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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:09 am

    If NASA and its Washington bosses achieved Moon landings then why produce obvious studio fakes and then lie that they were real.
    A lot of this garbage was released to the public years after the end of the Moon race. Whether the US was on the Moon or not, it
    clearly is spreading a big lie about it. Anyone who challenges the obvious fraud is accused of being a "conspiracy theorist" as if
    government itself is not a conspiracy. Humans conspire to make society. Humans have been conspiring for as long as they have
    existed. You would have to be a total moron to think that countries have no agendas. Especially imperialist countries. Projecting
    the an image as top of the world is central to the US imperial project. It gains authority, respect and fear if it manages to hoodwink
    the gullible masses around the world that it is super powerful and has super technology. This is why periodically gang raping some
    nearly defenseless country is a must for the USA. It needs to keep its facade of superiority intact.

    Empires are substantially about perceptions. Rome fell not just because of internal rot. But because all the barbarians stopped
    being afraid of it.


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:23 am

    This retard storage tread has been reactivated I see, we have several active simultaneously now

    First retard fest in Russia with vaccines and now second retard strike here

    Moon conspiracy nuts and antivaxxers together, we just need flat earthers to show up and we will have the The Holy Retardinity thumbsup

    This week must be special lol1

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:13 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    This retard storage tread has been reactivated I see, we have several active simultaneously now

    First retard fest in Russia with vaccines and now second retard strike here

    Moon conspiracy nuts and antivaxxers together, we just need flat earthers to show up and we will have the The Holy Retardinity thumbsup

    This week must be special lol1

    Did you saw the photos , taken directly from NASA Website?

    why many of the moon rover shots  produce absolutely no tracks in the sand at times as if it was lifted and planted there by a construction machine for a selfie shot ?   you can't cheat that.

    The above videos shows 100% irrefutable proof ,they faked their moon rover shots .
    is as simple as that. not conspiracy theories.. but conspiracy facts.

    and if they faked their moon shots , is because they never went to the moon when they told they did it , but because they never did anything in the moon totally abandoned it , then this confirm to me ,it was no way they went there , because is absolute insanity , to abandon the moon , once you conquered and planted a flag.   That will be like christopher columbus , to abandon american travel ,
    after discovering the new world in america.. it simply doesn't happen. impossible.  the benefits of having a moon base , or office ,or even a toilet , whatever ,with a rover filming live , or showing every day , how earth looks every day from the moon  ,for many years ,in promotion for america superiority over the soviet union , will have been enormous ,too big to ignore , and they will have never done that.. abandon such important opportunity for propaganda . And the idea that after so much success of the saturn rocket , they will sent it to a museum ,"because it was too expensive" and  decommission saturn rocket after so much success , and start building from zero a far more much more expensive space shuttle , that's total insanity , taking us for fools, it didn't happen.

    only in fantasy land , happens ,what nasa claims they did. Does not make scientific sense ,commercial sense , political sense , totally ridiculous that they will abandon something soooo important for propaganda /advertising of their nation superiority over soviet union , they will have never abandoned such opportunities to militarize or commercialize the moon .

    Now suddenly 30-40 years later they show a lot of interest to return to the moon to stay and do tourism to the moon. lol1   why they waited so long ,and allowed all their scientist that they used to conquer the moon to die?  Is ridiculous , completely non sense , they will do such a big pause and now seek to build a new space rocket from zero , to go to the moon..  in the engineering world, that's totally impossible . What sane people does , is exactly what soviet union did , after they landed rovers in the moon ,they continue using their successful rocket ,the soyuz, and instead of sending it to a museum , they improve it , and enhance it and modernize it .. this is how is done.  you don't abandon an invention after it brings you so much success and they mastered it, that could travel to the moon and return with humans , many times . that's laughable to even suggest it. They took advantage of their propaganda media power , to fake a moon landing.  and probably bribed the soviets to stay quiet about it , or simply they fooled them too.. is really possible , there is no way to know if any man is on the moon walking for real , using a telescope from earth.  Even today is not possible to confirm with the assets available in space  ,if a landing in the moon , is just a probe with rovers or if it is a manned mission.

