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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:00 am

    More to the point of the article... the US and west is so keen for no fly zones and bombing for one side or another in a conflict... they demand military intervention as an early option, yet it is Russia and China who block their attempts to get a UNSC rubber stamp for their post cold war imperialism but on a chart that lists contributions to peace they put Russia so low and the US so high... the best explanation is that this is an Australian think tank and we all know Australia is a US puppet state... just like the UK... yet they still gave both the US and UK relatively low scores which means a truly independent think tank would have to rank the US and UK and NATO at the bottom of a peace chart as they encourage military intervention and violence and impose economic sanctions that hurt the innocent civilian population.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Vaclav Klaus: the West’s lies about Russia are monstrous

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:21 pm

    Some sober analysis of the situation in the EU. You cannot accuse Klaus of being some Putin-bot.

    Klaus believes the EU is beyond reform and has called for it to be replaced with an ‘Organisation of European States’ — a simple free trade association which would not pursue political integration. He recalls his own experience at the forefront of Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution in 1989. ‘When we started to change my country we quite deliberately did not use the term “reform” — we used the word “transformation”, because we wanted a systemic change. Such a systemic change is needed in Europe today.’

    It’s not just on the economy that Europe has got it wrong, says Klaus. He doesn’t agree with the western elite’s current hostility towards Russia, which he believes is based on a false and outdated view of the country. ‘I remember one person in our country who at one moment was minister of foreign affairs, telling me that he hated communism so much that he was not even able to read Dostoevsky. I have remembered that statement for decades and I am afraid that the current propaganda against Russia is based on a similar argument and way of thinking. I spent most of my life in a communist Czechoslovakia under Soviet domination. But I differentiate between the Soviet Union and Russia. Those who are not able to understand the difference are simply not looking with open eyes. I always argue with my American and British friends that although the political system in Russia is different from the system in our countries and we wouldn’t be happy to live in such a system, to compare the current Russia with Leonid Brezhnev’s Soviet Union is stupid.’

    He says, with finality: ‘The US/EU propaganda against Russia is really ridiculous and I can’t accept it.’
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Watch and sharethis they try to hide it.

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:07 pm


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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:12 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:

    In responce to such covered agents working as "journalists" there was a program created that uses a databank of today known "journalists" who are in lobbys like Transatlantic agencies, Transatlantik academy, Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Bilderberger etc. pp.

    This program is called Cahoots, everytime you use google or wikipedia or anything and the program recognizes some Name of a suppossed Journalist and if it haves already a database entry you can hover the mouse of this name that is marked with a circle and tells you in which lobbys this "journalists" are operating. The program is relative new and database is small, yet.

    Recommended to everyone, if you read articles that show author names and you can check if they are in some lobbies and operating directly for them.

    This is how it looks when you use Cahoots and it recognizes Names with database entries.

    Western propaganda - Page 2 Raczh8tj

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:14 am

    To our German friends, how credible is this guy?

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Werewolf Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:44 am

    sepheronx wrote:

    To our German friends, how credible is this guy?

    Credible in what sense of how credible he is now in the eyes of MSM or the actual sense if his words hold any weight?

    Yes, he worked for years as MSM propagandists and wrote lot of columns anti-russian,pro american and anti arab countries that were not in sphere of influence of US.

    And he is absolutley right that most "journalists" and "columnists" are working under the label "independend or investigative journalists" but are infact working for Lobbyist groups i already posted another post 1-2 weeks ago about the little Addon for firefox/google chrome called Cahoots, if you see a name of a journalist and he is known to be in a lobby group like Transatlantik Academy, Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz or whatever Lobbiest groups that carry US agenda he will be shown as a undercover/non official journalist.

    I don't know about every single claim of his but lot of things are true like his pro american clomuns in our german Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung when he wrote artikels of the Iraqi-kurdish genocide with german gas, his column was reduced from half a page to 6 senteces of someone gassed someone from unknown gas and "some" dead.

    So, yes i think he is credible.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:52 pm

    We are through the looking glass. The western media is now an Orwellian bubble of lies.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Are Russian hackers a real threat?

    Post  Kyo Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:11 pm

    How Russian hackers became a global brand.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:41 pm

    Kyo wrote:How Russian hackers became a global brand.

    is 100% propaganda!

    The United States.. needs to fabricate a threat to their nation security ,to justify what they really want to do..

    To justify the invading of middle east ,they always invented weapons of mass destruction and terrorist that could
    attack USA at any time.. the terrorist are real.. but were created by them..

    To justify their regulation and crackdown on internet and the freedom of information ..*(because they losing
    the information war)  they are creating propaganda of hackers.. RUssian hackers.. chinese hackerks and north korean hackers.. isn't that curious? how the same nations again and again are accused of all evil in the world?

