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    Russian Economy General News: #11


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Backman Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:47 pm

    The Russian economy has to be the most propagandized thing about Russia next to the su 57. As an investor , this is how I originally got interested in Russia. I believed there was some truth to all of the shit in the Western media. Until I looked under the hood for myself.

    Russia can't do tech eh. Russia has 39 civil nuclear power plants on export or being built. Including one in Finland and one in Hungary. China has 14 and the US has 2.

    The biggest tech company by market cap in all of Europe is Yandex. The Russian Google.

    Russia also led the world in commercial rocket launches for the last 10 years if you include the contracts to Nasa. Which are commercial contracts for Russia.

    There's just so many things like this. I wanted to make a big post about it but I haven't had the time.


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Yes

    Post  calripson Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:04 pm

    Backman wrote:The Russian economy has to be the most propagandized thing about Russia next to the su 57. As an investor , this is how I originally got interested in Russia. I believed there was some truth to all of the shit in the Western media. Until I looked under the hood for myself.

    Russia can't do tech eh. Russia has 39 civil nuclear power plants on export or being built. Including one in Finland and one in Hungary. China has 14 and the US has 2.

    The biggest tech company by market cap in all of Europe is Yandex. The Russian Google.

    Russia also led the world in commercial rocket launches for the last 10 years if you include the contracts to Nasa. Which are commercial contracts for Russia.

    There's just so many things like this. I wanted to make a big post about it but I haven't had the time.

    I sat in a Russian physics high school class that was more difficult than my Ivy league classes. The most intelligent person I have ever met was educated in the USSR - world's top mathematical logician. Three branches of math named after him. In science and mathematics the USSR and Russia are second to none. Hopefully, they don't follow a retarded Western model and "reform" their educational system. Their issue has always been transforming ideas into commercial success. The US and EU do everything in their power to close down Russian competition. They are happy to buy (for pennies on the dollar) Russian ideas and to benefit from it themselves. This temptation is great for Russian startups because they are normally capital starved, cut-off from outside markets by sanctions or regulations, and often missing some critical component of their process that cannot be produced in Russia. Russian government policy although well intentioned is often half-baked. The Russian government will fund a start-up, receive zero equity or control, not provide sufficient support at a critical juncture to "get over the hump", and look aside as the developers sell out to a Chinese or EU firm. Happens time and time again.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:52 am

    That is very true... taking something from good idea to commercial product... they do the first bits well and fall down near the end... perhaps their future is with China... China can commercialise Russian ideas....

    Those technology centres like Skolkovo were supposed to help but they don't advertise them like they used to...

    In the top right of the screen is a little en to convert it to english...

    If you scroll down to partners you find Boeing and Seimens and Huawei and Cisco and Panasonic and others likely hoovering up the smartest and the bestest... likely luring them away with promises of money and comfort...

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:19 pm

    I find it hilarious that people on twitter still assume that nominal GDP is important to compare Russia. So they flaunt how rich they are compared to poor third world Russia.

    OK then, ignore Russia and move on. Let Russians live in "poverty" then.

    Oh wait.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:48 pm

    This is a bit older but relevant.   The US and its EU lickspittles through the WTO are demanding that Russia stop "protectionism"
    of its domestic electronics and other technological industry since this "violates" the "rules" of the "free market".    This chutzpah
    is par for the course with the NATzO west.   They violate the WTO rules and "free market principles" 24/7/365 and demand others
    conform.   Recall the announcement by US sanctioneers that they will never let Russia sell natural gas to the EU.   That sums up
    the demented hypocrisy.  

    Another example is "t-Platform".   The US imposed sanctions on this Russian maker of super-computers using western hardware
    before any Ukraine and Crimea pretexts.   t-Platform was very successful and making coin in selling to western countries and even
    Japan.   So it was a serious competitor and had to be eliminated.    The US succeeded in this goal and now t-Platform is a shadow
    of its former self.   The pretext used to destroy this company that its computers could be used by the military.   This is grade A
    inanity since even calculators can be used for military purposes.   On that basis all US computers can be banned also.

    The US and its lickspittles routinely ignore the WTO rules when they want.   For example take TikTok and Huawei.   But Russia
    has to pretend it is not being sanctioned and has to play by the rules.   GTFO.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:07 pm

    and hence why Putin said the WTO is useless more or less.

    T-Platforms still operates for sure. Baikal electronics has a massive order. So good on them. But yeah, Russia should just now drop out of the WTO. It was a mistake to get into it.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  PhSt Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:25 pm

    The US imposed sanctions on this Russian maker of super-computers using western hardware
    before any Ukraine and Crimea pretexts. t-Platform was very successful and making coin in selling to western countries and even
    Japan. So it was a serious competitor and had to be eliminated

    This is probably one of the most significant reasons why China is investing a lot of effort and resources to develop its own semiconductor industry. But, I don't see Russia pursuing this direction with the same magnitude, perhaps the main reason is that unlike China, Russia will have a harder time translating gains in this technology to commercial success.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:30 pm

    PhSt wrote:
    The US imposed sanctions on this Russian maker of super-computers using western hardware
    before any Ukraine and Crimea pretexts.   t-Platform was very successful and making coin in selling to western countries and even
    Japan.   So it was a serious competitor and had to be eliminated

    This is probably one of the most significant reasons why China is investing a lot of effort and resources to develop its own semiconductor industry. But, I don't see Russia pursuing this direction with the same magnitude, perhaps the main reason is that unlike China, Russia will have a harder time translating gains in this technology to commercial success.

    Chances are, Russia will just continue to use TSMC till they can't and then switch to Chinese till they can't.

    I know many were pushing the government to get 16nm and lower fab going in Russia but I think the gov is waiting till other major projects are done before investing more into one that won't have much of a payoff for next 10 years.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Vann7 Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:44 am

    kvs wrote:

    Another example is "t-Platform".   The US imposed sanctions on this Russian maker of super-computers using western hardware
    before any Ukraine and Crimea pretexts.
      t-Platform was very successful and making coin in selling to western countries and even
    Japan.   So it was a serious competitor and had to be eliminated.    The US succeeded in this goal and now t-Platform is a shadow
    of its former self.   The pretext used to destroy this company that its computers could be used by the military.   This is grade A
    inanity since even calculators can be used for military purposes.   On that basis all US computers can be banned also.

    The US and its lickspittles routinely ignore the WTO rules when they want.   For example take TikTok and Huawei.   But Russia
    has to pretend it is not being sanctioned and has to play by the rules.   GTFO.

    Indeed we live in a very unfair world..  surprise you discovered America.
    The question is ...

