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    US Economy Thread


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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  nemrod Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:40 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:So now write a dissertation describing how this "stealing" looks like and by what mechanisms it is achieved. So far you contradict yourself in the same sentence (poor countries by definition have nothing worth of stealing. Otherwise they would not be poor)
    Indeed, it seems to be a contradiction.

    Sudan for example is a poor country, nevertheless, very rich because at first of its youth, its people, aside the population, the basement, full of oil, uranium, gold etc...
    But poorly defended hence an easy prey.
    Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Camerun, ivory coast, Indonesia, fact most of asian, middle-east, and african countries. Because they have not nuclear weapon to defend themselves.

    As Sa'iqa wrote:So now write a dissertation describing how this "stealing" looks like and by what mechanisms it is achieved.
    I could not describe the mechanism here in this forum, it would be too long to explain, and noone could read this post -I think even you  Very Happy , you won't read this post-
    Internet is full of links, circumstantial reports, with many proofs, many explanations, full of videos, full of blogs, etc....
    May I suggest to read this book :
    Confessions of an Economic Hitman : John Perkins.
    I think you could find most of the mechanisms in this book. However, I think you are already aware about most of them.

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Why America is in bankruptcy.

    Post  nemrod Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:24 pm

    As we've already said several times America -among several european countries many of them are among the most hostile against Russia- is following the soviet path's collapse.

    US Economy Thread - Page 4 B1245e321035024

    See the case for example Estonia that is one of the most agressive against Russia. Isn't a way to deviate the people anger against its bad leaders ?

    In that context, how could you avoid the Budget defense collapse ?
    America is no longer the hyper power, America is a power like others Russia, China, Japan, etc...

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Is Marcellus Shale production in decline ?

    Post  nemrod Sun May 04, 2014 2:35 pm

    What I understood, Marcellus is one of the most important gas Shale' field in USA. If this field is on decline, the all shale gas and oil area's bubble will burst. Hence, all US economy that already is into depression should collapse.
    It explains why US leaders are trying to trigger 3th world war, if no war occure, they could steal -free- all gas shale fields situated in Ukraine,  and most of the important fields are located in east of Ukraine. Undoubtedly the rogue junte that has the power in Ukraine is ready to sell out all the fields to US gangsters as Texaco, Mobil, etc...
    I don't know whether, Marcellus Shale field is on decline or not regarding its production, however what iam sure is, whatever reports come from US Energy Information Administration, or every so-called UN organisations, all is only hype, we won't know if it is thruth or lie.  We will have to monitor Marcellus shale production' status with sucritiny, it will determine what should be the US behaviour.

    Another link explaining the overall shale status in USA
    or here :

    Marcellus Shale Sees Large Production Declines
    Jan. 23, 2014 6:20 PM ET |

    The EIA monthly tight oil drilling productivity report forecasts a very large jump in Marcellus shale gas legacy production decline month-on-month of 49 MMcf/d for February. It is a huge increase in the trend, which in the previous three monthly EIA reports only came out to a 10MMcf/d increase in decline rates on average.

    This is a very important development given that currently, if we are to take shale gas production from all other fields combined, production is in slight decline mode. It is hard to tell exactly by what magnitude the decline is occurring, because aside from the six fields covered by the EIA in its newest monthly report series on tight oil and gas, we do not have up to date data. We know that other major fields such as the Barnett in Texas and Fayetteville in Arkansas are in decline while the Utica field is just starting to come online.

    The thing that seems to get lost in all the noise regarding the shale gas revolution is that we are now down to a one field revolution, with the rest of the industry already in stagnation mode just half a decade into it. A few bright spots aside from the Marcellus field, such as Eagle Ford, which is mainly talked about as a liquid fuel play, are still in production increase mode and will be for a few more years most likely, but it is not enough to make up for the decline in four other major shale gas fields.

    What this jump means for Marcellus and shale gas in the future.

    The most common counter-argument used by shale gas enthusiasts to deflect arguments that the boom will be short-lived has been to point to the falling natural gas spot price as the main reason for declining shale gas fields. If we look at the EIA data however, there is now reason to believe that natural gas price bottoming and moving up again will not have as great an impact on production as hoped. Natural gas prices bottomed at just under $2 per million BTU’s in the spring of 2012 and has since increased to over $4 and we are now possibly looking at $5 per million BTUs, given that as of today the spot price is at $4.80. Yet, if we look at the production profile of fields such as Haynesville where production has been in decline for a few years now, we see no reverse of the declining trend as a response to the price increase.

    The Haynesville field peaked a few months before the price of gas bottomed at just under $2 in April 2012 at a record production rate of about 10.5 billion cubic feet per day. Field production is now down to 6.3 billion cubic feet per day and as the chart shows no evidence of a decline rate slowing significantly, never mind reversing the decline in response to growing natural gas prices.

    While a one month increase in legacy production decline rate does not tell us a lot about specific future monthly increase trends for the Marcellus field, it does tell us the obvious, which is that the net increase in production from month to month will be affected going forward. For instance, if from now on we were to assume that the rate of legacy production decline rate and the total gross monthly increase due to new production were to be the same (10 MMcf/d for instance), the monthly net increase in production will stay the same as in February. In other words we can assume the net increase each month to be 388 MMcf/d, which is about 10% less than the average increase we had in the Nov-January period. I believe Marcellus shale still has some way to go before it reaches a peak, but if we will have more such jumps in legacy decline rates, or this large decline from existing fields becomes a new monthly trend, the end of the shale gas revolution will come much faster than most expect. I don’t think there will be much of a gas revolution left once the Marcellus reaches a peak.

