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    Syrian Civil War: News #9

    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 36 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  par far Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:16 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    par far wrote:
    This is what makes me mad and makes no senses, why is Russian Air Forces not focusing on Al-Raqqa? Go for Al Raqqa, why are not more forces, fighting the terriosts, the terriosts in Al-Raqqa, if the Russian and Syrian forces don't go to the east of Euphrates, than the Russian intervention was a waste.

    Because Raqqa is far away from Syrian Army positions and there is nothing there anyway.. capturing territory just for the sake of capturing is not the goal. but to destroy terrorist supply routes is more important and lock them. Syria also needs yet to retake all Latakia and IDLIB that is more closer to Russian military base ,which is far more important.  Once Syria capture all Aleppo and IDLIB ,the war pretty much will be over ,because what ISIS have in eastern syria is largely desert and empty place. For Syria to continue to exist , it is extremely important ,that the army have control of Damascus and Latakia and all cities that connects them. So a free road from Damascus to Aleppo needs to continue open and that means fully clearing Aleppo ,homs and hama. and IDLIB is important for keeping TUrkey and NATO and the terrorist as far as away of possible of the Russian base. Because any artillery attack with smerch rockets could reach The Russian military base. So Syria needs first to secure Russia military base and keep and open fast road from Damascus to Latakia and after that secured.. little by little push NATO backed terrorist more and more towards the IRAQ border or Turkey border ,jordan or Israel.
    But the most important first is secure the biggest cities first ,that could be better defended  for being closer to Russia military base.  That said.. ALeppo and IDLIB and fully finish the clean of latakia have to be done first.

    Hey Vann, what you are saying is correct but for Iran capturing East Syria, is very important, that is Iran's supply route to Hezbollah.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:11 pm

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    Post  franco Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:13 pm

    starman wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    But the most important first is secure the biggest cities first ,that could be better defended  for being closer to Russia military base.  That said.. ALeppo and IDLIB and fully finish the clean of latakia have to be done first.

    I heard up to 10,000 rebels are trapped in eastern Aleppo. Surely if that many can be eliminated, the end is in sight.

    The Syrian Army Commander for Aleppo said the other day that they estimate only 2500 hard core fighters left.

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    Post  starman Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:55 pm

    franco wrote:
    The Syrian Army Commander for Aleppo said the other day that they estimate only 2500 hard core fighters left.

    This morning's paper mentioned only 900. Whatever the number if they're trapped for good they're finished. Smile

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    Post  starman Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:00 pm

    par far wrote:
    Hey Vann, what you are saying is correct but for Iran capturing East Syria, is very important, that is Iran's supply route to Hezbollah.

    For some time, Iran has been able to send personnel and equipment to Syria and Hez. Now that they have Palmyra back it shouldn't be a problem. Of course eastern Syria must have lower priority for now, though in the long run they should flatten ISIS too and get it all back.

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:09 pm

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 36 LzkV0SB
    par far

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    Post  par far Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:58 pm



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    Post  auslander Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:44 pm

    You have a reading and listening comprehension problem. The statement was 'Russia can take down any aircraft.....', not 'Russia will take down any aircraft.......'
    Project Canada

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    Post  Project Canada Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:01 pm

    The US is losing more of its screws it seems, i guess whatever moronic statement is okay as long as it serves their anti Russian agenda Rolling Eyes

    Russia, Syria should face war crimes investigation, says John Kerry

    U.S. secretary of state accused pair of 'targeted strategy ... to terrorize civilians'

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    Post  Project Canada Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:22 pm

    US calls for Syria investigation attempt to distract from ceasefire failure - Russian FM spox

    US is trying to distract attention from its own failure to implement the ceasefire deal by calling for an investigation into Russia’s actions in Syria, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

    "The US side just could not fulfill the ceasefire agreement. They themselves told us that they do not have the means to put pressure on the opposition,” Zakharova said, as quoted by TASS.


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    Post  Erk Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:52 am

    RT Crosstalk discussing the role of the "White Helmets" in Syria as a propaganda tool.

    Why do the only show videos of rescuing babies and little girls etc. and not adults?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 36 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:05 am

    More about Russia threatening to shot down US planes in Syria.. Not new ,,but
    is still very good ,the information American public is receiving now and the major overhwhelming support American citizens are giving to Putin and Russia for their actions
    in Syria and calling for the impeachment of Obama..

