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    Zionist conspiracies


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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Kysusha Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:38 am

    What I have trouble understanding – and I am sure a great many Western analysts do also; is the seemingly changed situation in the Kremlin. Putin, with the support of the FSB was the man behind the wheel and Medvedev was his “protégée” – hand-picked.

    Now we see Medvedev being the one seemingly pulling the strings and the one who has made a play to oust Putin. Was this all part of a sinister plan all along – after all, AARON-DAVID-MENEKHEM-DMITRY BAGRATIAN-MENDEL-MEDVEDEV. He changed identities 3 times to become the Russian president:
    From Jew to Armenian to Orthodox Russian.

    Now this supposed puppet has turned on the puppet master and cancelled the S-300 contract.

    The Mayor of Moscow [a Putin supporter] is kicked out – where an who is pulling the strings now? Is it Tel Aviv ? Has it been the Zionists all along? Why now is HATO siding up to Medvedev and putting Putin on the outside?

    While the Soviet Union was strong – the Zionists could make no progress there at all – the Soviet Union was the last frontier, if you like, that was left for the NWO to conquer. With the break-up of the Soviet Union and the introduction of the supposed “free market economy” - the Zionists can at last gain control. Only in capitalism, can they exercise their control over sheepeople. Communism and fascism, resists Zionist control simply because they do not let the Zionist control the media and the dissemination of propaganda.

    Wake up Russia!

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:32 pm

    Russia stopped delivery of S-300s to Iran because they sell weapons but they don't violate UN council resolutions... unlike the 60 odd countries that ignore UNSC resolution 1244 on Serbian border integrity.

    Personally I think Russia will sell to anyone who wants to buy and that if payment is made then contracts are honoured.

    I have read that the Iranians have a need for about another 20 similar nuclear power stations to meet their electrical power needs so it is really in Russias interests to keep Iran happy to a degree.

    Of course it is down to Iran to meet UNSC requirements and if it does that it will get the S-300s it wants.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  lulldapull Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:59 am

    This sounds like more of the same Russian jerking off with lube kinda scenario........

    The Israeli/ Jewish backstabbing/ conniving track record speaks for itself.

    Jerk off all you want Mr Putin/ and his ball sucker the end Russia would realize again that its been cheated again just like in Georgia...... lol!

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Kysusha Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:30 pm

    Lilldapull – I reckon you must be pulling something! What a brainless twit.

    The Israeli/ Jewish backstabbing/ conniving track record speaks for itself.”

    There are no bigger “back-stabbers” in the world than the International Jew. We suffer would wars, depressions and all manner of abominations at the behest of Zionists. You would be one of the clowns that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman, that the Gulf Of Tonkin incident took place, that the wars of genocide against Iraq were justified on account of weapons of mass destruction and of course, 9/11 and the attack on the Pentagon were acts of Arab terrorists. Per haps if you were a bit more learned, better read and more articulate, you might be worth debating with.

    “Jerk off all you want Mr Putin/ and his ball sucker the end Russia would realize again that its been cheated again just like in Georgia.”

    Zionist were the primary movers in this attempted coup. They used the idiot McCain as their vehicle and the puppet Shaskavilli [whatever] as their politically correct front. In case you failed to notice – Russia won the event! That tie-eating clown is still trying to garnish support from around the globe but world leaders realise he is nothing but a puppet and a loose cannon besides.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  IronsightSniper Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:06 pm

    So you mean 6,000,000 people rule a world of 6,000,000,000 and everyone but the learned and the elite won't know about it because we all work repetitious jobs in our repetitive lives?

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Kysusha Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:50 pm

    The truth of the matter is 85% of the earth’s wealth is controlled by 10% of the population – the controlling element in the world’s wealth are Zionists. 96% of the world’s media outlets are controlled by Zionists.

    The majority of people in the west are a product of the Main Stream Media – who tell them that Israel is their friend, Arabs are all terrorists and Russia is still the Soviet enemy.

    The conditioning we have received from the controlled media is so effective, the majority of people still believe the Holohoax; still believe Germany started the Second World War and invariably still believe the lies of the media – ala, weapons of mass destruction, Iran is part of the Axis of Evil et al.

    Besides Ironsightsniper, after getting your arse kicked on the other thread, I am surprised you still want to open yourself up – masochist?

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  lulldapull Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:02 pm

    Kysusha wrote:Lilldapull – I reckon you must be pulling something! What a brainless twit.

    The Israeli/ Jewish backstabbing/ conniving track record speaks for itself.”

