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    Russian Liberal Opposition


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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:25 am

    I credit the Siloviki with saving Russia from Ukraines fate. They squeezed Yeltsin into putting Putin in charge and the rest is history. Very Happy

    Who gives a flying f*ck what some Banderite-supporting maggot thinks?

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:58 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:I credit the Siloviki with saving Russia from Ukraines fate.  They squeezed Yeltsin into putting Putin in charge and the rest is history.   Very Happy

    Who gives a flying f*ck what some Banderite-supporting maggot thinks?

    The siloviki gave Russians real choices and options. That makes them infinitely more democratic than all the self-described "democrats"
    such as Yeltsin and the liberasts. They want to sell Russia down the river. So calling themselves democrats is cynical deflection from
    their anti-democratic agenda.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  PhSt Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:06 pm

    So NATzO is not even making any effort to conceal their interference. Imagine the level of MSM Bitching if opposition in NATzO countries is in contact with Russians in this scale  Rolling Eyes

    Russia can't just sit back and let this brazen meddling go unanswered, these rats deserve a big slap in the face!  angry

    EU, UK and U.S. to speak with Navalny team after Russia expels diplomats

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:35 pm

    -its perceived reputation isn't relevant; it's Putin's reputation that is at stake now.

    Its credibility defines whether its unsubstantiated claims are realistic...

    .-there r 100s of $Ms of Putin's assets there under different names too.

    Dude... there are thousands of trillions of dollars of assets under different names.... your assets are not in Putins name either, but how can you prove they are his assets then?

    -too late now.

    But it isn't... it is only too late when the west has stolen it...

    Of course it does not exist so there is no real sense in discussing it.

    -wrong: it'll take a while, but in the end this corrupt regime will go with a bang.

    If that were true western civilisation would have gone bang centuries ago.

    .-it'll be a miracle if no1 dies in future protests & detentions before 2022;

    What difference does it make if they do?

    Trump didn't resign over dead people being murdered on his watch and Biden is no different...

    it only looked stable, but it's on the feet of clay, like the late Russian Empire & the USSR were.

    And yet it seems to be the country that scares the west the most...

    - Russia doesn't have the US racism problem, but the police there treats civilians like cattle.

    I would think the race issues in the US would be more acceptable if the police didn't keep shooting black people and not being held to account for it.... if they were not shooting people like the Russian police don't seem to there would not be so much to complain about would there... yet you claim it is worse.

    Before, it was called "militia", then after 1 drunken & deranged militiaman shot a few shoppers in the supermarket, the law governing it & the name was changed. Ukraine followed suit, but Belarus didn't. The OMON, or riot police, still has M in it. But even after a purge of many unprofessional/substandard officers, there were a few wrongful deaths, long before the latest unrest. Most issues haven't been fixed. Now, they act like the occupants, but only with Russian names & passports.

    Of course... Russian police are murderous barbarians... corrupt and crooked... they just don't kill as many people as American cops do which is why they have to go...

    -I'm not idealizing the US, by any means. But it doesn't mean that both US & RF should never come out of barbarism, come hell or high water.

    Doctor heal thyself... and stop with the medical advice that is worse than the disease.

    - I see it better than u: Navalny is a politician, he ran for Moscow mayor, & was obstructed from forming a party & challenging Putin in elections.

    Navalny is a western intel pawn... and a failure in most regards. He is a criminal and not even a successful one.

    -that's what official propaganda wants u to believe.

    Of course it is, but in this case it makes the most sense and is the most likely to be true view...

    -in the Russian reality, it means a lot, & u better believe it!

    He has done wonderful things for Russia... I don't care if he wears womens underwear...

    - but whatever makes sense to u, it doesn't to me.

    That is fine... I am not trying to convince you.

    -he does, & they r now exposed as never before. the FBK followed the $; Navalny has the relevant investor's education & skills to follow all those trails like a wolfhound.

    But not the basic skills to hide is criminal activity and stay out of jail...

    To go to a foreign country and make accusations that the leader of your country tried to murder you and then voluntarily go back to that country... he is either a moron or he wanted to go to jail, and he either has a death wish or knows what he has been saying about Putin wanting him dead was bullshit.

