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    Syrian War: News #18


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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 12, 2018 7:17 pm

    based on all information from Social media and popular people for their inside info
    about Syrian Conflict..

    Iran had nothing to do , with the last round of fighting in Syria.. It was Syrian army vs Israel.. 100%
    with Russia supporting Syria as much as possible to improve their logistics ,but also using its own planes
    to interrupt /distract the operations of Israel airforce flying from Lebanon. Israel only hit Syrian army positions , Syrian army Air defenses.. Storages sites.. head quarters of the Syrian army.. and according to wael...apparently positions of Russian special forces too  ,in southern damascus providing support to Syrian army and intelligence close the the front line. So the last round of fight i will not be surprised if the Russian special forces were directly supplying Syrian army the coordinates and targeting data to Syrian army for artillery and ballistic missiles to hit Israel most important military assets in Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon..

    All that said.. as other have told.. IRAN role in Syria have been very important , Since Syria have lost a significant number of its military.. probably about half of its total force if not more.. imagine Russian army losing up to 50% of its veteran soldiers? that will be a disaster.. so this is the way it have been for Syria. So Syria if you look at their army.. is full of teens.. and very young people.. virtually every family in Syria have someone in the army.. Whether people hate IRAN or not.. IRAN role in Syria have been very important.. they fill the void of Syrian military losses.. and it looks that most of their role is to Hold the positions that the Syrian army capture.. specially in Aleppo and Northen zones of Syria.
    so that the Syrian army can continue moving liberating cities with a strong force in any place they go..  So IRAN deserves credit for the fight against ISIS..  Israel only wants IRAN to leave.. so that they can invade Syria in peace
    with a very weakened Syrian army..after 7 years of war.. This is reason why Israel bomb Syria AD system.. they want
    to have the capability to do what they do in Palestine and Lebanon ,to bomb freely any place in Syria without risk for its pilots. but thanks to Russia that will never happen. they will need to evade missiles and loses planes.. reason why Israel airforce avoid invading Syria airspace as much as possible.   So enough with the attacks on IRAN , they need to be there.. Russia do not have manpower to replace ,the void that IRAN leaving will leave..neither Syria. and IRAN presence in Syria and rumors of 80,000 soldiers ,according to Israel own claims.. is the only reason NATO does not do
    a full scale invasion on Syria ,because knows ,even after 7 years of wars.. IRAN forces are filling the void , that Syrian army loses..

    In other news.. a new report ,surfaced in WAEL social media ,of a forum member that found an article
    posted in the Iranian language.. in IRANIAN social media. and he translated it.. reports about What targets
    Syrian army hit of Israel..  If the information is correct.. then Israel lost very important military assets in Golan Heights .forward bases that was interfering with Syria Air Defenses and many Intelligence sites too.. and other secret places
    of Observation and spying on Syrian army movements in Southern Syria. Including electronic warfare places and Radars. So it looks like ISRAEL got destroyed very important places ,they were using to disrupt and sabotage the operations of the Syrian Army.

    From a source in media...

    Thread by @NickNck5: "1/ This is a machine translation. I don't know Persian and I don't know how accurate this report is. But it's from an Iranian source who is […]"
    9 tweets 16 hours ago
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    1/ This is a machine translation. I don't know Persian and I don't know how accurate this report is. But it's from an Iranian source who is very knowledgeable about the conflict.
    Report Syrian News of Revenge / Part II
    ???? More than 40 grad missiles were fired from several points to predetermined Israeli targets. At the same time, 20 Fajr-5 guided missiles were fired to complete the operation.
    3/ Those 40 missiles were used to keep Zionist defense systems busy. Even before the Grad missiles hit the ground those 20 Fajr Missile were fired. 4 Israeli targets was hit with10 rockets. But more important headquarters would have to be destroyed by Fajr 5-guided missiles.
    4/ 16 rockets were hit the targets accurately.
    It was the first time that Iran used the rockets or the Fajr 5 guided missiles in operational form. It was against the very secret and security objectives of the Zionist regime
    5/ The target was the headquarters of the 9900 visual observation, which played an important role in the crimes of Israel. The second target was the most important centers of the Israeli army's Electronic Warfare Center,
    6/ which during the past months was disturbing Syrian radar systems in southern Damascus. This center was also targeted and destroyed.. After the attack, it became apparent that the Zionist regime went crazy and started attacking Syrian assets.
    Zionist regime DID NOT attack an Iranian targets in Syria, and they are blatantly lying to safe face.
    BTW, Israeli regime's political and military leaders were thoroughly horrified after they attacked T4 and were requesting UK, German and French to talk to and ask Iran not to retaliate. They were horrified of our retaliation.
    Putin's special envoy traveled to Tehran and conveyed Israel message that Zionist authorities did not want to expand the war !! But trick didn't work.