    There are no bigger “back-stabbers” in the world than the International Jew. We suffer would wars, depressions and all manner of abominations at the behest of Zionists. You would be one of the clowns that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman, that the Gulf Of Tonkin incident took place, that the wars of genocide against Iraq were justified on account of weapons of mass destruction and of course, 9/11 and the attack on the Pentagon were acts of Arab terrorists. Per haps if you were a bit more learned, better read and more articulate, you might be worth debating with.

    “Jerk off all you want Mr Putin/ and his ball sucker the end Russia would realize again that its been cheated again just like in Georgia.”

    Zionist were the primary movers in this attempted coup. They used the idiot McCain as their vehicle and the puppet Shaskavilli [whatever] as their politically correct front. In case you failed to notice – Russia won the event! That tie-eating clown is still trying to garnish support from around the globe but world leaders realise he is nothing but a puppet and a loose cannon besides.

    Hey man I am just an innocent bystander, who pumps cheese at an in and day out........

    What the hell would I know...? Smile

    Nah joking aside Kysusha, I think my eyes opened for the first time after talking to a former neighbor of mine from Algeria. The details he had about the Israeli participation & connection to Algeria's brutal civil war and all its 'stage managed' massacres, was what really tells of how much these Zionist bastards are involved in acts of terror around the world.

    You wouldn't believe what Israel did in Algeria for longer than 10 years, and how these so called Islamists all tend to have links to either some handler in Israel or some one sitting in Washington.

    Same with these Chechen, Bosnian, Kosovar and Kurdish militiamen. All agents of the CIA/ Mossad.

    The funniest part is how much Russia hates Muslims/ Iran, etc....., but ends up getting a giant cock forced up its ass each time it tries to get in bed with them hillbilly/ jewish mothafukkers...... lol!

    Bhuwahahahaaaa lol!

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  IronsightSniper Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:32 pm

    Kysusha wrote:The truth of the matter is 85% of the earth’s wealth is controlled by 10% of the population – the controlling element in the world’s wealth are Zionists. 96% of the world’s media outlets are controlled by Zionists.

    The majority of people in the west are a product of the Main Stream Media – who tell them that Israel is their friend, Arabs are all terrorists and Russia is still the Soviet enemy.

    The conditioning we have received from the controlled media is so effective, the majority of people still believe the Holohoax; still believe Germany started the Second World War and invariably still believe the lies of the media – ala, weapons of mass destruction, Iran is part of the Axis of Evil et al.

    Besides Ironsightsniper, after getting your arse kicked on the other thread, I am surprised you still want to open yourself up – masochist?

    So some of the world is rich and some are poor, your point? Wealth can't buy love.

    Truth of the matter is, most of the wealth aren't owned by Zionists.

    Better fact, misconceptions about the media and America are generated by Zionists!

    You speak big things for a small man, my ass never gets kicked, yours was broken.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:56 pm

    Communism and democracy... very different political systems but both result in a minority with comfort and power and control and the majority largely eking out and existence any way they can.

    There is no real accountability, you can start an illegal war and still get re-elected when you have no real competition and of course you can have no real competition because to actually get into office you need to be rich enough to do so. If you are rich already then you owe your position and power to the existing system so you are hardly going to rock the boat that benefited you and your family and suggest a risky new direction.

    Imagine a world where the government spent more on the elderly than on inmates. Where health and education were free to everyone who needed it. Where the managers and directors of companies had a flat salary that was the same as the people on the workshop floor that were actually doing the work and earning the profits the company made. Imagine a justice system that wasn't a game played by lawyers with everyone wanting to win the case rather than to see justice done?

    The way the west presents itself you would think it was this sort of Utopia but in practise a director of a company will earn ten to twenty times what the actual workers earn and his assets will all be in his wifes name so when the company goes bust he doesn't lose anything at all. He wont even pay for transport or lunch... it will all go on his expense account... despite earning enough to afford it himself.

    The problem with the world is that we live in communities like Ants do, but it is everyone for themselves and the focus is on profit and little else.

    From what I see on Fox News in the US it seems they have the opposite attitude to Europe and they fear big government and think big business is the solution. Personally I think the opposite is more frightening because no one elects the head of a company and all they care about is the profit margin.
    The irony is that big government can't outsource labour to a foreign country for cheap labour, but big business does that all the time and that is why unemployment in the west is a problem because there are lots of countries with lots of educated people prepared to work for less.

    At the end of the day Russia should form business relations with any country willing to do the same with no strings attached.
    They no longer have an ideology to spread and anyone who says greed is bad should remember that the poor are never free. That is why the most powerful weapon the US weilds in international affairs is the economic sanction. Rather than bombing them they are condemning them to poverty.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  lulldapull Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:16 am

    Garry, Russia is no Soviet Union anymore!

    It is just a money bitch like a dirty slut, as Ahmadinejad has mentioned recently. It doesn't give a fukk about human rights or ethics and morals like the USSR used to care about the working class.

