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    The Great Reset


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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:48 am

    The goal, as states in several documents, is to completely switch from meatbased protein consumption to plant based/insect based protein consumption by 2035.

    The farm animals currently around the place would never survive in the wild... they rely on humans to protect them from pedators, to provide food... to give them haircuts...

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:41 pm

    The Great Reset - Page 2 Screen28

    Kill Bill is now propagating a sanitary dictatorship. What are the odds that the places that need to be clobbered for having a virus outbreak will be the places where the population resists The Great Reset?

    About Bill, he is also taking over the means of food production and food supply logistics. Apparantly already the biggest shareholder in Monsanto and now this

    The Great Reset - Page 2 Screen30

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:35 pm

    Retired GRU colonel naming the coronavirus for what it is.

    The interview is 9 months old so this man was switched on pretty early. The Great Reset avant la lettre

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:51 am

    Article from global research. I edited out the more irrelevant stuff. Complete article can be found here

    Especially worrisome is the plan (as described by Schwab and endorsed by Gates) to move from an globalised industrial agriculture (agribusiness) based food supply to 'sustainable' agriculture which in reality will mean 'genetically edited fake foods, lab-made synthetic meats and such, even including worms and weeds as new food sources'

    The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum is a 21st Century rollout for a new form of global total control.

    “We only have one planet and we know that climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind. We have to decarbonise the economy in the short window still remaining and bring our thinking and behaviour once more into harmony with nature,”declared WEF founder Schwab about the January 2021 agenda.

    .. Cut..

    The last time these actors did something at all similar in scope was in 1939 on the very eve of World War II.

    That successful project has been the framework of what Henry Luce in 1941 called the American Century, and lasted until quite recently.

    Now those same families, again including the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschilds in the person of Lynn de Rothschild’s “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican,” are moving to create the next generation in their pursuit of global domination. It’s being called the Great Reset. It requires global government, a plank significantly endorsed by the Jesuit Pope Francis. Its PR man, Klaus Schwab, is a self-admitted protégé of Rockefeller insider Henry Kissinger, from their days 50 years ago at Harvard.

    ‘Build Back Better’

    In May, 2020 as the coronavirus had caused global panic lockdowns far beyond the initial outbreak in Wuhan, the British Crown Prince Charles, together with the World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, unveiled what they gleefully named the Great Reset. Increasingly world political and business leaders are using terms such as “the Great Reset,” or “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and thecall to “Build Back Better” which the Biden Administration prefers. They all are anchored on the same set of dramatic global changes. The US Green New Deal and the EU European Green Deal are all part of it.

    The most striking fact about the agenda of the Great Reset is that it is being advanced by the same giga-rich plutocrat families responsible for the flaws of the present world economic model. They, not we, have created ruin of organic fields and nature with their Roundup glyphosate and toxic pesticides. They have ruined the air quality in our cities by the transportation models they force on us. They created the “free market” model of globalization that has ruined the industrial base of the United States and the industrial EU nations.

    Now, as they blame us for an alleged catastrophic emission of CO2, we’re being conditioned to accept guilt and be punished in order to “save the next generation” for Greta and friends.

    The 4th Industrial Revolution

    Behind the seductive rhetoric of the Powers That Be on creating a “sustainable” world, lies an agenda of raw eugenics, depopulation on a scale never before tried. It is not human, in fact, some call it “transhuman.”

    In 2016 WEF head Schwab wrote a book titled Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution. In it, he describes the technological changes coming with the 4th Industrial Revolution of 5G smart phones, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence that link everything to everything to make the most banal decisions for us such as buying more milk or turning down the stove. At the same time data is centralized in private corporations such as Google or Facebook to monitor every breath we take.

    Schwab describes how new generation technologies, already being rolled out by Google, Huawei, Facebook and countless others, will allow governments to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior…Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us — they will become part of us,” said Schwab. “Today’s external devices — from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets — will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

    Schwab adds, “What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” Among those fusion technologies are, “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies,” Schwab explained. These “implantable devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally, through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.” I don’t know about you but I am not eager to have the state or Google read my brainwaves.

    Control Our Food

    The confusing aspect for many is the plethora of front groups, NGOs and programs which all lead to the same goal: the drastic control over every member of society in the name of sustainability—UN Agenda 2030. Nowhere is it more ominous than in their plans for the future of our food. After creating the present system of globalized industrial agriculture, agribusiness, a project begun in the 1950s by the Rockefeller Foundation, the same circles now advocate “sustainable” agriculture which will mean a shift to genetically edited fake foods, lab-made synthetic meats and such, even including worms and weeds as new food sources.

    The WEF’S Schwab has partnered with something called EAT Forum, which describes itself as a “Davos for food” that plans to “set the political agenda.” EAT was created in Sweden in 2016 with support from the UK Wellcome Trust (established with funds from GlaxoSmithKline), and the German Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Lab-grown synthetic gene-edited meats are being supported among others by Bill Gates, the same one backing Moderna and other genetically edited vaccines. EAT works among others with Impossible Foods and other biotech companies. Impossible Foods was initially co-funded by Google, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Recent lab results showed the company’s imitation meat contained toxic glyphosate levels 11 times higher than its closest competitor.