    It remains to be seen whether a further increase in natural gas prices will have the expected desired effect of unleashing a second round of shale gas recovery from these fields. I have no doubt that price will have an effect on production and it will be a positive one. Given the lack of response so far on the production side in fields that are already in decline, despite steady upward price momentum for almost two years now, I believe the size of the price effect on production will be very disappointing. Combining the two conclusions, it seems clear that we might be just a few short years away from the shale gas revolution stalling out.

    Possible side effects:

    There are currently many companies investing in the United States with the expectation of relatively cheap and abundant natural gas supplies available for perhaps decades to come. As I pointed out in a previous article (link), there is currently 18 Bcf/d worth of NGL export capacity being planned. A company like Cheniere (LNG), which is heavily invested in building such capacity, could get hurt if supply of natural gas will turn out to be either too expensive or simply unavailable.

    Sasol (SSL) is planning to build a $14 billion gas to liquids (GTL) plant in Louisiana, which will not be profitable if natural gas price rises over $6 according to various estimates. In order to retrieve the capital investment involved in building the plant, Sasol will need low natural gas prices for a few decades to come. Shell canceled a similar plan for a GTL project in Louisiana in 2013.

    Much was made last year of Dow Chemical (DOW) investing in the United States once again in order to take advantage of the low price of natural gas, which is the main feedstock in its plastics production operations (link). If this is the main reason Dow Chemical is investing, it might end up being a poor decision.

    There is no doubting the fact that much economic activity depends on the expected shale gas boom, which is still forecast by many prestigious organizations such as the EIA to continue for decades to come, despite early evidence of potential for us to be left disappointed. It is not only about some companies which decided to take this projected increase in natural gas supplies for granted, which can easily end up suffering great loss as a result of making very large investments based on these projections that can get hurt. The US economy is in desperate need of some engines of growth given that the consumer is squeezed by high debt and declining median household income for a decade and a half already. Shale oil and gas was a just in time arrival on the economic scene and based on increasing indicators could also be a faster than expected departure, leaving everybody very disappointed.

    Source: Marcellus Shale Sees Large Increase In Legacy Production Decline


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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty 101 Million Americans Receive Food Stamps

    Post  nemrod Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:32 pm

    Far from figures, the hype, the so-called economic recovery, the reality is here, 101 millions of americans are receiving Food stamps program. No worth to add more details about the propaganda, the facts are here.

    101 Million Americans Receive Food Stamps

    The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that 101,000,000 Americans are on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the domestic US at a cost of $114 billion annually as of 2012.

    For perspective, the number of US citizens receiving food stamps surpasses the number of employed workers in the private sector.

    The Bureau of Labor (BoL) statistical data shows that in 2012 an estimated 97,180,000 full – time workers were accounted for.

    The USDA said that the surge of Americans accepting SNAP benefits is at a “historically high figure that has risen with the economic downturn.”

    Earlier this month, the USDA Food Nutrition Service (FNS) preformed an audit that revealed American families are combining benefits from multiple federal agencies such as the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); Women, Infants and Children (WIC); the Summer Food Service (SFS); and the Special Milk Program (SMP) to help them meet their nutritional needs.

    The audit points out: “With the growing rate of food insecurity among U.S. households and significant pressures on the Federal budget, it is important to understand how food assistance programs complement one another as a safety net, and how services from these 15 individual programs may be inefficient, due to overlap and duplication.”

    Shockingly, “food-stamp use rose 2.8% in the U.S. in April from a year earlier, with more than 15% of the U.S. population receiving benefits.”

    The House of Representatives voted down the $940 billion Farm Bill last month. Contained in the bill was $743.9 billion allocated to SNAP; which was also the biggest and most controversial part of the legislation.

    This would have led to a $2 billion cut to the SNAP program and made receiving benefits all the more difficult for struggling Americans.

    The Obama administration threatened to veto the House version of the bill should it pass.

    It is assumed through statistical data that 200,000 children receive free meals through the NSLP.

    Recently First Lady Michelle Obama, along with the USDA, announced their plans to severely restrict the caloric intake of students receiving meals through NSLP.

    The USDA released “Smart Snacks in School” that outlines federal standards for nutrition stands for “students, parents, school stakeholders and the food and beverage industries to implement the new guidelines, and make the healthy choice the easy choice for America’s young people.”

    Caloric restrictions mandate that snack items can contain no more than 200 calories and entrees cannot contain more than 350 calories.

    While low-calorie diets cause weight loss, they are also extremely dangerous because they decrease metabolic rates which throws the human body into survival mode and could lead to health problems such as heart disease, less muscle development, hypo-glycemic conditions; including the development of diabetes.

    Caloric controls for school nutrition programs state that “kindergarteners to fifth-graders, lunches must contain 550 to 650 calories, and for ninth- to 12th-graders, lunches must have 750 to 850 calories.”

