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    Russian Military Reform

    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Russian Military Reform

    Post  Russian Patriot Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:20 am

    Russian military unveils new command structure

    RIA Novosti

    21:11 08/06/2010 MOSCOW, June 8 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's General Staff is planning to merge existing military districts into four strategic commands but leave strategic nuclear forces under central control, Russia's top military commander said on Tuesday.

    "We will propose merging our six military districts into four strategic commands whose commanders will exercise control over all forces and assets deployed in their territory, including the Navy, Air Force and air defenses," chief of General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Gen. Nikolai Makarov said.

    "The ground-, sea- and air-based strategic nuclear forces will stay under the General Staff's command," the general was quoted as saying at a session of the Federation Council's Defense and Security Committee.

    The Russian Armed Forces are currently divided into six military districts: Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucasus, Urals, Siberian and Far Eastern.

    A senior defense official earlier told RIA Novosti that the Moscow and the Leningrad districts will be merged into the West strategic command, while the Urals and part of the Siberian district will become the Center command.

    The East command will comprise units of the Far Eastern military district, part of the Siberian military district and the Pacific Fleet.

    The South command will combine units of the North Caucasus military district, the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla.

    The headquarters of the new strategic commands will be located in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and Khabarovsk, respectively, Makarov said.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Ground Forces new outlook: CIC interview on the reforms...

    Post  Andy_Wiz Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:50 pm

    The troops that forge victory

    Prepared by Victor Khudoleiev, "Red Star".
    and the Information Management Department of Army.

    On the eve of the celebration of the annual day of the Army(Ground Forces in Russia) "Krasnaya Zvezda" talked about the essence of the reforms to improve the structure and expand fighting capabilities,wiht Commander in Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Postnikov.

    October 1 - Day of Army

        - Alexander, what is the meaning of the Army in ensuring Russia's military security in today's conditions?
        - The Army has always played an important and often decisive role in ensuring the military security of the state and defense of our national interests. Under current conditions, their role and significance has not decreased in the least, in my opinion, . After all, military formations of the Army has been and remain the only means of containing and controlling territory. This is especially important for our country, given its size, location and length of land borders.
        If we carefully analyze the contents of the Military Doctrine, the challenges facing the military organization of our state, it becomes obvious that the solution to most of them, can be found under the leadership of the Army. Those tasks primarily include: protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, integrity and inviolability of its territory, maintaining the ability of troops to make deployment of groups on potentially dangerous directions, as well as their readiness for use, respond to aggression against Russia or its allies, defeating the aggressor troops (forces) and forcing him to cease hostilities on terms that meet the interests of our state and its allies, the fulfillment of international obligations of Russia on collective defense, preparation and conduction of activities of territorial defense, ensuring the maintenance of the military situation, participation in peacekeeping operations (restoration) of international peace and security measures for the prevention (eliminating) the threat of peace, the suppression of acts of aggression and violation of peace on the basis of decisions of the UN Security Council or other bodies authorized to make such decisions in accordance with international law, and many other tasks.
        In addition, the Army shall take a direct part in the implementation and other tasks defined by the Military Doctrine. For example, in the implementation of strategic deterrence, including the prevention of armed conflicts, ensuring the defense of the country, operative installation in Russia, war against terrorism, emergency response, ensuring the state of emergency, etc.
        The very nature of these problems indicates that without the Army, they can not be successfully and fully resolved. This is also evidenced by the experience of modern local conflicts. Application of the Army allowed to successfully solve the problem of the destruction of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus, and to preserve the integrity of the country, as well as halt the Georgian aggressors in August 2008 and to prevent the genocide of the people of South Ossetia. Even the task of liquidating the consequences of serious emergencies can not always be successfully resolved without the participation of military formations of the Army, as it was last summer when fighting forest and peat fires.
        Of course, we are well aware that is possible  to ensure the military security of Russia only through the joint, well-coordinated efforts of all branches of the Armed Forces and military units of other ministries and agencies aimed at implementing a significant number of interrelated and complex tasks. But the land forces, while maintaining its dominant position in groups, slated for action in the regional (local) wars and armed conflicts, continue to play a crucial role in the neutralization of contemporary threats, including terrorist activities, being in readiness for any military scenarios complications political environment to ensure the military security of Russia.
        - The process of establishing the planned outlook of the Russian Armed Forces continues. What changes in this regard there made in the Army? Can we say that your structure optimization was completed?
        - Formation of perspective shape of the Army implies a vast complex of interconnected complex events. The purpose of transformation - the creation of new highly mobile joint military units and governing bodies, rational organizational structure, that are equipped with modern armament, military and special equipment with high field training and shall be able, in collaboration with the formations and forces of other services and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation guarantee to perform tasks for ensuring military security of the state.
        To date, much has been done or is nearing completion, especially in terms of improving the structure of the Army. So, instead of divisions brigades of constant readiness were created, optimized network of military educational institutions, the preparation of professional sergeants was launched. By December 1 is to be complete the transition to a more streamlined three-tier management system: "joint strategic command - Operational Command (Army) - Brigade".
    Presently on the field strenght, the highly mobile constant readiness brigades allow ground troops to successfully solve the problems of peace and war periods, and in case of war they ensure the creation of force grouping on the chosen strategic direction ASAP. The expediency of the transition to the new structure was confirmed in the course of this year's strategic exercises "Vostok-2010". The brigades engaged in the maneuvers have shown their ability, in a  little period of time, to prepare and perform any task that is assigned to it, successfully leading the highly maneuverable fighting autonomously and in isolated areas, far from the main force.
        But most importantly, they demonstrated a high level of mobility, ie the ability to travel long distances by any kind of transport and applied in those regions where this is necessary. For example, during the maneuvers units crew that was stationed in the Volga-Urals Military District was flow in a few the days by military-transport aircraft to the threatened area without heavy equipment only with light weapons. In the shortest possible time staff has received from one of the crentral storage bases the weapons and military equipment and began to perform tasks as was planned in the army exercises at Far Eastern Military District.
        Work to improve the  organizational structure of and units and formations will continue in the future, including the problems and deficiencies identified in past studies. So, until the end of the year we will hold a series of research activities in order to determine the capabilities of standard combined arms brigades (heavy, medium and light), including those equipped with a joint automated control system of tactical-level(ЕСУ ТЗ), to maintain combat readiness and reach objectives in the course of everyday activities as well as prepare and conduct various kinds of combat operations. Based on the research results concrete decisions will be made  to clarify the organizational structure of compounds and equip them with everything necessary to successfully meet their missions.
        Much remains to be done in other areas as the formation of a new outlook of the Army in relation to the equiping units with the latest weaponry and military equipment, improve the control of forces throughout the introduction of a joint automated system of control of troops and arms at the tactical level, efficiency and quality of combat training , implemeting and exploitation of promising forms and methods of warfare, training and education of highly qualified personnel officers and NCOs. the General Command of the Army and its subordinate bodies of military administration is now focused on these main efforts.
    - What are the pros and cons of a new three-tier management system of ground forces found out in the summertime learning activities of operational and combat training at various levels?
        - This system was subjected to scrutiny during the above-mentioned exercises "Vostok-2010". Should be noted that any major drawbacks in its functioning have been reported. On the contrary, the elimination of redundant (division) level, greatly improves the efficiency of management, reduces the time for decision making, planning of operations (combat) and bringing problems to the immediate perpetrators. This is particularly important in the event of military conflict on such a complex strategic direction, as the Far East, where the troops are forced to act autonomously in disparate directions, often in isolation from the main force. But an advantage over opponents in the administration, the rate of information collection and exchange, getting the orders and commands is essential condition for success in modern warfare. So the decision to move to a three-tier system of governance is, in my opinion, absolutely justified.
        In addition, researchers have shown the need for a unified government troops (forces) of all branches of the Armed Forces on the strategic directions. President of the Russian Federation issued a decree on the establishment of four joint strategic commands instead of the six military districts. Their formation should have a positive impact on the coherence and clarity to interact with the application and multi-brach inter-ministry troops (forces) in solving the problems of ensuring military security of the state.
        However, all goals will not be reached only with the elimination of intermediary management and excellence in the leadership of the troops . It is also important technical component of the management system, including the first automated control systems, which are united by the common information space reconnaissance, targeting, communications, electronic warfare, navigation and control of troops and weapons. To equip the units and modern high-performance error-correcting digital communications, providing seamless control over the troops in any physical-geographical conditions. Note that we see prospects of these very modern automated control systems and communications facilities, which should form the basis of network-centric command and control methods. Access to a single information field, the common information space - this is what we seek.

