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par far
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    The Great Reset


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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:15 pm

    Nothing that the 1% pulls will reduce CO2 emissions aside from destroying the world economy. They will never cut off their
    flow of filthy lucre. Never. They have big plans to maintain their gravy train while they downsize the global population and
    consolidate even more power. But until they actually start the cull in full gear, there will be no CO2 emissions attenuation. In fact,
    their grubbing for wealth is what drives up CO2 emissions through both fossil fuel extraction and deforestation.

    And it does not matter if the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero today. Not only is an additional 1.5 C of global warming locked
    in from the existing concentrations via a lagged-response delay, the near term warming is accelerating the release of natural
    CO2 and CH4 reservoirs. This includes the vast pool of 50 x atmosphere CO2 in the oceans. There is a very high chance
    that by 2100, even if 80% of humanity has been pruned by the deciders, that there will be no control over the warming. It
    will keep on increasing for centuries thanks to the vast natural sources being unleashed. This will be tightly coupled to the
    attenuation of CO2 sinks on land and especially in the oceans. The system will settle down after a few thousand
    years and in around 200,000 years the CO2 levels will fall back to normal (around 300 ppmv) via chemical weathering or rocks.

    People should make the effort to separate the science from the clowns trying to use it to further their power lust. Denying
    global warming is the equivalent of denying that there are only two sexes by the SJWs. They think that the truth is undermining
    their agenda, don't think like them.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  Kiko Fri Feb 19, 2021 12:38 pm

    What do we do about the Great Reset?, by Victoria Nikiforova for RIA Novosti.
    08:00 19.02.2021

    Let's see what the "golden billion" will look like if the Davos wise men still decide to launch their perestroika.

    To begin with, the rejection of oil and the transition to extremely expensive, ineffective and unstable green energy will make such basic goods as heating, a private car with a gasoline engine, and household appliances such as an air conditioner inaccessible to the broad masses.

    A refrigerator and a washing machine will turn out to be luxury items. Most likely, as they fail, they will be used collectively. It is not for nothing that today we are offered a brilliant world in which a person has nothing of his own and he is forced to rent literally everything - from a room to cutlery, from socks to a bicycle.

    An artificial shortage of food - with the extermination of chickens and pigs under the pretext of bird and swine flu - will ensure that food prices soar. You can start saying goodbye to beef today: Western ecologists have accumulated too many complaints about cows.

    The sad paradox is that never in the history of mankind has so much affordable and quality food been produced in the world. The opportunity to defeat hunger on a global scale has never been closer.

    However, the rupture of supply chains and speculation on the topic of a pandemic in the spring introduced the population of the West to such purely socialist problems as shortages, queues and immortal "two packs in one hand." So when the UN warns of mass famine, it is not just traditionally poor countries that are meant. Already, the number of hungry people in the United States and England is breaking records.

    Green energy will lead to de-industrialization. Without cheap energy, production will collapse like dominoes. Accordingly, the price of literally everything will skyrocket. A tariff war with exporters under the pretext of their "carbon footprint" will add even more hell. This will destroy the light industry of developing countries, and leave the population of the West without cheap clothes and shoes.

    You will have to save for a coat for months - as Akaky Akakievich saved up for an overcoat. In terms of food, Europe will roll back to the days of Henry IV, when chicken for Sunday lunch was the unattainable dream of millions. The car will become an unthinkable luxury. Travel is at the whim of the super-rich.

    Actually, in miniature this world, where all the usual modern goods remained only for the elite , we clearly saw at Christmas. While millions of British and Americans sat on lockdown, singer Madonna flew to Africa with her children, young boyfriend and personal photographer . She had a transplant in London.

    It suddenly became clear that there are special "green" corridors for people of the level of Madonna in London airports. There are no tests for coronavirus, no self-isolation, just bash and fly wherever you want. Having picked up her son in London, the singer flew with the whole family to Africa on a private jet and there traveled to different countries for her own pleasure, not worrying at all about the "carbon footprint" and other nonsense.

    Today, the world's leading media openly urge readers to cut their consumption and realize that travel and beef steaks are "a luxury and a responsibility." It seems that many holders of the world's wealth are planning a massive robbery of their populations through artificial price gouging.

