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Walther von Oldenburg
The Ottoman
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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:26 am

    Please spare me this bullshit "We europeans" It were Atheists that fought against the church and its meddling with its hands deep in the anus of th
    e state, controlling laws based on religious nutheadary, prohibiting scientific or even rationality and logic to exist. Gravity shall only exist because God, fuck Newton!
    Fuck Newton?

    To my knowledge, Newton's book was taught in all English universities not long after it's publication. Nah, Copernicus' book was officially condemned by the Church and still all major European universities had it... and it could be bought in bookstores all over Europe.

    So where is this Fuck Newton?
    arabs have build civilizations, advanced in maths, algebra, astronomy,
    Arabs have never built anything. They invented next to nothing.

    Imagine that some natural disaster completely destroys half of all buildings in your city and leaves half intact. Then a bunch of gangsters appears out of nowhere, invades the surviving part of the city,, kicks the inhabitants out and seizes intact houses. Then 30 years later the descendants of these gangsters live in dilapidated housing while the other half of the city has rebuilt and lives even better than before the dissaster.

    Would it make any sense for historians to call these thugs advanced because for some time after the disaster they lived in houses while the rest of the city lived in tents? .
    The muslim world has seen and accepted physics before christians did. Columbus, Newton, Galileo, unknown amount of many others have been hunted, sanctioned, punished, jailed, executed or publicly whiped for their devils behavior and believes.
    What scientists were killed for their beliefs? Name 10 of them?

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  jhelb Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:09 pm

    Werewolf wrote:We still have the church having laws in power for religious reasons and no other. Churches do not pay taxes

    So what are you proposing instead of Churches? Mosques, synagogue, temples...??? You think ashats you run those places are better? Muslims cannot tolerate each other and are killing themselves, Hindoos hate each other because of their caste and you think Christianity is the problem?

    Christianity had its dark ages, but it is behind us, we have come out of it. Even today,the same cannot be said about violent religions like Hindooism, Judaism and Islam

    Have you ever realized that the most violent Christian nations in the world are far more peaceful than the most peaceful non Christian countries?

    You said Churches do not pay taxes.Please remind us about some mosques, temples who do pay taxes. From what I hear in the UK from British Indians only a certain caste of Hindoos can enter temples and no one can. No wonder they don't pay taxes.

    If Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world it is because of its outstanding tenants that no other religion has.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:21 pm

    To end this pointless discussion

    Christianity has one huge advantage iver Islam - the New Testament does not prescribe a specific way how to rule a state. Since Jesus was neither a politician nor a political theorist, he left no examples about what type of government Christians should have, what should be it's domestic and foreign policy and what law should it have. That's the reason there was officially Christian Byzantine Empire ruled by a pagan legal system (Roman law, codified in "Corpus Iuris Civilis") or officially Christian Frankish Empire that was ruled to a large degree by tribal Germanic law.

    Islam has a thing called Sharia which is fixed and unchangeable - and obsessively comprehensive when it comes to areas regulated.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:39 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:We still have the church having laws in power for religious reasons and no other. Churches do not pay taxes

    So what are you proposing instead of Churches? Mosques, synagogue, temples...??? You think ashats you run those places are better? Muslims cannot tolerate each other and are killing themselves, Hindoos hate each other because of their caste and you think Christianity is the problem?

    Christianity had its dark ages, but it is behind us, we have come out of it. Even today,the same cannot be said about violent religions like Hindooism, Judaism and Islam

    Have you ever realized that the most violent Christian nations in the world are far more peaceful than the most peaceful non Christian countries?

    You said Churches do not pay taxes.Please remind us about some mosques, temples who do pay taxes. From what I hear in the UK from British Indians only a certain caste of Hindoos can enter temples and no one can. No wonder they don't pay taxes.

    If Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world it is because of its outstanding tenants that no other religion has.

    The US is christian actually fundamental nutheads and i do not see them being civilized, they have warmongered through their entire existence,you will have a hard time finding a period of time where the US has not started a war against another country.

    The problem is indeed religion, our white christian superiority complex which we have to call us somehow superior, which can be seen in every sense possible in such disgusting posts like by NickM, Walther and other individuals that constantly bring this garbage narrative of exclusiveness and civilization.

