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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Deep Throat
    Deep Throat

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  Deep Throat Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:19 pm

    Area 51 -  including detailed floor-plans, various highly classified R & D programmes of extra-terrestrial origin, stargates, time-travel, is all available here & I highly recommend it for viewing:

    Below is the weblink showing extra-terrestrial symbologies that were obtained from a crashed UFO In Arizona in 1953:

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty kgb ufo files

    Post  George1 Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:53 pm

    Last edited by George1 on Fri Jul 19, 2019 2:06 am; edited 2 times in total

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:28 am

    I think alien life must exist since the notion that humans are the only intelligent entity in the universe is the same sort
    of infantile BS as thinking the Sun rotates around the Earth. Once you have life on some planet you can develop intelligent
    life. There is nothing unique physically and chemically about the Earth. In fact, there may be even better planets out there
    in terms of life facilitation and support.

    However, most of the UFO "information" I hear is pure nonsense. They came across hundreds or thousands of light years to probe some
    human anus. Please. We had variations on this theme back during the medieval times when various women would claim to have been
    raped by an incubus. It's the product of mental disorders.

    If we have visitors they must be living quite close and doing a hell of a job hiding themselves. This is actually quite frightening
    if you think about it since it would make them "xenophobes" able to pre-emptively wipe us out.

    It would be nice if there was a physical process where you could send regular electro-magnetic matter such as what we are made
    out of at trans-luminal speeds. But we will have to wait until something more than anal probing, hiding aliens show up from really
    far away to know that there is such a process.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  collegeboy16 Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:30 am

    kvs wrote:I think alien life must exist since the notion that humans are the only intelligent entity in the universe is the same sort
    of infantile BS as thinking the Sun rotates around the Earth.   Once you have life on some planet you can develop intelligent
    life.  There is nothing unique physically and chemically about the Earth.   In fact, there may be even better planets out there
    in terms of life facilitation and support.  
    true, intelligent life is just life with exponentially more complexity.
    kvs wrote:
    However, most of the UFO "information" I hear is pure nonsense.   They came across hundreds or thousands of light years to probe some
    human anus.  Please.  We had variations on this theme back during the medieval times when various women would claim to have been
    raped by an incubus.    It's the product of mental disorders.
    lunacy is fueled by BS- maybe this is what the aliens are trying to tell us by abducting cows and probing human buttholes.
    kvs wrote:
    If we have visitors they must be living quite close and doing a hell of a job hiding themselves.   This is actually quite frightening
    if you think about it since it would make them "xenophobes" able to pre-emptively wipe us out.
    its not really that hard to disguise as a primitive- wont be surprised if aliens are actually doing this for nothing more than shits and giggles.
    kvs wrote:
    It would be nice if there was a physical process where you could send regular electro-magnetic matter such as what we are made
    out of at trans-luminal speeds.   But we will have to wait until something more than anal probing, hiding aliens show up from really
    far away to know that there is such a process.    
    yeah, they should share some of their knowledge and esp. technology- none of this let them be BS. hell, they could show up and give us some terraforming tech to turn barren lands into farmlands- would solve lots of the world's problems.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:29 am

    Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:59 pm

    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    It's much more than just statistics.   We are finding "super" Earth sized planets (because Earth sized are harder to detect by central star wobbling)
    and they are thought to actually have a more active carbon cycle and be more conducive to life.   There are Earth sized and Earth orbit like planets
    by the thousands at the very least.   The main uncertainty is the transition from organic chemistry to self replication and ultimately life.   It really
    appears that selection pressure leads to the development of cellular metabolism and to multi-cellular organisms.   These are universal processes
    and not Earth-specific ones.

    The lack of any signal from distant civilizations picked up by SETI indicates that we do not have any close alien civilization neighbours.  To me,
    it does not prove that there is nothing out there.    I don't even see how some Earth-like civilization on the other side of the galaxy would emit
    enough EM pollution to not attenuate to the noise level before reaching us.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:27 pm

    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    The problem is we don't know how likely life is to occur. If there are 100 billion, billion planets with the potential to support life; but the chance of life evolving at any one place is 1 in 100 billion, billion, billion; then that means the chance of there being other life in the universe is 1 in a billion.

    It's like waking up to find yourself in a zombie apocalypse as a lone survivor - and trying to extrapolate the probability of there being another human in a 1 km range, or even if they're any at all. It's impossible; there's not enough information to make any sort of assessment. If however you went around for a few hundred meters and saw two people at different places; then from that you can roughly estimate the mean density of humans in the region and make a guess as to how many others there might be.

    It could also be that single-celled life, or even primitive multicellular life - is not uncommon, but what's vanishingly rare is the development of intelligence as well as the conditions that will allow intelligent life to progress technologically (dolphins might have done it - if there was fire, tool-making, etc... under the sea).