    Who is to blame for Russia losing that super computer business ?   Rolling Eyes

    If you have a hostile neighbor  ,that you notice is kidnapping your family members. attacking your
    family business ,and taking all your friends business into bankruptcy, attacking your house too ,indirectly by hiring criminals to do it ,and they openly calls you an enemy and you see them armed
    to the teeth waving their guns in your face ,telling you they will kill you .

    So don't you think that you should take seriously this danger to you ,your family and your house.

    This is the fucking big problem with Putin.
    He don't take seriously the danger Russia is facing  , he have been for 20 fucking years ,
    doing NOTHING to stop their enemies , Nothing to either influence them for real to change their aptitudes. he have been failing miserably to influence the west with his politeness and softiness.
    turning the other cheek when russia is attacked will not work . they will attack you again.
    if bad guys beat you when going to school and take your lunch ,and you do nothing ,they will
    do it again the next day and beat you again and take your lunch and money again.

    It means that is Putin the only one to fucking blame for Russia biggest problems.
    Because if you have an enemy and you ignore him , pretend is not there . behave as if
    your life is not in danger , as if your country is not in danger . And he become so incredibly
    dumb and stupid to think he can change the western declaration of war on russia , by hosting olympics celebrations and pretty parks.. combined with politeness ,even after they attack you, then you the problem is putin ,that is stupid . because his weakness encourage his enemies ,to beat him
    harder the next time. so if one day bullies take your lunch , and you accept their punishment, the next day there will be more bullies and will attack you more.

    is like the saying..
    if someone steal for you.. that you loan money ,shame on them.
    if that same person steal you a second time , after you loan again more money ,then the shame is on you.

    so is putin to blame.. being so stupid , wasting so much fucking money in totally irrelevant
    artificial development ,as luxury parks ,disney worlds in moscow and olympic avenues multi billionaires spending in cosmetic development.. then it means Putin have fucking learned nothing , in the past fucking 20 years , and that he will continue to be slapped in the face , the west continues to disrespect them ,to bully them , and on top attack their military  ,attack
    russian business . THIS IS NOT NEW!!! ,They have been doing this hostilities against russia for decades , in the 60s ,70s ,80s ,90s, 2000s ,2010 and putin have only lived this hostilities personally for 20 years that he have been in power . The so called cold war , which is not cold but
    hot war.. but done very slowwwwly , have been going on for decades . they simply wants to destroy
    Russia , not only collapse it.. as they already did it partially ,when collapsed the soviet union. they
    want to completely disband Russia ,erase it from history books. and if that fucking moron ,vladimir putin continue in power ,doing exactly the same passiveness he have been doing ,then they will make it , because putin allows the west to attack russia ,their business interest ,their military
    and do nothing about it.. other than complain , just like you did it.. about how unfair is this world.  No

    So if putin don't like how unfair is the world , how unfair is the west.
    then why he don't fight back ?  to disband the western system ?
    If Putin is so scared to use their military ,use force against the west..
    why he don't fight them with business ?   why continue following the american empire ,the american system ,their banking industry ,the american international setup laws , why that idiot continues to use american computers , the american internet , why he continues to follow the west?

    Putin is the only one to blame ,for the major big problems that Russia face ,to its nation own
    existence. Why ? Because that idiot have done absolutely nothing to fight back the west.
    only china is doing that. by ignoring the west , by not fighting them ,either with military or with
    business ,then he effectively make things much more worse for Russia.

    There is a saying.. if you face war..   Know your enemies
    Know their weakness ,know where they are strong , know where Russia have a chance
    to fight back.. The Russia economy have to be developed as an economy of war.
    as a nation facing war and a serious existential danger .
    this is not now , but should have been done when putin came to power in 1999 as prime minister.

    He did something right , in rearming and modernizing the military.. so good job there. this is the
    very least thing he can do. But the fucking moron completely ignored the business side .
    So all that putin did ,when he came to power is to modernize its military ,kick the 5th column
    from power position ,which are the first steps.. but then stood there ,standing still and did nothing
    else.  So he "saved" the Russian boat ,from sinking more , but keep the boat sailing without
    reaching port ever in waters infested by sharks. Means that saving russia is not enough . that surviving is not enough. That in the dangerous world Russia exist ,he can't just live happily selling oil
    while the west conspire to break russia in amillion of pieces and attacks its allies and russian business.  

    Means that raising the nation economy Gdp is not enough
    that only helps for surviving temporarily ,until the west is successful in a major attack.
    It is extremely important , that Russia fights back the west.. and like i said either with force
    using their military , (which i only think should be done as last option ) or with business.
    So this means that Russia need to start a business war against the west fight to weaken and break the western economy ,just like their are doing to Russia , fight to weaken and break the western influence over the world ,that they have with their business , how ? by building better alternative
    business. So if americans economy AND major influence in the world comes lets say from selling potatoes.. then russia need to sell better and cheaper potatoes.. is that so hard to understand?   Rolling Eyes  

    But american influence in the world ,the reason why everyone always say the american system is better , does not comes from selling potatoes.. does not comes from selling wheat , does not comes
    from their selling of oil , not even from their selling of weapons . American empire and system influence comes from its high tech industry ,That leads the entire world ,influence in a global scale,
    and if the things in high tech they are not the leaders.. they were smart enough to capture the countries ,that leads in those other high tech area.  This is why americans have giant military bases
    in japan ,south korea ,and germany and why they also have achieved major control over taiwan.
    by ruling over those countries ,as puppets , they have the power to control the global development of the world and its high tech industry.. and any nation who dares to challenge its system ,can be isolated from all world high tech electronics whether is computers or pharma industry or internet.
    is unbelievable how smart they were in capturing almost all the high tech industry.

    but the only reason  of the western success was possible thanks to the biggest fucking moron vladimir putin. that in 21 years in power have done not a fucking shit ,in challenging ,stopping ,ending the western high tech business domination. And putin reasoning was that as long they build
    a strong army they will be safe and their interest respected.  lol1  

    well a powerful army can do powerful things if it is used
    but if that powerful army is ruled by a fucking coward ,as is not used , then is useless.
    but putin real crime have been in seeking to transform russia into a gas and oil monopoly
    completely ignoring the west domination in high tech industry . So effectively putin the moron believed that as long Russia holds a low profile ,stay in silence making money from europe
    selling them oil and gas ,that the west will allow russia to live in peace.  Laughing   No

    So wrong , they even hired that actor , called obama ,to make it look americans were ready
    to restore relations with russia and he falled for that trap.  it should have been fucking obvious
    for even the biggest dumb president ,that restoring relations with the west is impossible
    after they staged 911 wtc attacks in their own country ,murdering 3000 of their own people
    to justify endless wars in middle east. This is if he ignored how the first thing NATO did after soviet russia collapse in the early 90s was break yugoeslavia ,not with referendums but with bombs ,and support chechens in the causus..that they supported all the way to 2010 . but if he was that dumb ,he should have been awakened when georgia attacked russia directly killing thousands of russian soldiers , this was done during the so called "end of cold war" with a respectful george bush jr as president.  then came obama with the olive leaf for 2 years,but then the arab spring began in 2011 and US began to support alqaeda and isis in syria to fight russian soldiers.  Laughing

    This war in syria in 2011,should have been fucking obvious that russia have no option but to destroy
    the western system or be destroyed. That peace was impossible with the west. and That russia can't rely its nation economy as a gas station of europe.. that needs to counter directly anglo powers business .and their influence over europe.. why europe is important ? because nato is  there and russia live there too.  If Russia was located in Australia or another planet perhaps.. then yes putin can ignore americans and their hostilies.. but russia exist in europe too ,so it needs to influence europe away of nato and away of the american system ,why? because the nations that russia don't influence in europe will have to be nuked later ,when americans provoke a major big war.

