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    Russian Ground Forces: News #2


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    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Ground Forces: News #2

    Post  dino00 Thu May 07, 2020 10:56 am

    Director General of the leading Russian manufacturer of wheeled armored vehicles, Military Industrial Company LLC Alexander Krasovitsky, in an interview with RIA Novosti, Ivan Suraev, spoke about the tests and preparations for serial production of the latest Boomerang wheeled platform , the development of a new direction for the company - the development of tracked vehicles and other promising projects

    Good interview

    From the interview

    In Russia, create a new combat module for promising armored vehicles

    MOSCOW, May 7 - RIA News. The forum "Army 2020" will present a sample of the new combat modules for armored vehicles, capable of destroying infantry, armored vehicles and low-flying targets potential enemy, said in an interview with RIA Novosti CEO of " Military-Industrial Company " Alexander Krasovitsky .
    According to him, in the framework of the ROC "Boomerang", specialists are creating two remotely controlled modules: with machine gun and machine gun and cannon weapons. In addition, the enterprise "VPK" is engaged in the development of another remotely controlled combat module for machines in production, and promising samples.

    The main difference of our module is its high combat properties at an affordable price, it will be two to three times cheaper than similar products of our colleagues, not to mention foreign analogues. We want to get away from the practice when some developers offer combat modules, the price of which makes up three-quarters of the cost of the entire machine, "the source said.

    The weapons complex consists, in particular, of a 30-mm automatic cannon with two-tape power, a 7.62-mm machine gun paired with it, a 30-mm automatic grenade launcher and two launchers of anti-tank guided missiles.
    In addition, the new module will be equipped with a modern sighting and observation system with a thermal imaging channel, a laser rangefinder, independent stabilization of the line of sight in two planes and an automated fire control system. It can be installed on various wheeled and tracked armored vehicles, as well as light ships.

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    Post  GarryB Sat May 09, 2020 2:14 am

    Hahahaha... a 30mm cannon with two tape power...

    What they mean is that it is dual feed, so you can attach boxes of two different types of ammo to the gun and select which ammo is used with a switch in the gunners control panel.

    Single feed guns means all the ammo you fire has to be the same in terms of ballistics. That is a problem because an HE round is better if it is heavy because the more HE it carries the more powerful it is and it does not really matter how fast it is moving as long as it can reach the target. With a kinetic armour piercing round then velocity and mass are important, so the ideal penetrators are super light metal darts moving at as high a speed as you can get from the propellent case.

    The best ammo would consist of the 57mm LC grenade launcher rounds... big heavy slow HE round and small relatively light but dense and very very fast penetrator... the problem is that with a single feed weapon a belt of that sort of ammo would be terrible... all the AP rounds will go high and the HE rounds drop short... nothing would hit what you are aiming for.

    The solution for a single feed is to make the AP and the HE the same weight and the same velocity... so the HE is less powerful because it is lighter than it could be and moving faster than it needs to be, while the penetrator round is much bigger and heavier than it needs to be but also moving much slower than it could be moving... but when you fire a belt of mixed rounds they all hit what you are aiming at. That is fine for AA ammo because aircraft are not very well armoured anyway so an APHE round is much more effective against an aircraft than an APFSDS round.

    The 2A42 30mm cannon of the BMP-2 is fully dual feed so you select either APHE or HE Frag... when you select the ammo it also selects the ballistic chart for that round so the point of aim matches that particular round so you can fire APDS rounds or widely different ammo types...

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    Post  medo Sat May 09, 2020 4:50 pm

    2A42 is dual feed 30 mm calibre cannon. Russia develop new ammunition for 30 mm guns. One is new APFSDS round and the second is HE-frag air-burst round with non contact distant fuse (kind of AHEAD or 3P for Bofors).

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 1-290511

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Hbqi1310

    New APFSDS have better armor penetration capabilities than old APDS round. New ammunition still keep 30 mm guns in the game.

    В разных родах войск российской армии эксплуатируется большое число артиллерийских систем калибром 30 мм. В настоящее время ведутся работы по повышению основных характеристик такого оружия – за счет применения перспективного боеприпаса. Разработан новый тип 30-мм унитарного выстрела, оснащенный снарядом с управляемым взрывателем. В скором будущем такие изделия отправятся на государственные испытания.

