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par far
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    The Great Reset

    par far

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    The Great Reset Empty The Great Reset

    Post  par far Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:11 pm

    After reading about the "Great Reset", I think it mostly about industrialized countries to deindustrialize and for poor countries to stay that way.

    I hope/wish Russia does not follow this path, Russia is slowly building up all the capabilities that she has, while the western countries are slowly destroying themselves.

    What are your guys opinions about this?

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  JohninMK Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:48 pm

    Unless it ends in nuked destruction, either by accident of cunning plan, Russia is carefully positioning itself to come out on top.

    It has by far the least debt of any developed economy, significant gold reserves, both in and out of the ground and, at a push, self sufficiency in food. Finally it is well enough armed to be able to defend itself from the jealous hordes.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Jul 25, 2020 9:43 pm

    Yes, Russia's future prospects are mostly good, the only issue is it's Birth Rates and Migration policies.

    Recently there have been further calls to open Russia's borders more, i worry that Russia will go the way of Britain and Sweden all because of this birth rates excuse.


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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:48 am

    I would worry about birth rates when it actually becomes a problem... otherwise it is just a smoke screen.

    Once you get quality of life high... where only one parent in the family needs to work to provide a comfortable life where you can own your own house and two or more cars and go on a good holiday every year... and not worry you might get kicked out of your apartment if you lose your job...

    A society where business recognises it earns money because its workers do a good job and spend more time improving productivity and conditions for those workers than pandering to share holders demands for high returns.

    Most share holders are ass holes... I know quite a few who were showing off because the shares they bought for a dollar and now worth $50... and then I see them again and they are complaining they didn't sell because now those shares are only worth $35 dollars and the world is ending... the people who paid $50 dollars a share and now they are worth $35 might complain but honestly the only reason they bought the shares was to make money with no effort... they saw the value go up and were too late to benefit... the shares might really be worth $20 so buying for $1 was a bargain, but the people buying at $50 are idiots...

    I think shares in companies are stupid... considering the amount of dividends they pay out on them they would be better not selling off shares in their company and just give the workers automatic shares so they benefit when the business does well...

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:46 am

    There have already been calls from within Russia to further open their borders Garry, so the worry is real.

    And you already know my thought on Women, their vote, Welfare and Fertility decline.
    Idealism will never win over cold hard numbers.
    The same way socialism can't win over economics.

    And no, the quality of life will never reach that high, since women saturate the labor market, ergo wages decline.
    par far

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:33 pm

    I believe that government replacement was because the old government was not getting things done.

    But before the new government was able to start, this whole fuckin pandemic happened.

    I think the Russian population will go up after all this crap.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:35 pm

    GarryB wrote:I would worry about birth rates when it actually becomes a problem... otherwise it is just a smoke screen.

    Once you get quality of life high... where only one parent in the family needs to work to provide a comfortable life where you can own your own house and two or more cars and go on a good holiday every year... and not worry you might get kicked out of your apartment if you lose your job...

    A society where business recognises it earns money because its workers do a good job and spend more time improving productivity and conditions for those workers than pandering to share holders demands for high returns.

    Most share holders are ass holes... I know quite a few who were showing off because the shares they bought for a dollar and now worth $50... and then I see them again and they are complaining they didn't sell because now those shares are only worth $35 dollars and the world is ending... the people who paid $50 dollars a share and now they are worth $35 might complain but honestly the only reason they bought the shares was to make money with no effort... they saw the value go up and were too late to benefit... the shares might really be worth $20 so buying for $1 was a bargain, but the people buying at $50 are idiots...

    I think shares in companies are stupid... considering the amount of dividends they pay out on them they would be better not selling off shares in their company and just give the workers automatic shares so they benefit when the business does well...

    This has been one of my pet peeves for decades.   The idiots who run marketing departments and their bosses only worry about profit margins
    and costs.   So their ideal operating regime, whether they realize this or not, is to have zero costs but still rake in the cash from sales.   That
    is, they want an infinite profit margin.    So you see these criminally negligent clowns downsize their workforce and cut costs that directly
    result in the degradation of quality of their products.   Offshoring is part of this insanity as well since a factory sweatshop beats well paid workers
    any day to these pinheads.    Of course, by reducing the workforce and also paying it less they reduce the demand for their goods and services.  
    This a full economy effect and not just one company.    And it defeats all the profit margin chasing in the long run.

