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    Russian Liberal Opposition


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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:53 pm

    The only thing that Bidet and NATzO have is their proxies staging illegal demonstrations. If I was making the decisions I would
    cut them off at the pass. As soon as they show up to gather in an illegal location dispatch massive police forces to arrest
    all of them. And keep doing this preventing any growth of the mob. It is a rather straightforward operation. Letting these
    clowns assemble is a serious lack of judgement.


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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:56 pm

    kvs wrote:The only thing that Bidet and NATzO have is their proxies staging illegal demonstrations.    If I was making the decisions I would
    cut them off at the pass.   As soon as they show up to gather in an illegal location dispatch massive police forces to arrest
    all of them.   And keep doing this preventing any growth of the mob.    It is a rather straightforward operation.   Letting these
    clowns assemble is a serious lack of judgement.  

    And RUssia continues to let them assemble.

    I wonder if when they do get violent, and Putin is done for, if questions will be asked like "why didnt they act?"

    This shit happened in Ukraine.

    I am sorry, but I have no faith in Putin's government.  They are grossly incompetent when it comes to internal security.  He is more concerned how he is looked by the USA and EU nations than protecting his own.

    What will end up happening is that snipers like in Ukraine will happen in Russia. They will end up paying someone to shoot at Russian security forces during mass protests and then it will spiral out of control again.

    Russian security officials should be fired and younger people with more brains in knowing modern day events and how things unfold should be brought in. Cause holy shit, letting them protest and even partake freely in these treasonous groupings is just asking for trouble.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  PhSt Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:04 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:The only thing that Bidet and NATzO have is their proxies staging illegal demonstrations.    If I was making the decisions I would
    cut them off at the pass.   As soon as they show up to gather in an illegal location dispatch massive police forces to arrest
    all of them.   And keep doing this preventing any growth of the mob.    It is a rather straightforward operation.   Letting these
    clowns assemble is a serious lack of judgement.  

    And RUssia continues to let them assemble.

    I wonder if when they do get violent, and Putin is done for, if questions will be asked like "why didnt they act?"

    This shit happened in Ukraine.

    I am sorry, but I have no faith in Putin's government.  They are grossly incompetent when it comes to internal security.  He is more concerned how he is looked by the USA and EU nations than protecting his own.

    What will end up happening is that snipers like in Ukraine will happen in Russia.  They will end up paying someone to shoot at Russian security forces during mass protests and then it will spiral out of control again.

    Russian security officials should be fired and younger people with more brains in knowing modern day events and how things unfold should be brought in.  Cause holy shit, letting them protest and even partake freely in these treasonous groupings is just asking for trouble.

    This is why I am in favor of NATO taking more aggressive actions against Russia, perhaps this is the only way to rattle the Russian leadership to wake them up and take the proper response concerning these 5th column clowns sniper

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Russian Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:11 pm

    It will only happen when it happens. In other words, I dont think they will be successful in actually hosting a protest big enough and dangerous enough to warrant such an event. Plus Russia still has other elements within the country who also partake in protests who will not only "out" those involved but also give indication as to where the violence is coming from.

    In this regard, they may be able to stop it quick. They will be able to do so by arresting the head of the protests during the protests. Issue is, they usually release them after a $10 fine.

    So it needs to change. Where if someone is killed during the protests, the head of the protest should be held responsible for the death of someone else. As well, any violence against the authorities should be also met with a heavy hand.

    but Russia isn't very smart when it comes to dealing with such issues

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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:26 am

    This is fantastic... they are directly appealing to the west by talking about doing things the way the west demands... Crimea back to the Ukraine and the division of Russia into small consumable parcels that can be divided up like trophies... Germany gets a bit, France gets a bit, Japan gets bits and of course the US gets bits as well...

    This is brilliant.

    Do you not understand?

    If I start a political party and get enormous funding support from Americas enemies to operate in the US and start talking about breaking up the United states into separate states and withdrawing from all foreign bases... military and otherwise, and giving China these parts and Russia those parts, and Cuba can have Florida and perhaps part of the coastal southern parts too and Mexico can have all the territory it lost and more so for compensation... how many votes do you think I would honestly get in a US election? How much genuine airtime would I get... as opposed to clown time on the news...