    That information is even more moderate than the one posted wael.. apparently Syrian army destroyed
    an IRON dome radar too , in North of Israel.. and hit Jerusalem too.. and destroyed a merkava tank.. If this is
    confirmed.. Israel got a bloody nose too.. with dozens of soldiers either killed or wounded at least.. and no Iranian troops fighting israel in the last round.. only Israel and Syria ..with US and Russia helping their allies.

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat May 12, 2018 7:46 pm

    ISIS in Damascus are dissolving like a vampire caught in the daylight...

    Syrian War: News #18 Dc-1fdcWAAAxi-3

    Its one of the great pleasures in life, to see your hated enemy fall and be scattered like straw in the wind. ISIS today, and their Zio/Saud masters tomorrow....

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 12, 2018 11:56 pm

    Some people that do not understand western policies , complain that Russia is not sending a full scale army
    and airforce to Syria or send S-300s to shut down Israel planes..  and shows a weak policy in Syria. The same
    arguments were raised about Ukraine too.. why Russia did not invaded it and overthrow Kiev government with
    their army. even when Russia could easily do it. Don't you all agree? That Russia can easily defeat the Ukraine
    army and plant a Russian flag in Kiev ?  absolutely.. easy.. in 3-5 days Ukraine military collapse to Russia military.
    So if Russia military in a full scale invasion could totally dominate Syria terrorist and Ukrainian army.. and provide
    a full cover to Syria airspace from Israel and totally shut down their airforce.. why Russia didn't do it? and instead
    have chosen a very limited operation in both places?

    Because Syria and Ukraine , in both places ,the objectives are the same.. is an ECONOMIC TRAP.
    The real goals of F-UK-US axis and Saudi coalition and Israel was..

    -Provoke Russia Military into come to the assistance of its allies..
    -Give Russia a vietnam like long war..
    -Make Russia spend a fortune in the war..
    -Get Russia under sanctions ,
    -Sabotage of Oil price value
    -Pressure Germany and Europe to end their energy business with Russia.

    So in summary the goals of the ZioGlobalist Powers was no other and in this Order..

    1)A full scale total war on Russia economy ,attack on Russia economy on every area.. Forcing Russia to spend
      Billions dollars every month or week defending its allies. and the invasion on Ukraine will have made it easier  
      for US to pressure Europe to cut all business with Russia..
    2)Get dozens of Thousands of Russian soldiers killed and hundreds of tanks and combat planes shut down..
    with NATO and Israel by proxy providing advanced weapons to the Terrorist or Ukraine army and secretly fighting too
    in their side to increase the casualties.
    3)Destroy the image of Russia world wide , as a nation that not even can defend its own allies properly. and damage
    the Image of Putin..
    4)Provoke a war between Turkey and Russia ,and get Russia blocked from leaving the black sea to reinforce their forces.
    5)After Russia economy goes very bad.. major civil unrest financed by the west ,in Russian cities ,demanding Putin to retreat their soldiers.. and to resign..
    6)as as a bonus ,force Russia to retreat after 5 to 10 years..from Ukrainea and Syria defeated for being unable
    to continue fighting for economic reasons..
    7)and after Russia economy collapse , promote a similar scenario of a civil war.with republics demanding their independence from Russia. and it will be a repeat again of the Soviet Union collapse collapse..
    8)To accelerate this problems for Russia.. they also wanted to provoke a war in Moldova vs transnistria controlled by Russian soldiers and Serbia.. for same reasons..

    and after Russia leave Syria , and abandoned to its fate.. Israel and NATO will finish the job. and over run it.. from there move to lebanon to remove hezbolah and from there move to IRAN and repeat Syrian war again.. this time
    the excuse will be Iranian nuclear weapons "secret program"  that needs to be destroyed. instead of chemicals ones.

