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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:10 am

    lyle6 wrote:Two black """teens""" murder a man for his car in broad daylight in DC.

    America has a nigger problem.

    These barbaric cases are routine. The human excrement that perpetrates them has zero education and is brainwashed
    by the PC totalitarians that they are special and entitled. You see, it's "racism" to demand that they have qualifications
    for a job, but its "disadvantaged victims" when they commit murder.

    This human excrement are the real racists and they can't pin some American history on the rest of humanity.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  elconquistador Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:27 am

    In places like Minneapolis (home of Saint George or should I say Fentanyl 'gimme yo money or ill kill your unborn child' Floyd) carjackings have gone up with at least 300 percent

    It's not much different in Chicago, Baltimore or basically any other city that is 1. Democrat run and 2. Has a high population of joggers/ dindu nuffins/ spring breakers

    It's basically South Africa now, and this crime wave seem to be getting worse by the day. I sometimes expect another globalist plot - as this could be directly tied to the Defund the Police movement (instead you'll have 'community organiser' Jamal telling his bruhs 'ayoo wassup dawg why you stealin' mah-nie?)

    So yes. Defund the Police, and thereby purge the LEA who are mostly White right leaning males. Experience a crime wave. Public begs for law and order. Install a new vibrant Trotskyist police force

    As for this man, a Pakistani named Mohammed Anwar, he's dead. If this would have been the Pakistani community in England (violent, inbred folks from the NorthWest tribal region) there would be repurcussions. Now probably not.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  elconquistador Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:43 am

    As for blacks in the USA, they are now God tier. You can't blaspheme them or you'll get cancelled, ostracised and possibly hurt. You can't touch them or you'll be hit with the full force of the law. You can't defend yourself in case one tries to steal from or you or even hurt you. The right to protect yourself anno 2021 means nothing and everything will be framed in the oppressor-oppressed frame - even though reality is the opposite. You will be forced to pay tribute in the form of taxes, welfare and soon reparations. They will have an advantage in education and the workplace, because they are so oppressed. You'll get black history and culture shoved down your throat in the office, schools, public spaces and basically everywhere else - whilst anything remotely related to your own culture and history will be labelled evil and racist.

    In short you can only run. No doubt soon JoJo will support new housing zone laws meaning that lily White rural communities will get flooded with either getto folk or 'refugees', much like the Somalians in Minnesota and the Congolese in New England.

    America is doomed.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:47 pm

    When something is broken you have to try to fix it, but of course when in trying to fix it you end up making things worse for everyone... you have to be very careful about fixing such problems and there is no instant fix and no easy fix.

    Hiring minorities for jobs to counter the results of years of oppression and abuse does make sense, but only if the people you are hiring can do the job.

    Racism can be innocent... if all your current employees are one ethnic race then adding different races to that mix can cause problems... it is a tricky tightrope walk with no net and lots of people watching everything you do.

    It is mostly white people in power with political power and economic power so ultimately they are the ones to blame which ever way this goes, but there was no magic solution just because you put this or that person in this job... soon companies are going to be more worried about the race and colour and gender of their CEOs than running their companies... and we can see what forced diversity has done to movies... who is even interested in seeing a PC James Bond?

    Of course it might be part of the plan... give hand outs to black people because that is not going to make a huge difference but we can pretend it does, but all this extra cash in the communities that traditionally don't put money in savings accounts means they will probably spend it... and if they are smart they will buy durable goods like fridges and freezers... even if they don't need a new one now down the road they will be needing to replace them and in a few years with everyone spending on new stuff inflation is going to be a problem so what is 1K now might be 5K in a few years time so buy it now and store it till you need it...

    But all this extra cash is going to encourage crime.

    With Obama in charge there was no drop in black people getting killed by police and no drop in those police getting off any time for the innocent people they killed... if you are a serial killer I would say your best bet to get away with it would be join the police force and volunteer for dangerous neighbourhoods...

    The point is that with a black person in the Presidents chair nothing changed so affirmative action probably wont make that much difference either...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  elconquistador Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:41 pm

    When something is broken you have to try to fix it, but of course when in trying to fix it you end up making things worse for everyone... you have to be very careful about fixing such problems and there is no instant fix and no easy fix.


    All of this is unfortunately make believe stuff resting on egalitarian post-modernist principles

    You can't turn a cow into a horse and neither can you turn a violent low impulse control mildly retarded and feeling-wronged getto dweller with an IQ in the range of 70-80 into a proper law abiding contributing-to-society citizen

    With Obama in charge there was no drop in black people getting killed by police and no drop in those police getting off any time for the innocent people they killed...

    This is another conventional misconception that just doesn't want to die it seems.

    UNARMED blacks are not more likely to be victims of police shootings. This is a lie peddle by race hustlers looking to stir the pot and create tensions. I understand that we are living in the post truth era, but this can be disproven easily by looking at the statistics.

