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Karl Haushofer
The Ottoman
par far
Odin of Ossetia
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    Syrian War: News #21

    par far

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  par far Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:30 pm

    Isos wrote:I really wonder who bombed the turks.

    If it was the russians then letting turks bomb SAA makes them pussies that don't assume their acts and let their ally being destroyed because they are affraid of Turks.

    If it was Syrians then maybe Russians are fed up with Syrians taking decisions, big decisions on their own that could have bring NATO in Idlib and they let turks bomb them as a punition. It wouldn't be the first time.

    In the same time they are happy that turks open borders to migrants to the EU.

    But it's been two days that turks are free to bomb SAA which is ridiculous. Either help your ally or get the fuck out of Syria. Russian image as an ally will suffer because of that.

    I don't think that the SAA would take such big steps without Russian permission first, also SAA does not have the kind of intelligence needed to do this.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  par far Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:32 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Working theory now is that Russia allowed Turks to strike targets in Idlib in order to facilitate removal of Iranians from Syria and to "tweak" political situation in Damascus away from Iran (Hezbollah has been getting it bad from Turks as well lately)

    Nonsense. Turks aren't targeting iranians. They have warm relations actually since Erdogan is an enemy of KSA and Co.

    Wrong they are targeting Iranians in Syria with drones.

    Why would the Turks target the Iranians Seig? The Iranians played a big part in putting down the Kurdish separate state ambitions in Iraq, which was big help to Turkey.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:36 pm

    par far wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Working theory now is that Russia allowed Turks to strike targets in Idlib in order to facilitate removal of Iranians from Syria and to "tweak" political situation in Damascus away from Iran (Hezbollah has been getting it bad from Turks as well lately)

    Nonsense. Turks aren't targeting iranians. They have warm relations actually since Erdogan is an enemy of KSA and Co.

    Wrong they are targeting Iranians in Syria with drones.

    Why would the Turks target the Iranians Seig? The Iranians played a big part in putting down the Kurdish separate state ambitions in Iraq, which was big help to Turkey.

    Because they are on the Idlib Frontline

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:39 pm

    RuAF and SyAF in the air. Also destroyed various erdodog allied vehicles.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:40 pm

    Isos wrote:No one cares about your story. Being polish explains why you are so anti russian. Polish are stupid enough to not remember it was Germany who destroyed them.

    "Anti-Russian"? You should read some other forums of what the Westerners really feel about the Russians.

    You are extremely lucky I wrote positive accounts of the Soviet partisans and airborne troops in the German-occupied Poland on my Web site, because lots of Westerners think the Russians are only able to defeat the Germans and other Western opponents with a 10:1 numerical superiority.

    Read for yourselves here:

    Do not bull-shit me about being "anti-Russian."  

    And Turks are some of only a few nationalities in the world with some genuine respect for the Russians, so I suggest you do not pick up needless fights with them.

    Exchanging a productive partnership with Turkey for a mindless devotion to the Alawites in Syria is very unreasonable.

    Plus all those defenseless Syrian civilians bombed and frozen to death does not look good on Russia. Interestingly the West does not seem to care.


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:44 pm

    crod wrote:Not sure what the Russians are thinking/planning right now but if they did bomb that building, why have they let the SAA take the pounding?
    Or if was the SAF, the Russians would have provided the intel so why let the turks take ground back, it puts weeks of flights and effort down the drain.
    What the hell is going on?


    3 hours ago.

    Shooting down second Turkish dron in the Jabal Al-Zawiyah area of Idlib countryside

    The claims that turkey drones can freely fly over syria are all false... there are however situations on when
    this drones are attacked.. if they get close to SAA positions.. previous videos ,of success was likely consequence
    of Putin temporary cease of fire ,for the recovering of turkey death soldiers.. but i don't think putin will allow
    turkey drones to target his special forces that are in the frontline and also could be target of this drones..


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Hole Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:50 pm

    auslander wrote:The apparently few hundreds of illegal immigrants trying to get to Europe were met at the Greece border with tear gas.

    A "reporter" from Sky News met one of the "migrants" on the turkish side of the border. Under the headline "War in Syria" the guy talked to an afghan men! In other words a men coming from a country where the western states are waging a war for "democracy and human rights" for the last 18+ years is now used to show how dire the situation in Idlib is. pale

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Arrow Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:54 pm

    F-16 Turkey in Syrian airspace.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:55 pm

    par far wrote:...I don't think that the SAA would take such big steps without Russian permission first, also SAA does not have the kind of intelligence needed to do this.

    Or maybe SAA did take that step without Russian permission? And now this is the outcome? Not saying they 100% did but it's not impossible.

    And they would have that kind of intelligence because Russians would have told them what to avoid.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:04 pm

    Arrow wrote:F-16 Turkey in Syrian airspace.

    Fake news retard.

