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    Russian Economy General News: #8


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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:13 pm

    Something smells with the 2% GDP growth in Russia.   Import substitution results in $2 of GDP gain for every $1 of imports eliminated.
    This consists of $1 reduction on expenditure abroad (always negative in GDP accounting) and a $1 gain in local production.   Given
    the rather substantial import substitution since 2014, there should have been much more GDP growth.    Either the effect was overcome
    by the size of the recession (i.e. the recession was deeper and only looks shallow, compared to 2008-9, due to import substitution)
    or there is monkey business in GDP accounting.

    The GDP is easy to distort with fiscal shenanigans.    In the US, the "financial industry" accounts for 50% of GDP.   The name itself
    is absurd and it appears that shuffling money around in the right way can produce the appearance of positive GDP activity.   But
    no actual physical economy or goods production is involved.    In the case of Russia, the flighty portfolio capital flow can produce
    large GDP growth and decline effects.   Several hundred billion dollars of "investments" look like positive GDP sources, but when
    that money "flees" it looks like the exact opposite.   So Russia's GDP contraction after 2013 is likely strongly correlated with "capital

    In fact, my example is not enough.    After 2014 Russian companies and banks paid down $200+ billion in foreign loans
    (total Russian debt went down from $740 billion to $520 billion).   GDP accounting treats this debt retirement as a pure negative
    contribution (not neutral or positive; taking out loans is treated as positive.    Approximating $100 billion per year (say in 2015 and
    2016) we get a GDP decline of 100/1366 = 7%.   So the "recession" over 2015-16 was driven by the paydown of foreign dollar loans.
    There is no way around this calculation with PPP.   Only the nominal GDP in dollars makes sense to use as a reference.  If the debt
    was in rubles it would have been a different story.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  ATLASCUB Sat Sep 02, 2017 12:42 am

    If Lula becomes president again, it will be a great first step in revitalizing BRICS - assuming he can get Brazil sorted out - which will take a while. There is a strong machine against his candidacy already but the competition is bankrupt. I do think after this experience however, if Brazil gets Lula, it will break harder from the West than before. It's a delicate dance to navigate but it will get done.

    Russia and China do not have consensus on Iran - there is no Russia-China-Iran axis. China has many anchors tied to its back when it comes to Iran. Anchors Russia doesn't have. Mainly Saudi Arabia trade relations, and the biggest anchor of them all; U.S $600B trade volume. When Iran gets into the SCO, we'll be progressing.... for's wishful thinking.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:02 am

    Predictions mean nothing. Reality is shown eventually. If bankers say won't grow "just because" usually means these people are skeptics by profession and don't have any actual reasoining. Doesn't mean they are right. Just means nothing really. Not getting hopes up or something. I mean, any news site can get any kind of financial crystal ball predictions, as there are ridiculous amount of banks in Russia and plenty of "specialists". Why? Byproduct of the 90's. Churning out more lawyers and bankers (specialists) than people actually contributing to the economy of the country.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  Vann7 Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:10 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:If Lula becomes president again, it will be a great first step in revitalizing BRICS - assuming he can get Brazil sorted out - which will take a while. There is a strong machine against his candidacy already but the competition is bankrupt. I do think after this experience however, if Brazil gets Lula, it will break harder from the West than before. It's a delicate dance to navigate but it will get done.

    Russia and China do not have consensus on Iran - there is no Russia-China-Iran axis. China has many anchors tied to its back when it comes to Iran. Anchors Russia doesn't have. Mainly Saudi Arabia trade relations, and the biggest anchor of them all; U.S $600B trade volume. When Iran gets into the SCO, we'll be progressing.... for's wishful thinking.

    You cannot "Revitalize" BRICS..  Is an organization doomed to fail . With CHina and India
    on the Brink on war , Brazil not politically stable and very vulnerable today to US pressure.
    Neither the China Beltway have a chance to work.. either.  The Big Major Problem BRICS
    and CHina Beltway will face ,is the lack of cultural compatibility between the nations involved ,
    the lack of Influence of China or Russia or any of its leaders to counter the American one.