    What we have been seeing since the 1980s has been the catabolic "rightsizing" and "downsizing" of the advanced western economies.   This
    has resulted in the decline of the middle class.   BTW, official statistics lie on this point.   Even if there is some admission of decline since the
    1970s, the scale is grossly understated.   The USA has transitioned from a regime where one earner could afford to buy a house and have
    a couple of cars and provide for the education of his children (this matters for the USA where tuition is not free), to a regime where even
    two earners cannot make ends meet.   But the statistics pretend that the second earner is almost fully offsetting the decline in income of
    the first earner.    This is total BS.   The costs have gone through the roof since the 1970s.   This applies to house prices in particular.
    In Toronto, Canada, one could buy a nice house in a nice part of town for about $70,000 (Canadian dollars) around 1978.   By the 1990s
    this same house was approaching $700,000.   But the incomes did not increase by a factor of 10 over the same period.    In Canada the
    tuition costs have skyrocketed for post-secondary education and they have increased substantially above inflation in the USA as well.

    But offshoring has really done in the middle class in North America.   Good paying jobs have disappeared to replaced by lower paying
    service sector jobs.   This is not a sustainable model.   If the corporate bosses had any plan, then it was to replace the lost consumers
    in the developed world with hundreds of millions of new consumers in China, India and elsewhere.   So throwing the US workforce under
    the bus would not mean bankruptcy but more filthy lucre.   But here is where we come to the topic of this thread.   Something went
    very wrong with the plan.   It appears that the clowns just assumed that they would own those new markets but it was Chinese and
    Indian companies that dominated instead.   That would vastly reduce the income stream from the new consumers.   So throwing US
    and other developed world consumers under the bus is not working out.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:23 am

    Exactly... the best product is the cheapest product.... they expect high quality and durability but they don't want to pay anything for that, so you end up with cheap materials and a third world workforce putting it together with no craftsmanship or skill or pride in their work... their bosses don't care if they make the prettiest product... what they care about is how many completed products you get out the door a day and doing well one week counts for nothing if the next week you are not feeling well... the worst companies post or print out production or sales figures from last year and think they are encouraging their workers by saying they need to do 5% better in this period... unless they find a way to solve problems that are slowing things down dramatic improvements in productivity simply can't continue year in and year out without fraud... and that is what it often has to come down to...

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:24 pm

    A Russian ex-pat living in Florida runs this channel and comments on life in America. He has a balanced approach.

    In the video above he discusses the economic situation in the USA. The US GDP contracted by about 33% in the
    second quarter of 2020 on an annualized basis. But if you look at the stock markets you would think that everything
    was rosy. If ever there was clear proof that US and other stock markets are a total fraud that has no connection
    to the real or imaginary economy, then this is it.

    In order for the stock markets to be this detached from reality, they must be totally manipulated. No way that
    some random herd of investors will selectively ignore various indicators in exactly the same way at exactly the same

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:26 pm

    Apple now has a capitalization of almost 2 trillion dollars even though the US GDP collapsed by 33% in the 2nd quarter.
    All the yanqui sycophants are dancing the victory dance touting the first piece of news but utterly ignoring the second.

    The US and fellow traveler stock markets are a sham. They are one of the pools for the Fed printing presses of Pancho Villa
    greenbacks. Stock buying reflects media hype and the low grade investment ability of most stock market participants who
    are small time.

    I know day traders and I am told that the herd of small time investors does not act
    smart. They do not buy low and sell high as is the common belief. These small time stock market players are easily
    panicked and end up mostly buying high and selling low. They do not weather stock drops well. These small time
    players are also easily herded by media and analysts. These analysts are basically paid shills. I recall one such
    clown called Ashok Kumar who would systematically denigrate AMD and extol Intel. History exposes such analysts.
    But they never stop.

    At the end of the day market capitalization is illusory. If Apple wanted to turn its stocks into 1.9 trillion dollars it
    would never get that amount since the price per stock would implode. Demand and supply and all that Jazz. Yet
    somehow it has become accepted to think that stock capitalization is real. The only reality is that stocks have
    a price on small trade volumes. Apple never actually had its total stock pool paid for with 1.9 trillion dollars. Most
    of that gain is speculative inflation. But this inflation becomes deflation as soon as any effort is made to realize
    that illusory capital.


