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    Russian Economy General News: #11


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:29 pm

    Some news.

    Finance ministry is looking to borrow $50B in 2021 through sale of bonds.


    Constitutional Court says that Russian authorities can tell Hague to take a hike with its $50B lawsuits against Russia for Yukos. Saying that Russia didn't ratify any agreement that states international Court supercedes Russian constitutional Court and with recent changes in law, the Hague more or less is trying to damage Russia's fight against corruption.

    In other words, Russia is finally giving them the middle finger.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:52 pm

    The Hague kangaroo tribunal and its process against Russia is grotesque. They are asserting the right to dictate to
    Russian law enforcement about which criminals get prosecuted. Some fucking tribunal on trade and commercial
    disputes never had any jurisdiction to retry criminal cases. The kangaroo clowns at the Hague use NATzO fake
    stream media coverage of the Yukos case as "evidence" proving Khodorkovsky's innocence. Rather similar to how
    the US FISA courts were manipulated by Obummer with the fake stream media coverage of the Steele report which
    was bought and paid for by the D. Party, i.e. Obummer and Killery themselves. A total circularity.

    Finally Russia has washed its hands from these hater clowns. Even Kafka would cringe at the nonsense pushed by
    the NATzO west.


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    Post  Hole Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:17 pm

    Why don´t they borrow the money from their wealth fund? Or from the reserves of the central bank?

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:53 pm

    Hole wrote:Why don´t they borrow the money from their wealth fund? Or from the reserves of the central bank?

    Why spend reserves when you can sell bonds?

    USA approach

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:07 pm

    Hole wrote:Why don´t they borrow the money from their wealth fund? Or from the reserves of the central bank?

    Russia needs to grow its own bond market. Thanks to the monetarist criminals at the CBR, Russian domestic banking and
    financing has been grossly underdeveloped. So Russian companies must turn to foreign financing sources. This is one
    of Putin's actual big fails. He should never have allowed Nabiullina to take over the CBR. For someone with an economics
    dissertation he is not on the ball in this regard. But nobody is perfect.

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    Post  Hole Wed Dec 30, 2020 1:14 pm

    Not spend the reserves. Behave like western banks. They got maybe 10 Bill. in bonds in their "vault" and lend out 100 Bill. to customers.

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    Post  kvs Wed Dec 30, 2020 5:00 pm

    Hole wrote:Not spend the reserves. Behave like western banks. They got maybe 10 Bill. in bonds in their "vault" and lend out 100 Bill. to customers.

    That amounts to the creation of a new national bank. This may be a good idea since it can lend at rates that would put a clamp
    on profiteering by the private banks. However, the problem remains anyway if the prime CBR rate is not fixed. It is currently
    at 4.25%. It should be at 2% at most. This is not too low, borrowers never see the prime rate and always see a markup.

    Someone posted before that high CBR rates are good for savers. Sberbank gives 3% for savings accounts

    So it is less than inflation. In Canada one could get GICs with such a rate a few years ago even though the prime rate was under 1%.
    This was above official inflation rates. So the argument that a high prime rate from the CBR is necessary and good simply does not hold any water.


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    Post  Vann7 Wed Dec 30, 2020 5:06 pm

    interesting news.. that not many pay attention.  Cool

    Russia's Richest Lose $73 billion

    now an example of a report with not the best title..
    RT report title..  :
    Jack Ma loses nearly $11 billion as China tightens scrutiny on his business empire

    the title should have been...

    China economy manage to bypass US economic war ,top Billionaires
    see massive increase of their fortunes despite western sanctions.

    Despite Beijing’s attempts to tighten control on the fintech industry and the coronavirus crisis, the country's tech billionaires still won big this year. Even given the latest drop, Ma’s fortune got $4.3 billion bigger in 2020, while the net worth of China’s 21 tech billionaires included in the Bloomberg index jumped by $187 billion.

    So this shows how outdated is Russia economic model , it was master yoda ignorant putin ,
    the one who openly told their billionaires.. invest in commodities in 2014... for the so called "diversification" of the economy.  Laughing    So what have happened in russia in next 6 years after 2014 sanctions  about ukraine conflict?