    20 мая информагентство ТАСС процитировало заместителя генерального директора концерна «Техмаш» Александра Кочкина. Тот рассказал, что его предприятие в настоящее время выполняет новый заказ министерства обороны. Военное ведомство заказало первую опытно-промышленную партию перспективных 30-мм снарядов с управляемым подрывом.

    С точки зрения общей концепции новые отечественные снаряды похожи на уже известные зарубежные образцы. Осколочный боеприпас комплектуется электронным взрывателем, способным принимать команды от приборов управления. Задача такого взрывателя состоит в подрыве снаряда в заданный момент времени – при его нахождении вблизи цели. Это позволяет усиливать осколочное воздействие на цель, а также поражать сложные цели, недоступные для «обычных» боеприпасов.

    Из доступных данных следует, что российский взрыватель не является программируемым, как у зарубежных разработчиков. Снаряд получает оптический приемник для получения сигналов управляющего лазера. Взрыватель не имеет возможности самостоятельно определять дальность полета, за него это делает СУО боевой машины. При выходе снаряда в нужную точку по лазерному каналу идет команда на подрыв.

    Подобный подход в разы упрощает и удешевляет конструкцию взрывателя, снаряда и выстрела в целом. Кроме того, упрощается внедрение боеприпаса в войсках. Если «традиционные» конструкции требуют существенной переработки орудия, тракта боепитания и систем управления, то комплекс от НПО «Прибор» позволяет обойтись минимальными переделками носителя.

    Утверждается, что можно взять любую боевую машину с 30-мм орудием, в минимальное время установить на нее необходимые компоненты СУО и вернуть к службе.

    На вооружении российской армии имеется несколько артиллерийских систем калибра 30 мм. В сухопутных войсках используются автоматические пушки 2А42 и 2А72. Авиация применяет системы семейства ГШ-30 и 2А42. На флоте используется несколько многоствольных зенитных автоматов. Все эти системы и их носители в теории могут применять перспективные управляемые боеприпасы.

    В прошлом году сообщалось, что первыми новые снаряды и средства управления получат сухопутные боевые бронированные машины. В частности, на 2019 г. планировались испытания снарядов на пушках 2А42 боевой машины поддержки танков «Терминатор». Также стоит ожидать испытания с участием бронемашин разных типов – БТР-82А(М), БМП-2 и БМП-3, а также всего семейства БМД.

    At first this new ammunition will be tested on BMPT. Later they will go to all BMPs, BTRs and BMDs. Air-burst rounds will be extreamlly effective in use of Tunguska and Pantsir, which will give new capabilities to their gun armament in use for self defense and to engage small drones and other small targets, which were problematic for older ammunition. Those new rounds will be also less expensive than missiles.

    2A42 gun in BMPT is exellent choise. Its dual feed enable using both APFSDS rounds in one feed for armoured targets and the second feed of air-burst rounds to be used against infantry and airborne targets. Using both guns with high rate of fire will give enough air-burst rounds in the air to destroy any treat, including Javelin and Spike ATGMs and suicide drones.

    Работы по созданию снарядов с программируемым или управляемым взрывателем продолжаются уже несколько лет. Ведущую роль в этом направлении играет НПО «Прибор», входящее в состав «Техмаша». Первые реальные результаты были получены несколько лет назад, и за прошедшее время в «Приборе» разработали новые образцы боеприпасов.

    По известным данным, первым образцом такого рода стал снаряд калибра 57 мм. Осенью 2016 г. стало известно о старте испытаний такого изделия. 57-мм боеприпас рассматривался в контексте будущего перевооружения сухопутной техники с использованием систем увеличенного калибра.

    The first air-burst round with programable fuse was made in 57 mm calibre and is tested since 2016. this round will be used by Derivatsia-PVO, but I hope T-15 will have it as well.

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    Post  GarryB Sun May 10, 2020 4:40 am

    To be clear airburst shells are vastly more effective than standard HE frag rounds, because the latter needs to contact the target to be set off, so even if it only misses by half a centimetre then it will just fly past doing zero damage. Airburst rounds are far more effective because even if they miss they can still do serious damage.

    The critical problem with airburst is how you achieve an air burst.

    For large calibre rounds you can use proximity fuses that emit a radio or laser signal... when a return is reflected back it is in proximity of something and boom. Such things can be jammed or interfered with but are relatively cheap and simple as long as there is space for them like in bigger shells.

    For smaller rounds however space is critical because there is much less room.

    Very accurate timers can be used but the level of accuracy needed is enormous... micro seconds of accuracy... which makes the timers expensive and therefore each round becomes fragile and expensive.