    Last edited by Andy_Wiz on Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:34 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Andy_Wiz Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:51 pm

    - In connection with the ongoing organizational and staff activities in the Armed Forces and the creation of joint strategic commands will the High Command of Land Forces change its functions too?
    - Now the Defense Ministry reviewed the functions of all officers and bodies of military control, to avoid duplication of rights, when all responsible for everything, with the relevant authorities, but it turned out that nobody would not bear the full responsibility. This is a very complex undertaking, but it is expected to be completed this year.
    Obviously, these transformations will affect the High Command and the Army. Part of our tasks will be passed to the joint strategic command, part - to the other central bodies of military administration. This issue is still under development. But today we can say that in General Command of the Army competence such important functions as planning and execution of build up and development activities of the troops, organizing, conducting and monitoring the activities of military training, training junior specialists and sergeants for the Army, the leadership of peacekeeping participation in the development and implementation of the state armament program as it relates to the Army, and others will remain.
    - Army combat capabilities are directly dependent on their operation with new, modern armaments and military equipment. To what extent is this happening and when units will receive new equipment?
    - Capacity-building of military formations and units due to equipping them with modern armaments and military equipment is a priority for the build up and development of ground forces. We must follow the instructions of the President and to ensure that by 2020 the share of modern weapons is at least 70 percent.
    In the transition to a new look of the character of the armed forces we provide a heavy, medium and light formmation types. According to the initiative of the General Command of the Army enterprises of the defense industry began to develop the three families of combat vehicles on the basis of heavy, medium and light unified platforms.
    First, these are the level of protection of the main tank, designed for combat in direct contact with the enemy. They will come into service of heavy type formations.
    The second family of vehicles with a BMPs level protection the formations for action in difficult terrain and in areas of coastal waters will be equipped with these, also they may commission raids behind enemy lines, as well as fight with small-size (portable) anti-tank detachments of the enemy.
    The third family of vehicles is expected to be on the basis of military automobile technology in an armored version with mounted advanced types of weapons, including precision and based on new physical principles, systems and command, C4ISR, EW, etc.
    Planning the improvement of military equipment within the medium term, we clearly envision what should be the facing as the Army in 10-15 years. To this end, participating in drafting the state armaments program for 2011-2020, the main leitmotif of which should be to create a weapon system that meets the requirements of the XXI century.
    Now the Army plans to carry this out in two stages. In the first (2011-2015) the main focus will be on procurement of modern armaments and military equipment items, especially for rocket and artillery units, reconnaissance, electronic warfare and communications, and automated control systems for tactical level. While continuing to develop a new family of platforms such as light (Typhoon), medium ("Boomerang" and "Kurganets-25") and heavy ("Armata").

