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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)


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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:46 am

    This is interesting comments by Mike Pompeo:

    That fact that he thinks the west could crush Putin is amusing... they have been trying that for 20 years.

    The fact that he thinks he understands Putin is amusing too, but the fact that he wants to eliminate the head of state of another country that was legally elected and largely supported by the home population reveals him to be evil himself and anti democracy.

    How would he feel about foreign politicians who openly talked about eliminating US presidents and political officials... he would go apeshit...

    But the arrogance of US politicians who think they can decide who is in charge of other countries is amusing and a warning to all countries... because they openly replace leaders of weaker countries all the time... no respect for democracy or international law...

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  andalusia Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:04 am

    I think Russia would benefit by issuing its currency interest free like Guernsey:

    Russia should strong consider the Chicago Plan to replace the poisonous Neoliberal monetary policy:

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  andalusia Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:10 am

    GarryB wrote:
    This is interesting comments by Mike Pompeo:

    That fact that he thinks the west could crush Putin is amusing... they have been trying that for 20 years.

    The fact that he thinks he understands Putin is amusing too, but the fact that he wants to eliminate the head of state of another country that was legally elected and largely supported by the home population reveals him to be evil himself and anti democracy.

    How would he feel about foreign politicians who openly talked about eliminating US presidents and political officials... he would go apeshit...

    But the arrogance of US politicians who think they can decide who is in charge of other countries is amusing and a warning to all countries... because they openly replace leaders of weaker countries all the time... no respect for democracy or international law...

    Agreed however, Americans would say 'might makes right'. Most average don't know about the true nature of American foreign policy and have been brainwashed into thinking they are fighting for freedom. These places are viewed as distant from the US; the majority of Americans view war as distant and as a video game that doesn't effect them. The only time their sense of invincibility would be shattered is if a country like Russia hits back on US soil with missiles or even worse nuclear weapons.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty why Russians allarmed to rise nuke alert

    Post  chinggis Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:45 pm

    What did Liz Truss said to provoke Russian to rise up its alert on nuclear force?

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Urluber Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:37 pm

    I don't know but looking at western media for the past 5 days, it's in full war mode. Same can be said about most of western governments and their comments. I think representative of UK even slipped that target of sanctions is "regime change in Russia". They took it back some time after but it's obvious to everyone with a brain that it has been discussed. "Regime change" means direct involvement in internal affairs of a sovereign country. Practically a war.

    This kind of information war in the west typically precedes a military operation.

    MOD is constantly monitoring multiple variables on wide array of theaters and comparing it to information of developments of past conflicts on part of various actors.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:24 pm

    She said: “If we don’t stop Putin in Ukraine we are going to see others under threat – the Baltics, Poland, Moldova, and it could end up in a conflict with Nato. We do not want to go there. That is why it is so important we make the sacrifices now.”

    Some Western media outlets did not even mention her statement as a reason for Putin's nuke alert. Instead they claim that Putin made his decision only because of sanctions or out of desperation. However, it is the corporate media that is showing its desperation, when it is not even capable to quote on Putin correctly.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  chinggis Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:38 pm

    SolidarityWithRussia wrote:She said: “If we don’t stop Putin in Ukraine we are going to see others under threat – the Baltics, Poland, Moldova, and it could end up in a conflict with Nato. We do not want to go there. That is why it is so important we make the sacrifices now.”

    Some Western media outlets did not even mention her statement as a reason for Putin's nuke alert. Instead they claim that Putin made his decision only because of sanctions or out of desperation. However, it is the corporate media that is showing its desperation, when it is not even capable to quote on Putin correctly.

    Thank you! Smile
    For me it is clear now why we are in alerted mode. It is very stupid to tell that to one well armed power with many nukes in its arsenal. And now we see that some EU states will send lethal weapons (is there any non lethal weapon?), air crafts, shells etc. and in the same time there is no civil defense exercise, no checking of air and nuke shelters. Strange at all. God help us if we have a so stupid politician who are leading us in that.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:20 am

    It is also worth noting an article from the German-languaged site Anti-Spiegel. I have put a very interesting and worrysome part in the Google translator.

    The Decapitation Strike

    In Russia it is now said that the Russian action in Ukraine is the only way to prevent a major war, a third world war. This may sound like Russian propaganda, but there are two facts to keep in mind.