    Using “science-based nutrition guidelines” with recommendations from the National Institute of Medicine (NIM) children and parents will have choices that are pre-approved by the federal government and Michelle Obama.

    Tom Vislack, secretary for the USDA said: “Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our children. Parents and schools work hard to give our youngsters the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong, and providing healthy options throughout school cafeterias, vending machines, and snack bars will support their great efforts.”

    Michelle Obama has endeavored to:

    • Create national health standards for children
    • Admonish parents and caregivers for not following those guidelines
    • Control what food is available in schools
    • Bar access to food not approved by the federal government
    • Demand that children participate in physical activity

    As of 2012, according to the Census Bureau , 15% of the US population descended into poverty in 2011. That amounts to 46 million Americans at or below the poverty threshold with an average household income of $23,200.00 annually for a family of four.

    Socialist programs like social security benefits assured that 21 million people were kept out of poverty. At the same time unemployment benefits floated 2.3 million people from being totally destitute.

    The fact of low-paying jobs and the unemployed are causing our American economy to continue to flounder. This is a direct causation to the destruction of the middle class in America.

    Retirement and investments is the last thing on American’s minds when they are trying to make current ends meet on $4000 per month.

    As the majority of Americans become impoverished, the wealthiest 1% have seen their net worth skyrocket above 288 times the average median household.

    - See more at:


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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Has The Next Recession Already Begun For America's Middle Class?

    Post  nemrod Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:36 pm


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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty The Size Of The Derivatives Bubble Hanging Over The Global Economy Hits A Record High

    Post  nemrod Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:48 pm

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:10 pm

    "Only" 48 million receive food stamps actually. But the people relied on food stamps can very well be double this number due to ward members.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:17 pm

    nemrod wrote:

    Yes, from 2008 to 2012 shrunk to about 50% but now is back on again to 2008 levels. This is a time-bomb indeed.
    A repetition of a bubble similar to 2007 bubble (some one trillion altogether) is easy to come, and this time there will be the end of time literally.
    Actually I want to see this, the alive will open the graves to step inside and dead people will be all over the street left unburied.

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Total Debt In America Hits Nearly 60 Trillion Dollars

    Post  nemrod Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:17 pm

    The United States Of Debt: Total Debt In America Hits A New Record High Of Nearly 60 Trillion Dollars

    What would you say if I told you that Americans are nearly 60 TRILLION dollars in debt? Well, it is true. When you total up all forms of debt including government debt, business debt, mortgage debt and consumer debt, we are 59.4 trillion dollars in debt. That is an amount of money so large that it is difficult to describe it with words. For example, if you were alive when Jesus Christ was born and you had spent 80 million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent 59.4 trillion dollars by now. And most of this debt has been accumulated in recent decades. If you go back 40 years ago, total debt in America was sitting at about 2.2 trillion dollars. Somehow over the past four decades we have allowed the total amount of debt in the United States to get approximately 27 times larger. This is utter insanity, and anyone that thinks this is sustainable is completely deluded. We are living in the greatest debt bubble of all time, and there is no way that this is going to end well. Just check out the chart...

    When the last recession hit, total debt in America actually started going down for a short period of time.

    But then the Federal Reserve and our politicians in Washington worked feverishly to reinflate the bubble and they assured everyone that everything was going to be just fine. So Americans once again resorted to their free spending ways, and now total debt in the United States is rising at almost the same trajectory as before and has hit a new all-time record high.

    We see a similar thing when we look at a chart for consumer debt in America...

    For a while after the recession it was trendy to cut up your credit cards and get out of debt.

    But that fad wore off rather quickly, didn't it?

    It is almost as if 2008 never happened. We are making the same mistakes with debt that we did before.

    As I noted recently, total consumer credit in the U.S. has risen by 22 percent over the past three years alone, and at this point 56 percent of all Americans have a subprime credit rating.

    And have you noticed that a lot of people are not afraid to extend themselves in order to buy shiny new vehicles these days?

    During the first quarter 0f this year, the size of the average vehicle loan soared to a new all-time record high of $27,612.

    Five years ago, that number was just $24,174.

    And as I noted in one recent article, the size of the average monthly car payment in this country is now up to $474.

    That is practically a mortgage payment.

    Speaking of mortgage payments, even though home sales have been falling and the rate of homeownership in the United States is the lowest that it has been in 19 years, a very large percentage of those who own homes are still overextended.

    In fact, one recent survey discovered that a whopping 52 percent of Americans cannot even afford the house that they are living in right now.

    At the same time, an increasing number of Americans are acting as if the last financial crisis never happened and are treating their homes like piggy banks. Home equity loans are soaring again, and when the next great crisis strikes a lot of those people are going to end up getting into a lot of financial trouble.

    There has been much written about what is wrong with the housing industry, but the truth is that home prices are still way too high and young adults cannot afford to purchase homes because they are already loaded down by huge amounts of debt even before they get to the point where they are ready to buy.

    In fact, a newly released survey found that 47 percent of millennials are spending at least half of their paychecks on paying off debt...

    Four in 10 millennials say they are "overwhelmed" by their debt -- nearly double the number of baby boomers who feel that way, according to a Wells Fargo survey of more than 1,600 millennials between 22 and 33 years old, and 1,500 baby boomers between 49 and 59 years old.

