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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation


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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  Austin Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:05 am


    As reported by Asian Defence Journal, the failure of the contract to supply Greece 450 BMP-3 to 1.2 billion euros was the result of U.S. actions. Initially, the government of the ruling party (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) declared the continuity of the course on the implementation of the agreement with Moscow.  However, after the March visit of Prime Minister George Papandreou in Athens changed the U.S. position on the opposite, adopting a proposal to buy second hand Bradley at a symbolic price.

    According to the magazine, at first glance, the proposal seemed so favorable that the Greeks could not ignore it.  Upon returning premier unit head of the government handed it to the Ministry of Defence, which in secrecy, sent in to the "graveyard" of armored vehicles in New Mexico, a special delegation of the most senior military officials.

    When sent to the New Mexico delegation returned, she released a report on the compliance needs of Bradley There were rumors that the interest of the Greek army commanders limited to amphibious Bradley.

    Definition appears at the end of April 2010, when the enlarged meeting of the Greek Ministry of Defense just before the visit of the Minister Evangelos Venizelos in Moscow, the commander in chief of land forces suddenly began to talk up American cars. Contract for the BMP-3 has been almost signed, when a few days later in Moscow, the minister, showing exceptional diplomatic skills, called on Russia to enter into a difficult economic situation in Greece and begin negotiations on a BMP "from scratch". The Kremlin has expressed displeasure and began to wait patiently for the Greek Defense Ministry a new invitation to tender, which Venizelos promised to send within 15 days.

    Without waiting for an invitation to Moscow, which had already had a clear idea about the U.S. proposal, sent a special envoy of the Pentagon, where he encountered face to face with the Greek ambassador [as in the text of the publication - ca. П.2]. A.2]. In the memorandum to Ambassador Hronopulos reports that during this meeting, among other things, said Russian representative: "Greece is no longer feels the need for any further steps were to meet Russia!"

    As summed up the magazine, citing sources in the Russian defense industry, for beushnye Bradley Greeks in the aggregate up to repair and re-pay about as much as the cost would be new Russian infantry fighting vehicles, and American cars may soon be left without repair and maintenance, because they do not remain parts.

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:04 am

    Amphibious Bradley?

    That would be the very first model with the floatation screens like those fitted to the Sherman tanks in D-Day.

    I feel sorry for the Greek soldiers who have to operate those vehicles as drownings are likely.

    Operationally vulnerable too.

    And their base armour is not great.

    The huge irony is there are gaps in performance of most operational weapons.
    Small arms can be stopped by a decent thickness of armour, but it takes a step up of armour thickness and design to stop light automatic cannon rounds. It takes a further step up to stop RPGs.

    The thing is that the extra armour of the later Bradleys to stop cannon rounds including 30mm APDS rounds added several tons to the vehicles weight... up to about 32-33 tons which cost it any amphibious capability whether it had screens or not.

    This means that while the BMP-3, with its spaced armour that will stop armour piercing 30mm rounds fired from 300m this particular model Bradley is not safe from the BMP-3s 30mm cannon.

    On a tangent I wonder about the talk of development of the BMP-3 design with the UAE, on the Wiki page it mentions the addition of Kaktus modular armour and a new more powerful engine.

    Interestingly it mentions a few variants of the BMP-3 that include
    Hermes - Air-defence vehicle with high-velocity missiles and radar system. Prototype.

    Now you an I know that Hermes is primarily a long range ground attack missile that is compatible with Pantsir-S1.

    Perhaps a tracked version will be used in medium and heavy brigades and the wheeled truck mounted model is for the light brigade or as a seperate unit that can be attached to the various brigades in support.

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  Admin Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:21 pm

    Thats funny considering it was Greek economic situation which put all major deals on hold. FREMM, new fighters, and BMP-3 could not be signed as they had to reduce their deficit to get the EU tranche loans.

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    Post  Hoof Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:02 pm

    funny how US can screw everyone by threatening to sanction them because they buy something from other country... only things come to mind is greed... kinda like "hey, if you wont buy our stuff at our prices, you wont buy anything, cause we wont let you..."