    Doesn't seem to have a death wish to me.

    - I don't want to hear that fairy tale anymore! if a judge must be changed to hear the Navalny's case & brought to a police station to do that, then there is no separation of power at all. Many others already figuratively asked Putin to pull his pants up or take his cross off.

    They changed the judge trying Saddam Hussein about 12 times and executed his lawyers too...

    - I didn't, the others did.

    Yup, Fuckwits did.

    - he earned them according to a contract; a lot bigger bribes & thefts, incl. those connected to Putin's circle happen all the time there, but somehow it's the real opposition that gets all the blame now

    He created and led an organisation that was supposed to be dealing with corruption and he fucking steals money himself... why is Putin even being mentioned... this guy is using this to deflect us from the simple truth that this dirtbag is a criminal and belongs in jail. Russian hackers was the argument Hillary Clinton put up when she was in the shit too and it worked perfectly in the US because Americans are clearly dumb as fuck...

    - I'm not as good as the fictional Sherlock Holmes

    Nobody is.

    but can use his methods of deduction & elimination. que bono? if he didn't eliminate threats to his rule by such methods, he would be in prison or grave now, like many dictators before him.

    The same could be applied to any leader anywhere in the world... it could be applied to me... how many did I murder to seize control over this website?


    The fact is that when you do a good job and most people like you it is easy enough to get elected, and criminal elements trying to remove you using criminal means can be caught and arrested and eliminated with the law and justice.

    Of course that applies to Putin... for me this is a website and democracy has nothing to do with it.

    - again, that doesn't make the situation in Russia any better than it is, when being compared not to worse examples, but with what it should be. Everything is relative.

    I agree that it is hypocritical of me because the assholes in the west like to say that things are bad here but at least you don't live in Russia, but expecting things to be wonderful where you are while ignoring that things are bad everywhere is being a self centred ass hole, and if you actually managed to agitate enough people to do something about it you might find the fool that gets in because of your stupidity might make things much much worse... in fact you could almost guarantee it because your enemies are going to seriously support you in making such a stupid move and it gives them an opportunity to make sure some idiot friendly to them gets into power... even by getting Georgian Snipers to shoot people on both sides... I mean the US and the EU groomed people in the Ukraine... they made them popular on social media then they led them out to places in the protest and had their snipers shoot and kill them to stir up the fuckwits and it worked.

    The guy Poro replaced was no genius... in fact he was rubbish, but compared with Poro they had stability and peace and a change of improving things... now they are eyebrow deep in shit and still sinking.

    .- that's ur of conjecture, made with contempt; should I speculate more what u see in ur head/dreams?

    Don't bother... your deductive methodology is the same childish level of the west.... we think that Russia might benefit from this happening therefore they did it... except they don't.

    Thinking something to be true or possibly true does not make it true.

    Innocent till PROVEN guilty.

    .- not true. show me in their program documents they say that. borrowing certain things isn't = to copy everything.

    They don't know the full plan... Washington hasn't told them what it is yet.

    -those 3 helipads will come handy, but his 3 helos better have chaff to dispense.

    Of course because Navalnys peaceful protesters are supplied by HATO and are actually murderous CIA censored .... that is a surprise.

    - with the FBK help, now he'll avoid it like a plague, at least till the dust settles.

    It is just a group of buildings... what is your problem?

    But what is to prevent Ks of protesters blockading all the roads/coast & storming it?

    Private property... say hello to my bullets bitches....

    Pretend it is capitol hill and massacre them as terrorists.

    some rich Russian/Georgian folks may even get mortars from army arsenals & reduce it to rubble.

    So what if they do... you describe it as a Bond Villains lair... surely they have the machine guns and the entire Russian military to vapourise these CIA Bay of Pigs wannabes.

    Then Putin will be pulled out of the bunker underneath like Saddam was, with Saakashvili greeting him, unless he kills himself 1st.

    Putin has never and will never be there.... Suck Arse Milli Vanili will be chewing on ties in jail in Georgia wont he?

    - there's even less reason to believe a non-convicted 1. a good looking apple may have a worm in it; in fact, a can worms in Putin's case.