    First, in the US, there is the so-called nuclear decapitation strategy. This strategy states that a rapid and unexpected nuclear first strike against Russia's command centers and nuclear weapons would destroy most of Russia's nuclear potential. According to the proponents of this strategy, the rest can be intercepted and only a few nuclear missiles from the Russian counterattack would get through.

    And since it's likely to hit Europe, not the US, that strategy is an openly talked-about option for some hawks in Washington. There are quite a few in Washington who believe that a nuclear war can be won if you can only strike fast enough. To do this, US nuclear missiles would have to be placed as close as possible to the Russian borders, for example in Ukraine.

    Second, the United States, as the world's only nuclear power, expressly does not rule out a nuclear first strike in its military doctrine. In their military doctrines, China and Russia have provided for the use of nuclear weapons only in the event of a nuclear attack on their countries or in the event of an existential threat to their countries. The USA, on the other hand, does not rule out surprising a country with nuclear weapons, even out of the blue. That's what the US military doctrine records say, and it's not disputed at all.


    Russia knew that after recognizing Donbass - and especially after its military intervention in Ukraine - it would be hit with crushing sanctions. The fact that Russia took this step anyway, although it doesn't have much to gain from it (apart from the Donbass), but inevitably has to accept gigantic economic damage, shows once again that Russia is of the opinion that something can only be done in this way to prevent a lot of bad things from happening.

    You can accuse Russia and Putin of many things, but Putin and his advisers are not stupid. The largest country in the world will hardly go to war just to conquer or control a few additional square kilometers of land, which then also has to be rebuilt at great expense. Wars have always been and will always be waged for specific goals, because one hopes to gain something from them. However, Russia cannot gain anything in Ukraine that would somehow compensate for the upcoming sanctions.

    Quote End
    I am a new member, so I am not allowed to post the link unfortunately. You can search for the original subtitle "Warum führt Russland in der Ukraine eine Militäroperation durch? Diese Frage bewegt derzeit die ganze Welt. Hier will ich die russische Sicht erklären, denn die westlichen Medien tun das nicht."

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:14 am

    Interesting article, but this bit:

    You can accuse Russia and Putin of many things, but Putin and his advisers are not stupid. The largest country in the world will hardly go to war just to conquer or control a few additional square kilometers of land, which then also has to be rebuilt at great expense. Wars have always been and will always be waged for specific goals, because one hopes to gain something from them. However, Russia cannot gain anything in Ukraine that would somehow compensate for the upcoming sanctions.

    Clearly seems to think Russia somehow needs the west and has no future without it.

    After pushing Russia away and demonising Putin for most of his time as leader of Russia, after all their attempts at agreements and dialogue that have simply been met with sanctions and lectures and downright verbal abuse... do they not realise sanctions make no difference if they no longer expect to have any relations with you in the future?

    They will sell you stuff, but they will sell to anyone and you wont be getting cheap anything any more... most of their gas will likely end up going to the Asian markets which means the middle east and US companies who used to sell there will turn to europe, so you are going to have to pay a lot more and open a lot of gas stations to take the liquified gas to pump through your pipe network... you really don't have the capacity for that now.... so lots of money needs spending so you can handle sufficient amounts of a more expensive product.... production in Germany is going to get less competitive.

    But I am sure making Kiev stop shelling its own people for wanting to speak Russian was just too hard... too much work... so splitting Russia away from the west is totally worth it.

    Honestly I think Russia will suffer initially but they are used to that now and this will be worth it because they retain independence and don't take orders from the US, UK, France, Germany, EU, Poland. etc etc...

    I think the west is going to suffer too and is no where near used to suffering like this... a large block has been solidified that is not the west that the rest of the world can work with as an alternative to more colonial BS from the west.

    If you are pro west can I ask... if ethical coffee means the farmers that grow the coffee beans get a fair wage for the value of the final product in the west... why is it even possible to buy any other type of coffee?

    Unethical coffee is farmers getting cents for products sold in the west with 1,000% markups and we wonder why they remain poor and coffee companies are so rich and powerful.

    Is it only coffee?

    Of course not.