    I would either get shot or my real political opponents in the Democrats and Republicans wont fear me... they wont feel threatened by me... my very policies and open foreign support make me unelectable and therefore I will get a lot of air time on Sputnik News and Russia Today, but I will only be entertainment value on the real news channels.

    They can talk all the shit they want but it wont win them any votes at all, but they will still be taking money from Russias enemies which is fantastic because there are lots of ways they could much better use that money to actually hurt Russia.

    This is just bullshit... Kasparov and Navalny are total jokes... they make Trump and Bush jnr and Johnson and May look classy and sophisticated and intelligent...

    When your opponents are this bad it is important not to do something stupid like over react and put them in jail for being dumbasses.

    Looking at Trump and Biden, and Kasparov and Navalny is this is the best of the best for the western future then the west is screwed.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:41 am

    Issue is, they aren't looking for votes. They acknowledge they aren't liked and won't win any votes in Russia.

    What they are talking about is "shoving their way in" during violent protests to take over. Much like in Ukraine.

    That is the major problem.

    So hopefully Rosgvardii is keeping close tabs on these guys and their financial flow and ready to pounce when needed.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:18 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Issue is, they aren't looking for votes. They acknowledge they aren't liked and won't win any votes in Russia.

    What they are talking about is "shoving their way in" during violent protests to take over.  Much like in Ukraine.

    That is the major problem.

    So hopefully Rosgvardii is keeping close tabs on these guys and their financial flow and ready to pounce when needed.

    Honestly I'm with GarryB on this, it's so brazen that it's like a Monte Python parody sketch of foreign-funded compradors. clown  I'm more worried about the crypto-compradors that go by the moniker of 'monetarists' such as Elvira Nabulina.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:38 am

    Well, yes. I agree. The ones we don't see are way more of a threat.  But they usually have contacts with these people.

    But we also assume that Russian authorities are competent.  They are not.  We seen how they have allowed all nations around them have color revolutions, we have seen how they just allow non stop protesting which costs cities lots of money in order to have security constantly on guard at these protests and also equipment, while disturbing the public. They constantly allow these banned groups in Russia break Russian laws and they don't do anything about it.  Which actually has brought up questions by a lot of locals of why they even have the laws on the first place.

    When you got people who are obviously for the country, questioning the laws because lack of enforcement, then you know you have a major problem.

    Of course not is all lost. Constitutional change was very recent and it takes time for new laws to pass.  So hopefully new laws regarding about this stuff are passed and enforced.

    But eneptitude of Russian government recently showed itself with the open skies treaty. Instead of saying "we will leave if US leaves", they just demanded that EU doesn't share the details with US.

    No fucking shit they will share the details with USA. Are Russians that dumb? No. But their leadership is.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:33 pm

    I will add to my post that arresting everyone trying to assemble is fully legitimate police action. You need a legal permit
    to demonstrate since you are using public property and not your living room. I am sure that the clowns will try to gather
    in various locations, but they will still have to do it outdoors. The job of the police is to police the streets and not
    some token points. So if they can't catch these clowns clustering into groups, then they are not doing their jobs.

    They need to understand that they are dealing with psyop military operations and not regular crimes or violations.
    The rent-a-crowd mobs require military scale solutions such as mass arrests and interdiction over large areas.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:47 pm

    kvs wrote:I will add to my post that arresting everyone trying to assemble is fully legitimate police action.   You need a legal permit
    to demonstrate since you are using public property and not your living room.    I am sure that the clowns will try to gather
    in various locations, but they will still have to do it outdoors.   The job of the police is to police the streets and not
    some token points.   So if they can't catch these clowns clustering into groups, then they are not doing their jobs.

    They need to understand that they are dealing with psyop military operations and not regular crimes or violations.
    The rent-a-crowd mobs require military scale solutions such as mass arrests and interdiction over large areas.

    That was the reason the Rosgvardii was created. But there is a problem - I dont think they have a proper standard of operation procedure. Mostly it is "Stand around and wait and just prevent it from going back".

    In this case, things have to change.