    There is neither smoke nor fire... just sad desperate western ghouls running out of legitimate ideas to deal with Putin and scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    - as Nemtsov showed, it's still not all due to his & his team talents that Russia got better- w/o the high oil prices, her economy would be in the dipper gutter it is now.

    Russian is full of resources and talent that can be exploited to move forward and upwards. Venezuela and Saudi Arabia also have oil wealth but neither are looking so good because unlike Russia they just paid lip service to diversification of economies...

    - only since u & others like u refuse to accept it?

    Unproven accusation is heresay and not useful evidence.

    -what was the cause of it then? the hospital in Omsk didn't name anything remotely legible.

    Neither did Germany or the west.

    .- it was from the same family, & designed not to act instantly; in trace amounts, it didn't work 100% to kill him.

    Yet they have an arsenal of chemicals that kill quickly and just as quickly leave the system leaving no trace, but the west claims he chooses to use pathetic doses of one of the most lethal chemicals on the planet where the survival rate is amazing...

    -right, those foreigners were the bees to be followed to honey which was Navalny.

    They know Navalny is a censored , there is no point in watching him sell out Russia like a little bitch. Their job would be to find all the different people Navalny meet and then follow them to find their web of spies.

    - how silly! why should the police, if it's independent of Putin & professional, be concerned with all that? it's not a James Bond movie.

    Navalny was planning a big scene by getting lots of fuckwits to meet him at the airport... perhaps forming a human shield so he could get to a car and escape... lots of bruises and cuts and broken bones no doubt all Putins fault.

    Instead they went to an airport on the other side of Moscow, put him in cuffs and drove him away to a prison cell.

    Funny how his millions of supporters are not everywhere and could have saved him no matter where they took him... Maybe claims about strong support are actually lies?

    - r u sure that Putin isn't really working for German or some other interests, besides not his own?

    He is working for Russian interests and that is all that matters... he might like Germans or he might despise them I don't care.

    he was stationed in Germany, had contacts there & could be recruited to get the cut from gas exports.

    How could he get a cut and hide that... he is not part of the discussions and meetings and money transfers from Germany to Russian gas companies would be public knowledge.

    The secret behind corruption is that things cost more than normal... by hiding your cut within the price... say the Rafales cost India 200 million each and the extra 33 million per aircraft is the bribe.

    Except the Germans are getting their gas very cheap already... there is no space for a bribe...

    before I joined the USN, I cleaned restaurant tables; now I'm "turning tables " on u!

    So more empty unsubstantiated accusations against Putin... well if the last ones didn't work I guess if you keep making shit up and throwing it... no... that isn't going to work either. Just like more sanctions on Russia doesn't work either...

    .- intimidation is the preferred tactic used by bandits, & Putin is 1 of them, & now it is he who is getting scared.

    If that were the case the whole suspended sentence thing was his idea to reduce jail populations of people who are no threat to the community... he could easily press charges over Navalny accusing him personally of murder, with the endangerment of the NSII project as the cost of the slander... when Navalny is found guilty Assange will get out before he does.

    - 10s, if not 100s of Ks/Ms of people who r not even his supporters do care; that's another of ur delusions.

    Not enough to protest outside his court case though...

    Most would turn up to see where their promised $500 is... but all that will be there is Nuland and cookies and they will likely recognise the trap and run for the hills before Georgian snipers start murdering them.

    - their printed results is just a peace of paper with formulas & narrative that will be dismissed as fake & propaganda by Russia, just like u dismiss anything that contradicts ur convictions.

    The so called evidence they have will have levels that can be worked out based on time recordings to work out exactly when the so called poison came into contact with the liar, and information that their experts can either use to debunk the idea he was poisoned because their recordings and measures will be totally different and will show any evidence appeared after he got to the German lab.

    - & r they treated there better than their Blacks?

    What are you talking about? Their Blacks... what does that mean?
    We don't have Black servants that run around for white people that we can compare as to how we treat the maori or PI communities.... ohh they can't afford servants but they get by...

    No wonder you have race issues in America you talk about your fellow Americans like they are fucking dogs.

    -so, there r no other sources on that?

    Not from sources owned by Rupert Murdoch...