    The west is designed to steal from the third world, and instead of mending its ways and embracing the second world with the first and then work together to drag the third world up so everyone can be a first world country... well we know what they chose to do... treat them like a third world country they could boss around but Putin wouldn't be bossed around like that drunk and best friend to the Clintons Yeltsin.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Firebird Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:07 am

    Something I was wondering about was the moronic UN votes of recent days.
    Does anyone know what the wording or the significance of these was?

    Why are so many countries the bitch of Uncle Sham?
    In population terms (eg India and China = 3 billion) the resolution was pretty much nullified.
    But why so many maggots all siding with the United Snakes?

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:27 am

    The current international economic and political system is controlled by the US, and if you don't have any stake in the race then why make waves.

    What they also appreciate is that the US uses these international organisations and structures to bully and punish its enemies for often nothing more than not doing as they are told... they will wrap it up in moral and ethical terms but it all boils down to do what we say or you are not part of the gang and if you are not with us then you are against us.

    Ironically that means you can read abstentions in votes to essentially be against the US even when they are supposed to be very close allies...

    The last time there was a vote on nazi issues only the US and Ukraine voted for nazis shit staying legal... they claimed it was all about freedom of speech.

    Doesn't seem to apply to RT or Sputnik though.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  kvs Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:30 am

    Firebird wrote:Something I was wondering about was the moronic UN votes of recent days.
    Does anyone know what the wording or the significance of these was?

    Why are so many countries the bitch of Uncle Sham?
    In population terms (eg India and China = 3 billion) the resolution was pretty much nullified.
    But why so many maggots all siding with the United Snakes?

    Petty concerns. A lot of countries have issues with "territorial integrity". They are also dependent on the
    US dominated financial system and are afraid of sanctions.

    The nature of power is about those that dominate and those that submit. The US has been the dominant
    power for decades and all the powerless countries know which ass to sniff. But the glacier is moving and
    about to surge. There is a critical level of economic development outside of US and minion control. China
    and Russia are actually more powerful than the US and the EU in terms of military power and real economic

    When it becomes clear to the poodles that their alpha dog is weak, then there will be a massive flipping of
    alignment. The US and its minions are desperate.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Firebird Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:46 am

    GarryB wrote:The current international economic and political system is controlled by the US, and if you don't have any stake in the race then why make waves.

    What they also appreciate is that the US uses these international organisations and structures to bully and punish its enemies for often nothing more than not doing as they are told... they will wrap it up in moral and ethical terms but it all boils down to do what we say or you are not part of the gang and if you are not with us then you are against us.

    Ironically that means you can read abstentions in votes to essentially be against the US even when they are supposed to be very close allies...

    The last time there was a vote on nazi issues only the US and Ukraine voted for nazis shit staying legal... they claimed it was all about freedom of speech.

    Doesn't seem to apply to RT or Sputnik though.

    I did some brief digging on the topic.
    The US has military "bases" in 80 countries, around 750 of them.
    Then it has bases by different names eg in the Ukraine (or did have til they were smoked).
    "Forward installations", "lillypads" etc.

    Ontop of that are all the countries under US financial and political hegemony.
    Even Russia was under some form of financial hegemony because it was part of the US controlled dollar financial system.

    Countries that "disobey" Uncle Sham get harrassed, terrorised, or even destroyed.
    They even did it with Germany and France. (Massive fines for VW and banks etc for alleged "criminality") Iraq genocided because it wanted to sell oil in euros. ANd India is now complaining about being harrassed into BS UN "resolutions".

    I never really realised how endemic US hegemony actually has been.
    Even the EU with over 400 m people is regularly shown to be America's gimp.

    Even Russia and China are still restricted by Uncle Sham, but breaking free as we speak.

    I think we're literally seeing two or more Worlds forming again.
    In many ways a far more combative situation that Cold War 1.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  George1 Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:33 am

    West's Censorship of RT, Sputnik & Psy-Ops Against Russians is Sign of Weakness, Say US Analysts

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:17 am

    Putin deals with western propaganda in Russia by generally just letting them speak... they reveal their real agendas and feelings quickly enough...

    Their criminal activities normally make it easy to then expose them for what they are...