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:44 pm

    kvs wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    It's much more than just statistics.   We are finding "super" Earth sized planets (because Earth sized are harder to detect by central star wobbling)
    and they are thought to actually have a more active carbon cycle and be more conducive to life.   There are Earth sized and Earth orbit like planets
    by the thousands at the very least.   The main uncertainty is the transition from organic chemistry to self replication and ultimately life.   It really
    appears that selection pressure leads to the development of cellular metabolism and to multi-cellular organisms.   These are universal processes
    and not Earth-specific ones.

    The lack of any signal from distant civilizations picked up by SETI indicates that we do not have any close alien civilization neighbours.  To me,
    it does not prove that there is nothing out there.    I don't even see how some Earth-like civilization on the other side of the galaxy would emit
    enough EM pollution to not attenuate to the noise level before reaching us.

    How long has Earth been polluting with EM for? 100 years?
    Give it another 100, and the Earth would stop; we'd move onto superior technologies and methods - it's already happening.

    So a 150-200 year period of polluting the airwaves with Radio emissions.. Compare that to the past several billion years of the lifetime of the universe; where at any time and any place any alien civilization could have risen and fallen, over the course of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years - all with the same very short era of development where they'd rely on Radio and other EM transmissions.

    All the SETI program really proves - is that there are no aliens around at our precise level of development; they are 99.99999% more likely to be either more primitive or more advanced.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:58 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    The problem is we don't know how likely life is to occur. If there are 100 billion, billion planets with the potential to support life; but the chance of life evolving at any one place is 1 in 100 billion, billion, billion; then that means the chance of there being other life in the universe is 1 in a billion.

    It's like waking up to find yourself in a zombie apocalypse as a lone survivor - and trying to extrapolate the probability of there being another human in a 1 km range, or even if they're any at all. It's impossible; there's not enough information to make any sort of assessment. If however you went around for a few hundred meters and saw two people at different places; then from that you can roughly estimate the mean density of humans in the region and make a guess as to how many others there might be.

    It could also be that single-celled life, or even primitive multicellular life - is not uncommon, but what's vanishingly rare is the development of intelligence as well as the conditions that will allow intelligent life to progress technologically (dolphins might have done it - if there was fire, tool-making, etc... under the sea).

    From a physics perspective the difference between a mouse and a human is token. Once you have the mouse, human intelligence is not that far away
    so I do not buy the vanishingly small argument. It is the formation of single-celled life based on DNA that is the real "entry barrier".

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:00 pm

    Another probability is any alien lifeform capable to reach us and observe us, has absolutley no interest or maybe even disgust by us and therefore avoiding any contact to us.

    Wouldn't blame them.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  collegeboy16 Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:09 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Another probability is any alien lifeform capable to reach us and observe us, has absolutley no interest or maybe even disgust by us and therefore avoiding any contact to us.

    Wouldn't blame them.
    disgusted yes, but lack of interest no- there should be some small percentage of the alien population that would like to study us for science(/or religion).
    now, if only we could capture one of them and do some "enhanced interrogation techniques" and learn some of their secrets.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:39 pm

    To be honest, humanity is like cynical described by Artem in Metro 2033. We consume resources and convert them into shit, in all sectors in all lifehoods.

    Unnecessary goods that are designed to break as soon as possible for companies to exchange valueable and limited resources against FIAT money that is printed from nowhere and brings slavery with it.

    If i was an alien and would see humanity and its society i would treat it like a parasite virus, better to eleminate it before it spreads.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:12 am

    kvs wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    The problem is we don't know how likely life is to occur. If there are 100 billion, billion planets with the potential to support life; but the chance of life evolving at any one place is 1 in 100 billion, billion, billion; then that means the chance of there being other life in the universe is 1 in a billion.

    It's like waking up to find yourself in a zombie apocalypse as a lone survivor - and trying to extrapolate the probability of there being another human in a 1 km range, or even if they're any at all. It's impossible; there's not enough information to make any sort of assessment. If however you went around for a few hundred meters and saw two people at different places; then from that you can roughly estimate the mean density of humans in the region and make a guess as to how many others there might be.

    It could also be that single-celled life, or even primitive multicellular life - is not uncommon, but what's vanishingly rare is the development of intelligence as well as the conditions that will allow intelligent life to progress technologically (dolphins might have done it - if there was fire, tool-making, etc... under the sea).

    From a physics perspective the difference between a mouse and a human is token.   Once you have the mouse, human intelligence is not that far away
    so I do not buy the vanishingly small argument.   It is the formation of single-celled life based on DNA that is the real "entry barrier".