    So this is a very bad development.

    Be prepared for less than 5% of the elite owning more than 90% of the wealth around the planet.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:05 am

    The Soviet Union was never the Soviet Union in the sense that the attempt at true communism was never achieved, just as true democracy has never been achieved anywhere either.

    In a democracy a politician can make any promise or claim before an election to get votes but as long as they don't break any actual laws you can't get them out of office till the next election and there is no accountability regarding their promises at all.

    Equally there is rarely much choice. Hate to pick on the US all the time but how many people that are not from the two political parties are likely to get elected?
    New Zealand is not much better with PMs coming from one of two main political parties... National and Labour. The UK and Australia are not much better.
    Are there really only two ways to run a country?

    It doesn't give a fukk about human rights or ethics and morals like the USSR used to care about the working class.

    NO government gives a damn about human rights or ethics... these are weapons to use against enemies. Look at the US condemning China over Chinas human rights record yet one of those Russian spies they caught ended up with broken bones from interrogations. That never happened during the cold war, but now torture and mistreatment is accepted in the US and practised.
    The west has very high moral standards but rarely applies those standards to itself.
    The Russia of today is certainly interested in economic growth but at least it is honest about it and it is not trying to impose anything on those they deal with.
    It is Russia looking out for Russians which is something the Soviet Union never did.
    The end of the Soviet Union was like Russia getting rid of a lot of excess baggage, they had lots of countries that owed money they were never going to see again and lots more that survived on handouts. The collapse of the Soviet Union was painful but will eventually be the best thing that happened to Russia in the 20th Century.
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Russian Patriot Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:23 pm

    GarryB wrote:The Soviet Union was never the Soviet Union in the sense that the attempt at true communism was never achieved, just as true democracy has never been achieved anywhere either.

    In a democracy a politician can make any promise or claim before an election to get votes but as long as they don't break any actual laws you can't get them out of office till the next election and there is no accountability regarding their promises at all.

    Equally there is rarely much choice. Hate to pick on the US all the time but how many people that are not from the two political parties are likely to get elected?
    New Zealand is not much better with PMs coming from one of two main political parties... National and Labour. The UK and Australia are not much better.
    Are there really only two ways to run a country?

    It doesn't give a fukk about human rights or ethics and morals like the USSR used to care about the working class.

    NO government gives a damn about human rights or ethics... these are weapons to use against enemies. Look at the US condemning China over Chinas human rights record yet one of those Russian spies they caught ended up with broken bones from interrogations. That never happened during the cold war, but now torture and mistreatment is accepted in the US and practised.
    The west has very high moral standards but rarely applies those standards to itself.
    The Russia of today is certainly interested in economic growth but at least it is honest about it and it is not trying to impose anything on those they deal with.
    It is Russia looking out for Russians which is something the Soviet Union never did.
    The end of the Soviet Union was like Russia getting rid of a lot of excess baggage, they had lots of countries that owed money they were never going to see again and lots more that survived on handouts. The collapse of the Soviet Union was painful but will eventually be the best thing that happened to Russia in the 20th Century.

    Agree on this!

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Kysusha Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:17 pm

    Russian Patriot wrote:
    GarryB wrote:The Soviet Union was never the Soviet Union in the sense that the attempt at true communism was never achieved, just as true democracy has never been achieved anywhere either.

    In a democracy a politician can make any promise or claim before an election to get votes but as long as they don't break any actual laws you can't get them out of office till the next election and there is no accountability regarding their promises at all.

    Equally there is rarely much choice. Hate to pick on the US all the time but how many people that are not from the two political parties are likely to get elected?
    New Zealand is not much better with PMs coming from one of two main political parties... National and Labour. The UK and Australia are not much better.
    Are there really only two ways to run a country?

    It doesn't give a fukk about human rights or ethics and morals like the USSR used to care about the working class.

    NO government gives a damn about human rights or ethics... these are weapons to use against enemies. Look at the US condemning China over Chinas human rights record yet one of those Russian spies they caught ended up with broken bones from interrogations. That never happened during the cold war, but now torture and mistreatment is accepted in the US and practised.
    The west has very high moral standards but rarely applies those standards to itself.
    The Russia of today is certainly interested in economic growth but at least it is honest about it and it is not trying to impose anything on those they deal with.
    It is Russia looking out for Russians which is something the Soviet Union never did.
    The end of the Soviet Union was like Russia getting rid of a lot of excess baggage, they had lots of countries that owed money they were never going to see again and lots more that survived on handouts. The collapse of the Soviet Union was painful but will eventually be the best thing that happened to Russia in the 20th Century.

    Agree on this!

