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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism


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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  PhSt Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:56 pm

    It seems like there is no thread about this persistent problem that is plaguing multiple countries and although ISIS activity has somewhat dwindled, there are thousands of groups with similar objectives (Islamifinication both through direct AKA Violence or indirect actions AKA Dawah or Conversion) that continue to operate.

    Many countries are at high Risk of Muslimification. Other countries like China, Russia, India, and Israel to name a few, are lucky to have strong political leaders who know how to put Muslims in their countries in place.

    Other countries, unfortunately, have weak leadership and continue to KOWTOW to Islamic pressure/ lobby groups angry angry angry

    I believe it is the RIGHT TIME to talk about this Huge Elephant in the Room which is the Islamic Takeover of our countries.

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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  PhSt Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:15 am

    4 soldiers BUTCHERED in Maguindanao del Sur province ambush

    COTABATO CITY, Philippines — Four soldiers were killed in an ambush on Sunday morning by Dawlah Islamiya gunmen in Barangay Tuayan in Datu Hofer town in Maguindanao del Sur.

    Just a few years ago, the Philippine government CAPITULATED to Islamic lobbyists and Terrorist demands to hand over large swats of territory in the Southern island of Mindanao to Islamic Fundamentalist groups.

    The Fools in the Philippine government thought such stupid actions would help end Islamic Terrorism in the south, but Five years has passed and nothing has changed, Islamic Terrorism continue to plague the region, and now, even worse, Islamic fundamentalists are in power in the new Autonomous Islamic regions, with FREE Money coming from the central government, and now, the Islamic Extremists in power are using the same funds to Propagate and multiply Muslim population presence in neighboring provinces, and even in far away province in central and northern Philippines. This strategy is simple, once Muslim population numbers grow to a significant extent, the Muslims will start DEMANDING that these territories with significant Muslim population join the already existing Islamic regions, eventually, when the Muslims outnumber the Christians, then the entire country will be MUSLIMIZED! angry angry angry

    I am sure a lot of people in Western European countries share my same sentiment as they too are witness to the same Muslim takeover of their countries.

    India is lucky to have a Hindu nationalist government under the leadership of Modi, and Israel under the Zionists like Netanyahu. The non Muslim world needs to wake up and stop this Cancer, the Muslims are literally like the BORG! Once they assimilate and convert people, they become the same Extremist Monsters!

    I believe a gigantic clash of civilizations is going to happen very soon, and with this, a Final Solution to the Muslim Terrorist threat is implemented.

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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:18 am

    This is so dumb thread .

    The Fools in the Philippine government thought such stupid actions would help end Islamic Terrorism in the south

    For your information this attack which caused four soldiers were killed was done by "AL Dawlah Islamiya" which has no ties with the Islamic Moro National Liberation Front "MILF" which has a Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro with the government .

    Actually "AL Dawlah Islamiya" is attacking and killing the MILF .

    The Question is who is funding "AL Dawlah Islamiya" and ISIS ?

    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Dsda10

    Facts could not based on propaganda and lies .

    and Israel under the Zionists like Netanyahu

    Really ? you choose israel as example ?!

    So occupying lands and killing its people is not good enough but the occupier should take what ever necessary to stop the land owners from being majority ?

    How could something be so evil like that ?!

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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  PhSt Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:36 am

    This is so dumb thread .

    No this is not. You fellow Muslims keep expanding in the Philippines. Philippines is a Christian majority country. But Muslim ghettos keep popping up even in the most Christian areas, and the Dawah missions are NON Stop. I've seen photos of Dawah missions even in Christian Schools, in the Police, and in the Military.

    MEANWHILE, No Christian missions are allowed in Muslim majority areas, even Bibles are confiscated and prevented from distribution.

    So what is the purpose of this? Its simple. MUSLIM EXPANSION with the aim of ISLAMIFICATION of the entire country.

    For your information this attack which caused four soldiers were killed was done by "AL Dawlah Islamiya" which has no ties with the Islamic Moro National Liberation Front "MILF" which has a Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro with the government .

    This is BS. You are not from the Philippines, you do not know how ties exist between the different MUSLIM factions in the country. While officially there are no ties between these two ISLAMISTS group, members are bond with family ties. In the end, the mission of all these Islamist groups remain the same, Islamic Expansion and Islamification of the entire country.

    So occupying lands and killing its people is not good enough but the occupier should take what ever necessary to stop the land owners from being majority ?

    Go back to the year 600s. If the MUSLIM INVADERS didn't expand from Arabia, if you are from Egypt, then most likely you will be Coptic Christian, and you will be commenting in a Different tune!

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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:07 am

    Christian majority countries become christian by peace and love and forgiveness... all other religions are barbaric and evil.

    ISIS has been mentioned but ISIS is a western construct and was created when the US and her Christian allies invaded Iraq and kicked the ruling Baathist party out of power and refused to let them continue in any productive way for the future of Iraq... the same with all the military of Saddams regime.