    Muslims do not kill each other, it is only the AMERICAN paid Terrorists that are warmongering under the  banner of religion, while in fact they are nothing else but agents of the west doing it for money or power and certainly not for religion or their interpretation of religion. If islam is such a garbage religion that sees only violence as their main purpose of religious behavior than by today there would be no fucking shit of Israel, they would be already tarred to pieces. There are over 1 bln Muslims on this planet, i do not see their population scrumbling by killing each other like you both here imply despite having full blown wars in entire region, but our civilized west, even tho not having any wars in their countries are constantly getting dumber and fewer in numbers.  Civilization, culture, population growth and therefore future is abscent in the west, while the rest of the world has a future.

    I do not see muslim countries having such stupidity of religious fundamental garbage in their society that educates Jesus is God himself, that dinosaurs lived amongst humans just 6000 years ago, i do not see them propagating exclusiveness, civilized behavior while murdering and invading half the planet. That comes only from the so called civilized christian countries that have left the madevil ages. Maybe we should never have left the medeviel ages, we still have invaded other countries at that time, but we got constantly death tolls for that call it charma or whatever. We just entered a modern ages of another indoctrination of exclusiveness, civilized, democracy, freedom, liberty, philantropy age and it is absolutley not wonderous why this exact words turn stoomachs upside down. This words have today the exact opposite meaning of their initial intended meaning.

    Black is White and White is Black, Freedom is Slavery of Vassal statehood, Peace is Unrest and War, Liberty is slave to the private sector and Globalization, Democracy is hegemony of the USrael failure of superiority mindset, Philantropy means Monsanto, USPAID, CIA meddling in your country reducing population and then blaming your countries government being responsible for it.

    So spare me garbage of Islam bringing people to kill themselfs, it is our mercenaries that do it for us. I do not see how christians are not killing each other, Christian fundamental nutheads of USA are killing russian christians in Ukraine, they have killed Serbian (Yugo) christians with most participants of NATO all christian countries, We are bombing constantly and interfering constantly in other christian countries like the entire South American continent, of course those are nuthead fundamental christians called USA that do it, but we are christians aswell so we are the same scum that kills our own christian people. People who have any illusions about Civilization have never left the toxic mindset of seeing countries, cultures, ethnic groups in Superior or Inferior people.

    Again, do not raise your hand to high, it makes you more visible, easier to acquire as a target. Supremacy believes are toxic and full right to liquidate such individuals.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:28 pm

    Being civilized has nothing to do with waging wars. The word "civilization" comes from "civitas" which means the city of Rome, i.e. the community of "cives" - Roman citizens. Romans considered themselves superior because of lifestyle - they lived in a city (while most other people were farmers or pastorialists), had superior technology, advanced arts, could read and write etc. It had nothing to do with wars. Rome attacked Gauls and Germanics and massacred them by hundreds of thousands - but ALL historians say that Rome was more civilized - ROME - not these Gaulish and Germanic tribes.

    The Third Reich was a murderous state that killed millions and Pygmies are peaceful and rarely kill anyone - and the Third Reich is still orders of magnitude more civilized than Pygmies.

    Personally a have met a handful of people in Germany (including my former friend) who had beliefs approaching average ISIS jihadi - I don't think they were all American agents. They honestly believe that by implementing Sharia they would make the world a better place and do people a favor by saving them from hellfire.
    The Ottoman
    The Ottoman

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  The Ottoman Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:29 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:It was us Europeans who first got the idea that religion should be a private matter completely separated from politics - European Enlightenment thinkers advocated ideas like that in 17th century already (when was the last person in England sentenced to death for blasphemy? 1690?) - and in the same period not a single thinker in the Muslim world [pstulated things like that! The most liberal thinkers didn't even IMAGINE things like that!

    But of course people like Wereeolf come and say "it's Ameeeericaaa!10101". Nope, it isn't - did the laws of physics prohibit secularism in the Muslim world 300 years ago?

    What a crap.

    Never heard of Averroes (12th century), Avicenna (10th century) or Ibn Khaldun (14th century).

    Islamic enlightment thinkers while Europeans still dressed up like Captain Caveman.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:34 pm

    Regardless of what these individuals taught, their beliefs did not find widespread acceptance (how is Ibn Khaldun a secularist BTW?). You do not have any important sefcular movement in the Middle East until early 20th century.