    In the second phase (2016-2020 years) a complete equipment and units with new modern samples IWT unified base platform is scheduled to begin .
    The implementation of this approach will maintain combat-ready status of the existing fleet of weapons before entering the new items, ensuring the combat readiness of troops at a sufficient level to create a reserve and start the development of promising samples IWT increase first of all equipping the with modern weaponry of military formations of the Southern Military District, and eventually get a qualitatively new level of technical equipment of the Army.
    - Draft military service reduced to one year. What measures are being taken to ensure that young soldiers in such a short time manage to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in their military specialties (particularly difficult in the military branches, such as the Signal Corps, NBC protection, etc.) and were ready to operate as intended ?
    - To prepare a soldier for one year, even on a fairly complex specialty is, of course, very difficult but doable task. This is confirmed by the experience of preparation at "Vostok-2010", held at the final stage of the spring draft. In most compounds, and personnel departments after the winter training period was updated by almost 50 percent, some of the soldiers managed to serve just a few weeks to two months. Nevertheless, a well-established before the start of intensive training maneuvers on the major issues of combat skills has yielded positive results. By the beginning of young soldiers training they managed to master the skills and get good practices with their weapons in combat and to the tasks generally handled.
    This experience suggests that if the target is to organize combat training, intensive and you got methodologically competent coaching staff, even for so short term it is possible to master entrusted to military equipment and learn how to correctly apply it in combat. But there should not be any disruption activities and indulgences, the separation of personnel from work not directly associated with military service.
    And of course you need a good pre-conscription training for young people to come to serve in the army with a positive moral attitude, well developed physically, even during civil life one can learn the basics of military affairs, get the modern military-technical specialty sought-after in the Army. Great expectations in this regard are assigned to DOSAAF Russia, which, as I hope, to revive and restore their former capabilities.
    In order to prevent detachment of personnel from the lessons of combat training in the Army we begin the introduction of outsourcing, when civilian enterprises perform a variety of providing and servicing functions related to catering, bathing and laundry, cleaning, maintenance of buildings and facilities, provision of utilities and many others.
    For young men in a short time to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, develop new training programs for specialist training in district learning centers with a period of three courses, under which most of the time given to development of practical service with modern simulators.
    To develop the military staff of particularly challenging specialties it is expected to use modern teaching-material base and high scientific and pedagogical potential of military schools and academies. For example, from December 2010 we are to begin training young soldiers at the Military Academy RHBZ Forces and Engineers.
    Along with that, measures are being taken to ensure that troops with modern training equipment and other elements of the training facilities, educational departments are staffed with most prepared and competent officers and sergeants, to improve their professional and methodological expertise, the introduction of advanced teaching methods with the use of information technology. All this, in my view, should lead to improved efficiency and quality of combat training, so that staff use up this short time to master military specialty, and be ready to act according to its purpose in the modern combined arms battle.
    - Last year, the decision of the Minister of Defense began to prepare NCOs for secondary vocational education. What expectations are associated with formation of corps sergeants professionals in the Army? How many of them trained now for the Army?
    - As we equip the Army with new, modern armaments and military equipment as well as introduce of advanced forms and methods of warfare role and importance of NCOs will continuously increase, because it will require additional, more profound professional knowledge and practical skills of the personnel based on the application of qualitatively new approaches to their study and development.
    We hold high expectations for professional sergeants and we look at the decline in term of military conscription to one year, which requires the organization of more intensive and qualitative training of personnel. Sergeants must become a key part of this process, the backbone of the officers in dealing with personnel. They are closest to the soldier, more and more familiar with all its problems and to a greater extent be involved in training and education of each of his subordinates.
    Now the Army is paying a lot of attention to this category of officers. We aim primarily to raise the level of general and vocational training sergeants. Their training in secondary vocational education, as is known, began in 2009 in a specially adopted sergeant training center in Ryazan. Now the first set (200 people) switched to the second course.
    This year more than 300 candidates began training for sergeants, and not just in the center of Ryazan, but also on the faculties (departments, courses), education of some other higher military educational institutions. Relatively small number of candidates enrolled sergeants is explained, in particular, by the still limited attractiveness of military service. On the other hand, we accept the candidates after passing very strict requirements for socio-psychological qualities, education and physical development, trying to take away really worthy to become NCO's. As a result, one in five applicants is credited with application. I think that in this case, the quality is more important than quantitative indicators.
    Ultimately, the formation of professional sergeants corps in the Army should lead to a significant increase in the level of combat readiness and combat capability of the formations and offices due to a significant improvement in the quality of individual training and field training of troops and control units, as well as to improve the moral and psychological climate in military units in connection with increased status and authority of the junior officers.
    - Tell us about Social Security of Military Ground Forces and their families. How, for example, officers in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation № 400-A this year, receive cash prizes? How any officers withou appartments and when they will all be provided with accommodation?
    - Social security troops - one of the priorities of our activities. This primarily concerns the practical realization of human rights, social guarantees and benefits military personnel and their families, provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To provide legal assistance in these matters established and efficient system of outreach to the functioning of the resource advisory offices in the formations and military units.
    The importance we attach to the fair organizing payment of cash bonuses in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense 400-A, so that it played a positive role in improving the motivation of officers into the service, led to a healthy rivalry and competition in military training and daily life of troops, contributed to growth of professional skills and the desire to improve their performance, nullifying the equalization of the units and subunits.
    Most of the officers, payments which were carried out in 2009 confirmed the title of the best. Many of them promoted to higher positions. In the majority of officers relating to cash payments is positive. It is important that now encouraged not individual officers, and entire military teams who have achieved excellent results in combat training, daily activities, maintaining order and discipline.
    This year the Army received cash bonuses of about 6,000 officers. They are those who skillfully directs subordinate units, achieved good results in the commander's training and has no disciplinary action.
    No less importance is given to the issue of ensuring the military, especially discharged from military service, permanent housing. For the implementation of continuous monitoring and rapid problem solving in the General Army Command and military districts operate permanent coordination group for military personnel apartments. Being precise control of housing, efficiency and legality of the distribution of housing commissions, as well as the timeliness of settling soldiers on the ground.
    On January 1, 2010 is a general need to provide ground troops permanent housing was more than 74 thousand apartments. To date, taking into account all sources received about 60 percent of needs. However, not all of them are still occupied in connection with the lengthy bureaucratic procedures of registration of contracts of social hiring.
    As you can see, the dynamics of getting flats pretty good. If it persists in the future, the Army instructed the President of the Russian Federation on the provision of permanent housing troops will soon be fulfilled.
    - Alexander, what would you wish the troops and veterans of the Army on the eve of a professional holiday?
    - I would like to sincerely thank all the staff and veterans of the Army for the contribution they make to the common task of ensuring the military security of Russia, heartfelt congratulations on the Day of the Army and wish you health, happiness and continued success in the service and work for the benefit of our Fatherland .

    Persona card

    Alexander N. Postnikov born February 23, 1957 in Labinsk Krasnodar region.
    He graduated from Kiev Higher Military Command School, Military Academy named after MV Frunze Military Academy of the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces. Officer's service began as a platoon leader APC's, commanded mechanized infantry company, a separate infantry battalion, infantry regiment of the Guards, served as chief of staff of the division, army, army commander. Served in the Kiev Military District, Odessa Military District, Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, the Far Eastern Military District. In recent years, served as chief of staff - first deputy commander of the North Caucasus military district, the chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Siberian Military District. In 2007 he was appointed commander of the Siberian Military District. Presidential Decree of 11 January 2010 appointed him as Commander of ground forces.

    Last edited by Andy_Wiz on Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Russian Military Reforms

    Post  ekacipta021292 Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:58 pm

    RIA Novosti - 12:30 31/10/2010

    Russia's Armed Forces will undergo three stages of transformation before their reform is over by 2020, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Sunday.

    The minister said the first stage involved organic staff measures.

    "We have actually completed these measures. We have cut the strength of personnel to 1 million who will comprise 150,000 officers, 100,000-120,000 professional sergeants while the rest will be conscripts," Serdyukov said in an interview with Vesti Nedeli TV program.

    Serdyukov said the second stage involved social issues and the third phase dealt with the issues of armament.

    "Armament supplies are quite a long process. We have divided it into two parts. At the first stage, which will last until 2015, modern armaments in our army must comprise no less than 30% while this figure must increase to 70% by 2020," Serdyukov said.

    The defense minister said the year 2020 was expected to see the end of military reform in Russia.

    MOSCOW, October 31 (RIA Novosti)

    Too early to set a target anyone?

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:03 am

    Looks like contracts are thrown out the window except for sergeants and operators. Can't afford to pay a decent salary when you can get a conscript to do it for nothing.

    Last edited by Vladimir79 on Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:19 am

    You have to set targets... that is how you work your way towards goals.
    It also means you can measure progress and identify problems.

    The problem is that some see plans as set in stone and think a plan has failed if things need to be shifted or changed, or a deadline is not met.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  ekacipta021292 Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:01 am

    GarryB wrote:You have to set targets... that is how you work your way towards goals.
    It also means you can measure progress and identify problems.

    The problem is that some see plans as set in stone and think a plan has failed if things need to be shifted or changed, or a deadline is not met.

    Agree... I don't mean the timing target though, but the personnel target.

    I think it is not the correct moment to estimate the personnel target in the reform yet, as the economy is disastrous.
    The target they set is pessimistic, maybe due to lack of financial incentives (as Medvedev said) in recent years.