    The US programme to make 20mm grenade launchers was based around a few features... the most important was the built in ballistic computer and laser range finder on the weapon mount and the high precision timers in the grenades so you lase the target and it deducts a fraction of a second from the flight time to create an air burst above the target. The problem was that the precision needed made the grenade expensive, which is dumb because you would be firing tens of millions of rounds from a few thousand launchers.

    The image above... blasting command input channel.... optical... meaning no expensive timers... just a rear looking optical sensor... flash a laser at it and it blows up... simple and cheap so all the calculations and range finding can be done from the gun mount instead of inside each round.

    Makes it effective and affordable.


    Having said that 30mm cannon shells don't have a lot of HE capacity, but they have enough to make airburst rounds effective against drones and other light difficult to engage targets...

    A hidden advantage is not often mentioned but an enemy drone flying around the place... firing up at it with a rifle calibre machine gun is actually rather dangerous because those bullets have flight distances of 4-5km and they don't just disappear if they miss or even if they hit the target. Air burst rounds on the other hand basically self destruct and present no serious danger to things on the ground...

    Using the same fusing system on larger calibres makes them orders of magnitude cheaper and easier to use effectively... because the expensive timing components can be part of the vehicle instead of being part of the ammo that is destroyed when used.

    It could even be used on heavy artillery shells like 120mm mortar bombs and 125mm tank shells and 152mm artillery rounds... the amount of explosive and shrapnel you could fit in a 45kg 152mm round that you could then fire into the middle of a group of attacking drones and then set off at the optimum time to destroy several at a time...

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    Post  George1 Wed May 13, 2020 4:45 pm

    Final exams for cadets of a training center in the Khabarovsk Territory


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    Post  GarryB Thu May 14, 2020 8:34 am

    Nice 75 at the end there.

    Would like to see some aerial footage from a drone of a tank firing APFSDS rounds on such dusty terrain... would be interesting to see if you can see a dust trail along the ground from the turbulence created by the APFSDS dart moving at very high speed a few metres above the ground...

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu May 21, 2020 12:04 am

    New masking equipment for MBT's, artificial snowdrift camouflage.

    The first photo of artificial snowdrifts to mask tanks appeared

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 EYXaA9jXsAEd_Mg?format=jpg&name=medium

    The holding "Roselectronika" published the first photo of a material of its own design to disguise military equipment as snowdrifts. The new coating absorbs electromagnetic radiation from radars by 99.5 percent and reduces the detection range by several times, since the reflected wave does not allow the enemy radar to correctly recognize a masked object.

    The material is made of threads with a ferromagnetic microwire and is resistant to low temperatures.

    - An experimental batch of coating has already been released, it is ready for mass production, the holding told RIA Novosti.

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    Post  Hole Tue May 26, 2020 2:07 pm

    Parade in Moscow will be held at June 24!

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    Post  dino00 Wed May 27, 2020 10:40 am

    The Russian army will begin to receive TOS-2 flamethrower systems in 2021

    MOSCOW, May 27 - RIA News. The Russian Ministry of Defense ordered the first pilot batch of new generation TOS-2 heavy flamethrower systems, deliveries will take place in 2021, the executive director of the Techmash research and production corporation (part of the management circuit of the Technodynamics holding of Rostec State Corporation , said in an interview with RIA Novosti ") Alexander Kochkin.

    Earlier it was reported that the new TOS-2 heavy flamethrower system (better known as Tosochka) will be more compact than its current analogs, Solntsepek and Pinocchio, and will receive artificial intelligence.

    The Ministry of Defense has already ordered a pilot industrial batch of TOS-2 for conducting military trial operation. According to plans, we must hand them over to the state customer in 2021. At the same time, we are developing a set of new missiles for this system, the destruction range of which will be much higher compared to with the shells of “Solntseyok”, - said Kochkin.

    The developer, in addition to changing the chassis from the caterpillar, on which the Sun is mounted, to the wheeled, significantly improved the combat characteristics of the new flamethrower system. According to the interlocutor, TOS-2 preliminary tests are being completed, prototypes have already taken part in strategic exercises

    Tests have shown that the ammunition meets the requirements set by the customer, there are certain design nuances that are being finalized today. In the near future we plan to switch to state tests and expect that in 2021 the new TOC will go into production,” Kochkin added.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:40 pm

    Mass production of anti-tank anti-roof mines has been launched in Russia
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 1596098300_snimok

    In Russia, mass production of special anti-tank mines that hit armored vehicles at the top of the tower has been organized. This is reported by "Interfax" with reference to an informed source.

