the intelligent semiconductor engineers without having a large corporation to fund them. Much like in the past. Now that there is a demand for local technology, Baikal electronics will become quite huge, MCST is getting bigger (although, KVS and I agree that they can still greatly improve Elbrus E2K architecture) and even Microclet whom people thought would die quickly, is finding buyers and contracts for their non von newmann processor.
What? You should have knocked him on his ass for calling you that, and given him an attitude adjustment!
For sure, land in Texas has been in families' hands for generations, 100's of years, and some of them--they are not ever giving it up! If you go to the County I grew up in to buy 500 acres today, you can forget it. NO ONE is selling.
That's the one thing I like about where I live in Texas--you can drive for miles and miles, and no towns, because ranchers own so much land.
Like it was in Wyoming back in the 1970's, was even more so up there, 100 miles from town to town. Nothing in between, except maybe a ranch house.