    Did they think they would all become taxi drivers or did they think they would curl up and die.

    Whether you liked them or not they were in charge and they ran the place and you make them unemployed together what the **** do you think is going to happen?

    But even more importantly, not only did the US and the west create ISIS, they funded them as well because the ISIS threat is why American claims to be in Syria illegally... the new head of the Syrian resistance against its own elected government is an ex ISIS commander so they are openly funding and supporting ISIS.

    All of Africa is riddled with terrorism which the colonial west actually encourages because it was their main reason for being there.

    As an athiest I could complain about the rules here in New Zealand... why am I limited to one wife and why is she limited to one husband... I might say that the laws in this country are basically christian, but actually the laws are more about inheritance and money than about any religion at all.

    Christians speak about forgiveness and tolerance and democracy... but it seems only when it suits them.

    As usual it is western propaganda fanning the flames... muslims have lived in peace in Russia and around the world for a rather longer period than the wahhabist nutters have been stirring trouble... as usual it is a few radicals that cause the trouble, but the blame game is just so much fun... most of the KKK are good christians who take their racism directly from books written 2,000 years ago, which are likely actually a collection of stories that are all much older but written to link together into a dramatic single story. Jesus Christ. Quest for Glory. Sadly some idiot put on a Hollywood ending where the hero comes back to life after being killed...

    Go back to the year 600s. If the MUSLIM INVADERS didn't expand from Arabia, if you are from Egypt, then most likely you will be Coptic Christian, and you will be commenting in a Different tune!

    If is the biggest word in the English language...

    People are bad to each other and religion is just the excuse... it is not religion that kills, it is the people following an ideology that do it.

    I remember sitting at a wedding listening to the vows and the wife had to promise to stay at home and look after the children and do everything the groom told her to do even if he was wrong.

    So religion isn't all bad... Twisted Evil

    A Jehovahs Witness wedding BTW... but really just a thread... a branch of religion... the men are in charge and the women do as they are told... not many religions where everything is female and females run everything... interesting that isn't it?

    Almost like all religions are about power and giving control to the men.

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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:08 am

    Behave in this thread and show some respect or this thread will be locked.

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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  kvs Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:28 am

    Sunni terror has been one big machination of the US-led west. This includes Israel. Even the fundamentalism trend since the 1960 has been stage managed.
    The Saudis, a US client state until last year, have a been the prime tool of spreading this BS through Wahabbism. The Middle East has been messed up thanks to the
    cold war, which is still ongoing. This includes Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq. Egypt has avoided being regime changed. It looks to me like Algeria was
    under a subversion attack that it manged to survive.

    The mess in the Middle East has spread radical tools of the west to other parts of the world. Some of this is undirected, but some is like ISIS/Daesh a tool for US regime
    change games. I don't know enough about the Philippines to categorize the Muslim strife there. Perhaps it is a reaction to the degenerate trends that come together
    with development "progress". Perhaps there was government abuse at some stage, like there was in Mexico in Chiapas.

    Supposedly Mexico did not have the dirty wars of other parts of Latin America, but still we had death squads engaged in mass murder. I don't know, did something
    similar happen in the Muslim areas of the Philippines? I am not trying to be an apologist like some woke retard. But spontaneous armed lunacy is not a plausible theory.


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    Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism  Empty Re: Islamic Takeover and Islamic Terrorism

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:12 am

    PhSt wrote:No this is not. You fellow Muslims keep expanding in the Philippines. Philippines is a Christian majority country.

    Before the Spaniards and later USA took over the Philippines they are not Chirstian majority people, they follow their own beliefs and then the Chirstian terrorists come with Bible, gun, steel and as a result their native religion were eradicated.

    The same thing happened to the Native America, too, with an addition of genocide from the Brits and USA. And the Chirstian terrorists in North America now claimed that Chirstianity and European culture as traditions in the land that they stole from other people and culture.

    You can list all kind of dark history in all kinds of major religions in this world, including the peace claiming Buddhism for example the warrior monks in Japan, or the exploitation, sexual abuses, and torture of the Tibet theocratic "monks" towards slaves and serfs. And you can see that hidden behind the religious issues are socioeconomic issues, including someone with wealth and power abusing the marginalized ones.

    About the current Islamic fundamentalism today actually when USA invaded Iraq they cooperate a lot with fundementalist sectors in Iraq and ignore the human rights abuse with results from that. Not forget that many Islamic fundamentalist movement are being used or tolerated by the USA imperialism to cause chaos and overthrow the opponents of the USA, the most famous is the infamous Bin Laden.

    There is no Islamic invasion, but only invasions from the Wall Street billionaires.

    I am not concerned about religious people as long as they do not let their belief turn into superstitions (such as the cults that reject blood transfusions or claim that praying can replace medicine), I am more concerned about wages, living standard, working conditions, and other things that is realistically affect the life quality that any normal humans deserve to enjoy.

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