    According to the publication, the Russian army is already receiving special anti-tank mines designed to hit tanks in the most vulnerable part - the top of the tower. Deliveries are still being made in small batches. At the same time, the source did not specify which mines are received by the Russian military.

    However, judging by the publications of the Russian media over the past years, we can talk about the PTKM-1R anti-roach mine, the development of which was reported in early 2018. At the same time, it was reported about the beginning of testing of an experimental batch of mines in the troops.

    The ptkm-1R mine itself is a cylinder the size of a conventional fire extinguisher and weighing about 20 kg. After installation and activation, it opens like a flower, and the petals that hold it in an upright position are separated from the body. On a combat platoon, the mine can remain for up to 10 days at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 30 degrees, after which it will self-destruct. The range of the mine is about 100 meters, the detection range of the target is 150-250 meters. A combined sensor (seismic and thermal) is installed on the mine.

    When a tank or armored vehicle is detected, the mine tilts slightly in the desired direction. When the target is in the affected area, the submunition is launched. It takes off to a height of several tens of meters, finds an armored object with a thermal imager and shoots a shock core made of red-hot metal into the roof of the tower

    - told in the Ministry of defense in 2018.

    More on the PTKM-1R top-attack anti tank mine.

    Russia completes design of PTKM-1R top-attack anti tank mine

    The Russian military will in the near future receive the PTKM-1R bouncing top-attack antitank mine. Sensitive electronic sensors allow the smart mine to independently track a hostile tank and hit it with a special sub-munition from the most vulnerable side - the top. Experts believe the new charges will make carpet mining unnecessary and will quickly create impenetrable minefields on armor approach routes, the Izvestia daily reported.

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Russia_completes_design_of_PTKM-1R_top-attack_anti_tank_mine_925_001

    The Defense Ministry told the newspaper that the design of the first domestic top-attack mine PTKM-1R is nearing completion. Test samples are undergoing trials. The designers want to produce a new high-tech munition which will enhance the capabilities of engineering units in the fight against tanks and other armor.

    The PTKM-1R mine is a green cylinder of the size of a fire extinguisher weighing close to 20 kg. After deployment and arming it unfolds like a flower and the petals keep the device in a vertical position. The mine is planted manually just by putting it on the ground and remains armed for ten days at a temperature from minus 40 to plus 30 degrees. After that the mine can self-destruct to prevent a threat to civilian population.

    Its combined seismic and heat sensor detects a target at a distance of 150-200 meters. The mine slightly inclines towards a tank or armored vehicle. When the target enters the destruction range the sub-munition is launched. It jumps several dozen meters up, the heat seeker finds the target by the engine heat and fires into the turret roof with a red-hot metal ball.

    Expert Alexey Leonkov told the daily that top-attack mines are considered by Russian designers as a global arms trend. "The protection of modern tanks is constantly upgraded, new armor is invented which make the tanks practically invulnerable in the front. Therefore, antitank designers work to hit hostile combat vehicles in the most vulnerable parts. The bouncing mines which hit the turret or engine are the latest trend," he said.

    The smart mines will make engineering fortifications more effective and will simplify the work of engineers. "Such a mine controls a major section in a radius of up to 100 meters. It means there is no need of carpet mining. A small group of soldiers with two dozen mines can quickly block a major section of the frontline. Frails and ploughs are ineffective against such a minefield as hardware is destroyed at a big distance," he said.

    In future the Russian smart mines can be united in a network with a single control. Sensors will transmit to the operator data on detected objects, their type, number, speed and direction. The operator will select the mines to engage for destruction and keep others in standby mode," the Izvestia writes.

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    Post  Hole Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:28 pm

    ISDM vehicle comes to mind. Very Happy

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:03 am

    Those petals that flip out and hold it vertically upright means it can be launched from a gun or fired from launch tubes on the back of a mine laying vehicle... or indeed dropped from a helicopter or aircraft or drone...

    Very clever...

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:13 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Mass production of anti-tank anti-roof mines has been launched in Russia
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 1596098300_snimok

    In Russia, mass production of special anti-tank mines that hit armored vehicles at the top of the tower has been organized. This is reported by "Interfax" with reference to an informed source.