    All this is how it was supposed to be.. for the west.. an Economic full scale war trap..that will bleed Russia economy
    and force to retreat in the end with its forces humiliated.  So desperate was Ukraine to provoke Russia to invade ukraine that they began to Shell Cross border at Russian towns of elder people.. But Putin understood very well the
    economic /political trap.. and did not fall for it. Russia instead developed a policy ,that significantly delays and freeze
    the war in most parts of syria ,while Allowing Russia with a small airforce to little by little do the same , a full scale army will do.. but without destroying the nation economy.  Cool   the downside of this policy is that Russia will be called
    weak , and that Syria end losing some territory.

    So credit ,when credit is deserved..Putin designed a miracle diplomacy not only one.. but two times..
    In Syria and in Ukraine that will go to World History as a perfect example of how Brilliant Diplomacy ,can turn
    the tide of wars and conflicts.. and the Big winner until now of the syrian conflict was Russia.. Since they saved
    Syria from being over Run by terrorist ,which is what Russia wanted ,and without spending a fortune. as a bonus
    Russia is learning a mountain of very important first hand experience on how to fight NATO and they fight
    how to counter them.. Even though the learning is for both sides.. NATO and Israel also learns.. but the biggest experience gain  goes for Russia by far.. because Russia is not attacking , not even using S-400s.. is mostly in defense.
    So NATO knows how Russia can defend itself with limited military resources deployed and not everything the have..
    but don't know how Russia can fight them.. since Russia is not launching cruise missiles at Israel or using Iskanders or S-400s .  Now Russia knows it can counter any cruise missile NATO have on its inventory but also Israeli missiles too and even interrupt their warships electronics. and even shot down israeli best planes using Soviet era S-200s systems.. as a bonus Russia media RT have exposed too US and Israel and NATO major allies real face ,and their alliance with

    This is why now ,after USsrael and  NATO allies backed terrorist defeated across all syria.. This is why you see a major
    direct help of US and Israel on their backed jihadist ,before they completely defeated. So the light at the end of the
    tunnel can be seen already in Syria and this IS the real reason of israel desperation ,trying to restart the war..
    and Get US and NATO back on removing Assad again. This does not means the war is over , because Israel can now resume ,the war and continue bombing Syria to pressure Russia to leave. Still there are major possibilities that Russia will prevail as long Russia hold ,have patience and continue aiding Syria..

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  JohninMK Sun May 13, 2018 6:52 am

    Different kind of 'map'.

    ‏ @GeromanAT
    18h18 hours ago
    Replying to @GeromanAT @MilitaryMaps and

    #Syria ???????? Battle For #Damascus
    #DamascusSteel #SAA // #NUSRA / #AQ / #ISIS
    - #Yarmouk Camp and Al- #Qadam - Hajar al-#Aswad districts:
    Latest development:
    #SAA took more buildings east of 30th street:
    Asuad ibn al Furat north of the UNRWA school -
    plus roundabout of Al-Jazira

    Syrian War: News #18 DdAgVnyWkAAOAOe

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun May 13, 2018 8:15 am

    Vann7 wrote:Some people that do not understand western policies , complain that Russia is not sending a full scale army
    and airforce to Syria or send S-300s to shut down Israel planes..  and shows a weak policy in Syria. The same
    arguments were raised about Ukraine too.. why Russia did not invaded it and overthrow Kiev government with
    their army. even when Russia could easily do it. Don't you all agree? That Russia can easily defeat the Ukraine
    army and plant a Russian flag in Kiev ?  absolutely.. easy.. in 3-5 days Ukraine military collapse to Russia military.
    So if Russia military in a full scale invasion could totally dominate Syria terrorist and Ukrainian army.. and provide
    a full cover to Syria airspace from Israel and totally shut down their airforce.. why Russia didn't do it? and instead
    have chosen a very limited operation in both places?