    Interestingly, even twelve years ago, this agenda - "rich countries must reduce consumption" - was voiced by the famous Obama administration official , environmentalist and socialist Carol Browner. At that time, she was the wife of Mike Podhorser, the very same gray cardinal who had just brought Joe Biden to power in the United States . That is, the globalist elites were already planning to transfer the "golden billion" to wartime.

    Of course, the masses can rebel against this state of affairs. However, it may turn out that there will be no one to rebel. Medicine and pharmaceuticals have been officially announced as the driver of the economy of the future. This means that different viruses, vaccines, medicines - fake and not fake - will be tested non-stop on Westerners. The only sector where job growth is planned, according to Klaus Schwab, is patient care.

    It seems that after the "reset" half of the population of developed countries will be sick, and half will take care of them. Bigpharma will naturally blossom in these proposed circumstances. And the psychology of an eternally sick person will fit perfectly into the soul of a modern European, utterly mucked by political correctness and accustomed to achieving his goal exclusively by whining, complaints and insults.

    The cherry on top of the cake will be merciless sex education and the most severe censorship. They neurotize the population to such an extent that it will forget about the joys of the flesh and procreation. Finally, the globalist elites will be able to significantly reduce the number of Homo sapiens, freeing up the cleared planet for antelopes, butterflies and dolphins.

    If the European authorities behave as unprincipled and weak-willed as they are today, then American corporations will really try to build their dictatorship in the Old and New Worlds, driving hundreds of millions of people there and deliberately ruining them. What can you do, the colonies are over, you have to plunder and dispose of your own population.

    The entire flywheel of the robbery will be unleashed under the slogan of combating global warming. And the main culprit of this mythical "climate change" will be assigned - guess three times! - well, yes, of course, Russia.

    Nevertheless, our country will not be able to stay away from the trends of the Great Reset. Why, Russia, the world's first economy - China - is already adjusting to the new reality.

    And the point here is not at all in the insidious globalist elites. With this brave new world you will have to trade and somehow try to do business. The local approaches will be popularized not disinterestedly in Russia as well.

    Our manufacturers, already embedded in the global economy, cannot fail to see literally everything becoming more expensive. And now we have now called to raise the prices of beef, then to introduce excise taxes on sweets. Prices for household appliances are growing at a faster pace. Medicines have gone up insanely. It would be good if the "comrade government" looked after all this - otherwise, as if domestic capitalists did not begin to ruin the end consumers under the pretext that this is, they say, a world trend.

    It is also not worthwhile to fence off the dystopia planned by the sages of Davos with an iron curtain. There is something useful in their discourse, and one must be able to apply this for the good of the Russians. Saving water, taking care of the preservation of endangered species, saving from deforestation and competently disposing of garbage - all these are undoubtedly noble and right tasks.

    The emphasis on human development can also be used to your advantage. It would help correct the long-standing bias of our lives towards a ruthless economy, or rather economics. It is worth catching the Schwab at his word - the current situation is really worth using to improve every person. Only a person should not huddle in a hostel and eat soy meat, but live in his own house and enjoy the growing standard of living.

    We must offer our own picture of the future and build it no less actively and enthusiastically than our Western partners. "Capturing the Imagination of Humanity" is an interesting topic if captured correctly.

    If Russian scientists, programmers, engineers of human souls are able to take everything useful from modern technologies - including technologies for processing public consciousness - then Russia will really be able to offer the "reset" world a lot of good things.

    And it is not only normal food, a loving family, a healthy lifestyle and cutting-edge technology - even our Western partners recognize that Russia is part of one of the world leaders in high-tech start-ups. First of all, it will be freedom - the most scarce commodity in Western reality.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:05 am

    Great article, thank you for sharing @Kiko.

    Consciousness about The Great Reset is definitely spreading beyond alternative/foreign (ie. non Western) media. This a good thing.

    Below is video by Russell Brand. I wasn't a particular fan of his (at times) lefty, New Agey type of content before but since a couple of months he's been putting out a lot of great content on Covid19 and now The Great Reset. This video is about Big Tech's takeover of agriculture and focuses on India. He also calls out Modi for being a big fat useless globalist pawn*

    He has a huge following which helps spread awareness

    The comment section is particularly switched on.