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Greece-Russia traditional relationship

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:52 pm

    28th October is the Greek celebration for the begining of the WW2 in Greece attacked by fascist of Italy
    There is celebrations in every place.
    Spetses is an Island where Bouboulina was close associate with Russian admirals Orlofs as she had a large comercial fleet turned to war ships after the Greek revolution 1821 against the Turks. There are still relatives of Orlof in the Island.

    For that reason the Landing ship YAMAL visits the Island where the marines are welcomed to parade in the Island and pay gratitutes to the statue of Laskarina Bouboulina
    The fotos and video is from the event 28 Okt 2010

    Рана русского матроса. Поддержка жителей Спетсес.
    Улучшается здоровье русского матроса который был ранен в Спетсес 28-ого октября. Все на острове потрясены. Многие активно стремятся показать свою солидарность россиянам, которые оказали нам честь своим визитом и, в частности по отношению к несчастному парню.  Со вторника, 2 Ноября  они могут депозировать через Церковь Св. Антония в Спетсес. Любой, кто в Афинах можно посетить его в больнице. Вы найдете всю необходимую информацию в конце статьи. Но сначала прочитайте, что именно произошло, как описано очевидцами.>>>

    Любой, кто хочет помочь может внести деньги на имя раненого в Ethniki Bank: Beybutov Rasim, номер счета 470/748009-14. Для депозитов из другого банка Swift Code (Свифт кодекс) является ETHNGRAA и IBAN является: GR2601104700000047074800914

    БДК "Ямал" вернулся в Севастополь

    08-11-2010 10:24
    Сегодня в Севастополь вернулся большой десантный корабль (БДК) "Ямал" Черноморского флота.

    БДК "Ямал" полностью выполнил программу дальнего похода, но встречали его без торжеств, поскольку  на заключительном этапе похода один из матросов получил травму обеих ног и был госпитализирован в греческом порту.
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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  arpakola Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:30 pm

    Yamal visit in Athens..

    hello to Andrei... (from Maykop)


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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty the first S300 fired and tested by a NATO country (Greece)

    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:54 am

    Crete Dec 2013 - the first S300 fired and tested by a NATO country (Greece)
    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation S300avram_0

    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation S-300+2
    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation S300

    Last edited by arpakola on Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:10 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  Viktor Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:06 am

    We have discussed about it already but nevermind that now. What is interesting is that this was the first time Greeks decided to fire S-300 since they got the system 15 years ago.

    That is important because expected missile life in tubes for S-300PMU1 is 15 years. It worked flawlessly  Very Happy 

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Russia Greece military cooperation

    Post  Viktor Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:45 pm

    Would be interesting if we where speaking about 10 bin $ ugrade but sadly we dont Very Happy

    nevertheless still very important

    Rosoboronexport: Greece asks RF upgrade its air defense system

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  Hannibal Barca Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:33 pm

    With 10 bln $ you buy all Greece today and you still have enough change to buy Barcelona  Laughing

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  George1 Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:34 am

    Russia-Greece military cooperation on agenda for talks in Moscow in July

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  crod Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:06 am

    Greece is close to default - there is no money for pensions let alone military hardware. Even if they avoid a default (and it can go either way right now) they have more pressing needs presently. Political governance is shaky and new elections could take place sooner rather than later if there is a default...followed by unprecedented social unrest as they scramble to introduce a new currency or their old one all the while dealing with an exit from the EU. A rather tough road awaits these poor people whatever happens over the coming few weeks. Weapons should be the last thing on their mind right now.

    Even if Russia were to lend it the money, she will be a long time waiting for any return - the country broke, in every sense.

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  George1 Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:59 pm

    Kremlin silent on US request to Greece to close its air space for Russian aircraft

    The Greek Foreign Ministry confirmed reports of receiving a request from the United States to close its air space for Russian aircraft making flights to Syria with humanitarian cargoes

    MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday it is too early provide any comment on the United States’ request to Greece to close its air space for Russian aircraft making humanitarian flights to Syria.

    "There was a corresponding statement by our Greek partners who said they were considering this request," the Kremlin spokesman said. "It is too early to speak about that until we have any reaction."

    Earlier on Monday, the Greek Foreign Ministry confirmed reports that the country had received a request from the United States to close its air space for Russian aircraft making flights to Syria with humanitarian cargoes.