    NO, I most definitely disagree. Russia was strongest [politically and arguably militarily] when it was the Soviet Union.

    Any system that allows election of representatives can be and IS manipulated by money. Our so called, Western democratic system elects who the money says and this is why the Zionists so love it – it is so easily manipulated by “donations” and financial interference.

    Any autocratic system is constantly under attack simply because it cannot be so easily manipulated and controlled by the NWO. Why do you think Amerikana [Israehell’s little lap-dog] is constantly attacking “despot dictatorships?]. They are despots because they won’t do Israehell’s beckoning.

    Any system, which has at it’s heart – money – is corrupt. Our so-called democracy is corrupted by the Zionist. America’s founding fathers had lofty goals and ideals which have never been lived up too – they were hi-jacked by the International Jew.
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Russian Patriot Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:31 pm

    Kysusha wrote:
    Russian Patriot wrote:
    GarryB wrote:The Soviet Union was never the Soviet Union in the sense that the attempt at true communism was never achieved, just as true democracy has never been achieved anywhere either.

    In a democracy a politician can make any promise or claim before an election to get votes but as long as they don't break any actual laws you can't get them out of office till the next election and there is no accountability regarding their promises at all.

    Equally there is rarely much choice. Hate to pick on the US all the time but how many people that are not from the two political parties are likely to get elected?
    New Zealand is not much better with PMs coming from one of two main political parties... National and Labour. The UK and Australia are not much better.
    Are there really only two ways to run a country?

    It doesn't give a fukk about human rights or ethics and morals like the USSR used to care about the working class.

    NO government gives a damn about human rights or ethics... these are weapons to use against enemies. Look at the US condemning China over Chinas human rights record yet one of those Russian spies they caught ended up with broken bones from interrogations. That never happened during the cold war, but now torture and mistreatment is accepted in the US and practised.
    The west has very high moral standards but rarely applies those standards to itself.
    The Russia of today is certainly interested in economic growth but at least it is honest about it and it is not trying to impose anything on those they deal with.
    It is Russia looking out for Russians which is something the Soviet Union never did.
    The end of the Soviet Union was like Russia getting rid of a lot of excess baggage, they had lots of countries that owed money they were never going to see again and lots more that survived on handouts. The collapse of the Soviet Union was painful but will eventually be the best thing that happened to Russia in the 20th Century.

    Agree on this!

    NO, I most definitely disagree. Russia was strongest [politically and arguably militarily] when it was the Soviet Union.

    Any system that allows election of representatives can be and IS manipulated by money. Our so called, Western democratic system elects who the money says and this is why the Zionists so love it – it is so easily manipulated by “donations” and financial interference.

    Any autocratic system is constantly under attack simply because it cannot be so easily manipulated and controlled by the NWO. Why do you think Amerikana [Israehell’s little lap-dog] is constantly attacking “despot dictatorships?]. They are despots because they won’t do Israehell’s beckoning.

    Any system, which has at it’s heart – money – is corrupt. Our so-called democracy is corrupted by the Zionist. America’s founding fathers had lofty goals and ideals which have never been lived up too – they were hi-jacked by the International Jew.

    Kysusha, when we were the Soviet Union,we were the strongest miltary and economically , but what did that bring?

    About the Zionists , yes there alot of them but they did not cause this , its the whole poltical system (Repbulicans , Democrats) So please don't blame everything on the Jews. Its hysterically funny how the Jews get faulted for everyone else everytime!

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Kysusha Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:09 pm

    At least when it was the Soviet Union, there was free medical, housing was affordable, schooling was free - the very essentials of life were provided! Not so now! Now under the "free market" nonsense, Babuska starve while picking through rubbish cans at night. Drunks are left out on the street to freeze in winter, apartment costs are out of reach of the typical Russian! Do you really need more examples?

    The Soviet Union was destroyed by the Zionists; it was part of the economic war waged by the Zionist state America with assistance from pseudo-Zionists like Great Britain and HATO.

    The ills of the world can be traced to the rise of Zionism and if you or others do not want to see that – well more fool you. I’m off for a short Summer break, but when I return I’ll look at posting an article which will clearly show the rise of Zionism and use supposedly “acceptable” references – such as Encyclopaedia Britannica to demonstrate my point.

    For those of you who cannot see – this is NOT JEW bashing – Zionism transcends race and religion. Churchill was a bigoted Zionist; one of the worst. The idiot Bush presidents are Zionists. Zionists are a group of like minded psychopaths, who are loosely held together by an adherence to a twisted religious doctrine; most people would relate to it as a cult – personally, I feel it is more occult. The Bush(s) thought that by helping Israehel they were helping to bring about End Day Prophecy! Supposed Christians, warped in a Bible Belt fanatical belief in apocalyptical Scripture.