    *Unless I am missing something which doesn't meet the eye here. But I don't believe in a China-like slyness that will eventually make India ditch the globalists


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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:10 am

    Worth watching the whole video. The picture that emerges from Gates' actions deletes the phony image he and his MSM
    sycophants are trying to project.

    par far

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Sat Feb 20, 2021 3:38 pm

    Kiko wrote:What do we do about the Great Reset?, by Victoria Nikiforova for RIA Novosti.
    08:00 19.02.2021

    Let's see what the "golden billion" will look like if the Davos wise men still decide to launch their perestroika.

    To begin with, the rejection of oil and the transition to extremely expensive, ineffective and unstable green energy will make such basic goods as heating, a private car with a gasoline engine, and household appliances such as an air conditioner inaccessible to the broad masses.

    A refrigerator and a washing machine will turn out to be luxury items. Most likely, as they fail, they will be used collectively. It is not for nothing that today we are offered a brilliant world in which a person has nothing of his own and he is forced to rent literally everything - from a room to cutlery, from socks to a bicycle.

    An artificial shortage of food - with the extermination of chickens and pigs under the pretext of bird and swine flu - will ensure that food prices soar. You can start saying goodbye to beef today: Western ecologists have accumulated too many complaints about cows.

    The sad paradox is that never in the history of mankind has so much affordable and quality food been produced in the world. The opportunity to defeat hunger on a global scale has never been closer.

    However, the rupture of supply chains and speculation on the topic of a pandemic in the spring introduced the population of the West to such purely socialist problems as shortages, queues and immortal "two packs in one hand." So when the UN  warns of mass famine, it is not just traditionally poor countries that are meant. Already, the number of hungry people in the United States and England is breaking records.

    Green energy will lead to de-industrialization. Without cheap energy, production will collapse like dominoes. Accordingly, the price of literally everything will skyrocket. A tariff war with exporters under the pretext of their "carbon footprint" will add even more hell. This will destroy the light industry of developing countries, and leave the population of the West without cheap clothes and shoes.

    You will have to save for a coat for months - as Akaky Akakievich saved up for an overcoat. In terms of food, Europe will roll back to the days of Henry IV, when chicken for Sunday lunch was the unattainable dream of millions. The car will become an unthinkable luxury. Travel is at the whim of the super-rich.

    Actually, in miniature this world, where all the usual modern goods remained only for the elite , we clearly saw at Christmas. While millions of British and Americans sat on lockdown, singer Madonna flew to Africa with her children, young boyfriend and personal photographer . She had a transplant in London.

    It suddenly became clear that there are special "green" corridors for people of the level of Madonna in London airports. There are no tests for coronavirus, no self-isolation, just bash and fly wherever you want. Having picked up her son in London, the singer flew with the whole family to Africa on a private jet and there traveled to different countries for her own pleasure, not worrying at all about the "carbon footprint" and other nonsense.

    Today, the world's leading media openly urge readers to cut their consumption and realize that travel and beef steaks are "a luxury and a responsibility." It seems that many holders of the world's wealth are planning a massive robbery of their populations through artificial price gouging.

    Interestingly, even twelve years ago, this agenda - "rich countries must reduce consumption" - was voiced by the famous Obama administration official , environmentalist and socialist Carol Browner. At that time, she was the wife of Mike Podhorser, the very same gray cardinal who had just brought Joe Biden to power in the United States . That is, the globalist elites were already planning to transfer the "golden billion" to wartime.

    Of course, the masses can rebel against this state of affairs. However, it may turn out that there will be no one to rebel. Medicine and pharmaceuticals have been officially announced as the driver of the economy of the future. This means that different viruses, vaccines, medicines - fake and not fake - will be tested non-stop on Westerners. The only sector where job growth is planned, according to Klaus Schwab, is patient care.

    It seems that after the "reset" half of the population of developed countries will be sick, and half will take care of them. Bigpharma will naturally blossom in these proposed circumstances. And the psychology of an eternally sick person will fit perfectly into the soul of a modern European, utterly mucked by political correctness and accustomed to achieving his goal exclusively by whining, complaints and insults.

    The cherry on top of the cake will be merciless sex education and the most severe censorship. They neurotize the population to such an extent that it will forget about the joys of the flesh and procreation. Finally, the globalist elites will be able to significantly reduce the number of Homo sapiens, freeing up the cleared planet for antelopes, butterflies and dolphins.

