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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria


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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:58 pm

    US is saying they are going to topple Syria.

    That's a Senator from the Armed Services Committee. Too bad Russia is losing Syria.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:10 am

    They might have more trouble attacking Syria than they did with Libya...

    The Russian base at Tartus is tiny, but I believe it was to be equipped with S-300s.

    Also the Syrians are supposed to have Moskits in service that are due to be replaced with Yakhonts.

    I can guarantee the Russians will block any UNSC resolution, so it will have to be another coalition of the willing.

    not Irans, Syrian jets...

    Oops, sorry, my mistake.

    I had heard that the Syrians wanted to change their order for Mig-31s to Mig-29SMTs as they would be cheaper and easier to operate and would be multirole.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Viktor Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:00 pm

    Well I think by now Syria got those 20 Pancir-S1 systems.

    Yakhont missiles and MIG-29M/31 on order. Not much of advance weapons but still.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:42 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    I can guarantee the Russians will block any UNSC resolution

    Turkey will take out Syria without the UN. (with secret help of course) Turkey is sending someone to read Syria's leader the "Riot Act"....what's that all about?

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Russian Military involvement and aid to Syria

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:36 pm

    US naval movements around Syria. Hezbollah moves rockets, Iran says will strike Turkey If it attacks Syria .

    Turkey is a NATO member..if they get attacked ..NATO will be required to respond. So these sudden U.S. movements makes sense.

    Iranian/Hezbollah media says they will attack Turkey if they intervene in Syria

    Syrian tanks have pushed toward more towns near the Turkish and Iraqi borders, expanding the crackdown as more Syrians flee their homes.

    Turkish Foreign Ministry calls special meeting of Arab, Western ambassadors to discuss the situation in Syria

    Arab League issues first condemnation of Syria violence

    Arab states are “angry and actively monitoring” the crisis

    Military and intelligence sources report that Monday, June 13, the US deployed the USS Bataan amphibian air carrier strike vessel opposite Syria’s Mediterranean coast with 2,000 marines, 6 war planes, 15 attack helicopters, including new V-22 Ospreys, and 27 choppers for landing forces aboard.Also this week, US naval units went operational in the Aegean, Adriatic and Black Seas as part of the joint US-Ukrainian Sea Breeze 2011 exercise.
    The USS Monterrey cruiser armed with Aegis surface missile interceptors has additionally been stationed in the Black Sea. Western sources additionally report a build-up of ship-borne anti-missile missile strength in the Mediterranean basin.

    This huge concentration of naval missile interceptor units looks like preparations by Washington for the contingency of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah letting loose with surface missiles against US and Israeli targets in the event of US military intervention to stop the anti-opposition slaughter underway in Syria.

    Moscow, Tehran and Damascus, in particular, are taking this exceptional spate of American military movements in and around the Mediterranean as realistically portending American intervention in Syria.

    This concentration of US might also the effect of deterring the Turkish government from going through with its decision to send Turkish troops into Syria. The plan was to create a protected buffer zone where the thousands of refugees in flight from the Assad regime’s military crackdown would be kept safe on Syrian side of the border and out of Turkey.

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyep Erdogan is averse to be seen working hand in glove militarily with any US interference in Syria. At the same time, Western intelligence sources in the Persian Gulf are sure Washington is coordinating its military movements with Ankara and that Erdogan quietly agreed to place Turkish bases at US disposal for an operation in Syria.

    Debka file’s military sources also report that Monday, June 13, Hezbollah began shifting the long- and medium-range rockets it had stored in northern Lebanon to locations in the center of the country. Western military sources first thought the Lebanese Shiite group was taking the precaution of keeping its arsenal safe from a spillover of violence from Syria. Tuesday, however, they learned that Iranian intelligence had advised Hezbollah to remove its rockets out of range of a possible American operation in Syria.
    Tuesday, Iran capped these events with three separate warnings to the Obama administration against military interference in Syria.

    Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said Tuesday: “The Americans are not allowed to launch a military intervention in any country of the region including Syria.”

    He accused “Israel and the USA of standing behind the riots in Syria, Iran’s closest ally in the Arab world… with particular aims…of provoking terrorist groups in Syria and in the region to carry out terrorist and sabotage operations.”