    Zionist [and in fact all T Jews] have nothing to do with the chosen people called Israel. They are from the Pharisees and Sadducees who twisted and replaced God’s Laws and God’s Word. They are the ones who crucified Christ and have been trying to kill off Christianity [and Islam] ever since.

    You and others are made to feel guilty for the Jews supposed suffering – a suffering orchestrated by their own kind; the Zionists! The problem is, most of the supposed suffering never happened but the control of the media and the expertise of the propaganda has been such, that 60, 70 years later, we still believe the lies that were told.

    I am so thankful for the www in that at least some people are now able to discuss the lies of the past, that many of the lies of the past are being brought out into the light of day and are being seen for what they are – lies!

    Putin said that the greatest tragedy was the demise of the Soviet Union. With that, I would agree, but I would say that the real tragedy is the rise of Zionism and people’s indifference to it.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:56 am

    NO, I most definitely disagree. Russia was strongest [politically and arguably militarily] when it was the Soviet Union.

    But was that because of what the former soviet republics added or was it simply where Russia was during that period?

    Personally right now I would think restoring the Soviet Union would be an enormous step backwards and the complications it would add would be more negative than positive.

    Much of the Soviet client states relied on handouts and economic subsidies to operate normally and when that all stopped they all blamed Russia from holding them back!

    Any system that allows election of representatives can be and IS manipulated by money. Our so called, Western democratic system elects who the money says and this is why the Zionists so love it – it is so easily manipulated by “donations” and financial interference.

    But every system has elected officials, it is just under the communist system you have to joint the communist party to get a vote. For everyone else they can ignore politics completely and just get on with things. In many western countries the majority of people don't bother voting or simply vote the way they have voted before unless "their party" does something that really upsets them and then they use their vote to punish their party.

    And I personally think there might be some Zionists at work but I think you vastly overestimate their influence.

    Any autocratic system is constantly under attack simply because it cannot be so easily manipulated and controlled by the NWO. Why do you think Amerikana [Israehell’s little lap-dog] is constantly attacking “despot dictatorships?]. They are despots because they won’t do Israehell’s beckoning.

    There is certainly a juice faction in the US with power, but I really don't believe they are all powerful. It is a bit like the pro Pakistani faction in the US... it certainly exists... but when US big business sees 1.4 billion potential consumers in India then the pro Pakistani faction gets overruled. Just like there are plenty of anti communist Americans yet even after the so called end of the cold war and Russia is no longer communist the Americans are still much more in bed with the commie chinese than with the fledgling democracy of Russia. On a pure political level you would think they would immediately mobilise their forces to prop up and support Russian democracy to help make it succeed in the hopes that China will see the benefits of doing the same, but no, that is too long term and Russia has become a rival because the US can't control it so it keeps on trying to keep it down while at the same time investing in China.
    Another case of an interest group being overruled by the potential of 1.5 billion potential consumers.

    The huge irony is that if the US ever actually got its wish and turned both China and India into US like consumers the world really would be in trouble because oil would cost $1,000 per barrel if you could get it and of course Indian and Chinese people are not stupid either... as their market grows they will start their own companies that will eventually rival and then exceed US companies and the result is that the US will be swallowed up.

    America’s founding fathers had lofty goals and ideals which have never been lived up too – they were hi-jacked by the International Jew.

    I disagree that the Juice are that influential, but the US government has certainly managed a lot.

    Have you read the declaration of rights?

    The thing is that it was never intended to give the American people their rights, it was supposed to just remind them what they are. The point is that these rights are rights everyone is supposed to have... not just american people but all people... including criminals... including the victims of extraordinary rendition... including the prisoners at Guantanimo.

    Its hysterically funny how the Jews get faulted for everyone else everytime!

    I agree. If they really had that much influence and power around the world you'd think they would be a lot better off.

    At least when it was the Soviet Union, there was free medical, housing was affordable, schooling was free - the very essentials of life were provided! Not so now! Now under the "free market" nonsense, Babuska starve while picking through rubbish cans at night. Drunks are left out on the street to freeze in winter, apartment costs are out of reach of the typical Russian! Do you really need more examples?

    There was law and order... certainly, but the Soviet period was a long period and things were very different at different periods.

    Don't get me wrong... personally I think communism has faults and advantages just like democracy does. I think history has shown that under a good leader that knows what they are doing things get better and under and idiot who is owned by big business or doesn't know what they are doing things can get really bad.
    I would expect under Putin or Medvedev in a communist system things would be good.

    The huge irony is that communism is all about a managed economy yet it was the west that developed some of the best management models.

