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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News


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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  Flyingdutchman Thu May 08, 2014 8:33 pm


    A new Iranian Ghadir-class stealth mini-submarine, home-built with Chinese technology, recently sank near the Strait of Hormuz, while preparing for a Revolutionary Guards naval exercise to practice sinking or disabling a mock-up US aircraft carrier, debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report exclusively.
    The sub was launched just a year ago.

    The Iranians drew a tight veil of secrecy over the accident, curtailing the search for the estimated 10 crewmen to avoid drawing the notice of US or other intelligence agencies in the region.
    Chinese and Russian teams secretly enlisted to help search for the sunken mini-submarine, quickly abandoned it saying that none of the crew could have survived. It was up to Iran to decide, they said, whether to continue the search at the risk of exposing its plans for sinking US carriers in a war contingency. So long as the sub stayed on the bottom, its stealth technology would make it hard for Western intelligence to locate it.
    The ill-fated submarine was to have shown its paces by striking a replica of the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier Iran had built at the Bandar Abbas naval base.

    The replica was spotted by US satellites. Challenged for an explanation, the Iranians first tried claiming it was to be used in a film documenting the naval forces present in the Persian Gulf.
    But then on April 27, the Navy Commander Rear Adm. Ali Fadavi gave the game a way by saying: “Iranian forces should target the carrier in the trainings. We should learn about the weaknesses and strengths of our enemy.”

    On May 6, Adm. Fadavi made a more warlike statement that clearly defined “the enemy” when he said: "They [Americans] know nothing. We have been making and sinking replicas of US destroyers, frigates and warships for long years, and we have sunk the replica of their vessels in 50 seconds through a series of operational measures."

    The semi-official Fars agency quoted him as saying also: “Destroying the US navy remains one of the top operational goals of the Tehran forces. If war with the United States breaks out, the Iranians will attack American aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, their size making them easy to target.”
    Tehran assumed its aggressive face the day before US National Security Adviser Susan Rice and senior US nuclear negotiator Wendy Sherman were due in Israel to persuade Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to live with the comprehensive nuclear accord shortly to be signed with Iran by the six world powers. They will also demand an Israel guarantee not to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, although the prime minister made this threat on Holocaust Day on April 27.

    The Iranian navy chief’s words were a message to Washington that if Netanyahu does engage in military action against Iran, the American fleet will be at risk.
    Iran’s military planners had assigned the new Ghadir-class mini-submarines the task of an attack to bring the US navy fleet, especially the carriers, to a halt - easy prey for a thousand IRGC torpedo boats armed with sea-to-sea missiles to strike the stationary vessels from all directions.
    Iranian naval experts count on sinking a carrier or leaving it too crippled to move to safety and forced to call on US bases in Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Yemen for air cover.
    Adm. Fadavi’s words, placing “destroying the US navy” among the operational goals of the Tehran forces” were meant to deter the US and Israel against military action.

    debkafile’s military sources reveal that IRGC chiefs are also looking at ways of disabling US warships in the Mediterranean, to put them out of action for a second-strike attack on the Lebanese Hizballah by missiles or for sending bombers over Iran.
    Not all Western naval experts agree on Tehran’s objectives or capabilities. Some discount the Iran’s speedboats’ ability to carry more than one sea-to-sea rocket - or two at most. And the US helicopters taking off from the targeted warship or ground bases would soon be able to sink them.

    Iranian forces recently tested the option of arming the explosive speedboat’s crews with shoulder-carried anti-helicopter rockets, but gave up after 10 boats tipped over during the test.
    The Revolutionary Guards Corps has a fleet of 10,000 small boats which are capable of great speed but easily overbalance.
    If the US or Israel do decide to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, the anchorages of these boats would be among their first targets. Each of these anchorages, which are strung along the Iranian Persian Gulf coast, houses around 100 boats.

    Trying to sink a fake aircraft carrier and then sink yourself haha.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  GarryB Fri May 09, 2014 11:23 am

    You have an interesting sense of humour... you think men drowning in a midget submarine is funny.

    Would you laugh as much at the British sailors who drowned in British mini subs during WWII trying to sink enemy vessels?