    If the European authorities behave as unprincipled and weak-willed as they are today, then American corporations will really try to build their dictatorship in the Old and New Worlds, driving hundreds of millions of people there and deliberately ruining them. What can you do, the colonies are over, you have to plunder and dispose of your own population.

    The entire flywheel of the robbery will be unleashed under the slogan of combating global warming. And the main culprit of this mythical "climate change" will be assigned - guess three times! - well, yes, of course, Russia.

    Nevertheless, our country will not be able to stay away from the trends of the Great Reset. Why, Russia, the world's first economy - China - is already adjusting to the new reality.

    And the point here is not at all in the insidious globalist elites. With this brave new world you will have to trade and somehow try to do business. The local approaches will be popularized not disinterestedly in Russia as well.

    Our manufacturers, already embedded in the global economy, cannot fail to see literally everything becoming more expensive. And now we have now called to raise the prices of beef, then to introduce excise taxes on sweets. Prices for household appliances are growing at a faster pace. Medicines have gone up insanely. It would be good if the "comrade government" looked after all this - otherwise, as if domestic capitalists did not begin to ruin the end consumers under the pretext that this is, they say, a world trend.

    It is also not worthwhile to fence off the dystopia planned by the sages of Davos with an iron curtain. There is something useful in their discourse, and one must be able to apply this for the good of the Russians. Saving water, taking care of the preservation of endangered species, saving from deforestation and competently disposing of garbage - all these are undoubtedly noble and right tasks.

    The emphasis on human development can also be used to your advantage. It would help correct the long-standing bias of our lives towards a ruthless economy, or rather economics. It is worth catching the Schwab at his word - the current situation is really worth using to improve every person. Only a person should not huddle in a hostel and eat soy meat, but live in his own house and enjoy the growing standard of living.

    We must offer our own picture of the future and build it no less actively and enthusiastically than our Western partners. "Capturing the Imagination of Humanity" is an interesting topic if captured correctly.

    If Russian scientists, programmers, engineers of human souls are able to take everything useful from modern technologies - including technologies for processing public consciousness - then Russia will really be able to offer the "reset" world a lot of good things.

    And it is not only normal food, a loving family, a healthy lifestyle and cutting-edge technology - even our Western partners recognize that Russia is part of one of the world leaders in high-tech start-ups. First of all, it will be freedom - the most scarce commodity in Western reality.

    That is a very informative article Kiko.

    I am probably the one that may think this but I think this whole "Great Reset" is going to fail because it is not well thought out. If we strip "The Great Reset" to it's core, it is basically taking money from the middle class and upper middle class and giving it to the rich and the refugees/migrants that are coming in large numbers into western countries.

    Here in Canada, tax's are going up for people making $70,000+, why should I work more and pay more taxes, when I can work less, pay less taxes and live off the government?

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  Vann7 Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:46 pm

    par far wrote:
    I am probably the one that may think this but I think this whole "Great Reset" is going to fail because it is not well thought out.

    Here in Canada, tax's are going up for people making $70,000+, why should I work more and pay more taxes, when I can work less, pay less taxes and live off the government?

    It will work , at least in the places that the great takeover will be implemented ,because they will make sure that you become 100% dependent to your government for everything. And those that are not productive in their eyes and not needed will be vaccinated to death..  Twisted Evil

    So the @GarryB "safe vaccines" ,will be their weapons of mass destruction of all opposition and anyone that they consider not important ,like those that are in their eyes parasites ,that don't produce and live of social aid. elder people will be wiped out too a big part of it , and the best part , from their point of view , and worse part from society , is that they will get away with the world biggest hollocaust /genocide of millions ,by blaming it to a new "more lethal" mutation of covid19  , but it will not be the virus what will kill you ,but their genetic manipulation mRNA vaccines. That all sheepeople will be fools to take ,trusting in their criminal governments.  They own the media ,that will feed you with propaganda to make you believe their vaccines "are safe". If anglo NATO powers and their zionist allies, find totally acceptable for an entire decade ,2011 to 2021 and more , to give money and advance weapons  and military training and political cover ,to ISIS and Alqaeda in Syria ,yemen ,and lybia to over run a nation with 30 million of citizens , as they doing in Syria , then they will be perfectly capable of doing anything with their own people.  If they are totally incapable of feeling empathy for millions human lives ,women and children ,then they will be capable to exterminate millions of their own citizens , all in the name of them maintaining power and conserve their very high standard of living as a super rich. They are afraid that the collapse of America ,like soviet union did or worse ,will be their end , and that they will be chased by international justice like nazis were ,so they seeking to hold power forever ,by having absolute control over society , all the way to their health.