    To try to get out from underneath it, 47% said they spend at least half of their monthly paychecks on paying off their debts.

    When I read that I was absolutely astounded.

    Of course the biggest debt that many young adults are facing is student loan debt. According to the Federal Reserve, there is now more than 1.2 trillion dollars of student loan debt in this country, and about 124 billion dollars of that total is more than 90 days delinquent.

    What we have done to our young people is shameful. We have encouraged them to sign up for a lifetime of debt slavery before they even understand what life is all about. The following is an excerpt from my previous article entitled "Is College A Waste Of Time And Money?"...

    In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loan debt, and the average debt level has been steadily rising. In fact, one study found that "70 percent of the class of 2013 is graduating with college-related debt – averaging $35,200 – including federal, state and private loans, as well as debt owed to family and accumulated through credit cards."

    That would be bad enough if most of these students were getting decent jobs that enabled them to service that debt.

    But unfortunately, that is often not the case. It has been estimated that about half of all recent college graduates are working jobs that do not even require a college degree.

    Considering what you just read, is it a surprise that half of all college graduates in America are still financially dependent on their parents when they are two years out of college?

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 36 percent of all Americans under the age of 35 own a home at this point. That is the lowest level that has ever been recorded.

    And we are passing on to our young people the largest single debt in all of human history. Weighing in at 17.5 trillion dollars, the U.S. national debt is a colossal behemoth. And almost all of that debt has been accumulated over the past 40 years. In fact, 40 years ago the U.S. national debt was less than half a trillion dollars.

    But this is just the beginning. As the Baby Boomer "demographic tsunami" washes through our economy, we are going to be facing a wave of red ink unlike anything we have ever contemplated before.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the planet is drowning in debt as well.

    As I wrote about the other day, the total amount of debt in the world has risen to a new all-time record high of $223,300,000,000,000.

    Our "leaders" keep acting as if these debt levels can keep growing much faster than the overall level of economic growth indefinitely.

    But anyone with even a shred of common sense knows that you can't spend more money that you bring in forever.

    At some point, a day of reckoning arrives.

    2008 should have been a major wake up call that resulted in massive changes. But instead, our leaders just patched up the old system and reinflated the old bubbles so that they are now even larger than they were before.

    They assure us that they know exactly what they are doing and that everything will be just fine.

    Unfortunately, they are dead wrong.


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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty US economic recession:

    Post  nemrod Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:01 pm

    True U.S. Unemployment Rate is 23.2%

    The De-industrialization of America: “True U.S. Unemployment Rate is 23.2%”
    Economics / UnemploymentAug 12, 2014 - 12:44 PM GMT
    By: Paul_Craig_Roberts

    On January 6, 2004, Paul Craig Roberts and US Senator Charles Schumer published a jointly written article on the op-ed page of the New York Times titled “Second Thoughts on Free Trade.” The article pointed out that the US had entered a new economic era in which American workers face “direct global competition at almost every job level–from the machinist to the software engineer to the Wall Street analyst. Any worker whose job does not require daily face-to-face interaction is now in jeopardy of being replaced by a lower-paid equally skilled worker thousands of miles away. American jobs are being lost not to competition from foreign companies, but to multinational corporations that are cutting costs by shifting operations to low-wage countries.” Roberts and Schumer challenged the correctness of economists’ views that jobs off-shoring was merely the operation of mutually beneficial free trade, about which no concerns were warranted.

    The challenge to what was regarded as “free trade globalism” from the unusual combination of a Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary and a liberal Democrat New York Senator caused a sensation. The liberal think-tank in Washington, the Brookings Institution, organized a Washington conference for Roberts and Schumer to explain, or perhaps it was to defend, their heretical position. The conference was televised live by C-Span, which rebroadcast the conference on a number of occasions.

    Roberts and Schumer dominated the conference, and when it dawned on the audience of Washington policymakers and economists that something might actually be wrong with the off-shoring policy, in response to a question about the consequences for the US of jobs off-shoring, Roberts said: “In 20 years the US will be a Third World country.”

    It looks like Roberts was optimistic that the US economy would last another 20 years. It has only been 10 years and the US already looks more and more like a Third World country. America’s great cities, such as Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis have lost between one-fifth and one-quarter of their populations. Real median family income has been declining for years, an indication that the ladders of upward mobility that made America the “opportunity society” have been dismantled. Last April, the National Employment Law Project reported that real median household income fell 10% between 2007 and 2012.

    Republicans have a tendency to blame the victims. Before one asks, “what’s the problem? America is the richest country on earth; even the American poor have TV sets, and they can buy a used car for $2,000,” consider the recently released report from the Federal Reserve that two-thirds of American households are unable to raise $400 cash without selling possessions or borrowing from family and friends.

    Although you would never know it from the reports from the US financial press, the poor job prospects that Americans face now rival those of India 30 years ago. American university graduates are employed, if they are employed, not as software engineers and managers but as waitresses and bartenders. They do not make enough to have an independent existence and live at home with their parents. Half of those with student loans cannot service them. Eighteen percent are either in collection or behind in their payments. Another 34% have student loans in deferment or forbearance. Clearly, education was not the answer.