    Then Young Turks and Arab nationalists appear - their secularism was not native but "borrowed" from European thought. Arab nationalism additionally had a significant overrepresentation of Arab Christian (the Ba'ath party was founded in 1940s by an Arab Christian)

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  jhelb Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:09 pm

    Werewolf wrote:The problem is indeed religion, our white christian superiority complex which we have to call us somehow superior

    Fair enough Werewolf, since you are so full of hatred towards Whites and Christians I cannot change you. In my whole life I have never come across people who are more loving and forgiving than White Christians, something that cannot be said about Islamic, Hindoo and Jewish nutjobs. The vast majority of White Christians do NOT hurt innocent people.

    Like I said you are entitled to your views no matter how flawed they maybe. But remember forgiveness and tolerance is at the heart of Christianity unlike some disgusting religions like Islam, Hindooism, etc.

    For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

    Matthew 6:14-15

    I will conclude by saying only this. There are thousands of Muslims, Hindoos, Jews the world over who have converted into Christianity. But how many Christians do you know who have embraced Islam, Judaism or Hindooism?

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:48 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:The problem is indeed religion, our white christian superiority complex which we have to call us somehow superior

    Fair enough Werewolf, since you are so full of hatred towards Whites and Christians I cannot change you. In my whole life I have never come across people who are more loving and forgiving than White Christians, something that cannot be said about Islamic, Hindoo and Jewish nutjobs. The vast majority of White Christians do NOT hurt innocent people.

    Like I said you are entitled to your views no matter how flawed they maybe. But remember forgiveness and tolerance  is at the heart of Christianity unlike some disgusting religions like Islam, Hindooism, etc.

    For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

    Matthew 6:14-15

    I will conclude by saying only this. There are thousands of Muslims, Hindoos, Jews the world over who have converted into Christianity. But how many Christians do you know who have embraced Islam, Judaism or Hindooism?

    You are talking to the probably most pale person on this forum, not moonshine child or ginger pale, but still pale and i constantly get remarks of how white i am, they call me Whitey, so i am not certain if what you say you actually made yourself a proper picture about me, but that does not matter anyways.

    The problem i have seen since the industrialized islamophobia spread by western countries for their little crusade against arabs and muslim world to destroy any regional power made it so one sided and right out hate towards all muslims, that i will counter it with arguments that sometimes appear to be one sided. I am an Anti-theist, i hate all theistic religions the reason for that is their disgusting nature of preaching while justifying atrocities, slavery, genocide, expulsion or whatever all of those Abrahamic religions are the same, no difference regardless what so christian nuts like Walther say. Old or New Testament fact remains fact, christian nutheads despite believing in New Testament still committ genocide against tribes in Africa or countries like Papua New Ginea and it does not matter how some nuthead interprets new or old testament it is still a religious nutjob of both.

    I think that you have never actually lived or been to an actual muslim country or regions within countries. Been in Kazakhstan, border to Uzbeks, i have lifed with russians and Uzbeks, Kazakhs and Kyrgizs who were all a mix of those religions and Atheists aswell. What i can say is genuine muslims you have to be careful what compliments you give them about their belongings, those people based on their religion and culture will gift you their watches and similiar stuff to assure and live by the non materialistic livestyle islam preeches. They are very nice people, friendly than most people i have encountered, i also find they have overall less hypocrites than in other religions, ethnics or better to say socialy different societies. So i do take it as an offense and right out indotrinated behavior to speek about muslims that they only kill each other, that is not the case only those radicals the West buys do that and they do that for money over everything else.

    The US has paid Taliban in 80's with Ten thousands of Dollars, while the Dollar back then was worth more then today. The CIA has paid up to 60.000 USD for Taliban if they could destroy Jets, Helicopters and still 10.000-20.000 for Tanks. That is more than Afghany,Pakistani people would have earned in entire lifetime, especially since the Moonfields were destroyed before invasion of US.