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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:02 am

    With the worst of the Texas power crisis now behind us, the blame and fingerpointing begins, and while the jury is still out whose actions (or lack thereof) may have led to the deadly and widespread blackouts that shocked Texas this week, Cascend Strategy writes that "in case there was any doubt why the Texas grid collapsed, the data is clear"

    -- Wind failed as “Ice storms knocked out nearly half the wind-power generating capacity of Texas on Sunday as a massive deep freeze across the state locked up wind turbine generators, creating an electricity generation crisis."

    -- Natural gas made up the difference for a while

    -- But then everything else followed down

    The Great Reset - Page 3 Wind%20power%20overnight

    This is an example of alt-energy being implemented as a subsidy racket and being a joke. If wind power was deployed properly, it would have been
    associated with chemical storage (e.g. NH3 or some other energy storage molecule) and used to power cars and produce power. Instead, it can't
    even survive a predictable weather outlier.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:52 am

    Here in Canada, tax's are going up for people making $70,000+, why should I work more and pay more taxes, when I can work less, pay less taxes and live off the government?

    The real problem with tax is that anyone earning more than 100K per year pays an accountant who is essentially a criminal who helps you steal from society by not paying a fair amount of tax... the band aid solution to that is increasing tax rates for people earning more which is used as an excuse for them to hire accountants and for them to often end up paying much much less.

    Some of the richest people in most countries have accountancy schemes that enable them to earn enormous fortunes and pay little to no tax to the country that made them wealthy.

    Big rich companies will find weak loss making companies to buy to offset their own tax bill, and of course if you can't find any way of beating the system you invest millions into the campaign funds of both parties so no matter who wins you get a serious say in amendments to existing laws to make them more "fair".

    You make it look like you carry the burden of paying more taxes yet in effect you probably pay less than those minimum wage morons you have working for you making all your money.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:15 am

    The real problem with tax is that anyone earning more than 100K per year pays an accountant who is essentially a criminal who helps you steal from society by not paying a fair amount of tax...

    This is what the plantation looks like.

    The Prussian School model/ the debt based wage slavery mindset just doesn't want to die it seems.

    Fortunately I unplugged a long time ago. Good luck on the roller-coaster to soft cultural genocide, hyperinflation, techno-feudalism and mass psychosis that the next decade will be.

    I swear to God some people will, even when penniless and lined up for the buses to the re-education camp, still talk about their 'civil duties' and the 'fairness of the system' and how they need to bleed for that.

    Nothing personal Garry but this isn't the 70s anymore, when at least we still had a facade of benign leadership, sovereignty and overall sanity. Now you are just financing your own replacement, endless foreign wars, degeneration at home and abroad, an ever growing permanent class of low IQ leeches and the massive wealth transfer to the 0.01 percent.

    No thank you.

    As a final addendum: the State steals from you. Asserting the opposite is just a basket case of inverted reality and the mindfuckery it is build on

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:43 am

    In Canada back in the 1960s we had corporations accounting for 50% of all government tax collection. Now the burden is fully
    on the individual income tax payer. There has been a race to the bottom in terms of corporate tax rates. Funny that when
    corporations paid "high" taxes back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s we had the post war golden years. Now that they pay
    less than 10% and manage to squirm out of even this amount through offshore rackets, we have much poorer conditions.


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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:18 pm

    On the 'food wars' in the USA and by extension the West. Also touches extensively on Agenda 2030. This man does a good job at emphasising the ins and outs but seems a bit in denial on the motives behind the agenda that is tolled out now. It's NOT about money.

    From the description:

    Joe Biden recently announced plans to turn 30% of the United States back into conservation land. Currently 14% of land in the United States is protected by conservation, over 70% of land is privately owned. Of course those numbers don't include the amount of land that is actually in conservation in some shape or form. Many farms have acreage on their land for wildlife use. 52% of the United States land is used for Agricultural Purposes. However this large number is constantly being driven down by the fastest growing land use "Urban Areas." Urban area is the largest growing use in recent years while special land uses grew substantially in the late 1970's.