    USPDs are cowboys who are shooting people regardless of skin color, the difference is that blacks get prime time and everybody else doesn't

    It is mostly white people in power with political power and economic power so ultimately they are the ones to blame which ever way this goes
    I suggest more early life checks and less MSM

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  elconquistador Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:47 pm

    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Screen58

    She is (deliberately) missing one. Fat Syrian SJW dwarf kills 10 White people in Colorado, media goes ballistics after the event, completely ignores it after it turns out the victims are White and the shooter is not.

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:51 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    You can't turn a cow into a horse and neither can you turn a violent low impulse control mildly retarded and feeling-wronged getto dweller with an IQ in the range of 70-80 into a proper law abiding contributing-to-society citizen

    This is the critical detail that PC conformists cannot process.   We are dealing with exactly uneducated morons (in the technical definition) here.   These
    are not "disadvantaged victims".   Disadvantage and childhood poverty does not produce sadistic, nihilist monsters.   Skin colour is not the determining
    factor at all.   This includes all the BS about history over 155 years ago.

    For example, blacks who come to the USA from Africa actually do quite well.   That is because they are not picked from the 70-80 IQ pool and are
    likely in the high IQ tail of the Gaussian.   This pattern has been there for decades and is not some affirmative action phenomenon.   You can tell,
    because the affirmative action is not elevating the ghetto losers out of their self-pity and entitlement pigsty.  

    Even if the IQ metric is fuzzy it does reflect underlying differences in brain function.  You could define another metric based on the level of
    glucose consumption when doing various intellectual tasks such as memorizing and problem solving in different subject areas.   It has been
    demonstrated with CT scans that people who are not "smart" burn much higher levels of glucose because they are not able to finish the task
    or spend way too long on it.   Thus the brain is topologically related to muscles in its function.   That is, people who find it hard to think,
    will avoid thinking, thus they will fail to develop their brain capacity.   Human intelligence is not provided in the womb, it is formed after
    birth.   All of these 'hood turds never bothered to get educated, so trivially their brain capacity is smaller.

    When such mentally underdeveloped people encounter reality, they can't handle it.   Resentment is a prime symptom of their cognitive
    dissonance.   It is easier to blame someone else for your problems than yourself.   They are in denial that their own choices put them where
    they are and not whitey's "oppression".    There are enough black neighbourhoods in the USA (e.g. South Boston) of sufficient size that
    blacks would be able to function in near isolation from any white racism.   Given the generous support from all level of government for
    "disadvantaged groups" over the last 60 years, there is enough time to elevate one's level and not wallow in ghetto toilets.   Instead,
    ironically, the trend over the last 60 years has shown a degradation of black communities with soaring crime and break down of families.
    Thomas Sowell's analysis of this trend is brilliant.   He cannot be fobbed off as a right wing racist hack, if you listen to what he actually
    has to say, he makes his case.   By contrast, the "left" is trapped in neo-Trotskyist nonsense such as Critical Race Theory and other
    BS that makes their theorizing worthless.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:30 pm


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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:45 pm

    Very funny, but i am surprised Australia's even reporting it like this.


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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:03 pm

    Decline of the western society - Page 38 ExhOT5zXMAU2yLR?format=jpg&name=medium

    So BLM but clearly non B lives do not matter.


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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:26 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:Very funny, but i am surprised Australia's even reporting it like this.


    Because they are actually afraid of China. Fear is not necessarily the basis of false interpretations. It can focus the mind
    on relevant aspects as well.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  lyle6 Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:18 pm

    kvs wrote:

    So BLM but clearly non B lives do not matter.


    Ship them over here. We know how to take care of animals.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:31 pm

    lyle6 wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    So BLM but clearly non B lives do not matter.


    Ship them over here. We know how to take care of animals.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  lyle6 Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:02 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:


    Philippines. Where we have the finest of third world penology has to offer - not that faggy $100,000 a year hotels you call prisons. Even fucking Lucifer would be contrite if he had to stay one night in our cells - that's how bad it is Razz

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:09 pm

    Russia does not treat its prisons as country clubs either. But the Philippines have money problems that make the jails that extra bit special Very Happy

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Maximmmm Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:25 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Covid-19 aside, NYC is a shithole with petty kommisars that are driving small businesses out of town.

    Rossman's vids are sometimes a pretty cool insight into running a small business in a crazy place.
    I liked his series on picking a new location.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  thegopnik Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:09 am

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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:01 am

    So BLM but clearly non B lives do not matter.

    Of course the guy is going to try to defend his car... he is an uber driver... he earns his living with that car.

    Pretty clear message to all uber drivers... make sure you have your hand gun in a leg holster and not in the glove box...

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:16 am

    GarryB wrote:
    So BLM but clearly non B lives do not matter.

    Of course the guy is going to try to defend his car... he is an uber driver... he earns his living with that car.

    Pretty clear message to all uber drivers... make sure you have your hand gun in a leg holster and not in the glove box...

    The perverse manner in which this natural reflex was used to justify the murder in that Tweet (or whatnot) exchange
    is just too much.