    In 2017 EAT launched FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) with the backing of Bayer AG, one of the world’s most toxic pesticide and GMO producers that now owns Monsanto; the China-owned GMO and pesticide giant Syngenta, Cargill, Unilever, DuPont and even Google. This is the planned food future under the Great Reset. Forget the traditional family farmer.

    In his 2020 book on The Great Reset, Schwab argues that biotechnology and genetically modified food should become a central pillar to global food scarcity issues, issues which COVID has exacerbated. He is pushing GMO and especially the controversial gene-editing. He writes “global food security will only be achieved if regulations on genetically modified foods are adapted to reflect the reality that gene editing offers a precise, efficient and safe method of improving crops.” Gates, a project partner with Schwab since years, has argued the same.

    EAT has developed what it refers to as “the planetary health diet,” which the WEF champions as the “sustainable dietary solution of the future.” But according to Federic Leroy, a food science and biotechnology professor at University of Brussels, “The diet aims to cut the meat and dairy intake of the global population by as much as 90% in some cases and replaces it with lab-made foods, cereals and oil.”

    Like everything else with the Great Reset, we will not be given a real choice in food. EAT notes it will be forced on us by, “hard policy interventions that include laws, fiscal measures, subsidies and penalties, trade reconfiguration and other economic and structural measures.” We will all be forced to eat the same synthetic diet or starve.

    This is just a hint of what is being prepared under the guise of COVID-19 lockdowns and economic collapse, and 2021 will be a decisive year for this anti-human agenda. The introduction of AI, robots, and other digital technologies will enable the Powers That Be to dispose of hundreds of millions of workplaces. Contrary to their propaganda, new jobs will not be sufficient. We will become increasingly “redundant.”

    This all seems too surreal until you read from their own descriptions. The fact that the cabal of the world’s most influential corporations and billionaires sit on the board of WEF with Kissinger’s student, Klaus Schwab, along with the head of the UN and of the IMF, with the CEOs of the world’s largest financial giants including Blackrock, BlackStone, Christine Lagarde of the European Central Bank, David Rubenstein of Carlyle group, Jack Ma, richest billionaire in China, is proof enough this Great Reset is not being done with our true interests at heart, despite their silky words. This dystopian agenda is 1984 on steroids. COVID-19 was merely the prelude.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:12 am

    Saving the planet is a great pretext to usher in a global dystopia. Where the 99% of the 20% that are not culled are
    serfs owned by the 1% new aristocrats. Bill Gates is the 1% (future) and 0.2% (current) wannabe.

    Humanity is a freak show. When it is faced with the real existential crisis of global warming, end of cheap fossil fuel
    energy and carcinogen accumulation in the environment we will have the "elite" trying to grab more power.


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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:53 am

    Article by Tom Luongo on Putin's speech in Davos (virtually)

    Great Reset? Putin Says, "Not So Fast"

    It would have been easy to miss given everything going on. In fact, I almost did, and this speech sits at the intersection of nearly all of my areas of intense study.

    The annual World Economic Forum took place last week via teleconference, what I’m calling Virtual Davos, and at this year’s event, of course, the signature topic was their project called the Great Reset.

    But if the WEF was so intent on presenting the best face for the Great Reset to the world it wouldn’t have invited either Chinese Premier Xi Jinping or, more importantly, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    And it was Putin’s speech that brought down the house of cards that is the agenda of the WEF.

    The last time someone walked into a major international forum and issued such a scathing critique of the current geopolitical landscape was Putin’s speech to the United Nations on September 29th, 2015, two days before he sent a small contingency of Russian air support to Syria.

    There he excoriated not only the U.N. by name but most importantly the U.S. and its NATO allies by inference asking the most salient question, “Do you understand what you have done?” having unleashed chaos in an already chaotic part of the world?

    As important as that speech was it was Putin’s actions after that which defined the current era of geopolitical chess across the Eurasian continent. Syria became the nexus around which the resistance to the “ISIS is invincible” narrative unraveled

    And the mystery of who was behind ISIS, namely the Obama administration, was revealed to anyone paying attention.

    President Trump may have taken credit for beating ISIS, but it was mostly Putin and Russia’s forces retaking the Western part of Syria which allowed that to happen, while our globalist generals, like James Mattis, did as much damage to Syria itself and as little to ISIS as possible, hoping to use them again another day.

    And regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the U.S.’s policy in Syria, which I most definitely do not, it is hard to argue that Russia’s intervention there fundamentally changed the regional politics and conflicts for the foreseeable future.

    It was the beginning of the voluntary disconnection of China, Russia and Iran from the West.

    For standing athwart U.S. and European designs on consolidating power in the Middle East, Russia has been vilified in the West in ways that make the indoctrination I received as a kid growing up in the Cold War look like vacation advertisements for spending the summer in Crimea.

    But it is that strength of purpose and character that has defined Putin’s two decades in power. He’s done wonders in rebuilding Russia.