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  andalusia Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:50 pm

    One should not be surprised that these right wing reactionaries are protesting Russia.  They are the political scum elites in their respective countries that were friends with Uncle Sam:

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:06 am

    I am not even sure where to post this.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 29, 2022 5:06 am

    The weird thing is that the US had bio weapons labs all over the world and funded the one in China where Covid is believed to have come from... (funny that because it originated in a market near that lab that the lab gets the blame... when novachok is detected within 16km or Porton Down in the UK... twice.... within a few months, there is no suspicion of leaks or security problems at the UKs biggest Bio weapons labs.... but anyway...).

    The point I am getting at is with all these well funded labs around the world the bio security response of the US particularly and the west in general was pathetic... so what are they even doing in these labs... it is certainly not about prevention and protection...

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Kiko Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:53 pm

    Don't know where to post this piece of slander.

    Russia says it is perplexed by Biden administration sanctions against Putin's daughters, 07.04.2022.

    The Kremlin said on Thursday (7) that it was perplexed by the United States ' decision to impose sanctions on President Vladimir Putin's adult daughters, describing the move as part of a broader Western frenzy against Russia.

    New U.S. sanctions against Moscow for its military intervention in Ukraine on Wednesday targeted Russian banks and elites, including Putin's daughters Katerina and Maria, who U.S. officials believe are hiding their father's wealth.

    "Of course, we consider these sanctions in themselves as the extension of an absolutely mad position on imposing restrictions," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "In any case, the ongoing row about imposing restrictions against family members speaks for itself."

    Peskov said the Kremlin could not understand why Putin's daughters would be targeted.

    "This is something that is difficult to understand and explain," he said. "Unfortunately, we have to deal with these opponents."

    Putin's daughter, Katerina Tikhonova, is a technology executive whose work supports the Russian government and its defense industry, according to details of the U.S. sanctions package announced on Wednesday.

    His other daughter, Maria Vorontsova, leads government-funded programs that have received billions of dollars from the Kremlin for genetic research and are personally supervised by Putin, the United States said.

    Putin has always kept his and his family's private lives out of the spotlight. The Kremlin often dismisses questions about them, citing their right to privacy.

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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:59 pm

    Peskov is turning out to be a hysteric. He has been making a slew of statements that make Russia look bad and is applying a pro-NATzO
    spin. This has alarmed many in Russia. He is spending way too much time reacting to NATzO abuse of human rights with soft waffle
    language. He should devote one sentence to the story and maintain the proper focus.


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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 08, 2022 5:25 am

    Biden puts sanctions on Putins daughters and you blame Peskov?

    I would think Hunter Biden would be an excellent target for Russian counter sanctions, yet they are not playing that game.

    Amusing suggesting one of Putins daughters is involved in suspicious genetic experiments... because obviously when you get caught doing something bad then you accused innocent people around you of sinister stuff too...

    It seems Hunter Biden has been funding bio weapons labs in the Ukraine but it is Putins daughter being sanctioned.... what a world we live in.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty "Pacific NATO" wants to expand at the expense of Japan?

    Post  Podlodka77 Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:30 pm

    Opinions section, TASS
    19 Apr, 14:15

    "Pacific NATO" wants to expand at the expense of Japan?

    Vasily Golovnin on the prospects for Japan to join the US, UK and Australia in AUKUS

    In mid-April, a small sensation stirred up Japanese political life - the US, UK and Australia were allegedly informally aggressively inviting Tokyo to join their still trilateral AUKUS military partnership, which these countries created last fall mainly to counter China. And now, of course, Russia.
    The news was reported by the Sankei Shimbun newspaper, citing insider sources, and the information was immediately denied by the government. Japanese cabinet secretary general Hirokazu Matsuno said at a press conference in Tokyo that reports of attempts to connect Japan to AUKUS "are not true."

    However, they did not really believe the refutation - Tokyo's proximity to the United States, Britain and Australia is beyond doubt, and military contacts have been growing between them for a long time and firmly. Therefore, it seems to me that creating some special relationship with AUKUS would be quite logical. Tokyo, for example, has the official status of a NATO partner, and Japanese representatives work at the alliance's headquarters on a permanent basis. In addition, Sankei Shimbun is known for good sources of information, including in military circles.