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  arpakola Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:23 pm


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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  George1 Sun May 29, 2016 1:41 pm

    Russia to strengthen ties with Greece, Athos - Putin

    Over the centuries, the same faith and mutual affection have been uniting the Greeks and Russians and helping them to overcome and beat difficulties, Putin said

    ATHOS (Greece), May 28. /TASS/. Russia will strengthen ties with Greece and Holy Mount Athos while "spiritual kinship and trust will be determining the nature of our traditionally close and friendly relations in the future," Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with members of Holy Kinot (Athos’ governing body) on Saturday.

    Over the centuries, the same faith and mutual affection have been uniting the Greeks and Russians and helping them to overcome and beat difficulties, Putin said.

    "It was evident during liberation movements in the Balkans and in any other stages of the world’s history," he said. "These are very deep feelings inherited in full by new generations of our citizens."

    "Relics brought to our country from Athos for worshipping proved to showcase growing ties between Russia and Athos," he said, mentioning the Belt of the Virgin Mary relic from the Vatopedi Monastery and the right hand St. George’s from the Xenophon Monastery.

    "Hundreds of thousands of Russian Orthodox believers could venerate them," Putin said. "We hope that high, sublime mission of Athos and Athonite monasteries will be continued," he said, pointing out that each man who put his foot on the holy land of Athos was feeling something special.

    "It is a unique hearth of Orthodox Christianity and Christianity," Putin said. "Over 1,000 years spiritual traditions and the values we share have been gently cherished and multiplied here."

    Along with this, the Russian president said that Athos’ role was crucial "when Orthodox Christianity in Russia and in other confessing it countries has consolidated."

    "Through consolidation, Eastern Orthodoxy enables a huge number of people - with people living on our country, Russia, as well - to gain internal support," he said. "And the first written reference to Russians on the holy mountain goes back as long as one thousand years ago, which underlines again importance of this particular place for the present-day Russia."

    Orthodox Christians were drawing spiritual knowledge and strength from Athos, he said.

    "Now when reviving values of patriotism, historic memory and traditional culture, we have in mind closer ties with Athos. A year-on-year rise in the number of Russian pilgrims, exceeding 11,000 people a year, is an encouraging fact," Putin said thanking the clergy for their hospitality and good attitude to Russians at Athos.
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    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun May 29, 2016 5:56 pm

    With the Marxist and atheist government of Greece there is no chance for better relations. Tsipras prefer Turkey over Russia any day.

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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Putin visits the holy mountain Athos

    Post  arpakola Mon May 30, 2016 12:53 pm

    Putin visits the holy mountain Athos
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    Russia-Greece Military Co-operation Empty Re: Russia-Greece Military Co-operation

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:55 pm

    Contracts on the support of Russian air defense systems in Greece

    According to the Greek web resources, February 7, 2017 Greece's defense ministry has signed with joint-stock company "Rosoboronexport" contracts worth 16.6 million euros for the technical and service support and spare parts for anti-aircraft missile systems produced in Russia, consisting on ground forces and Greek Air Force - 9K33M2/M3 "Osa-AK/AKM, 9K331 "Tor-M1" and S-300PMU1. The contract is for three years (2017-2019).

    It is reported that the allocation of funds under this program was authorized by the Greek Parliament in the autumn of 2013, but the actual appropriations have been allocated only now, as the signing of the relevant contracts with the Russian side was hampered due to bureaucratic problems and the Greek "Personnel reshuffle" in the Greek Ministry of Defense.

    Comment bmpd. Military of Greece have 13 combat vehicles 9A33BM2 SAM 9K33M2 "Osa-AK" (acquired in 1993 in Germany, from the stocks of the former Army of the GDR), 16 combat vehicles 9A33BM3 SAM 9K33M3 "Osa-AKM" (derived from the Russian contract in 1998) and 25 combat vehicles 9A331-1 SAM 9K331 "Tor-M1" (derived from Russian contracts in 1998 and 2000), as well as two divisions of S-300PMU1 (originally acquired by Cyprus on the contract in 1997, but eventually deployed for the Greek Air Force).

    It should be noted that the contracts with the Greek Ministry of Defense, "Rosoboronexport", apparently, are a violation of European Union anti-Russian sanctions. russia

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