    I just think if they set this target the reform won't do much, Russia will still be trapped in conscription by 2020, or even worse?

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:36 am

    I think it comes down to the armed forces.

    If service becomes repetition marching up and down and extreme discipline with bad food and boredom and bullying then young men are not going to want to join and mothers will not want their sons to go join.

    If the military can offer education and adventure (and I don't mean wars, I mean travel and working with new technology and a bit of excitement) and in many ways to help a boy become a man by teaching them to look after themselves and get fit and learn some discipline without unnecessary violence then I think they will have a lot less problems getting volunteers.

    Conscript armies are not bad as such as long as they are defence armies that protect the native country. It is when conscript armies go to war in other countries like the US in Vietnam or Soviet Soldiers in Afghanistan where those who are there with no choice who don't really understand why they are there, or who are told they are there to help the locals yet it is the locals they seem to be fighting that creates problems.

    If Russia is invaded then a conscript army defending the country makes sense because in modern war there will be no innocent civilians. Look at the western strategic bombing campaign over Germany... you can dress it up any way you like but it was all about vengeance with no regard for who was the threat and who was innocent bystander.
    By western standards it was a war crime, but western documentation generally rates this mass murder as more useful to the war effort than the Soviet forces fighting 3/4ths of the German army and airforce on the Eastern front.
    It might have been more useful if they had actually hit the targets like the ball bearing factories... but they didn't... or should I say couldn't.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:06 am

    We tried the contract experiment, hell I was even part of it. Results are contractors commit more crime and have higher desertion rates. The reason is they expected better treatment than conscripts and never got it unless they were VDV. Most of them ended up in Chechnya sucking the combat pay and not doing anything. If the reforms made in airbourne had been applied to the whole Army, it would have been better. But the government didn't want to spend the money to deliver what they promised.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:20 am

    The thing is that you have to find a solution that works for Russia.

    You can't just look at NATO forces or US forces or British forces and force that model on the population of Russia.

    Conscription is not a good basis for a military because it takes more than a year to train a competent force and by the time they are trained they leave.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:18 am

    It is not a good basis, but it is far cheaper not having to pay salaries to 600,000 contractors. The draft law was reduced to 12 months because 200,000 were dodging the draft per year. Now it is down to 24,000. The skilled positions are still held by contractors as conscripts will not have the time or the education to learn the skill. They will have time to learn how to be grunts and have professional NCOs leading the way. Biggest problem is filling roles in the VVS and Navy. These jobs require more training and 12 months is not enough to learn it.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  ekacipta021292 Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:12 am

    Vladimir79 wrote: The draft law was reduced to 12 months because 200,000 were dodging the draft per year. Now it is down to 24,000.

    O.o it is impressive. So, it means that people are less corrupt (i.e. pay-to-dodge the service), and I think corruption remains a big problem everywhere on earth, mainly in Russia.

    More reforms towards professionalism are -definitely- needed for the VVS, Navy, space and nuclear forces... Mainly it looks like Russia will need to secure its overseas territories from foreigners.

    Anyway, will the VMF get the PAK-FA anytime soon?

    How about the Interior troops? Are they based on conscripts?

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:31 am

    ekacipta021292 wrote:

    Anyway, will the VMF get the PAK-FA anytime soon?

    How about the Interior troops? Are they based on conscripts?

    PAK FA will get IOC by 2017 if all goes to plan... if not it could be much later.

    MVD, some of it is, some of it isn't.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:07 pm

    Well... Duhhh...

    It was here all along... the Russian Army plans for the future...

    The three brigades:
    First, these are the level of protection of the main tank, designed for combat in direct contact with the enemy. They will come into service of heavy type formations.
    The second family of vehicles with a BMPs level protection the formations for action in difficult terrain and in areas of coastal waters will be equipped with these, also they may commission raids behind enemy lines, as well as fight with small-size (portable) anti-tank detachments of the enemy.
    The third family of vehicles is expected to be on the basis of military automobile technology in an armored version with mounted advanced types of weapons, including precision and based on new physical principles, systems and command, C4ISR, EW, etc.

    And the plans for the next decade:

    Now the Army plans to carry this out in two stages. In the first (2011-2015) the main focus will be on procurement of modern armaments and military equipment items, especially for rocket and artillery units, reconnaissance, electronic warfare and communications, and automated control systems for tactical level. While continuing to develop a new family of platforms such as light (Typhoon), medium ("Boomerang" and "Kurganets-25") and heavy ("Armata").

    So the light, medium and heavy brigades will consist of tank level armour for heavy, BMP level armour for medium and wheeled vehicle level for light brigades.

    That means that if they were formed right now it would be BTRT for APC, T-90M for tank and MSTA for artillery for heavy, BMP-4M, Sprut 2S25, and 2S31 Vena for APC, Tank and Artillery respectively for medium, and BTR-90M APC, BTR-90 with turret of 2S25 with 125mm gun for tank and 2S23 for artillery for the light brigade.

    Of course it also reveals that there are three vehicle platforms in development to replace the vehicles I listed above, these being the Light Typhoon (BTR), the medium Boomerang and Kurganets-25(BMP), and the heavy Armata series of vehicles. Perhaps Armata will be based on the E300 standard chassis mentioned elsewhere on this forum?

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  nightcrawler Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:40 pm

    Will extremely appreciate is some one convert this Russian> order of priorityRussian Military Reform Img5910x

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:38 am

    Obviously I am not much good for translations but to explain the first image of the shell, the issue involved is that for relatively high velocity HE FRAG rounds fired from a gun (as opposed to a lower velocity weapon like a howitzer or mortar) that the shells tend to hit the target directly, but the traditional design of the shells is to have a fuse in the nose to detonate the HE payload and for the walls of the shell to be designed to fragment.
    With a mortar shell that is OK because the shell comes down nearly vertically so the side walls distribute the fragments evenly in a circular pattern around where the round hits. There are no big gaps where someone might escape serious injury because the walls of the shell are pretty much directed at any targets nearby.
    If you change the angle of the shell by having the shell almost horizontal and a quarter of the side wall fragments go straight down into the ground and another quarter go straight up in the air while the quarter on each side are lethal and kill those things in front of the target hit and on either side of the explosion targets inside the target do not get hit with many proper fragments at all. Pieces of the fuse will be lethal but it is not designed to fragment so one person might be killed by a large piece of the fuse while someone standing right next to them might just get hit with the blast.

    This new round design has extra fragmentation material (ie metal) in the front designed to be blown forward like a claymore round to kill anyone in front of the shell as well as right beside it.