    .- the CPRF won't be ruling alone, if at all.

    Love your confidence, but you say Putin is on his way out, so I don't like your chances of actually being right.

    .-they want Putin gone, if Navalny & the opposition he leads or part of can help in that, so be it. that's called pragmatism.

    No, it is called stupidity... the west wants Putin gone and is trying to get the Russian people to think that too by using Navalny, but he is an idiot... it would be easier to get Biden overthrown by supporting Pee Wee Herman for president...

    The west has wanted Putin gone for quite some time and has been violating all the democratic norms and principles to do it all over the world... Bolivia, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong, the US.... they just don't know when to stop... but the one they want the most... Russia... they suck at it.

    -only after her double headed eagle on the coat of arms changes to a single headed, or if both heads look in 1 direction. The Nazis, Americans, & Mexicans had/have their eagles too. Empires r addicted to such symbolism.

    Sounds like your addiction, not theirs.

    -true, but somehow there is more stench in Russia. There was a Soviet saying: the west is rotting, but we have the stinking smell.

    The west has perfume and deoderant... but does not shower... Russia gets dirty sometimes interacting with the west but it washes off easy enough... the trick is to hold the west by its neck at arms length to avoid the teeth....

    -like Lenin, Uncle Ho, Sun Yat Sen, Saddam, & now Modi? don't make me laugh!

    Just a list of names that have nothing to do with Putin.

    - he's not that stupid to be a useful idiot.

    He might have realised it now with no CIA plot to break him out of prison...

    - Xi, like any other CCP member, isn't a true Taoist. Russia has many Cinologists that can explain Taoist concepts to those who would listen.

    Putin and Russia are not Taoists either.

    - that's a myth believed by his useful idiots; as u said, he's a naked human under his clothes after all; by now, he & his kids/lovers have enough & rn't for sale anymore.

    Well if they are not for sale any more then keep them on... they can no longer be bought. Except if they have enough then they must have plenty yet you can't find it... sounds like a fail for you.

    - they r profiting from his rule, but fleecing the RF. no wonder they smear the FBK, Navalny & the liberals, while professing their loyalty to Michail Ivanovich- a code name they use for Putin. btw, if he was that clean, they would use his real name while conversing in public.

    Perhaps they smear them because they are beneath contempt working for foreign agencies to undermine and weaken Russia.

    What is this bullshit about pseudonyms?

    Orange man (Trump) and Creepy Joe (Joe Biden) pseudonyms are common...

    .- IMO, the RF needs his resignation ASAP, & the sooner he realizes it, the better.

    IMO your O means nothing to him and he will continue to lead Russia forward... probably continuing to steer clear of the wreckage that is the west...

    -no, he got there on his own, but the FSB cultivated him for future use as a normal practice

    So he didn't break US rules and get Trump elected... he just indicated that he wanted to work with Trump to make relations between Russia and the US better.... what a total bastard... I can see why that pissed you off and you are demanding he resign immediately, or that could be sarcasm and I think comments about your medical care and medications levels are perhaps more valid that I thought when I read them.

    .- I don't want Russia to be fucked, her people got raped by Putinism already!

    So what you are trying to say is that the amazing growth and development since Putin took office is nothing compared with the growth and development if Putin wasn't there because the west would not be putting sanctions on Russia so they would not be producing food, they would still be importing cheap food from the EU, and of course the Ukraine and Crimea would be uncontested HATO territory with HATO ships in Sevastopol...

    Sounds like a choice between Putin and westraped, and they picked the correct pill.

    Ukraine is enjoying getting westraped right now and it is not pretty.

    - he's not the only 1 who can analyze utube; where r his debunkers that proved that the clip has no impact on the public opinion in the RF?

    Perhaps you are the only one who read his data...

    -time usage showed it was being watched in European Russia during the lunch hour, & calculated as average 20min at a time. Not unusual for a 2hr clip. even if no1 watched it till the end, they got the message: Putin is a criminal.

    Or they were entertained by a clown and reaffirmed their choice to vote for Putin because the alternatives are losers.

    .- the West intel was just watching him & he got complacent; if he tries to get those assets back now, he'll find the trap had closed.