    He’s made many mistakes, mostly by first trusting American Presidents and second by underestimating just how arrogant and rapacious the leadership in Europe is.

    That said, he’s now reached his limit, especially with Europe, and he’s set a firmly independent path for Russia regardless of the short-term costs.

    And that’s why his speech at the World Economic Forum was so important.

    Putin hadn’t spoken there for nearly a decade. In a time when WEF-controlled puppets dominate positions of power in Europe, the U.K., Canada and now the U.S., Putin walked into Virtual Davos and dumped his coffee on the carpet.

    In terms I can only describe as unfailingly polite, Putin told Klaus Schwab and the WEF that their entire idea of the Great Reset is not only doomed to failure but runs counter to everything modern leadership should be pursuing.

    Putin literally laughed at the idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Schwab’s idea of a planned society through AI, robots and the merging of man and machine.

    He flat-out told them their policies driving the middle class to the brink of extinction over the COVID-19 pandemic will further increase social and political unrest while also ensuring wealth inequality gets worse.

    Putin’s no flower-throwing libertarian or anything, but his critique of the hyper-financialized post-Soviet era is accurate.

    The era dominated by central banking and the continued merging of state and corporate powers has increased wealth inequality across the U.S. and Europe, benefiting millions while extracting the wealth of billions.

    Listening to Putin was like listening to a cross between Pat Buchanan and the late Walter Williams. According to him the neoliberal ideal of “invite the world/invade the world” has destroyed the cultural ties within countries while hollowing out their economic prospects. Putin criticized zero-bound interest rates, QE, tariffs and sanctions as political weapons.

    But the targets of those weapons, while nominally pointed at his Russia, were really the West’s own engines of vitality, as the middle classes have seen their wages stagnate, and access to education, medical care, and the courts to redress grievances fall dramatically.

    Russia is a country on the rise, so is China. Once their ties are embedded deeply enough to stabilize its economy, so too will Iran rise.

    Together they will lead the central Asian landmass out of the nineteenth-century quagmire that exists thanks to British and American intervention in the region. Putin’s speech made it clear that Russia is committed to the process of finding solutions to all people benefiting from the future, not just a few thousand holier-than-thou oligarchs in Europe.

    In a less confrontational address, Chairman Xi said the same thing.

    He gave lip service, like Putin, to climate change and carbon neutrality, focusing instead on pollution and sustainability.

    Together they basically told the WEF to stuff the Great Reset back into the hole in which it was conceived.

    I’ve followed Putin closely for nearly a decade now. I got the feeling that if he was speaking to a college-level political science class and not a convocation of some of the most powerful people in the world he would been laughed in their faces.

    But, unfortunately, he understands better than any of us having been the object of their aggression for so long, he had to treat them seriously as their grasp of reality and connectedness to the people they ruled was nearly severed.

    At the end of his planned remarks, Klaus Schwab asked Putin about Russia’s troubled relationship with Europe and could it be fixed. Putin pulled no punches.

    If we can rise above these problems of the past and get rid of these phobias, then we will certainly enjoy a positive stage in our relations.

    We are ready for this, we want this, and we will strive to make this happen. But love is impossible if it is declared only by one side. It must be mutual.

    I don’t get the sense from anything I’ve seen from the Biden Administration or the European Commission in Brussels that anyone heard a word he said.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:46 pm


    Link to a great new British ~50 minute long documentary on The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the development of AI, Transhumanism, and the immense social and economic consequences that this shift will have (ie. 50 percent of the population will have to be re-schooled, many will permanently remain unemployed (the useless eaters), the coming introduction of the UBI and more)

    Absolute must watch.


    “The New Normal” documentary by investigates speculation that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned — or at least is being exploited — by a group of tech elite who are dictating policy to governments globally in order to push a totalitarian agenda

    At the root of the agenda is a significant economic and power shift that only a minority of people are aware of, being driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution

    The World Economic Forum stated that 50% of all employees will require reskilling by 2025, “as the ‘double-disruption’ of the economic impacts of the pandemic and increasing automation transforming jobs takes hold”

    AI is predicted to merge with humans and take over jobs and cities; AI will be so much better at driving than people, the documentary explains, that eventually most people will be afraid to drive; soon after that, humans won’t be allowed to drive at all

    Data colonialism and digital dictatorship are very real possibilities in the “new normal,” as is the division of the world into wealthy elites and a “useless class,” which ends up as an exploited data colony

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:39 pm

    There is a power accumulation going for sure. But the talk of 4th wave industrialization is pure BS. AI does not exist and engineered
    humans are sci-fi crap. Sure, you can degrade humans with GMO "magic", but as with AI any actual advancement is beyond any
    current understanding. What is called AI is actually fancy neural network regression analysis. Machine "learning" is primitive and
    has nothing to do with any intelligence. Any neural network can be trained. But none of them autonomously problem solve.
    So called pattern "recognition" is an "if...then...else" type processing. There is no cognition there at all.

    Tesla's autopilot running down bicyclists and plowing into stopped emergency vehicles in the emergency lane is a good demonstration
    of a total lack of any higher level processing. If there is no explicit directive describing the situation, then the "AI", like all other
    software, is totally unable to respond.