    Little Japanese NATO

    According to the newspaper, Australia, Great Britain and the United States are primarily interested in connecting the economic and technological potential of Japan to military development, which is supposed to be carried out on a collective basis. We are talking about the creation of hypersonic weapons, means of electronic and cyber warfare, the use of artificial intelligence devices and cryptosystems for the needs of the armed forces. Tokyo, by the way, is already developing in these areas. The whole problem, apparently, may lie precisely in the form of registration of cooperation.

    According to the Sankei Shimbun, there are fervent supporters in Tokyo for a formal partnership that is said to boost China's collective containment capability. At the same time, there are adherents of a more cautious approach. They are in favor of developing contacts based on bilateral relations with the United States, Great Britain and Australia, with which Tokyo already has separate agreements on military cooperation.
    It should be borne in mind that Japan, paradoxically, has already almost created its own small NATO. It has extensive systems of bilateral military agreements not only with the US, but also with Australia, Britain, France and even India. Attempts are being made to build something similar with Vietnam and the Philippines. The agreements create a legal basis for holding joint military exercises, importing weapons and ammunition from foreign armies, and in some cases allow for mutual support in combat conditions.

    AUKUS plans

    Against this background, by the way, in Tokyo they can leave contacts with AUKUS at an active informal level, so as not to tie their hands and not create an open crisis in relations with China. Proponents of a cautious approach also refer to the fact that Japan's legislation still retains vague restrictions on participation in multilateral military alliances.
    However, this, of course, is unlikely to interfere with cooperation in the joint development of weapons with the AUKUS countries. And in general, it is obvious that Japan, as the main Pacific ally of the United States, is a natural partner of this structure, even if Tokyo does not enter into it in an official capacity.

    As part of a trilateral agreement signed in September 2021, Canberra primarily plans to build at least eight nuclear submarines for itself with the help of American and British technologies, the first of which is expected to enter the country's navy in 2036. It is also about equipping the Australian Armed Forces with American long-range cruise missiles. Members of AUKUS this year also announced their intention to cooperate in the creation of hypersonic combat systems.

    Second Front in the South Pacific

    This "troika" has an addition in the region - a dialogue on security issues Quad ("Four"). It includes Australia, India, the United States and Japan, which regularly conduct fairly large-scale joint naval exercises, sometimes with the involvement of France as well. However, the scope of the "Four" is trying to expand, extending it to cooperation in new technologies and other civilian projects. This structure is actively invited, for example, South Korea; I think there are some plans for other countries in the region as well.

    Russia and China have repeatedly, including at the level of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, expressed alarm and displeasure in connection with the creation of such structures. Beijing, for example, claims that the emergence of AUKUS is based on the Cold War mentality and will exacerbate the arms race. The PRC also called this grouping "an attempt to create a Pacific NATO."

    China's concern is understandable - equipping the Australian Navy with nuclear-powered missile submarines, for example, seriously worsens China's strategic position in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean, in fact opening a second front to counter Beijing there. The same submarines will be able to operate along with the American and Japanese off the Russian coast. In addition, the naval exercises of the Quartet member countries have already taken place in addition to the Indian Ocean and in the waters of the Far East.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  PhSt Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:37 pm

    U.S. warns of response to any permanent China military presence in Solomons

    A senior-level U.S. delegation met the Solomon Islands' leader on Friday and warned that Washington would have "significant concerns and respond accordingly" to any steps to establish a permanent Chinese military presence in the Pacific island nation.

    Gee, meanwhile the Unazi Snakes have forward bases in Japan and South Korea that are aimed at China  Rolling Eyes

    So the Baltics and Ukraine have the sovereign right to host US bases, but countries like the Solomon Islands have no right to host non-NATzO bases. Such an astonishing NATzO hypocrisy  Laughing  Laughing

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:52 am

    Yeah, we are going to contain and isolate countries we deem to be a threat to our dictatorship, and when they push back or don't learn to behave the way we want them to behave then it is their aggression... poor innocent Solomon Islands... they are young and don't know what they are doing... don't you love that irony... China has had a civilisation that goes back to America and Europe being hunter gatherers but it is the west that knows best...

    Good to see the rest of the world starting to embrace the change... so many have been brainwashed about the Evil Chinese trying to steal the wests markets and resources from the west... because the west owns the Solomon Islands and those islanders can't make their own choices obviously.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 14 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  owais.usmani Fri Apr 29, 2022 5:03 pm

    Seems some sane Americans are still alive:

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