    Because Syria and Ukraine , in both places ,the objectives are the same.. is an ECONOMIC TRAP.
    The real goals of F-UK-US axis and Saudi coalition and Israel was..

    -Provoke Russia Military into come to the assistance of its allies..
    -Give Russia a vietnam like long war..
    -Make Russia spend a fortune in the war..
    -Get Russia under sanctions ,
    -Sabotage of Oil price value
    -Pressure Germany and Europe to end their energy business with Russia.

    So in summary the goals of the ZioGlobalist Powers was no other and in this Order..

    1)A full scale total war on Russia economy ,attack on Russia economy on every area.. Forcing Russia to spend
      Billions dollars every month or week defending its allies. and the invasion on Ukraine will have made it easier  
      for US to pressure Europe to cut all business with Russia..
    2)Get dozens of Thousands of Russian soldiers killed and hundreds of tanks and combat planes shut down..
    with NATO and Israel by proxy providing advanced weapons to the Terrorist or Ukraine army and secretly fighting too
    in their side to increase the casualties.
    3)Destroy the image of Russia world wide , as a nation that not even can defend its own allies properly. and damage
    the Image of Putin..
    4)Provoke a war between Turkey and Russia ,and get Russia blocked from leaving the black sea to reinforce their forces.
    5)After Russia economy goes very bad.. major civil unrest financed by the west ,in Russian cities ,demanding Putin to retreat their soldiers.. and to resign..
    6)as as a bonus ,force Russia to retreat after 5 to 10 years..from Ukrainea and Syria defeated for being unable
    to continue fighting for economic reasons..
    7)and after Russia economy collapse , promote a similar scenario of a civil war.with republics demanding their independence from Russia. and it will be a repeat again of the Soviet Union collapse collapse..
    8)To accelerate this problems for Russia.. they also wanted to provoke a war in Moldova vs transnistria controlled by Russian soldiers and Serbia.. for same reasons..

    and after Russia leave Syria , and abandoned to its fate.. Israel and NATO will finish the job. and over run it.. from there move to lebanon to remove hezbolah and from there move to IRAN and repeat Syrian war again.. this time
    the excuse will be Iranian nuclear weapons "secret program"  that needs to be destroyed. instead of chemicals ones.

    All this is how it was supposed to be.. for the west.. an Economic full scale war trap..that will bleed Russia economy
    and force to retreat in the end with its forces humiliated.  So desperate was Ukraine to provoke Russia to invade ukraine that they began to Shell Cross border at Russian towns of elder people.. But Putin understood very well the
    economic /political trap.. and did not fall for it. Russia instead developed a policy ,that significantly delays and freeze
    the war in most parts of syria ,while Allowing Russia with a small airforce to little by little do the same , a full scale army will do.. but without destroying the nation economy.  Cool   the downside of this policy is that Russia will be called
    weak , and that Syria end losing some territory.

    So credit ,when credit is deserved..Putin designed a miracle diplomacy not only one.. but two times..
    In Syria and in Ukraine that will go to World History as a perfect example of how Brilliant Diplomacy ,can turn
    the tide of wars and conflicts.. and the Big winner until now of the syrian conflict was Russia.. Since they saved
    Syria from being over Run by terrorist ,which is what Russia wanted ,and without spending a fortune. as a bonus
    Russia is learning a mountain of very important first hand experience on how to fight NATO and they fight
    how to counter them.. Even though the learning is for both sides.. NATO and Israel also learns.. but the biggest experience gain  goes for Russia by far.. because Russia is not attacking , not even using S-400s.. is mostly in defense.
    So NATO knows how Russia can defend itself with limited military resources deployed and not everything the have..
    but don't know how Russia can fight them.. since Russia is not launching cruise missiles at Israel or using Iskanders or S-400s .  Now Russia knows it can counter any cruise missile NATO have on its inventory but also Israeli missiles too and even interrupt their warships electronics. and even shot down israeli best planes using Soviet era S-200s systems.. as a bonus Russia media RT have exposed too US and Israel and NATO major allies real face ,and their alliance with

    This is why now ,after USsrael and  NATO allies backed terrorist defeated across all syria.. This is why you see a major
    direct help of US and Israel on their backed jihadist ,before they completely defeated. So the light at the end of the
    tunnel can be seen already in Syria and this IS the real reason of israel desperation ,trying to restart the war..
    and Get US and NATO back on removing Assad again. This does not means the war is over , because Israel can now resume ,the war and continue bombing Syria to pressure Russia to leave. Still there are major possibilities that Russia will prevail as long Russia hold ,have patience and continue aiding Syria..