    As long Putin or China does not become influential nations with the west , any of their initiative
    they do , either BRICS or China Belt ,will become a too little ,too do any difference thing.
    Putin's Pivot to Asia ,while ignoring the west existence is a big mistake. He will never take
    down Americans Empire ever ,not even if all BRICS nations drop the dollar ,or all ASIA ,
    while he offers nothing in change. It will only reduce US spending a bit more or less ,but it will NOT Crash the US dollar.. and reason for that is their Influence in the world is too strong to take down by mere political moves here or there. .but it will not reduce their leadership and influence in the world in any way ,any form.  What sustain the US dollar is the faith ,the influence that US have over the world. Those calling for Russia to nationalize the Russian bank ,
    how is Russia going to pay for its Internet? Americans business only accept dollars? How is Russians going to buy computers? or Apple products? or Microsoft ? Intel or Amd? How ????
    This will only help the 5th column on Russia ,turn Russia into another Venezuela or Cuba but with nukes... and force Russians to become pirates , and get any american technology at insane prices from neighboring nations.      As i said before , Putin wants to reduce American domination in the world (which is a strong influence) to help nations to become more independent ,but the Moron is doing it the wrong way.  

    What putin is doing will be comparable to RUssia censor American music in RUssia by banning American bands playing in Russia , While allowing Russians to connect to internet. Laughing   Someone tell the midget thinker Putin ,that reducing the use of American dollars while CHina depends on American business so much ,is not going to do anything. Russia needs to offer an alternative to the American world is as simple as that..  So that if any nation becomes isolated from the western business ,(as Russia will eventually be ) that they can offer a clear alternative to their business. To their technology ,to their banking system as so on.   But focusing so much in commodities ,energy and sport promotion bullshit and soviet parades to remember the good old days of Russia will not going to do it.. BRICS is only one small step in the right direction ,by creating a way to trade in their currencies , but is far from enough.
    If he continues to ignore Americans Domination and influence of their system and their business ,then he will be guilty of allowing such evil nation to continue expanding in the world and doing nothing to stop it..  Putin promotes so called "independence" but is a Morons independence . Because while Russia is independent on its military and Politics.. it continues to depend on United States Business technology ,for entertainment ,for Internet on their solid computer and software industry and does not even try hard on the things they have a lot of potential like space , that they could use to steal the show of Americans , if Russia was really ambitious as soviets were in space , but the moron don't do it. He is totally clueless President
    of what he is doing ,how he helps Americans become even more powerful ,by being so weak and with no vision of the future. Russia needs to transform its economy to a very Innovative Modern one.. an Intelectual Economy that ,from where Internet ,Computers and Television came and virtual reality came. Russian needs an Engineering/scientist based economy on modern things that will make the quality of life of civilians better and more fun. and not rely on easy low risk business that every third world nation ,can easily compete with Russia. as is Food or Energy. Putin should do better to privatize all their energy business to patriotic Russian citizens billionaires and Germany and France ,to make it impossible for americans to split Europe from Russia and ask taxes or a percent of their profits and instead focus in breaking
    the US domination over the world with their modern and innovative business. Putin praise how superior are their nukes and missiles than the american ones.. he knows what competition is.. then why the moron don't do it ,with other Business too ,modern business where americans have no competition in the world and dominate.?

    Now they are in an embassy fight of reducing staff and Trump will be unable to end the hostilities of US on Russia ,it will only get worse. and Putin believe that inaction and hope things gets better in the future by its own . No

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  Singular_Transform Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:37 pm

    Vann7 wrote:

    As long Putin or China does not become influential nations with the west , any of their initiative
    they do , either BRICS or China Belt ,will become a too little ,too do any difference thing.
    Putin's Pivot to Asia ,while ignoring the west existence is a big mistake. He will never take
    down Americans Empire ever ,not even if all BRICS nations drop the dollar ,or all ASIA ,
    while he offers nothing in change. It will only reduce US spending a bit more or less ,but it will NOT Crash the US dollar.. and reason for that is their Influence in the world is too strong to take down by mere political moves here or there. .but it will not reduce their leadership and influence in the world in any way ,any form.  What sustain the US dollar is the faith ,the influence that US have over the world. Those calling for Russia to nationalize the Russian bank ,
    how is Russia going to pay for its Internet? Americans business only accept dollars? How is Russians going to buy computers? or Apple products? or Microsoft ? Intel or Amd? How ????
    This will only help the 5th column on Russia ,turn Russia into another Venezuela or Cuba but with nukes... and force Russians to become pirates , and get any american technology at insane prices from neighboring nations.      As i said before , Putin wants to reduce American domination in the world (which is a strong influence) to help nations to become more independent ,but the Moron is doing it the wrong way.  

    There is a big misunderstanding from your side about how the world works.

    Suggest the next sources:

    There is no "WEST".

    There is only the US-UK that behave like the centre of the world financing by supplying unlimited access for they markets as exchange for political influence.

    This capability crumbling now, the US/UK market now too small compared to the rest of the world, see the rise of brexit, trump, anti globalisation.

    The only thing that the US can ofer to the elites of any other country is the acces to its internal markets.

    The Russian sanctions targeting the Russian elites, to force them to change the course.
    They know that it is not the average ivan who makes the decisions , but the billionaires.

    And the same thing happens in US, the power hungry billionaires / politician make the decisions, without taking any consideration about the interest of the average US citizen.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:50 pm

    BRiCS first media discussion between its media..

    My opinion is BRICS will have a better chance if it had as leaders the journalist
    representing each nation. Look at the amazing chinese woman as host ,and the Indian guy ,thats leadership.thats how people with confidence talks.. also Jack MA that wasn't there
    but his conferences shows he is a Brilliant guy with vision and leadership. he could be an outstanding choice for leader of China.  but the chinese women in the video is very good too.

    BRICS as it is now is a small step in the right direction. But it will never end the world problems or even less counter American empire as the want as long they don't solve first their very big cultural and religious  differences and second as long they don't separate Europe away from US .
    NATO needs to be disbanded and US control of Europe put to an end ,by luring them into
    BRICS orbit ,so they flourish. otherwise they will experience sabotage from the west..on their business. day and night ..

    I do see China with a lot of potential to replace US one day over LONG term ,if they manage to switch to a democracy with full freedom of expression and very open society . Full freedom
    of expression is what will drive endless creativity.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  gaurav Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:46 am

    I think I created a lot of heated comments.
    The recent BRICS summit was extremely successful.It has excedded all the expectation of Russ China collaboration.
    I think teh Russian deep state is well on its way to become democratic representative system.

    Se we all (russophiles) want that russia should cut its military spending.
    We are going to see major cuts in military spending from next year .Russian military should atleast cut
    300 billion rubles/year .. Russia China collaboration is the pillar on which Russia will
    decrease its military spending.

    These major surplus will be diverted/invested to middle class Russians.
    Veterans and other middle aged groups.Russia
    should understand that having a strong middle class would make Russia stronger. having
    T-72, T-14, T-15 ,T-16 whatever, IFvs would not make Russia stronger.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:56 am

    gaurav wrote:I think I created a lot of heated comments.
    The recent BRICS summit was extremely successful.It has excedded all the expectation of Russ China collaboration.
    I think teh Russian deep state is well on its way to become democratic representative system.

    Se  we all (russophiles) want that russia should cut its military spending.
    We are going to see major cuts in military spending from next year .Russian military should atleast cut
    300 billion rubles/year .. Russia China collaboration is the pillar on which Russia will
    decrease its military spending.

    These major surplus will be diverted/invested to middle class Russians.
    Veterans and other middle aged groups.Russia
    should understand that having a strong middle class would  make Russia stronger. having
    T-72, T-14, T-15 ,T-16 whatever, IFvs would not make Russia stronger.

    There isn't major cuts, don't rely on what media states.  Austin already provided the data as of early this year to late last year exactly what was expected.  Since you may not have noticed or paid attention:

    Austin wrote:Spending on national defense in 2017 could fall to 1 trillion rubles.