    What are you talking about? What assets? Besides what could he possibly do with land over seas? Go there for a holiday and end up like Assange or Snowden or Manning?

    - name me a Russian product that USA needs so bad & that no1 else is in the business of importing it.

    A Fucking Dynamite Enima at the moment buddy.

    Three sticks. Twisted Evil

    -Brzezinski was right: w/o Ukraine, Russia can't be an empire. The Eurasian Union is just a new 21st century name for it.

    Brzezinski was a moron... an architect of the chaos that is western foreign policy towards Russia, but when it didn't work they just hunkered down and kept applying it and surprise surprise... it kept not working. Ukraine was what was holding Russia back... if they can only work out a way of ditching Belarus things will be awesome.

    - that's another myth: he never was rightful nor 100% legal.

    Voted in plenty of times, perfectly legal... certainly more legal than any US election in the last two centuries.

    - true, but he didn't build it for himself. If he did, Putin would've taken it away: "how come he has a bigger & better palace than I do, set up a restricted zone & uses my FSO to guard it, that's an insult! Let's put him in a prison camp for corruption & seize his assets like we did with Khodorkovsky & his Ukos. Connect me with the Prosecutor General!". Thanks, the evidence had come the full circle.

    That all happened in your head... you do understand that right?

    - I hope it'll never be his, even de-facto.

    He does not seem even interested in it... neither now nor 10 years ago when it was built.

    China also held Vietnam for a K years; the trend is to expand to the SE Asia & then Australia, & NZ is just next to it.

    But if they used to occupy what is now Vietnam then their empire shrank... which is the opposite of what it would need to do to risk New Zealand.

    yes, they r/were; many others accused them of that.

    Accusations mean nothing.

    - which will be viewed as bribes; a person in his position shouldn't be taking them. Did he become the president of Russia to sport watches while most of his people spend all their time trying to have ends meet?

    But surely the starving Russian people would prefer he gets to meetings on time...

    -Ngo Di Diem didn't sell his S. Vietnamese but was still removed in a coup. A good precedent!

    No. I would guess it was a CIA coup because there is no other kind... and CIA coups are never good... not even the most recent one that removed Trump from power.

    -& cracking down on mostly peaceful protests, dissent, the independent media & restricting freedom of speech.

    That ship has sailed... see demands for Fox News to fire all their personalities that ever said anything nice about Trump... night of the long knives?

    It looks like the little princess in the image is all by herself at her party (I assume birthday). Sort of like the lack of turnout for Navalny.

    But Navalny got a nice set of matching silver bracelets...

    Wow, who will be the next inconsequential moron you will quote in your hysterical crusade to smear Putin? What about Masha Gessen, the Russia/Putin-hating lesbian jew feminist? She's always good for a laugh!

    Haven't heard from Pavel Felgenhauer for a while... not much after 2008 when he claimed the HATO trained Georgian troops will cut through Russian special forces like a hot knife through warm butter...

    Guaido Navalny

    Guano Anally... good nickname.

    So calling themselves democrats is cynical deflection from
    their anti-democratic agenda.

    American democrats and their undemocratic actions do more to undermine democracy around the world than any other force of nature or otherwise.

    A planet killing asteroid is more democratic and honest...

    Russia can't just sit back and let this brazen meddling go unanswered, these rats deserve a big slap in the face!

    Every time a western politician mentions Navalny Russia should talk about Assange... it needs to be automatic...

    -it least he has better applied logic skills than u; don't judge a book by its cover!

    Becoming a traitor to support the mess that is the US is never logical...

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:16 pm

    Actually there are no cases of Russian cops shooting unarmed people. Russia is not a gun toilet like the USA so the police do not
    even carry hand guns. Thanks to criminals that rooted themselves during the 1990s they did deploy weapons which are stored
    in the trunk of the police car (I believe). Tsavo Feline is making claims up as usual and acting like they are established fact.
    He lies about numerous such "details". He is a hate propaganda troll.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:42 pm

    The liberasts are starting to fight with each other.   A sign that things are going badly for them.

