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Walther von Oldenburg
The Ottoman
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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    The Ottoman
    The Ottoman

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  The Ottoman Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:19 am

    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran World_war_3

    In the Bible we can read about the Armageddon, where a all nations from the North (Russia) will try to destroy Israel. In the Holy Quran we can read a similar thing, called The Malhama (The Great War), where in a great Islamic Army will sign a militairy alliance with 'Romans' ('Rum' in Arabic) against a great and evil enemy.

    ''The Byzantines (Rum) have been defeated. In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome. Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and AFTER. And that day the believers will rejoice''

    (Holy Quran Surah Rum 2-4)

    “You will make peace with the Romans (i.e. Christians / ‘Rum’) in a secure truce/alliance, and you and they will fight an enemy who is behind you, and you will be victorious”

    (Hadith No. 4292, Book of the Great Battles, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 4)

    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Nuke

    Russia is now home of the Orthodox Christians and they are said by some Islamic scholars to be the 'Romans' (Byzantines) who will be victorious AFTER as mentioned in verse 4 of this Surah named after the Romans.

    Black Sea and Crimea separate Rum (Russia) from Constantinople (now Istanbul & a historical center of Byzantine Empire). Russia has now taken back Crimea bringing them closer to Constantinople and ultimately Israel. This is why the Zionists desperately want Crimea back from Russia and may ultimately lead to the start of World War III (Mal’hama, Armageddon) and fulfillment of the divine prophecy of the conquest of Constantinople mentioned in the Holy Quran.

    This most likely means a major military pact/truce between a strategic Muslim-country (Turkey? Iran? Syria? Egypt? Pakistan?) or countries and Russia is most likely to take place before or near the Malhama.

    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran RUSSIA_(F)_0822_-_Kadyrov_Putin

    Triggers for World War 3

    This is most likely to be brought about by:

    1. Imminent Collapse of the Dollar
    This is also expected any time soon especially after Russia, China & a few others launched BRICS to challenge the supremacy of the US Dollar and many countries bypassing the petrodollar accord

    2. Martial Law Imposed on USA after or just before the collapse of dollar
    Martial Law most likely will be imposed before US elections next year by Mr. Obama who may become another false messiah. This explains his Muslim middle name of Hussein and also explains why many people believe he is acting and behaving like he is with the Muslims (so many people from the Muslim Brotherhood working closely with him)

    3. A nuclear false flag on USA or NATO country and blamed on Iran or Pakistan
    Any of these will lead to extremely high inflation in all parts of the world which could lead to chaos/riots in many parts of the world including USA and Muslim countries like Pakistan which is probably what Zionists wanted anyways

    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Russian-president-vladimir-putin-sent-his-greetings

    USA & NATO will retaliate and Russia & probably also China will intervene triggering a massive nuclear war, The Malhama. Islamic Scholars believe it will be a nuclear world war. Most countries in the world will be destroyed and the war will probably bring humans back to stone age with horses, donkeys etc and probably no air force left.

    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Sf

    Thats maybe the reason for Albert Einstein's quote of ''I dont know how WW3 wil be fought, but WW4 definitely will be fought with sticks and stones.''

    USA or NATO will try to block the Straits of Bosphorus for Russian naval ships. The Turkish army will be crushed by the combined US/UK-airforces. The Russian Army will invade Istanbul and defeat the US-UK-troops and liberate th city. 99 of 100 humans will die as stated in one Hadith. Russia and Israel will survive the Armageddon along with Muslims from various countries including Pakistan, Iran, Arabian countries and India.

    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Putin-m%C3%BCsl%C3%BCman-m%C4%B1-oldu-2
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:04 pm

    What a load of BS. What a Face Suspect But even funny. Laughing

    The first verse from the Qur'an you quoted is not about Russia. here Muhammad (yeah - not Allah) is talking about the Byzantine-Persian war that was waged in the immediate years before the Arab invasions. He's saying that the Byzantines are losing but will win the war.
    The Ottoman
    The Ottoman

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  The Ottoman Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:04 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What a load of BS. What a Face Suspect But even funny. Laughing

    The first verse from the Qur'an you quoted is not about Russia. here Muhammad (yeah - not Allah) is talking about the Byzantine-Persian war that was waged in the immediate years before the Arab invasions. He's saying that the Byzantines are losing but will win the war.