    The hackers they always existed.. and they are no more dangerous today than in the past..its actually the other hacking is more difficult than in the past.. that the knowledge of security was very low..

    You never hear of American hackers or european hackers.. posing a threat to USA..but only of
    Russian-CHinese and northkoreans.

    is kind of hypocrisy because the the CIA created viruses to attack IRAN ,so hacking is good when they do it..
    but if others do it.. is bad. lol

    Is just propaganda.  hackers exist but they significantly blow out of proportions the danger of hackers ,to justify their laws against the freedom of internet.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Kyo Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:25 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    Kyo wrote:How Russian hackers became a global brand.

    is 100% propaganda!

    The United States.. needs to fabricate a threat to their nation security ,to justify what they really want to do..

    To justify the invading of middle east ,they always invented weapons of mass destruction and terrorist that could
    attack USA at any time.. the terrorist are real.. but were created by them..

    To justify their regulation and crackdown on internet and the freedom of information ..*(because they losing
    the information war)  they are creating propaganda of hackers.. RUssian hackers.. chinese hackerks and north korean hackers.. isn't that curious? how the same nations again and again are accused of all evil in the world?

    The hackers they always existed.. and they are no more dangerous today than in the past..its actually the other hacking is more difficult than in the past..  that the knowledge of security was very low..

    You never hear of American hackers or european hackers.. posing a threat to USA..but only of
    Russian-CHinese and northkoreans.

    is kind of hypocrisy because the the CIA created viruses to attack IRAN ,so hacking is good when they do it..
    but if others do it.. is bad. lol

    Is just propaganda.  hackers exist but they significantly blow out of proportions the danger of hackers ,to justify their laws against the freedom of internet.  

    I agree. Maybe the thread title should be: Is Russia prepared and on the offensive in cyberwar?

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:38 am

    Sadly, I think it is more of a case that Russia is a bad word in the west so with anything bad like Hacker, or Mafia, adding Russia or Russian at the front just makes it sound badder/more dangerous... Russian Mafia or Russian Hacker etc etc.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:32 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    Kyo wrote:How Russian hackers became a global brand.

    I agree. Maybe the thread title should be: Is Russia prepared and on the offensive in cyberwar?

    There is nothing to fear at Cyber hackers , it is very limited what they can do...
    ie.. Shutdown free public websites.. for public use..
    or steal people naked photos in facebook and anyone card information that is fool enough to store it online.
    It will not affect the Russian Government in any way ,their private Non-Internet communications networks
    that are 100% secure of hackers.. Neither it will affect US companies and private business... US simply exxagerate
    the power of hackers to justify their crackdown on internet freedom.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  AbsoluteZero Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:28 pm

    I was watching cbc news a while ago and it seems the conservative government is very critical of Russia, there was this official who was talking about internet freedom and specifically mentioned Russia as propagating propaganda and manipulating information on the internet.
    why just mention Russia? its not like other countries aren't doing it for their own ends, not just the politicians but also Canadian media seems very biased and portray Russia in a very bad light as much as they can. How do they benefit from all these? I mean if its to score favors from the US, I dont see it happening, like the Keystone pipeline was struck down and deemed unprofitable for the US. Maybe theres a chance to change course when the Liberals take over? elections aren't that far ahead.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Kyo Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:46 pm

    As an example of US war party propaganda, read these news over the Sony hack fraud.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  AbsoluteZero Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:58 pm

    Kyo wrote:As an example of US war party propaganda, read these news over the Sony hack fraud.

    It is unfortunate that so many people fall for these lies and deception, I guess thats the advantage when you have a monopoly on global media outlets

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Werewolf Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:36 pm

    How the story started already showed that this is all a false flag to produce a reason to hate and fear north korea so that the peace loving Obomba the clown can push policies in asia.

    The West is completley indoctrinated when it comes about North Korea, not a single person with a clue, not a single person with the slightest sceptism towards the bullshit USofA is constantly lying.


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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:18 am

    Maybe theres a chance to change course when the Liberals take over? elections aren't that far ahead.