    The army and the military-industrial complex 28 October, 23:26 the UTC + 3

    The materials for the project in the 2017-2019 budget years, said that this article, costs will fall from 23.7% in the total volume to 17.5% in 2017 and to 17% in 2018

    MOSCOW, October 28th. / TASS /. The costs of the Russian budget under the heading "National Defense" in 2017 will decrease by 1 trillion rubles (27.1%) compared with the current year and will amount to 2 trillion 836 billion rubles. In the years 2018-2019 the costs of this article will remain approximately at the same level as in 2017. These data are presented in the materials to the draft budget for the years 2017-2019, published on the website of the State Duma.

    At this year's "National Defense" allocated 3 trillion 888 billion 982.5 million rubles (23.7% of the federal budget).
    "Budget allocations under the heading" National Defense "in 2017 will amount to 2835 792 100 000 rubles, in 2018 - 2728 307.5 million rubles and in 2019 - 2 816 027 500 000 rubles In relation to GDP. corresponding to the share of expenditure in this section "National defense" will be 4.7% in 2016, in 2017 - 3.3%, in 2018 - 3% and in 2019 - 2.8%, "- said in a memorandum.

    It is noted that the share of the total federal budget under the heading "National defense" spending in 2017 will amount to 17.5%, in 2018 and 2019 - 17% and 17.6%, respectively.

    Подробнее на ТАСС:

    Funny enough, later Austin was proven correct:

    Franco wrote:WASHINGTON, June 15 - RIA Novosti. Russia will reduce defense spending in the next three years to 2.7-2.8% of GDP, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    "There is an understanding that the economy is the most efficient in the state, therefore, the army should be compact, but modern and efficient, but we are already spending a lot." These expenditures reached more than three percent last year, "Putin said in an interview Director Oliver Stone in the film, shown on the television channel Showtime .

    The interview was recorded from July 2015 to February 2017.

    According to him, "this is for us and so much." "This year, the main article of saving the budget is just due to the preservation of defense spending, which will gradually return to 2.7-2.8% of GDP in the next three years," Putin added.

    NOTE: my take on this is that the present projected budget for 2018-2020 remains close to as is and then the 2021-2025 period decreases to below 3%. That would mean around 2,400-2,500 billion rubles a year.

    Ultimately, this is what Austin posted in 2016:

    Ministry of Finance has projected defence budget for 2017-2019 , 1 Trillion roubles in cut

    Expenditure under the "National Defense" Ministry of Finance plans to reduce in 2017 to 2.84 trillion rubles in 2017 against 3.889 trillion rubles in 2016. In 2018 and 2019 the costs of this article would amount to 2,728 trillion and 2,816 trillion rubles.

    In Trillion roubles

    2011 - 1.515  
    2012 - 1.812
    2013 -  2.106
    2014 -  2.49
    2015 -   3.032  
    2016 -  3.889
    2017 -  2.84
    2018 -  2.728
    2019 -  2.816

    Total =  23,22 Trillion

    SAP -2020  projected a figure of 23 trillion rouble   (  20 Trillion of Military Budget + 3 Trillion for MIC )