    Yavlinsky is being attacked by Navalny's drones for daring to criticize their fuhrer.  Yavlinsky has
    been the real Russian liberal opposition leader since the 1990s.   Navalny actually started out in
    Yavlinsky's party Yabloko.   BTW, Yabloko has had Duma seats since it managed to win enough votes.
    Navalny can't even get a rent-a-crowd of any size that matters to turn up.  

    Navalny got kicked out of Yabloko since he starting posing as a Russian nationalist pushing an
    anti-liberal platform.   Yavlinsky recently pointed out that Navalny's political position is against
    real democracy, human rights and freedom.   Yavlinsky apparently believes that Navalny's
    nazionalist makeover was not a passing phase but his core beliefs.   This has generated a
    chorus of hate from butthurt Navalny supporters.  

    Interesting how Yavlinsky is ignored by the NATzO west.   He couldn't deliver on regime change
    to put Russia back on the plantation, so he is being replaced with "non-systemic" opposition
    like Navalny.   NATzO is hoping that there will be a Maidan in Russia.   NATzO is too busy
    drinking its own propaganda koolaid to understand that Russia =/= Ukraine.   Catholicized
    and culturally assimilated western Ukraine greeted the Nazis as liberators.   Nobody did
    that in Russia and Belorussia.   There is no Nazi diaspora of Russia like for Ukraine.   Only the
    fringe in Russia wants to suck NATzO's schlong.   Multiplying the pathetic turnouts by these
    losers to street blocking events by a factors form 10 to 100 will not make a Russian Maidan
    a reality.   The Ukrainian Maidan was a symptom and not a cause.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:39 pm

    Nice summary of the meddling by NATzO to prop up their 5th column stooge Navalny.

    During his Ives Rocher trial, we had over a dozen NATzO diplomats (including from Canada) sitting in on the proceedings.
    During his hearing over the defamation of a war veteran we had the French (*) and UK diplomats attending. In addition, the
    NATzO diplomats were not just observing the illegal demonstrations but participating in them, i.e. they engaged in incitement.
    So all the chirping about NATzO diplomats conforming to the Vienna Convention is patent lying.

    (*) French diplomats couldn't be bothered to attend a trial of French national in the same courthouse. The only
    reason for any foreign diplomat to attend a trial or hearing is to defend their own nationals. Navalny is not a
    national of any of the NATzO hyena pack countries.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:26 pm

    kvs wrote:Actually there are no cases of Russian cops shooting unarmed people.- wrong, & they committed many other crimes:

      Russia is not a gun toilet like the USA so the police do not
    even carry hand guns.-There r many gun owners there, legal & illegal. Most of them, when on duty, do carry guns & stun guns now; the latter were extensively used on protesters not to stop attacks on them, but to show their control & for fun. I didn't post those clips as they have no CC to be translated.

    Navalny's failure and caring police: diversionary fakes from the main Kremlin propagandist

    Navalny and rallies: lies in almost EVERY sentence.

    Have a nice day!

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:36 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:43 pm

    So for every diplomat that is sent to Russia's court cases, can't Russia simply expel them? Then force reduction of the nation's embassy overall staff (meaning they can't be allowed to replace said diplomat)?

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:52 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Nice summary of the meddling by NATzO to prop up their 5th column stooge Navalny.

    During his Ives Rocher trial, we had over a dozen NATzO diplomats (including from Canada) sitting in on the proceedings.
    During his hearing over the defamation of a war veteran we had the French (*) and UK diplomats attending.   In addition, the
    NATzO diplomats were not just observing the illegal demonstrations but participating in them, i.e. they engaged in incitement.
    So all the chirping about NATzO diplomats conforming to the Vienna Convention is patent lying.

    (*) French diplomats couldn't be bothered to attend a trial of French national in the same courthouse.  The only
    reason for any foreign diplomat to attend a trial or hearing is to defend their own nationals.   Navalny is not a
    national of any of the NATzO hyena pack countries.

    #Russia suspends the import of poultry from Germany, Bulgaria and Czech Republic.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:35 pm

    Backman wrote:But either way, in case you didn't notice, many of us here and in the Russian realm are not universal suffrage democrats. We don't idolize democracy. You are saying that the Silovik is ruling Russia and you automatically think its a bad thing.