    Now ask yourself if you are one of those terrorists that gets paid hundreds to ten thousands of USD, that ranges of 10 times to 1000 times more money than you could earn at any common job among the ordinary people, how would you feed your family, live your life and accommodate yourself when the sources of money is gone and no one pays you for your mercenary service? You still have to feed someone at least your own while the common thing is that you have at least a family of brothers, sisters, grandparents and parents, if not already your own family. They live in a country where Mines are scattered till this date in an unknown number, so cripples from those mines are not unknown for every afghany family, meaning those with limbs missing can not earn money for supper for themselfs. So what do you think will happen with this in the west known as "Islamic State" or any "Jihadi islamists"? There are only two things possible, they will stop their terror spreading acts and will have to blend in with civilians and try to work again or they will crumble down to local bandits with no funding and trying to rob and steal what they can to feed themselfs, bandits are easily destroyed even for the Afghani Army.

    Once you cut off the hands that pay Islamic terrorism (Mercenaries) they will stop Terrorist acts that is currently igniting the entire region and all affected states. That is the reality and not some hocus bogus about the violent Muslims by nature want to conquer the world and other Zionist garbage like the Infographic that was posted few days back about IS wanting to convert all planet to Islam... ZioNazi BULLSHIT!!!

    Matthew 6:14-15

    I will conclude by saying only this. There are thousands of Muslims, Hindoos, Jews the world over who have converted into Christianity. But how many Christians do you know who have embraced Islam, Judaism or Hindooism?

    The numbers of Christians are not growing they are becoming more and more atheists, while the numbers of Hindus, Muslims and (Buddhists,Taoists, Zens, Konfuziunism etc) were always above 1 bln or around that number. Today the only constant growing number of world views are Agnostics and Atheists while the numbers of religions are either shrinking or have periods of counter reaction of the world affairs that are tangling their worlds and regions like the actions of USrael in ME.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:22 pm

    Show me verses from the New Testament that justify conquest, slavery and killing.

    What are they? Show them. We are waiting.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:44 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Show me verses from the New Testament that justify conquest, slavery and killing.

    What are they? Show them. We are waiting.

    The crap is consistent with Abrahamic religions, new or old testament does not matter vile shit books written by vile shit assholes and sociopaths.

    HEBREWS 12:20 God said that animals must be stoned to death if they lay foot upon Mt. Zion.

    EPHESIANS 1:4-5 Despite all of Jesus’ instructions to accept him as savior, Jesus also says God "predestined" those will be saved according to His pleasure.

    ROMANS 1:26-27 Paul said that homosexuals deserve death.

    Not to mention that most believers are idiots that actually think the Bible is the word of god and not by nuthead people writing this garbage together. So god by christian believe is Satan himself that kills people who do not praise him as one and only true god, yes that is the definition of an sociopathic child with attention whoring. Old testament is embbeded into Christianity no way of arguing it is like it is.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:10 pm

    Can you just think for yourself? You call yourslf a rational thinker but when it comes to actual thinking, you copypaste someone else's work.

    Romans 1:26 - Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
    Romans 1:27 - In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    Here Paul is simply talking about a bunch of pagans (possibly former Jews or Christians) who were homosexual and so God punished them. The most you could get from this verse is that homosexuality is a sin. It does not say they must be put to death. There was such law in the Old Testament but for Christians it is not in force because the Old Law was abrogated by Jesus - and Paul talks about it in precisely the same speech. Rolling Eyes

    More tommorow. I don't have time now.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:54 pm

    The Bible beyond doubt advertizes the killing of homosexuals, disobediant wifes, cheating spouses and other stuff. You are such a retarded religious nuthead trying to make the bible look good while it has passages after passages of vile and cruel things that are advertized as preeching or agenda attributed to Jesus himself. The bible in whole is a disgusting hate speech and you are trying to defend it while it most obvious written without riddles with no room for interpretation of killing entire cities for disobidient people who life in "sins" according to a fuckwit of god that punishes people with a flood without care of collateral damage a true vile form of sociopath god nutheads have created in this religion. Have a good time of trying to make the bible look good while it is a vile hatespeech from start to end.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:13 pm

    YOu have no clue.

    Such "bloody verses" can be found only in the Old Testament. All these verses about exterminating entire tribes, killing disobedient children and stpmomg homosexuals have virtually no relevance in Christian theology because the Old Law was abrogated by Jesus - A.B.R.O.G.A.T.E.D. It is no longer in force. It's pure history. Like the Sachsenspiegel or Prussian Landrecht for Germans - they are a source of historical reference but it requires an insane person to beleive that feudalism should be reintroduced into Germany because Sachsenspiegel prescribed it.

