This two round mode was a new feature, assisted by a compensation subsystem.
I have never shot any of the Abakan project guns, so can't have any thoughts about that.
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I don't really understand the use of the iconic selector switch in the Mod 2023 version as it doesn't seem to have any selector function except perhaps keeping out some dust and debris? They do mention a "curtain" - but why not just extend the top cover?
They should honestly just adopt a version of the AK tht has the shturmgewere style upper lower receiver arrangement with the upper rail being a thick piece of machined aluminium bolted and pinned directly to the trunnion
The whole top cover rail idea was always deeply flawed and will never be as accurate as a rigid, non removable machined arrangement. If they really have to keep the traditional Russian style top cover then they should move back to side rails and milled receivers.
I can only guess that double shot sequence was a spinn off from Abakan project?
2 round was essential to the Abakan, and the whole mechanism of balancing exhaust gases to minimize recoil of the second round.
As finally new models haven't received the feature, and the demand by MoD aged longer - they have finally cancel that. This is my understanding of things.
The burst fire options is nice to have on paper but it is apparent that it comes with some reliability issues. Not so nice when you're under fire!
But the AK-107did pretty much the same...for a lot less.
GarryB wrote:When the rifle is on safe it acts as a dust cover, but when firing that slot that it closes needs to be kept open to allow the cocking handle to reciprocate.
If you fill the slot with an extended top cover you would need to modify the cocking handle and how it works which is quite a change for aesthetics.
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Mir wrote:The burst fire options is nice to have on paper but it is apparent that it comes with some reliability issues. Not so nice when you're under fire!
GarryB and Mir like this post
Till about where the red mark is - then you can probably discard the old selector switch in doing so?
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With do respect it was in past, now in 21 st century they far behind west in many things about rifles and staff they put on it.GarryB wrote:As a rifle there is not much wrong with the Ak-74 series of rifles... they had latch mounts for scopes before western mounting systems were invented and can easily be added with third party stuff bolted on.
The most important feature of a rifle is that it works, and many modern western rifles don't always work, and many have not worked for a very long time, but that has been hidden by the fact that many never went to a real war and were challenged by harsh conditions for long periods.
The SA-80 was fantastic on the firing range, but in Iraq it was a dog. The M16 was great until it went to war too and they have been trying to fix it ever since.
Right now the AK-12 is doing the job and allowing optics and other to be fitted and removed easily enough... what is coming next might be revealed with the Ratnik III which is supposed to be shown in 2025... which is not that far away.
There are other rifles being offered but most appear to be evolutions of rifles that were tested against AKs previously and failed to get the job.
They will keep working on their rifles of course but they would need to be substantially better than the AK to justify setting up mass production... which is a steep task.
With do respect it was in past, now in 21 st century they far behind west in many things about rifles and staff they put on it.
This isnt truth 100%. In every story we have 2 side of coin...Harsh conditions, any rifle will stop to work if you don not clean it properly...AK 47 isnt batter or worst then M16/4 in the same some its worst because of its construction in other is batter.. We always will have +/- on any rifle...
M16 is good rifle, today she is batter then she was in past and she is fixed...ergonomic best rifle made in last 80 years+...
Can retain zero...we se on TG russian SpN units still use their AK-74 with zenitco modules..
And all of them was and still are more expensive then this AK-12.
they stole fking 1.5 million uniforms (even worst they never made it but they have it on paper)...its Russia in their Stalin time many of them will be shot because of thing they do..
Kalashnikov Concern announced the hand-over of the first AK-12-2023 batch to Russian Army.
This is the successor of the AK-12-2018 and AK-12-2021, made from the experienced in the war in Ukraine. The newest model used to be named as AK-12M1, but that named was later dropped.
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Cyrus the great wrote:What's the difference in cost between the TR3 and th AKV-521?
The-thing-next-door wrote:Cyrus the great wrote:What's the difference in cost between the TR3 and th AKV-521?
The latter has a more ridgid and repeatable top rail and is dissassembeled more like a PPSH-41, PPS-42 or shturmgewer.
The-thing-next-door likes this post
GarryB wrote:I suspect the problem is not going to be the cost difference but the problems of getting either weapon to the west while following all the rules.
Even if you follow the rules there is a good chance your shipment might be intercepted and confiscated and sent to Kiev...
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