    Used in conjunction with an ANIET fusing system a group of enemy soldiers that are 3.4kms away can be much more effectively dealt with because while the ANIET fusing system is not accurate enough to detonate directly over a trench system (to hit them with fragments coming from the side of the shell) it would be accurate enough to detonate this new claymore like round within 100m or so in front of a group of troops with the directed blast of fragments doing the job of dealing with the soldiers. Testing would determine the rate of spread of the fragments so it might turn out that setting the round to explode 150m or 200m or 50m might be most effective depending on the angle the cone of fragments expands at.
    Firing at helos hovering behind trees could also be dealt with using such rounds too.

    Otherwise it looks like a standard HE round, it has a nose mounted fuse, but the detonator is in the extreme rear of the charge to ensure the blast moves forward through the explosive to direct the fragments in the nose forward towards the target. The round uses tail fins to stabilise the round because it is fired from a smoothbore gun that doesn't have rifling to stabilise it.
    The purple material is HE... but I am not sure what the yellow stuff is... it could be packing material to keep overall weight down or it might be an incendiary material. The stuff that looks like metal bars cut into segments is the fragmentation material to be thrown forward at the target.

    Because it retains the side wall fragmentation material this round could become the standard HE FRAG round with the nose fuse determining the operation of the round. An ANIET fuse can be set as the round is loaded from the autoloader electronically to detonate at a certain stage of its trajectory like an airburst proximity fuse munition. The standard fuse allowed for a variation of uses too. With the fuse set to open with the protective cap in place it detonates very quickly, in practical terms it detonates on impact. With the fuse set to closed with the protective cap on will delay the explosion so that when shooting at soft targets the round will penetrate into the target before detonation which is rather more effective if it actually can penetrate the target. I have heard stories of tank gunners setting the fuses to short delay and then firing at the hard frozen ground to get a poor mans air burst. (remember if the shell explodes as it hits the ground half the fragments are directed into the ground and are wasted and the blast effect is also directed into the ground too.) The other fuse setting is open with the protective cap removed but handling must be very careful as even rain will set the round off. It is used in soft mud or swampy conditions or targets on water.
    Russian Patriot
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    Russian Military Reform Empty Russian Army Aviation

    Post  Russian Patriot Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:48 am

    Army aviation to remain part of Russian Air Force

    RIA Novosti

    18:03 01/12/2010 MOSCOW, December 1 (RIA Novosti) - Army aviation will remain part of Russia's Air Force, and its fleet will be fully upgraded in the future, a deputy Air Force commander said on Wednesday.

    Army aviation was an arm of the Ground Forces prior to becoming part of the Air Force in 2003. The possible return of army aviation assets to the Ground Forces has been one of the main discussion topics during the ongoing military reform in Russia.

    "Army aviation will continue to fulfill the set tasks as part of the Air Force," Lt. Gen. Igor Sadofyev said.

    It will carry out a wide-range of missions, including tactical air support of the Ground Forces, tactical aerial reconnaissance, transportation of airborne troops, and electronic warfare, Sadofyev added.

    Army aviation will replace about 70 percent of its fleet with new aircraft by 2020 and replace the remainder later, he said.

    The new additions to the fleet will include Ka-52 and Mi-28N attack helicopters, he said.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  KRON1 Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:01 am

    Of course they won't separate commands, they are trying to save money. We already seen in Georgia how frontal aviation supports troops, not much at all. They stick more to the tactical bombing mission. If the Army had its own CAS aircraft, they would get that much more support.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Russian Military Reforms [Command-Structure-Personnel]

    Post  Admin Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:41 am

    Outcome of Military Transformation

    Four years ago, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov was, who started a new military reform. Experts told the Trud on preliminary results of its transformation.

    When the War Department was headed by Serdyukov - a purely civilian who - for many of the generals it was a shock.

    "Today it is obvious that this post Serdyukov, was nominated just as a person, not associated with traditional military establishment, and are consequently having unblinkered look at how to modernize the army," - said Trud director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Ruslan Pukhov.

    In his view, a four-year reign Serdyukov and his reforms have changed the army, and we can talk about her first results.

    The army has become more mobile

    "Until 2008, our army was like a fragment of an old, Soviet, oversaturated with heavy weapons, focused on maintaining a global nuclear war with virtually the entire world" - told Trud former head of one of the offices of the GRU General Staff of Russia Vitaly Shlykov.

    According to him, even in the August 2008 war with Georgia, our army was still a "Soviet" - a slow-going, with archaic management structure. Now the situation has changed. In the Army divisions, a place that could be nominated for an alarm to the site of the fighting is not earlier than one day, set up mobile teams with time alerting for 1 hour.

    Army barracks gets rid of the spirit

    "When Serdyukov dramatically began to change soldiers 'way of life" - says the head of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia Valentina Melnikova.

    Until recently, for orders in the kitchen, cleaning and territories cantonments detach every day more than a third of the personnel. Now the soldiers are gradually released from these functions. Domestic military service by commercial firms.

    As the troops went to the new technology

    Finally launched the most large-scale for the entire post-Soviet Russian history rearmament.

    Now the share of new weapons in the armed forces is 10%, by 2020 it will amount to 90-100%. "Only the Navy will receive in the next decade 40 submarines and 36 new ships, and Air Force - 1500 Aircraft", - said Pukhov.

    The officers have increased salaries

    Before the reform Lt. paid 14,000 rubles a month, Major - 20 000. Now they get to 50 and 70 thousand respectively. But, so far, not all but only the officers, the most distinguished on the basis of combat training.

    From 2012, the bonuses will be included in the permanent salaries and the minimum base rate will be 50,000 rubles. "The level of salaries of our army officers actually catch up with the armies of developed countries", - said the deputy-head of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin.

    Reform not to swing

    Among the most important results of the military reform and experts consider the fact that it is carried out at a vigorous pace and not drowned in a lengthy negotiation.

    For example, in the past six months had dramatically changed the military-administrative division: instead of the six military districts was four, in each of them created the Joint Strategic Command. "Move from place to place had a huge number of officers and generals, other times it would take years, but the Defense did it all for 4-5 months", - said Pukhov.

    Ceased to train officers

    Last year, the military high schools have stopped recruiting new cadets until 2012 because of an overabundance of officers. It affected all military schools. Moreover, almost all graduates in 2010 went to work in the civil sphere, or have been appointed to the post of sergeant.

    This led to the fact that universities began to leave the experienced teachers. Instead, they gathered young officers without the necessary experience.

    Sergeants almost did not become

    Previously earned a professional NCO corps, in 2009-2010 were dissolved. The ministry believed that they were poorly prepared and did not differ from the ordinary soldiers. Now the rate is completely done by conscripts with an even lower level of training.

    Nothing to defend against China

    However, some alarming outcome of the reform. In the process of reform were actually eliminated the tank units, said the director of Center for Military Forecasting Anatoly Tsyganok. "Now the army has dwindled to only 2000 tanks, and the old models," - he says. In his view, the tanks in modern warfare - the main means of land combat. They are particularly relevant at the border with China.