    On a ship there is no democracy though a good captain will listen to his crew the final decision is his and there can be no debate or dissension or the whole structure will fail.

    You and others are made to feel guilty for the Jews supposed suffering – a suffering orchestrated by their own kind; the Zionists! The problem is, most of the supposed suffering never happened but the control of the media and the expertise of the propaganda has been such, that 60, 70 years later, we still believe the lies that were told.

    The suffering of the Jews during WWII is well known and the Jewish lobby in the west is so strong that the suffering of other groups at the time is largely marginalised. 6 million juice were killed as part of an extermination campaign by the Nazis. The mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped, the Gypsies, the homosexuals, and the communists were also exterminated but figures are not kept and broadcast so they are forgotten. The Germans managed to kill an enormous number of Soviet slavic citizens and this is even more pronounced when you compare with German citizens killed because there was no strategic bombing campaign in the Soviet Union... there was no collateral damage so to speak. The slavs were killed because the Nazis wanted a living space in the east but they only needed a few slaves to work that land so anyone already there was superfluous to their needs so if they "died" that wouldn't be investigated.
    Then the west has the gall to turn up its nose at the actions of the Soviet troops in Berlin after the Germans were defeated.
    If the Germans wanted better treatment they should have surrendered and not killed hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers in the fight for Berlin alone. Their treatment after the war was 1,000 times better and more civilised than the treatment they inflicted on the Soviet villages they occupied.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  lulldapull Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:15 am

    If anyone disagrees that selling weapons to gullible and goofy Araabs or third world South Asian or African or Eastern European buffoons doesn't get you anywhere have a think again please......

    The Fukkin US is the biggest supplier of arms to these above mentioned nations, and selling arms to them is the linchpin of the US strategy to gain/ maintain hegemony over these foolish countries.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:06 am

    Quite true, but sometimes the model falls over.

    Look at the Falklands war where on paper and according to signed agreements the US of A should have directly helped Argentina from "outside" aggression from the UK.

    The thing is that the US has interests... it doesn't have friends.

    Buying US gear didn't buy US support when the conflict is with someone who is more valuable to US interests than you are.

    Obviously however South Korea and even Germany and Japan would never have become economic power houses without US influence.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  flamming_python Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:44 pm

    Man what a retard thread. I'm still struggling to understand some things. Who are these people, 'international Jews', 'zionists'? Where can I find them? Who? Where?

    All I see is the American elite self-convinced in their own neo-con propaganda, their stooges and puppets in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, some dependents in Asia, S. America here and there, and a few countries in Western Europe that decided to go along for the ride in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria,etc...

    As for Jewish people, I'm fairly convinced that though they are spread around the world - their role in anything - is pretty minor. Certainly nothing compared to such powerhouses in the world as America, Russia, China, Europeans, etc...

    Russian Patriot wrote:About the Zionists , yes there alot of them but they did not cause this , its the whole poltical system (Repbulicans , Democrats) So please don't blame everything on the Jews. Its hysterically funny how the Jews get faulted for everyone else everytime!

    X23456789 Very Happy

    GarryB wrote:NO government gives a damn about human rights or ethics... these are weapons to use against enemies. Look at the US condemning China over Chinas human rights record yet one of those Russian spies they caught ended up with broken bones from interrogations. That never happened during the cold war, but now torture and mistreatment is accepted in the US and practised.
    The west has very high moral standards but rarely applies those standards to itself.
    The Russia of today is certainly interested in economic growth but at least it is honest about it and it is not trying to impose anything on those they deal with.
    It is Russia looking out for Russians which is something the Soviet Union never did.
    The end of the Soviet Union was like Russia getting rid of a lot of excess baggage, they had lots of countries that owed money they were never going to see again and lots more that survived on handouts. The collapse of the Soviet Union was painful but will eventually be the best thing that happened to Russia in the 20th Century.

    To a large part true, but even the most cynical governments and the people that run them have their principles:
    Georgian genocider Sheverdnadze was never supported by either Russia nor America
    The IRA was never supported by the USSR despite it being an enemy of an enemy

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:09 pm

    Man what a retard thread. I'm still struggling to understand some things. Who are these people, 'international Jews', 'zionists'? Where can I find them? Who? Where?

    Two free under every bed... there they are right next to the 1950s reds under the bed... Smile

    X23456789 Very Happy

    Look at that comment carefully...

    About the Zionists , yes there alot of them but they did not cause this , its the whole poltical system (Repbulicans , Democrats) So please don't blame everything on the Jews. Its hysterically funny how the Jews get faulted for everyone else everytime!

    Note RP started talking about Zionist Jews and ended up talking about all Jews.

    A bit like talking about Christians that are members of the KKK and then talking about all Christians...