    Before the Great Reset we had "great minds" yammering about "convergence" and "singularity".

    No computer system is an evolutionary environment. Computers do not form an ecosystem and evolve. They are clockwork constructs
    of humans and those humans do not have the understanding of what intelligence is. Even a trillion CPUs in a parallel cluster will not be
    any different from thousands, millions or billions. There are 100 billion neurons in the brain. But they are not a homogeneous pool.
    So let us make a one billion neural network assuming that neurons can be modeled in a simple manner. According to the singularity
    cult, we should see intelligence start to emerge. BS. There is no ordering structure in this network. When you slice up a brain you
    see identical tissue everywhere (for the purposes covered here this is essentially true) but in actuality the function of that "meat" is
    different in different parts. So there is a cell-level differentiation of the network into a hierarchy of networks. It took hundreds of
    millions of years of evolution to get to the human brain from single-celled organisms. Some theoretician sticking a finger in his nose
    and pulling out an "idea" can't compete. Expecting that computers will "evolve" intelligence and in the coming decades is pathologically
    delusional or even mentally deficient.

    Automating jobs with AI is part of this delusion. Who are going to be the consumers for all the rubbish produced by robots and AI?
    Henry Ford clued in to this detail when he started giving his workers enough money to be able to afford his product. The globalists
    have been using the new consumers in the developing world as an offset to the shrinking of the middle class in the developed
    world. But this is a self-terminating process. When the consumption saturates in the developing world thanks to development,
    then automation will not be able to deliver. Ultimately, the global economy is a closed system. No workers means no consumers
    means not economy which means not point in robotic manufacturing. And the notion that we will all living in a post-industrial utopia
    by finger painting at home and other self-enrichment is just insane.


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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  LMFS Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:51 pm

    The totalitarian dystopia makes indeed sense in a future where a monopolistic global elite can act unrestrained and turn the world into a human farm. Happily that is not yet the case and countries that do not degrade their population to subhuman condition but empower and develop it will run over the sick, dysfunctional societies ruled by the rotten globalist elites like a freight train. God / the universe / history or however we want to call it, reality is always much wiser and powerful than any sort of self worshipping demons that call themselves rulers of our world.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  nomadski Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:48 pm

    Since economic and political development of the working class in different countries , follows a different  path  and social culture. Then differences or divisions exist , arising from non - uniform conditions. Therefore  the world working classes are divided by  different social conditions. As well as their national bourgeoisie,  setting them up in eternal conflict with their class brothers in other nations.

    But muli-nationals through expanding  their economic  activity  across many nations ,  have  a net effect of  developing  similar  conditions  for the working class. In terms of  type of work and conditions. In this way , although  damaging to national industry or agriculture,  conditions become uniform, removing the nationalistic contradictions. Leading to unity of world proletariat !

    Perhaps  this is the way  that the proletariat will finally  remove world capitalism. Hopefully before we are all destroyed by environmental collapse, the result of corporate globalist greed. A silver lining to the cloud?

    Is comintern holding any more meetings ?


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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:32 am

    When you read the term AI you should not think of it as intelligence of the type artificial... the artificial comes first for the simple reason that this intelligence is constructed and built and taught by humans... so it gets their bias and their agendas built in to its basic programming and it is something it can't outgrow or evolve out of.

    In desperate times when resources are scarce it can often be kill or be killed and there might be a split second where you keep the chance to remain a contributing factor to the gene pool, or you become food for the survivors.

    In western society you don't wear body armour or carry weapons around with you in case you are attacked... you essentially rely on the rule of law and a police presence, and hopefully help from nearby sensible adult males that can prevent something escalating out of control before the police can arrive and sort things out.

    An AI developed today would be vastly different from an AI developed 1,000 years ago... but the thing is that it is only software and who is to say that patches can't be introduced by criminals to get the local police force to shoot anyone that gets in your way and to carry the loot you steal...

    Shut down the communications and datalink to the robot so no one can hijack it back and you could have your own army pretty quick...

    Your own army of terminators... the cool liquid metal ones would be awesome...

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:19 am

    Widespread consumption of fake meat, since cows account for '4% of all greenhouse gases.'

    What a scam. This 4% is not the cows but the associated machinery (e.g. refrigerated trucks and rail transporting
    meat to market). The CH4 from cows is marginal and more comes out of landfills by far. Cows cannot be net CO2
    emitters by definition since they consume plant matter formed from atmospheric CO2. Nobody feeds cows fossil
    fuel derived food. Cows can shift the CH4 to CO2 ratio but that is nothing to even bother with.

    So Billy Gates, aka Mr. 640 kilobytes are more than anyone will ever need for RAM (*), wants to transition people into
    actual sheeple who do not consume real meat and are docile and submissive.

    (*) Billy's Micro$haft, (lack-of-)Intel(ligence), and International Nazi Business Machines were the trifecta of crap that
    gave us the worst possible microcomputer introduction and development trajectory possible. You can clearly see
    the deliberate treatment of the PC as a Mickey Mouse consumer toy and not anything serious. So we had:

    1) Adoption of the rubbish Intel 8088 CPU a castrated version of the 8086 which itself was total trash compared
    to the Motorola 68000. The segmented memory model was a PITA until after the 80386 was introduced.