    I really tell you..
    That if the neocons really wants to commit suicide..
    The probability they will plan for a new Malasyan plane false flag
    or a new chemical attack false flag in Syria or something new , like a nuclear attack
    on an American military base or an american submarine or warship sink and blamed on Russia
    will be very high. The US elite are fully aware the American Public Opinion , is very rapidly decaying and many americans very angry for their Gov attempts to start world war 3 in defense of Alqaeda and ISIS. So their last hope to unite Public Opinion again against Russia is to stage a major False Flag Incident where many civilians or American military killed and later Russia blamed for it. So dont be surprised if in October just one week or two , you see a major false flag incident and all blamed on Russia.


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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:22 am

    Vann7 wrote:More about Russia threatening to shot down US planes in Syria.. Not new ,,but
    is still very good ,the information American public is receiving now and the major overhwhelming support American citizens are giving to Putin and Russia for their actions
    in Syria and calling for the impeachment of Obama..

    I really tell you..
    That if the neocons really wants to commit suicide..
    The probability they will plan for a new Malasyan plane false flag
    or a new chemical attack false flag in Syria or something new , like a nuclear attack
    on an American military base or an american submarine or warship sink and blamed on Russia
    will be very high.  The US elite are fully aware the American Public Opinion , is very rapidly decaying and many americans very angry for their Gov attempts to start world war 3 in defense of Alqaeda and ISIS. So their last hope to unite Public Opinion again against Russia is to stage a major False Flag Incident where many civilians or American military killed and later Russia blamed for it. So dont be surprised if in October just one week or two , you see a major false flag incident and all blamed on Russia.

    Such ploys are effective because most people in NATO are mentally deficient. They do not think and just lap up whatever excrement the media
    feeds them. Seriously, what would Russia gain by staging a single incident? If Russia was going to attack it would be a 1st nuclear strike. Massive
    and overwhelming. Some isolated nuke on some 2nd rate US asset would serve negative purpose not just zero purpose. But the average western
    media consumer simply does not think enough to see this obvious problem with any false flag, including MH17.

    Humans are tribal trash. They act much more like lemmings than individuals. All the mythologizing about western individualism is so much propaganda
    nonsense. If anything, "westerners" are more credulous than other people on this planet. They give their governments and mass media sources the
    benefit of the doubt. People in Russia and elsewhere do not for the most part.

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    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:17 am

    kvs wrote:

    Such ploys are effective because most people in NATO are mentally deficient.    They do not think and just lap up whatever excrement the media
    feeds them.   Seriously, what would Russia gain by staging a single incident?   If Russia was going to attack it would be a 1st nuclear strike.   Massive
    and overwhelming.   Some isolated nuke on some 2nd rate US asset would serve negative purpose not just zero purpose.   But the average western
    media consumer simply does not think enough to see this obvious problem with any false flag, including MH17.

    Humans are tribal trash.  They act much more like lemmings than individuals.   All the mythologizing about western individualism is so much propaganda
    nonsense.  If anything, "westerners" are more credulous than other people on this planet.   They give their governments and mass media sources the
    benefit of the doubt.   People in Russia and elsewhere do not for the most part.  

    Take a look a my other post in the Syrian thread..
    NATO is now painting their planes in the same way of Russia Su-34 and SU-35 planes.
    Really not remotely surprising.. lol  so predictable. their pathetic intentions..

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 36 US-jets-painted-Russian-864x400_c

    US,UK,Israel ,Turkey ,Saudi Arabia and France help ,needs to frame Russia in Syria
    with war crimes. At any cost with whatever staged event..and it looks that their dateline
    is before US elections. To help Clinton to win ,to convince Americans that a stronger and more
    hostile stance against Russia and Syria is needed.  

    So any civilian airline plane, or zone in Aleppo city ,or civilian ship , cold be shotdown or bombed by NATO planes ,painted as Russians and later blame it on them ,with the help of
    cameras setup before the incident happened. Or Simply a NATO military zone or military base in IRAQ attacked and later blamed on Syrian Airforce or Russia.

