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    Syrian Arab Air Force


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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:23 pm

    Mig-29 syria
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    Syrian Arab Air Force Syrianmig29

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Mig25 Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:46 pm

    The syrian mig25 are operational.

    Syrian Arab Air Force MiG25_Satellite_Image

    The Arabic Syrian air Strength ( SAAF) acquired an indefinite number of MiG-25 understanding four versions: hunters(fighters) MiG-25P, interceptors MiG-25PD, bombers of gratitude(recognition) MiG-25RB, and planes of training MiG-25PU. MiG-25 is one of the fastest military planes never put into service in the end of 1970s.

    The SAAF had suggested that it removed its MiG-25 since 2011. This rumor was confirmed by the satellite imaging showing of numerous MiG-25 parked outdoors in the air base of Tiyas (also known under the name T4) instead of being stored in bunker for plane.

    The satellite picture of the base(basis) taken November 3rd, 2013 shows 28 MiG-25, the majority of which are on d? Be parking areas around the track(runway), but 12 were dragged in the desert, what suggests that they are in dereliction. The images taken on January 1st, 2014 suggest that none 28 MiG-25 were not moved during the next two months.

    Nevertheless, an image spread(broadcasted) by a group of insurgents August 8th, 2012 suggests that certain MiG-25 could be operational in the air base of Tadmor ( Palmyre), which is 60 km east of Tiyas. The image shows two apparently active interceptors MiG-25PD/PDS MiG-25PD/PDS and a plane of training MiG-25PU on the tarmac. No reconnaissance plane MiG-25RB was perceived on the other hand.

    This assertion was confirmed by two videos spread(broadcasted) in March, 2014, which show MiG-25 overflying(skimming through) Uqayribat, city situated in 60 km in the North of the air base of Tiyas.

    It seems that the SAAF deleted(eliminated) never officially its MiG-25. Most were simply stored somewhere else. It is the case of Su-22, Su-24 and MiG-23 which are regularly used to assure(insure) missions of air-to-ground attack against the insurgents. The SAAF even began to use planes less adapted to the attack on the ground as its MiG-23MF / ML, MiG-29 and MiG25RB.

    It is likely that MiG-25 will make its return in the air to protect the planes of attack on the ground of the SAAF near the Turkish border further to the destruction of Syrian MiG-23 by Turkish F-16. The interceptor MiG-25PD/PDS MiG-25PD/PDS is indeed equipped with missiles R-40RD with semi-active radar and with missiles R-40TD with infrared homing head(pioneering researcher) which can incite the Turkish air Strength to think twice before committing(hiring) again Syrian planes.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Stealthflanker Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:48 am

    Where the hell are Syrian interceptors where they need it most....Why there seems to be no Syrian fighters airborne whenever Israel strikes ?


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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:45 am

    Stealthflanker wrote:Where the hell are Syrian interceptors where they need it most....Why there seems to be no Syrian fighters airborne whenever Israel strikes ?

    I too wonder. Only aircrafts so far used been Su-24's. Some MiG-25's would serve some purpose.

    Syria will need to close borders it has control of over the US funded terrorist regions. And then develop a proper economy and military strength to gain back their lost regions. Sukhois would be good too. Su-27SKMs and alike.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty reply

    Post  d_taddei2 Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:14 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Stealthflanker wrote:Where the hell are Syrian interceptors where they need it most....Why there seems to be no Syrian fighters airborne whenever Israel strikes ?

    I too wonder. Only aircrafts so far used been Su-24's. Some MiG-25's would serve some purpose.

    Syria will need to close borders it has control of over the US funded terrorist regions. And then develop a proper economy and military strength to gain back their lost regions. Sukhois would be good too. Su-27SKMs and alike.

    I agree SU-27SM is what Syria need, but with the current situation they are not in a place to buy such aircraft neither is it wise to start to focus on an air war with Israel, Syria is struggling to keep its forces running.

    Syrian airforce doesnt really have good interceptors in its inventory, what they do have in service are about 30 MIG-29B, and have placed an order for 10 MIG 29M2, they also have a large number of MIG-21bis roughly 100 in service, but these are pretty old when upgainst modern israeli aircraft, the rest of the aircraft in service and ground attack aircraft. The air force are using everything they have against the rebels/terrorists, and anything that is cheap, as well as using MIG-29, SU-24M2, SU-22, MIG-23, MIG-21, to attack ground targets they have also used MIG-25RB and L-39(cheap to use) as well, i think if anything they could do with some SU-25SM and purchase some more missles instead of using barrels bombs, even equiping SU-22 or MIG-21 with 4-6 rocket pods carrying S-5 or S-8 would be effective against the scum on the ground.

    but like i said Syria has enough on its plate to start an air war with israel but i agree its unacceptable for them to be attacking, bes thing Syria can do is keep moving important supplies and get that S-300 system in place.

    I just wish that Syria really does start to make serious progress against the rebels/terrorists so this mess can be cleared up and they can start re-building their country and armed forces. The experience gained by the armed forces from this conflict will make them one of the most experience and best trained forces in the middle east.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Iranian fighter-bombers operating in Syria

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:30 am

    10 x Su-22's have been passed over to the Syrian AF (ex Iraqi planes)

    Syrian Arab Air Force 655

    Iranian fighter-bombers operating in Syria

    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Flagship Victory Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:00 pm

    Is Syria getting Yak-130 and MiG-29M2 it ordered or are they put on hold until the situation stabilizes?
    Cucumber Khan

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Cucumber Khan Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:15 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:Is Syria getting Yak-130 and MiG-29M2 it ordered or are they put on hold until the situation stabilizes?