    That Russia economy have been in deceleration and stagnation , have been diversifying absolutely
    NOT , still russian budget most of it ,depends of russian oil and gas exports.. and while china enjoys
    an 8% surplus GDP growth in early 2021 ,and this is even in the middle of trade war and sanctions from US , backwards Putin's Russia economy and his comodities
    super bananas -gas station empire , their to 25 billionaires have lost 30% of their wealth .. for following the retarded advices of their president..  Laughing and if that wasn't bad enough ,
    ..... more proof that Russia is a sinking boat..

    Look at the next table of top 10 populated nations in the world.. where
    Russia is the only nation in that list experiencing negative growth..   Shocked

    Growth from 2000 to ---> 2020.   (this is the same time Putin was in power)  Smile

    1)China  ->  13.4% population growth .
    2)India  ->   37.1% population growth .
    3)United States --> 17.3% population growth.
    4)Indonesia    -->27.7% population growth.
    5)Pakistan    ---> 44.9% population growth.
    6)Brazil   -----> 21.9 %   population growth.
    7)Nigeria  -----> 66.3 %   population growth
    8)Bangladesh  -----> 27.9 %   population growth
    9)Russia  -----> -0.9 %   population decrease  
    10) Mexico  -----> 29.2%   population growth

    So if this is not a sign of a real tragedy awaiting for Russia , during Putin administration ,then no idea
    what will be . People in Russia are leaving ,specially young womens , and i know where they are moving ,to latin america , to mexico , to spain , italy and others to colombia or USA . They find no
    opportunities in their own nation , no jobs and move to another place.

    This are United NATIONS numbers , that receive their information from each government.
    Putin population project have been a complete failure ,just like his entire administration ,this is
    very bad news , because shows , that in 20 years , putin have at best only halted the massive exodus
    of russian from the 90% ,but still people leaving.. while at the same time ,the muslim 5th column communities have been growing exponentially.

    So this is more reasons for Putin to resign , from his job , he is a failure President ,with a fail
    vision for russia. the backwardness of Russia economy , a banana gas station and commodities economy ,combined with western sanctions are working to cause irreversible damages to
    Russia future ,as long that idiot in chief in in power. Because that massive incompetent in
    20 years , have failed in creating any true business transformation on the nation ,that will convince Russians to stay in their country and not flee. [u] This population census is the most accurate poll
    that shows for real how russian  society thinks about their nation future with putin in power.

    Go to youtube and type russia ,and what you will find are most Russian bloggers are girls videos ,saying how much they want to leave to a better place in the west. Maria Sharapova ,who was a super star in sochi and ran with the olympic flame ,live in america not in russia ,and many of
    Russia olympic atletes that putin gave the cars for stupid medals ,moved to america too.   lol1

    This stadistics are really worrying to say the least.. usually the people that leave are the young one ,
    because elder people have already done their lives and only wait for dying , they have no ambitions
    for a new job. and this depopulation of russia can spike to double digits numbers ,like the 90s again ,with any triggering major event , like collapse of russia economy , something that will happen if oil prices continues in the 30's and 20s for a decade.. then it will be game over for putins gas stations.

    So to summarize..
    -Chinesse economy growing like there is no tomorrow.. their billionaires making tons of money
    even during covid19 pandemy.
    -Russia economy ,bleeding to death , like there is no tomorrow , their billionaires lost 1/3 of their
    wealth for their mistakes of following their money president advices of investing commodities ,
    energy and mining .

    So why China is doing so great and Russia failing so much?
    since both nations face sanctions , so whats the difference? anyone want to guess?
    The BIG difference is the economic models.. Russia Economy follows the same economic model
    of africans and latin america commodities based economy, while china economy is modern and not
    backwards like the russian one. chinese economy is very close proof to bullet proof to american sanctions , very resistant ,because chinese business counters american ones , and their modern technology business are covid19 proof , contrary to Putin's olympics and tourism economy that will never again recover ,post covid era.