    IF you think Jesus and his apostles advocated killing - show me where they did.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:41 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:YOu have no clue.

    Such "bloody verses" can be found only in the Old Testament. All these verses about exterminating entire tribes, killing disobedient children and stpmomg homosexuals have virtually no relevance in Christian theology because the Old Law was abrogated by Jesus - A.B.R.O.G.A.T.E.D. It is no longer in force. It's pure history. Like the Sachsenspiegel or Prussian Landrecht for Germans - they are a source of historical reference but it requires an insane person to beleive that feudalism should be reintroduced into Germany because Sachsenspiegel prescribed it.

    IF you think Jesus and his apostles advocated killing - show me where they did.

    Jesus has never written anything for the bible you imbecile. It is full of atrocities and advocating for killing anyone that breaks the most ridiculous commentmence of this garbage nuthead religion. Kill first born, spare the jews with blood painted on their doors, plaque the country, destroy their lives just to proof they have faith or deserve to die. You are indeed a christian nuthead that completley whitewashes Black on white written hatespeeches in this disgusting shitbooks written by nutheads just like you. I am done nutty.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  jhelb Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:23 pm

    Werewolf wrote:It is full of atrocities and advocating for killing anyone that breaks the most ridiculous commentmence of this garbage nuthead religion. Kill first born, spare the jews with blood painted on their doors, plaque the country, destroy their lives just to proof they have faith or deserve to die. You are indeed a christian nuthead that completley whitewashes Black on white written hatespeeches in this disgusting shitbooks written by nutheads just like you. I am done nutty.

    A large number of Syrian, Afghan, Pakistani and other Muslims are entering your country Germany. No wonder within a couple of years you German guys will become a minority and Sharia law will be imposed.

    From what I understand most right minded German people are opposed to this migration and are protesting against it, but a few criminals like Merkel choose to believe otherwise.

    Anyway, I hope a couple of years down the line you and I/we can still have this discussion and we will find out if your views on Christianity has changed for the better.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:30 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:It is full of atrocities and advocating for killing anyone that breaks the most ridiculous commentmence of this garbage nuthead religion. Kill first born, spare the jews with blood painted on their doors, plaque the country, destroy their lives just to proof they have faith or deserve to die. You are indeed a christian nuthead that completley whitewashes Black on white written hatespeeches in this disgusting shitbooks written by nutheads just like you. I am done nutty.

    A large number of Syrian, Afghan, Pakistani and other Muslims are entering your country Germany. No wonder within a couple of years you German guys will become a minority and Sharia law will be imposed.

    From what I understand most right minded German people are opposed to this migration and are protesting against it, but a few criminals like Merkel choose to believe otherwise.

    Anyway, I hope a couple of years down the line you and I/we can still have this discussion and we will find out if your views on Christianity has changed for the better.

    That censored does not believe anything, she is no german she is a polish jew and you can google her correct jewish name. It is easy to betray your country if it is not your country like most of this shits are doing all the SALA UKRAINA are mostly jews who are yelling the most patriotic nazi parols, Yazenjewk, Porky jewshenko, Timojewshenko, Klitschmocko, Nuland (Nudelman), Merkel and all other scum that are working for NWO against countries.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:07 am

    There are only a few words I find very offensive Werewolf and you used it.
    Message to all users... if you feel the need to use bad language there is a "censored" emoticon... it is not there by accident and using it yourself might help avoid getting some time to yourself where you wont be able to post to this forum.

    I hope I am being clear.


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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  BTRfan Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:27 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What about the greatest luminaries in Islamic history? Ibn Kathir and Al Suyuti? What about imams Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i and Ibn Hanbal? Or imam Ghazali, Ibn Qayyim and Sheik ul Islam Ibn Taymiyya?

    Prediction is about predicting FUTURE events. If some event already occured and you claim "oh, it was prophesized in the book X" - then it's not prediction. It's a retrodiction, also called bulsshit.

    Not to enter the splendid debate here on Islamic theology, but I should point out that it's quite plausible for prophesies only to realized for what they are AFTER the event has already occurred.
    They are after-all generally ambiguous, and humans are generally speaking quite devoid of foresight. People tend to only realize something once it has already affected us in some way (or already occurred).