    It's not Muhammad (Peace with him) that's talking, its Allah. The Hadith are the quotes of Muhammad, but he is not the author of the Quran.

    The Islamic Scholars believe that this verse is about a alliance between Russia and the Islamic land(s) against the US/EU/NATO/IsraHell.

    One of these scholars is Imran Hussain and he explained this at the University of Moscow.

    I cant place a Youtube-link because I'm a new member, but look at Youtube at 'Imran Hussain Moscow'
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:04 pm

    What about the greatest luminaries in Islamic history? Ibn Kathir and Al Suyuti? What about imams Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i and Ibn Hanbal? Or imam Ghazali, Ibn Qayyim and Sheik ul Islam Ibn Taymiyya?

    Prediction is about predicting FUTURE events. If some event already occured and you claim "oh, it was prophesized in the book X" - then it's not prediction. It's a retrodiction, also called bulsshit.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  flamming_python Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:46 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What about the greatest luminaries in Islamic history? Ibn Kathir and Al Suyuti? What about imams Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i and Ibn Hanbal? Or imam Ghazali, Ibn Qayyim and Sheik ul Islam Ibn Taymiyya?

    Prediction is about predicting FUTURE events. If some event already occured and you claim "oh, it was prophesized in the book X" - then it's not prediction. It's a retrodiction, also called bulsshit.

    Not to enter the splendid debate here on Islamic theology, but I should point out that it's quite plausible for prophesies only to realized for what they are AFTER the event has already occurred.
    They are after-all generally ambiguous, and humans are generally speaking quite devoid of foresight. People tend to only realize something once it has already affected us in some way (or already occurred).
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:09 pm

    Yes, so called "prophecies" are ambigous - that's exactly the same strategy fortune tellers use - they tell you a generally meaningless "prediction" that can be associated with a multitude of future events, then something happens and people say "oh, the prediction was true!" Does it mean that the fortune teller prophesized many events? Nope. If predicted none.

    That BS about Russia predicted in the Qur'an (why did so many great scholars miss that!?) is the same kind of BS like so called "scientific miracles" in the Quran - Muslims have even claimed that which is what the Qur'an claims. Read that article. It's ridiculous.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  flamming_python Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:41 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Yes, so called "prophecies" are ambigous - that's exactly the same strategy fortune tellers use - they tell you a generally meaningless "prediction" that can be associated with a multitude of future events, then something happens and people say "oh, the prediction was true!" Does it mean that the fortune teller prophesized many events? Nope. If predicted none.

    That BS about Russia predicted in the Qur'an (why did so many great scholars miss that!?) is the same kind of BS like so called "scientific miracles" in the Quran - Muslims have even claimed that  which is what the Qur'an claims. Read that article. It's ridiculous.

    You have a prophecies in the bible that can be interpreted that way too.

    I don't believe in prophecies, but if I did, I wouldn't dismiss any particular interpretation of them out of hand. One that foretells of a Russian-Islamic alliance is one of several I assume; but it seems no less valid than any of the others. At the very least it's supported somewhat by current events in the world today.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:11 am

    Prophecy or not, Russia and the successors of Byzantium do not have the same destructive agenda towards
    the Islamic world as the self-anointed "guiding light humanity", the west. Interesting how that works since
    they have had all of the conflict and its consequences while the west had little aside from Spain and Italy.
    Certainly not the UK.

    Today, the UK and its progeny the US are trying hard to bait Sunni Muslims against Russia. Muslims
    should stop letting themselves be manipulated to fight each other (Sunni vs. Shi'ite) and against Russia.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  George1 Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:24 am

    We had an orthodox priest in Greece (father Paisios died in 1995) that had made a lot of prophecies for a big war in the future. In a concept he had said that a conflict will broke out in M.East where all major powers will be involved. He also had spoken for Greece-Turkey at the same time will have their relations worsened. There will be some minor fighting for 3 days, and at the end of them Russia will invade in Turkey and demolish them. Then Russia will continue the war and their troops will reach to Israel... West (USA and NATO allies) will give them some months deadline to withdraw their troops but Russia will not and there will be a world war in the ground of Turkey. The last major battle will be in Constantinople (for the control of the Bosporus straits probably which have strategic value), which will be completely destroyed. The war will end with no power ultimately as a winner and Russia along with USA-UK will decide to give Constantinople to Greece as a "middle solution". Greece will stay neutral throughout this war. Turkey shall be devastated. Armenia and Kurds will have also territorial gains from this war.
    The Ottoman
    The Ottoman