    So this is why putin is a major problem for russia development.. Russia face war and putin don't
    fight back ,neither with their military (which is not the way i propose russia to fight) neither with business.  only china is alone fighting the western influence over the world . is amazing to see how china business have more influence in europe and in latin america ,than russia.. when china came 20years ago far behind russia in all areas of technology.

    So putin is the only one to blame for all the major economy and nation security problems.
    he helped the west ,to become a giant monster ,by ignoring their advances ,their domination
    and their increasing influence over the world with their business. Using their high tech industry
    as a weapon to attract nations into their orbit. into their one world government project.

    whether russia can do technology or not is not what really matter . The question is .when is russia going to fight  western modern business??? if any efforts to produce high tech ,a robot here
    a robot over there , is only limited to local use and not aimed to counter a major big business of the west ,then it will be technology wasted . building technology just for the sake of building it ,to not look an outdated country or just to use it locally only is wasted money. Means russia need to challenge the western world , there is no other way around this , unless putin give up ,surrender to the west ,dismantle its military and give their nukes ,and become puppets. because as long russia defend its sovereignty ,its right to control its future , will be attacked by the west until it is destroyed.

    Fast forward you can't fix stupidity of putin ,is old already and he will never learn , he is not completely useless ,Because he can delay wars and earning time ,is the only ability he have , which is useful in wars , only when you are weak and losing. He cares about his nation ,just doesn't know how to properly defend his country from enemies , even less , don't know how to put an end of the
    hostilities of the west.. something that can be done only by promoting a completely different way
    of nation development ,a real one ,towards leading the world into the future , instead of following the west. And he have now china that combined could do it even more faster.. so there is no excuse
    for russia or putin in countering the west with actions ,instead of complaining and complaining
    how unfair the west is.. if he don't like russia being disrespected and attacked ,why he follows their business? and don't create his own? china is showing the way how to counter the west in their own game , there is no fucking excuse for russia to not challenge western business .even a country like
    Findland with just 5 million people with a ridiculous small economy have a superior semiconductor industry than russia.. so there is no excuse . is complete incompetence of putin ,that have been wasting the money of russia in old backwards economic lazy fat models ,of commodities based economy , instead of a high tech industry global economy ,like china ,japan ,south korea ,taiwan and america are.


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Dec 22, 2020 4:28 am

    Vann7 wrote:Who is to blame for Russia losing that super computer business ?...

    Russia never had super computer business, you numbnuts

    They are building one from scratch

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Backman Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:01 am

    miketheterrible wrote:I find it hilarious that people on twitter still assume that nominal GDP is important to compare Russia.  So they flaunt how rich they are compared to poor third world Russia.

    OK then, ignore Russia and move on.  Let Russians live in "poverty" then.

    Oh wait.

    Lets see which GDP number is correct. Nominal puts Russia at 11th place. PPP puts Russia at 6th place or 5th if you don't include the EU as a country.


    -5th most gold reserves
    -5th most FX reserves
    -5th most billionaires
    -6th biggest oil consumer
    -5th biggest search engine


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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:35 pm

    I should add that they are 4th for electricity consumption too.

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    par far

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  par far Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:38 am

    Backman wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:I find it hilarious that people on twitter still assume that nominal GDP is important to compare Russia.  So they flaunt how rich they are compared to poor third world Russia.

    OK then, ignore Russia and move on.  Let Russians live in "poverty" then.

    Oh wait.

    Lets see which GDP number is correct. Nominal puts Russia at  11th place. PPP puts Russia at 6th place or 5th if you don't include the EU as a country.


    -5th most gold reserves
    -5th most FX reserves
    -5th most billionaires
    -6th biggest oil consumer
    -5th biggest search engine


    After all the lockouts in the western countries, after the western countries destroy themselves with immigrants, after the collapse of the social fabrics of western countries,  after the economics of western countries are in a recession, do you guys think that Russia will climb up that list?

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:38 am

    par far wrote:
    Backman wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:I find it hilarious that people on twitter still assume that nominal GDP is important to compare Russia.  So they flaunt how rich they are compared to poor third world Russia.

    OK then, ignore Russia and move on.  Let Russians live in "poverty" then.

    Oh wait.

    Lets see which GDP number is correct. Nominal puts Russia at  11th place. PPP puts Russia at 6th place or 5th if you don't include the EU as a country.


    -5th most gold reserves
    -5th most FX reserves
    -5th most billionaires
    -6th biggest oil consumer
    -5th biggest search engine


    After all the lockouts in the western countries, after the western countries destroy themselves with immigrants, after the collapse of the social fabrics of western countries,  after the economics of western countries are in a recession, do you guys think that Russia will climb up that list?

    I think that list is misleading when it comes to the non-civilian economy in Russia. Russia is only the 6th largest oil consumer because
    it uses natural gas for heating and industry and has a world class public transport system that the USA can only dream of. So Russians
    do not need to guzzle gasoline to get around. That is one of the reasons that automobiles per capita is much less than in the USA.

    China has lots of US treasury bills in its possession. I would not use them as a proxy for GDP. And since Russia does not have
    any real sovereign debt it does not need enormous reserves. Thanks to western efforts to choke off Russia's economy over the last
    30 years (and longer) it does not need to have reserves for vital imports either. Even something life beef and milk it depends on imports
    from Belorus and not the west. So a collapse of the ruble exchange is not going to make Russians starve.

    It is not valid to view Russia's economy as effectively suppressed by western shenanigans. It is developing regardless of sanctions
    and absence of foreign investment. Compared to China, Russia saw almost no FDI in the last 30 years. This has turned out to
    actually be a good thing. The FDI in China was to lubricate it as a sweatshop for export goods and has distorted its economy
    in this regard. Russia has managed without the FDI and thus has no longer any need for it. Clowns like Kudrin can bleat all they
    want demanding Russia stop import substitution and "attract foreign investment", but such demands are 5th column BS trying
    to make Russia into a colony.