    Jobs off-shoring, by lowering labor costs and increasing corporate profits, has enriched corporate executives and large shareholders, but the loss of millions of well-paying jobs has made millions of Americans downwardly mobile. In addition, jobs off-shoring has destroyed the growth in consumer demand on which the US economy depends with the result that the economy cannot create enough jobs to keep up with the growth of the labor force.

    Between October 2008 and July 2014 the working age population grew by 13.4 million persons, but the US labor force grew by only 1.1 million. In other words, the unemployment rate among the increase in the working age population during the past six years is 91.8%.

    Since the year 2000, the lack of jobs has caused the labor force participation rate to fall, and since quantitative easing began in 2008, the decline in the labor force participation rate has accelerated.

    Clearly there is no economic recovery when participation in the labor force collapses.

    Right-wing ideologues will say that the labor force participation rate is down because abundant welfare makes it possible for people not to work. This is nonsensical. During this period food stamps have twice been reduced, unemployed benefits were cut back as were a variety of social services. Being on welfare in America today is an extreme hardship. Moreover, there are no jobs going begging.

    The graph shows the collapse in the labor force participation rate. The few small peaks above the 65% participation rate line show the few periods when the economy produced enough jobs to keep up with the working age population. The massive peaks below the line indicate the periods in which the dearth of jobs resulted in Americans giving up looking for non-existent jobs and thus ceased being counted in the labor force. The 6.2% US unemployment rate is misleading as it excludes discouraged workers who have given up and left the labor force because there are no jobs to be found.

    John Williams of calculates the true US unemployment rate to be 23.2%, a number consistent with the collapse of the US labor force participation rate.

    In the ten years since Roberts and Schumer sounded the alarm, the US has become a country in which the norm for new jobs has become lowly paid part-time employment in domestic non-tradable services. Two-thirds of the population is living on the edge unable to raise $400 cash. The savings of the population are being drawn down to support life. Corporations are borrowing money not to invest for the future but to buy back their own stocks, thus pushing up share prices, CEO bonuses, and corporate debt. The growth in the income and wealth of the one percent comes from looting, not from productive economic activity.

    This is the profile of a Third World country.

    Paul Craig Roberts

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:12 pm

    I bet you don't even want to hear what is Europe's true one!

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  nemrod Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:33 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:I bet you don't even want to hear what is Europe's true one!

    In french expression we said "no one is duped". It is obvious that many countries has the same US figures if not worse, like Hungary, Lithania, Spain, Greece, Portugal, etc.. maybe the UK too. In France, every one knows very well there are official figures for politics and international markets. And the reality, it is evidently completly different. The real figures must be slightly -in less- different from US, nevertheless, the figures are awfull too.

    There are countries like Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway where unemployement figures are very low.

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty 16 Intelligence Agencies Have Issued Alarm Report On US Dollar Reserve Status

    Post  nemrod Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:27 pm

    In fact, the US inteligence agencies are confirming only what we knew since 2006. Indeed, since that that date, we've seen the beginning of US empire collapsed. It started with the israeli defeat against Hizbollah, the collapse of US economy in 2009, following by the humiliating withdrawal from Iraq, and now from Afghanistan. It continues by the faillure of Israeli army against Palestinian resistance in 2012, and 2014. Nowadays, China is for few years ago, the first world economy. If we add the fact regarding weaponnery, none US fighters -even the F-22, and chiefltly the F-22, no use to mention the F-35- nowadays is able to confront SU-35, and Mig-35. None US helicopters are able to match with the Ka-52 Alligator. The only strongest point for US is their aircrafts carriers-reflecting the view of western leaders and their so-called slogan of human rights, women rights meaning slauthering, stealing, looting, destroying defenseless and isolating and poor countries. The best example of these barbaric behaviour is Israel against palestinians, US against Iraqis civilians etc... -, where none countries in the world could match.
    This definitive collapse will be expected around may 2015 -notice that Igor Panarin was one the first who viewed this tendancy, even though he expected US collapse around 2010-2011, he failed to view how the saudi tribe was beside US empire, and how the the saudi tribe helped US policiy to destroy many arab countries-.

    Jim Rickards: 16 Intelligence Agencies Have Issued Alarm Report On US Dollar Reserve Status.

    It is good time to contemplate on the gold fundamentals while the sentiment in the Gold market is hitting another low and US Dollar seems to be rising with stock markets straight into the sky now. We have now Jim Rickards himself to dissect all ongoing "Currency Wars" which lead us into "The Death Of Money".
    Developments in Switzerland and China are coming now right from the pages of Jim Rickards's books. And if you think that Currency and Trade wars in late 1920s are different from what is happening now in Europe with Russia and Ukraine, this video is for you.

    Swiss Gold Referendum: People of Switzerland Demand Global Gold Recall Despite Central Bankers.

    "Mass media is very slow to pick up on this groundbreaking development in Switzerland. Scotland referendum, Catalonia quest for independence will be just orchestrated "democratic noise" compare to this real democracy in action and its implications for the worldwide financial system. China or Switzerland - who will be first to create the gold backed currency now? Read more."

    Gold And Madness Of Crowds - ZeroHedge: Summarizing The "Long Dollar Trade" In One Chart.

    And who is buying Gold now:

    In Gold We Trust @KoosJansen.