    I disagree with much of what you usually write, but you are 100% spot on here. US/HATO policies can only be understood if viewed in this light, yet many can't see it and instead whine incessantly about Russia being "weak" or Putin being "cowardly". The opposite is true, ie that the the US/HATO and the neocon cabals have been out-thought and out-played, and they are frustrated that their ploys are not getting the desired results. I have no fear that Russia will cave in to the incessant demands of the West as they are perfectly aware that you cannot appease a criminal psychopath, you can only resist to the bitter end while working to erect an insurmountable defense. In this regard, i think Russia is moving in the right direction, recent unanswered HATOstani and Chosenite aggressions notwithstanding.

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  calm Sun May 13, 2018 8:54 am

    Future of Syria?
    Syrian War: News #18 Dc8-unuXcAEOHVw
    Syrian War: News #18 Dc8-vMQW0AAfGiP

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  LMFS Sun May 13, 2018 10:08 am

    Relevant to the whole discussion about recent developments of the Russian stance on the Syria-Israel-Iran triangle and the S-300 issue:

    To me Elijah Magnier is easily the best ME analyst out there, cannot recommend enough to read him.


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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  KiloGolf Sun May 13, 2018 10:33 am

    LMFS wrote:Relevant to the whole discussion about recent developments of the Russian stance on the Syria-Israel-Iran triangle and the S-300 issue:

    To me Elijah Magnier is easily the best ME analyst out there, cannot recommend enough to read him.


    and I quote him:
    Elijah J. Magnier
    1 hour ago

    Russia can't and doesn't want to push Iran out of Syria. But Russia is an an Arab country neither part of the Israeli-Iranian struggle. Russia wants a stable Syria for its interest and the one of its allies. Syria and Israel are both Russian allies.

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  George1 Sun May 13, 2018 5:09 pm

    Αs you all noticed i excluded the term "civil" from the title of this thread ("syrian war") because the conflict is becoming more and more international

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Sun May 13, 2018 6:38 pm

    George1 wrote:Αs you all noticed i excluded the term "civil" from the title of this thread ("syrian war") because the conflict is becoming more and more international

    You should have used  "wars in Syria" instead or "syrian war".

    It's a shame that people all over thee world let all those countries destroy syria and use syrian people for their own  politics and goals. They just added wars to a civil war. Turkey, USA and puppets, Israel , Saudi Arabia and puppets. Russia is the only country that really tries to unify them even if there is a strategic goal to maintain syria with them, they still care about everyone.

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  HUNTER VZLA Sun May 13, 2018 8:18 pm

    SAA IRAM "Golan" based on T-72 chassis


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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  yavar Mon May 14, 2018 1:00 am


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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Mindless_drone Mon May 14, 2018 10:33 am

    US/NATO cabal isn’t being outplayed and Russia is just weak. NATO doesn’t want to put boots on the ground.

    Russia is hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered in Syria.

    A 500 cruise missiles strike can wipe out both of Russia’s major bases in Syria.

    Do people on this forum seriously think that a 20-30 aircraft deployment with some SAMS can challenge American supremacy in the area?

    S400 isn’t even a completed system. The 400km missile isn’t ready.

    Flankers in Syria have no BVR weapons.

    Russia knows its weak and playing its hand accordingly by focusing on winning the civil war.

    That’s why Russia hasn’t tried to close of Syrian airspace or let Syria strike any NATO positions.

    It simply can’t do that.


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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  archangelski Mon May 14, 2018 10:46 am

    Mindless_drone wrote:US/NATO cabal isn’t being outplayed and Russia is just weak. NATO doesn’t want to put boots on the ground.