    With tightening agricultural resources, it seems highly unlikely that many farmers would find an economic benefit to collecting conservation payouts over agricultural production. Additionally, Biden's 30/30 executive order states the desire to make more conservation land available to the general public. Public accessibility is generally unpopular with private land owners and their liability insurance providers.

    So to reach this lofty goal of 30% Conservation by 2030 the Biden Administration will need to implement administrative direction that forces an outcome. As we know from 40 executive orders the Administration has no reservations about forcibly acting on their own accord.

    Just like the Dodd Frank Bill caused a consequential disruption in the financial industry, Biden's tax proposals may have a similar impact.

    0:00​ Global Food Wars
    2:15​ Grain Prices Continue to Rise
    3:40​ Climate Change impacts on Food Supply
    5:24​ Grain Prices Impacting Animal Agriculture
    7:12​ Biden Administration is not supportive of Agriculture
    8:11​ Dodd Frank Bill's Consequential Disruption of Private Property
    12:23​ Biden Tax Law BTL Forcing Farmers to Sell Land
    23:04​ Biden's Mark-to-Market Tax Proposal
    26:20​ President Biden Land Conservation Executive Order
    29:03​ President Biden Hires Eminent Domain Advocates
    32:10​ Biden's Environmental Protection Flaws
    35:17​ Biden Stops CFAP Payments to Farmers
    36:25​ USDA to take FDA authority on Genetically Engineered Animals

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:40 pm

    The Great Reset - Page 3 Bildsc10

    WEF put out a new tweet yesterday (and removed it when the responses weren't as expected)

    The accompanying text:

    Lockdowns significantly reduced human activity and its impact on the planet’s crust, leading to Earth's quietest period in decades.
    Ambient noise generated by travelling and factories dropped by 50% to the lowest levels ever recorded.
    Lower background noise meant smaller earthquakes that would otherwise not have been observed, were detected.
    These smaller tremors allow scientists to understand the seismic threat of minor hazards, and help assess the probability of larger earthquakes.

    So yes, peasants, stay at home for the rest of your lives because we can now register minor earthquakes.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:48 am

    Russel Brand again with an absolute banger of a video

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:38 am

    The biggest COVID denier out there, Tanzanian President John Magufuli dropped dead yesterday. His replacement will be Samoa Suluhu Hassan, who has her own personal page on the WEF website.

    Magafuli is the second COVID sceptic leader worldwide to drop dead. Several months ago the President of Burundi kicked out the WHO. Two weeks later he was dead. Lukashenko, who supposedly has a titanium stomach, had to deal with months long Sorosite protests. For what it's worth

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:40 pm

    China may be a closed, authoritarian, militant, "reverse-engineering" society. But even more importantly, China has the world's largest consumer army, and that - more than anything else - is why China is feared by countless corporations around the globe, all of whom desperately seek access to this army of rabid buyers.

    As discussed in this thread and others, the globalist program over the last 40 years has been to throw western consumers under the
    bus in exchange for new consumers in the developing world. China by itself is big enough to replace US consumers several times
    over when it develops to a critical level, which is not all that far away. The same for India. But even before this level, the size
    of China and India mean that a small middle class in those countries constitutes enough consumers to double the global market.

    Say 10% of China and India are middle class. That is 280 million people. At the same time the throwing under the bus of western
    consumers is not instantaneous. So we have a large increase in market size. Over time the percentage of middle class consumers
    around the world will grow even if there is decline in the standard of living in the developed world.

    The reason that western corporations are in bed with China is not because they love China.

    par far

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:52 pm

    kvs wrote:

    China may be a closed, authoritarian, militant, "reverse-engineering" society. But even more importantly, China has the world's largest consumer army, and that - more than anything else - is why China is feared by countless corporations around the globe, all of whom desperately seek access to this army of rabid buyers.

    As discussed in this thread and others, the globalist program over the last 40 years has been to throw western consumers under the
    bus in exchange for new consumers in the developing world.   China by itself is big enough to replace US consumers several times
    over when it develops to a critical level, which is not all that far away.   The same for India.   But even before this level, the size
    of China and India mean that a small middle class in those countries constitutes enough consumers to double the global market.