    The IRA was never supported by the USSR despite it being an enemy of an enemy

    Most IRA support came from the US...

    Fidel Castro approached the US for support before the USSR offered to help them.

    If the US had offered support to North Vietnam in their fight against colonial France and then the corrupt south how different that might have turned out...

    Many of the conflicts of the 20th century were not about communism and democracy, they were about colonialism with an imperial power fighting nationalists who were forced to turn to the enemies of the Imperial powers for support...

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:39 am

    GarryB wrote:Note RP started talking about Zionist Jews and ended up talking about all Jews.

    Well yes that's what I interpreted it as. Of course I don't think it makes a difference either way - the vast majority of Jews; zionist or not are just ordinary people with 0 influence in politics.

    The American elite on the other hand (composed of Jews, Christians, Hare Krishnas, etc...) are the ones who rule the country and create this violence and destruction in the Middle East - and these people have their own ideology which goes a tad further than just simply believing that the Jewish people deserve their own homeland.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:25 am

    The blind support for EVERYTHING Israel might do in the US administration comes from somewhere.

    Whether the Zionist Jews have direct power or influence over those that do have that direct power is irrelevant... the facts are that Israel can do pretty much whatever they like... including fire on and attempt to sink a US flagged ship in international waters and that is enabled not by the UNSC, but by the US... and certainly there will be some in the US who support this, but I think you will find that a significant proportion of Americans don't understand why their national credibility is given up in double standards over all sorts of issues for a foreign country that has little in common with the US... except for the fact that many in both countries believe they were chosen by god to lead the world.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:36 am

    GarryB wrote:The blind support for EVERYTHING Israel might do in the US administration comes from somewhere.

    Whether the Zionist Jews have direct power or influence over those that do have that direct power is irrelevant... the facts are that Israel can do pretty much whatever they like... including fire on and attempt to sink a US flagged ship in international waters and that is enabled not by the UNSC, but by the US... and certainly there will be some in the US who support this, but I think you will find that a significant proportion of Americans don't understand why their national credibility is given up in double standards over all sorts of issues for a foreign country that has little in common with the US... except for the fact that many in both countries believe they were chosen by god to lead the world.

    If America wanted to, they could tomorrow stop all the silly talk of an Israeli unilateral strike on Iran that they can do nothing about, etc... by simply threatening to cut off all military-aid, scale back economic ties and withdraw UN and international support. And that's just a fraction of their leverage over Israel. Not to mention they probably have plenty of people in the Israeli government that would be ready to fulfill their orders without further question.

    So all this talk of Israel/Zionists determining what America does and where is not very well thought through IMO. It is surely the other way round, as Israel and its leaders are undoubtedly puppets of the US.

    And with this in mind, I don't see any reason to suppose that America is using the Zionists for its own goals any less than the British used them in their time. The Zionists and Americans simply have common interests. For America specifically, taking a page out of the British book on Colonialism and supporting a loyal minority on the banks of the Sinai (Israel) fits in perfectly with their policies in other parts of the world (Kurds in Messapotamia, Albanians in Balkans, Tibetians in China, etc...). In Russia too, America and Europe standing up for 'gay rights' in Russia (i.e. encouraging homosexual people to behave shamelessly in public without any respect for social decency, etc...) is also an attempt at building a 5th column that could be used in order to oppose Putin and legitimize Western interference in Russian affairs.

    America no doubt, also benefits directly that Israel is available to do it's dirty work of assassinations, bombing undesirable political elements in Palestine & Lebanon and setting back military research in Syria and Iran. Israel is essentially taking the fall and the hatred for American and European aggression in the Middle East; this is particularly convenient given America's allies in Arabian gulf - who are able to deflect much of their population's discontent and hatred towards Western Imperialism in their region by instead pointing to Israel. But of course this ruse fools far from everyone.

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:11 pm

    If America wanted to, they could tomorrow stop all the silly talk of an Israeli unilateral strike on Iran that they can do nothing about, etc... by simply threatening to cut off all military-aid, scale back economic ties and withdraw UN and international support.

    If they wanted to?

    First of all who?

    The American people?

    The people who actually control the US don't want to.

    And that's just a fraction of their leverage over Israel. Not to mention they probably have plenty of people in the Israeli government that would be ready to fulfill their orders without further question.

    I think you have it the wrong way around. Israels little rampages into Gaza and their walls and new "settlements" on newly stolen land often get negative comments from the US State Department, but in the end Israel does as it pleases and the US fends off any international flak that might be directed at them for it... even when they clearly don't actually approve of what Israel is doing themselves.

    This suggests to me that Israel has far more power over the US than the other way round.