    They later claim they spent 2-3 days in the moon..  with the extremely limited batteries that were available in the 70s. there was no technology at the time to keep humans in the moon for days warm ,and not frozen , and neither to counter the radiation.  something that NASA admit they have not solved, the problem of radiation.. if they claim , they have not solved the problem, they how they did it in the 70s?  is bullshit.

    Look all the bullshit ,that you need to believe ,in order to believe in the NASA moon story .

    1) that nasa abandoned their saturn rocket ,because was "Expensive" and nothing more to proof there, (but later build a more expensive space shuttle) to only orbit earth. Rolling Eyes
    2) that nasa found a way to solve the problem of radiation in the moon , but that now forgot about it.
    3) that the telemetry data of the moon landings was destroyed , by nasa , to save space .  Shocked
    Rolling Eyes
    4) that nasa astronauts could take thousands of perfectly centered shots in the moon 100% of the time , even when the camera was attached to their chest and they had no way to really know how good was their angles of shots . a proffessional photographer , that analyzed all thousands of NASA shots ,told in a video , that the astronauts shots in the moon ,surpass anything is possible for any experienced photographer . they took perfectly center shots and with clear light ,and perfect angles ,
    and this never happen with real pro photographers ,even when they can see directly through the lens of the camera , something nasa astronauts could not do.

    as soon you press the button of the camera ,the alignment of the camera change. not mentioning how the camera was loose on the chest , not firmly attached ,in space suit of the astronauts Wink

    and the biggest mistake NASA did , that expose their fraud of their photos, is that they put numbers in their pictures , with the sequences of shots ,so they can't say ,they deleted the shots ,that went wrong , so shows ,they never failed a single shot ,was perfectly centered of the thousands they took.
    5) that photo camera  ,could survive the extreme radiation in the moon  and still retain perfect shots ,under intense radiation.
    6)that they will sent humans to the moon in the first try.  this is ridiculous , you don't do that.
    You first send a probe , at very least , and later send animals ,like a monkey to see if they survive there and return them back. but that they will take such a risk of sending humans ,on the first try , when a million things can go wrong , like missing the moon orbit , and risk ,a major backslash of the entire world laughing at nasa failure, songs will have been done in every country making fun of the astronauts floating in space.  it didn't happen. the entire first in moon thing ,was only a propaganda event to proof which nation was better , and failing so catastrophically in the moon , with astronauts lost in space forever , will have caused a monumental damage to their image , so the idea they risked a moon landing in the first try is non sense.
    7)that there was batteries ,in the 70s that could last up to 3-4 days , keeping the astronauts temperature cool with 3 days of oxygen operating non stop. lol1
    8)and last but not least , people will have to believe ,that the apollo conference , with nasa astronauts , that their very visible shame and nervousness, in the entire conference , and low morale ,had nothing to do ,with the moon. They were simply forced to lie , and had to continue with that story. and you can easily see their shame , in the conference ,in what was supposed to be the most successful conference of NASA on history.

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:55 pm

    If only there was a competing superpower which would have had the interest in debunking the "fake moon landings" back during the Cold War and technological capability to effortlessly do so, they could have blown this whole conspiracy out of the water

    If only... lol1

    Man, the retards here are refined to perfection, peak specimens fo medical research

    Infinite space, infinite retards Razz

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:50 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    If only there was a competing superpower which would have had the interest in debunking the "fake moon landings" back during the Cold War and technological capability to effortlessly do so, they could have blown this whole conspiracy out of the water

    If only... lol1

    Man, the retards here are refined to perfection, peak specimens fo medical research

    Infinite space, infinite retards Razz

    the videos of nasa clearly show , it was faked .
    you can't explain the no trace of the tires in the sand of the nasa rover , if you can't explain
    it , then you need to concede defeat , but attacking me with childish immature trolling will not
    make you make any point. when you have nothing to argue ,with the facts , you do the most classical thing ,that people with zero brains do , attack the messenger. lol1   Smile

    so is a case closed , NASA moon landing was fake , the video posted proof ,their images are impossible. it did not happen. Wink


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:08 am

    Whatever gets your motor running Vann, you are retard-in-chief here thumbsup

    But I can't help but ask why didn't​ Soviet Space Agency say something?