    So all in all, SAP-2020 will be completed as normal and from there on, the next SAP (2018-2025) will be roughly 2.5T Rubles afterwards.  This is still a fair chunk considering that at that point, the armed forces should be ~70% modernized for current conflicts, with 95% of the missile forces being modernized that leaves it enough to modernize the rest of the forces and develop new technologies as well as introducing new systems into service. Other thing too, a lot of money was poured into infrastructure development. I would imagine much of it has been completed and the rest are minuscule compared to the initial development. A lot of these other things that are not necessarily "Buying weapons" were also part of these budgets and decisions. Funny enough, a lot of the orders for such equipment is far cheaper than one might think. Effectively, Russia operates off of a $30M per aircraft kind of deal with UAC (MiG-35, Su-30, Su-35, etc all end up at about $30M per aircraft in the orders) and thus when you break it down, the orders are in the amount of squadrons they will be integrated (in 12's, so 36 orders, 48, etc) so if we do the math, 48 aircraft at $30M each comes out to: $1.4B for the contract. But that contract isn't a 1 year contract, it is after lets say 3 years, so that comes out to $480M for those 3 years. Which makes it very cheap and easy to operate on such budgets. If the budget is around 2.5T, that is a drop in the bucket. If the budget is 1.7T, then it is a larger drop in the bucket overall. See were I am getting at? The contracts just stipulate that they will be purchasing these aircrafts in x amount of time. Usually they are a one time spending and then they wait for a few years till all come in. But sometimes it is stretched out based upon contract itself. Of course spending less overall and purchasing some upgrades may be ideal, but in the long run, it isn't as maintenance costs jack up considerably and it becomes no longer cheap to operate the older aircrafts and spending on new ones isn't a bad idea. Especially since a lot of the current new jets are rather cheap for Russia. But Russia also operates a lot of jets like Su-27's and tanks like T-80's that are in pretty much decent shape, enough to be upgraded to newer standards and operate for a few years more in modern conflict.

    The whole "defense cuts" thing is a media hype.  In reality, this was all planned long ago that there would be an interim spike in spending on military systems and then it would gradually drop after a huge portion of the systems are ordered and many more completed.  Unfortunately, there has been systems not completed and money brought back into the defense budget due to savings on some things (prevention of corruption and reduced costs) while some other systems (BE-200) were not delivered at all and the money returned to the MoD.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  Austin Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:44 am

    Ruchir Sharma -- Global Growth Markets


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    Post  Austin Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:23 pm

    Putin: Russia is on the recovery of economic growth

    Подробнее на ТАСС:

    XYAMEN, 4 September. / TASS /. The growth rate of the Russian economy exceeds 2%, and inflation is at a record low for Russia. This was briefed by President Vladimir Putin of his BRICS counterparts on Monday during a meeting of the enlarged summit.

    "We are on the recovery of economic growth rates, they are not the same as in India or China, but after the recession we see and fix economic growth by more than 2%," he said.

    "We have achieved a record decrease in inflation for Russia," Putin said. "Now it is 3.5%, by the end of the year we expect 3.7-3.8%," he said.

    At the same time, the head of the Russian state noted that "the deepening of economic cooperation with the BRICS countries Russia is implementing today in conditions of overcoming the crisis phenomena in our economy."

    Putin also said that investment in fixed capital (about 4%) is increasing in Russia, and trade turnover is growing, with the exception of the oil and gas sector (25% for the first half), a record low unemployment (around 5%), industrial and agricultural production demonstrate growth.

    "Our joint efforts to integrate the efforts of our economies to ensure not only economic growth but also the well-being of our citizens is an important factor in our overall development, and this should tune us to strengthen cooperation," Putin said to his BRICS counterparts.

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    Post  Austin Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:59 pm

    Hydrocarbons story shows way forward with Russia - By PS Raghavan

    The writer is convenor, National Security Advisory Board

    The recent acquisition of Essar OilBSE -0.15 % by a consortium led by Russian oil giant Rosneft has some interesting features. It is Russia’s largest foreign investment, and India’s largest inward investment. Essar’s Vadinar refinery will add 20% to Rosneft’s refining capacity. It will refine Rosneft’s crude holdings, mainly from Venezuela, replacing West Asian sources.

    In the near-term, the consortium plans to expand annual refinery output to 24 (from 20) MT, add a downstream polypropylene unit, and increase Essar’s retail outlets from 3,500 to 6,000. Rosneft’s India foray has been mirrored by recent hydrocarbons investments in Russia by Indian companies.

    In 2015-16, ONGC Videsh acquired from Rosneft a 26% stake in Vankorneft, Russia’s second largest oilfield by output. A consortium of Oil India, Indian Oil and Bharat Petroleum took another 23.9%. It also bought 30% stake in another Rosneft subsidiary, Taas-Yuriakh. Together, these constitute a $5 b investment. ONGC Videsh’s earlier investments in Russia also total $5 billion.