    None in Syrian airspace. Russian fighters above Idlib now

    Roaches shit f-16's in roach airspace

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:17 pm

    Some are very funny lol1 . Destroy a fucking airport with two ATGMs fired from drone. Even 10 cruise missiles can't destroy an aiport.

    53 min
    Nayrab airport almost completely destroyed by Turkish drone attack

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:19 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    Exchanging a productive partnership with Turkey for a mindless devotion to the Alawites in Syria is very unreasonable.

    Plus all those defenseless Syrian civilians bombed and frozen to death does not look good on Russia. Interestingly the West does not seem to care.

    You can't be polish as you claimed..  even Poland government who hates Russia supports Assad. lol1
    but don't say it in words.. for not angering their americans friends.. they say that in actions.. look..

    read carefully this..

    Syria and Poland to *** enhance economic, trade relations****

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 1-89

    So what do you know.. that the polish government and their intelligence agencies doesn't know ?
    if you are polish ,did you really think Poland and most of europe ,including australia ,support for assad ,is because they are not better informed than you ?

    Poland gave money from his own nation budget.. to rebuild homes to the refugees
    that support Assad.. and the syrian pairlament applauded Poland government good gesture with
    standing ovation.. lol1

    So obviously you are a troll.. all your claims that alawis or Assad " are evil".. contradict Europe actions..
    Poland , italy ,hungary ,all of them support assad.. australia another nato member support Assad with actions,
    and with words ,they follow US sanctions..  so which is more important , your words? or your actions ?

    your actions speak louder than words.. they say exactly what you believe. and Poland, spain,italy ,hungary ,austria ,greece actions are all in full support of Assad.. because if assad was the evil you claim.. those nations will not be helping Assad with their actions ,encouraging others in europe to strenghten the assad economy.

    more about "Evil Assad" and evil alawis..


    France delegation visits Syria's Assad, **defying EU sanctions**


    Norway recognizes Assad’s right to use force of arms

    So you are only a troll.. a fake polish.. because a true polish will never sponsor radical islamic extremism
    in Syria that Turkey and US and Israel support. you are an evil Erdogan supporter.. or a Netanyahu supporter.
    because is impossible to hide ,that the rebels Assad fight are all terrorist close  to Alqaeda.. you never condem
    Erdogan alliance with Al-Qaeda.. you never condemn NATO support to Isis.. you only complain about "evil Assad"
    bombing children ,because he is soooo evil.. right? So either you are zionist jew or an terrorist sponsor.. it can't be any other way.. mentally stable people will not support islamic terrorism that Assad is fighting ,to flourish and grow in Syria.. unless you are an israeli zionist or a muslim brotherhood supporter who wants to see Syria destroyed. so which one you are? be honest? and unmask yourself for once .. no sane person support suicide bombers friendly ideology to grow in idlib. that Russia and Assad are bombing.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:19 pm

    Where are the two Grigorovitch ? Maybe they are waiting them to at safe place near Syrian coast before attacking Turkey ?
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:23 pm

    Alawites are the "role models" for the German-Ukrainian mafia in Poland, also tyrannical minorities.

    As I already wrote here, they even protected Nazi German war criminals.

    Do not worry about it, I am Polish, and know much better what is going on in Poland.

    Keep in mind that the West was never interested in overthrowing Assad's regime.

    Austria, Italy, Hungary, and even Spain - former Axis countries.

    Poland - controlled by pro-Nazi German-Ukrainian mafia.

    France - currently under heavy influence of Germany.

    Norway - they were "Allied" during WWII, but mostly "on paper."

    No real surprises here.


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:47 pm

    Isos wrote:Where are the two Grigorovitch ? Maybe they are waiting them to at safe place near Syrian coast before attacking Turkey ?

    No ship tracking on them so somewhere in the NE Med. They have had enough time since passing through the Bosporus to pretty much get to the area between Cyprus and Syria.

    No sign of the two missile corvettes that left Sevastopol the day later heading south.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:47 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Alawites are the "role models" for the German-Ukrainian mafia in Poland, also tyrannical minorities.

    As I already wrote here, they even protected Nazi German war criminals.

    Do not worry about it, I am Polish, and know much better what is going on in Poland.

    Keep in mind that the West was never interested in overthrowing Assad's regime.

    Austria, Italy, Hungary, and even Spain - former Axis countries.

    Poland - controlled by pro-Nazi German-Ukrainian mafia.

    France - currently under heavy influence of Germany.

    Norway - they were "Allied" during WWII, but mostly "on paper."

