From 2019 but more than relevant. The so-called US left is a brownshirt freak show. It is no left I recognize, including the communism of the USSR for most of its existence. Trotsky was trying to introduce this depravity but he did not last. But his followers have clearly succeeded in rotting the US educational system and produced at least one generation of woke retards.
On the subject of feminism, it is amusing that these freaks and their intellectually insulting drivel about being better than men always task males with all sorts of support where they cannot handle the job themselves. If you need men like a fish needs a bicycle, then practice what you preach.
In my opinion, the core of the SJW woke-tard mob is females. There are many male simps in this mob, but there is something offensive to male thinking in SJW-tard beliefs. It is also a fact that females support all the shysters like Bill Clinton because they use feels-based "logic".
The US right wing has its own pet delusions, but compared to the US "left" it retains by far more sanity.
The core of this "ideology" is bitterness, failure and hate. These demons know very well that they cannot succeed in building anything of worth, but they are very willing to destroy if you give them any kind of ideology that even very clumsily justifies them hating the society they never managed to fit in. Same shit we see from "commies" in Russia and many other places, so willing to join any scum against the state, or activists for all sorts of unnecessary BS to divide society. They are social cancer by themselves and used as the first echelon of foot soldiers by the establishment. There is no point in analysing their ideology, it is just an excuse.
I fully expect Canada to establish concentration camps for Russians as the NATzO drang nach osten picks up pace.
The criminal obscenity described in the video does not make any sense. The 2 week home quarantine requirement introduced in 2020 for people flying into Canada was good enough. Forcing people to be quarantined in some government mandated facility is a racket. Canada's case load is not produced by air travelers.
Also, will Pavlov's dogs Americans stop projecting cold war fantasy onto Russia. Russia has not been running internment camps.
I fully expect Canada to establish concentration camps for Russians as the NATzO drang nach osten picks up pace.
The criminal obscenity described in the video does not make any sense. The 2 week home quarantine requirement introduced in 2020 for people flying into Canada was good enough. Forcing people to be quarantined in some government mandated facility is a racket. Canada's case load is not produced by air travelers.
Also, will Pavlov's dogs Americans stop projecting cold war fantasy onto Russia. Russia has not been running internment camps.
Those camps will primarily be for the unwashed unvaxxed masses (which in reality means people that do not want to submit to the new techno-feudal system of total control and death of all civic liberties).
The vaccine passport might as well be considered the Mark of the Beast - because after these have been implemented surely it will be much easier/more convenient to just get a chip in your hand, right?
Normies are getting groomed for this by de-humanisation tactics and the creation of an us-versus-them mentality. This happening right now. Expect it to ramp once the 50-70 percent vaccination threshold has been reached. Those vaccinations might very well become an annual occurance bytheway, or even half yearly (like Netanyahu suggested today)
We WaNt tO gO bACk tO nOrMaL bUt tHE CoNSpiRaCy tHeoRIstS wOnT LeT US!!!11
The plot really does write itself. After having seen the COVID 1984 scam unfold I am sure the majority will fall for it anyway. Already the media is kind of condoning violence against conspiracy idiots/maskholes/vaxx deniers etc. The next step will be encouragement of cutting of unvaxxed family members, reporting people that have cheated and even the use of violence of 'those that put others at risk'
As for the populists, white supremacists (LOL) and other national security threats (like pro-Putin guys), surely there will be some special wings for you guys in the 'voluntary detention camps'
Rest assured that you have been profiled, named and tracked a long time ago.
I fully expect Canada to establish concentration camps for Russians as the NATzO drang nach osten picks up pace.
The criminal obscenity described in the video does not make any sense. The 2 week home quarantine requirement introduced in 2020 for people flying into Canada was good enough. Forcing people to be quarantined in some government mandated facility is a racket. Canada's case load is not produced by air travelers.
Also, will Pavlov's dogs Americans stop projecting cold war fantasy onto Russia. Russia has not been running internment camps.
Russians are proud people, you really think that these assholes will be able to put Russians in concentration camps without their asses getting nuked(if it came to that)?
I fully expect Canada to establish concentration camps for Russians as the NATzO drang nach osten picks up pace.
The criminal obscenity described in the video does not make any sense. The 2 week home quarantine requirement introduced in 2020 for people flying into Canada was good enough. Forcing people to be quarantined in some government mandated facility is a racket. Canada's case load is not produced by air travelers.
Also, will Pavlov's dogs Americans stop projecting cold war fantasy onto Russia. Russia has not been running internment camps.
Russians are proud people, you really think that these assholes will be able to put Russians in concentration camps without their asses getting nuked(if it came to that)?