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    The Great Reset Empty The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:26 pm

    This thread is dedicated to news, analysis and discussion on The Great Reset.

    In short, The Great Reset is a globalist plan, or takeover so you wish, to create a completely new socio-economic reality that will encompass all aspects of our lives. Meat consumption will greatly diminish. Nations will borderline cease to exist. Property will be a thing of the past. Totalitarian control systems will be implemented. Internet usage will be de-anonymised. A new global blockchain based digital currency will be introduced. International travel will greatly diminish. Digital biometric passports will be introduced. The dollar will lose its status as the World's Reserve Currency, and the US will cease to be the sole superpower

    The globalists work through multilateral organs like the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the Worldbank and the WHO and of course foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations and Open Society. The frontmen of this plan are Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros. But make no mistake, there are far more powerful pulling the strings on the background.

    In the West all major politicians, organisations, banks and institutes seem to be on board. Aside from Trump of course, but he is out of the way now. However, there clearly are countries that are not on board with The Great Reset. China, Russia and Iran are the main three.

    2020 was the year of their big move, and they'll only accelerate in 2021. The coronavirus proved the perfect crisis scenario to push through these far reaching plans and projects. I'd like to think that there is a sense of desperation stemming from it.

    In the video below they tell you, with a smile and some feel good music, that in 2030 'you'll own nothing and you'll be happy'. Another great guide into their plans is the UN's agenda 2030. You can easily look up the PDF file online

    A term that is often mentioned together with The Great Reset, is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Below is a video wherein Schwab in his words explain what it means.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:11 pm

    One of the major planks of The Great Reset is Transhumanism.

    Transhumanism is a gigantic topic of itself. However, the difference is that before it was only talked about by obscure fringe figures and now it is becoming a reality at breathtaking speed

    Sweden is the country where this fusion of the digital and physical is furthest. They already have microchipping pilot programs

    par far

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Wed Feb 03, 2021 6:35 pm

    Hopefully Russia stays away from this fucked up cult.
    par far

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Wed Feb 03, 2021 6:41 pm

    elconquistador wrote:This thread is dedicated to news, analysis and discussion on The Great Reset.

    In short, The Great Reset is a globalist plan, or takeover so you wish, to create a completely new socio-economic reality that will encompass all aspects of our lives. Meat consumption will greatly diminish. Nations will borderline cease to exist. Property will be a thing of the past. Totalitarian control systems will be implemented. Internet usage will be de-anonymised. A new global blockchain based digital currency will be introduced. International travel will greatly diminish. Digital biometric passports will be introduced. The dollar will lose its status as the World's Reserve Currency, and the US will cease to be the sole superpower

    The globalists work through multilateral organs like the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the Worldbank and the WHO and of course foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations and Open Society. The frontmen of this plan are Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros. But make no mistake, there are far more powerful pulling the strings on the background.

    In the West all major politicians, organisations, banks and institutes seem to be on board. Aside from Trump of course, but he is out of the way now. However, there clearly are countries that are not on board with The Great Reset. China, Russia and Iran are the main three.

    2020 was the year of their big move, and they'll only accelerate in 2021. The coronavirus proved the perfect crisis scenario to push through these far reaching plans and projects. I'd like to think that there is a sense of desperation stemming from it.

    In the video below they tell you, with a smile and some feel good music, that in 2030 'you'll own nothing and you'll be happy'. Another great guide into their plans is the UN's agenda 2030. You can easily look up the PDF file online

    A term that is often mentioned together with The Great Reset, is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Below is a video wherein Schwab in his words explain what it means.

    So it is basically, the elite are going to throw a shit ton of migrants from the 3rd into the west(like they are doing right now) and the quality of life will go down in the west because the countries in the east are telling the west to fuck off.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:42 pm

    The brilliant plan of these western deciders is to throw everything into the toilet. Epic brilliance like no other.


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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:58 am

    It's like playing a broken record but I'd still like to repeat that the 2020 US elections were like no other. It should be, completely, viewed in the light of The Great Reset

    The Great Reset Screen23

    Aside from the terms 'The Great Reset' and 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution', we have the 'Build Back Better' phrase.