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    par far

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  par far Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:16 pm

    "Russia to invest more than $200 billion in fighting poverty"

    "Russia plans to boost oil production next year under OPEC+ agreement"

    Russia’s weekly gold & foreign currency reserves jump by $6.5 billion

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:10 pm

    par far wrote:"Russia to invest more than $200 billion in fighting poverty"

    This news is noteworthy:

    1) It debunks totally the anti-Russian talking points spouted by the liberast 5th column about how Putin is too busy
    spending money on the military and space instead of poor little grannies.

    2) It shows you that anti-poverty efforts in Russia are not token window dressing PR but hard core. $41 billion US
    per year should be compared to Russia's military spending of $65 billion US. Do you see America spending
    (41/65 * 719 = ) $454 billion per year on anti-poverty measures?

    US obesity rates are not any indication of wealth. Poor people are fatter because they consume mostly starch based
    cheap food. A high carb diet is generally bad since it is demonstrated to induce Type II diabetes at an earlier age.
    Even into the teens. Enough of the population (about 30%) has some form of insulin resistance and are prone to Type II
    diabetes from their diet profile. Obesity is part of this syndrome since insulin resistant people have much higher insulin
    levels after meals which results in preferential fat storage from glucose (which is converted into fatty acids) instead of
    thermalization of glucose in the cells of the body. Insulin is a critical hormone for control of blood sugar levels. If
    blood sugar levels get too high this will result in death. Insulin resistance is the genetic defect of having too few
    insulin receptors in cell walls. And cells retain the freedom to down-regulate the number of insulin receptors if the
    insulin levels are too high. So one gets a feedback of too few insulin receptors preventing the rapid metabolization
    of glucose and requiring higher insulin levels to control it. This leads to even less ability to thermalize glucose after
    meals and so on. This feedback usually takes a long time to lead to the failure of the beta cells in the pancreas
    since they have to produce enormous amounts of insulin giving Type II diabetes. But some fraction of the population
    can have this failure occur much earlier especially if they over-consume starchy and sugary foods (pasta, chips, soft drinks,

    Health checkups only measure blood glucose levels. Insulin tests are not routine. This is nonsense since glucose
    levels will only become a problem if the pancreas stops working properly. A solid indicator of the eventual failure
    of the pancreas is insulin levels. They get progressively higher after every meal with age. These waste of space
    doctors could advise their patients to dial down carb consumption and prevent the onset of Type II diabetes. Yes,
    it is possible to save yourself from Type II diabetes. This is not like Type I diabetes where the beta cells in the pancreas
    are destroyed by an autoimmune attack.

    Also, there is now enough evidence that Alzheimer's can be called Type III diabetes and is associated with disfunction
    of insulin in the brain.

    BTW, not all insulin resistant people become obese. It is possible for the fat storage cells to become unresponsive
    to insulin via higher than typical down-regulation of insulin receptors. Fat storage cells are like all the other cells
    in the body in this process.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:28 pm

    My opinion on the matter is to look at the areas where poverty is a problem and seek both the government and private aspect of business to help address it. In the end, financial issues derive from lack of proper jobs and or sick people who cannot work. First one can be helped by creating a sort incentive for the people to seek better employment by investing in the areas to create more jobs. Since agriculture is still in demand, seek to expand in those areas since it can be done in every area with a bit of effort and money.

    Next is education in that area. People tend to not fake jobs because they aren't qualified for it. Funding programs to fast track poor people in an education sort of system to help get them updated technical for those positions can help.

    Lastly, for old and sick people, they should have assisted living. So in other words, they need to create a more efficient system to provide subsidized housing for these people. I know one exists but it is not effective from what I heard. That has to be fixed. Make it more digital and create more NGO's who's job is to do this kind of thing.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:20 pm

    In addition to those suggestions, large scale job generation is important.   The earlier posted oil development project in Russia's
    north that the British were bitching about.   Creating 130,000 permanent jobs is a serious boost to the standard of living of
    this region and will directly remove poverty.    The economy has a critical mass aspect to it.   If enough good paying jobs are
    generated, they spin up demand and create more jobs.   There is a sort of stagnation regime where marginal employment
    just produces a sort of poor substance lifestyle.

    Poverty is also politicized.   Not all poor people are really dirty poor and need help.   Some may actually be comfortable in their
    conditions if they have decent shelter and get enough food.   That they do not have two cars and all sorts of electronics junk
    in their home is not a real indication of destitution.   It is not Charles Dickens type deprivation.   But these people are not the
    sort of consumers that GDP worshipers want.  

    It is actually much easier in Russia to have a comfortable subsistence life than in the USA and the west.   Thanks to communism
    people ended up owning their own homes and rent is not common.   The municipal tax burden is also not there like the west
    (I can compare Canada to Russia, in Russia people do not pay $10,000 per year in taxes on some ho-hum house because
    the real estate market is insane and over values their property.)   So people in some dying hinterland village in Russia are not
    dirt poor and starving.   They have food and they can afford it since their other expenses are very low.    By contrast, in the
    USA (and "socialist" Canada) if you are poor, you are doing badly and scrambling to feed yourself.   In the USA, the homeless
    are not well off and many have to scavenge for food from dumpsters like the worst 3rd world poverty examples.   The charity
    and welfare is not feeding these people and giving them a warm place to sleep at night.    Maybe if the US spent half a trillion
    dollars every year on its poor it could eliminate homelessness.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  par far Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:10 am

    kvs wrote:
    par far wrote:"Russia to invest more than $200 billion in fighting poverty"

    This news is noteworthy:

    1) It debunks totally the anti-Russian talking points spouted by the liberast 5th column about how Putin is too busy
    spending money on the military and space instead of poor little grannies.

    2) It shows you that anti-poverty efforts in Russia are not token window dressing PR but hard core.   $41 billion US
    per year should be compared to Russia's military spending of $65 billion US.    Do you see America spending
    (41/65 * 719 = ) $454 billion per year on anti-poverty measures?