    Is Iran not allowed to defend itself from US carriers?

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  Flyingdutchman Fri May 09, 2014 12:10 pm

    GarryB wrote:You have an interesting sense of humour... you think men drowning in a midget submarine is funny.

    Would you laugh as much at the British sailors who drowned in British mini subs during WWII trying to sink enemy vessels?

    Is Iran not allowed to defend itself from US carriers?

    The Netherlands isnt doing the same with the K passing through our waters.

    How do you think russia would respond if the netherlands or england builds a mock-up aircraft carrier based on the K and blow it up with our naval forces?

    Iran dont have to defend itself from the carriers as there isnt a war threat right now.

    And no it wasnt smart to laugh at it from me.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  GarryB Sat May 10, 2014 10:26 am

    The Netherlands isnt doing the same with the K passing through our waters.

    When was the last time Russia invaded the two countries on either side of the Netherlands?

    Considering the US has a foreign policy of Regime change... has troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, and wanted to bomb Syria... did bomb Libya... and dozens of other countries whose main crime seems to be looking at the US the wrong way, I would think the Iranians would be bloody stupid to ignore the aggressive US Navy... just read about the US shooting down the Iranian Airbus in the 1980s. With hot heads and idiots in charge of their ships... and a Fked up government that not only didn't punish them for murdering innocent civilians, they actually gave the bstrds medals.

    The real question is why are the Iranians not building nukes and planning to deal with enemy carriers...

    How do you think russia would respond if the netherlands or england builds a mock-up aircraft carrier based on the K and blow it up with our naval forces?

    Hahahahahaha... The English have been planning and preparing to kill Russians for the last 3 centuries, and as part of NATO both countries have been plotting to kill Russians for the last half century.

    Iran dont have to defend itself from the carriers as there isnt a war threat right now.

    Hahahahahahaha... even the most rabid Neo-con in the US will admit the Iranians don't have nukes now... yet they want to spend trillions on an ABM system in Europe....

    And no it wasnt smart to laugh at it from me.

    Relieved to hear that my friend...  sunny 

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  dino00 Sat May 10, 2014 11:30 am


    just read about the US shooting down the Iranian Airbus in the 1980s.  [/quote]

    I don´t think that was on purposese, was a mistake, like the korean plane in 1983.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sat May 10, 2014 12:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The Netherlands isnt doing the same with the K passing through our waters.

    When was the last time Russia invaded the two countries on either side of the Netherlands?

    Considering the US has a foreign policy of Regime change... has troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, and wanted to bomb Syria... did bomb Libya... and dozens of other countries whose main crime seems to be looking at the US the wrong way, I would think the Iranians would be bloody stupid to ignore the aggressive US Navy... just read about the US shooting down the Iranian Airbus in the 1980s. With hot heads and idiots in charge of their ships... and a Fked up government that not only didn't punish them for murdering innocent civilians, they actually gave the bstrds medals.

    The real question is why are the Iranians not building nukes and planning to deal with enemy carriers...

    How do you think russia would respond if the netherlands or england builds a mock-up aircraft carrier based on the K and blow it up with our naval forces?

    Hahahahahaha... The English have been planning and preparing to kill Russians for the last 3 centuries, and as part of NATO both countries have been plotting to kill Russians for the last half century.

    Iran dont have to defend itself from the carriers as there isnt a war threat right now.

    Hahahahahahaha... even the most rabid Neo-con in the US will admit the Iranians don't have nukes now... yet they want to spend trillions on an ABM system in Europe....

    And no it wasnt smart to laugh at it from me.

    Relieved to hear that my friend...   sunny 

    Iran wont build nuclear bombs to deal with carriers Cause Thats a reason to destroy Iran and turn into a US puppet State.

    Yes maybe war games to destroy Some russian naval vessels but were not blowing Up a goddamn carrier to provocate Russia.

    That Airbus was a accident i would have done the Same if a unknown aircraft comes in your direction
    While your battling pirates or whatever it was close to Iran.

    Everyone knows iran isnt having nukes and everyone knows they Will built them and that ballistic missile shield was for Iran but aimes at Russia now.