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  The Ottoman Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:07 am

    George1 wrote:We had an orthodox priest in Greece (father Paisios died in 1995) that had made a lot of prophecies for a big war in the future. In a concept he had said that a conflict will broke out in M.East where all major powers will be involved. He also had spoken for Greece-Turkey at the same time will have their relations worsened. There will be some minor fighting for 3 days, and at the end of them Russia will invade in Turkey and demolish them. Then Russia will continue the war and their troops will reach to Israel... West (USA and NATO allies) will give them some months deadline to withdraw their troops but Russia will not and there will be a world war in the ground of Turkey. The last major battle will be in Constantinople (for the control of the Bosporus straits probably which have strategic value), which will be completely destroyed. The war will end with no power ultimately as a winner and Russia along with USA-UK will decide to give Constantinople to Greece as a "middle solution". Greece will stay neutral throughout this war.  Turkey shall be devastated. Armenia and Kurds will have also territorial gains from this war.

    This is exactly what Imran Hussain predicts.

    NATO will attack Russia with rockets from Turkish soil en they wil block the Bosphorus.

    Russia must attack Turkey to defend themselves.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:26 pm

    This is the interpretation of surah Rum by one of the most outstanding Islamic scholars of 20th century - Abu Ala Maududi
    He, like all Islamic scholars except your favorite Imran Hussein, says nothing about Russia.

    Listen, everyone can interpret the Quran the way they like. A bunch of Shiites from Iran concluded that the Quran contains it's own expiration date - and Baha'i Faith was born thanks to that. There aren't two clerics that interpret the Quran in the same way.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  mack8 Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:55 pm

    Didn't we had some ISIS nutjob (al-baghdadi something) trying to convert us "infidels" to his pitiful "religion"? Here we go again with  the same utter rubbish. Only  a mentally challenged person could believe this s***, but unfortunately there are too many of them around. Looks around you fools, this is the 21st century, not the stone age! Personally i p*** and s*** on every one of the gods of these backward, grotesque and animalic sects, their bibles and all that supernatural rubbish, be it islamist, christian, and any other sect inbetween. They are one of the greatest cancers on humanity, and the evolution of our civilization to a higher state.

    If there will be a WW3, you can be assured that it has nothing do do with all this supernatural crap, certainly nothing these crooks claim to "predict". It will be the nutjobs among us only that will be at fault for that, not some supernatural flying spagetti monster, and certainly no FSM will "rule" anything afterwards. Everything will be charred including most if not all of us.
    The Ottoman
    The Ottoman

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  The Ottoman Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:28 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:This is the interpretation of surah Rum by one of the most outstanding Islamic scholars of 20th century - Abu Ala Maududi

    He, like all Islamic scholars except your favorite Imran Hussein, says nothing about Russia.

    Listen, everyone can interpret the Quran the way they like. A bunch of Shiites from Iran concluded that the Quran contains it's own expiration date - and Baha'i Faith was born thanks to that. There aren't two clerics that interpret the Quran in the same way.

    1.- Hadith of the Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him and his Family:

    "Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!"

    2- The truce and joint Christian-Muslim campaign against a common enemy -- this is referred to as the "Battle Between the Two Great Armies" or Armageddon (at the conclusion of which all war technology shall become unusable) -- followed by a non-Muslim vs. Muslim war -- this is called the "Great Slaughter" (al-malhama al-kubra) -- as stated in the following hadith:

    "You will make a firm truce with the al-Rum until you and they wage a campaign against an enemy that is attacking them. You will be granted victory and great spoils. Then you will alight in a plain surrounded by hills. There, someone among the Christians shall say: 'The Cross has overcome!' whereupon someone among the Muslims shall say: 'Nay, Allah has overcome!' and shall go and break the cross. The Christians shall kill him, then the Muslims shall take up their arms and the two sides shall fall upon each other. Allah shall grant martyrdom to that group of Muslims. After that the Christians shall say to their leader: 'We shall relieve you of the Arabs,' and they shall gather up for the great battle (al-malhama). They shall come to you under eighty flags, each flag gathering 12,000 troops." [= approx. 1 million]

    If we see the alarming naval- and army-buildup and airflights of the US, Russia, France, China, UK, Iran and Turkey in Syria than I think just 1 false flag is enough to open the doors of hell and turn the planet into a inferno.