    Another spokesman warned: “Western attempts to set the model of Libya in Damascus are doomed to failure.”

    Iranian Vice President Reza Rahimi accused the United States of preparing and executing “the slaughter of Muslims” worldwide.

    Iran’s ground forces commander Brig. Gen. Kioumars Heidari added this threat: Any new military move by the US in the region will impose heavy costs on the country far greater than the costs it paid in Iraq and Afghanistan

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Pervius Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:51 pm

    Obama NEEDS a World War.

    Turkey will attack Syria. The middle east will go crazy.....the muslims in the US will take their guns to the streets and start shooting. This would PLEASE Obama. After he guns down the muslims in the US, he would use it as an excuse to abolish 2nd Amendment in the United States, no more right to have guns..Martial Law.

    That's what it's all about. The NSA/CIA/Pentagon all know when nations secrets come out....the whole world will be mad at the mega Trillions spent/wasted....military outposts in Space...secret Spacecraft since '69.

    There's nothing Russia/China will be able to do...either they fire off their ICBM's....or slowly die as their allies are whittled away....well there are some things they could do...

    We will soon see if the Shanghai Cooperation has any teeth. Buy gas masks and spare filters. No one will know who used them first....but they will likely be used.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:34 pm

    U.S and NATO are pushing this region towards hell ,

    what is the point here ?! human rights , wow very kind people !

    I wonder how much oil Libya has compared to Syria.

    Hope!! Change!! Turn the corner!! Yes we can!!

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Admin Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:41 am

    There will be no bombing in Syria. US is done, Europe is done... no one left but Israel and that just makes it worse.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:05 am

    One minor correction, NATO is not obliged to help Turkey if Turkey attacks another country and Iran attacks them because of it.
    Just the same as Turkey was not obliged to help the US invade Iraq in 2000 or 1990 if it did not want to.

    NATO is supposed to be a support network to protect its members from external aggression, not external retaliation from aggression.

    Of course NATO was not supposed to operate outside Europe either... I am sure the colonial European powers would have been happy to drag NATO all around the place cleaning up their messes.

    The US and the west need to end a few conflicts so they can scoop up some lucrative oil and mineral contracts and start benefiting from the wars they started.

    They could care less about civil rights in... anywhere...

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Pervius Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:35 pm

    Syria is NOT a party to the Chemical Weapons Convention, yet has Chemical Weapons. Maybe why the US is saying they refuse to destroy their Chemical Weapons Stockpile by April 2012.

    Because Russia is not forcing Syria to destroy its chemical weapons/join the Treaty.

    This is all about the Chemical Weapons Convention and ridding the world of chemical weapons.

    If Russia wanted to prevent Syria from being toppled, it merely has to get Syria to join the Chemical Weapons Convention.....then FORCE the US to comply with the April 2012 mandate....all chemical weapons destroyed.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:27 am

    It is not Russias role to dictate to anyone about chemical weapons stockpiles.

    Syrian chemical weapons are a trivial threat to world peace and security and would hardly be worth going to war over.

    The US refusing to deal with its own stockpile because of Syria is the US doing what it wants for any reason it can make up or find.

    Russia could save a lot of money by scaling back its chemical weapon destruction program.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Pervius Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:48 pm

    GarryB wrote:It is not Russias role to dictate to anyone about chemical weapons stockpiles.

    Yes they do, its in the Treaty. If Russia made it/abandoned it there...they gotta do something about it.

    I think I was correct about Libya's Chemical weapons came from the US, the link below says the US gave Libya $$$ to safely get rid of its chemical weapons. The Treaty said Libya had to get rid of its chemical weapons by April 2011.

    March 2011 the UN Security Council said bomb the pee out of Libya. Must be Gaddafi wasn't going to be able to comply with the April deadline.

    Syria's next.


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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:07 am

    If it is in a treaty then it is not Russia dictating.

    I doubt the attacks on Libya had anything to do with chemical weapons and much more about round two of the coloured revolutions the west started in the former communist countries of Europe that they didn't get on with, now it is the turn of the middle east and africa.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  lulldapull Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:38 pm

    According to the Syrian state news network SANA, only 600 or so of these armed rioters have been killed in Syria since it all began.