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat May 10, 2014 1:27 pm

    Hahahahahahaha... even the most rabid Neo-con in the US will admit the Iranians don't have nukes now... yet they want to spend trillions on an ABM system in Europe....

    Well, they can very much have.. and this is excellent news!

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  mutantsushi Sun May 11, 2014 11:32 am

    dino00 wrote:just read about the US shooting down the Iranian Airbus in the 1980s. I don´t think that was on purposese, was a mistake, like the korean plane in 1983.
    Sure, a 'mistake' made while the USN vessel was in Iranian waters, and was shooting at the Iran Air flight also within Iranian airspace on it's normal registered flightpath, that was using the standard civilian IFF transponders.

    theflyingdutchman wrote:That Airbus was a accident i would have done the Same if a unknown aircraft comes in your direction ...While your battling pirates or whatever it was close to Iran.
    I seriously hope you are never put in charge of a SAM battery anywhere near any civilian traffic, because the Iran Air flight was following normal procedure 100% and was emitting normal civil IFF frequencies while following it's registered flight path.  Normally that's called negligent homicide, at best.  In the USN, that's called "exceptionally meritorious conduct".  
    And not to disturb your immaculately cultivated ignorance, but the USN was not "battling pirates or whatever it was", they were there supporting the US-backed Iraq vs Iran war, and the USN vessel entered Iranian waters (although this point is nearly irrelevant to the shoot down) after an Iranian vessel fired WARNING SHOTS at a USN helicopter which had entered Iranian territorial waters.

    theflyingdutchman wrote:Everyone knows iran isnt having nukes and everyone knows they Will built them and that ballistic missile shield was for Iran but aimes at Russia now.
    And back in the 80's "everyone" swallowing Israeli propaganda knew Iran would have nukes within a decade, yet they still don't have them.  Funny that.
    BTW, does "everybody" include the US and Israeli intelligence departments which publicly state they believe Iran to NOT have active nuclear weapons program?
    Or are politicians and establishment media more reliable sources for you?  
    I would guess you were impressed by how the US White House issued it's own "analysis" blaming Assad for chemical weapons attack,
    rather than relying on an actual intelligence agency analysis to support their conclusions.  
    And thank god it's so easy to ignore those damned rocket scientist experts who would disprove the theory of Syrian Army launching the gas rockets using bullshit like actual ballistics analysis.
    Facts just aren't [politically] reliable anymore these days.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  GarryB Mon May 12, 2014 12:47 pm

    I don´t think that was on purposese, was a mistake, like the korean plane in 1983.

    A US AEGIS class cruiser entered Iranian waters chasing small speed boats of the Iranian navy who were not actually doing anything wrong. By their own account the other US vessels in the area thought they were acting aggressively. They sent a helicopter to observe the Iranian speed boats and that helicopter claims to have been fired upon. Even assuming it was they admit they couldn't tell if they were fired at directly or if it was warning shots. Either way the AEGIS class cruiser then chased those small boats of the Iranian Navy into Iranian waters and started to engage them with heavy gun fire... which in itself is an act of war.

    Through their own incompetence and design faults in the system they mistook an Iranian Airbus for an F-14 and shot it down.

    (They detected the Airbus taking off but the US operator selected the aircraft by putting a cursor on it at the airfield it was on. As the aircraft took off and started to climb the cursor on the screen followed the aircraft but unknown to the operator it continued to take readings from the airfield where it was set so when an F-14 got ready to take off the information seemed to describe the aircraft as being a confirmed F-14. The real issue however is that even after the recordings were analysed it was clear at no time was the Airbus descending... which the operator claimed... it continued to climb on its marked international flight route emitting the correct code to show it as being civilian when the US ship shot it down from Iranian waters...)

    Iran wont build nuclear bombs to deal with carriers Cause Thats a reason to destroy Iran and turn into a US puppet State.

    But compare Iraq and Afghanistan... countries without nuclear weapons that were invaded by the US and had their regimes changed with North Korea... a country that is not "regime changed"... because it has nukes.

    Getting nukes doesn't get you regime changed. Getting nukes is the only way to avoid regime change.

    That Airbus was a accident i would have done the Same if a unknown aircraft comes in your direction
    While your battling pirates or whatever it was close to Iran.

    then you just murdered 290 odd innocent people because you are a paranoid moron.