    2) The pimping of the inanity known as MS-DOS. We already had superior Unix flavours of all sorts and even
    MS sold Xenix during the 1980s. But the PC is supposed to be a toy, so why give it a real operating system.
    The association of "Windows" with MS is a historical sick joke. MS could have pushed a GUI much earlier but
    instead let Apple show the world what MS really was.

    3) IBM went out of its way to use the cheapest and most idiotic "solutions" for PC hardware. So we had
    the inanity known as IRQs which maxed out at the bizarre value of 16. The clowns couldn't be bothered
    to use a byte (8 bits giving 256 IRQ values) and instead used a nibble (4 bits giving 16 IRQ values).

    But the deliberate treatment of the PC as a toy did not stop IBM from charging $15,000 in current dollars for
    the PC AT model.

    Economists love to wallow in the delusion that the market gives the best of all possible worlds. They are
    clearly contradicted by the monopoly associated with the PC. Out of the three outfits that were there
    at the beginning, Intel and MS went on to dominate the market. IBM snookered itself and was supplanted
    by clone makers of the trashy PC which was ironically tagged "IBM compatible". But the clone market did
    not solve the underlying garbage built into the PC from its origins until recently.

    You may ask who cares about the above. But is quite relevant since it shows you how deciders leave us
    with a legacy of crap as they grub for filthy lucre.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  LMFS Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:13 am

    Cows mistreated on hellish feedlots can indeed generate lots of methane, the ones in natural environments do not, because their manure feeds the soil and increases its organic matter content, sequestering CO2. As if saying that natural things do not harm nature needed any demonstration, but it seems today's mankind brains are the size of a pea and you find lots and lots of drones pushing themselves to be fed synthetic fodder because meat is sooo bad...

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:50 am

    The FDA is eyeing for regulation that will make it mandatory for all farms to start tracking every single food item farmed.

    Every single head of lettuce or every single fish. If the fish gets cut up on 5 pieces, those cut up parts need to be tracked (by GPS) independently as well.

    Total control.

    This is likely the prelude to their food dystopian 'sustainable farming' agenda. As Christian (Ice Age Farmer) rightly notices, this will put small and medium sized farms out of business.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:55 am

    Another instance of how the globalists are taking control of our entire food system is the new regulation on hobby farming and Independant food sources

    The article below states that from now on all chickens in Sweden need to be registered. Last week it was cows in BC, Canada. Before that it was chickens in GB (that had to be culled because of some BS bird flu virus)

    They don't want you to (partially control) your own food supply, because that breeds independence and
    independence breeds non-compliance

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  nomadski Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:25 am

    Humans  have become the top predator. Increasing in number at the expense of all other animals. The problem is far worst than intensive  agriculture  or  polluting industry . Even with  sustainable farming  and green technology , many problems remain. Impact on natural world is too big.

    There are two solutions long term. The first is for humans to return to  pre- agricultural  hunting  and gathering . And the second  is to live in a self sustaining closed futuristic domed city.

    The first will not come about voluntarily ,  but only when society fails completely. As it will do soon if the second path is not willingly chosen and built. The utopian perfect society. Food made in star trek type replicators from raw atoms. Waste completely recycled in a closed system. Perfect social harmony...

    But this second path is utopian. So it is back to the cave...........

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  LMFS Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:46 am

    nomadski wrote:There are two solutions long term. The first is for humans to return to  pre- agricultural  hunting  and gathering . And the second  is to live in a self sustaining closed futuristic domed city.

    That is what we are misled into thinking, but is simply false. Both options are ecologically, socially and economically absurd and denied by the fact that small scale farming has kept and still keeps billions of people fed. One family can easily produce what they eat in a small land surface, the current BS agenda is one about control, not about sustainability or economics.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  nomadski Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:06 pm

    I agree that the options that I mentioned are either utopian and unachievable right now ,  or  unpalatable to modern humans. And I agree that some economic and agricultural or technological forms provide solutions for the present. With lower environmental damage. Food availability for all  instead of GM or radiated unfertile seed by monopolist Agriculture. These intermediate solutions provide more time for humans to find more permanent solutions.

    But imagine that new farms and agriculture or industry  is only 1/100  as polluting or damaging as before. Then in a hundred years , these intermediate solutions end up being just as damaging as before.

    It is like when you meet a beautiful woman. Perfect in every way, except that she snores at night. You say this is a minor problem, and marry her. After a year you try pinching her nose to stop her. But this wakes her up. Then after  two years you throw a bucket of water over her, and she wakes up and punches you in the face. Then you try sleeping  in the basement, with the door closed. But you can still hear her. Then you decide to live in sepate houses and divorce !

    This is where we are right now. Not clever enough and not dumb enough. If we lived in a cave ,  then solution is presented more easily . Drag her by her hair and leave her outside  for the Sabre tooth Tiger . Or if we lived in Logan's world , simply  zap her with a laser and replace with new model.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:37 am

    The real problem is too many people.