    Russia is hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered in Syria.

    A 500 cruise missiles strike can wipe out both of Russia’s major bases in Syria.

    Do people on this forum seriously think that a 20-30 aircraft deployment with some SAMS can challenge American supremacy in the area?

    S400 isn’t even a completed system. The 400km missile isn’t ready.

    Flankers in Syria have no BVR weapons.

    Russia knows its weak and playing its hand accordingly by focusing on winning the civil war.

    That’s why Russia hasn’t tried to close of Syrian airspace or let Syria strike any NATO positions.

    It simply can’t do that.

    1) Russia in Syria will never be opposed seriously with USAF,
    2) Do you really think that US is going to strike Russian bases in Syria without consequences ?
    3) Current S-400 system in Syria is enough for the job,
    4) Flankers are armed with R-27 for long time now and Syrian deployed ones are equipped with R-77 as well,
    5) Russia also doesn't want to involve troops on the ground too much and for that also uses its proxies.

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Sorry, you got me lost here: are you saying that Europe has such a thing

    Post  eehnie Mon May 14, 2018 10:55 am

    LMFS wrote:
    eehnie wrote:Europe brokes with the US in the Middle East. This is why zionists hate us very much.

    Sorry, you got me lost here: are you saying that Europe has such a thing as an independent foreign policy? We are, politically speaking, the lackey of the lackey, a nonentity in words of Assad. Have you seen the last statements from DE and FR regarding the Israeli provocations?

    The last Friday Europe anounced:

    Europe moves to safeguard interests in Iran after U.S. pullout
    Paul Carrel, Leigh Thomas
    6 MIN READ

    BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) - Europe’s largest economies lobbied to protect their companies’ investments in Iran on Friday, seeking to keep the nuclear deal with Tehran alive after Washington pulled out and threatened to impose sanctions on European companies.

    Germany and France have significant trade links with Iran and remain committed to the nuclear agreement, as does Britain, and the three countries’ foreign ministers plan to meet on Tuesday to discuss it.

    That is part of a flurry of diplomatic activity following Tuesday’s unilateral withdrawal from what U.S. President Donald Trump called “a horrible, one-sided deal”, a move accompanied by the threat of penalties against any foreign firms doing business in Iran.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said ways to save the deal without Washington needed to be discussed with Tehran, while France’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said EU states would propose sanctions-blocking measures to the European Commission.

    “Do we accept extraterritorial sanctions? The answer is no,” Le Maire told reporters.

    “Do we accept that the United States is the economic gendarme of the planet? The answer is no.

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  KiloGolf Mon May 14, 2018 4:23 pm

    HUNTER VZLA wrote:SAA IRAM "Golan" based on T-72 chassis

    Not bad @Syria!

    Syrian War: News #18 DdGlxovXkAE3B2w

    Tens Of ISIS Terrorists Flee Rebel Prison In Idlib
    On May 14, 2018

    Scores of ISIS terrorists held prisoners by a rival rebel group in north Idlib have managed to escape amid rising tensions in the jihadi-controlled province.

    The captured ISIS militants were operating in eastern Idlib when they surrendered to Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) in last February.

    According to pro-opposition media, masked gunmen broke-through a prison run by Ahrar al-Sham Islamist faction in Binnsh town of Idlib, and set free up to 40 ISIS militants, who run away to an unknown location.

    What’s more, reportedly the ISIS militants were taken out in coordination with Ahrar Al-Sham leaders in exchange for a substantial amount of money with a truce with the Islamist faction .

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  George1 Mon May 14, 2018 5:32 pm

    off-topic posts about zionism-palestine etc were removed. Next time that discussion will go the same way, i will delete the topic from the start. I got bored to do and say the same again and again

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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  KiloGolf Mon May 14, 2018 6:04 pm

    SDF is surprisingly waking up... Rolling Eyes

    Islamic World News
    2 hours ago

    East #Syria Military Map
    The village of Baqhuz has been captured by #SDF with help of #Iraq-i forces and US-led coalition support.

    Syrian War: News #18 DdLep0IVMAAAcok

    Putin Didn't Help out Syria Against Israel. So What?