    They saw that same video and while premier Soviet scientists and astronauts may not have the same "intellectual capacities" as you do they certainly did have a motive to speak up

    Why, why, why, oh why did they not speak up?

    Also for a person to concede defeat to you he would have to be intellectually inferior to you and a creature like that is yet to exist and most definitely will never exist, it's biologically and physically impossible


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:13 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    But I can't help but ask why didn't​ Soviet Space Agency say something?

    Obviously because they had no way to proof with physical evidence that others could observe, they did not do it. all this photos of nasa were released much later , likely after soviet union collapse.

    so if nasa landed with humans in the moon,
    why are two major close officials from putin government ,questioning the nasa official story ?

    one of them being none the less , the one in charge of russia space program. Rogozin.
    who have far more inside information than you ,of what is going on in the west? or what they know.

    so why when rogozing was asked by the media , if it us true , that nasa landed or not in the moon?

    why his response was ... we will verify if they did it or not ,when we get there ? why rogozin put into question the official story ? why no one came into defense of nasa story ,not even putin ,and reprimanded rogozin for doubts of nasa landing?

    This particular doubts of the top russia space agency manager , was catched by the entire west,
    and run like wildfire.. lol1

    Russia space agency promises to check whether US moon landings really happened

    With a smirk, official says Russia will verify moon landings

    it made news worldwide , that top russia space director , put into question nasa moon landing story.
    lol1 promoting the alternative of the official story, of a fake moon landing ,by doing that. Laughing

    and a top official right hand of putin , wanted to lawsuit NASA. for what?

    for "Fraud in the moon "... lol1

    he told ,that he don't doubt, Rolling Eyes the official nasa story.. but........................ but....
    that he claims , nasa is hidding something , that he demands an investigation over where
    are the moon rocks of nasa. ? Smile to verify whether the rocks , nasa claims are from the moon,
    are located.

    so this are not coincidences. . two putin officials , close to him , in same year , put into question
    the entire nasa moon landing story , with lawsuits one, and the other with saying they will verify if nasa landed there (or not) when russia do it. Smile

    and if that wasn't enough , release a report of moscow university project , to verify if US landed in the moon or not.. lol1

    This is why rogozin rocks , he is not a teddybear , apologer , that stay silent ,about anything he disagrees. he even have got in problems with the russian government for saying , putin and the kremlin expect him to beat nasa and china with just 1/20 of their budget. pirat

    Russia needs more people like rogozin, that is not afraid to talk and say exactly what he thinks.
    even if that make putin looks bad,and russian government or the west.


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:38 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    But I can't help but ask why didn't​ Soviet Space Agency say something?...

    Obviously because they had no way to proof with physical evidence that others could observe...


    They tracked them from the moment they took off

    Vann7 wrote:This particular doubts of the top russia space agency manager , was catched by the entire west,
    and run like wildfire..  

    Russia space agency promises to check whether US moon landings really happened .....

    Oh it did run like wildfire but not the way you thing it did, Russia is still trying to shake off this embarrassment

    And this is one of the main reasons why I consider Rogozin to be one of the ultimate retards that ever walked the Earth (this and his trampoline comment on top of overall retarded incompetence)

    Although I do understand why this flat-earther cretin is so appealing to you, he almost makes you look not retarded in comparison (almost)

    Now get this simple fact into your empty skull: you are NOT more intelligent than Russian astronauts, you are barely as intelligent as microbe

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jul 06, 2021 8:11 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    But I can't help but ask why didn't​ Soviet Space Agency say something?...

    Obviously because they had no way to proof with physical evidence that others could observe...


    They tracked them from the moment they took off

    Tracked what? Laughing

    you mean they tracked a dot on their radars approaching the moon ? and what does that proof?
    it proof nothing .  Russia can't even see today ,what kind of military plane is approaching its borders or its nation flag. This is why Russian airforce need to always take off ,to see the nationality of the plane and what kind of plane is. so if they can't know what kind of plane is flying to its borders , if they turn off their transponder , what makes you thing in the 70's soviet could see the different between a refrigerator ,an ufo alien object or rover approaching the moon orbit , even less known if there was humans inside. Rolling Eyes Not even today russia have such capabilities . like i said , russia airforce need to physically send pilots in planes , to see what kind of aircraft is approaching its borders and the nationality of it , they have not invented yet super long distance space x-ray radars that can see the shape of any object at far distance , even less what is inside.