    The Swiss Gold Initiative: Stop Selling Gold, Store All Gold In Switzerland And Back Swiss Franc With 20% Gold.

    The Coming Stock Market Crash and The Death of Money with Jim Rickards :


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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  George1 Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:03 pm

    Coca-Cola to Cut 1,800 Jobs in US, Worldwide in Order to Save Costs

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    Post  George1 Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:52 am

    US Congressman Says Obama Poses as Deficit-Cutter Despite Record Debt
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    Post  max steel Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:55 pm

    a great accomplishment for an industrialised country!

    The numbers are staggering: US is ‘world leader’ in child poverty
    What a Face Embarassed

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:12 pm

    max steel wrote:  a great accomplishment for an industrialised country!

     The numbers are staggering: US is ‘world leader’ in child poverty    
     What a Face Embarassed

    Don't see what this has to do with the Russian economy.
    max steel
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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty a great accomplishment for an industrialised country!

    Post  max steel Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:26 pm

    don't have any us economy thread . so shared ya for all to peep in .
    max steel
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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:14 pm

    US GDP comes in at a thumping : 0.2% - i.e very close to outright recession.

    The Empire is remarkably good at spin-management, but apparently not at much else. It is amazing the virtual unanimity displayed by analysts, journalists and shoe-shine boys, all of whom were competing for the most bullish scenarios, On the other hand I - nasty bear that I am - have been arguing for ages that the rebound was mythical - they still have not paid the price for the extravagances which culminated in the 2008 American crisis (now curiously referred to as the "global crisis" - as if it had originated in, say, Ecuador!) and that anyone expecting a Fed hike this year was on drugs,
    Meanwhile, poor China grew by "only" 7%, and Russia may well exit her shallow recession by mid-year. Oddly enough, US rates are soaring given the panicky exit from European bonds - apparently, the magic of negative rates (not just Germany and Switzerland, but even goddam Poland!) has just lost a bit of its allure. This will not end remotely well.

    Last edited by max steel on Mon May 18, 2015 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post  max steel Mon May 18, 2015 11:18 pm

    What BoA-Merrill Lynch just won't tell you - why the US economy is likely heading into renewed recession sooner - perhaps this year. The best sell-side research I get - and by far. From Reorient.

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty US in front of the inpeding collapse...

    Post  nemrod Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:28 pm

    This time it won't be virtual. A thing is sure, they are ready at all in order to avoid collapse, including to trigger a war with Russia, and China.

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:06 am

    macedonian wrote:This is an interesting topic, and one that merits a longer, more thought-out reply...unfortunately I'm pressed for time at the moment, and will have to get back to it later.

    A little teaser though: I think things in America are 'going south' and FAST!
    So much so in fact, that I expect Washington state and Oregon to soon border Alabama... Laughing

    LOL Very Happy Voted best answer in this thread. What a crazy thread.

    Definitely going South, not going North, better have a garden, chickens, pigs, a cow, & don't wait on the U.S. Government to send a boat.
    Being armed up doesn't hurt either. LOL.
    Knowing how to hunt and fish, etc. is good. Very Happy

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  nemrod Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:02 am

    Right Now There Are 102.6 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job

    The federal government uses very carefully manipulated numbers to cover up the crushing economic depression that is going on in this nation. For the month of September, the federal government told us that 142,000 jobs were added to the economy. If that was actually true, that would barely be enough to keep up with population growth. Sadly, the truth is that the real numbers were actually far worse than that. The unadjusted numbers show that the U.S. economy actually lost 248,000 jobs in September and the government added more than a million Americans to the “not in the labor force” category. When I first saw that number I truly believed that it was inaccurate. But you can find the raw figures right here. According to the Obama administration, there are currently 7.9 million Americans that are “officially unemployed” and another 94.7 million working age Americans that are “not in the labor force”. That gives us a grand total of 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

    That is not an economic recovery – that is an economic depression of an almost unbelievable magnitude.

    This is something that my friend Mac Slavo pointed out the other day. I encourage you to read his analysis right here. If we measured unemployment the way that we did decades ago, we would all be talking about how similar Obama’s economy is to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

    But instead we let the feds get away with feeding us this completely fraudulent “5.1 percent” unemployment number and most of us believe the mainstream media when they tell us that everything is just fine.

    Well no, everything is not just fine. At this point, the labor force participation rate is the lowest that it has been since 1977. And the labor force participation rate for men is at the lowest level ever recorded. The only way that the federal government has been able to get the official unemployment rate to go down so much is by pretending that hundreds of thousands of Americans that have been unemployed for a very long time “leave the labor force” each month.

    The chart posted below shows how our labor force participation rate has deteriorated since the year 2000. And in particular, the decline since Obama first entered the White House has been very striking. Does this look like a “healthy economy” to you?…

    To me, the civilian employment-population ratio is a far more accurate measurement of the employment picture in America than the official unemployment rate is. Just prior to the last recession, approximately 63 percent of all working age Americans had a job. During that recession, that figure slipped below 59 percent and it stayed there for several years. Just recently it slipped back above 59 percent, but as you can see we are now falling once again…

    The reason this number is falling is because lots of Americans have been losing jobs lately.