    When you have a fail and incompetent leadership with a fail vision in russia ,like Putin is ,for the last 20 years ,the end result is population move to another country when they no longer have hopes for a better future on his own mother land.  No

    If Putin wants to end poverty in Russia , the best thing he can do is resign and leave younger people
    to take his place , but not soviet backward thinking leaders , but people with love and passion for technology and with real ambitions for russia ,as a high tech business leader, as space exploration leader and not as a lame parasite ,dependent of west and offering no competition to western top business.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Scorpius Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:22 pm

    Countries with the highest number of measurement and calibration capabilities (as of 25.12.2020): Russian Federation - 1792 units, USA-1696 units, China-1678 units, Germany-1544 units. For the first time in history, Russia has topped the list of the world's leading national metrological (measuring) systems, overtaking the United States for the last six years. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

    "The accuracy and technical parameters of standards and measuring equipment developed in Russia fully correspond to, and often exceed, foreign analogues of industrialized countries such as Germany, the United States, Japan and others," said Alexey Besprozvannykh, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

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    Post  Scorpius Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:32 pm
    List of the largest medical facilities built in 2020. The link above shows only the second part for 2020, but at the end there are links to similar materials from 2012 to 2020. You can show everyone who claims that Russia produces weapons INSTEAD of hospitals.

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    Post  Scorpius Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:33 pm

    Scorpius wrote:
    List of the largest medical facilities built in 2020. The link above shows only the second part for 2020, but at the end there are links to similar materials from 2012 to 2020. You can show everyone who claims that Russia produces weapons INSTEAD of hospitals.

    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 F_aS55dGltZy5jb20vdmkveFZYV3JNNWNZWDQvbWF4cmVzZGVmYXVsdC5qcGc_X19pZD0xMzg1MzI=
    a picture to attract attention: another result of the terrible "Russian occupation" of Crimea.

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    Post  kvs Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:03 pm

    Russia "occupying" Crimea is Russia occupying itself. Let's see America restore the treaties it tore up with US aboriginals.

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    Post  Hole Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:32 pm

    CNN will tell us that this is a concentration camp for poor crimean tartars. Sad

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    Post  Sujoy Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:05 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Constitutional Court says that Russian authorities can tell Hague to take a hike with its $50B lawsuits against Russia for Yukos.  Saying that Russia didn't ratify any agreement that states international Court supercedes Russian constitutional Court and with recent changes in law, the Hague more or less is trying to damage Russia's fight against corruption.
    Western countries imposes far more sanctions on Russia than they do on China. Maybe much like the Kissinger inspired Nixon admin the E.U and U.S wants to develop China as a bulwark against Russia in Asia.

    Despite the fact that China has been accused (rightly or wrongly) for developing and spreading COVID-19 no major sanctions were imposed on China by the West. However, the same West imposes sanctions on Russia (apart from Asian and African countries) in a split-second.


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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:08 am

    Yet China realizes what is happening this signs tons of economic projects with Russia. Add in that Biden has said he is building a "coalition" against China

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    Post  Sujoy Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:21 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Yet China realizes what is happening this signs tons of economic projects with Russia. Add in that Biden has said he is building a "coalition" against China
    Are Russian companies winning deals for major projects in China? China generally purchases a whole lot of natural resources from Russia and subsequently exports finished products to Russia (and other countries).

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:53 am

    Sujoy wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Yet China realizes what is happening this signs tons of economic projects with Russia. Add in that Biden has said he is building a "coalition" against China
    Are Russian companies winning deals for major projects in China? China generally purchases a whole lot of natural resources from Russia and subsequently exports finished products to Russia (and other countries).

    Woefully ignorant of you.

    China buys food, resources and tech. Russia's major exporter for Mikron RFID and microchips is China. Energy projects are also in China (nuclear power and tech), military tech, etc.

    China has been working on a car manufacturing plant in Russia. Huawei has R&D facilities in Moscow and St.Pete.  Composite parts and other such tech facilities are joint ventures.