    you have been duped , because you are easy to fool , as 1 2 3.
    but soviet had absolutely no way , to know if NASA manned mission was real or not  , at best ,
    they best they could do ,in the 70s , is listen the radio communications between an unknow object in space that looks like a dot ,a radio signal in their equipment ,and houston.. lol1 but that proof nothing , you could send a toilet to the moon and russia will not know what is in the moon, there are no telescopes that could see such details from earth . unless russia had superman x-ray radars ,that could penetrate the saturn rocket in any part of space.  lol1

    it did not happen.. sorry dude, you have been duped , and their released in sequence impossible photos , of rovers with many of their pictures [without tire tracks left in the sand]  confirm it was fake.  Smile


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:41 pm

    Vann, there isn't a single person on this planet who will take your word over word of any Russian scientist or astronaut

    Hell, special needs kids are taken more seriously than you

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  andalusia Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:32 am

    On Wednesday January 26, 2022 on Coast to Coastam, Marcus Allen is the UK publisher of Nexus Magazine and an expert on the Apollo moon missions. In the latter half, he shared his skepticism about the moon landings as they were presented to the public.

    There is alot of good information below:

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  JohninMK Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:46 pm

    This could be worrying for the US, the Indians are starting to report what they are finding.

    According to the latest data, the temperature on the Moon is much higher than expected, and the surface is suffering from electrifying sandstorms. The question is, how might this affect the popular US Apollo missions of 1969-1972?

    Information provided by ISRO staff showed that the Indian lunar rover Pragyan is registering unusually high temperatures on the lunar surface. Instead of the expected 20-30°C, the ground heats up to 70°C, which is two to three times higher than normal. This is important because the rover is near the South Pole, where the Sun should be on the horizon, and minimal heating was expected. This raises doubts in the American astronauts sent to the moon on the Apollo spacecraft. Maybe they didn't face such conditions? Why didn't the other missions report this? If this were true, American astronauts would not be experiencing the expected 90-100°C, but an astonishing 170-180°C, which is unacceptable for life!

    Dust storms are another amazing fact that Indian probes exploring the moon have revealed. The surface of the moon is filled with anomalies, including electrical phenomena. Every day it radiates thousands of volts of electricity generated by the sun's rays and the characteristics of the lunar soil. These volts pose a risk to crew and equipment as they are accompanied by elevated temperatures. This aspect may be the key to explaining the high temperatures found by Indian researchers.

    Dust storms also present challenges for equipment and cameras. This would have been a significant challenge for US astronauts sent to the moon, but surprisingly they never mentioned such issues.

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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:31 am

    Makes sense that the solar wind, composed of mostly protons and electrons, would be interacting with the Moon surface. The Moon is affected by the
    magnetic field of the Earth even though the amplitude is small. So there must be some separation of protons and electrons with more protons hitting
    the surface than electrons. The electrons are almost 2000 times lighter than protons and can be deflected by a magnetic field more effectively than
    the heavier protons.

    Fluctuations in the charge imbalance can produce electrostatic "storms". There is no atmosphere of any sort on the Moon. It is possible that
    some gas can accumulate since the gravity is 1/6 that of Earth and not zero but the solar wind and surface heating would readily cause molecules
    of any such gas to achieve escape velocity. So some sort of continuous supply of gas would be needed to maintain even a residual atmosphere.

    But the temperature at the poles implies that there is some amount atmosphere on the Moon. It would serve to trap heat and explain the "high"
    temperature. They should sample for such gas.


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    Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories

    Post  andalusia Sat Feb 24, 2024 3:37 am

    Bart Sibrel’s revealing memoir recalling his harrowing journey investigating what really happened during America’s famous Apollo missions. It features hair-raising and life-threatening encounters with agents from the U.S. government’s secret agencies. Sibrel will reveal his real-life espionage adventures while uncovering one of the CIA’s greatest secrets, including his discovery of privately recorded audio of an Apollo astronaut plotting his assassination by the CIA, which he believes would not be necessary if the Apollo missions were real. He will be featured on Coast to Coastam on February 24, 2024.

    This is his website:

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