    1 million people - the number of the Russian army (before the reform - 1,13 million)

    150 thousand officers are serving in the army (there were 350 thousand)

    84 teams of constant readiness to establish the Army

    20 trillion. rubles allocated for the Defense Ministry until 2020 to upgrade.

    Michael Lukanin

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Hoof Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:08 am

    I don't really know what to think about this... Still seems like promises... for example when he said that they are going to build 40 subs and 36 ships... you want to ask a question : how many ships were built in last 15 years ? how can you achieve number thats greater in next 9 years ??? and 1500 airplanes, you have to ask same question.... if it is true, will factories have equipment and qualified workforce to produce such large numbers of equipment ??

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:37 am

    if it is true, will factories have equipment and qualified workforce to produce such large numbers of equipment ??

    Well you wont have such things if you don't order more ships and subs.

    It was a lack of orders and money that created the problem, and it is orders and money that will solve it.

    BTW one enormous thing that this article leaves out is the readiness units.

    Before the reform there were three states of readiness, first, second and third. The first units had all the latest gear and could pretty much be ready to go with short warning. These units were in East Germany and parts of the Soviet Union facing NATO countries.
    The second line units had full stocks of equipment but it usually wasn't the latest gear and it also wasn't fully manned so it took a week to get such a unit together... they had been recently trained and needed to be mobilised and given a quick refresher and they would be ready to go. The third line units didn't have much equipment and had skeleton manning. They took a month to get ready for full scale war.

    The point is that with the new reforms the entire military is now a first line unit and has the best gear. In practical terms the current force is larger than the older force of 1st line units so in practical terms for the first week of conflict the current army is larger and much better equipped than the Soviet equivalent.

    They are not up to NATO standard per say yet, but the rearmament and reform is still at an early stage... it does seem to be making a positive difference.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Hoof Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:47 am

    GarryB wrote:
    if it is true, will factories have equipment and qualified workforce to produce such large numbers of equipment ??

    Well you wont have such things if you don't order more ships and subs.

    It was a lack of orders and money that created the problem, and it is orders and money that will solve it.

    BTW one enormous thing that this article leaves out is the readiness units.

    Before the reform there were three states of readiness, first, second and third. The first units had all the latest gear and could pretty much be ready to go with short warning. These units were in East Germany and parts of the Soviet Union facing NATO countries.
    The second line units had full stocks of equipment but it usually wasn't the latest gear and it also wasn't fully manned so it took a week to get such a unit together... they had been recently trained and needed to be mobilised and given a quick refresher and they would be ready to go. The third line units didn't have much equipment and had skeleton manning. They took a month to get ready for full scale war.

    The point is that with the new reforms the entire military is now a first line unit and has the best gear. In practical terms the current force is larger than the older force of 1st line units so in practical terms for the first week of conflict the current army is larger and much better equipped than the Soviet equivalent.

    They are not up to NATO standard per say yet, but the rearmament and reform is still at an early stage... it does seem to be making a positive difference.

    Seems like there is a lot of work to do...24 hours is a really quick response time...
    for example, my squadron cowers Korea... If I get called at 3:00 AM... I'm expected to be at work at 3.30 latest with my deployment bags (thats always ready). Get briefed 30 minutes later. Start out-processing 30 minutes later. finish out processing after maximum of 5 hours. at around 11am-1pm I should be on my way to Korea (Flight from America to Korea). This is pretty crazy...

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:13 am

    Well it is and it isn't... the ready to go units were already equipped and probably able to march down red square and then on to battle... they were fully manned because all their personel were in training all the time and were there and ready.

    It took less that 24 hours to organise the 58th Army to enter South Ossetia... with special units probably getting there much quicker to secure essential points like the tunnel from Russia to SO.

    The difference is that the 1st line troops were usually near where they were expected to fight and it would be very unlikely for them to need to get on a plane and fly half way around the world to the place they would fight.

    Of course call up times and readiness times were rules of thumb.

    One of the Ironies is that the west knew this but persisted in showing the conventional superiority in numbers in Europe for Warsaw Pact forces that included all Soviet forces but rarely included French forces or some UK forces which they state would "stay at home" to protect local things without even mentioning that some of the Soviet forces would do the same and others would not be mobilised very quickly either.

    By the time the third level units were ready to fight it is expected forces from Canada and the US would have arrived so there was not going to be any numerical superiority for the WP except in terms of armour but a lot of that was already obsolete in the 1980s, but the west still counted it the same as it counted the latest tanks.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Austin Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:40 am

    Military Technology No. 4, 2010,


    Author: Vadim Mikhaltsov

    Vadim Mikhaltsov - head of department at RF MoD's 38th NIII Research Testing Institute, lieutenant colonel

    The beginning of the 21st century saw a transition of the world leading nations from the armed forces of the industrial era to the armed forces of the information age. There has been a quantum leap in the performance of control facilities due to improvements in the information and telecommunication technologies, communications equipment, data processing, storing and transfer systems.

    The “New Look of the RF Armed Forces” concept implies that in a military conflict the Russian army would first have to conduct active struggle in the information field, and only then employ its troops. This does not exclude border clashes, in which the territorial groups of general-purpose forces may generally be involved to achieve limited military and political objectives: territory capture and retention, area interdiction, peace enforcement on terms acceptable to us. In all cases the pace of weapons deployment and use, as well as the ability to quickly recover the destroyed infrastructure and communications will have a dominant influence on the outcome of war.

    The transition to a three-level organizational structure - military district, operational command and brigade - streamlines troop command & control, thus increasing the speed of command and troop readiness. A key component of the new Armed Forces' look is placing all combat units on constant alert. In addition, a new unified command & control system and a unified information system of the military-scientific complex is being established. This will greatly increase the mobility of military units, as well as their ability to independently fight in various theaters of operations.

    In line with the state armament program and state defense order, equipping and maintaining the Armed Forces battle-ready will focus on improving the armaments structure in favor of modern precision-guided weapons, “unmanned” warfighting technologies, equipping the units with the required armaments. For the Land Forces, changes in the structure, content and scope of the assigned tasks result from the changed forms and methods of the operational employment of force groupings. Their effective accomplishment depends largely on the makeup, condition and further development of the armored combat vehicle system.

    Currently, the structure of the armored combat vehicle system is a set of armored vehicle models needed to equip the military units, combatant arms, special troops, and regional groupings of the Armed Forces and other forces. The technical basis of this system are the various types of tanks, infantry (airborne) combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers as well as combat, technical (armored recovery) and logistic support vehicles, and training facilities.

    Recently, the steady trends toward diminishing the role of armored combat vehicles, and particularly tanks, in all kinds of operations have been observed in our country. The need for their further development and especially production is now questioned, funding of research and development work decreases. This situation may lead to the fact that in the near future we'll have to borrow technical solutions and new technologies from the foreign tank manufacturers, as happened with the automotive and some other industries.