    US obesity rates are not any indication of wealth.   Poor people are fatter because they consume mostly starch based
    cheap food.   A high carb diet is generally bad since it is demonstrated to induce Type II diabetes at an earlier age.
    Even into the teens.    Enough of the population (about 30%) has some form of insulin resistance and are prone to Type II
    diabetes from their diet profile.   Obesity is part of this syndrome since insulin resistant people have much higher insulin
    levels after meals which results in preferential fat storage from glucose (which is converted into fatty acids) instead of
    thermalization of glucose in the cells of the body.   Insulin is a critical hormone for control of blood sugar levels.   If
    blood sugar levels get too high this will result in death.    Insulin resistance is the genetic defect of having too few
    insulin receptors in cell walls.   And cells retain the freedom to down-regulate the number of insulin receptors if the
    insulin levels are too high.   So one gets a feedback of too few insulin receptors preventing the rapid metabolization
    of glucose and requiring higher insulin levels to control it.  This leads to even less ability to thermalize glucose after
    meals and so on.   This feedback usually takes a long time to lead to the failure of the beta cells in the pancreas
    since they have to produce enormous amounts of insulin giving Type II diabetes.   But some fraction of the population
    can have this failure occur much earlier especially if they over-consume starchy and sugary foods (pasta, chips, soft drinks,

    Health checkups only measure blood glucose levels.   Insulin tests are not routine.   This is nonsense since glucose
    levels will only become a problem if the pancreas stops working properly.   A solid indicator of the eventual failure
    of the pancreas is insulin levels.   They get progressively higher after every meal with age.    These waste of space
    doctors could advise their patients to dial down carb consumption and prevent the onset of Type II diabetes.   Yes,
    it is possible to save yourself from Type II diabetes.   This is not like Type I diabetes where the beta cells in the pancreas
    are destroyed by an autoimmune attack.  

    Also, there is now enough evidence that Alzheimer's can be called Type III diabetes and is associated with disfunction
    of insulin in the brain.  

    BTW, not all insulin resistant people become obese.   It is possible for the fat storage cells to become unresponsive
    to insulin via higher than typical down-regulation of insulin receptors.   Fat storage cells are like all the other cells
    in the body in this process.


    I agree with you there kvs.

    Russia is in good hands(of course there will some problems).

    The main reason I say that Russia is in good hands because Russia is doing the opposite of what western countries.

    Western countries are putting money the hands of oligarchs and Russia is nationalizing major ports and other stuff.

    Another major point is that Russia is going to spent $400 billion to help poverty, while the most of western countries are putting the 1% first, Russia is putting the public first.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  Scorpius Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:09 pm

    We present a traditional selection of production facilities opened in Russia for the year. According to this project "Time-forward!" in 2020, 318 facilities were put into operation. This is 12 more objects than in 2019 and 82 more than in 2018.
    List of object:

    A copper wire rod factory has been opened in the Kaliningrad region.
    In Yekaterinburg-production of municipal equipment.
    Izhevsk is the first Russian center for 3D printing of contact devices.
    In the Kirov region – the second line of the plywood plant for 1 billion rubles.
    In the Khabarovsk territory – woodworking production for 2 billion rubles.
    In Cherepovets-production of ammonium sulfate for 2.5 billion rubles.
    The country's first soy isolate production line has been opened in the Amur region. The cost of 1.5 billion rubles.
    In the Vologda region – the second stage of the dairy complex.
    In the Yaroslavl region-production of components for pipeline fittings.
    The first solar power plants in the region have been put into operation in the Republic of Kalmykia.
    In Krasnodar - production of batteries for aircraft engines.
    In the Stavropol region, the third stage of the solar power plant was launched.
    In Veliky Novgorod, the production of basalt fiber was opened.
    In the Sverdlovsk region – wood processing production.
    In the Voronezh region – two breeding and genetic complexes for 4 billion rubles and two new livestock complexes for 6 billion rubles.
    In the Leningrad region – an enterprise for processing agricultural waste.
    In Ivanovskaya – livestock complex.
    In Murmansk – fish farming.
    In the Pskov region, a new production complex for 4 billion rubles was opened at the Velikoluksky meat processing plant. 1,200 new jobs have been created.
    In Orel, the first stage of the plumbing plant was opened for 5 billion rubles.
    In the Sverdlovsk region – production of hardware.
    In Moscow – pharmaceutical production.
    In the Nizhny Novgorod region-the production of polymers.
    In Vladivostok – the production of diamonds.
    In the Tula region – a pig breeding complex for 1.5 billion rubles.
    In Adygea and Udmurtia – dairy complexes.
    Near Kaliningrad-poultry complex.
    In the Stavropol region – the goat farm.
    In the Republic of Altai – the seventh solar power plant.
    An import-substituting plant for hydro-process catalysts has been opened in the Samara region.
    Chemical production has been launched in Omsk.
    In the Tula region – textile production.
    In Kaluzhskaya – production of hygienic products.
    In the Orenburg region-the production of mixed feed.
    There is a dairy complex in Bashkiria.
    Zaramagskaya HPP-1 has been put into operation in North Ossetia, thanks to which the level of independent energy supply in the region has increased from 20% to 70%.
    A new production complex for the production of cosmetics worth 1.3 billion rubles has been opened in the Moscow region.
    In the Samara region, the first stage of the complex for growing mushrooms has been launched.
    In Akademgorodok, the second plant for the synthesis of graphene nanotubes was brought to production capacity. Thus, Russia has become the world's largest producer of these products, which are necessary for the metallurgical, chemical and other industries.
    Novosibirsk has launched Russia's first production of nitrigallium plates used in the manufacture of mobile phones, telecommunications systems and other electronics.
    In Kizlyar, the defense enterprise "Concern KEMZ" opened the production of light-engine aircraft MAI-411.
    In Volgograd, the production of bimetallic radiators was launched, and in the Altai territory – pharmaceutical production.
    In Crimea, the second stage of the Saki CHPP was launched.
    In Veliky Novgorod - production of nitric acid.
    In St. Petersburg-the production of unmanned trams.
    In Perm – automated production of printed circuit boards for the PD-14 engine control system.
    In Bashkiria, a solar power plant with the largest energy storage in Russia and the first stage of a robotic farm have been put into operation.
    In Irkutsk and the Belgorod region – new food production.
    In the Penza region – the first stage of the dairy complex.
    There is a sheep farm in Tula.
    In Kuzbass, a new car repair production started working. 700 jobs were created.
    The country's first flexible electronics center has opened in Moscow, producing unique electronic components.
    A large dairy complex has been launched in the Ivanovo region.
    In the Sverdlovsk region, the first production of especially large rolling rolls in Russia has been launched.
    Near Belgorod – an enterprise for the production of components for the railway and metro.
    In Bashkiria – an enterprise for the formation and repair of wheel pairs of freight cars and a dairy farm.
    In the Moscow region – production of profiled flooring.
    In the Astrakhan region-production of components for irrigation systems.
    In the Khabarovsk territory – production of plywood.
    In the Tver region – a wood processing enterprise.
    In Tomsk – fish processing plant.
    In the Tomsk region, a production for the installation of printed circuit boards for electronics has been opened.
    A plant for the production of buckwheat groats has opened in the Novosibirsk region.
    In Irkutsk – ice cream factory.
    For the first time in Russia, Rosatom has launched mass production of loading and delivery vehicles.
    A new industrial complex has been launched in Kuzbass on the industrial site of the Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya-1 mine.
    In the Moscow region, the production of electrical products has been opened.
    A greenhouse complex for growing strawberries has been launched in the Stavropol territory.
    In the Orenburg region – a solar power plant with a capacity of 30 megawatts. Another one is in Adygea.
    In Kursk-production of antiseptics.
    In the Stavropol territory, the production of equipment for packaging antiseptics has been established.
    In Novokuznetsk, two new enterprises for the production of metal products have been launched.
    In the Vologda region – a large greenhouse complex.
    Production of marine engines and control systems has been opened in the Leningrad region.
    In Vologda – the woodworking enterprise.
    In the Altai territory-a poultry farm.
    A new meat processing plant has been opened in Stavropol, a woodworking plant in the TRANS-Baikal territory, and a new dairy complex in the Vologda region.
    A new wind farm has started operating in the Rostov region.
    The eleventh nuclear power plant in Russia has been put into commercial operation. It is also the northernmost in the country and in the world, it is the only one in the world made on a mobile floating basis.
    Mass production of industrial exoskeletons has been launched in Kursk.
    In Veliky Novgorod open chemical production in the Leningrad region manufacture of cable products, in the Novgorod – pellet plant in Chelyabinsk – Rybnoye, in Dagestan – an enterprise for processing of poultry meat, in the Krasnoyarsk region launched a new dairy complex.
    In Bashkiria, the production of mirrors has been launched. In the Stavropol territory – clothing production. In Yaroslavl – Rybnoye. In the Volgograd region – after six years of downtime, the drilling equipment plant began to work. A new production of protectors for shipbuilding has started at the Volgograd aluminum plant.
    In the far East, the first plant for the production of OSB boards in the Primorsky territory has been launched.
    In Bashkiria, an enterprise has been opened that produces structures for the urban environment.
    In the Rostov region - the second stage of the plant for the production of polymer products for 600 million rubles.
    A pig farm has been launched in the Voronezh region.
    In the Stavropol territory, the first peach orchard in the region was laid at a cost of more than 1 billion rubles.
    In the Orenburg region, the only production of aluminum powder and chromium carbide in Russia has been launched.
    In Togliatti – corrugated production.
    In the Yaroslavl region – production of technical fabrics.
    In Vladimirskaya – production of building materials.
    A unique breeding center has been opened in the Sverdlovsk region.
    In the Krasnodar territory – a pig farm.
    In the Saratov region, a meat processing plant was opened, and new fruit and berry orchards were laid.
    There is a confectionery factory in the Stavropol territory.
    In the Moscow region – bakery.
    There is a large fruit storage facility in Kuban.
    A new foundry complex with a capacity of 120 thousand tons of alloys per year has been launched at the Boguchansky aluminum plant.
    In the Orel region - a line for processing aluminum waste.
    In the Moscow region - the first in Russia production of "smart" counters on the domestic element base and software.
    In Mordovia – the second stage of the glass factory. In Udmurtia – wood processing.
    In the Kursk region, the first stage of the largest meat and meat slaughterhouse in Europe was introduced, and in the Kirov region - a new pig farm.
    In Kabardino-Balkaria launched Verhnebakansky small hydro power plant.
    The sixth automated line for mechanical processing of railway wheels worth about 1 billion rubles was put into operation at the Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant.
    A cable channel factory has been opened in Novosibirsk.
    In Chuvashia – a plant of refrigeration equipment.
    In the Stavropol territory - an enterprise for the production of aluminum cylinders for aerosols.
    At this time, the production of transfer boxes for special equipment of KAMAZ and Ural was opened in Tatarstan.
    In the Tyumen region – the third stage of the greenhouse complex.
    In the Stavropol region started the production of components for aviation and space technology.
    In Moscow, the production of import-substituting full-cycle hip replacements has been opened.
    In the Sakhalin region – the first production of polypropylene pipes in the region.
    In Podolsk, near Moscow, there is a new bread factory.
    In the Crimea – the first European white-legged shrimp incubator, which will save farms from the need to buy fry in Thailand.
    In the Tula region, a large livestock cluster was created for 11 billion rubles.
    Two new fish processing plants have been opened in Murmansk.
    In the Nizhny Novgorod region, VMZ launched a new pipe shop for 20 billion rubles. 1,000 new jobs have been created.
    In the Saratov region, the production of sensors for the PD-14 engine was launched.
    A new building of the production enterprise "Electropribor"has been opened in Penza.
    In the Moscow region – the third stage of the industrial Park and the production of cable products for MS-21 aircraft.
    A large dairy complex with the largest milking parlor carousel in Europe and a genetic center has opened in the Kaliningrad region.
    Novosibirsk plant of radio components has launched the production of SMD-resistors with a capacity of up to 170 million units per year. Investments – 1 billion rubles.
    At the Moscow oil refinery, the country's first full-cycle oil refining unit of the Euro+class was put into operation. Investments in the project amounted to 98 billion rubles.
    In the Tambov region, the second stage of the poultry farm was opened.
    In Udmurtia – a new dairy farm.
    In Obninsk started production of elements for the PD-14 aircraft engine from domestic composites.
    The production of aluminum powders has been launched at the Kamensk-Ural plant for processing non-ferrous metals.
    In Volgograd, the production of table salt for 700 million rubles was launched.
    The largest fish processing plant in the region has opened in Primorye.
    Production of titanium ingots for aircraft engines, including PD-14, has been launched in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
    Syktyvkar LPC has put into operation a plant for the production of tallow oil.
    In Yakutia, a repair and mechanical enterprise was opened for 700 million rubles and 650 jobs.
    In Tula, a new production shop was opened at the NPO Splav plant.
    In Tatarstan opened a new plant for the collection of self-propelled agricultural machinery "of Kazakhselmash".