    The mutual interests should restrain both governments from policies that may undermine the profitability of the investments. There are also wider implications. These two way commitments should help overcome misperceptions that have inhibited investment flows between the two countries. Corporate India’s perceptions of the impact of Western sanctions on Russia has been the main deterrent.

    Sanctions on Russia have a limited territorial and sectoral coverage. Western companies have found ways around them

    International Monetary Fund assessments show that the Russian economy moved from recession to growth in 2016 and that its fundamentals have survived both recession and sanctions. They include a healthy current account surplus, low unemployment (5%), low external debt (including corporate debt) of about 30% of GDP and undervalued corporate stocks.

    Bilateral business success stories have largely escaped publicity. Chennai-based Carborundum Universal has a 100% investment in Europe’s largest silicon carbide manufacturer, located in Russia. Reliance Industries, with Russian partner Sibur, is constructing a butyl rubber plant in Gujarat.

    The hydrocarbons story shows the way for other investments. Russia’s natural resources riches should attract resource-hungry India. Russia has recently offered incentives for investment in its far eastern region, including infrastructural support and favourable tax regimes.

    Finally, and importantly, there is a beneficial political impact of such investment exchanges. In an increasingly fluid environment, India-Russia relations retain strong political and strategic logic.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:30 pm

    The weak growth in 2017 must be due to large capital outflows like in 2015 and 2016. The real economy (production) growth has
    been spectacular in 2015 through this year to offset the capital outflows.

    I can see what happened in 2015 and 2016 ($220 billion US paydown of foreign debt), but the current drain of money abroad is very opaque.
    At the same time it is possible that the import substitution stimulus in 2015 and 2016 has greatly attenuated so that even if there is modest
    capital flight, the offset from production growth is not going to produce spectacular growth. If Russian companies did not retire the $220 billion
    US in debt in 2015 and 2016, we could have seen GDP growth of +4% in 2015 and +7.25% in 2016. I doubt that capital flight is going to be
    $110 billion in 2017.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  gaurav Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:21 am

    Russian deep state exposed ..BRICS 1 hour long video

    You see how RT anchor tries to "blanket" all the western media as fake news .. see the narrative of Deep State Russian media ..
    "The west is FAKE NEWS  and we we Russia .. counter that by real news .."  ha ha ha .. cant stop laughing .
    The real story is " west is Fake news and Russia counters is by another Fake news narrative .."Russia news (Zombie news) is  counter ,response, is a "natural reaction" , alt media of the world to the western Fake media ..

    I accept that Russia saved Syria .. but that does not give them the right to become global watchdog media centre..

    how they explain to the viewers and they take India for granted.. India has a rich history of Non aligned movement ..
    it will not go into Russia Propaganda media ..
    We are the inheritors of Nehruvian legacy ..Nehru rightly predicted that Russia will one day become "extreme hard Global/Domestic corporate power .."
    hence Nehru , Gmal Abdel Nasser and Joseph TITO started the NON ALined movement (they were Legends in their own minds).. they will refuse from any industrial , and political leverage of "great powers"(aka Fake media) of both "east " and "west" fact NDTV is given the platform in CHINA .. I am grateful to that .. NDTV represetns the true
    feelings of middle class educated Indians..

    Do yu know at that time Soviet were aghast , flabbergasted when Nehru used to explain to Soviet leadership that you are not democracy ,, and one day yu will become Global Corporate ,Dictatorship ..
    They used to laugh at Nehru .. but they did not know that Nehru , Nasser and TITO were legends of their own ..

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  flamming_python Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:57 pm

    gaurav wrote:Russian deep state exposed ..BRICS 1 hour long video

    You see how RT anchor tries to "blanket" all the western media as fake news .. see the narrative of Deep State Russian media ..
    "The west is FAKE NEWS  and we we Russia .. counter that by real news .."  ha ha ha .. cant stop laughing .
    The real story is " west is Fake news and Russia counters is by another Fake news narrative .."Russia news (Zombie news) is  counter ,response, is a "natural reaction" , alt media of the world to the western Fake media ..