    China is one of the largest investors in Russia next to EU. India on the other hand is reliant entirely on resources imports from Russia with also odd tech like nuclear. India's investments are very low in Russia while India is more inclined to suck US dick.

    Biggest winner of Russian companies in China besides tech is also Russia's confectionery industry. Ready made foods are exploding in demand in China and the quality ones come from Russia.  Hence why China is looking to build or JV food processing in Russia.  And lastly, Russia is a major tourist destination for China and most chinese travel to Moscow and St Pete (western Russia).

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:02 pm

    Sujoy believes that VVP is part of the Anglo Saxon New World Order.... clown

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    Post  Backman Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:32 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Constitutional Court says that Russian authorities can tell Hague to take a hike with its $50B lawsuits against Russia for Yukos.  Saying that Russia didn't ratify any agreement that states international Court supercedes Russian constitutional Court and with recent changes in law, the Hague more or less is trying to damage Russia's fight against corruption.
    Western countries imposes far more sanctions on Russia than they do on China. Maybe much like the Kissinger inspired Nixon admin the E.U and U.S wants to develop China as a bulwark against Russia in Asia.

    Despite the fact that China has been accused (rightly or wrongly) for developing and spreading COVID-19 no major sanctions were imposed on China by the West. However, the same West imposes sanctions on Russia (apart from Asian and African countries) in a split-second.

    Well China is the US's biggest external creditor. Even without adding Hong Kong and Taiwan which are also China. So its an uneasy relationship between the US and China. The US cant walk all over China too much with sanctions.

    Russia on the other hand, is a top 5 world economy while not even being on the major holder of US treasury bond list.

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    Post  miketheterrible Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:19 pm

    Russia in 2020 broke the record of the entire USSR for generating electricity at nuclear power plants

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    Post  Vann7 Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:01 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:

    Russia in 2020 broke the record of the entire USSR for generating electricity at nuclear power plants

    Sorry to ruin the party , but those achievements are meaningless ,if you look at the bigger
    picture .The soviet union was highly undeveloped , it was mostly focused to military ,science and
    medicine , albeit they did some progress in semiconductors too and automobile industry.

    if you compare the numbers that Russian media celebrate with nations with half the population
    like japan ,that are very close to the russian ones. then you will see those numbers not that important.

    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 Countries_by_eletrcity_production

    Created: 8 November 2020

    So a country like Canada with just 20% of the population of Russia ,produce as much energy
    as "super power" Russia. Laughing

    Russia is a backward nation , means a nation that looks to the past progress and stay there in the past . they don't seek to lead the world in anything ,other than weapons and bullshit sports. They don't invest much in education , neither invest much in their space program. japan is lately even investing more in space than Russia is doing and more agressive too ,they landed a probe in a meteor ,while Putin's the yoda "genius" , have remained for 20 years ,happy just doing taxi to the ISS.  No

    But i want to explain exactly what is going on with Russian media. They understand clearly the world
    see Russia as a backwards nation ,and this olympics that putin wasted his money did not changed
    this perception at all.. and i will explain why.

    Qatar  have the best infrastructure money can buy ,the best airports ,
    the best 5 star hotels , have many of the tallest buildings in the world , they also have the highest quality of life standards in the world ,in terms of infrastructure and comfort.. Qatar is rated as the richest country in the world per citizen capital , the average salary in qatar for their citizens is
    $130,000 american dollars a year. There is no unemployment in Qatar , or close to zero , have best
    hospitals.. and Qatar following the example of backwards Putin ,will now have the best olympics facilities in the world. still even with all those achievements ,everyone see Qatar as a gas station ,
    as a third world nation ,as a nation that contribute in NOTHING to the world ,other than energy discounts .

    So this is why Russia ,just like Qatar is a backwards nation ,and outdated country. with a lot of shiny and pretty infrastructure , but all this development is cosmetic , pretty expensive parks , expensive airports and  amazing olympic avenues.. but all this things are cosmetic development.. you can take an 80 year old women and buy her the best jewels and best clothing ,and hire the best makeup artist and best hair stylish.. but still she will be an old women.. it will not change. it might appear to be younger with the right cosmetics to others , but is all an illusion.  