    Idiots bullshit on about how the planet can take many more billion people, but it can't... there are already probably too many now... very few wild animals have their old habitats intact and are having to wander into human population areas and farmland to survive... even just roads crossing territory will lead to kills their natural population never had to deal with before and before you know it they are an endangered species.

    Reduce the people, and start actually dealing with pollution, and stop with the disposable consumer bullshit that the west so loves... there used to be a time when you arrived in a new country you made what you had out of what you had... in some parts of New Zealand old houses had front doors made of the shipping crates they had their stuff in when they arrived.

    Glass bottles were reused over and over, no one bought bottled water.... there was no need... tap water was good enough to drink and had no chemicals added to it to make it smell like swimming pool water.

    Most people who have children don't know what they are doing and will not be told how to raise their children... as if they own their children and they are not individual people too...

    When we start living on the Moon and Mars then we will have to learn to be efficient and to reuse... to plan the design and production of products from the very start with the idea that they are as reusable as possible and create as little left over useless material as possible.

    A standardised reusable plastic that is durable and strong but can be melted down and put through a 3D printer and can be reused would be ideal.

    A powdered metal 3D printer where you can powder metals to use in it would be good too.

    I remember old deck chairs that used to perish and become brittle especially if left out in the sun and after a couple of years would collapse if a big person like me sat on them. Most don't allow 120kg Plus people to sit on them to begin with...

    But the new models will last forever... almost a double edged sword I suppose.

    It will remain useful as an outside chair longer than I need it for, but at least it is not breaking down and releasing all sorts of complex man made chemicals into the environment...

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    Post  kvs Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:11 am

    I agree that there are too many people. But there is also too much rubbish economics. Opportunists cutting corners and
    solely worried about the billions of dollars they rake in is a primary source of the world's problems no matter what Ayn Rand
    lemmings believe. Her rubbish philosophy is not even original and is a derivative of the warped Protestant anti-social
    (aka anti-Catholic) reaction. So we had the nonsense of the "Fable of the Bees"

    Pure Randite style null-think. Interesting how a lot of kooks came out of the 1917 era Russia/USSR. This includes Trotsky.

    In the late stage USSR, the collective farms were failing to deliver and 40% of the vegetables in the USSR came from
    small dacha farm plots. This was before the collapse. Yeltsin's destruction of the large collectivized farms introduced
    worse problems and it took until after 2000 for things to settle down again. The phony attempt to re-introduce family
    farming in Russia flopped because even under capitalism it is not feasible to bootstrap such production without capital.
    The family farms in the USA have been dying out for as long as I can remember. Big Agro has economies of scale and
    market manipulation ability no family farmers can hope to pull. I am in favour of family farms since Big Agro in the USA
    is much like the collective farms in the USSR. Bureaucratic, abusive and slowly starving us of real food. For some reason
    the profit driven farming in Russia today is actually delivering, but that is likely because it is a sort of early stage market
    like the car makers of the 1920s before the great consolidation into an oligopoly. So the current Russian farming companies
    are not dominated by stagnation and rot.

    The long term accumulation of power and the associated degradation of society appears to be an intrinsic feature of
    human behaviour. Covid-19 has been rather useful to kill off small businesses while large ones prosper (e.g. Amazon).
    Billy Gates represents the neofeudalists who get all giddy at the prospect of getting rid of all those pesky small players
    that frustrate their centralized decision making. When you have a monopoly you don't even have to try.

    In terms of saving the planet, it is these big planners who are foisting the plastic crap onto the masses. They are the
    ones who transferred production to China which came together with decline in quality and increased planned obsolescence.
    The average life time of durable goods has been declining for the last 40 years. This translates into more garbage produced
    per year regardless of consumption volume. The planners of the global economy cannot be trusted to save the planet.
    They are the ones that have been working hard to ruin it.

    Pinning the blame on consumers misses the point. Consumers will go with whatever options are given to them. They
    are not the deciders. The routine claim that it is consumers choosing the content on TV and in movies is laughable.
    They have no choice. All that reality show garbage that showed up in prime time over 20 years ago is unwatchable
    and I have not been bothering with teevee for at least that long. The same goes for other goods and services.


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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  kvs Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:53 pm

    I agree with everything except for the dismissal of global warming. The cold in Texas is actually consistent with global warming.
    Right now we have anomalously warm temperatures in the high latitudes. The global thermal energy is accumulating as
    is to be expected from the increase of IR absorbing gases (and the induced H2O increase conforming to the Clausius-Clapeyron

    The Great Reset - Page 2 Gfs_nh-sat1_t2anom_1-day

    It is tiresome to listen to people wail about local temperatures. We don't live in a global constant temperature environment.
    It is colder here, but warmer there. Thus you need to integrate the thermal energy distribution to evaluate if it is
    changing and it is.

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    par far

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  par far Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:18 pm

    I hope Russia does not involve itself in this "great reset" bull shit or the coming "climate pandemic scam" that is intended to destroy the economies of the world, for the benefit of the western elites and bankers.