    According to the publication, the Russian army is already receiving special anti-tank mines designed to hit tanks in the most vulnerable part - the top of the tower. Deliveries are still being made in small batches. At the same time, the source did not specify which mines are received by the Russian military.

    However, judging by the publications of the Russian media over the past years, we can talk about the PTKM-1R anti-roach mine, the development of which was reported in early 2018. At the same time, it was reported about the beginning of testing of an experimental batch of mines in the troops.

    The ptkm-1R mine itself is a cylinder the size of a conventional fire extinguisher and weighing about 20 kg. After installation and activation, it opens like a flower, and the petals that hold it in an upright position are separated from the body. On a combat platoon, the mine can remain for up to 10 days at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 30 degrees, after which it will self-destruct. The range of the mine is about 100 meters, the detection range of the target is 150-250 meters. A combined sensor (seismic and thermal) is installed on the mine.

    When a tank or armored vehicle is detected, the mine tilts slightly in the desired direction. When the target is in the affected area, the submunition is launched. It takes off to a height of several tens of meters, finds an armored object with a thermal imager and shoots a shock core made of red-hot metal into the roof of the tower

    - told in the Ministry of defense in 2018.

    More on the PTKM-1R top-attack anti tank mine.

    Russia completes design of PTKM-1R top-attack anti tank mine

    The Russian military will in the near future receive the PTKM-1R bouncing top-attack antitank mine. Sensitive electronic sensors allow the smart mine to independently track a hostile tank and hit it with a special sub-munition from the most vulnerable side - the top. Experts believe the new charges will make carpet mining unnecessary and will quickly create impenetrable minefields on armor approach routes, the Izvestia daily reported.

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Russia_completes_design_of_PTKM-1R_top-attack_anti_tank_mine_925_001

    The Defense Ministry told the newspaper that the design of the first domestic top-attack mine PTKM-1R is nearing completion. Test samples are undergoing trials. The designers want to produce a new high-tech munition which will enhance the capabilities of engineering units in the fight against tanks and other armor.

    The PTKM-1R mine is a green cylinder of the size of a fire extinguisher weighing close to 20 kg. After deployment and arming it unfolds like a flower and the petals keep the device in a vertical position. The mine is planted manually just by putting it on the ground and remains armed for ten days at a temperature from minus 40 to plus 30 degrees. After that the mine can self-destruct to prevent a threat to civilian population.

    Its combined seismic and heat sensor detects a target at a distance of 150-200 meters. The mine slightly inclines towards a tank or armored vehicle. When the target enters the destruction range the sub-munition is launched. It jumps several dozen meters up, the heat seeker finds the target by the engine heat and fires into the turret roof with a red-hot metal ball.

    Expert Alexey Leonkov told the daily that top-attack mines are considered by Russian designers as a global arms trend. "The protection of modern tanks is constantly upgraded, new armor is invented which make the tanks practically invulnerable in the front. Therefore, antitank designers work to hit hostile combat vehicles in the most vulnerable parts. The bouncing mines which hit the turret or engine are the latest trend," he said.

    The smart mines will make engineering fortifications more effective and will simplify the work of engineers. "Such a mine controls a major section in a radius of up to 100 meters. It means there is no need of carpet mining. A small group of soldiers with two dozen mines can quickly block a major section of the frontline. Frails and ploughs are ineffective against such a minefield as hardware is destroyed at a big distance," he said.

    In future the Russian smart mines can be united in a network with a single control. Sensors will transmit to the operator data on detected objects, their type, number, speed and direction. The operator will select the mines to engage for destruction and keep others in standby mode," the Izvestia writes.

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    Post  Hole Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:46 pm

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Army2018
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Army2019
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Army2020
    According to Vitaly a surveillance vehicle.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:34 am

    That is the vehicle with the launch tubes covered up that was posted in the manpads thread.

    I would guess those launchers fire chaff/flare/smoke rockets to cover a hasty withdrawal if needed... they would not need a huge range so it might use 80mm aircraft unguided rockets with reduced propellent and double the smoke and flare and chaff content so it creates IR and radar and thermal opaque screens fairly close in front of the vehicle.

    Of course they could be standard smoke rockets with the laser guidance package added so this vehicle could launch rockets lasing the target so the smoke rockets get direct hits to indicate the targets for other platforms to engage... the launchers don't look like they can be aimed or angled for range so they either set up a concealment protection layer or they fire guided rockets... or they could possibly be illumination rockets for firing over a target village or town so targets can be observed more easily at night.