    The issue of the role of armored combat vehicles and ways for their development requires a systemic, balanced approach. The Land Forces should have available all
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    fighting components to handle the full scope of their combat missions. This has been confirmed by combat experience, practice of developing land forces in the industrialized countries, where the armored troops offering high fighting capabilities -striking force, firepower, mobility and protection - are widely represented.

    The experience of local wars of our time confirms that none of them was conducted without the massive use of tanks: tank battalions accounted for almost half of all battalions in the units. Thus, more than 6,000 tanks were used by both sides in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War and over 10,000 tanks were involved in the 1991 Gulf War. In combat operations in Iraq in 2003, air strikes and artillery fire also failed to achieve the main objective, and powerful armored groups of the general-purpose forces, which acted in several fronts simultaneously with aircraft strikes and use of precision-guided weapons, did play a decisive role.

    In the West, there is no hint of curtailing the tank troops. On the contrary, the future NATO army development programs envisage further strengthening of the combat capabilities of tanks and other armored combat vehicles. For instance, the ratio of tank and combined arms units in the armies of major NATO countries is as follows: about 50% in the US, over 50% in Germany, and 75% in the Great Britain.

    Relying on the likely scales of wars, one may state that the tank units must be the indispensable component of forces and their core element in the main directions. There is no alternative to them now and in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, armored combat vehicles are in fact the basis for the evolution of the forms and methods of conducting warfare by the land forces.

    Currently, the Land Forces' armaments and military equipment include nuclear missile, armored and artillery armaments, automated command & control systems, air defense equipment, engineer equipment, etc. However, tanks, tank support combat vehicles, infantry (airborne) combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers and other combat and technical support vehicles still remain the backbone of this complex of equipment. Their high firepower, maneuverability and other fighting capabilities enable their efficient use both in defensive and offensive operations.

    A new generation of the armored combat vehicles has several distinguishing features based on the design implementation of advanced technology achievements, particularly in microelectronics, robotics, communications and information technologies. Its impressive representatives are the T-72B2 and T-90A upgraded tanks, BMPT tank support combat vehicle, and upgraded BMP-3M IFV. In terms of combat capabilities, this generation is characterized by a new combat index - team controllability. In addition, they feature: automated navigation, data transfer and other systems for interaction within the unit; integration of onboard electronics into a single vehicle control system; new weapon control devices and methods (targeting, automatic target tracking, remote ammunition detonation); integration of target reconnaissance devices (thermal imager, radar, optics, etc); warfighting capability with a minimum crew size (up to two people); as to survivability, protection against detection is becoming more important than protection against attack.

    Nowadays, armored combat vehicles are in service with the Land Forces, Airborne Troops and Marines. The armored vehicles' chassis are used to mount weapons and equipment of the missile and artillery, air defense, NBC protection and engineer forces, communications and command & control equipment. In addition, armored combat vehicles are operational with other law enforcement ministries and agencies (Border Guard Troops, Ministry of Interior Affairs, EMERCOM, etc).

    The armored vehicles can be used as a basis for operational- and tactical-level weapon systems, dedicated technical and logistic support vehicles. The main principle in the development of new armored combat vehicles is the integrated families of vehicles of various protection levels on a common chassis, with a front or rear engine transmission compartment. Its implementation will solve the commonality problem and reduce the excessive diversity of equipment models. The development of a new generation of armored combat vehicles and a unified family of armored vehicles on their basis for the branches of service, integrated into the tactical-level armaments system, will make it possible to achieve information-and-energy uniformity of armaments and military equipment, a similar level of their mobility and survivability, and autonomy of the operations conducted by the combined arms units.

    With a view to the current trend towards placing Land Forces' armaments and military equipment on the armored basis, a fundamental question arises: whether the decision is justified and whether it is contrary to the world tank industry trends?

    A new doctrine of using NATO forces, in particular armored vehicles, provides for a quick response
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    to the emerging conflicts, which requires rapid transfer of necessary forces to the areas of their origin. In this context provision is made to develop vehicles capable of conducting sustained operations in any area of the globe with high effectiveness and at minimum material costs. To this end, it is planned to use a unified combat system comprising infantry fighting vehicles and unmanned combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, command & control vehicles, fire support and protective vehicles.

    Today the US army and the armies of other leading countries are undertaking efforts aimed primarily at in-depth upgrade of armored vehicles using new technologies. In this context, interest in electrothermal, electromagnetic and liquid propellant guns has revived. A tank of the future may have a combat weight of 42 to 57 tons, a 120- or 140-mm smoothbore high-ballistics gun, passive and active protection and an engine with the power-to-weight ratio of no less than 40 hp/t.

    Studies of electromagnetic armor, modular armor complete with ERA and active protection systems are considered a promising area of research. It is viewed by western experts as the only reliable means of protection against advanced antitank weapons. The idea of using electric transmission and thus developing an “all-electric tank” is generating great interest among western tank designers.

    Today, local wars and armed conflicts have become a kind of proving ground for testing new weapons, forms and methods of warfare. There is an entire system of modern requirements for not only single models of armored combat vehicles, but also for the system of military equipment models for tactical units. The major requirements are: the capability for independent actions as part of limited tactical groups in any climate, weather and time conditions; operational and tactical mobility; automatic control of various weapons; remote control; integration of armaments and military equipment into a unified system.

    The main feature of using armored vehicles in today's conditions is that success in combat will be possible only when clear control and coordination is organized between sub-units, units and weapons and the information superiority is achieved over the enemy when preparing a battle and taking a more advantageous position.

    Use of precision-guided weapons and other more sophisticated means of warfare by the warring parties increases the pace of battle. Under these conditions, more than ever, the question arises about the struggle to gain time, seize and retain the initiative, about the ability of commanders (HQs) to quickly assess the situation, make decisions, set goals for subordinates, firmly and continuously control the units in a rapidly and dramatically changing environment. So now, along with the traditional combat properties of armored combat vehicles, the need to develop team controllability through all-round automation of control of individual weapons and units as a whole is coming to the fore. This can be achieved provided that the armored combat vehicles are equipped with software/hardware systems based on high-performance computers, electronic security, communications, navigation, data collection, processing and transfer equipment.

    A priority in the new “look” of the Armed Forces is given to automated command & control at the tactical level, with regard to attached, supporting and interacting forces and facilities. Therefore, the evolution of armored combat vehicles is moving towards the development of tank units' automated control systems (ACS) integrated with higher echelon ACS and other tactical-level weapon systems.

    It is quite clear that significant growth in the combat and technical characteristics of armored combat vehicles can be achieved through new technical and technological solutions. Today, many countries are placing emphasis on developing key technologies and forming scientific backup for their future development.
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    Implementation of the new requirements for armored combat vehicles of tactical-level units will not only improve their basic capabilities, but will also create new types of armaments and military equipment, as well as forms and methods of warfare. Moreover, with the integration of modern weapons, reconnaissance and command & control assets into a single armament system, a need arises to develop automation equipment not only for armored combat vehicles, but also for other kinds of military equipment (air defense, artillery, engineer, CW, etc) attached to tactical units. This command & control automation equipment set should provide continuity of data gathering, processing and presentation in a form easy to analyze and make a decision. Such a set may include command & control vehicles of tactical units, logistic and technical support control vehicles, and control vehicles of the attached, supporting and interacting units.