    Russia has suffered a lot and was almost bought to its knees during the 90's but with good leadership, hard work and good critical thinking, Russia has managed to overcome all obstacles and has become one of the major superpowers. With everything President Putin has said(especially at the Davos conference), I don't think that Russia will be getting involved in any of these western scams.

    Climate change is important because it effects everyone but you don't follow what the west has planned, you look at China and you follow what they are doing.

    This is a long video(but it is a very good informative video), they mostly talk about how fucked up the US is but if you listen just to Pepe Escobar, he is really informative and talks about Russia. He talks about Crimea(how Russian Intelligence knew that during the 2014 Ukraine coup, the real target was not Kiev but Sevastopol and Russian Intelligence knew that they needed to be in Crimea and Sevastopol before NATO), he talks about the Davos conference regarding what President Putin said and much more.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  Vann7 Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:49 am

    elconquistador wrote:

    Retired GRU colonel naming the coronavirus for what it is.

    The interview is 9 months old so this man was switched on pretty early. The Great Reset avant la lettre

    Don't waste to much energies ,explaining in this forum ,what is happening in the world.
    This forum is full of a lot of dummies and most retarded people ,that no matter which evidence
    you bring forward they will still vaccinate with pfizer or moderna , because according to them is
    better to vaccinate than not. lol1  

    They will deny any information that contradict their belief about the "Safety" of western anglo
    pharma industry ,because in the past ,they saw they were safe. Laughing

    When it comes to the Great Reset , this is second fight, after losing the first one ,a new updated plans for the the consolidation of the anglo zionist empire. It is possible that the new super empire they want it to  happen through business , for example bill gates ,soros ,rockefellers and rothchild , hedge funds like black rock and others who have signigicant control of the Anglo powers economies , will continue dominating now through owning stocks in top world high tech and space companies.

    So it will be the privatization of governments , and the transfer of all private property of the middle and low class to the super rich. And the only ones who will own private property will be those that own shares at wallstreet.

    What is very very important to understand ,is that anything new ,the western elites do , will not come from the nothingness ,they try and test first ,their experiments somewhere in some place for a long long time before implementing them. for example look at countries like Qatar and UAE , this are countries ,that the "great reset experiment,could be happening already. In qatar is a country with a very small population , and the average salary of the population is $130,000 dollars a year. So is very wealthy , but in order to achieve such level of prosperity ,they recruit millions of migrants as slaves , with poor pay ,that are not their citizens and have no rights ,no healthcare and own nothing and not allowed to enter in malls or luxury zones ,they simply have no human rights ,they are voluntary slaves with a very slow payment.

    So this is what they will seek to implement world wide.. voluntary slaves , but before the great reset happen ,in order to convince population to give away their properties that they haven't finished to pay ,in my opinion ,they will need first to have all population vaccinated with their poisonous vaccines ,to control their health , and so to control them.

    you already have examples of this great reset in online services , like netflix , amazon movies , and disney.  in the past ,you could buy movies in physical form dvd and bluray and they were yours forever.  not they are promoting cloud storage online and you don't own the movies, you only get the rights to see them , but those rights can be cancelled at any time they change the rules.. see this?

    so they will make the rules of your rights ,when and how and until when . and any service , whether is a movie or a video game or a house or a car ,you will not longer be the owner of it ,you will rent it.
    the real owners will be those who own the stocks of that company.  Wink  that is super billionaires and hedge funds ,like black rock.

    So this is what they want.. is all about
    3)and... more control.

    to make it impossible for society to even take control of their lives , and their future and even less
    to challenge their tyranny . So don't pay too much attention to whether US will be or not the superpower ,this will not matter , in the end the same people ,that are destroying the world today ,
    that controls the anglozionist nations , will continue to rule but under different mask or cover.

    So somewhere i read an article that perfectly described it ," the great reset " ,
    That it was nothing more than a new attempt for the same swamp creatures ,who have been
    promoting wars and after wars , financing terrorism and controlling western lying media and now a genocide with their pfizer and moderna vaccines , is the same people , same rockefellers and rothchilds and soros and gates ,the same ones , now attempting to control the world through loopholes of owning the stocks of vast majority of world business.  with this scamdemic for example and forced lockdown they are sending hundreds of millions ,billions out of their jobs , and they later will buy the banks ,who own your house for pennies.  

    Why they need so much control over society ? to own the rights of all private properties , and on top of that control your your health and your life with their fake anglo zionist vaccines?  They want to do this to hold power forever and tyrants and reduce later the population by 90% of the planet ,when all resistance to their plans defeated.

    They will own your house ,your car , your water and electric company and the hospitals too.
    and the roads too , they will own the police ,so is the return of slavery  ,and only russia and china , or better said , only china
    isthe hope for the world ,for those plans to fail. Because china will not agree with that.. russia neither ,but putin will not make any difference in all this.