    It had nothing to do with Pirates... it was the Iranian Navy and it was in Iranian waters... so they had every right to fire upon you but considering there is no evidence they had actually fired upon you you had no right to return fire, let alone murder innocent civilians who happened to be flying by.

    Everyone knows iran isnt having nukes and everyone knows they Will built them and that ballistic missile shield was for Iran but aimes at Russia now.

    The ballistic missile shield was always to pressure Russia and therefore expensive nonsense. Russia already knows who the enemy is and is rapidly re-equipping to deal with the problem.

    Lets say they end up with 40 Corvettes, 30 odd Frigates, 30 Destroyers and maybe 10 heavy cruiser like ships. Assuming 1xUKSK for the Corvettes, 2 for each Frigate, 4 for each destroyer, and 10 for the heavy cruisers that means the potential capacity for (40 x (8X1))+(30 x (2 X Cool)+(30 x (4 X Cool)+(10 X (10 x Cool)= 2560 long range land attack cruise missiles... and that does not allow for the subs which will also be carrying UKSK launchers... and that is just the navy surface launched cruise missiles... seems the ABM systems will be a bit busy with non ballistic targets....

    And back in the 80's "everyone" swallowing Israeli propaganda knew Iran would have nukes within a decade, yet they still don't have them. Funny that.

    Even more amusing... the Israelis have always justified having nukes of their own as being in case any of its neighbours got chemical, nuclear, or bio weapon capability... so if the US or Israel are going to bomb any country that looks like getting nuclear weapon technology why do the Israelis need nuclear weapons for again?

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Iran revealed a new coastal anti-ship missile Hormuz

    Post  Viktor Mon May 12, 2014 3:12 pm

    This is interesting ....

    Fateh-110 now in a anti-ship role with radar guidance - two missiles per little truck

    Iran revealed a new coastal anti-ship missile Hormuz

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Iranian frigate Sahand F-75

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:46 am

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    SAHAND F-74

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  George1 Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:59 pm

    Moudge-class frigate
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    Alvand-class frigate

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    La Combattante II

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    Kilo Class submarine

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    Fokker F27

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 VjVgAAy

    RH-53D и ASH-3D

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 OeqALPE

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  George1 Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:06 pm

    Sahand is named in the memory of original Sahand that was sunk during Operation Praying Mantis on 18 April 1988.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:32 am

    Iranian frigate Jamaran F-76
    During the Mohammad Messenger of God , joint military exercise

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    Last edited by ShahryarHedayatiSHBA on Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:20 am

    Iran's new 675 KHz digital side scan sonar

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 877675_926

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:05 pm

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    Even The mighty Shahed-129 was there too

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 N2845256-4238962

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Damavand Frigate Joins Iran Naval Fleet

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:05 am

    Damavand Frigate Joins Iran Naval Fleet

    Iran’s domestically-made frigate, dubbed Damavand, officially joined the Navy’s northern fleet in the Caspian Sea on Monday.

    The homegrown vessel, an advanced frigate, was officially delivered to the naval forces stationed in fourth naval zone, north of the country.

    Ranking officials, including Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani, Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan and Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari attended the ceremony in the port city of Bandar-e-Anzali.

    More than 700 industrial, research and academic Iranian centers cooperated in designing and producing the military vessel, which is also a training warship.

    Experts at Iran’s Defense Ministry have installed 25 homegrown electronics and communication systems on Damavand, including advanced naval radars and systems for communication, detection and interception.

    Damavand is a Jamaran-class frigate with unique features to meet the demands of the Iranian naval forces in the country’s northern waters.

    The advanced frigate is capable of tracking the aerial, surface and sub-surface targets simultaneously


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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:00 pm

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 N2846478-4250221
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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:50 pm

    Iran reportedly seizes U.S. ship

    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Iran has fired on a U.S. cargo ship and directed it to a port on the southern coast of the country, Al-Arabiya reported. The U.S. ship has up to 34 American sailors, the report added. Crude-oil futures appeared to move higher on the report However, NBC News, citing senior U.S. Navy officials, say the report isn't true.