    In the Vologda region, a new line has been launched at a woodworking plant, which will increase production by 20%.
    A new line of the "First Cardboard Factory"has been launched in the Kaliningrad region.
    A lime production plant has been opened in the Vladimir region.
    The largest dairy complex in the region has been put into operation in Tatarstan.
    In the Penza region - a plant for processing oilseeds.
    In Udmurtia, serial production of chip capacitors for the needs of industry was launched.
    In the Rostov region, the production of construction coatings has been opened.
    In the Orenburg region, the second stage of the plant of building mixes and soda was launched with an investment of more than 3 billion rubles.
    In the Tyumen region, the third stage of the dairy complex was introduced.
    Rostselmash has launched the production of manual gearboxes for tractors of the 2000 series with an investment of 4 billion rubles.
    In the Stavropol territory, the first production of steel pipes in the region was opened.
    In St. Petersburg, mass production of direct laser growing machines for the domestic industry has begun.
    A workshop for the production of plastic components for household appliances has been launched in the Kaluga region.
    Two solar power plants have been put into operation in Volgograd.
    In Istra, three new lines of the bakery were launched for 700 million rubles.
    In the Leningrad region, a workshop for the production of compost for growing mushrooms was opened for 2 billion rubles.
    In the Chelyabinsk region, the first stage of production of magnesia refractory products was launched with an investment of 6.5 billion rubles.
    A large meat processing plant worth about 5.5 billion rubles has been opened in the Bryansk region.
    A high-tech production of protein and dietary fiber has been opened in the Moscow region.
    In the Tambov region, a new highly automated Elevator was opened for 900 million rubles.
    A new fish processing plant has opened in the Kuril Islands.
    In the Tula region, a plant for the production of fish fillets and a large granary for 1 billion rubles was opened.
    A new ice cream production line has been launched in Dolgoprudny.
    A fish processing plant has been opened on Sakhalin.
    A new grain Elevator has been opened in Tatarstan.
    A new line for the production of cookies has been launched in Chuvashia.
    A shipbuilding complex has been opened in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
    In Kuzbass, the production of the modular all-terrain vehicle "Nerpa"was established.
    There is a low – tonnage LNG plant in Magnitogorsk.
    An automated factory of furniture facades has been opened in the Voronezh region with an investment of over 1 billion rubles.
    In the Penza region – the second stage of production of elastic polyurethane foam with an investment of 1.5 billion rubles.
    In Moscow – production of stainless steel pipes.
    In Tomsk – production of automobile disks.
    A cable production facility has been opened in Smolensk.
    There is a fish processing plant in Kamchatka.
    There is a soybean processing plant in the Krasnodar region.
    There is a confectionery factory in the Leningrad region.
    A new coal charge ramming complex has been launched in the Altai territory for 5 billion rubles.
    In the Khabarovsk territory – a production and logistics complex for 1 billion rubles, the first stage of one of the largest coal terminals in the country for 29 billion rubles and a new thermal power plant with Russian equipment.
    In Bashkiria-hydrogen production for 8.5 billion rubles.
    The Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill has launched a new production complex for 6.5 billion rubles.
    A new paint shop has been opened at the Ulan-Ude aircraft factory and the procurement and stamping shop has been modernized.
    In Moscow, the first stage of the new pharmaceutical plant of the company Biocad was launched.
    In the Kaliningrad region, mass production of the Russian motherboard for monoblocks has begun.
    In the Orenburg region-production of fire-resistant materials.
    A new production of canned fish has been opened in Ust-Luga.
    In the Murmansk region – a new fish processing plant for 2 billion rubles.
    In Yakutia, the first stage of the largest mine in Russia and a mining and processing plant were opened.
    A new unit for hydrogen sulfide utilization and sulfuric acid production has been launched at the Yaroslavl refinery for 2 billion rubles.
    In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the Balakhninsky boom plant expanded production by 1.5 billion rubles.
    The construction of the second stage of the oxygen station for 900 million rubles was completed at the Mednogorsk copper-sulfur plant.
    In the Kaluga region, a plant for the production of sanitary and hygienic products and paper for 11.5 billion rubles was opened, as well as new lines for the production of animal feed for 4.5 billion rubles.
    In the Yaroslavl region, the production of high-power engines has been opened.
    Production of fuel pellets has been launched in Mordovia.
    The second stage of the greenhouse complex has been opened in the Krasnodar territory.
    In the Kirov region – a large goat breeding complex.
    A large greenhouse complex has been put into operation in the Tula region.
    A line for the production of low-floor trolleybuses "Admiral" was opened in St. Petersburg.
    Fertilizer production has been launched in the Vladimir region.
    A new production of composite materials for cable insulation has been launched in Saransk.
    In the Bryansk region, the country's largest production of full-cycle medical masks has been opened.
    In Mordovia – the second stage of the greenhouse complex for growing flowers.
    The largest plant in Europe for the production of plant protection products has been opened in the Lipetsk region.
    In Moscow – the first plant in Russia for the production of membrane elements for the separation of helium concentrate from natural gas.
    In Vologda-a new timber processing plant was opened.
    In the Tver region – a food company.
    In Tatarstan – a robotic dairy complex.
    There is a dairy farm in Udmurtia.
    In Yakutia – a greenhouse complex.
    In Primorye – a new fish processing plant.
    A ball rolling mill has been launched at the Oskol electrometallurgical plant.
    The Volgograd aluminum plant has launched import-substituting production of aluminum pigment with a capacity of 500 tons per year. Only a few countries of the world have the technology of such production.
    In the Kursk region, new capacities for drying, part-time work and storage of grain have been opened.
    In the Orel region – oil extraction shop.
    In the Belgorod region – an Elevator, as well as the second stage of the complex for growing mushrooms.
    In Adygea – a plant for the production of products from goat's milk.
    In Dagestan – a new fruit and vegetable storage facility.
    There is a livestock complex in Tatarstan.
    In the Volgograd region – a complex for processing and shock freezing of vegetables.
    In the Kaliningrad region, a factory for the production of self-propelled wheelchairs was opened, and in Kaliningrad – the Baltic pipe plant.
    In the Tula region – production of graphite seals.
    In the Kemerovo region – the production of industrial explosives.
    In the Sverdlovsk region – the second stage of the site of deep processing of wood.
    In Nizhny Novgorod – production of self-adhesive tape.
    In the Moscow region, bread production.
    In the Tambov region – a new Elevator.
    There is a livestock farm in the Ulyanovsk region.
    There is a fish processing factory in Kamchatka.
    In the Leningrad region, the largest distribution center and culinary factory of the Lenta network for 4 billion rubles, a plant of import-substituting polymer materials, as well as the second stage of the metalwork plant were opened.
    A new garment factory has been opened in North Ossetia.
    A new solar power plant has been launched in Bashkiria.
    In the Moscow region – the largest complex for growing mushrooms.
    In Mari El-dairy complex and the first robotic pig breeding complex.
    In Chuvashia – the second stage of the greenhouse complex.
    A production complex for the production of L-410 aircraft has been built in the Sverdlovsk region.
    A new Ust-Dzhegutinskaya small hydroelectric power station has been launched in Karachay-Cherkessia.
    A factory for the production of conveyor rollers has been opened in Tatarstan.
    In the Smolensk region - one of the largest flax processing plants in Russia.
    New food production facilities have been opened in the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Saratov and Tula regions.
    Mikhailovsky GOK launched a new crushing and conveyor complex for 6 billion rubles.
    In Nizhny Novgorod – production of metal structures.
    A new stage of production of polymer compounds has been launched in Kazan.
    In Podolsk – the second line for the production of packaging.
    In Voskresensk – production of plastic products.
    In Moscow – pilot production of energy storage devices.
    In the Sverdlovsk region – a workshop for the production of plastic pipes.
    There is a vegetable processing plant in Tula.
    Food production facilities have been opened in Udmurtia and the Altai territory, a new farm in the Kirov region and light greenhouses in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
    In the Chelyabinsk region, the production of import-substituting electrolytic copper foil was opened for 3 billion rubles.
    A knitting factory has been opened in the Tula region.
    In the Volgograd region – the first production of chemically resistant polymer pipe fittings in the country.
    In Irkutsk – shop of large-capacity production of pharmaceutical substances.
    In Kamchatka – the largest pig farm in the region.
    Cherepovets metallurgical plant launched the first unit of coke oven battery No. 11 for 34 billion rubles.
    A combined-cycle thermal power plant with Russian equipment has been put into operation in the Yaroslavl region.
    A plant of drainage systems has been opened in the Khabarovsk territory.
    In the Bryansk region, a new line for the production of fiberglass tape was launched.
    In the Vladimir region – livestock complex.
    In Podolsk – the largest bakery and confectionery plant in the region.
    A new complex for the production of sulfuric acid was opened in Togliatti for 8.5 billion rubles.
    Import-substituting production of components for radio electronics has been launched in St. Petersburg.
    A new knitting shop was opened in the Ivanovo region, in the Sverdlovsk region-a hot-dip galvanizing shop and 2 dairy complexes, and in the Voronezh region – 3 pig farms.
    In the Chelyabinsk region, the production of blacksmithing products for 2 billion rubles was launched.
    In the Amur region – the first production of aerated concrete.
    In Moscow – production of detergents.
    In Leningradskaya – drinking water plant for 1.5 billion rubles.
    In the Rostov region and Kalmykia, three new wind farms have been launched, as well as the second stage of production of pet food.
    In the Penza region – the second stage of a large dairy complex, in the Kuban-fruit storage.
    In St. Petersburg, the first stage of the new pharmaceutical plant "Active Component"was launched.
    A solar power plant has been put into operation in Buryatia.
    A factory for the production of plastic containers has been opened in the Krasnodar territory.
    Tatarstan has launched a new production of parts for trucks.
    In the Stavropol territory, the Barsuchkovskaya MSPP was launched.
    In Bashkiria, the company "Elcom" has launched the production of enclosures for electrical equipment.
    A new oil refining complex has been launched at the TANECO plant in Tatarstan.
    A new grain processing line has been launched in the Ulyanovsk region.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:44 pm