    Treason would be something else

    Anatoly Karlin 8 hours ago

    Syrian War: News #18 File-20170727-8501-i09zwz

    There are some pretty strange ideas floating around that Russia is obligated to help Syria/Iran in their decades-long squabbles with Israel, and that Putin is “betraying his people” by not doing so.

    Well, last time I checked, Putin is President of Russians, not Syrians/Iranians. Indeed, the term “сирийские братушки” (“Syrian brothers”) has long been an ironic meme on Runet to denote the absurdity of such appeals. I don’t even disagree with the assertion that Putin betrayed his people. It’s just that it happened in 2014, not on any of the dozen occasions when he failed to wage a nuclear war with Israel to indulge some Westerners’ peculiar ideological fantasies about Russia as the antipode to the Zionist menace.

    In any case, Putin never even reacted to the outright American murders of Russian mercenaries in Syria, so it would if anything be absurd – not to mention supremely insulting (to Russians) – if he was to do more for Iranian ones.

    Alexander Mercouris spelled out why Russia has no rational incentives to take a side in Arab/Israeli squabbles back in 2017:

    It is not just that the Western media can be relied up never to criticise any action Israel takes however wrong or outrageous it might be. The dismal truth is that none of the world’s major governments do so either. Not only does the US invariably support Israel whatever it does and however outrageous its actions might be, but the days when Israeli actions would come in for strong criticism from the governments of Russia and China are long gone.

    The Russians and the Chinese have their hardheaded practical reasons for this change of stance. Since the Arabs are incapable of taking a united stand against Israel, there is little sense in them doing so. Besides the Russians were badly burnt during the period from roughly 1967 to 1985, when they took a strong stand against Israel only to be blamed by the Arabs for their own failures, and when they found that Arab Jihadis were far keener to fight them in Afghanistan than to fight the Israelis. Needless to say after that experience the Russians have no intention of sticking their necks out for the Arabs again.

    And more recently:
    When following the 1967 Six Days War the Russians did commit themselves wholeheartedly to one side in the Arab-Israeli conflict – backing the Arabs diplomatically, arming the Arabs intensively, sending a strong military force to defend Egypt in 1970 from Israeli air attacks, and breaking off diplomatic relations with Israel – the result for Moscow was a catastrophe.

    The USSR’s large Jewish community became alienated, the USSR found that by making an enemy of Israel it had further poisoned its relations with the Western powers at precisely the time when it was seeking detente with them, and the USSR quickly discovered that its Arab ‘allies’ in whom it had invested so much were both ungrateful and treacherous, so that by 1980 the USSR’s entire position in the Middle East had completely collapsed.

    The final straw came after the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in 1979, when volunteers from across the Arab world rushed to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, in a way that they had never shown the slightest indication of wanting to do against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians.

    Not surprisingly, the Russians have therefore since the mid-1980s been determined never to become directly involved in any part of the Arab-Israel conflict again.

    Thus whilst Russia maintains good relations with the Arab states, and whilst Russia continues to voice support for the Palestinians, Russia has always striven to maintain good relations with Israel as well, and has forged significant economic links with Israel.

    One additional point I would make it is that many of these fervent opponents of the AngloZionists were also some of the most active at propagating the meme about how intervening in the Ukraine in 2014 was an AngloZionist trap to draw Russia into WW3 and praising the 666D chess brilliance of the Minsk Accords, while shouting down its critics as hysterical panickers, if not outright sixth columnists.
    So sorry to break it to them that Russia is not going to fight a war with Israel, or even cut economic ties, for the sake of the desert training arena. Actually not very sorry at all. The rise in oil prices is to be looked forwards to.


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    Syrian War: News #18 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  LMFS Mon May 14, 2018 6:24 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:SDF is surprisingly waking up... Rolling Eyes

    Better to recycle some ISIS as SDF than seeing them obliterated by the Iraqi, that kind of cannon fodder does not grow on the trees after all... xD

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    Post  Isos Mon May 14, 2018 7:04 pm

    Syrian S-75 radars fited with thermal cameras against jaming. Probably Russian engineers worked on that.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon May 14, 2018 8:34 pm

    Mindless_drone wrote:US/NATO cabal isn’t being outplayed and Russia is just weak. NATO doesn’t want to put boots on the ground.