    Human intelligence, as far as we know - has only evolved once over the last billion years of complex multicellular life on Earth - which is itself almost 1/14th of the age of the universe.

    And it only evolved within the last 50,000-100,000 years in fact. Before then - there was nothing like it - it took however many tens of extinction events to wipe out the majority of complex multicellular life on earth; before mammals took prominence, eventually, and then went on to evolve into primates - one of the species of which has proven to be the only one; out of all the hundreds of thousands among all the genus, families, kingdoms, domains, etc... to both evolve intelligence and have the capacity to take advantage of it and develop technology.

    For all we know, it could have taken another billion to develop intelligence or more; who's to say we didn't get real lucky?

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:58 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    The problem is we don't know how likely life is to occur. If there are 100 billion, billion planets with the potential to support life; but the chance of life evolving at any one place is 1 in 100 billion, billion, billion; then that means the chance of there being other life in the universe is 1 in a billion.

    It's like waking up to find yourself in a zombie apocalypse as a lone survivor - and trying to extrapolate the probability of there being another human in a 1 km range, or even if they're any at all. It's impossible; there's not enough information to make any sort of assessment. If however you went around for a few hundred meters and saw two people at different places; then from that you can roughly estimate the mean density of humans in the region and make a guess as to how many others there might be.

    It could also be that single-celled life, or even primitive multicellular life - is not uncommon, but what's vanishingly rare is the development of intelligence as well as the conditions that will allow intelligent life to progress technologically (dolphins might have done it - if there was fire, tool-making, etc... under the sea).

    From a physics perspective the difference between a mouse and a human is token.   Once you have the mouse, human intelligence is not that far away
    so I do not buy the vanishingly small argument.   It is the formation of single-celled life based on DNA that is the real "entry barrier".

    Human intelligence, as far as we know - has only evolved once over the last billion years of complex multicellular life on Earth - which is itself almost 1/14th of the age of the universe.

    And it only evolved within the last 50,000-100,000 years in fact. Before then - there was nothing like it - it took however many tens of extinction events to wipe out the majority of complex multicellular life on earth; before mammals took prominence, eventually, and then went on to evolve into primates - one of the species of which has proven to be the only one; out of all the hundreds of thousands among all the genus, families, kingdoms, domains, etc... to both evolve intelligence and have the capacity to take advantage of it and develop technology.

    For all we know, it could have taken another billion to develop intelligence or more; who's to say we didn't get real lucky?

    So far we have an actual data point: intelligent life on a life-supporting planet. Most of the other life supporting planets are just as old as the
    Earth. A proper inference is that there is a very high likelihood of intelligent life on those other planets and not a low likelihood. Some
    of them may have more intelligent lifeforms and some of them may have less intelligent lifeforms. But to assume a vanishingly small probability
    of any intelligence is simply nonsense. It's more of the humans are the center of the universe hubris. The key here is that we have many other
    animals on this planet that have brains that are over 90% as complex as ours. Perhaps if we were the only species with a complex
    brain and the rest were insects then this vanishingly small probability argument would have some basis. But that is not the case on Earth.

    Intelligence is pushed by evolutionary pressure. It is not an anomaly.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:37 pm

    kvs wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Considering the size and age of the universe there should be lots of life out there in the universe... statistically speaking...

    The problem is we don't know how likely life is to occur. If there are 100 billion, billion planets with the potential to support life; but the chance of life evolving at any one place is 1 in 100 billion, billion, billion; then that means the chance of there being other life in the universe is 1 in a billion.

    It's like waking up to find yourself in a zombie apocalypse as a lone survivor - and trying to extrapolate the probability of there being another human in a 1 km range, or even if they're any at all. It's impossible; there's not enough information to make any sort of assessment. If however you went around for a few hundred meters and saw two people at different places; then from that you can roughly estimate the mean density of humans in the region and make a guess as to how many others there might be.

    It could also be that single-celled life, or even primitive multicellular life - is not uncommon, but what's vanishingly rare is the development of intelligence as well as the conditions that will allow intelligent life to progress technologically (dolphins might have done it - if there was fire, tool-making, etc... under the sea).

    From a physics perspective the difference between a mouse and a human is token.   Once you have the mouse, human intelligence is not that far away
    so I do not buy the vanishingly small argument.   It is the formation of single-celled life based on DNA that is the real "entry barrier".

    Human intelligence, as far as we know - has only evolved once over the last billion years of complex multicellular life on Earth - which is itself almost 1/14th of the age of the universe.