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    Post  Hole Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:37 pm

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 000157
    Something like this would be nice.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:01 am

    Nah... I mean it is not a bad idea, but not likely very persistent like a proper tethered drone.

    If the enemy is well equipped with anti drone weapons then expendable ones do make sense, but most of the time making them of better quality and endurance and just making one instead of 50 probably provides a better result most of the time.

    I mean people talk about expendable drones as if they all should be but really you want to be able to reuse them multiple times because the cameras and sensors on them need to be good quality to be any use.

    in the 2000s when everyone was moaning that Russia didn't have any decent drones, and the new ones were all rubbish... it was mostly because the optics were cheap and they were not stabilised... they could fly all right but if the image is wobbling all over the place and the quality is low then it is next to useless.

    Spending more money on quality cameras and indeed more expensive items like thermal imagers and mmw radars and it becomes much more expensive and less likely you will put into a small rocket to launch up into the air to come down on a parachute and give perhaps a 3-4 minute view of the terrain ahead of you.

    If the enemy are very well equipped with anti drone weapons then it might come down to numbers and not being able to keep a constant drone in the air but only being able to send up drones to get information when you need it... but I think higher flying drones with better longer range optics and sensors that cost a little bit more but can orbit for hours and then be replaced by another one while you refuel the first one and check and prepare it for its next mission makes rather more sense.

    Most soldiers use small tablets with small screens so searching an area becomes quite tricky... though in this case in a light vehicle with big screen TVs.

    Of course with these big screen TVs and communication posts with sensors and transmitters and receivers, this could just be a drone control vehicle... those rocket tubes on the Russian vehicle above are quite a bit longer than the ones shown in your post, so they might be longer ranged longer endurance drones so the vehicle could for example be driving around the perimeter of an air base and if it suspects enemy activity it can launch a drone that might be able to fly for a couple of hours at low speed around the place and from that vehicle they could control it and look at the information it collects... if it gets shot down they can launch another... there seems to be a motorbike with a sidecar with similar equipment... perhaps a truck with a net could allow used drones to be recovered and eventually reused so they can make them better quality...

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    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Ground Forces: News #2

    Post  LMFS Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:36 am

    Today is the professional holiday of the Ground Forces. Interview with its commander in chief, Oleg Salyukov, with many details about new weapons systems.

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    Post  Hole Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:00 pm

    The vehicle is called Radiskan

    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk11
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk10
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk12

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    Post  Hole Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:02 pm


    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk13
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk14
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk15

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    Post  Hole Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:04 pm

    With his little brother
    Russian Ground Forces: News #2 - Page 35 Radisk16

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    Post  Begome Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:12 pm

    The vehicle is actually a "Tigr" but the complex mounted on the roof is called "Radeskan" and can be mounted on other kinds of vehicles as well; it can detect drones out to 2 km with its radar and then automatically points the optical system at it for visual confirmation; once the vehicle gets within 1 km of the drone it can jam its navigation systems and within 400-600m its command channels. So I guess the other vehicle's launch tubes are probably for shooting small, cheap missiles to take out the drone if they don't have time to deal with it through the EW method or that fails for some reason...

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    Post  Isos Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:48 pm

    What are those small ranges ? They better put an ELINT system that detects drone's signals and jamm them.

    Lot of drones also use GPS yo go back home. They shoukd add GPS jammers on it

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    Post  Begome Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:06 pm

    Isos wrote:What are those small ranges ? They better put an ELINT system that detects drone's signals and jamm them.

    Lot of drones also use GPS yo go back home. They shoukd add GPS jammers on it  
    The small ranges are probably due to limited power as this is just a small vehicle...if they want larger umbrellas they can put a Pantsir system there.
    The other aspects were answered in my previous post: a jamming and sensor system exists (radar and electro-optical sensor and a jammer), which can detect drones up to 2km and jam a drone's control signals at 400-600 m and GPS at up to 1 km.

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    Post  Regular Sat Oct 03, 2020 9:20 am

    Isos wrote:What are those small ranges ? They better put an ELINT system that detects drone's signals and jamm them.

    Lot of drones also use GPS yo go back home. They shoukd add GPS jammers on it  

    Yes, range is terrible, but the complex looks tiny. Look at the one mounted on civilian vehicle or stand alone one. I would be more interested in non vehicle mounted one as it looks like it can be better camouflaged from UAVs and more of the systems could be deployed around let's say - perimeter. Armenians would love to have that now.

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