    True, Democracy was a retarded idea, it's only a matter of time before politicians figure out they can win votes by offering welfare, once that happens it wont be long before you go Socialist.
    Women in particular tend to vote in one direction once welfare becomes a thing, and Women are the majority voters.
    So Russia is completely screwed, just like the West, it's only a matter of time.

    Hopefully the Silovik don't make Egalitarianism their Sacred Cow like the West did, for it is from Egalitarianism which the idea of Suffrage come from.

    Don't think i even need to mention the problems with immigration on top of this, so i will stop here.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:05 pm

    Media found another "Putin's palace" in Crimea
    As I said, these r gov. owned but they were still not enough.,33.8500407,402m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4094c2eacd8b375d:0xef717105379f9ac!8m2!3d44.4073698!4d33.8510369

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  franco Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:27 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Media found another "Putin's palace" in Crimea
    As I said, these r gov. owned but they were still not enough.,33.8500407,402m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4094c2eacd8b375d:0xef717105379f9ac!8m2!3d44.4073698!4d33.8510369

    So an Ukrainian article says and you swallow the purple koolaid with gusto...

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    Post  kvs Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:43 pm

    Tsavo Feline the liar troll. Russian cops do not have authorization to shoot to kill during the course of their jobs.
    Digging up some psycho that goes on a rampage to "debunk" me is retarded. By this logic every mass murder incident
    in the USA is the fault of the US government.

    I dare you, clown, to produce per capita numbers like those of the USA.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Russian Cops

    Post  calripson Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:50 pm

    I know a Russian cop - road police - very well. Although armed, they are extremely hesitant to use lethal force as it means big problems for them and their careers. I also know American cops quite well including the head of the local SWAT team. Until recently, they would use lethal force with no qualms whenever it was justified. Local DA's would always give them a pass. With recent racial politics, not so much.

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    Post  kvs Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:31 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:So for every diplomat that is sent to Russia's court cases, can't Russia simply expel them?  Then force reduction of the nation's embassy overall staff (meaning they can't be allowed to replace said diplomat)?

    I think that pushing a reaction is not in Russia's interests since these diplomatic expulsions achieve basically nothing.
    But Russia should impose limitations on the attendance of NATzO diplomats of law breaker rallies and court room cases.
    They should also ban the visits of clowns like Navalny to meet with foreign citizens serving NATzO government interests.

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:49 pm

    Even w/o the widespread use of guns, they maim & kill a lot more than if they acted professionally & according to their Constitution:

    The government failed to take adequate steps to prosecute or punish most officials who committed abuses, resulting in a climate of impunity.
    I dare you, clown, to produce per capita numbers like those of the USA.
    If u r going to ask me for a reply, u better stop calling me any names.
    U categorically asserted "they don't use guns" but I showed that they do- the frequency statistics isn't relevant. Just a few days ago a cop took out his gun on protesters & was ready to use it; that was a threat to use a deadly force, so it's only a matter of time before shots r fired by OMON or the RG in the Spring.

    The last stage of Putin's fascism

    From the 60 Minutes archives: Alexey Navalny

    The case has been solved. I know everyone who tried to kill me

    I called my killer. He admitted

    The Palace video now has 10,730,787 views, so 1 in 4 Russians Watched it.  How Navalny took away the palace from Putin

    Inside Putin's Secret $1 Billion Mansion

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:35 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : add text, links)

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:07 am

    franco wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:Media found another "Putin's palace" in Crimea
    As I said, these r gov. owned but they were still not enough.,33.8500407,402m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4094c2eacd8b375d:0xef717105379f9ac!8m2!3d44.4073698!4d33.8510369

    So an Ukrainian article says and you swallow the purple koolaid with gusto...

    We have all established that Tsavo is a dumbass that contributes nothing and resorts to libel by using articles that prove nothing.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:54 am

    For fucks sake Tsavo, cease the endless retardation and stop embarassing yourself.  I'm utterly incredulous that you can't see through the bullshit that Russian 5th columnists, western spin doctors and Ukrainian banderites are puking out about Nav-anally.  Have you suffered a stroke recently?  Suspect

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:30 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:...We have all established that Tsavo is a dumbass that contributes nothing and resorts to libel by using articles that prove nothing.