    Iran Seizes Cargo Ship, U.S. Officials Say

    iranian forces have seized a cargo ship, flagged to the Pacific island nation of the Marshall Islands, off the coast of Iran, senior American defense officials told NBC News on Tuesday.

    The Iranian Revolutionary Guard fired across the bow of the ship, then boarded it, the officials said.

    The ship, the Maersk Tigris, was in Iranian waters, preparing to enter the Strait of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea, the officials said.

    A U.S. Navy destroyer, the Farragut, is headed to the area, and Navy planes are in the air watching, the officials said.

    A spokesperson from Maersk told NBC News' that the Maersk Tigris is currently being run on what they called a "time charter" by Rickmers Ship Management, which lists its head offices as Hamburg, Germany, and Singapore on its website.

    — Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube and Alexander Smith

    Iran fires at, boards cargo ship; U.S. sending defense

    Iranian troops boarded a cargo vessel early Tuesday morning after firing shots at the ship, prompting the U.S. to send assets to the ship’s defense.

    The Pentagon said at least five Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy patrol vessels approached the Marshall Islands-flagged Maersk Tigris cargo ship at 4 a.m. eastern time as it was transiting the Straight of Hormuz and directed the ship to proceed further into Iranian waters.

    When the ship’s master declined, the Iranian ship fired shots across the bridge of the cargo vessel, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said.

    After shots were fired, the ship proceeded into Iranian waters near the vicinity of Larak Island.

    It was boarded by members of the Iranian coast guard and is now being held in Iranian waters with about 30 people aboard.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:52 pm

    Foreign Ministry source tells Press TV ship seized over financial violations
    28 Apr 16:32

    Press TV: USS Farragut leaves after Iranian forces tell it not to intervene pirat
    28 Apr 16:32

    Reports say Marshall Islands-flagged ship sent distress call to USS Farragut pwnd

    Press TV learns Iran seized Marshall Islands-flagged ship due to legal issues
    28 Apr 16:30

    Pentagon: Iran forces board ship in Persian Gulf
    28 Apr 16:30

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:53 pm

    Real time location of The cargo ship :

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 2mq5myx

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:55 pm

    USS Farragut ordered to respond to distress call from cargo ship intercepted by Iran

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 99_Turn_Burn_md

    Iran Revolutionary Guard patrol boats fired shots at a commercial cargo ship and then intercepted the vessel, the M/V Maersk Tigris, which was crossing the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday morning, according to a senior U.S. military official.

    Despite reports in some media, there are no Americans on board, the official said.

    Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said it was “inappropriate” for the Iranians to fire the warning shot. The U.S. Navy has dispatched one maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft to observe and monitor the situation, Warren told reporters.

    The ship, a Marshall Islands-flagged vessel, was transiting the Strait into the Persian Gulf on an internationally recognized maritime route when the the Iranian military contacted the vessel and directed the ship master to “divert further into Iranian waters,” according to Warren.

    “The master was contacted and directed to proceed further into Iranian territorial waters. He declined and one of the IRGCN craft fired shots across the bridge of the Maersk Tigris,” said Warren, referring to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy. “The master complied with the Iranian demand and proceeded into Iranian waters in the vicinity of Larak Island.”

    After the shots were fired, the Tigris issued a distress call which was picked up by U.S. forces in the area and the USS Farragut was ordered to head towards the incident. The closest U.S. warship was 60 miles from the incident. The Pentagon thinks about 30 individuals are on board.

    The U.S. Navy has also sent aircraft to monitor its status.

    According to the shipping company, which is in contact with the U.S. military, the Iranian military has boarded the ship.

    Even though the Strait of Hormuz is in Iranian territorial waters, “innocent passage” is applied — ships are authorized to pass through the body of water assuming they abide by all the rules of the sea — because it is an internationally recognized shipping lane.

    Warren said it was “to be determined” what the USS Farragut will do when it reached the vicinity of the incident.

    The M/V Maersk Tigris was seized at the request of Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization (IPMO), Iran’s semi-official FARS is reporting, citing informed sources. The Marshall Islands-flagged vessel was seized after a relevant court order was issued according to the source, indicating that the IPMO had monetary differences with the ship owner.