    Say 10% of China and India are middle class.  That is 280 million people.   At the same time the throwing under the bus of western
    consumers is not instantaneous.    So we have a large increase in market size.   Over time the percentage of middle class consumers
    around the world will grow even if there is decline in the standard of living in the developed world.  

    The reason that western corporations are in bed with China is not because they love China.

    The middle class in the west was already being destroyed(and they are going to do the "great reset" scam in the west, which will futher destroy the western middle class), while the middle class in China was growing(I have no idea for India)  and this pandemic has just accelerated this trend.

    The middle class in China from what I read and gathered is at 350-400 million(I don't know how true this is but it is what I got from researching, of course it is not exact figure.)  

    To put this in pretext, the population of NATO is around 600 million and we all know what is going on in the west.

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:20 pm

    You agree with my points. The backbone of globalism is the transfer of consumer market to the world. This offers the elites a windfall
    since they can cut wages to developed world workers and offshore their jobs. They lose nothing.

    It is also clear that poverty is not some crucible of revolution. It is instead a great neutralizer. People are too busy feeding themselves
    to engage in self-education on political issues and engage in activism. From what I can tell the French and Russian revolutions were not
    about the peasants wanting bread, but were social engineering projects.

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    par far

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:42 am

    kvs wrote:You agree with my points.   The backbone of globalism is the transfer of consumer market to the world.   This offers the elites a windfall
    since they can cut wages to developed world workers and offshore their jobs.   They lose nothing.  

    It is also clear that poverty is not some crucible of revolution.   It is instead a great neutralizer.   People are too busy feeding themselves
    to engage in self-education on political issues and engage in activism.    From what I can tell the French and Russian revolutions were not
    about the peasants wanting bread, but were social engineering projects.

    I agree with your points kvs, the elites really not care about anyone but them.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:42 am

    kvs wrote:You agree with my points.   The backbone of globalism is the transfer of consumer market to the world.   This offers the elites a windfall
    since they can cut wages to developed world workers and offshore their jobs.   They lose nothing.  

    It is also clear that poverty is not some crucible of revolution.   It is instead a great neutralizer.   People are too busy feeding themselves
    to engage in self-education on political issues and engage in activism.    From what I can tell the French and Russian revolutions were not
    about the peasants wanting bread, but were social engineering projects.

    Right. And, if ever, the peasants do rise up they are easily squashed because they hold no resources, no institutions and no soft power

    Peasant uprisings have a dramatic rate of success. That was even so before the advent of all-intrusive technology

    About the reasoning for the cattleization of humanity in the NWO zone - with the destruction of the middle class as it's main pillar, they want you dependent on the government

    If you are dependent of the government they rule over you. If you are independent (financially, but also spirituality/physically) then the government works for you

    And who controls 'the government' should at this point be obvious. It's the same people that control z or better said, make the money.

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:37 am

    The separation of elites from power is non-existent. The government is a whore for special interests, staffed with clowns
    who serve masters other than the voter masses. An example is the politicians or senior bureaucrats that get cushy corporate
    jobs. They have a clear conflict of interest since they will never do anything that offends their future employers. It should
    be illegal for government apartchiks and politicians from ever taking any such private sector jobs. If they want to be self
    employed, then I have no problem with that.

    The last century was interesting in that there was some sort of attenuation of the aristocrat-serf mode and we had the
    growth of a middle class. But this clearly has not lasted and we are returning to the centuries old pattern of aristocrats
    and serfs. Serfs does not require formal legal control. By being poor you can easily be a serf like the coal miners in
    West Virginia who were effectively on the coal mine company plantation.

    Francis "I am an idiot" Fukuyama's idea that history has ended is clearly BS.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:12 pm

    Covid1984 indeed.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:06 am

    Zero Hedge article on the new British Vaccine Passports.

    Turns out these Vaccine Passports had been in the making for at least a year. No wonder they keep drawing out this pimped up flu around so long. Hospital bed occupancy rate around New Year was several percent lower than in 2019 at that same holiday

    So yes, no pint in the pub without vaccine passports. No buying or selling with vaccine passports, no holidays - let alone train rides without vaccine passports

    The West with Britain ahead is sleepwalking into a dystopian techno-feudalist totalitarian state where civil liberties and the individual no longer exist

    At this point I am pretty sure that within 5 years they'll start peddling micro-chipping the human cattle - all for our own safety and the safety of our communities

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:31 am

    I mentioned it before, a new control grid spanning the Internet is included in The Great Reset

    This will then be tied to your social credit score and ability to fully function in society. Said some bad stuff about migrants or some pro-Putin stuff online?