    It's is like some sort of satanic 'hide in the open' strategy where all these pawns repeat the same line to signal their submission to their masters

    Just type in 'build back better' in the Yandex/Google search engine, or on YouTube and you'll see

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:05 am

    Fortunately there are also world leaders (outside the axis mentioned above) that have not been completely cucked

    The Great Reset Screen24

    Keep an eye out for Jair. If they can dispose Trump like that Bolsonaro is really playing with fire now.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:18 am

    elconquistador wrote:

    I like Burr's comedy routines. He is funny because he is not a PC drone but is actually not as "low IQ" as he is painting himself in
    this video.

    I disagree with him about the idea that the world's problems are solved by intellectual giants. Intellectual giants maybe exist
    in some crack in academia and some private sector financier or even engineer. But the deciders are not the intellectual giants
    and as we saw with Nikola Tesla, the Lilliputians around him screwed him over. The world is literally driven by idiots of all types.
    Decider idiots and the lemming idiots they herd. Smart problem solvers are heretics and socially marginal people. If if they
    contributed to the advance of science and technology none of them stand out in the role "world's problem solvers".

    I don't know where this common (not just Burr) expectation comes from that some smart people will pave the way. That is
    not how the world works.


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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:19 am

    It is nice to see Latin America strike out a path different from the "west" (North Atlantic). Maybe there is some hope that the
    lunacy will not become a global pandemic.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:28 am

    kvs wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:

    I like Burr's comedy routines. He is funny because he is not a PC drone but is actually not as "low IQ" as he is painting himself in
    this video.

    I disagree with him about the idea that the world's problems are solved by intellectual giants. Intellectual giants maybe exist
    in some crack in academia and some private sector financier or even engineer. But the deciders are not the intellectual giants
    and as we saw with Nikola Tesla, the Lilliputians around him screwed him over. The world is literally driven by idiots of all types.
    Decider idiots and the lemming idiots they herd. Smart problem solvers are heretics and socially marginal people. If if they
    contributed to the advance of science and technology none of them stand out in the role "world's problem solvers".

    I don't know where this common (not just Burr) expectation comes from that some smart people will pave the way. That is
    not how the world works.

    The compilation video wherein all western world leaders (from Joe Biden to Boris Johnson to the Pope to Prins Charles to Justin Trudeau to Antonio Guterres etc) use that phrase has magically disappeared

    And to Burr's(and my) defense, I basically used his name as a stepping stone. As for smart people in high positions : that's not what people get hired on. They get hired on having a workable IQ, submissive attitude, political leanings and psychopath/sociopath tendencies

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:50 am

    Another plank of The Great Reset is much reduced meat consumption. Protein consumption will be replaced with 'meat replacers' such as plant based proteins like lentils and soy and insect based proteins (aka bugs)

    This plank is already in full swing as in several European countries livestock is drastically reduced on the basis of cover up (ie. Methane reduction in Ireland, nitrogen reduction in The Netherlands and the bird flu in England)

    Not too mention that pigs now have been found to carry Covid1984.

    The goal, as states in several documents, is to completely switch from meatbased protein consumption to plant based/insect based protein consumption by 2035.

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:49 am

    It is a biological fact that high carb, low protein diet such as the one peddled by the Big Agro concocted food pyramid
    is an adrenaline inhibitor.   This is consistent with the out of balance cortisol in people who live on such diets and cortisol
    is the "stress" hormone (*) that can defeat all the exercise and low calorie effort giving heart disease etc.   Basically eating
    sugar and starch (aka carbs) makes people docile and submissive.   Living on a "paleo" diet gives them more "aggression"
    or better termed initiative.   This is also consistent with the need to survive when such diets were consumed.   And
    we are evolved for the paleo diet and not the Big Agro (serving Big Pharma) high carb diet.

    Americans consumed an annual average of about 12 pounds of sugar at the turn of the 1900s.   As of the turn of the
    2000s they consumed 120 pounds of sugar every year.  

    (*) Homeostasis means that a lot of hormones act in pairs.   Cortisol balances adrenaline.   Too much of either by
    itself is not good.

    Last edited by kvs on Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:48 am


    The feminization of men and the connected drop in sperm count/ sperm quality is definitely by design. (healthy meat based fats are the building block of cholesterol which is the building block of testosterone)

    The Great Reset Images21

    Leaving plastic residue, atrazine, fluoride, estrogen residue in tap water, and pesticides out of the question now. All those have a devastating effect on T-levels, sperm production and overall fertility as well.