    I accept that Russia saved Syria .. but that does not give them the right to become global watchdog media centre..

    how they explain to the viewers and they take India for granted.. India has a rich history of Non aligned movement ..
    it will not go into Russia Propaganda media ..
    We are the inheritors of Nehruvian legacy ..Nehru rightly predicted that Russia will one day become "extreme hard Global/Domestic corporate power .."
    hence Nehru , Gmal Abdel Nasser and Joseph TITO started the NON ALined movement (they were Legends in their own minds).. they will refuse from any industrial , and political leverage of "great powers"(aka Fake media) of both "east " and "west" fact NDTV is given the platform in CHINA .. I am grateful to that .. NDTV represetns the true
    feelings of middle class educated Indians..

    Do yu know at that time Soviet were aghast , flabbergasted when Nehru used to explain to Soviet leadership that you are not democracy ,, and one day yu will become Global Corporate ,Dictatorship ..
    They used to laugh at Nehru .. but they did not know that Nehru , Nasser and TITO were legends of their own ..

    What are you talking about?

    Western media IS fake news. They are literally claiming to be the 'world media', and the only free and fair media; the implication being that other news sources are not to be trusted.

    Russian (English-language) news is not pretending to be anything other than Russian news; the viewpoint of Russia. Where are they claiming to be the most objective and balanced news agency like the BBC is? Their main mission is to counter negative propaganda against Russia and expose the Western media's fake news about it.

    Of course you won't get a fair view of the world by listening just to Russian news. However unlike the BBC; RT and Sputnik News do not tell you to listen only to them.

    You won't get an objective understanding of world affairs, for that matter, by listening to any one point of view or news source.
    And no India's media would be no good either. It might give a balanced perspective on Russian-West and other issues; but I wouldn't count on it to give me the whole story when it comes to for example, tensions with China or Pakistan. As India becomes a globally more powerful and influential country with more interests, including in other continents, I would count on their media less and less to give me objective information on an increasing number of international issues - as India would increasingly have their own dogs in these races.

    What you have to do is listen to a multitude of news sources, the juxtaposition. That's what the idea of free media is based on. Look it up. Not on listening to some magical unbiased 'free and objective' news source. It doesn't exist. Free media comes from the free and equal access of ordinary citizens to multiple and contradictory news sources, and the prevention of interference into journalists' work.
    The Americans were actually the first ones to pin this concept down; as much is said within their constitution and its amendments.
    It's a shame they've forgot their own ideals and are now in a rush to try and discredit and inhibit the work of foreign news agencies.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:18 pm

    Strange days at Business Insider...Cool

    Russia's inflation drops to its lowest level since the collapse of the Soviet Union

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:29 am

    gaurav wrote:Russian deep state exposed ..BRICS 1 hour long video

    You see how RT anchor tries to "blanket" all the western media as fake news .. see the narrative of Deep State Russian media ..
    "The west is FAKE NEWS  and we we Russia .. counter that by real news .."  ha ha ha .. cant stop laughing .
    The real story is " west is Fake news and Russia counters is by another Fake news narrative .."Russia news (Zombie news) is  counter ,response, is a "natural reaction" , alt media of the world to the western Fake media ..

    I accept that Russia saved Syria .. but that does not give them the right to become global watchdog media centre..

    how they explain to the viewers and they take India for granted.. India has a rich history of Non aligned movement ..
    it will not go into Russia Propaganda media ..
    We are the inheritors of Nehruvian legacy ..Nehru rightly predicted that Russia will one day become "extreme hard Global/Domestic corporate power .."
    hence Nehru , Gmal Abdel Nasser and Joseph TITO started the NON ALined movement (they were Legends in their own minds).. they will refuse from any industrial , and political leverage of "great powers"(aka Fake media) of both "east " and "west" fact NDTV is given the platform in CHINA .. I am grateful to that .. NDTV represetns the true
    feelings of middle class educated Indians..