    For the lying shit bag UN to claim 'thousands' have died is a disgusting attempt at the usual disinformation.

    There will be no attack on Syria. Russia, China and Iran have drawn the line.

    No body in Russia, China and Iran wants to see more western run puppet regimes like the ones in Libya and Egypt right now.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:54 pm

    lulldapull wrote:

    No body in Russia, China and Iran wants to see more western run puppet regimes like the ones in Libya and Egypt right now.

    Egypt is not awestern puppet regimes, we have all relations with eastern countries ,military,economic,and political co-operation,hay we gave china some F-16 parts, N.korea some missile technology ,we refused CISOMA or establishing U.S military bases in Egypt.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  lulldapull Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:16 pm

    Ahmed, that Tantawi bastard is still on the zionist payroll.......

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:38 am

    For the lying shit bag UN to claim 'thousands' have died is a disgusting attempt at the usual disinformation.

    Like the hundreds of thousands of Albanians ethnically cleansed in Kosovo... except now they can't find the bodies.

    If the UN has told you once it has told you a hundred trillion times... it never exaggerates.

    Regarding Syria... it has too many powerful allies and it is too strong to screw with in my opinion.

    Regarding all the "deaths"... how hard would it be to stage a "peaceful" protest and then send in a few people to fire shots at the police and military and then withdraw and watch the police and Army fire back on the "unarmed" crowd and film it.

    The fact that quite a few army and police personel have been killed suggests this is like Libya... it is a civil war between ARMED factions and any suggestion of "innocent civilians" is propaganda.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:12 pm

    The only "Ally" of any power is Russia but there is only so much murder we can take before we have to let the West do something. Even the Arab League and Turkey have dumped Assad. Iran is telling him to chill out. The Free Syrian Army is getting pretty active and is only a matter of time before they become the people's liberation front for an NTC with Western backing. With 20,000 Army defectors already it won't be long before half of it is gone fighting the other side.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:07 am

    Agree... Russia can help, but you have to help yourself too.

    In Irans case, it could have given a little to make US and Israeli claims be seen to be clearly absurd so that it can go ahead and start building the dozens of nuclear power plants it wants... if it wants a nuclear weapons it would be much easier to collect the required materials with 15-20 civilian nuclear power plants in operation.

    In Syria, the Syrians need to fight the media war... they need to get video footage of "unarmed protesters" shooting at the Army and Police and release that footage. They need to reveal footage of injured or dead Police and Army personnel to counter the footage of the opposition.

    The Arab league and the west demanding an end to the shooting is a bit like someone demanding the US put an end to the protesting going on in the US... if they could I am sure they would, but it really is up to the people in both cases.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Russia reaction in case of US attack to Syria

    Post  runaway Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:11 pm

    The rift between Russia and the West over Syria and Iran has widened on Tuesday as Moscow sent warships to Syrian shores in a show of support for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and slammed new United States sanctions against Iran as “unacceptable”.

    Three Russian warships have entered Syrian territorial waters, Russian wire services reported on Tuesday citing Syrian sources. The news came a day after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the West and Arab monarchies of engaging in “political provocation” in Syria by rejecting dialogue between the opposition and authorities and welcoming armed attacks on government offices.

    The Russian warships were reported to be heading towards the Syrian port of Tartus, where Russia has a naval base. A source close to the Syrian President said the Russian ships would patrol Syrian waters “to prevent any military interference”. Media reports said the ships may try to intercept small vessels that are smuggling weapons for Syrian opposition from the Lebanon and Turkey.

    The Russian military refused either to confirm or deny the reports.

    “We are not commenting on this information,” said Russian Navy spokesman Igor Dygalo.

    I have no info on what ships it is, but its a serious statement from russia.
    And i have no doubt that Nato warships are nearby.
    Its a high risk game, as some nervouse seaman can spark a naval battle.

    Where is Cruiser Moskva? In Syria??

    "Russia has dispatched a naval fleet to the region, including a guided missile cruiser, two anti submarine ships and 47 fighter planes."


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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:52 am

    There should be no conflict sparked at sea... NATO knows the rules, as do the Russian Navy.