    And hides links to his BS behind text

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:17 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote: I'm utterly incredulous that you can't see through the bullshit that Russian 5th columnists, western spin doctors and Ukrainian banderites are puking out about Nav-anally.
    I won't get offended & don't care if u ignore my posts; after more Putin propaganda lies r exposed & the events there confirm my point, it will become moot. Then u can start reading my old & new posts again.

    Soldiers of the Russian Guard.. Murdered ..the head of the criminal investigation department

    Without a doubt, dictator!"  Putin chose to sit on bayonets?

    Why Putin has become the main risk factor for the Russian economy

    Secrets of the Putin family

    Avoiding Excess (Chapter 9)
    Better to stop in time than to overfill a vessel.
    Over sharpen a blade and it will soon lose its edge.
    A store of gold and jade cannot be protected.
    Pride in wealth and rank brings calamity on oneself.
    Withdraw when the work is done.
    This is the Tao of heaven.
    - Tao Te Ching

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:59 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote: I'm utterly incredulous that you can't see through the bullshit that Russian 5th columnists, western spin doctors and Ukrainian banderites are puking out about Nav-anally.
    I won't get offended & don't care if u ignore my posts; after more Putin propaganda lies r exposed & the events there confirm my point, it will become moot. Then u can start reading my old & new posts again.

    Soldiers of the Russian Guard.. Murdered ..the head of the criminal investigation department

    Without a doubt, dictator!"  Putin chose to sit on bayonets?

    Why Putin has become the main risk factor for the Russian economy

    Secrets of the Putin family

    Avoiding Excess (Chapter 9)
    Better to stop in time than to overfill a vessel.
    Over sharpen a blade and it will soon lose its edge.
    A store of gold and jade cannot be protected.
    Pride in wealth and rank brings calamity on oneself.
    Withdraw when the work is done.
    This is the Tao of heaven.
    - Tao Te Ching


    Some people simply drink too deeply from the cup of stupid.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:03 am

    "Action to overcome fear." Why did they change the format of the protest in support of Navalny


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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Backman Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:33 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:"Action to overcome fear." Why did they change the format of the protest in support of Navalny

    Rolling Eyes

    The BBC’s Russian service is perplexed: What happened? Why did Leonid Volkov, who is abroad, call for an end to the weekly protests? And most importantly, why did everyone listen to him?

    Strange people who speak Russian with their mouth, but are not able to understand what is obvious to any outside observer:

    -The modern “revolutionist” is mostly sofa-like, afraid of the Russian winter and frosts, they are no longer attracted to public arrest, even on camera.(making onto western TV)

    -Navalny is all there is, there are no more leaders and there are no plans. His fate, as having received a real term, for the network winner is an example of an epic failure and the inability to simply restart the “game”.

    As far as I understand, the grant eaters and donors under the “Anti-corruption Foundation“ screen have no problems replenishing their overseas wallet, but there is a serious problem of delivering carrots to every couch of the “revolutionary”, in order to enable them to motivate themselves to lift their ass off the couch.

    P. S.: in the course of the ridiculous “What happened?” mouth discussions, the BBC came to one conclusion – we certainly need to increase foreign sanctions, which, however, there is no result. In the same way as there is no sense in the financial flows to the Russian “revolution” – something that from year to year easily worked everywhere, except in Russia and those places where it [Russia – ed] involved itself. Amen to that.

    by Aleksandr Dubrovsky, Stalkerzone

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:03 am

    If the west loves the Russian people so much why do they keep imposing crippling sanctions on Russia to hurt Russia for no real reason?

    Why have they not just seized Putins billions... or is it trillions by now... in overseas bank accounts and palaces...

    Of course it seems that building Navalny claimed was Putins was a failed hotel... they will be over the moon.... with all this publicity foreign investors and foreign media outlets will pay money to have a look through... of course without the photoshop modifications they might find it rather boring and not very James Bondy at all...

    Hey... that could be the solution... rent the property to the people who make the Bond movies... and then rennovate it and make it a feature destination... like they did with Lord of the Rings' Hobbiton set in Wellington.

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