    Do yu know at that time Soviet were aghast , flabbergasted when Nehru used to explain to Soviet leadership that you are not democracy ,, and one day yu will become Global Corporate ,Dictatorship ..
    They used to laugh at Nehru .. but they did not know that Nehru , Nasser and TITO were legends of their own ..

    i don't think anyone will say that RT is perfect. that it will be 100% truth news.  It will never be that way ,because it needs to show Both sides of the story , it needs to hire Journalist from both sides of the coin ,to show different point of view. But contrary to the west. Russia have no agenda of creating an empire. while American do have one.  THis means that Russia have no reason to lie so much ,since is not seeking to justify wars ever. US in the other hand is trying to create a world empire and needs to lie a lot to justify its wars.. So this is why they use western corporate media help to promote their wars and lies as a good thing. So the western media is SUPER FAKE NEWS... their narrative is rarely true.. Everythign they told about Lybia was a lie..same with IRAQ ,same with Syria ,same with Ukraine.. RT in the other hand told the truth.

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    Post  gaurav Thu Sep 07, 2017 4:49 pm

    Russia's inflation drops to its lowest level since the collapse of the Soviet Union

    In 2018 Putin will be re elected with absolute majority .. till at least 2030 or evn more .. 2035 .. whole world will start crying ..
    The world will feel the warmth of the great oil and gas dictatorship.. "corporate" power .. what the .... Cool ..

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    Post  Austin Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:01 pm

    Russia's foreign trade turnover for seven months increased by 26.7% to $ 316.1 billion

    Russia's foreign trade turnover in the first seven months of 2017 in annual terms increased by 26.7% - to $ 316.1 billion, the Federal Customs Service (FCS) reports.

    "According to customs statistics in January-July 2017, Russia's foreign trade turnover amounted to $ 316.1 billion and increased by 26.7% compared to January-July 2016," the FCS said.

    Over the first seven months, the trade balance increased to $ 72 billion, or 23.5% over the same period last year. At the same time, exports amounted to $ 194.1 billion (that is, increased by 26.1%), imports - $ 122 billion (increased by 27.7%).

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    Post  Austin Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:03 pm

    Trutnev: the WEF concluded almost 220 agreements for 2.5 trillion rubles

    VLADIVOSTOK, September 7 - RIA Novosti. Almost 220 agreements for 2.5 trillion rubles were concluded at the WEF, presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev said.

    "217 agreements worth about 2.5 trillion rubles have been concluded," Trutnev said at a press conference

    According to him, the largest of the agreements signed at the WEF was an agreement "on the implementation of activities in the territory of the Svobodny TOR between Gazprom Recycling Blagoveshchensk" and KRDV for the amount of 948.35 billion rubles. " "2589 jobs will be created," Trutnev said.

    An agreement on the implementation of an investment project for the construction of petrochemical and petrochemical facilities for the production of Euro-5 motor fuels and other petrochemical products was signed by the Far East Development Corporation (KRFD) and the Eastern Petrochemical Company for over 650 billion rubles, recalled the plenipotentiary.

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    Post  franco Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

    Russian isolation at work angry

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:20 pm

    Whats great is that this is more than last year (close to about $11B more) and much more than they initially thought they were going to get ($26B initial thought). I say that this was quite the success.

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    Post  gaurav Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:07 am

    msnbc show :One deep state exposing other deep state

    It is coming from horses mouth .. no wonder the world is troubled by both  .. oligarchy on the east .. as well as as the west ..

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    Post  TheArmenian Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:10 am

    The string of positive news continues:

    Russia will have a record harvest this year (even better than last year):

    Car sales have increased again in August (this is the sixth month in a row), Avtovaz sales are up 25%:

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    Post  miketheterrible Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:29 am

    gaurav wrote:msnbc show :One deep state exposing other deep state

    It is coming from horses mouth .. no wonder the world is troubled by both  .. oligarchy on the east .. as well as as the west ..

    can you Fucking stop it already. You are embarrassing yourself. Not only is it well established that what sources you are posting is bullshit, it has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. So please Pajeet, go and find a field to crap in and stop derailing this thread. You are as bad as Vann.
    par far

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    Post  par far Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:01 pm

    "Russia to issue 10mn national payment cards."

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