    In fact, we are seeing layoffs at major firms at a level that we have not witnessed since 2009…

    The jobs report today has been described as “ugly,” though it certainly didn’t, or shouldn’t have, come out of the blue: Layoffs in the energy, Big Tech, retail, and other sectors have recently mucked up our rosy scenario.

    “The third quarter ended with a surge in job cuts,” is how Challenger Gray, which tracks these things, started out its report yesterday. In September, large US-based companies had announced 58,877 layoffs. In the third quarter, they announced 205,759 layoffs, the worst quarter since the 240,233 in the third quarter of 2009!

    Year-to-date, we’re at nearly half a million job cut announcements (493,431 to be precise), up 36% from the same period last year.

    Some of the companies that have recently announced layoffs include Wal-Mart, RadioShack, Delta, Sprint, ConAgra, Caterpillar, Bank of America, Halliburton, Qualcomm, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard.

    If you need to find a job or you plan to switch jobs in the near future, time is of the essence. Jobs are going to become much, much harder to find in the months ahead, and so every single day of job searching is absolutely critical at this point.

    Right now, there are more than 100 million Americans that get some sort of assistance from the federal government every month. Government dependence is at a level that we have never seen before in U.S. history, and it is going to get a lot worse.

    If we get to a point where the government is either unwilling or unable to take care of all of these people, we are going to have a massive societal problem on our hands. More than a third of the people living in our nation cannot independently take care of themselves, and more Americans are falling out of the middle class every single day. When the welfare state starts breaking down, the chaos that will ensue will be far worse than most people would dare to imagine.

    So what do you think?

    Are job losses and layoffs starting to happen in your area?

    Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…


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    Post  BTRfan Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:56 am

    nemrod wrote:

    Right Now There Are 102.6 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job

    The federal government uses very carefully manipulated numbers to cover up the crushing economic depression that is going on in this nation.  For the month of September, the federal government told us that 142,000 jobs were added to the economy.  If that was actually true, that would barely be enough to keep up with population growth.  Sadly, the truth is that the real numbers were actually far worse than that.  The unadjusted numbers show that the U.S. economy actually lost 248,000 jobs in September and the government added more than a million Americans to the “not in the labor force” category.  When I first saw that number I truly believed that it was inaccurate.  But you can find the raw figures right here.  According to the Obama administration, there are currently 7.9 million Americans that are “officially unemployed” and another 94.7 million working age Americans that are “not in the labor force”.  That gives us a grand total of 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

    That is not an economic recovery – that is an economic depression of an almost unbelievable magnitude.

    This is something that my friend Mac Slavo pointed out the other day.  I encourage you to read his analysis right here.  If we measured unemployment the way that we did decades ago, we would all be talking about how similar Obama’s economy is to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

    But instead we let the feds get away with feeding us this completely fraudulent “5.1 percent” unemployment number and most of us believe the mainstream media when they tell us that everything is just fine.

    Well no, everything is not just fine.  At this point, the labor force participation rate is the lowest that it has been since 1977.  And the labor force participation rate for men is at the lowest level ever recorded.  The only way that the federal government has been able to get the official unemployment rate to go down so much is by pretending that hundreds of thousands of Americans that have been unemployed for a very long time “leave the labor force” each month.

    The chart posted below shows how our labor force participation rate has deteriorated since the year 2000.  And in particular, the decline since Obama first entered the White House has been very striking.  Does this look like a “healthy economy” to you?…

    To me, the civilian employment-population ratio is a far more accurate measurement of the employment picture in America than the official unemployment rate is.  Just prior to the last recession, approximately 63 percent of all working age Americans had a job.  During that recession, that figure slipped below 59 percent and it stayed there for several years.  Just recently it slipped back above 59 percent, but as you can see we are now falling once again…

    The reason this number is falling is because lots of Americans have been losing jobs lately.

    In fact, we are seeing layoffs at major firms at a level that we have not witnessed since 2009…

       The jobs report today has been described as “ugly,” though it certainly didn’t, or shouldn’t have, come out of the blue: Layoffs in the energy, Big Tech, retail, and other sectors have recently mucked up our rosy scenario.

       “The third quarter ended with a surge in job cuts,” is how Challenger Gray, which tracks these things, started out its report yesterday. In September, large US-based companies had announced 58,877 layoffs. In the third quarter, they announced 205,759 layoffs, the worst quarter since the 240,233 in the third quarter of 2009!

       Year-to-date, we’re at nearly half a million job cut announcements (493,431 to be precise), up 36% from the same period last year.

    Some of the companies that have recently announced layoffs include Wal-Mart, RadioShack, Delta, Sprint, ConAgra, Caterpillar, Bank of America, Halliburton, Qualcomm, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard.

    If you need to find a job or you plan to switch jobs in the near future, time is of the essence.  Jobs are going to become much, much harder to find in the months ahead, and so every single day of job searching is absolutely critical at this point.

    Right now, there are more than 100 million Americans that get some sort of assistance from the federal government every month.  Government dependence is at a level that we have never seen before in U.S. history, and it is going to get a lot worse.

    If we get to a point where the government is either unwilling or unable to take care of all of these people, we are going to have a massive societal problem on our hands.  More than a third of the people living in our nation cannot independently take care of themselves, and more Americans are falling out of the middle class every single day.  When the welfare state starts breaking down, the chaos that will ensue will be far worse than most people would dare to imagine.