    And it only evolved within the last 50,000-100,000 years in fact. Before then - there was nothing like it - it took however many tens of extinction events to wipe out the majority of complex multicellular life on earth; before mammals took prominence, eventually, and then went on to evolve into primates - one of the species of which has proven to be the only one; out of all the hundreds of thousands among all the genus, families, kingdoms, domains, etc... to both evolve intelligence and have the capacity to take advantage of it and develop technology.

    For all we know, it could have taken another billion to develop intelligence or more; who's to say we didn't get real lucky?

    So far we have an actual data point: intelligent life on a life-supporting planet.   Most of the other life supporting planets are just as old as the
    Earth.   A proper inference is that there is a very high likelihood of intelligent life on those other planets and not a low likelihood.    Some
    of them may have more intelligent lifeforms and some of them may have less intelligent lifeforms.   But to assume a vanishingly small probability
    of any intelligence is simply nonsense.   It's more of the humans are the center of the universe hubris.   The key here is that we have many other
    animals on this planet that have brains that are over 90% as complex as ours.   Perhaps if we were the only species with a complex
    brain and the rest were insects then this vanishingly small probability argument would have some basis.   But that is not the case on Earth.

    Nope, the fact that we ourselves are intelligent is not enough to say anything - other than that life & intelligence is possible.

    For if there was intelligent life out there anywhere in the universe, someone (i.e. us) would exist to observe it - but just because you exist to observe it; it doesn't mean that you can conclude that your own evolution was likely, or an incredibly unlikely fluke, or anything. You just cannot know.

    Going back to my zombie apocalypse analogy. If you wake up in a ruined, zombie-infested city from a coma or something. How exactly are you supposed to know that you're not the only one left alive?

    Intelligence is pushed by evolutionary pressure.   It is not an anomaly.

    Evolution is just a series of anomalies, some of which become popular because they give an advantage; this is evolutionary pressure.
    Although some characteristics pop up more than once independently throughout the evolutionary timeline and in different species; so one can say that at least with earth-like conditions, they are reasonably likely to evolve.
    Human-level intelligence has only appeared once, and only after many millions of years. Although lesser forms of intelligence have popped up too - but only really in mammals; the same root as us.

    You're wrong to automatically assume that intelligence is necessarily such an evolutionary advantage. Perhaps its only an advantage under very specific conditions. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for dozens of millions of years; and they were all dumb as a rock.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty I think alien life must exist since the notion that humans are the only intelligent entity in the universe is the same sort

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:43 am

    For basic life forms to evolve the requirements are not that complex, and of course the obvious issue is with types of life we are totally unfamiliar with like silicon based life forms.

    the fact is that as we explore extreme places on earth we find new types of life that even 30 years ago thought could not exist.

    All the extinction events led to humans dominating the planet, but there are other intelligent life forms we dismiss like dogs and octopus and a wide variety of birds and other animals.

    None of them up to writing Shakespeare... but then not having to learn Shakespeare in high school either...

    there are more galaxies in this universe than there are grains of sand on a beach... very soon after we got a solid surface chemicals started mixing and life started on Earth... even using pessemistic models the universe should have plenty of life.

    the chance of intelligent life is very very very low, because all sorts of things have to be just right but given the number of galaxies the likelyhood of intelligent life should actually be very high.

    The fact that the distances separating those intelligent life forms might mean they never meet is depressing of course... but the variety and range of life forms on earth... past present and future suggests life is pretty adaptable and tends to survive even catastrophic events.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty UFO Sightings

    Post  George1 Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:35 am

    Giant “UFO” Seen Over Mountains in Arizona (VIDEO)

    Read more:


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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:46 am

    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life 7e3
    Mike E
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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  Mike E Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:02 am

    Haha love that poster! lol1

    "I want to believe" - Mulder, FBI.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  Werewolf Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:09 am

    Russians are exposed they use anti-gravity generators ZPM's and put only rotors to hide this fact, they have been caught.

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty UFO Sightings-Incidents

    Post  George1 Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:10 pm


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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Moon UFO and Alien buildings photos

    Post  George1 Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:49 pm


    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life PrvMOON--TOWER%20OF%20BABEL%20ON%20THE%20FAR%20SIDE%20OF%20THE%20MOON--ZOND%203%20SOVIET%20MOON%20PROBE%201965

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  George1 Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:53 pm


    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Dz4ec80cbf

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  George1 Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:57 pm

    Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter Video, Feb 2012 News.

    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Alien,+base,+Aliens,+building,+structure,+moon,+surface,+ancient,+China,+Chang%27e+2,+mission,+announcement,+Chinese,+discovered,+found,+ET,+W56,+luna,+lunar,+apollo,+NASA,+ufo,+sightingScreen+Shot+2012-02-20+at+3.26.52+PM

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    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Empty Re: UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  George1 Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:02 am

    alien base dark side of the moon

    UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life Moonbaselinesgoodpic

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