    That said , autocratic Putin and Russia are both outdated , an outdated politician , just like autocratic king of Qatar and Qatar are ,and building a gas station empire ,as putin wanted with gasprom will not change that.

    Just like Qatar , the culture of Russia ends at its borders. their former soviet republics are not even interested in embracing the russian language ,kazakistan is moving away to distance its culture even more from russia.

    When you have a country that lose influence , with all its neighbors ,that don't respect Russian interest. as Ukraine ,Georgia , Azerbaijan ,Baltics , kazakistan , Armenia , Finland that wants to join NATO ,Turkey. .etc etc etc..  When Russia fails to influence its immediate neighbors is a leadership problem and other countries more backwards than Russia ,like turkey is , or very far away like america , Then this is a leadership problem.  When people don't follow you after you tell them to follow you , when nations don't listen your country after being told to do this or that , is a leadership problem. Is a problem of influence ,poor leadership = poor influence  

    And using the example of Qatar , that is very rich , qatar don't have influence in the world ,versus
    any major developed nation. Why ? because Qatar is just a liquid gas station and nothing else. and people need a lot more than cheap energy ,a job and a high salary.  society will always prefer to live in a country that have the leading business in the world ,that more impact have in society lives.

    So this is why russia is a backward religious ,backward economy nation ,with backward president.
    and this is why russia is losing a lot of its population , to the west ,because putin is taking russia in
    a backward direction. and no ammount of hypersonic missiles ,and olympic medals , or pretty parks
    will change that. The only thing that could reverse Russia massive depopulation problem is ,that its government start a major education revolution in the country ,to promote science and technology carreers on all population ,and unite the nation to focus in a space exploration conquer mission.
    follow the example of china.. and put an end to the gas station ..  instead of gas stations , i will have done a solar energy revolution ,total independence of every home in russia from the government for
    electricity.  This will also be very useful in case of war too ,because those generating plants of electricity will be the first casualties in case of a nuclear war. An electric engines revolution ,magnetic
    energy revolution.. solar energy revolution and portable nuclear energy too for space and military and civilian uses... this is how Russia can stop being backwards nation and start leading .

    The Moscow stock exchange (MOEX) index reached a new all-time high on Monday, as Russia's national currency, the ruble, opened the first trading day of 2021 with an upward move, triggered by rising oil prices.
    The ruble was 0.7 percent stronger against the dollar at 73.82, and gained 1.1 percent to trade at 90.50 against the euro.

    If Russia economy is not a gas station ,then why when oil prices increase ,the ruble currency
    automatically improve.. ?  lol1

    unfortunately ,as optimistic i will like to be , i don't see Russia ever taking off , ever leading on
    anything meaningful in the world ,with Putin in power . Not because Russia don't have the scientific
    talent ,but because to do a major revolution in Russia , you need a modern thinker in power ,someone that is not insecure as putin is , as more self confidence too..  and more importantly
    someone with a vision of the future .  there is almost nothing much worse for a country ,that having an insecure president , that lacks of any major ambitions and only wants "stability" on its economy
    and peace on the city and nothing else. No   Putin is killing Russia , in a literal way ,by his inaction ,
    by developing russia as a gas station , as a pipeline economy ,he is doing a lot of damage to russia leadership in the world ,to russian interest ,by not offering any competition to its adversaries.
    This is why i don't see a chance of Russia to be successful nation ever ,and at best will only survive only. Putin and his fake religion church and his olympics fever needs to go ,and be replaced for a true 21 century digital and space business revolution with the aim of leading the world.. and not for anything less. Who could do such kind of revolution ? maybe his prime minister could have a chance ,he is a computer scientist and think differently , could be interesting to see what he can do . Rogozin is not engineer but he also have ambitions , i have seen on tv saying how important is to lead on space and promote chemical engineering , he have a son ,that is studying that.. this are the kind of people ,that promote science and technology on television as the salvation of russia ,what
    Russia needs as leader of the nation. Which ever it is , next russian leader ,will have to be the opposite of everything that is wrong about putin. cannot be polite , need to be strong , and passionate for technology and not boring and insecure person as putin is. he is a bad influence , a bad leader for the country.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:54 am

    So a country like Canada with just 20% of the population of Russia ,produce as much energy
    as "super power" Russia.