Many of them aren't even Russian citizens, no one is going to do shit
Thinking that WW3 will get started over the internment of (dual passported) US/Canadian/British citizens/residents on grounds of 'domestic terrorism' or 'national security'
Man some people on here are STILL not getting the message.
And of course number 5: instill in the population deep self hatred and guilt, open up the floodgates for the immigrants
To be fair there are people around the world who are not in Europe who call themselves Europeans that would count as immigrants and they generally have a very arrogant view on how they influenced local development and growth...
White europeans in europe complaining about a little backwash after they destroy a few countries like Syria and Libya and end up with immigrants from all sorts of countries that white europeans have spent the better part of 500 years keeping poor and stealing resources from is actually amusing.
If peace and democracy and market forces were all they are cracked up to be there should not be such a thing as the third world these days.
And of course number 5: instill in the population deep self hatred and guilt, open up the floodgates for the immigrants
To be fair there are people around the world who are not in Europe who call themselves Europeans that would count as immigrants and they generally have a very arrogant view on how they influenced local development and growth...
White europeans in europe complaining about a little backwash after they destroy a few countries like Syria and Libya and end up with immigrants from all sorts of countries that white europeans have spent the better part of 500 years keeping poor and stealing resources from is actually amusing.
If peace and democracy and market forces were all they are cracked up to be there should not be such a thing as the third world these days.
This post gave me mind cancer. So many SJW talking points, revisionist history, conjecture and pilpul that it would not misfit in the current Trotsky ist voodoo woke gutter literature section at the local library-turned-indoctrination-center
You might have found yourself a new job there bytheway
Cherry on the cake is of course the 'White European' shtick. More Sabbatean Frankfurt shit masquerading as kumbayoo diversity nonsense. Yet I will not let myself be defined out of existence through cutting people's history away and thereby denying them a future.
Last edited by elconquistador on Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
To be fair there are people around the world who are not in Europe who call themselves Europeans that would count as immigrants and they generally have a very arrogant view on how they influenced local development and growth...
Before the Spanish arrived here warfare among the natives was so endemic it was practically the national sport. Girls as young as 8 were made to marry and were sold like cattle by their families like it was nothing. Needless to say the Spanish brought a stop to all that fun stuff when they brought civilization with them. I wouldn't begrudge it if some Europeans are proud of what they achieved here - we're not ingrates.
GarryB wrote: White europeans in europe complaining about a little backwash after they destroy a few countries like Syria and Libya and end up with immigrants from all sorts of countries that white europeans have spent the better part of 500 years keeping poor and stealing resources from is actually amusing.
If peace and democracy and market forces were all they are cracked up to be there should not be such a thing as the third world these days.
The vast majority of Europeans wanted no part in either conflicts, or the many colonial adventures in the past for that matter. Only the tiny minority hoarding all the power and wealth are the ones who have pushed for these wars with the ordinary Europeans being shafted by having to finance and die in these wars while the wealthy elites get all the sweet, sweetheart deals for the oil and minerals.
Before the Spanish arrived here warfare among the natives was so endemic it was practically the national sport. Girls as young as 8 were made to marry and were sold like cattle by their families like it was nothing. Needless to say the Spanish brought a stop to all that fun stuff when they brought civilization with them. I wouldn't begrudge it if some Europeans are proud of what they achieved here - we're not in grates.
Are you a Filipino native or an expat living there?
Used to be a local "journalist". I had my address removed from the phone book before I started working for the paper because I'd already heard that anyone writing from a NOT left of center perspective was targeted and threatened. That was about 30 years ago, class. I got nasty letters, weird phone calls, and hate mail via the editorial page. I knew it was going to be that way so I developed a thick skin. For two decades people would recognize me around town and say, "Hey, don't you write that column for the paper??" Mostly they were nice but I was glad when it was over and people stopped recognizing me. Still, if you want to whine about your "mental health", remember - it's likely you never had any to begin with.
1. UNITED AIRLINES will start a policy that makes 50 percent of its pilots womyn and pypo of cola (POC)
When going woke goes deadly
2. Is anyone following the Derek Chauvin trial? It's disastrous. They have no case. Dude was a hardcore criminal, resisted arrested, then swallowed all his drugs, resisted somemore, OD'd and then died from the consequences of it (with a cop on his neck using a perfectly legal technique to restrain arrestees). Yet the media is trying to spin it as if its a clear case of murder (in whichever degree)
I am saying that as a person who holds no love for US cops, defund the police is one of the few initiatives I can actually get behind.
Two options here. a. He gets acquitted on at least some points and mass rioting ensues, b. He gets convicted on all counts, which will mean another major dent in the US justice system
3. Clownworld in Prison Island, I mean not so Great Britain