    I noticed on that topwar site, every comment section is filled with people who says their country is doomed cause Putin is a terrible leader and all the other politicians. I noticed most of them are very pro soviet. Hmm. I think I now know where the rent a crowed people will be - Flaming Pythons people. They are the useful idiots who will allow Liberals get into power because they will be used to protest and act out in retardation.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:05 pm

    Indeed, emo-Marxists are the new attempt at regime change in Russia. The "democrats" and their insane arrogance went nowhere,
    so they are now trying to appeal to socialism and Russia's traditional preference for it. But I think they made a strategic mistake.
    Socialism was not reviled in Russia in 1991. The 1990s and well into the 2000s were a better time to use this Trojan Horse.
    Now people have adjusted to a new economic system and see its fruits. My relatives who live outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg
    give me a good source of information and there is no widespread discontent. People are not desperate for the return of communism
    and the USSR (no matter what NATzO propaganda tries to push). There is no mood for some revolution and the sort of crap you
    see right now in the USA is not possible in Russia.

    An indication that NATzO's regime change efforts are ineffective in Russia is that social media in Russia is not dominated by
    SJW drones. They try, but are routinely laughed at when they try to push their intellectually insulting narratives. So the
    emo-Marxist revolution ain't happening.

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    par far

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  par far Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:55 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Issue is, they aren't looking for votes. They acknowledge they aren't liked and won't win any votes in Russia.

    What they are talking about is "shoving their way in" during violent protests to take over.  Much like in Ukraine.

    That is the major problem.

    So hopefully Rosgvardii is keeping close tabs on these guys and their financial flow and ready to pounce when needed.

    Honestly I'm with GarryB on this, it's so brazen that it's like a Monte Python parody sketch of foreign-funded compradors. clown  I'm more worried about the crypto-compradors that go by the moniker of 'monetarists' such as Elvira Nabulina.

    It beyond reason, why this Nabulina bitch still has a position in government.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  GarryB Fri Nov 27, 2020 3:19 am

    If they have no political prospects except for attention in western media and causing problems in protests then they are little to no threat for the Russian people and the Russian state... they are another outlet for rich western idiots to waste their money and time and energy.

    If they kick up problems with protests then give them enormous fines... their western sponsors will pay these fines to get them out... or they will leave them high and dry... if they pay the fines then that money can be used sensibly to improve Russia and the plight of Russian citizens that need support and help... if they don't pay the fines then the authorities can point out to these people how quickly they are abandoned when they are no longer seen as useful... which might make them think too.

    I am sure a lot of people would be doing it just for the money and for no other reason.... and I suspect a few go to protests just to get into a good fight because that is the sort of people they are too.

    Such people exist in every society on the planet... do you think such people can be made to disappear, and if it would make any real difference if they did?

    Soros and Clinton and other nazi parties would just find other people to do their work... imagine if they managed to convince smarter people who would be more effective... now that would be a problem.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:49 am

    I think it's high time Russia steps up and say if they will give these nobodies a platform and make demands, that they will no longer communicate with Europe and that these fools lose their Russian citizenship.

    Europe will squeal hard and loud

    Russia's foreign and domestic policy is fucking shit. They let these filth run around and try to play government of Russia and EU is supporting them. Since that's direct interference, Russia's real government should stop all trade and agreements until these retards are sent back to Russia to face arrest.

    But of course they won't. Russian government will wait till they are violently overthrown by these fools with imported protestors.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:05 pm

    There is a limit to ignoring the 5th column. At some stage it works since they are a fringe. But what is happening
    is that the EU and NATzO are trying to convert this fringe into the mainstream. This is more than meddling, this is an
    invasion operation of certain sort. As such it requires a military response. By military I do not mean soldiers and
    tanks, but something that totally transcends the civilian realm. Large scale action is needed and not "let it slide"


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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:05 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:

    I think it's high time Russia steps up and say if they will give these nobodies a platform and make demands, that they will no longer communicate with Europe and that these fools lose their Russian citizenship.

    Europe will squeal hard and loud

    Russia's foreign and domestic policy is fucking shit. They let these filth run around and try to play government of Russia and EU is supporting them.  Since that's direct interference, Russia's real government should stop all trade and agreements until these retards are sent back to Russia to face arrest.