    China will stab Russia in the back and Turkey will be crushed into pieces.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:08 pm

    kvs wrote:Prophecy or not, Russia and the successors of Byzantium do not have the same destructive agenda towards
    the Islamic world as the self-anointed "guiding light humanity", the west.  
    Personally I held a view that it's Islam that is responsible for the current misery in the Muslim World - and that replacing it with a more sane religion would be a great starting point in the quest to inject civilization back into that damn ragion.

    So far Islam - unlike Christianity - has proven itself to be nearly 100% non-reformable - it's harshness and backwardness can't be mitigated by reinterpreting Quran (and believe me - many have tried) and it could only be done by disposing of the Quran altogether - which is what Baha'ullah did.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:40 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    kvs wrote:Prophecy or not, Russia and the successors of Byzantium do not have the same destructive agenda towards
    the Islamic world as the self-anointed "guiding light humanity", the west.  
    Personally I held a view that it's Islam that is responsible for the current misery in the Muslim World - and that replacing it with a more sane religion would be a great starting point in the quest to inject civilization back into that damn ragion.

    So far Islam - unlike Christianity - has proven itself to be nearly 100% non-reformable - it's harshness and backwardness can't be mitigated by reinterpreting Quran (and believe me - many have tried) and it could only be done by disposing of the Quran altogether - which is what Baha'ullah did.
    Sure the muslims are to blame, not the US, like islamic terrorism ever existed before the west and specifically US put their noses into ME, right?

    Maybe you should volunteer as a missionary and start with FSA,ISIS,Taliban and all the american,israeli controlled islamists, convince them to change their religion.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  OminousSpudd Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:54 pm

    I know that in the Christian Bible John talks of the rise of the Bear of Gog and Magog in the east, potentially against Israel. This quote from the Book of Revelations has been used quite often especially in American politics to justify unquestioning support for Israel, along with the Holocaust guilt card.

    I'd be damned if I knew what it meant though. What defines "East" exactly anyway?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:02 pm

    Yes, Muslims are to blame. I am partially Turkish by descent and a descendant of Muhammad in the lineage of Hasan Ibn Ali (at least this is what my Turkish grandmother claimed) - and I can say Muslims are to blame. They believed in a madman and a false prophet who wanted nothing except to enrich himself and fill his harem with sex slaves. They completely devastated a region that was once upon a time the greatest civilization on earth.

    THis is not only about religious terrorism but also among general openness towards new ideas. Europe has come through the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Did Muslims have any of that? No because Islam does not separate religion from state. It also does not allow reform.

    I am sure - and 100% sure - that the Middle East would be much better off if Byzantium survived and simply converted ME and North AFrica into Greek Orthodox area.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:29 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Maybe you should volunteer as a missionary and start with FSA,ISIS,Taliban and all the american,israeli controlled islamists, convince them to change their religion.
    IF I had enough power, I would kick all Sunni Arabs out of Syria and replace them with German settlers.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:04 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:Maybe you should volunteer as a missionary and start with FSA,ISIS,Taliban and all the american,israeli controlled islamists, convince them to change their religion.
    IF I had enough power, I would kick all Sunni Arabs out of Syria and replace them with German settlers.

    And i was attacked for "outrages" comments...

    Don't raise your arm to high.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:53 am

    There would be enough place for some Russians and for Russo-Germans too. Very Happy thumbsup

    The annexed territory would become 17th German Land "Syrien".

    Last edited by Walther von Oldenburg on Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  George1 Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:32 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:I know that in the Christian Bible John talks of the rise of the Bear of Gog and Magog in the east, potentially against Israel. This quote from the Book of Revelations has been used quite often especially in American politics to justify unquestioning support for Israel, along with the Holocaust guilt card.  

    I'd be damned if I knew what it meant though.  What defines "East" exactly anyway?  