    The goal of great reset is to take away all society power ,and ability to self sustain by themselves without aid of government .this is why in US and UK they demand small business to shotdown but wallstreet big business ,they never closed in the entire lockdown. the US defense industry ,pharma industry ,wallmart , hollywood , big corporate propaganda media ,they never closed.. the shutdowns are for those they want to control ,that are not part of their elites.

    once the super rich owns every property of most value for you , for living ,and even control your health , society will not dare to protest them or overthrow them ,for fear of their lives. this is nothing good , they want to save their necks and have a way to guarantee , the anglozionist mafia can continue terrorisizing the world. and put under submission all humanity. and it is possible that is not required that china and russia are inside their club , seems they will be happy with just owning everything else and isolating russia and china from the world. but it will be difficult for this plans to happen if china manage to surpass the western business hegemony ,way before they can fully take control of everyone in the west.

    This is why i hope china and russia build as many alliances ,specially in europe , asian high tech powers ,and latin america ,to sabotage this evil plans.


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    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:47 am

    Global Warming is a scam, but Global climate change is a natural process that goes on forever... our use of fossil fuels has changed the natural global climate and there will be impacts and effects of those changes that we will have to deal with... but then if we find some sort of carbon sink that removes carbon from the air what happens if we go too far with that and things go the other way and the planet becomes an ice ball...

    Higher temperatures and lower temperatures will effect life all over this planet and lots of different types of animals will be directly effected... it might be that certain food chains are going to be seriously effected which is going to kill off certain types of animal life which will effect other species in a domino effect... no... I don't mean you wont get $5 pizzas any more.

    Politics will always get involved because a lot of very powerful and very wealthy people have invested a lot of money in fossil fuel extraction and delivery and use and they are not going to give that up easily.

    Ironically the new processes the Russians are working on to extract hydrogen from diesel fuel or Kerosene or other fossil fuels offers the potential to use fossil fuel types as an efficient way to carry hydrogen around in a tank or bag or container and then release the hydrogen to be used as fuel while extracting the Carbon content as solid carbon rather than with normal combustion where it is released as either carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide... both poisons and greenhouse gasses.

    Containing carbon and releasing it as a solid instead of a gas means efficient hydrogen fuel storage and potential for creating carbon nanotubes efficiently and cheaply which is a double bonus but the infrastructure to create fossil fuels can be kept and used without pollution issues because these fossil fuels can be used with hydrogen fuel cell technology to power its own creation... the by product would be hot water and solid carbon replacing internal combustion to generate energy... and of course the distribution network is also in place... just a case of replacing all the internal combustion components with the new hydrogen separation systems and capturing the carbon in solid form for reuse or simple storage in carbon sinks.

    The real question is... can this process work with carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and also methane gas or just natural air to extract the carbon components to get carbon nanotubes too.

    In some of the worst carbon polluted places in the world imagine being able to set up this sort of AIP system that can extract carbon from the air to create solid carbon while generating energy from the hydrogen also extracted that is then used in a hydrogen fuel cell...

    They will deny any information that contradict their belief about the "Safety" of western anglo
    pharma industry ,because in the past ,they saw they were safe.

    Yes, I am notorious on this forum for my pro western pro big business beliefs and my hard line anti Russian bias.... Rolling Eyes

    The facts are that normal standard vaccines are safer than the diseases that they protect against, and those refusing to take any anti virus vaccines are why viruses will remain a threat for the foreseeable future.

    People of my generation don't have to worry about things like Polio, but enough people of my generation felt safe enough against things like Measles that they didn't bother to get immunised and now it is starting to be a problem too.

    Measles and Rubella can kill especially later in life and could be eliminated as a threat with vaccinations.

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    The Great Reset - Page 2 Empty Re: The Great Reset

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:21 am


    I have long passed the stage of caring of what those who are not my near family think. Not because I am a wannabe cool guy or have fully embraced the stoic mindset, but because I am utterly defeatist in my views concerning The Great Reset.

    Utterly defeatist and a natural optimist at the same time.

    The Great Reset will go ahead and it will succeed in the West. The way I see it the only thing I can do about it is inform and prepare my relatives in the best way possible.

    So yes, The Great Reset will succeed. And then it will fail, but at huge costs. Huge economic costs and also huge loss of life

    As for their plans: they are out in the open. The goal is clear, but the timeline changes all the time. I try to warn people about it. Not so that they are willing to fight, but so that they can spiritually prepare themselves for what will come. Because you can't fight that what they have in store. It will have to implode by its own sheer ineptness

    The next decade will not be nice. I am still not sure what their endgame is with Covid1984. At times I think it's the 'health passport' (LOL) and at times I think it's a narrative they will keep around. If it's option 1 the Covid1984 mania could end within 6 months. If it's number 2 you'll be physically distancing, mouth diapered and routinely injected with DNA altering gen therapy for the rest of your life

    In the end it doesn't really matter. Either they continue playing the Covid1984 agenda, or they move on to the next manufactured crisis. What's it going to be? Covid21? A cyber attack+ power grid outages? A major war? A string of terrorist attacks at home? Sabotaged food supply lines+ food shortages?

    My guess is the good ol' Climate Change agenda. But this time 10 times worse. I am thinking climate change lockdowns, bugburgers+cockroach milk, smart grids, enormous restrictions on travel and ever higher taxes ruining the middle class

    From there onwards it will be life in servitude untill the moment the entire system collapses under its own weight

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