    But of course they won't.  Russian government will wait till they are violently overthrown by these fools with imported protestors.
    the difference in comparison to the past is that their actions and stupidity are broadcasted and are public. So the population will see them for what they are. Yes maybe a large chunk of the people in the west will think that those idiots are the real Russia, but at home they won't get much support.
    Eventually proper measures will be taken against them, but when the times are ripe. No need to turn them into martyrs or heroes.

    And the best would be to incriminate them first for something that has nothing to do with their political actions, like drug trafficking, illegal appropriations, corruption and or tax evasion.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:03 pm

    Problem with that is protest groups consist of lots of different groups (commie wannabe losers and so called nationalists) who openly protest with these libtards and they don't throw them out of their protests or sit and listen to Navalny the retard.

    And because of that, these libtards will squeeze their way into power like they did in Ukraine through protests.

    Russia cannot let that happen

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:04 am

    The thing is that these losers have 1% appeal and not even the rich 1% that might give them power and effectiveness beyond what they actually have.

    In the Ukraine it was the west who paid for snipers to go in and shoot people on both sides to stir up shit and get the people mobilised and into the street...

    If they try that in Russia these idiots will be crushed like the bugs they are and the support chains will be ripped out at the source... hopefully burning bridges and destroying some of the infrastructure the west uses to create these situations in other countries.

    The reality is that there will always be Guanos and Navalnys and Poroshenkos and Sakashvilis.... it is a credit to Putin and Russia that Navalny even looks weak amongst this group of losers and you would think being on the destroy Russia team he would be their best player.

    The best way to defeat a real hard line liberal is to let them talk and everyone who is reasonable will realise what a loony they are.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:31 pm

    Posner has slandered all Russians as resentful, illiterate and inadequate. The routine liberast retardation where some
    two bit media interview personality thinks he is smarter than scientists, mathematicians and engineers. You are nothing
    but a celebrity husk, you bonehead. You also demonstrate your low IQ by lashing like a baby at not getting what
    you want.

    Go live in NATzO, slimeball. Most Russians clearly are more intelligent than you as they can see the NATzO facade
    for what it is.

    par far

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Posner has slandered all Russians as resentful, illiterate and inadequate. The routine liberast retardation where some

    Post  par far Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 am

    kvs wrote:

    Posner has slandered all Russians as resentful, illiterate and inadequate.   The routine liberast retardation where some
    two bit media interview personality thinks he is smarter than scientists, mathematicians and engineers.   You are nothing
    but a celebrity husk, you bonehead.   You also demonstrate your low IQ by lashing like a baby at not getting what
    you want.

    Go live in NATzO, slimeball.   Most Russians clearly are more intelligent than you as they can see the NATzO facade
    for what it is.  

    I have seen videos of this idiot where he drinks NATO's kool aid, I would say that he has been good for Russia because he has been giving the wrong information to the west(he gives the casual crap that west likes to hear).

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Sat Dec 12, 2020 7:43 pm

    Some liberast anti-Putin crusader "writer" living as an exp-pat in Italy, Svetlana Ulitskaya, has admitted:

    1) the standard of living in Russia today is likely the highest ever in its history

    2) this accounts for the lack of desire of Russians to get rid of Putin

    I guess repeating the inanity that Russians are bydlo has not achieved anything over the last 30 years.
    So it is time to admit some truth. But a concept posted about by magnumcormagnon in another thread
    applies to this admission. It is basically just "limited hangout". Admitting some truth but keeping on with
    the original agenda.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:32 pm

    Yeap. And majority other people who vote against Putin are those voting for a leader who is more rabid against the west.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  LMFS Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:43 pm

    Things work each time better and none of our criticisms and apocalyptic predictions apply to Putin's government, ergo let's get rid of him. Libtards and commies are being embarrassingly exposed as traitors and agitators, pure and simple Laughing

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Hole Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:53 pm

    CNN uncovers Novichok storage reserved for the killing of Navalny:

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    Post  kvs Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:36 pm

    "Strategic class weapon of mass destruction".

    I am surprised they have not found traces of it on some aircraft that flies to Moscow as part of its routes.

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