    Transit of Russian coal exports through Latvia have been fully diverted to Russian port terminals.
    There was zero transit already in November.

    These videos are routinely censored by YouCrap so expect it to disappear soon. Because coal transit
    will somehow come back to Latvian Russophobes if YouCrap censors Russian voices. Get fucked,
    you losers. YouCrap also pimps Navalny's channel to me even though I never visited it.

    A single terminal in Ust Luga processed 1486 rail wagons in a single day in late October.

    Latvian planners were utterly delusional in their forecast for transit volumes through Latvian ports
    in the period form 2019 to 2028 and assumed there would be no reduction in Russian coal exports
    through their ports. The prospects for any return of Russian coal transit are nil. Anti-coal
    policies in the EU combined with new demand for Russian coal in China (due to its trade dispute
    with Australia) are likely to divert future coal shipments to the east. So there will not even
    be any overflow diversion through Latvia.

    GarryB, medo, flamming_python, Big_Gazza, Maximmmm, LMFS, Hole and like this post

    par far

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  par far Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:18 pm

    "How much longer the US will still be able to print dollars and not sink"

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:39 pm

    par far wrote:"How much longer the US will still be able to print dollars and not sink"

    What a long-winded way to say that US funny money parks itself offshore and thus spares the shrinking
    real US economy from seeing hyperinflation. The stock prices mean precisely f*ck all. The money
    spent on stocks must be going outside of the USA and not being recirculated in the domestic economy.
    Stock prices are not any sort of sterilization of QE.

    The offshored US fiat "wrappers" are eventually going to saturate demand. The foreign demand for US
    dollars is finite and at the rates that US funny money presses are churning, there is no way that the
    global economy can grow fast enough to generate enough new US currency demand. There is a reason
    why the US attacked Libya and Iraq aside from "terhor". It attacked them to beat the serfs into
    submission. So Russia unloading US dollar reserves is a big no-no.

    But central bank dollar reserves and not the whole story. Around the world, lemmings keep treating US
    funny money like gold. Literally. That is why even on this forum you had talk of wooden rubles long after
    such descriptions utterly lost any meaning. Anyway, even all these lemmings can create only a finite
    demand for the US wrappers. Cranking the printing presses is a dangerous game.


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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty MMT

    Post  calripson Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:23 am

    kvs wrote:
    par far wrote:"How much longer the US will still be able to print dollars and not sink"

    What a long-winded way to say that US funny money parks itself offshore and thus spares the shrinking
    real US economy from seeing hyperinflation.   The stock prices mean precisely f*ck all.   The money
    spent on stocks must be going outside of the USA and not being recirculated in the domestic economy.
    Stock prices are not any sort of sterilization of QE.

    The offshored US fiat "wrappers" are eventually going to saturate demand.   The foreign demand for US
    dollars is finite and at the rates that US funny money presses are churning, there is no way that the
    global economy can grow fast enough to generate enough new US currency demand.   There is a reason
    why the US attacked Libya and Iraq aside from "terhor".   It attacked them to beat the serfs into
    submission.   So Russia unloading US dollar reserves is a big no-no.  

    But central bank dollar reserves and not the whole story.   Around the world, lemmings keep treating US
    funny money like gold.  Literally.   That is why even on this forum you had talk of wooden rubles long after
    such descriptions utterly lost any meaning.   Anyway, even all these lemmings can create only a finite
    demand for the US wrappers.   Cranking the printing presses is a dangerous game.


    As I have noted before, MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) proposes that governments can borrow indefinitely in their own currencies including central bank monetization of debt provided two conditions are met: foreign exchange rates are free to float at market prices and inflation is constrained by fiscal authorities adjusting deficits/surpluses via taxation to curtail inflation. The theoretical considerations aside, as a practical manner condition two would never be met. What keeps the Empire afloat is the love of US dollars in Asia, India, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.

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    Russian Economy General News: #11 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #11

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 29, 2020 2:53 am

    There is still plenty of love for US dollars in Russia as well. America was lucky to reach the top and thereby insured
    a circularity where it would stay on top because every human learns to respect the top dog. It is an interesting
    stability or stagnation point in economics phase space. Here is where human psychology is producing results outside
    of simple material considerations. But even so, physical reality cannot be escaped.

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