    On Big Agro and their 'experiment' (that continues to this day) The Great Reset Screen26

    Leftist Neo-Trotzkyists freaks are of course the main victims of low T (there is a clear connections between high T levels and traditional/right wing political preferences). The 4 guys in the video below have the T levels of an 80 year old

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:28 pm

    I know for a fact that to fatten pigs for market they were fed sugary and starchy food. If you wanted to make a big
    lean, you would feed it meat scraps. The total calorie count has no controlling influence on the outcome. And
    pigs are actually closer biological models for humans than mice which are routinely used for experiments. The studies
    done during the 1950s and 1960s on heart disease with rabbits and which also used powdered eggs were ludicrous
    nonsense. Rabbits don't even develop the same type of heart disease that humans do and are pure herbivores.
    Powdered eggs are a stupid type of food since they are laden with oxidized cholesterol. Normal LDL and HDL cholesterol
    are not any sort of problem. Oxidized cholesterol is a totally different molecular compound with a different structure and
    binding characteristics.

    One of the primary contributing factors to arterial plaque formation is the generation of oxidized cholesterol through
    free radical attack (which oxidizes the molecule). Oxidation involves changes in the functional groups of molecules
    and is not something that can be fobbed off as minor. For example, the inert carbon compounds that come out of
    car tail pipes (soot) is attacked by hydroxyl (OH) and with the ready availability of H2O in the air you get the formation
    of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs). PAHs are carcinogens. The NOx free radicals in the blood
    that can come from both diet (nitrites, nitrates) and inhalation (car exhaust near streets or sitting in traffic) are no
    less chemically reactive than OH when it comes to attacking not only cholesterol but other compounds that make
    up the whole organism. It is rather likely that free radical stress is involved in triggering arterial plaque growth through
    persistent damage and thus the induced inflammation.

    Another primary causal factor in arterial plaque growth is nanoparticle aerosol pollution exposure. These small
    aerosol particles get directly into the blood stream as they cannot be filtered by the lungs and are typically
    chemically active including the nasty surface chemistry capacity. Having a surface produces all sorts of reaction
    magic thanks to the "catalytic" nature of surfaces in that they change the chemical Gibbs free energy. You can
    have hydrophobic reactions on aerosol surfaces that would never happen in any bulk solution.

    You will never get the true story with the fake stream media. It was feeding us the drivel that eggs are a bad
    food since they are high in cholesterol. This was a deliberate convolution of the powdered egg research with
    fresh eggs. May as well equate gold and urine. The fake stream media always attacks a natural process or
    compound before it dares talk about corporate BS. So we have the retarded fixation on cholesterol
    and the LDL to HDL ratio which the Framingham Heart Study found had no causal link to heart
    disease, but no attention on the nitrates and nitrite preservatives and the aerosol pollution effects. The new
    generation of GDI engines reduces NOx output but increases nanoparticle emissions. But nanoparticles are not
    actually regulatory pollutants since the clowns who wrote the legislation did not have any science experience
    and simply specified mass of PM2.5. Well, one can reduce PM2.5 (2.5 micron and under aerosol) mass and
    but still increase the nanoparticle component (below 100 nm) since the volume (and mass) of these particles
    is much smaller. The legislation should be changed to PM0.1 since all the science and medical research indicates
    that nanoparticles have the largest impact on health. The coarser particulate (e.g. 1 micron and higher) gets
    filtered by the lungs.

    par far

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    The Great Reset Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:10 pm

    elconquistador wrote:Another plank of The Great Reset is much reduced meat consumption. Protein consumption will be replaced with 'meat replacers' such as plant based proteins like lentils and soy and insect based proteins (aka bugs)

    This plank is already in full swing as in several European countries livestock is drastically reduced on the basis of cover up (ie. Methane reduction in Ireland, nitrogen reduction in The Netherlands and the bird flu in England)

    Not too mention that pigs now have been found to carry Covid1984.

    The goal, as states in several documents, is to completely switch from meatbased protein consumption to plant based/insect based protein consumption by 2035.

    The Great Reset Unbena10

    But I like eating meat, what will I do?

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