    The Liberals are generally worse... they like to show a hard line on Russia so they can't be shown to be weak.

    the vast majority of BS talk is for domestic consumption so local populations don't question the political posture towards the Russians.

    the irony is that Russia and the west have rather more in common than they have differences and have generally good relations with countries the west in general and the US in particular has no influence... but that ship has sailed and now they have created an enemy... which is what they seem to have wanted all along.
    Mike E
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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Mike E Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:37 am

    GarryB wrote:Sadly, I think it is more of a case that Russia is a bad word in the west so with anything bad like Hacker, or Mafia, adding Russia or Russian at the front just makes it sound badder/more dangerous... Russian Mafia or Russian Hacker etc etc.
    Just watched a movie where Denzel Washington single-handily took down an oligarch-funded "Russian Mafia".... Pretty good movie actually, but the plot (explained) says it all about Hollywood and the fabricated threats the US adores.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:46 am

    Mike E wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Sadly, I think it is more of a case that Russia is a bad word in the west so with anything bad like Hacker, or Mafia, adding Russia or Russian at the front just makes it sound badder/more dangerous... Russian Mafia or Russian Hacker etc etc.
    Just watched a movie where Denzel Washington single-handily took down an oligarch-funded "Russian Mafia".... Pretty good movie actually, but the plot (explained) says it all about Hollywood and the fabricated threats the US adores.

    I saw that movie. I thought it was horrible (not really the plot at the beginning was real good, but got way too silly near the end with the whole Bill Paulman and going to Russia to kill the mafia guy). In the end, made it way too silly. But yeah, US really loves the violent crap.

    A real movie was Children of Men. And that wasn't Hollywood.
    Mike E
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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Mike E Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:42 am

    I loved it, but then again, I also love Expendables and such movies.

    Never got to see that one.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:59 am

    Mike E wrote:I loved it, but then again, I also love Expendables and such movies.

    Never got to see that one.

    took wife to see Expendables 3. Her reaction was that she liked the movie cause it was cheesy and reminded her of Bollywood films.

    If you have not seen Children of Men, I recommend you do. It has Michael Cain, Clive Owen and Jullianne Moore in it. Kinda slow but really picks up near the end (if you like action) and has some of the best cinematographic moments in it that I have yet to see in any other film. Beautiful film and one of my favorites (I am a picky man when it comes to movies but horror movies, as I love movies like The Evil Dead or anything from David Cronenburg). Only movie with a plot that seemed a little far fetch but was absolutely awesome to watch and beautiful was Leon the Professional.
    Mike E
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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Mike E Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:02 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Mike E wrote:I loved it, but then again, I also love Expendables and such movies.

    Never got to see that one.

    took wife to see Expendables 3.  Her reaction was that she liked the movie cause it was cheesy and reminded her of Bollywood films.

    If you have not seen Children of Men, I recommend you do.  It has Michael Cain, Clive Owen and Jullianne Moore in it.  Kinda slow but really picks up near the end (if you like action) and has some of the best cinematographic moments in it that I have yet to see in any other film.  Beautiful film and one of my favorites (I am a picky man when it comes to movies but horror movies, as I love movies like The Evil Dead or anything from David Cronenburg).  Only movie with a plot that seemed a little far fetch but was absolutely awesome to watch and beautiful was Leon the Professional.
    Funny... For me all three movies (they're making a fourth with Pierce Brosnan (a favorite of mine) and Hulk Hogan) are absolutely terrible yet great at the same time. Basically, they are inexplicably good.

    Read up a bit on it, sounds like a good movie. I'll try and rent it when I have the time.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Kyo Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:00 pm

    And the show must go on.

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Against Russia by Ivan Ilyin, 1948

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:00 pm

    Remarkable article written way back in 1948, but sounds like it was written last week...

    Arrow Against Russia by Ivan Ilyin

    Ivan Ilyin is said to be Putin's favourite philosopher. More on Ilyins ideas below

    Arrow Putin’s philosopher

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    Western propaganda - Page 2 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:32 am

    Senior Russian Official Warns Against Distortion of WWII Events

    Russian delegate in PACE Alexei Pushkov announced Monday that there were more and more attempts to put under question the history of the Second World War and Russia should be aware of these attempts.

    STRASBOURG, January 26 (Sputnik) — Attempts are being made to question historical facts concerning World War II and it is important to be aware of them, a senior Russian official said Monday.

    "Unfortunately, there are more and more attempts to put under question history of the Second World War. And I'm saying that we should be aware of these attempts,” Alexei Pushkov, the Russian delegate in PACE, said at the assembly's winter session.

    He added that Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s statement that Kiev “remembers about the Soviet invasion in Ukraine and Germany” was meaningless, as Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union during World War II.

    Pushkov said that since Ukraine was a part of the USSR, the Soviet Union could not have invaded itself, while the invasion of Germany also made no sense, as Moscow played the key role in the liberation of Europe from Nazism.

    "Russia was a leading member of the anti-Hitler coalition and in this respect its actions were justified, as well as the actions of the United States, Great Britain, French troops and so on. So to speak about [USSR invading Ukraine and Germany] means to rewrite the history of the Second World War to give support to the Third Reich, which is morally inadmissible," Pushkov said.

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