    Russia is hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered in Syria.

    A 500 cruise missiles strike can wipe out both of Russia’s major bases in Syria.

    Do people on this forum seriously think that a 20-30 aircraft deployment with some SAMS can challenge American supremacy in the area?

    S400 isn’t even a completed system. The 400km missile isn’t ready.

    Flankers in Syria have no BVR weapons.

    Russia knows its weak and playing its hand accordingly by focusing on winning the civil war.

    That’s why Russia hasn’t tried to close of Syrian airspace or let Syria strike any NATO positions.

    It simply can’t do that.

    You think that America would hesitate to escalate if it could?

    The problem with the US in the Area is that Russia has way more targets that just latch up the US bases. A low poke attack on KSA and /or Israel sows up way more turmoil that then US can handle. You want something funny? In the madman theory the US would wipe out Russian bases in Syria, the actual issue is that the Russian could pretty much end up clearing up Centcom with the same kind of 500 CM attack. Unlike Russia, US is in the middle of nowhere.

    Winning the civil war is the goal, not a sign of weakness. The US is playing the same madman theory by trying to make it costly by basically, choking Iran, Russia and Syria. A nice counter play but that will only make the US-backed forces die in a longer agony. Especially with Iraq clean and ISIS done.

    You want a worse variant? Remember the Stinger affair? With about 250 helicopters flying in Afghanistan on a rotational basis, 100 to 200 MANPADS of deniable origin (DPRK/China) the target count is rich enough. Worse with the 14K troops in Afghanistan being primarily moved around in MRAPS, an sudden influx of ATGM's (Especially now that Syria has recaptured roughly 3/400 foreign supplied of its own stock and others) could also spell trouble. You want a bigger fun? Pakistani Airlift forces, could just pick up all the Russian garbage that wants to liberate Islam ground and insert it in Talitubbie land. With roughly 2-4 thousand people in average out of the 15/20 million Russian Muslim population acting as a core force, Afghanistan is done as fuck.

    Actually the US should be really, really wise not to go that way, because the US deployments are wide open.

    Now what were you saying again son? 'Cos I didn't hear you that well.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Mon May 14, 2018 9:57 pm

    George1 wrote:off-topic posts about zionism-palestine etc were removed. Next time that discussion will go the same way, i will delete the topic from the start. I got bored to do and say the same again and again

    With all due respect, would it not be a better idea to move the OT content to a new thread Question

    Like it or not, the root cause of the Israel-Palestine conflict goes to the heart of much of the conflict in the ME, and is a valid point of discussion for Russian defense concerns.

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    Post  George1 Mon May 14, 2018 10:04 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    George1 wrote:off-topic posts about zionism-palestine etc were removed. Next time that discussion will go the same way, i will delete the topic from the start. I got bored to do and say the same again and again

    With all due respect, would it not be a better idea to move the OT content to a new thread  Question

    Like it or not, the root cause of the Israel-Palestine conflict goes to the heart of much of the conflict in the ME, and is a valid point of discussion for Russian defense concerns.

    yes new thread

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    Post  George1 Tue May 15, 2018 9:12 am

    The Norwegians fought in Syria on the Russian side

    The Norwegian resource published the material Kjetil Stormark "Nordmenn kjempet på russisk side i Syria" ("The Norwegians fought in Syria on the Russian side"), which states that Norwegian and other Scandinavian volunteers took part in the military operations against the " Islamic State "in Syria. "This is claimed by the Swedish right-wing extremist site, who did not want to answer the question of whether soldiers are also right-wing extremists" (the translation of the publication is available on the web resource

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    Post  GarryB Tue May 15, 2018 9:59 pm

    Nice... the guy on the far right has a Mosin 3 line rifle and an AK-74... nice.

    I probably would have chosen an AKS-74U or AK-105, but the bolt action sniper rifle would be fun.

    Ironic though... western right wing extremists fighting on the same side with Russians against forces supported by the west as freedom fighters...

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