    So all this talk of Israel/Zionists determining what America does and where is not very well thought through IMO. It is surely the other way round, as Israel and its leaders are undoubtedly puppets of the US.

    I disagree. In fact I would say to be US president you have to support the existence of Israel other wise you are anti-semetic and a holocaust denier.

    It is OK to deny the Palestinians a Palestinian state, but you can't deny ZION.

    For America specifically, taking a page out of the British book on Colonialism and supporting a loyal minority on the banks of the Sinai (Israel) fits in perfectly with their policies in other parts of the world (Kurds in Messapotamia, Albanians in Balkans, Tibetians in China, etc...). In Russia too, America and Europe standing up for 'gay rights' in Russia (i.e. encouraging homosexual people to behave shamelessly in public without any respect for social decency, etc...) is also an attempt at building a 5th column that could be used in order to oppose Putin and legitimize Western interference in Russian affairs.

    This is true, but it goes deeper than that.

    When Saddam threatened Saudi Oil with his invasion of Kuwaite he instantly turned from good guy who could do no wrong fighting Iran to public enemy number one. The Taleban went from brave rebels fighting against the Soviet and Russian supported Northern Alliance to Al Quada stooges and enemy number one (as well). When Israel intentionally attempted to sink a US spy ship in international waters, the attack plus the information that ship probably acquired showing Israel was breaking agreements with the US should have been enough to turn US opinion... afterall Saddam didn't make any moves to invade Saudi Arabia... he just extended his border with them... "without US permission".

    BTW there is little shortage of hate in the ME, and arabs seem to enjoy hating arabs as much as they love hating zionist jews and persians.

    In fact the conflict in Libya and now in Syria is about Shia and Sunni Islamists for the locals and has very little to do with freedom. For the West it is about resources in libya and politics in the case of Syria... how could Syria maintain a friendship with Iran!

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    Zionist conspiracies Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  flamming_python Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:02 am

    GarryB wrote:
    If America wanted to, they could tomorrow stop all the silly talk of an Israeli unilateral strike on Iran that they can do nothing about, etc... by simply threatening to cut off all military-aid, scale back economic ties and withdraw UN and international support.

    If they wanted to?

    First of all who?

    The American people?

    The people who actually control the US don't want to.

    Yep, I meant the people who control the US. But there is some section, such as Ron Paul and his backers - who favor isolationism and withdrawal of support from Israel. I think over the next 10 years this issue has the possibility to become acute.

    I think you have it the wrong way around. Israels little rampages into Gaza and their walls and new "settlements" on newly stolen land often get negative comments from the US State Department, but in the end Israel does as it pleases and the US fends off any international flak that might be directed at them for it... even when they clearly don't actually approve of what Israel is doing themselves.

    This suggests to me that Israel has far more power over the US than the other way round.

    America may dislike or publicly appear to dislike Israel's tactics, and some specific things such as building settlements, etc... - but why should they speak out in the defense of the Palestinians, any more than they disowned Saakashvilli in 2008 and spoke out in defense of the Ossetians? Oh wait, they didn't... The US is the pre-eminent power in the world and can pretty much do what it wants - and they know this. So even if their allies are mucking around - that's OK; because both Israel and Saakashvilli still overwhelmingly serve American interests - and serving American interests exactly includes things such as fighting against Hamas and Hezbollah, conduction cover bombings in Syria, assassinating Iranian scientists, etc...

    I disagree. In fact I would say to be US president you have to support the existence of Israel other wise you are anti-semetic and a holocaust denier.

    It is OK to deny the Palestinians a Palestinian state, but you can't deny ZION.

    Sure you can, but you better not say anything to piss off the fundamentalist Christians and Armenians too - the Jews aren't going to vote for you so you would sure as hell need the votes of those guys in order to compensate.

    But let's face it - the guy who successfully manages to appease all 3 - will be the one who ends up with the most votes.

    When Saddam threatened Saudi Oil with his invasion of Kuwaite he instantly turned from good guy who could do no wrong fighting Iran to public enemy number one. The Taleban went from brave rebels fighting against the Soviet and Russian supported Northern Alliance to Al Quada stooges and enemy number one (as well). When Israel intentionally attempted to sink a US spy ship in international waters, the attack plus the information that ship probably acquired showing Israel was breaking agreements with the US should have been enough to turn US opinion... afterall Saddam didn't make any moves to invade Saudi Arabia... he just extended his border with them... "without US permission".

    I suspect Israel had a bit of a private reprimand after something like that. Just as the US has been silently shifting Israel's position on the settlement issue. Or how the US might have had a few private words with Saakashvilli after 08/08/08 (assuming it wasn't done on American orders in the 1st place). But the US wouldn't denounce one of its closest allies in public - what would it gain from something like that exactly?

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