    Hahaha... classy work Vann... electricity is a form of energy but not the only form of energy and therefore not a good indicator of super power status.

    Most cities in Russia have collective heating systems so the major use of electricity in many countries... ie heating, does not use electricity...

    If Russia economy is not a gas station ,then why when oil prices increase ,the ruble currency
    automatically improve.. ?

    Any commodity that you sell increases in price without increasing production or distribution costs will always make the producer wealthier... that is just common sense.

    Also economies that don't do anything and don't make anything or produce anything of actual value would be unaffected by covid lock downs and population... isolations so if Russia is a gas station that produces nothing should have totally collapsed, and western economies... which by default must produce everything Russia needs to survive should also totally collapse because no one would be able to afford their products because they are not working at sitting at home... equally the west should be with their entire work forces locked down so no production... no production = no money... unless economic indicators the west uses are bullshit smoke and mirrors propaganda that is totally made up.

    Russia switching to clean nuclear power for electricity generation is a very good thing and will continue to help Russia develop and grow and also reduce their CO2 emissions while providing stable and reliable electrical power supply.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 Empty Russia Education

    Post  calripson Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:44 am

    Since you like objective measures, here is the link to the top ten global finishers in the IBM Collegiate Programming Contest held annually. (It is actually an impartial test of formulating mathematical algorithms and then coding them.


    2019 Moscow State University
    2018 Moscow State University
    2017 ITMO (Saint Petersburg)
    2016 Saint Petersburg State University
    2015 ITMO
    2014 Saint Petersburg State University
    2013 ITMO
    2012 ITMO
    2011 Zhejiang University (China)
    2010 Shanghai University (China)
    2009 ITMO
    2008 ITMO
    2007 Warsaw University (Poland)
    2006 Saratov University

    Share of Top Ten Finishes by Russian Universities:

    2019 3
    2018 4
    2017 4
    2016 5
    2015 2
    2014 4
    2014 4

    Russian Universities placing in the Top Ten Excluding First Place Winners Listed Above Since 2013:

    Perm State University
    Ural Federal University
    NI Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
    National Research Institute Higher School of Economics

    Russia has won First Place 14 of the last 20 years with 4 different universities. Russia routinely takes 4 0r 5 out of the top ten places with regional schools beating out the likes of Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Sorbonne, Zhejiang, Seoul National University, and the University of Tokyo. So your comment about Russian education is complete horses**t. The problem in Russia is not education - it is commercializing intellectual property outside the military sphere. Something that the US and globalists are doing their best to impede.

    As an aside, there is one country that does not allow its best and brightest to compete in this contest? Anyone want to guess which one?

    By the way, you will not find Qatar anywhere in the top 100 finishers.

    Last edited by calripson on Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Scorpius Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:26 am

    Okay, I understand that this is not really about the economy, but for anyone who wants to compare Russia's GDP, I suggest you watch these three videos:

    They are all on the same topic: prepare a New Year's table for ~$15.
    You can compare this to what you can cook in your own country for a similar amount.

    If you did not have enough of this, then I suggest you look at how a married couple clearly demonstrates an example of how in Russia in 2020 they can live by spending the same ~15 dollars per person per MONTH on food:

    After that, it will be possible to discuss the correlation between the real GDP of Russia and other countries Smile

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:01 am

    The top video food basket was bought for 1053 x 0.017 = 17.90 Canadian dollars. I do my own food shopping and there is
    no f*cking way I could buy the same amount of food for under $50 Canadian. She did not shop around and bought everything
    at one grocery supermarket. The ingredients are mostly of the primary sort as opposed to value added production so the
    cost is lower (e.g. price for a few onions, eggs, etc.). But the amount adds up quickly.

    The cost goes up for smaller quantities in Canada. So buying a few of this and that is not all that cheap.

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