    So what do you think?

    Are job losses and layoffs starting to happen in your area?

    Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…

    I think Russia should start training, equipping, funding, and arming "moderate rebels" in the USA. If there are not presently any "moderate rebels" then perhaps Russia can organize some and pay them.

    There are millions of unemployed people in the USA, Russia could offer $3,000 per month + equipment, supplies, and training, for "moderate rebels" to fight the government to bring about an end to a regime that is rife with human rights abuses.

    They can even launch air strikes on regime forces and loyalist paramilitary groups that insist on defending the tyrannical regime once the "moderate rebels" begin to claim territory.

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    US Economy Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: US Economy Thread

    Post  Rodinazombie Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:15 pm

    BTRfan wrote:
    nemrod wrote:

    Right Now There Are 102.6 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job

    The federal government uses very carefully manipulated numbers to cover up the crushing economic depression that is going on in this nation.  For the month of September, the federal government told us that 142,000 jobs were added to the economy.  If that was actually true, that would barely be enough to keep up with population growth.  Sadly, the truth is that the real numbers were actually far worse than that.  The unadjusted numbers show that the U.S. economy actually lost 248,000 jobs in September and the government added more than a million Americans to the “not in the labor force” category.  When I first saw that number I truly believed that it was inaccurate.  But you can find the raw figures right here.  According to the Obama administration, there are currently 7.9 million Americans that are “officially unemployed” and another 94.7 million working age Americans that are “not in the labor force”.  That gives us a grand total of 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

    That is not an economic recovery – that is an economic depression of an almost unbelievable magnitude.

    This is something that my friend Mac Slavo pointed out the other day.  I encourage you to read his analysis right here.  If we measured unemployment the way that we did decades ago, we would all be talking about how similar Obama’s economy is to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

    But instead we let the feds get away with feeding us this completely fraudulent “5.1 percent” unemployment number and most of us believe the mainstream media when they tell us that everything is just fine.

    Well no, everything is not just fine.  At this point, the labor force participation rate is the lowest that it has been since 1977.  And the labor force participation rate for men is at the lowest level ever recorded.  The only way that the federal government has been able to get the official unemployment rate to go down so much is by pretending that hundreds of thousands of Americans that have been unemployed for a very long time “leave the labor force” each month.

    The chart posted below shows how our labor force participation rate has deteriorated since the year 2000.  And in particular, the decline since Obama first entered the White House has been very striking.  Does this look like a “healthy economy” to you?…

    To me, the civilian employment-population ratio is a far more accurate measurement of the employment picture in America than the official unemployment rate is.  Just prior to the last recession, approximately 63 percent of all working age Americans had a job.  During that recession, that figure slipped below 59 percent and it stayed there for several years.  Just recently it slipped back above 59 percent, but as you can see we are now falling once again…

    The reason this number is falling is because lots of Americans have been losing jobs lately.

    In fact, we are seeing layoffs at major firms at a level that we have not witnessed since 2009…

       The jobs report today has been described as “ugly,” though it certainly didn’t, or shouldn’t have, come out of the blue: Layoffs in the energy, Big Tech, retail, and other sectors have recently mucked up our rosy scenario.

       “The third quarter ended with a surge in job cuts,” is how Challenger Gray, which tracks these things, started out its report yesterday. In September, large US-based companies had announced 58,877 layoffs. In the third quarter, they announced 205,759 layoffs, the worst quarter since the 240,233 in the third quarter of 2009!

       Year-to-date, we’re at nearly half a million job cut announcements (493,431 to be precise), up 36% from the same period last year.

    Some of the companies that have recently announced layoffs include Wal-Mart, RadioShack, Delta, Sprint, ConAgra, Caterpillar, Bank of America, Halliburton, Qualcomm, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard.

    If you need to find a job or you plan to switch jobs in the near future, time is of the essence.  Jobs are going to become much, much harder to find in the months ahead, and so every single day of job searching is absolutely critical at this point.

    Right now, there are more than 100 million Americans that get some sort of assistance from the federal government every month.  Government dependence is at a level that we have never seen before in U.S. history, and it is going to get a lot worse.

    If we get to a point where the government is either unwilling or unable to take care of all of these people, we are going to have a massive societal problem on our hands.  More than a third of the people living in our nation cannot independently take care of themselves, and more Americans are falling out of the middle class every single day.  When the welfare state starts breaking down, the chaos that will ensue will be far worse than most people would dare to imagine.

    So what do you think?

    Are job losses and layoffs starting to happen in your area?

    Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…

    I think Russia should start training, equipping, funding, and arming "moderate rebels" in the USA. If there are not presently any "moderate rebels" then perhaps Russia can organize some and pay them.

    There are millions of unemployed people in the USA, Russia could offer $3,000 per month + equipment, supplies, and training, for "moderate rebels" to fight the government to bring about an end to a regime that is rife with human rights abuses.

    They can even launch air strikes on regime forces and loyalist paramilitary groups that insist on defending the tyrannical regime once the "moderate rebels" begin to claim territory.

    Lol, when america does go down the pan, its gonna be a very frightening time. Can you imagine how the modern violent gun cultured american society would deal with a 1930s style depression? It doesnt bear thinking about. I think its would be a civil war.

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