    Gog and Magog are about to happen in the end of time in earth. There are much more events to happen before this. First a new world war, then after 3-4 decades the Armageddon which will end with 2nd Revelation of Jesus and then Jesus Christ will govern the nations for 1000 years. After that period we will have Gog and Magog. All these according to Bible

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  jhelb Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:33 pm

    George1 wrote:Gog and Magog are about to happen in the end of time in earth. There are much more events to happen before this. First a new world war, then after 3-4 decades the Armageddon which will end with 2nd Revelation of Jesus and then Jesus Christ will govern the nations for 1000 years. After that period we will have Gog and Magog. All these according to Bible

    Yes, but a timeline is not provided. World Wars I and II were not explicitly mentioned in the Scripture, nor is a possible World War III.Christ plainly taught that there would be war prior to His return (Matthew 24:4–31).

    Basically Christians will have to wage war against its enemies like Islam, Hindoo, Buddhism and others who are out to destroy Christianity because they do not believe in Jesus( 2 John 9-11).


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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  flamming_python Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:34 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Yes, Muslims are to blame. I am partially Turkish by descent and a descendant of Muhammad in the lineage of Hasan Ibn Ali (at least this is what my Turkish grandmother claimed) - and I can say Muslims are to blame. They believed in a madman and a false prophet who wanted nothing except to enrich himself and fill his harem with sex slaves. They completely devastated a region that was once upon a time the greatest civilization on earth.

    THis is not only about religious terrorism but also among general openness towards new ideas. Europe has come through the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Did Muslims have any of that? No because Islam does not separate religion from state. It also does not allow reform.

    I am sure - and 100% sure - that the Middle East would be much better off if Byzantium survived and simply converted ME and North AFrica into Greek Orthodox area.

    Actually the Muslims had their own Golden Age, of rapid scientific and economic progress.. at the same time as Europe was still a Dark Age warring dump and hotbed of religious fanaticism; giving birth to the Crusades against then Muslim lands (and sacking Constantinople on the way, just for the hell of it).
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:23 am

    It was us Europeans who first got the idea that religion should be a private matter completely separated from politics - European Enlightenment thinkers advocated ideas like that in 17th century already (when was the last person in England sentenced to death for blasphemy? 1690?) - and in the same period not a single thinker in the Muslim world [pstulated things like that! The most liberal thinkers didn't even IMAGINE things like that!

    But of course people like Wereeolf come and say "it's Ameeeericaaa!10101". Nope, it isn't - did the laws of physics prohibit secularism in the Muslim world 300 years ago?

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:47 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:It was us Europeans who first got the idea that religion should be a private matter completely separated from politics - European Enlightenment thinkers advocated ideas like that in 17th century already (when was the last person in England sentenced to death for blasphemy? 1690?) - and in the same period not a single thinker in the Muslim world [pstulated things like that! The most liberal thinkers didn't even IMAGINE things like that!

    But of course people like Wereeolf come and say "it's Ameeeericaaa!10101". Nope, it isn't - did the laws of physics prohibit secularism in the Muslim world 300 years ago?

    Please spare me this bullshit "We europeans" It were Atheists that fought against the church and its meddling with its hands deep in the anus of the state, controlling laws based on religious nutheadary, prohibiting scientific or even rationality and logic to exist. Gravity shall only exist because God, fuck Newton!

    We still have the church having laws in power for religious reasons and no other. Churches do not pay taxes, entirely tax free, mutilation of boys is not prohibited due religious garbage but girl mutilation is prohibited, you are not allowed to dance in public on a christian holiday prohibited in germany and US aswell. Religion is still forced into schools despite having Zero room there. So get your religious bullshit out of here, Europeans did not fight for anything those were specific people fighting against the Church and religion domgas with their garbage controlling states. Not Europeans have protested against witch hunting, not europeans have demanded the church to stop with their free buying of souls, not the europeans have fought for laizistic state, it were atheists, protestants and overall just individuals. The time those countries saw the inevitable step to industrialization they saw that church and religious dogmatic over the state was obsolete. So stop this garbage of Europeans and the west of enlightment. While we so civilized europeans have butchered each other tribe against tribe, believing in some ice giants that want to squash us, arabs have build civilizations, advanced in maths, algebra, astronomy, build monuments while we civilized europeans were either conquered by Romans or have been barbarians themselfs.

    The muslim world has seen and accepted physics before christians did. Columbus, Newton, Galileo, unknown amount of many others have been hunted, sanctioned, punished, jailed, executed or publicly whiped for their devils behavior and believes.

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    WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran Empty Re: WW3: Russian-Islamic Alliance described in Holy Quran

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      Current date/time is Sun Nov 03, 2024 9:23 pm