    [robotic voice] you have now committed a thought crime]

    Meanwhile the FEMA camps are being rolled out in the US and Canada

    The speed with which The Great Reset is unfolding surprises even me.

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:31 pm

    bitcoin and other crypto currencies could be part of the greater reset , interesting report
    by a computer scientist ,explaining the second largest scam in human history--> BITCOIN.

    and the first greatest scam (at least with money) ? the bretton wood sytem ,that also Russia
    is part and all nations too and that allow western bankers to judge the value of every currency
    in the planet in comparison with the US dollar.

    interesting repot and read.

    Through introduction of puppet organizations like IMF and World bank via Bretton Woods System (1st Greatest Scam) in 1945, the global elites snatched the economic autonomy from third world countries (every developing and under-developed country). It was now possible to punish or bully any nation across the globe that may not bow down to their One World Order.

    Governments who dare to oppose, are socially and economically boycotted internationally, through strict economic sanctions and are defamed via mainstream media. The citizens of such oppressed countries are forced towards poverty, unemployment and civil war.

    Latest examples include Iran, North Korea, Syria and now Venezuela. Not so old examples include Iraq and Libya.

    IMF’s vicious policies are scripted in Washington D.C. by the richest elites and they are simple to understand: “Comply or starve to death”

    interesting is to know , that bitcoin could not exist ,if no big company accept it as payment ,
    and by looking at wish companies accept bitcoin as payment? it was surprising not ,that most of them were american global business. AT&T ,Microsoft , US fast food chains ,Amazon , do i need to continue? and this are the open admission , they allowing this.

    The report states , with bretton wood system , the anglo west could know how much money
    you have in their banks.. and also determine the value of your currency . but they could not trace how you got the money always , bit cashless society /bitcoin ,they can know not only spy fully
    how you spend every cent and where ,but also who gave you it . Also bitcoin will allow for more eaasier hacking of people savings , and cancel their entire life savings in a second ,and later can't demand any bank to restore it back ,since with crypto currencies is completely obscure who did what and where and when , so cryptocurrencies fits very well to the central banks agenda ,because allow them to completely control the west of every citizen in the world ,with the push of a keyboard key and later hide their hands and get away with it , with noone to be held accounted ,and more easier for government to transfer money from people to politicians or military pockets ,and more easier to blackmail them . imagine such a corrupt system ,that will allow a government to erase your entire life savings and do it in total secrecy ?

    and the rockefellers future challenges papers , that predicted a world pandemic that will start in china 10 years ago , they also predicted that in the year 2030 , "hackers" or better said CIA ,MI6 and other anglo intel agencies will cause a global wipeout of all the data ,including banks.. so this ring alarms to me that the satanic cabal jewish banking elite are planning the major bank robbery is world history ,
    and leave bankrupt any competitors countries .. which this is all about , their "simulations" are nothing more than global agendas they need to implement to guarantee the continuation of their
    global dominance.. this is another big reason for Russia and china to create its own intenert and their own computers , they can't rely on the west for absolutely any technology. alternative to western
    computers , internet and software will had to be done , and one that completely emulate if not surpass the western business.

    my theory is crypto currencies and cashless digital currency society , is likely  a very important part of the greater reset and a attempt of anglozionisth elites to guarantee the continuation of the domination of their system.  people like soros ,rockefellers and rothchild to  continue being super rich ,not matter if they sell anything or not .

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    The Great Reset - Page 3 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:26 pm

    That take is doing the rounds everywhere now

    I personally believe Bitcoin was invented by 'Mr. Satoshi' and not by some Deep State spook in Langley. If crypto will really start threatening fiat they can just outlaw it and use the blockchain technology to switch towards digital currencies themselves

    Which is way I always maintain that BTC or any other crypto is not an inflation hedge and/or storage of value. If you want to store your value away from depreciating fiat currencies buy precious metals/ real estate/ commodities. It's a damned good tool for making money though

    Quite frankly the globalists are too incompetent for a blockchain testproject of this size

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