    It’s significant that the vessel is from the Marshall Islands because of the Compact of Free Association between the U.S. and the Islands makes the U.S. responsible for its defense.

    “The government of the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and defense matters in or relating to the Republic of the Marshall Islands,” the treaty states.

    A U.S. Navy official tells CNN that on April 24, the U.S. flagged cargo ship Maersk Kensington was intercepted by four Iranian naval patrol craft in the Strait of Hormuz. “The Iranians encircled the Kensington and followed the ship on its course for a period of time before withdrawing and breaking away,” the official said.

    After that, the U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet issued a notice to mariners about the incident. “We have been in communication with U.S. shipping industry representatives with regards to how their vessels should respond to threatening encounters with foreign naval forces, and how to contact us,” the official said. In the April 24 incident, no shots were fired. The official declined to say what advice is being given to U.S. cargo ships.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:55 pm

    CNN:Iranian forces seizes cargo ship


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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Iran Begins Mass Production of ‘Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:48 pm

    Iran Begins Mass Production of ‘Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran started producing the air-launched version of its homegrown cruise missile Nasr (Victory) in the assembly line.
    Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony to inaugurate the production line of the cruise missile on Tuesday, Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the mass production of Nasr Missile is part of the country’s strategy to enhance its missile capabilities and upgrade its deterrent power.

    Nasr had been originally designed and manufactured as an anti-ship cruise missile, but the country's experts managed to upgrade it to be employed for aerial missions.

    According to the minister, the air-launched version of Nasr can be mounted on different types of fighter jets.

    The missile will need no additional guided controls, allowing the warplane to immediately leave the danger zone after launching the projectile, Dehqan explained.

    Thanks to its radar tracking system, Nasr can hit the targets with high precision, he added.

    The new achievement “dramatically boosts the operational and tactical capabilities” of the Army and IRGC‌ air forces, Dehqan stressed.

    The minister also noted that plans are underway to install the air-launched cruise missile on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

    Iran had unveiled the air-launched version of Qader (Capable) and Nasr cruise missiles in September 2013. They are capable of hitting targets within a range of 200 km and 35 km, respectively.

    The main features of the missiles are quick preparation capability, usefulness in low-altitude flights, high precision in hitting targets, particularly naval vessels, great destructive power and high resistance to radio disruption tactics.

    commentary : Nasr is an AShM with a range of 35 km, it was initially tested in 2008 and entered mass production in 2010, the air launched version of Nasr was unveiled in 2013 and have undergone tests since then, it has now entered mass production.

    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Nasr5
    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Nasr1
    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Nasr7


    This is the same missile that was used on July 14, 2006, in the 2006 Lebanon War when Hezbollah fired at Israeli warships. The missile hit the Sa'ar 5-class corvette , INS Hanit
    causing significant damage and four fatalities.

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    Iran Navy (IRIN): News - Page 2 Empty Re: Iran Navy (IRIN): News

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:14 pm

    Iran, India navies to undertake joint exercise

    Commander of Iran Navy's First Zone Rear Admiral Hossein Azad-Jom'e told IRNA on the sidelines of welcoming ceremony for the Indian frigates that given Iran's capabilities and powerful presence, the world has believed that it is the main axis of regional security and stability.
    A look at the history of the two countries' bilateral ties reveals that they played crucial role in ensuring regional security and economy, he pointed out.
    The commander further noted that improvement in regional economic situation requires interaction and that Iran and India have always maintained their ties and dispatching flotilla to Iran is part of the process.
    Meanwhile, commander of Betwa Frigate said that Iran and India boast of historic commonalities in the field of sea and trade.
    K.M. Ramakrishinan added that they have also had common undertakings in the fields of archeology, commerce and sea.
    Two frigates of Indian Navy arrived at Iranian territorial waters on Friday morning and docked at Iran's First Naval Zone in Bandar Abbas, capital of the Persian Gulf province of Hormuzgan.
    The flotilla comprising of frigates F37 and F39 is visiting Iran with the aim of boosting peace and friendship between the two countries and is scheduled to stay in Iran's for four days.

    Iran, India navies to undertake joint exercise

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