    But it is generally better to surrender the wallet, purse, jewelry, or car than to lose your life over it. I knew someone
    who died at the hands of some junkie trying to mug him for what was basically petty cash. Unless you train and are
    prepared to defend yourself in court it is better not to resist. That car was not worth the victim's life. But, that does
    not mitigate the crime in any way.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:30 am

    I agree, but sometimes you don't get a choice and they are after a thrill and sometimes stealing is not enough...

    It is illegal here to prepare weapons to defend yourself, but being aware of things around you that can be used as weapons is not.

    When the police are a long way away you have to take precautions.

    Obviously you have insurance, so stealing your TV... who cares... let them have it... perhaps time to upgrade anyway... but if he is creeping upstairs and going into bedrooms and he knows you are there...

    Funny thing is a friend of mine told me a story... there was a group of thieves that were targeting farms... they were stealing quad bikes because they are valuable and you can sell them to young people for riding on the beach or cross country or whatever.

    Anyway this farmer hears noises coming from his shed in the wee small hours so he calls the police... after waiting 5 minutes on hold he talks to a lady who says they are very busy and don't have time to send any officers out that far from the city, so he should file a report and they would send someone to take down all the details later in the week... so the farmer says... that is OK... I have shot two of them, there are only two more anyway and hung up the phone.

    Well ten minutes later there are helicopters and about 6 police vans with armed offenders squads and dog handlers and cop cars everywhere... and the head cop comes up and said I was told people had been shot, to which the farmer replied I was told there were no police available for just a robbery.

    The reality is that most of the time you are on your own and if you have a machine gun and you shoot some intruder it is probably you that is going to jail, but then if that intruder has knifes and tape and all sorts of things like tasers and pepper spray and chloroform then I think I would probably make an effort to do him some serious damage.

    Would rather survive the incident and be able to explain my side of the story to a jury than leave my future in the hands of some criminal.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Hole Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:43 pm

    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Exlunr10
    Rolling Eyes

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    Post  elconquistador Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:48 pm

    ^^That has to be fake


    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Exmz7l10

    4 Amerimutt wyman navy commanders talking about empowerment and fighting the patriarchy

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  nomadski Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:53 pm

    @ GarryB

    "...... Would rather survive the incident and be able to explain my side of the story to a jury than leave my future in the hands of some criminal......."

    Calling the police is a good idea. But no guarantee. Corruption is endemic in the police in the UK. plus they could themselves hide the facts, since they are hand in glove with the security services, who are beyond the law and commit crimes with licence. The best bet is to record facts with a secure source, a lawyer or friend or hidden camera or simply record with mobile....... Before you take care of business.

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:45 pm

    Excellent analysis.  But he is too soft on the US.  Its legal facade is fake.   A way to grab the moral high ground by claiming it.  
    The Puritan culture substrate even if well removed from the 1600s is consistent with the US obsession with communism.   It
    is a species of moral communism itself.   So it naturally gets agitated by a competing alternative.    Calvinists and their relatives
    may believe that God loves the rich, but they are not true individualists.    They could care less about your economic situation
    and let you die under a bridge, but they will assume the right to judge your moral conformity.   The current spasm of witch
    hunting euphemistically called cancel culture again demonstrates that these self-anointed moral thought police are prepared
    for you and your family to die under a bridge for the sin of non-conformity.  

    Yes, I know that neo-Trotskyism is at the heart of PC retardation.   But there must have been some sort of soil for it to grow.
    And it has clearly transmuted from classical communism into a perverse (squared) variant fitted to American culture.   So instead
    of worker's rights we have Puritan type obsession with morality as identity politics.   American Trotskyism gives a flying fcuk about
    the well being of workers.  (Soviet communism with all of its excesses was centered on the economy especially after Trotsky
    was kicked out of power.)   It is a phony morality system with worship of minority rights.   "Social jutice" of a very specific kind.

    It is indeed ironic that a religion that worships social deviation is not about individualism.   If it was about individualism, it would
    not be chasing anyone down for non-conformity to the hive.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:35 am

    Calling the police is a good idea. But no guarantee. Corruption is endemic in the police in the UK. plus they could themselves hide the facts, since they are hand in glove with the security services, who are beyond the law and commit crimes with licence. The best bet is to record facts with a secure source, a lawyer or friend or hidden camera or simply record with mobile....... Before you take care of business.

    First step is call the police of course, but I live in New Zealand so the chances of the police turning up and helping the criminal take my stuff for a cut of the proceeds is pretty low to zero.

    The problem of course is that between the time the call is made and when the police arrive gives time to do lots of things by all parties involved.

    I am sure there are plenty of people who will be angry at this violation of privacy and potential threat to property, but really as long as the family is safe I have no intention of being a hero and confronting the person. Getting camera footage will make it easier for them to find the person if they leave and to also perhaps get a conviction, but I don't think trying to hurt him or even kill him or her makes any sense at all.

    The critical thing is to make it look not worth their while to continue and for them to want to leave and cut their losses... then the police can sort it all out.

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