    New video of Syrian army progress in Aleppo.
    Saying that The morale of Syrian army is all time high is an understatement. Very Happy

    Some unconfirmed rumors reports,read somewhere that after Pentagon threats of war ,Russia was about to send soon 10 thousand Special forces to Syria to fight ISIS and Alqaeda to accelerate the defeat of Alqaeda and ISIS.


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    Post  storm333 Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:41 pm

    The paint schemes could relate to planes being used for adversary training. If they are employed in Mideast bases, it adds credit to what you are saying.

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    Post  calm Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:04 pm

    Orange - gains

    Green - Gained but lost today.

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    Post  calm Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:15 pm


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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:04 pm

    How come there have been no new attempts to break the siege from the outside? Are al-Nusra and the rest of the jihadi vermin
    overextended? If so, then their collapse may be rather rapid when it comes.

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    Post  medo Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:42 pm

    kvs wrote:How come there have been no new attempts to break the siege from the outside?   Are al-Nusra and the rest of the jihadi vermin
    overextended?   If so, then their collapse may be rather rapid when it comes.

    Who knows. It looks like they send all their reserves in the first try with 10 thousand terrorist, which were destroyed in southwest of Aleppo. Than they try with a big offensive in northern Hama and lost it too. I also think they are not geting as many voluntiers now as before as no one want to get killed by RuAF or Syrian army. There is no more fun for terrorists encircled inside Aleppo.

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    Post  zorobabel Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:20 pm

    The French and Russian UNSC resolutions both failed today.

    France-sponsored resolution: yes 11, no 2 & abstain 2.
    Russia-sponsored resolution: yes 4, no 9 & abstain 2.  

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    Post  Erk Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:54 pm

    storm333 wrote:The paint schemes could relate to planes being used for adversary training. If they are employed in Mideast bases, it adds credit to what you are saying.

    Do you really think that the US are going to start attacking Russian aircraft with the consequences that might cause?

    It's more likely for a false flag operation of some sorts, or a poor attempt at confusing S-300 crews.


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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:45 pm

    medo wrote:
    kvs wrote:How come there have been no new attempts to break the siege from the outside?   Are al-Nusra and the rest of the jihadi vermin
    overextended?   If so, then their collapse may be rather rapid when it comes.

    Who knows. It looks like they send all their reserves in the first try with 10 thousand terrorist, which were destroyed in southwest of Aleppo. Than they try with a big offensive in northern Hama and lost it too. I also think they are not geting as many voluntiers now as before as no one want to get killed by RuAF or Syrian army. There is no more fun for terrorists encircled inside Aleppo.

    Yes, but all the claims about 70,000 jihadis ("rebels") fighting the "Assad regime" appear to be BS. If there was some deep pool of "rebels" in
    the country, then there would be multiple attempts to break the siege of "rebels" in east Aleppo and at the same time to seize the rest of
    Aleppo. They have the NATO propaganda chorus on their side. They can slaughter as many civilians as they like and Russia and the SAA
    will get the blame. But they are not even trying. I think we are seeing the end game of this US puppet theater. That is why the US is
    shitting sideways.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:41 am

    zorobabel wrote:The French and Russian UNSC resolutions both failed today.

    France-sponsored resolution: yes 11, no 2 & abstain 2.
    Russia-sponsored resolution: yes 4, no 9 & abstain 2.  

    Good, last thing we need is another waste of time with some bogus pease talks whose purpose is to prolong the war. Sooner that rat nest is cleared out the better.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:59 am

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 36 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Erlindur Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:22 pm

    As your typical armchair general, I wonder about the push north of Bostan al Pasha and south of Jandout. It looks like the SAA tries to cut the Kurdish part from east Aleppo. It could make sense if you think the close ties between the Kurds and US. The Kurdish area could be used to extract people from the east and maybe do some resupply.

    What I don't know is how easy would be to send supplies or move people to and from the Kurdish part from outside. Does anyone have any information about how isolated that part is?

    On a side note. I don't think that the unit positions on the map (the flags) are accurate but I feel that SAA has its flanks and rears really exposed to the Kurds. Kurds may be upset about the way US sold them to Turkey but there will always be some people willing to take bribes and the world is full of useful idiots. An attack by some Kurdish forces on SAA there, would create chaos and this is what US policy is all about. I hope that both Russia and SAA keep that in mind and keep checking that way.

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