    As long as NATO vessels don't enter Syrian waters without permission there should be no problems.

    Regarding attempts to smuggle weapons by sea... that is certainly possible and a few vessels of the Russian navy could certainly help in that regard.

    I doubt Russia will let NATO do what it did in Libya.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  runaway Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:54 pm

    Hope so, because at the same time, two US Carriers took up positions out of the coast of Iran. This can go awfully wrong..

    "Monday, Nov. 21, presidential sources in Damascus announced three warships had entered Syrian territorial waters outside Tartus port

    Those sources stressed the Russian ships would not anchor in the Syrian port, indicating that their mission was not just to show the flag for the Assad regime but was on operational duty along its coasts to resist any foreign intervention in Syria unrest.

    Our military sources are watching to see whether the Russian flotilla targets the small craft transporting arms from Lebanon and Turkey to Syrian rebels fighting the regime. If so, Moscow would be able to present these strikes as actions against piracy which would fall under a UN Security Council resolution.

    While Moscow and Damascus kept the identity of the Russian warships dark, Arab sources said at least two of them are equipped for gathering intelligence and electronic warfare.

    As the Russian warships entered Syrian territorial waters, Canadian Defense Minister Peter McKay announced that in the light of the Syrian crisis, the Royal Canadian Navy would keep back in the Mediterranean until the end of 2012 certain vessels which took part in the Libyan campaign"

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:18 pm

    Well with Russian ships in Syrian waters you can be sure those coastal anti ship batteries should get sufficient data to attack ships at full range rather than just horizon range.

    The main problem is definition... the US navy has a very interesting definition of international waters that rarely corresponds to what everyone else sees as international waters.

    350km around US territory and the USN will treat you like an invader of their territory... they don't expect the same reaction around other countries.

    Of course they don't need any real incident to start a conflict... look at the Vietnam war and the mythical naval incidents that were used to justify intervention.

    BTW the fact that they could possibly be stopping arms imports to the rebels flys in the face of all western media coverage that suggests it is peaceful unarmed democracy protesters against violent oppressive {communist-like} government.

    What would those peace loving democratic unarmed protestors do with automatic weapons?

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  runaway Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:Well with Russian ships in Syrian waters you can be sure those coastal anti ship batteries should get sufficient data to attack ships at full range rather than just horizon range.

    Good thinking Gary.
    Its a powder barrel right now. Though i understand the Syrians wish to oust their dictator, i dont think a NATO bombing cicil war is the way to solve the situation.

    If the Carriers in the persian golf attacks Iran, i guess all hell will break loose in the region. And soon the big K will be there also...
    What about russian subs, any of those in there?


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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:48 pm

    Well I don't think the situation in Syria is very clear at all.

    We have seen plenty of footage from the US showing protesters in the streets... does that mean NATO should bomb the US?

    Just because a group calls for the overthrow of the Syrian government does not mean it should happen or even will happen.

    Ask the people of Egypt how great it is to get rid of a dictator, because at the end of the day when dictators are removed it is not usually because of people power... there needs to be external forces that support a change and they change they will allow is never in the interests of those shedding blood to remove that dictator... it is usually in the hands of those who allowed the change to take place... and the result can be almost worse than than the original problem.

    Gadaffi was no hero, but the people of Libya were hardly enslaved by an evil tyrant either.

    Libya has plenty of natural resources to pay for the damage to be repaired, but that money will disappear into pockets and the Libyan people will not see the benefits... they will just get lip service and half-assed botched building contracts with buildings made out of concrete that has no cement in the mixture because the money for cement was skimmed off the top by the site manager.

    I doubt Russia or Iran will allow the west to go in and do what they did in Libya.

    If the US tries anything then expect to see Manpads crossing the border into Afghanistan in large numbers... right now the helicopter is the safest way to travel there to avoid IEDs. Add modern MANPADS and the cost and complication of that conflict will skyrocket to the point where it becomes simply too expensive and most of the countries will leave.

    The shift in attention away from Syria and back to Afghanistan would suit Iran... and they have plenty of MANPADS that are not amazing, but certainly good enough to be a problem for US forces.

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