    On hold indefinitly. Whatever money they paid for them has long been diverted to more urgently needed supplies. As pressed as the SyAAF are for survival right now, it's unlikely they can introduce new types in service.
    Prince Darling

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty syrian army equipment

    Post  Prince Darling Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:33 pm

    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Flagship Victory wrote:Is Syria getting Yak-130 and MiG-29M2 it ordered or are they put on hold until the situation stabilizes?

    On hold indefinitly. Whatever money they paid for them has long been diverted to more urgently needed supplies. As pressed as the SyAAF are for survival right now, it's unlikely they can introduce new types in service.

    very true, but some express plane transfers like Iraq got from Russia last year, would be very helpful.
    it goes without saying that the types of planes need to be in the arsenal already, with trained pilots available, anything else is another few years from being operational.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  George1 Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:11 pm

    Syrian Air Force Equipment at the year 2014

    MiG-29M: ?
    MiG-31: 6?

    MiG-29B: 20
    MiG-25: 35
    MiG-23 ML/MF: 50

    MiG-23BN: 50
    Su-22: 50
    Su-24: 20

    L-392: 35
    Yak-130: ?

    Mi-25D: 35
    SA-342L: 38

    Mi-2: 10
    Mi-8/17: 70

    Some numbers of main aircrafts and helicopters of syrian air force through 2 sources:

    Οf course there can be accurate, can anyone help or correct some numbers?
    Max Italy
    Max Italy

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Max Italy Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:00 pm

    interesting...thank you russia

    PS ...YAK130 have not been delivered yet..

    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Guest Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:31 am

    "Seems SuAF is realy overhauling MiG-23MS. 4 Floggers are seen in Wadi Sayyedna AB in May 2014."

    Syrian Arab Air Force 782XqgF
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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:01 am

    SyAAF MiG-23BN


    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:20 pm

    Syrian Arab Air Force CQqYLhRU8AA5Qa2

    Design of simple "Barrel bombs" used by "regime" in Syria.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:43 am

    What exactly is the western medias problem with so called barrel bombs?

    Does it both them that someone might not be making million dollar high tech bombs?

    Some Russian bombs will be mistaken for barrel bombs because they have a flat nose profile for internal carriage on a subsonic bomber. The 1954 model range of bombs (ie FAB-500M54) have that flat nose profile, while the later 1962 models are more streamlined for carrying on faster aircraft (ie FAB-500M62).

    I personally have never seen Russian or Soviet helicopters fitted with such primitive weapons.. when equipped with bombs they generally use FAB models of the M54 design. The aerodynamic design of the later M62s just make them longer.

    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:16 am

    GarryB wrote:What exactly is the western medias problem with so called barrel bombs?

    Does it both them that someone might not be making million dollar high tech bombs?

    Some Russian bombs will be mistaken for barrel bombs because they have a flat nose profile for internal carriage on a subsonic bomber. The 1954 model range of bombs (ie FAB-500M54) have that flat nose profile, while the later 1962 models are more streamlined for carrying on faster aircraft (ie FAB-500M62).

    I personally have never seen Russian or Soviet helicopters fitted with such primitive weapons.. when equipped with bombs they generally use FAB models of the M54 design. The aerodynamic design of the later M62s just make them longer.

    Bomb as bomb, barely makes any difference if its made of casted steel or from used oil barrel. They just repeat and chant "barrel" bombs like they are some Doomsday weapon of destruction.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:27 am

    Militarov wrote:
    GarryB wrote:What exactly is the western medias problem with so called barrel bombs?

    Does it both them that someone might not be making million dollar high tech bombs?

    Some Russian bombs will be mistaken for barrel bombs because they have a flat nose profile for internal carriage on a subsonic bomber. The 1954 model range of bombs (ie FAB-500M54) have that flat nose profile, while the later 1962 models are more streamlined for carrying on faster aircraft (ie FAB-500M62).

    I personally have never seen Russian or Soviet helicopters fitted with such primitive weapons.. when equipped with bombs they generally use FAB models of the M54 design. The aerodynamic design of the later M62s just make them longer.

    Bomb as bomb, barely makes any difference if its made of casted steel or from used oil barrel. They just repeat and chant "barrel" bombs like they are some Doomsday weapon of destruction.

    Then again, none of these whiners complained when U.S. forces used barrel bombs in Vietnam, or when massive amounts of chemical weapons aka pesticide (Agent Orange, White, Purple) were used, or when the war caused a 3 million death toll.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  George1 Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:18 am

    Combat use of helicopters SA 342 Gazelle in Syria

    Syrian Arab Air Force 370157_original

    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:06 pm

    George1 wrote:Combat use of helicopters SA 342 Gazelle in Syria

    Syrian Arab Air Force 370157_original

    Had pleasure being passenger in one during my military service Very Happy

    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Guest Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:49 pm

    Syrian Arab Air Force CS3kqWrU8AACxim

    Syrian Air Force Mi25 with AT-2 Swatter ATGMs.

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  George1 Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:14 pm

    Syrian Air Force MiG-21 and MiG-23

    Syrian Arab Air Force 11693923_1676406602602089_8617678641610288532_n

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  franco Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:46 pm

    Pictures from the Syrian Air Force... note the home made aviation bombs;

    NOTE: had posted this in another thread but obviously belongs here.

    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:08 am


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    Post  George1 Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:24 pm

    Here this article says that Russia has modernized 9x MiG-29s to MiG-29SMT level. Capable to carry "air-to-air" R-77 missiles and KAB-500S-E guided bombs

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    Syrian Arab Air Force Empty Re: Syrian Arab Air Force

    Post  mack8 Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:26 pm

    For the life of me i cannot understand why Russia is not delivering the 36 Yak-130s and 24 MiG-35s that they ordered, it will multiply SyAAF capabilities tremedously and help the VKS contingent with the burden, if SyAAF can wipe out more rats and more accurately itself then the job will be done faster!

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