    The emergence of new types of weaponry changes the preparation and conduct of military operations, both at the operational and tactical level. For land groups, activities not only in one key sector, but simultaneously in several areas with the subsequent exploitation of success and rapid transfer of efforts where the enemy defense was breached, is becoming common. The role of fire damage, massive use of tanks, and active maneuvering of forces in the areas where fighting is conducted on the principle of “the front is everywhere,” is growing. Moreover, it seems particularly typical that a combined arms battle or operation is steadily acquiring a 3D air-land form. Under such conditions, along with powerful bombardment of the entire depth of the enemy formation with precision-guided weapons, air assets and missiles, armored thrusts against the first echelon troops are simultaneously launched.

    Because of its highly maneuver-able nature, fighting will be characterized by a fast and frequent switch from one kind of action to another, simultaneous conduct of different types of action by a combined arms unit: for example, one part of the forces will attack, the other - maintain defense, the third - pursue the retreating enemy. The main thing is that the use of tanks, as in the past, proves to be a crucial factor of achieving success in the “land” phase of fighting. Tanks confirm their role as a versatile weapon on the modern battlefield

    It should be noted that a war of modern technologies has moved today from the level of confrontation of individual weapon models to the level of troop and weapon control system in a new sphere of warfare, defined as the “cosmo-energy-information area”. Therefore, new-generation armored combat vehicles need to be adapted to these conditions, with their role assigned and their objectives specified. It is necessary to achieve stable, preferably asymmetric parity with the advanced foreign counterparts.

    To address this problem, the armored combat vehicles that are part of rapid response brigades, should be first equipped with an integrated information management system, remote motion and fire control, IFF, jam-resistant communication and satellite navigation systems. We need to equip them with weapons firing “fire-and-forget” ammunition, introduce an automatic target detection and tracking system, with the ability of receiving designations from ACS interfaces. For new armored vehicles, it is necessary to establish batch production of modern armor steels, armor ceramics, and thermal imagers based on domestic circuitry components.

    For each armored combat vehicle model, we need to develop a specific set of technologies that will define its technical configuration and basic characteristics. This necessitates a package of R&D efforts to develop the components, which subsequently will be the basis for new generation armored combat vehicle models. In the future, combat and support vehicles of wider range of types - highly protected reconnais-sance-and-fire, collective protection and command & control -should be available.

    Along with the development of new weapons, R&D efforts should be undertaken on combat and technical support vehicles. The main areas of their development are: development of repair and maintenance facilities mounted on a common combat vehicle chassis; versatility by the kinds and types of supported armored combat vehicles; an increase in useful internal armored volumes and introduction of automatic towing hitches and advanced diagnostic tools on the recovery vehicles; optimization of maintenance facilities echeloning; improvement in the repair service structure; organization of multi-discipline repair, on-condition repair and upgrade & overhaul.

    Thus, in a new “look” of the Russian Armed Forces, the armored combat vehicles should ensure the full autonomy of the military units, have a high level of firepower, mobility and survivability and be superior to similar models of the potential enemy in terms of combat and service characteristics, information support and control.

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    Russian Military Reform Empty Re: Russian Military Reform

    Post  Austin Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:37 pm

    Statement before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate
    Ronald L. Burgess, Jr. Lieutenant General, U.S. Army
    Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

    Turning now to Russia, where its leaders are pursuing a more cooperative approach to relations with the United States and the West and are seeking access to foreign investment, technology, and markets. An example of cooperation is Moscow’s willingness to permit supplies to pass through Russia to Coalition forces in Afghanistan. Russia also voted for a fourth round of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran and canceled Iran’s SA-20 contract, but it still opposes unilateral U.S. or EU sanctions and will work with Iran in areas not subject to sanctions, including support for the nuclear power plant at Bushehr.

    Moscow has concerns about how long the positive trend in U.S.-Russian relations will last. Moscow sees the New START agreement as a key element of the evolving bilateral relationship. However, Moscow worries that U.S. policy will become more confrontational. Other concerns are U.S. military assistance to Georgia and plans to deploy missile defenses in Europe as part of the Phased Adaptive Approach. Moscow’s foreign policy pronouncements may increasingly reflect political posturing in advance of Russia’s December 2011 parliamentary election and March 2012 presidential election.

    The Russian military’s most comprehensive reform since World War II continues. The goal is to create more agile, modern, and capable forces. General purpose forces will be smaller, more mobile, and combat ready. They will be better suited to respond to threats along Russia’s periphery, win local conflicts, and quickly end regional wars. Russia will rely on its robust nuclear arsenal to deter and, if necessary, engage in larger regional or worldwide conflicts.

    Russia has moved from division- to brigade-centric ground forces, disbanded most of its Soviet-era mobilization reserve structure, and consolidated air force units. To better control general purpose forces in regional conflicts, it has formed the first peacetime joint strategic commands – West, East, South, and Center.

    Moscow’s 10-year modernization plan is a top priority for the armed forces. Defense-related spending probably will increase in 2011 by 9.2 percent in real terms to $72.9 billion. The 2011-2020 State Armament Program aims to spend about $630 billion with substantial increases for new weapons. Currently, the level of modern equipment in service is 10 percent; Moscow wants to increase it to 30 percent by 2015 and 70 percent by 2020. We assess that competing demands to sell arms abroad, Russia’s aging industrial base, lack of resources plus corruption and mismanagement most likely will keep modern equipment below those levels.

    New equipment for the general purpose forces will begin to increase in 2011, but deliveries will be small and Soviet-era weapons will remain the standard. Russia also will buy selected foreign systems, such as France’s Mistral amphibious assault ship, and will integrate foreign technology and sustain joint production programs.

    Russia is upgrading massive underground facilities that provide command and control of its strategic nuclear forces as well as modernizing strategic nuclear forces as another top priority. Russia will field more SS-27/Topol-M road-mobile ICBMs and SS-27 Mod-X-2 (RS-24) MIRVed ICBMs. It also will continue development of the Dolgorukiy/SS-NX-32 Bulava SSBN/SLBM and next-generation Air Launched Cruise Missiles.

    Russia already has formidable space and counterspace capabilities and is improving its navigation, communications, ballistic missile launch detection, and intelligence-gathering satellites. It has extensive systems for space surveillance and tracking and others with inherent counterspace applications, such as satellite-tracking laser rangefinders. Russia is researching or expanding directed-energy and signal jamming capabilities that could target satellites.

    Military readiness is generally increasing in Russia’s new units, but demographic trends will complicate efforts to fill the ranks adequately. Programs to build a professional military stalled because they are expensive and Moscow’s current priority is rearmament.

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