    No real surprises here.

    so "nazi parties"  that fought Russia.. are now supporting Russia in syria.. by supporting assad economy..?? lol1   dude you are full of shit...  you still have said nothing negative against netanyahu or erdogan.. you are a pathetic liar.. who defend terrorism.. plain and simple..  now what is left? you accuse putin to being a nazi?
    go.. i challenge you to say who you really are...  a real polish will never support islamic terrorism that erdogan and israel sponsor and us sponsor.. they will be afraid of alqaeda controlling syria ,as erdogan and israel wants.
    You are actually in comfort with NATO help to alqaeda and isis.. so you are fake as hell dude.. you are not a christian at all.. either zionist troll ,or a muslim brotherhood troll ,which are fighting Assad and Russia in syria.
    whenever i see someone defending Erdogan war on syria.. is either a muslim brotherhood idiot.. or someone with
    a jewish name.. this is because the only nations that benefits from this terrorist proxy war ,by NATO and Israel
    are turkey ,US and Israel.. and the leftist factions in france too.. who are controlled by liberal billionaire jews..

    The biggest cancer humanity face today.. is zionism and islamic extremism..both are funded and financed by billionaires jews..who wants to weaken Russia through their backed war against 100% secular Government in syria. and the first nation in middle east with full freedom of religion ,and democratic elections.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:50 pm

    14 cruise missiles crossed the mid section over the Syrian coast line and landed in #Idlib

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:55 pm

    Isos wrote:
    14 cruise missiles crossed the mid section over the Syrian coast line and landed in #Idlib

    Two Russian frigates are lobbing Kalibr cruise missiles targeting rebels in Saraqib, Nayrab, Afes. Reports of hundreds of rebel dead tonight so far.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Arrow Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:03 am

    This is fake news

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:26 am

    public opinion in the social figures television and movies in turkey in total rejection
    of erdogan policies in syria .

    In a joint document signed by 236 social figures,in which she expressed her rejection of Erdogan's policies in Syria in general and Idlib in particular, considering that his intervention in Idlib turned Tr into a tool in the hands of imperialist states and a protector of terorism

    Among those who signed the document so far are many artists, actors, writers, poets, leaders of civil society organizations, jurists, journalists, university professors, doctors, and trade unionists.

    The initiative's supervisors expected that the number of signatories to the document will reach hundreds during the next few days, as Erdogan's regime continues its reckless provocative policies.

    Erdogan risk a civil war ,that will partition the country.. he can't arrest more than half of his population
    that reject this Erdogan war.. If Russia hold the lines for another 3 months ,and turkey soldiers continue dying or wounded at dozens per day.. then the fights will start in ankara against the Erdogan regime to leave.. Europe
    is unanymous in rejection of erdogan war too..  Im sure that if russia nuke  turkey soldiers in idlib.. as a signal
    to erdogan ,there will be fireworks across all europe in celebration.

    News like this however can have a temporary negative effect in Putin way of fighting in idlib.. because
    he might want to try to slow down the advance and instead of advancing fast ,fortify positions and start trench war.. as world war 1 was.. with russian airforce pushing back turkey and his backed jihadist. in hopes turkey population nation wide civil protest against this war ,will force erdogan to abandon syria.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:38 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  crod Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:35 am

    No info on Russian frigates launching missiles.
    There are pics however of the turks doing so from the border.
    israel jets over the Leb too.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:36 am

    Vann7 wrote:public opinion in the social figures television and movies in turkey in total rejection
    of erdogan policies in syria .

    In a joint document signed by 236 social figures,in which she expressed her rejection of Erdogan's policies in Syria in general and Idlib in particular, considering that his intervention in Idlib turned Tr into a tool in the hands of imperialist states and a protector of terorism

    Among those who signed the document so far are many artists, actors, writers, poets, leaders of civil society organizations, jurists, journalists, university professors, doctors, and trade unionists.

    The initiative's supervisors expected that the number of signatories to the document will reach hundreds during the next few days, as Erdogan's regime continues its reckless provocative policies.

    Erdogan risk a civil war ,that will partition the country.. he can't arrest more than half of his population
    that reject this Erdogan war.. If Russia hold the lines for another 3 months ,and turkey soldiers continue dying or wounded at dozens per day.. then the fights will start in ankara against the Erdogan regime to leave.. Europe
    is unanymous in rejection of erdogan war too..  Im sure that if russia nuke  turkey soldiers in idlib.. as a signal
    to erdogan ,there will be fireworks across all europe in celebration.

    Russia only has to use Su-35 and knock down the Anka drones. EU has arms embargo on Turkey. Turkey can't make the highly technical components of Anka. A drone they lose is a drone they can't replace. Without drone they cannot do recon and air strikes. That mean they can't do shit.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:37 am

    By now we all agree Erdogan = Hitler and therefore appeasement is out of the question. The only way for world to have peace is a bullet in his head.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Arrow Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:38 am

    Information on calibre shooting is fake news. Russia has been doing nothing for over 12 hours.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:43 am

    Russia need armed drones in Idlib ASAP. These things are absolute killer in modern warfare which involve only small number of combatants and equipment. A few of these will break rebels back within weeks.

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