    Exactly, it is not a prophecy if people have to shoe-horn the prophecy into fitting current events happening 1500 years after the "prophecy was written."

    Books of fables from antiquity are not particularly useful for modern living in a technologically advanced society.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  BTRfan Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:28 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:It is full of atrocities and advocating for killing anyone that breaks the most ridiculous commentmence of this garbage nuthead religion. Kill first born, spare the jews with blood painted on their doors, plaque the country, destroy their lives just to proof they have faith or deserve to die. You are indeed a christian nuthead that completley whitewashes Black on white written hatespeeches in this disgusting shitbooks written by nutheads just like you. I am done nutty.

    A large number of Syrian, Afghan, Pakistani and other Muslims are entering your country Germany. No wonder within a couple of years you German guys will become a minority and Sharia law will be imposed.

    From what I understand most right minded German people are opposed to this migration and are protesting against it, but a few criminals like Merkel choose to believe otherwise.

    Anyway, I hope a couple of years down the line you and I/we can still have this discussion and we will find out if your views on Christianity has changed for the better.

    Germans should not be protesting, they should be rising up in revolution to topple and destroy their government and replace it with a government that actually represents their interests and responds to their concerns.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:24 pm

    BTRfan wrote:
    jhelb wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:It is full of atrocities and advocating for killing anyone that breaks the most ridiculous commentmence of this garbage nuthead religion. Kill first born, spare the jews with blood painted on their doors, plaque the country, destroy their lives just to proof they have faith or deserve to die. You are indeed a christian nuthead that completley whitewashes Black on white written hatespeeches in this disgusting shitbooks written by nutheads just like you. I am done nutty.

    A large number of Syrian, Afghan, Pakistani and other Muslims are entering your country Germany. No wonder within a couple of years you German guys will become a minority and Sharia law will be imposed.

    From what I understand most right minded German people are opposed to this migration and are protesting against it, but a few criminals like Merkel choose to believe otherwise.

    Anyway, I hope a couple of years down the line you and I/we can still have this discussion and we will find out if your views on Christianity has changed for the better.

    Germans should not be protesting, they should be rising up in revolution to topple and destroy their government and replace it with a government that actually represents their interests and responds to their concerns.

    Unfortunatley, first there will be something big going on untill the sheeps wake up. When the herd enters the slaughterhouse and sees it from within they will wake up, but right now they are laughing and insulting those other sheeps that are trying to go in the different direction, away from the slaughterhouse, and warn them that they are going to their deaths when they follow the shephard (Merkel and USrael).

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:30 pm

    GarryB wrote:There are only a few words I find very offensive Werewolf and you used it.
    Message to all users... if you feel the need to use bad language there is a "censored" emoticon... it is not there by accident and using it yourself might help avoid getting some time to yourself where you wont be able to post to this forum.

    I hope I am being clear.


    ohh the irony in your censorship is shining bright.

    You have just censored the english word with the emoticon that says the exact same word in russian...

    I find it kind of interesting that you anglo-saxons, english natives have such an allergic reation to this specific word, but stay calm and mostly do not even notice other swear words, like i and others have used dozen of times in other threads.

    What is your problem with that specific word?

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:47 am

    Off topic but there are territories named Anglo and Saxon in Germany...........

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:34 am

    ohh the irony in your censorship is shining bright.

    You have just censored the english word with the emoticon that says the exact same word in russian...

    I find it kind of interesting that you anglo-saxons, english natives have such an allergic reation to this specific word, but stay calm and mostly do not even notice other swear words, like i and others have used dozen of times in other threads.

    What is your problem with that specific word?

    It is a word not used in polite company... words like Fuck and wanker are common swear words and dick is not uncommon even in polite company but the c name for female body parts is not to be used in polite company... I find it offensive... I don't read Russia so I don't care what it says in Russian.... it is not offensive when not understood.

    This is ironic for you but clearly offers to obvious solution... if you desperately have to use that damn word then use the emoticon. If you use the english word I will give you some time to think about it.....

    Now am I clear?

    GarryB Neutral

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:43 pm

    I find that hypocritical, but how you want it i do not care.

    Off topic but there are territories named Anglo and Saxon in Germany...........

    Because they were once germans, we do not count them to us anymore, better i think.

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